more id3 refactoring, support TAG+

Doug Coleman 2009-04-09 15:03:34 -05:00
parent 5279bb0efc
commit cdc3d1b643
2 changed files with 121 additions and 73 deletions

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ IN: id3
HELP: mp3>id3
{ $values
{ "path" "a path string" }
{ "id3v2-info/f" "a tuple storing ID3v2 metadata or f" } }
{ "id3/f" "a tuple storing ID3v2 metadata or f" } }
{ $description "Return a tuple containing the ID3 information parsed out of the MP3 file, or " { $link f } " if no metadata is present. Words to access the ID3v1 information are here:"
{ $list
{ $link title }
@ -22,49 +22,49 @@ HELP: mp3>id3
HELP: album
{ $values
{ "id3" id3v2-info }
{ "album/f" "string or f" }
{ "id3" id3 }
{ "string/f" "string or f" }
{ $description "Returns the album, or " { $link f } " if this field is missing, from a parsed id3 tag." } ;
HELP: artist
{ $values
{ "id3" id3v2-info }
{ "artist/f" "string or f" }
{ "id3" id3 }
{ "string/f" "string or f" }
{ $description "Returns the artist, or " { $link f } " if this field is missing, from a parsed id3 tag." } ;
HELP: comment
{ $values
{ "id3" id3v2-info }
{ "comment/f" "string or f" }
{ "id3" id3 }
{ "string/f" "string or f" }
{ $description "Returns the comment, or " { $link f } " if this field is missing, from a parsed id3 tag." } ;
HELP: genre
{ $values
{ "id3" id3v2-info }
{ "genre/f" "string or f" }
{ "id3" id3 }
{ "string/f" "string or f" }
{ $description "Returns the genre, or " { $link f } " if this field is missing, from a parsed id3 tag." } ;
HELP: title
{ $values
{ "id3" id3v2-info }
{ "title/f" "string or f" }
{ "id3" id3 }
{ "string/f" "string or f" }
{ $description "Returns the title, or " { $link f } " if this field is missing, from a parsed id3 tag." } ;
HELP: year
{ $values
{ "id3" id3v2-info }
{ "year/f" "string or f" }
{ "id3" id3 }
{ "string/f" "string or f" }
{ $description "Returns the year, or " { $link f } " if this field is missing, from a parsed id3 tag." } ;
HELP: find-id3-frame
{ $values
{ "id3" id3v2-info } { "name" string }
{ "id3" id3 } { "name" string }
{ "obj/f" "object or f" }
{ $description "Returns the " { $slot "data" } " slot of the ID3 frame with the given name, or " { $link f } "." } ;

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ combinators math.ranges unicode.categories byte-arrays
io.encodings.string io.encodings.utf16 assocs math.parser
combinators.short-circuit fry namespaces
splitting io.encodings.ascii arrays ; literals ;
IN: id3
@ -37,47 +37,68 @@ CONSTANT: genres
"Primus" "Porn Groove" "Satire" "Slow Jam" "Club" "Tango"
"Samba" "Folklore" "Ballad" "Power Ballad" "Rhythmic Soul"
"Freestyle" "Duet" "Punk Rock" "Drum Solo" "A capella"
"Euro-House" "Dance Hall"
"Euro-House" "Dance Hall" "Goa" "Drum & Bass" "Club-House"
"Hardcore" "Terror" "Indie" "BritPop" "Negerpunk"
"Polsk Punk" "Beat" "Christian Gangsta Rap" "Heavy Metal"
"Black Metal" "Crossover" "Contemporary Christian"
