Merge branch 'master' of git://
@ -295,4 +295,4 @@ M: no-match summary drop "Fall through in switch" ;
reverse [ [ [undo] ] dip compose ] { } assoc>map
recover-chain ;
MACRO: switch ( quot-alist -- ) [switch] ;
MACRO: switch ( quot-alist -- ) [switch] ;
@ -124,29 +124,31 @@ M: pathname pprint*
] if
] if ; inline
: tuple>assoc ( tuple -- assoc )
[ class all-slots ] [ tuple-slots ] bi zip
: filter-tuple-assoc ( slot,value -- name,value )
[ [ initial>> ] dip = not ] assoc-filter
[ [ name>> ] dip ] assoc-map ;
: tuple>assoc ( tuple -- assoc )
[ class all-slots ] [ tuple-slots ] bi zip filter-tuple-assoc ;
: pprint-slot-value ( name value -- )
<flow \ { pprint-word
[ text ] [ f <inset pprint* block> ] bi*
\ } pprint-word block> ;
: (pprint-tuple) ( opener class slots closer -- )
<flow {
[ pprint-word ]
[ pprint-word ]
[ t <inset [ pprint-slot-value ] assoc-each block> ]
[ pprint-word ]
} spread block> ;
: ?pprint-tuple ( tuple quot -- )
[ boa-tuples? get [ pprint-object ] ] dip [ check-recursion ] curry if ; inline
: pprint-tuple ( tuple -- )
boa-tuples? get [ pprint-object ] [
\ T{ pprint-word
dup class pprint-word
t <inset
tuple>assoc [ pprint-slot-value ] assoc-each
\ } pprint-word
] check-recursion
] if ;
[ [ \ T{ ] dip [ class ] [ tuple>assoc ] bi \ } (pprint-tuple) ] ?pprint-tuple ;
M: tuple pprint*
pprint-tuple ;
@ -177,16 +179,17 @@ M: callstack pprint-delims drop \ CS{ \ } ;
M: object >pprint-sequence ;
M: vector >pprint-sequence ;
M: byte-vector >pprint-sequence ;
M: curry >pprint-sequence ;
M: compose >pprint-sequence ;
M: callable >pprint-sequence ;
M: hashtable >pprint-sequence >alist ;
M: wrapper >pprint-sequence wrapped>> 1array ;
M: callstack >pprint-sequence callstack>array ;
M: tuple >pprint-sequence
[ class ] [ tuple-slots ] bi
: class-slot-sequence ( class slots -- sequence )
[ 1array ] [ [ f 2array ] dip append ] if-empty ;
M: tuple >pprint-sequence
[ class ] [ tuple-slots ] bi class-slot-sequence ;
M: object pprint-narrow? drop f ;
M: byte-vector pprint-narrow? drop f ;
M: array pprint-narrow? drop t ;
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: functors sequences sequences.private kernel words classes
math alien alien.c-types byte-arrays accessors
specialized-arrays ;
specialized-arrays prettyprint.custom ;
FUNCTOR: define-direct-array ( T -- )
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ FUNCTOR: define-direct-array ( T -- )
A' IS ${T}-array
>A' IS >${T}-array
<A'> IS <${A'}>
A'{ IS ${A'}{
A DEFINES-CLASS direct-${T}-array
<A> DEFINES <${A}>
@ -30,6 +31,12 @@ M: A set-nth-unsafe underlying>> SET-NTH call ;
M: A like drop dup A instance? [ >A' ] unless ;
M: A new-sequence drop <A'> ;
M: A pprint-delims drop \ A'{ \ } ;
M: A >pprint-sequence ;
M: A pprint* pprint-object ;
INSTANCE: A sequence
@ -87,22 +87,24 @@ ERROR: bad-literal-tuple ;
: parse-slot-values ( -- values )
[ (parse-slot-values) ] { } make ;
: boa>tuple ( class slots -- tuple )
GENERIC# boa>object 1 ( class slots -- tuple )
M: tuple-class boa>object
swap prefix >tuple ;
: assoc>tuple ( class slots -- tuple )
[ [ ] [ initial-values ] [ all-slots ] tri ] dip
swap [ [ slot-named offset>> 2 - ] curry dip ] curry assoc-map
[ dup <enum> ] dip update boa>tuple ;
: assoc>object ( class slots values -- tuple )
[ [ [ initial>> ] map ] keep ] dip
swap [ [ slot-named* drop ] curry dip ] curry assoc-map
[ dup <enum> ] dip update boa>object ;
: parse-tuple-literal-slots ( class -- tuple )
: parse-tuple-literal-slots ( class slots -- tuple )
scan {
{ f [ unexpected-eof ] }
{ "f" [ \ } parse-until boa>tuple ] }
{ "{" [ parse-slot-values assoc>tuple ] }
{ "}" [ new ] }
{ "f" [ drop \ } parse-until boa>object ] }
{ "{" [ parse-slot-values assoc>object ] }
{ "}" [ drop new ] }
[ bad-literal-tuple ]
} case ;
: parse-tuple-literal ( -- tuple )
scan-word parse-tuple-literal-slots ;
scan-word dup all-slots parse-tuple-literal-slots ;
@ -25,6 +25,14 @@ unit-test
[ "e" string>number ]
[ 100000 ]
[ "100,000" string>number ]
[ 100000.0 ]
[ "100,000.0" string>number ]
[ "100.0" ]
[ "1.0e2" string>number number>string ]
@ -28,13 +28,16 @@ IN: math.parser
{ CHAR: d 13 }
{ CHAR: e 14 }
{ CHAR: f 15 }
} at 255 or ; inline
{ CHAR: , f }
} at* [ drop 255 ] unless ; inline
: string>digits ( str -- digits )
[ digit> ] B{ } map-as ; inline
: (digits>integer) ( valid? accum digit radix -- valid? accum )
2dup < [ swapd * + ] [ 2drop 2drop f 0 ] if ; inline
over [
2dup < [ swapd * + ] [ 2drop 2drop f 0 ] if
] [ 2drop ] if ; inline
: each-digit ( seq radix quot -- n/f )
[ t 0 ] 3dip curry each swap [ drop f ] unless ; inline
@ -80,6 +83,7 @@ SYMBOL: negative?
] if ; inline
: string>float ( str -- n/f )
[ CHAR: , eq? not ] filter
>byte-array 0 suffix (string>float) ;
@ -32,3 +32,10 @@ M: protocol-slot-test-tuple (>>my-protocol-slot-test) [ sqrt ] dip (>>x) ;
T{ protocol-slot-test-tuple { x 3 } } clone
[ 7 + ] change-my-protocol-slot-test x>>
] unit-test
UNION: comme-ci integer float ;
UNION: comme-ca integer float ;
comme-ca 25.5 "initial-value" set-word-prop
[ 0 ] [ comme-ci initial-value ] unit-test
[ 25.5 ] [ comme-ca initial-value ] unit-test
@ -166,6 +166,7 @@ M: class initial-value* no-initial-value ;
: initial-value ( class -- object )
{ [ dup "initial-value" word-prop ] [ dup "initial-value" word-prop ] }
{ [ \ f bootstrap-word over class<= ] [ f ] }
{ [ \ array-capacity bootstrap-word over class<= ] [ 0 ] }
{ [ float bootstrap-word over class<= ] [ 0.0 ] }
@ -233,5 +234,8 @@ M: slot-spec make-slot
: finalize-slots ( specs base -- specs )
over length iota [ + ] with map [ >>offset ] 2map ;
: slot-named* ( name specs -- offset spec/f )
[ name>> = ] with find ;
: slot-named ( name specs -- spec/f )
[ name>> = ] with find nip ;
slot-named* nip ;
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
! (c)Joe Groff bsd license
USING: alien arrays classes help.markup help.syntax kernel math
|||| ;
IN: classes.c-types
HELP: c-type-class
{ $class-description "This metaclass encompasses the " { $link "classes.c-types" } "." } ;
HELP: char
{ $class-description "A signed one-byte integer quantity." } ;
HELP: direct-array-of
{ $values
{ "alien" c-ptr } { "len" integer } { "class" c-type-class }
{ "array" "a direct array" }
{ $description "Constructs one of the " { $link "" } " over " { $snippet "len" } " elements of type " { $snippet "class" } " located at the referenced location in raw memory." } ;
HELP: int
{ $class-description "A signed four-byte integer quantity." } ;
HELP: long
{ $class-description "A signed integer quantity. On 64-bit Unix platforms, this is an eight-byte type; on Windows and on 32-bit Unix platforms, it is four bytes." } ;
HELP: longlong
{ $class-description "A signed eight-byte integer quantity." } ;
HELP: short
{ $class-description "A signed two-byte integer quantity." } ;
HELP: single-complex
{ $class-description "A single-precision complex floating point quantity." } ;
HELP: single-float
{ $class-description "A single-precision floating point quantity." } ;
HELP: uchar
{ $class-description "An unsigned one-byte integer quantity." } ;
HELP: uint
{ $class-description "An unsigned four-byte integer quantity." } ;
HELP: ulong
{ $class-description "An unsigned integer quantity. On 64-bit Unix platforms, this is an eight-byte type; on Windows and on 32-bit Unix platforms, it is four bytes." } ;
HELP: ulonglong
{ $class-description "An unsigned eight-byte integer quantity." } ;
HELP: ushort
{ $class-description "An unsigned two-byte integer quantity." } ;
ARTICLE: "classes.c-types" "C type classes"
"The " { $vocab-link "classes.c-types" } " vocabulary defines Factor classes that correspond to C types in the FFI."