"Christian Rock"
TUPLE: header version flags size ;
TUPLE: frame frame-id flags size data ;
TUPLE: frame tag flags size data ;
TUPLE: id3v2-info header frames ;
TUPLE: id3 header frames
title artist album year comment genre
speed genre-name start-time end-time ;
TUPLE: id3v1-info title artist album year comment genre ;
: <id3v1-info> ( -- object ) id3v1-info new ; inline
: <id3v2-info> ( header frames -- object )
[ [ frame-id>> ] keep ] H{ } map>assoc id3v2-info boa ;
: <id3> ( -- id3 )
id3 new
H{ } clone >>frames ; inline
: <header> ( -- object ) header new ; inline
: <frame> ( -- object ) frame new ; inline
: id3v2? ( mmap -- ? ) "ID3" head? ; inline
: id3v2? ( seq -- ? ) "ID3" head? ; inline
: id3v1? ( mmap -- ? )
{ [ length 128 >= ] [ 128 tail-slice* "TAG" head? ] } 1&& ; inline
CONSTANT: id3v1-length 128
CONSTANT: id3v1-offset 128
CONSTANT: id3v1+-length 227
CONSTANT: id3v1+-offset $[ 128 227 + ]
: id3v1-frame ( string key -- frame )
swap >>frame-id
swap >>data ; inline
: id3v1? ( seq -- ? )
[ length id3v1-offset >= ]
[ id3v1-length tail-slice* "TAG" head? ]
} 1&& ; inline
: id3v1>id3v2 ( id3v1 -- id3v2 )
: id3v1+? ( seq -- ? )
[ length id3v1+-offset >= ]
[ id3v1+-length tail-slice* "TAG+" head? ]
} 1&& ; inline
: pair>frame ( string key -- frame/f )
over [
swap >>tag
swap >>data
] [
2drop f
] if ; inline
: id3v1>frames ( id3v1 -- seq )
[ title>> "TIT2" id3v1-frame ]
[ artist>> "TPE1" id3v1-frame ]
[ album>> "TALB" id3v1-frame ]
[ year>> "TYER" id3v1-frame ]
[ comment>> "COMM" id3v1-frame ]
[ genre>> "TCON" id3v1-frame ]
[ title>> "TIT2" pair>frame ]
[ artist>> "TPE1" pair>frame ]
[ album>> "TALB" pair>frame ]
[ year>> "TYER" pair>frame ]
[ comment>> "COMM" pair>frame ]
[ genre>> "TCON" pair>frame ]
} cleave
] output>array f swap <id3v2-info> ; inline
] output>array sift ;
: >28bitword ( seq -- int )
0 [ [ 7 shift ] dip bitor ] reduce ; inline
@ -85,10 +106,10 @@ TUPLE: id3v1-info title artist album year comment genre ;
: filter-text-data ( data -- filtered )
[ printable? ] filter ; inline
: valid-frame-id? ( id -- ? )
: valid-tag? ( id -- ? )
[ { [ digit? ] [ LETTER? ] } 1|| ] all? ; inline
: read-frame-data ( frame mmap -- frame data )
: read-frame-data ( frame seq -- frame data )
[ 10 over size>> 10 + ] dip <slice> filter-text-data ; inline
: decode-text ( string -- string' )
@ -96,28 +117,29 @@ TUPLE: id3v1-info title artist album year comment genre ;
{ { HEX: ff HEX: fe } { HEX: fe HEX: ff } } member?
utf16 ascii ? decode ; inline
: (read-frame) ( mmap -- frame )
: (read-frame) ( seq -- frame )
[ <frame> ] dip
[ 4 head-slice decode-text >>frame-id ]
[ 4 head-slice decode-text >>tag ]
[ [ 4 8 ] dip subseq >28bitword >>size ]
[ [ 8 10 ] dip subseq >byte-array >>flags ]
[ read-frame-data decode-text >>data ]
} cleave ; inline
: read-frame ( mmap -- frame/f )
dup 4 head-slice valid-frame-id?
: read-frame ( seq -- frame/f )
dup 4 head-slice valid-tag?