{ $subsection char }
{ $subsection uchar }
{ $subsection short }
{ $subsection ushort }
{ $subsection int }
{ $subsection uint }
{ $subsection long }
{ $subsection ulong }
{ $subsection longlong }
{ $subsection ulonglong }
{ $subsection single-float }
{ $subsection float }
{ $subsection single-complex }
{ $subsection complex }
{ $subsection pinned-c-ptr }
"The vocabulary also provides a word for constructing " { $link "" } " of C types over raw memory:"
{ $subsection direct-array-of } ;
ABOUT: "classes.c-types"
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
! (c)Joe Groff bsd license
USING: alien alien.c-types classes classes.predicate kernel
math math.bitwise math.order namespaces sequences words
|||| ;
IN: classes.c-types
PREDICATE: char < fixnum
HEX: -80 HEX: 7f between? ;
PREDICATE: uchar < fixnum
HEX: 0 HEX: ff between? ;
PREDICATE: short < fixnum
HEX: -8000 HEX: 7fff between? ;
PREDICATE: ushort < fixnum
HEX: 0 HEX: ffff between? ;
PREDICATE: int < integer
HEX: -8000,0000 HEX: 7fff,ffff between? ;
PREDICATE: uint < integer
HEX: 0 HEX: ffff,ffff between? ;
PREDICATE: longlong < integer
HEX: -8000,0000,0000,0000 HEX: 7fff,ffff,ffff,ffff between? ;
PREDICATE: ulonglong < integer
HEX: 0 HEX: ffff,ffff,ffff,ffff between? ;
UNION: single-float float ;
UNION: single-complex complex ;
SYMBOLS: long ulong long-bits ;
"long" heap-size 8 =
\ long integer [ HEX: -8000,0000,0000,0000 HEX: 7fff,ffff,ffff,ffff between? ] define-predicate-class
\ ulong integer [ HEX: 0 HEX: ffff,ffff,ffff,ffff between? ] define-predicate-class
64 \ long-bits set-global
] [
\ long integer [ HEX: -8000,0000 HEX: 7fff,ffff between? ] define-predicate-class
\ ulong integer [ HEX: 0 HEX: ffff,ffff between? ] define-predicate-class
32 \ long-bits set-global
] if
: set-class-c-type ( class initial c-type <direct-array> -- )
[ "initial-value" set-word-prop ]
[ c-type "class-c-type" set-word-prop ]
[ "class-direct-array" set-word-prop ] tri-curry* tri ;
: class-c-type ( class -- c-type )
"class-c-type" word-prop ;
: class-direct-array ( class -- <direct-array> )
"class-direct-array" word-prop ;
\ f f "void*" \ <direct-void*-array> set-class-c-type
pinned-c-ptr f "void*" \ <direct-void*-array> set-class-c-type
boolean f "bool" \ <direct-bool-array> set-class-c-type
char 0 "char" \ <direct-char-array> set-class-c-type
uchar 0 "uchar" \ <direct-uchar-array> set-class-c-type
short 0 "short" \ <direct-short-array> set-class-c-type
ushort 0 "ushort" \ <direct-ushort-array> set-class-c-type
int 0 "int" \ <direct-int-array> set-class-c-type
uint 0 "uint" \ <direct-uint-array> set-class-c-type
long 0 "long" \ <direct-long-array> set-class-c-type
ulong 0 "ulong" \ <direct-ulong-array> set-class-c-type
longlong 0 "longlong" \ <direct-longlong-array> set-class-c-type
ulonglong 0 "ulonglong" \ <direct-ulonglong-array> set-class-c-type
float 0.0 "double" \ <direct-double-array> set-class-c-type
single-float 0.0 "float" \ <direct-float-array> set-class-c-type
complex C{ 0.0 0.0 } "complex-double" \ <direct-complex-double-array> set-class-c-type
single-complex C{ 0.0 0.0 } "complex-float" \ <direct-complex-float-array> set-class-c-type
char [ 8 bits 8 >signed ] "coercer" set-word-prop
uchar [ 8 bits ] "coercer" set-word-prop
short [ 16 bits 16 >signed ] "coercer" set-word-prop
ushort [ 16 bits ] "coercer" set-word-prop
int [ 32 bits 32 >signed ] "coercer" set-word-prop
uint [ 32 bits ] "coercer" set-word-prop
long [ [ bits ] [ >signed ] ] long-bits get-global prefix "coercer" set-word-prop
ulong [ bits ] long-bits get-global prefix "coercer" set-word-prop
longlong [ 64 bits 64 >signed ] "coercer" set-word-prop
ulonglong [ 64 bits ] "coercer" set-word-prop
PREDICATE: c-type-class < class
"class-c-type" word-prop ;
GENERIC: direct-array-of ( alien len class -- array ) inline
M: c-type-class direct-array-of
class-direct-array execute( alien len -- array ) ; inline
M: c-type-class c-type class-c-type ;
M: c-type-class c-type-align class-c-type c-type-align ;
M: c-type-class c-type-getter class-c-type c-type-getter ;
M: c-type-class c-type-setter class-c-type c-type-setter ;
M: c-type-class c-type-boxer-quot class-c-type c-type-boxer-quot ;
M: c-type-class c-type-unboxer-quot class-c-type c-type-unboxer-quot ;
M: c-type-class heap-size class-c-type heap-size ;
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
! (c)Joe Groff bsd license
USING: accessors assocs classes classes.struct kernel math
prettyprint.backend prettyprint.custom prettyprint.sections
see.private sequences words ;
IN: classes.struct.prettyprint
: struct-definer-word ( class -- word )
struct-slots dup length 2 >=
[ second offset>> 0 = \ UNION-STRUCT: \ STRUCT: ? ]
[ drop \ STRUCT: ] if ;
: struct>assoc ( struct -- assoc )
[ class struct-slots ] [ struct-slot-values ] bi zip filter-tuple-assoc ;
M: struct-class see-class*
<colon dup struct-definer-word pprint-word dup pprint-word
<block struct-slots [ pprint-slot ] each
block> pprint-; block> ;
M: struct pprint-delims
drop \ S{ \ } ;
M: struct >pprint-sequence
[ class ] [ struct-slot-values ] bi class-slot-sequence ;
M: struct pprint*
[ [ \ S{ ] dip [ class ] [ struct>assoc ] bi \ } (pprint-tuple) ] ?pprint-tuple ;
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
! (c)Joe Groff bsd license
USING: alien classes help.markup help.syntax kernel libc
quotations slots ;
IN: classes.struct
HELP: <struct-boa>
{ $values
{ "class" class }
{ $description "This macro implements " { $link boa } " for " { $link struct } " classes. A struct of the given class is constructed, and its slots are initialized using values off the top of the datastack." } ;
HELP: <struct>
{ $values
{ "class" class }
{ "struct" struct }
{ $description "Allocates garbage-collected heap memory for a new " { $link struct } " of the specified " { $snippet "class" } ". The new struct's slots are initialized with the initial values specified in the struct definition." } ;
{ <struct> <struct-boa> malloc-struct memory>struct } related-words
{ $syntax "STRUCT: class { slot type } { slot type } ... ;" }
{ $values { "class" "a new " { $link struct } " class to define" } { "slots" "a list of slot specifiers" } }
{ $description "Defines a new " { $link struct } " type. The syntax is nearly identical to " { $link POSTPONE: TUPLE: } "; however, there are some additional restrictions on struct types:"
{ $list
{ "Struct classes cannot have a superclass defined." }
{ "The slots of a struct must all have a type declared. The type must be either another struct class, or one of the " { $link "classes.c-types" } "." }
{ { $link read-only } " slots on structs are not enforced, though they may be declared." }
} } ;
{ $syntax "S{ class slots... }" }
{ $values { "class" "a " { $link struct } " class word" } { "slots" "slot values" } }
{ $description "Marks the beginning of a literal struct. The syntax is identical to tuple literal syntax with " { $link POSTPONE: T{ } { $snippet " }" } "; either the assoc syntax (that is, " { $snippet "S{ class { slot value } { slot value } ... }" } ") or the simple syntax (" { $snippet "S{ class f value value ... }" } ") can be used." } ;
{ $syntax "UNION-STRUCT: class { slot type } { slot type } ... ;" }
{ $values { "class" "a new " { $link struct } " class to define" } { "slots" "a list of slot specifiers" } }
{ $description "Defines a new " { $link struct } " type where all of the slots share the same storage. See " { $link POSTPONE: STRUCT: } " for details on the syntax." } ;
HELP: define-struct-class
{ $values
{ "class" class } { "slots" "a sequence of " { $link slot-spec } "s" }
{ $description "Defines a new " { $link struct } " class. This is the runtime equivalent of the " { $link POSTPONE: STRUCT: } " syntax." } ;
HELP: define-union-struct-class
{ $values
{ "class" class } { "slots" "a sequence of " { $link slot-spec } "s" }
{ $description "Defines a new " { $link struct } " class where all of the slots share the same storage. This is the runtime equivalent of the " { $link POSTPONE: UNION-STRUCT: } " syntax." } ;
HELP: malloc-struct
{ $values
{ "class" class }
{ "struct" struct }
{ $description "Allocates unmanaged C heap memory for a new " { $link struct } " of the specified " { $snippet "class" } ". The new struct's slots are left uninitialized. The struct should be " { $link free } "d when it is no longer needed." } ;
HELP: memory>struct
{ $values
{ "ptr" c-ptr } { "class" class }
{ "struct" struct }
{ $description "Constructs a new " { $link struct } " of the specified " { $snippet "class" } " at the memory location referenced by " { $snippet "ptr" } ". The referenced memory is unchanged." } ;
HELP: struct
{ $class-description "The parent class of all struct types." } ;
{ struct POSTPONE: STRUCT: POSTPONE: UNION-STRUCT: } related-words
HELP: struct-class
{ $class-description "The metaclass of all " { $link struct } " classes." } ;
ARTICLE: "classes.struct" "Struct classes"
{ $link struct } " classes are similar to " { $link tuple } "s, but their slots exhibit value semantics, and they are backed by a contiguous structured block of memory. Structs can be used for structured access to C memory or Factor byte arrays and for passing struct values in and out of the FFI. Struct types are defined using a syntax similar to tuple syntax:"
{ $subsection POSTPONE: STRUCT: }
"Structs can be allocated with " { $link new } "- and " { $link boa } "-like constructor words. Additional words are provided for building structs from C memory and from existing buffers:"
{ $subsection <struct> }
{ $subsection <struct-boa> }
{ $subsection malloc-struct }
{ $subsection memory>struct }
"Structs have literal syntax like tuples:"
{ $subsection POSTPONE: S{ }
"Union structs are also supported, which behave like structs but share the same memory for all the type's slots."