[ (read-frame) ] [ drop f ] if ; inline
: remove-frame ( mmap frame -- mmap )
: remove-frame ( seq frame -- seq )
size>> 10 + tail-slice ; inline
: read-frames ( mmap -- frames )
[ dup read-frame dup ]
[ [ remove-frame ] keep ]
produce 2nip ; inline
: frames>assoc ( seq -- assoc )
[ [ tag>> ] keep ] H{ } map>assoc ; inline
: read-frames ( seq -- assoc )
[ dup read-frame dup ] [ [ remove-frame ] keep ] produce 2nip ; inline
: read-v2-header ( seq -- id3header )
: read-v2-header ( seq -- header )
[ <header> ] dip
[ [ 3 5 ] dip <slice> >array >>version ]
@ -125,15 +147,18 @@ TUPLE: id3v1-info title artist album year comment genre ;
[ [ 6 10 ] dip <slice> >28bitword >>size ]
} cleave ; inline
: read-v2-tag-data ( seq -- id3v2-info )
10 cut-slice
[ read-v2-header ]
[ read-frames ] bi* <id3v2-info> ; inline
: skip-to-v1-data ( seq -- seq ) 125 tail-slice* ; inline
: merge-frames ( id3 assoc -- id3 )
[ dup frames>> ] dip update ; inline
: (read-v1-tag-data) ( seq -- mp3-file )
[ <id3v1-info> ] dip
: merge-id3v1 ( id3 -- id3 )
dup id3v1>frames frames>assoc merge-frames ; inline
: read-v2-tags ( id3 seq -- id3 )
10 cut-slice
[ read-v2-header >>header ]
[ read-frames frames>assoc merge-frames ] bi* ; inline
: extract-v1-tags ( id3 seq -- id3 )
[ 30 head-slice decode-text filter-text-data >>title ]
[ [ 30 60 ] dip subseq decode-text filter-text-data >>artist ]
@ -143,8 +168,30 @@ TUPLE: id3v1-info title artist album year comment genre ;
[ [ 124 ] dip nth number>string >>genre ]
} cleave ; inline
: read-v1-tag-data ( seq -- mp3-file )
skip-to-v1-data (read-v1-tag-data) ; inline
: read-v1-tags ( id3 seq -- id3 )
id3v1-offset tail-slice* 3 tail-slice
extract-v1-tags ; inline
: extract-v1+-tags ( id3 seq -- id3 )
[ 60 head-slice decode-text filter-text-data [ append ] change-title ]
[ 60 120 ] dip subseq decode-text filter-text-data
[ append ] change-artist
[ 120 180 ] dip subseq decode-text filter-text-data
[ append ] change-album
[ [ 180 ] dip nth >>speed ]
[ [ 181 211 ] dip subseq decode-text >>genre-name ]
[ [ 211 217 ] dip subseq decode-text >>start-time ]
[ [ 217 223 ] dip subseq decode-text >>end-time ]
} cleave ; inline
: read-v1+-tags ( id3 seq -- id3 )
id3v1+-offset tail-slice* 4 tail-slice
extract-v1+-tags ; inline
: parse-genre ( string -- n/f )
dup "(" ?head-slice drop ")" ?tail-slice drop
@ -154,34 +201,35 @@ TUPLE: id3v1-info title artist album year comment genre ;
] if ; inline
: (mp3>id3) ( path -- id3v2-info/f )
: (mp3>id3) ( path -- id3v2/f )
[ <id3> ] dip
{ [ dup id3v2? ] [ read-v2-tag-data ] }
{ [ dup id3v1? ] [ read-v1-tag-data id3v1>id3v2 ] }
[ drop f ]
} cond
[ dup id3v1? [ read-v1-tags merge-id3v1 ] [ drop ] if ]
[ dup id3v1+? [ read-v1+-tags merge-id3v1 ] [ drop ] if ]
[ dup id3v2? [ read-v2-tags ] [ drop ] if ]
} cleave
] with-mapped-uchar-file ;
: mp3>id3 ( path -- id3v2-info/f )
: mp3>id3 ( path -- id3/f )
dup file-info size>> 0 <= [ drop f ] [ (mp3>id3) ] if ; inline
: find-id3-frame ( id3 name -- obj/f )
swap frames>> at* [ data>> ] when ; inline
: title ( id3 -- title/f ) "TIT2" find-id3-frame ; inline
: title ( id3 -- string/f ) "TIT2" find-id3-frame ; inline
: artist ( id3 -- artist/f ) "TPE1" find-id3-frame ; inline
: artist ( id3 -- string/f ) "TPE1" find-id3-frame ; inline
: album ( id3 -- album/f ) "TALB" find-id3-frame ; inline
: album ( id3 -- string/f ) "TALB" find-id3-frame ; inline
: year ( id3 -- year/f ) "TYER" find-id3-frame ; inline
: year ( id3 -- string/f ) "TYER" find-id3-frame ; inline
: comment ( id3 -- comment/f ) "COMM" find-id3-frame ; inline
: comment ( id3 -- string/f ) "COMM" find-id3-frame ; inline
: genre ( id3 -- genre/f )
: genre ( id3 -- string/f )
"TCON" find-id3-frame parse-genre ; inline
: find-mp3s ( path -- seq )