{ $subsection POSTPONE: UNION-STRUCT: }
ABOUT: "classes.struct"
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
! (c)Joe Groff bsd license
USING: accessors alien.c-types classes.c-types classes.struct
combinators io.streams.string kernel libc math multiline namespaces
prettyprint prettyprint.config see tools.test ;
IN: classes.struct.tests
{ x char }
{ y int initial: 123 }
{ z boolean } ;
{ w ushort initial: HEX: ffff }
{ foo foo } ;
[ 12 ] [ foo heap-size ] unit-test
[ 16 ] [ bar heap-size ] unit-test
[ 123 ] [ foo <struct> y>> ] unit-test
[ 123 ] [ bar <struct> foo>> y>> ] unit-test
[ 1 2 3 t ] [
1 2 3 t foo <struct-boa> bar <struct-boa>
[ w>> ]
[ foo>> x>> ]
[ foo>> y>> ]
[ foo>> z>> ]
} cleave
] unit-test
[ 7654 ] [ S{ foo f 98 7654 f } y>> ] unit-test
[ 7654 ] [ S{ foo { y 7654 } } y>> ] unit-test
UNION-STRUCT: float-and-bits
{ f single-float }
{ bits uint } ;
[ 1.0 ] [ float-and-bits <struct> 1.0 float>bits >>bits f>> ] unit-test
[ 4 ] [ float-and-bits heap-size ] unit-test
[ ] [ foo malloc-struct free ] unit-test
[ "S{ foo { y 7654 } }" ]
[ f boa-tuples? [ foo <struct> 7654 >>y [ pprint ] with-string-writer ] with-variable ] unit-test
[ "S{ foo f 0 7654 f }" ]
[ t boa-tuples? [ foo <struct> 7654 >>y [ pprint ] with-string-writer ] with-variable ] unit-test
[ <" USING: classes.c-types classes.struct kernel ;
IN: classes.struct.tests
{ x char initial: 0 } { y int initial: 123 }
{ z boolean initial: f } ;
"> ]
[ [ foo see ] with-string-writer ] unit-test
[ <" USING: classes.c-types classes.struct ;
IN: classes.struct.tests
UNION-STRUCT: float-and-bits
{ f single-float initial: 0.0 } { bits uint initial: 0 } ;
"> ]
[ [ float-and-bits see ] with-string-writer ] unit-test
@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
! (c)Joe Groff bsd license
USING: accessors alien alien.c-types byte-arrays classes
classes.c-types classes.parser classes.tuple
classes.tuple.parser classes.tuple.private combinators
|||| fry generalizations generic.parser kernel
kernel.private libc macros make math math.order parser
quotations sequences slots slots.private struct-arrays words ;
IN: classes.struct
! struct class
TUPLE: struct
{ (underlying) c-ptr read-only } ;
PREDICATE: struct-class < tuple-class
\ struct subclass-of? ;
: struct-slots ( struct -- slots )
"struct-slots" word-prop ;
! struct allocation
M: struct >c-ptr
2 slot { c-ptr } declare ; inline
: memory>struct ( ptr class -- struct )
over c-ptr? [ swap \ c-ptr bad-slot-value ] unless
tuple-layout <tuple> [ 2 set-slot ] keep ;
: malloc-struct ( class -- struct )
[ heap-size malloc ] keep memory>struct ; inline
: (struct) ( class -- struct )
[ heap-size <byte-array> ] keep memory>struct ; inline
: <struct> ( class -- struct )
dup "prototype" word-prop
[ >c-ptr clone swap memory>struct ] [ (struct) ] if* ; inline
MACRO: <struct-boa> ( class -- quot: ( ... -- struct ) )
[ <wrapper> \ (struct) [ ] 2sequence ]
[ length \ ndip ]
[ [ name>> setter-word 1quotation ] map \ spread ] bi
] bi
] [ ] output>sequence ;
: pad-struct-slots ( values class -- values' class )
[ struct-slots [ initial>> ] map over length tail append ] keep ;
: (writer-quot) ( slot -- quot )
[ class>> c-setter ]
[ offset>> [ >c-ptr ] swap suffix ] bi prepend ;
M: struct-class boa>object
swap pad-struct-slots
[ (struct) ] [ struct-slots ] bi
[ [ (writer-quot) call( value struct -- ) ] with 2each ] curry keep ;
! Struct slot accessors
GENERIC: struct-slot-values ( struct -- sequence )
M: struct-class reader-quot
[ class>> c-type-getter-boxer ]
[ offset>> [ >c-ptr ] swap suffix ] bi prepend ;
M: struct-class writer-quot
nip (writer-quot) ;
: struct-slot-values-quot ( class -- quot )
[ name>> reader-word 1quotation ] map
\ cleave [ ] 2sequence
\ output>array [ ] 2sequence ;
: (define-struct-slot-values-method) ( class -- )
[ \ struct-slot-values create-method-in ]
[ struct-slot-values-quot ] bi define ;
! Struct as c-type
: align-offset ( offset class -- offset' )
c-type-align align ;
: struct-offsets ( slots -- size )
0 [
[ class>> align-offset ] keep
[ (>>offset) ] [ class>> heap-size + ] 2bi
] reduce ;
: union-struct-offsets ( slots -- size )
[ 0 >>offset class>> heap-size ] [ max ] map-reduce ;
: struct-align ( slots -- align )
[ class>> c-type-align ] [ max ] map-reduce ;
M: struct-class c-type ;
M: struct-class c-type-align
"struct-align" word-prop ;
M: struct-class c-type-getter
drop [ swap <displaced-alien> ] ;
M: struct-class c-type-setter
[ c-type-getter ] [ c-type-unboxer-quot ] [ heap-size ] tri
'[ @ swap @ _ memcpy ] ;
M: struct-class c-type-boxer-quot
'[ _ memory>struct ] ;
M: struct-class c-type-unboxer-quot
drop [ >c-ptr ] ;
M: struct-class heap-size
"struct-size" word-prop ;
M: struct-class direct-array-of
<direct-struct-array> ;
! class definition
: struct-prototype ( class -- prototype )
[ heap-size <byte-array> ]
[ memory>struct ]
[ struct-slots ] tri
[ initial>> ]
[ (writer-quot) ] bi
over [ swapd [ call( value struct -- ) ] curry keep ] [ 2drop ] if
] each ;
: (struct-word-props) ( class slots size align -- )
[ "struct-slots" set-word-prop ]
[ define-accessors ] 2bi
[ "struct-size" set-word-prop ]
[ "struct-align" set-word-prop ] tri-curry*
[ tri ] 3curry
[ dup struct-prototype "prototype" set-word-prop ]
[ (define-struct-slot-values-method) ] tri ;
: check-struct-slots ( slots -- )
[ class>> c-type drop ] each ;
: (define-struct-class) ( class slots offsets-quot -- )
[ drop struct f define-tuple-class ] swap '[
make-slots dup
[ check-struct-slots ] _ [ struct-align [ align ] keep ] tri
] 2bi ; inline
: define-struct-class ( class slots -- )
[ struct-offsets ] (define-struct-class) ;
: define-union-struct-class ( class slots -- )
[ union-struct-offsets ] (define-struct-class) ;
: parse-struct-definition ( -- class slots )
CREATE-CLASS [ parse-tuple-slots ] { } make ;
parse-struct-definition define-struct-class ;
parse-struct-definition define-union-struct-class ;
USING: vocabs vocabs.loader ;
"prettyprint" vocab [ "classes.struct.prettyprint" require ] when
scan-word dup struct-slots parse-tuple-literal-slots parsed ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Joe Groff
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
! (c)2009 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: alien destructors help.markup help.syntax kernel math ;
IN: memory.piles
HELP: <pile>
{ $values
{ "size" integer }
{ "pile" pile }
{ $description "Allocates " { $snippet "size" } " bytes of raw memory for a new " { $link pile } ". The pile should be " { $link dispose } "d when it is no longer needed." } ;
HELP: not-enough-pile-space
{ $values
{ "pile" pile }
{ $description "This error is thrown by " { $link pile-alloc } " when the " { $link pile } " does not have enough remaining space for the requested allocation." } ;
HELP: pile
{ $class-description "A " { $snippet "pile" } " is a block of raw memory that can be apportioned out in constant time. A pile is allocated using the " { $link <pile> } " word. Blocks of memory can be requested from the pile using " { $link pile-alloc } ", and all the pile's memory can be reclaimed with " { $link pile-empty } "." } ;
HELP: pile-align
{ $values
{ "pile" pile } { "align" "a power of two" }
{ "pile" pile }
{ $description "Adjusts a " { $link pile } "'s internal state so that the next call to " { $link pile-alloc } " will return a pointer aligned to " { $snippet "align" } " bytes relative to the pile's initial offset." } ;
HELP: pile-alloc
{ $values
{ "pile" pile } { "size" integer }
{ "alien" alien }
{ $description "Requests " { $snippet "size" } " bytes from a " { $link pile } ". If the pile does not have enough space to satisfy the request, a " { $link not-enough-pile-space } " error is thrown." } ;
HELP: pile-empty
{ $values
{ "pile" pile }
{ $description "Reclaims all the memory allocated out of a " { $link pile } ". Allocations will resume from the beginning of the pile." } ;
ARTICLE: "memory.piles" "Piles"
"A " { $link pile } " is a block of raw memory. Portions of its memory can be allocated from the beginning of the pile in constant time, and the pile can be emptied and its pointer reset to the beginning."
{ $subsection <pile> }
{ $subsection pile-alloc }
{ $subsection pile-align }
{ $subsection pile-empty }
"An example of the utility of piles is in video games. For example, the game Abuse was scripted with a Lisp dialect. In order to avoid stalls from traditional GC or heap-based allocators, the Abuse Lisp VM would allocate values from a preallocated pile over the course of a frame, and release the entire pile at the end of the frame." ;
ABOUT: "memory.piles"
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
! (c)2009 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: accessors alien destructors kernel math
memory.piles tools.test ;
IN: memory.piles.tests
[ 25 ] [
100 <pile> &dispose
[ 25 pile-alloc ] [ 50 pile-alloc ] bi
swap [ alien-address ] bi@ -
] with-destructors
] unit-test
[ 32 ] [
100 <pile> &dispose
[ 25 pile-alloc ] [ 8 pile-align 50 pile-alloc ] bi
swap [ alien-address ] bi@ -
] with-destructors
] unit-test
[ 75 ] [
100 <pile> &dispose
dup 25 pile-alloc drop
dup 50 pile-alloc drop
] with-destructors
] unit-test
[ 100 ] [
100 <pile> &dispose
dup 25 pile-alloc drop
dup 75 pile-alloc drop
] with-destructors
] unit-test
100 <pile> &dispose
dup 25 pile-alloc drop
dup 76 pile-alloc drop
] with-destructors
] [ not-enough-pile-space? ] must-fail-with
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
! (c)2009 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: accessors alien destructors kernel libc math ;
IN: memory.piles
TUPLE: pile
{ underlying c-ptr }
{ size integer }
{ offset integer } ;
ERROR: not-enough-pile-space pile ;
M: pile dispose
[ [ free ] when* f ] change-underlying drop ;
: <pile> ( size -- pile )
[ malloc ] keep 0 pile boa ;
: pile-empty ( pile -- )
0 >>offset drop ;
: pile-alloc ( pile size -- alien )
[ [ ] [ size>> ] [ offset>> ] tri ] dip +
< [ not-enough-pile-space ] [ drop ] if
] [
drop [ offset>> ] [ underlying>> ] bi <displaced-alien>
] [
[ + ] curry change-offset drop
] 2tri ;
: pile-align ( pile align -- pile )
[ align ] curry change-offset ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Preallocated raw memory blocks
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Joe Groff
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
! (c)2009 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: classes help.markup help.syntax kernel math ;
IN: memory.pools
HELP: <pool>
{ $values
{ "size" integer } { "class" class }
{ "pool" pool }
{ $description "Creates a " { $link pool } " of " { $snippet "size" } " objects of " { $snippet "class" } "." } ;
{ $syntax "POOL: class size" }
{ $description "Creates a " { $link pool } " of " { $snippet "size" } " objects of " { $snippet "class" } ", and associates it with the class using " { $link set-class-pool } "." } ;
HELP: class-pool
{ $values
{ "class" class }
{ "pool" pool }
{ $description "Returns the " { $link pool } " associated with " { $snippet "class" } ", or " { $link f } " if no pool is associated." } ;
HELP: free-to-pool
{ $values
{ "object" object }
{ $description "Frees an object from the " { $link pool } " it was allocated from. The object must have been allocated by " { $link new-from-pool } "." } ;
HELP: new-from-pool
{ $values
{ "class" class }
{ "object" object }
{ $description "Allocates an object from the " { $link pool } " associated with " { $snippet "class" } ". If the pool is exhausted, " { $link f } " is returned." } ;
{ POSTPONE: POOL: class-pool set-class-pool new-from-pool free-to-pool } related-words
HELP: pool
{ $class-description "A " { $snippet "pool" } " contains a fixed-size set of preallocated tuple objects. Once the pool has been allocated, its objects can be allocated with " { $link pool-new } " and freed with " { $link pool-free } " in constant time. A pool can also be associated with its class with the " { $link POSTPONE: POOL: } " syntax or the " { $link set-class-pool } " word, after which the words " { $link new-from-pool } " and " { $link free-to-pool } " can be used with the class name to allocate and free objects." } ;
HELP: pool-free
{ $values
{ "object" object } { "pool" pool }
{ $description "Frees an object back into " { $link pool } "." } ;
HELP: pool-size
{ $values
{ "pool" pool }
{ "size" integer }
{ $description "Returns the number of unallocated objects inside a " { $link pool } "." } ;
HELP: pool-new
{ $values
{ "pool" pool }
{ "object" object }
{ $description "Returns an unallocated object out of a " { $link pool } ". If the pool is exhausted, " { $link f } " is returned." } ;
{ pool <pool> pool-new pool-free pool-size } related-words
HELP: set-class-pool
{ $values
{ "class" class } { "pool" pool }
{ $description "Associates a " { $link pool } " with " { $snippet "class" } "." } ;
ARTICLE: "memory.pools" "Pools"
"The " { $vocab-link "memory.pools" } " vocabulary provides " { $link pool } " objects which manage preallocated collections of objects."
{ $subsection pool }
{ $subsection POSTPONE: POOL: }
{ $subsection new-from-pool }
{ $subsection free-to-pool } ;
ABOUT: "memory.pools"
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
! (c)2009 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: kernel memory.pools tools.test ;
IN: memory.pools.tests
TUPLE: foo x ;
[ 1 ] [
foo 2 foo <pool> set-class-pool
foo new-from-pool drop
foo class-pool pool-size
] unit-test
[ T{ foo } T{ foo } f ] [
foo 2 foo <pool> set-class-pool
foo new-from-pool
foo new-from-pool
foo new-from-pool
] unit-test
[ f ] [
foo 2 foo <pool> set-class-pool
foo new-from-pool
foo new-from-pool
] unit-test
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
! (c)2009 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: accessors arrays bit-arrays classes
classes.tuple.private fry kernel locals parser
sequences sequences.private vectors words ;
IN: memory.pools
TUPLE: pool
{ objects vector } ;
: <pool> ( size class -- pool )
[ nip new ]
[ [ iota ] dip '[ _ new ] V{ } replicate-as ] 2bi
pool boa ;
: pool-size ( pool -- size )
objects>> length ;
:: copy-tuple ( from to -- to )
from tuple-size :> size
size [| n | n from array-nth n to set-array-nth ] each
to ; inline
: (pool-new) ( pool -- object )
objects>> [ f ] [ pop ] if-empty ;
: (pool-init) ( pool object -- object )
[ prototype>> ] dip copy-tuple ; inline
: pool-new ( pool -- object )
dup (pool-new) [ (pool-init) ] [ drop f ] if* ; inline
: pool-free ( object pool -- )
objects>> push ;
: class-pool ( class -- pool )
"pool" word-prop ;
: set-class-pool ( class pool -- )
"pool" set-word-prop ;
: new-from-pool ( class -- object )
class-pool pool-new ;
: free-to-pool ( object -- )
dup class class-pool pool-free ;
scan-word scan-word '[ _ swap <pool> ] [ swap set-class-pool ] bi ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Preallocated pools of tuple objects
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Joe Groff
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
USING: help help.markup help.syntax kernel quotations ;
IN: prettyprint.callables
HELP: simplify-callable
{ $values { "quot" callable } { "quot'" callable } }
{ $description "Converts " { $snippet "quot" } " into an equivalent quotation by simplifying usages of " { $link dip } ", " { $link call } ", " { $link curry } ", and " { $link compose } " with literal parameters. This word is used when callable objects are prettyprinted." } ;
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
! (c) 2009 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: kernel math prettyprint prettyprint.callables
tools.test ;
IN: prettyprint.callables.tests
[ [ dip ] ] [ [ dip ] simplify-callable ] unit-test
[ [ [ + ] dip ] ] [ [ [ + ] dip ] simplify-callable ] unit-test
[ [ + 5 ] ] [ [ 5 [ + ] dip ] simplify-callable ] unit-test
[ [ + ] ] [ [ [ + ] call ] simplify-callable ] unit-test
[ [ call ] ] [ [ call ] simplify-callable ] unit-test
[ [ 5 + ] ] [ [ 5 [ + ] curry call ] simplify-callable ] unit-test
[ [ 4 5 + ] ] [ [ 4 5 [ + ] 2curry call ] simplify-callable ] unit-test
[ [ 4 5 6 + ] ] [ [ 4 5 6 [ + ] 3curry call ] simplify-callable ] unit-test
[ [ + . ] ] [ [ [ + ] [ . ] compose call ] simplify-callable ] unit-test
[ [ . + ] ] [ [ [ + ] [ . ] prepose call ] simplify-callable ] unit-test
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
! (c) 2009 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: combinators combinators.short-circuit generalizations
kernel macros math math.ranges prettyprint.custom quotations
sequences words ;
IN: prettyprint.callables
CONSTANT: simple-combinators { dip call curry 2curry 3curry compose prepose }
: literal? ( obj -- ? ) word? not ;
MACRO: slice-match? ( quots -- quot: ( seq end -- ? ) )
dup length
[ 0 [a,b) [ [ - swap nth ] swap prefix prepend ] 2map ]
[ nip \ nip swap \ >= [ ] 3sequence ] 2bi
prefix \ 2&& [ ] 2sequence ;
: end-len>from-to ( seq end len -- from to seq )
[ - ] [ drop 1 + ] 2bi rot ;
: slice-change ( seq end len quot -- seq' )
[ end-len>from-to ] dip
[ [ subseq ] dip call ] curry
[ replace-slice ] 3bi ; inline
: when-slice-match ( seq i criteria quot -- seq' )
[ [ 2dup ] dip slice-match? ] dip [ drop ] if ; inline
: simplify-dip ( quot i -- quot' )
{ [ literal? ] [ callable? ] }
[ 2 [ first2 swap suffix ] slice-change ] when-slice-match ;
: simplify-call ( quot i -- quot' )
{ [ callable? ] }
[ 1 [ first ] slice-change ] when-slice-match ;
: simplify-curry ( quot i -- quot' )
{ [ literal? ] [ callable? ] }
[ 2 [ first2 swap prefix 1quotation ] slice-change ] when-slice-match ;
: simplify-2curry ( quot i -- quot' )
{ [ literal? ] [ literal? ] [ callable? ] }
[ 3 [ [ 2 head ] [ third ] bi append 1quotation ] slice-change ] when-slice-match ;
: simplify-3curry ( quot i -- quot' )
{ [ literal? ] [ literal? ] [ literal? ] [ callable? ] }
[ 4 [ [ 3 head ] [ fourth ] bi append 1quotation ] slice-change ] when-slice-match ;
: simplify-compose ( quot i -- quot' )
{ [ callable? ] [ callable? ] }
[ 2 [ first2 append 1quotation ] slice-change ] when-slice-match ;
: simplify-prepose ( quot i -- quot' )
{ [ callable? ] [ callable? ] }
[ 2 [ first2 swap append 1quotation ] slice-change ] when-slice-match ;
: (simplify-callable) ( quot -- quot' )
dup [ simple-combinators member? ] find {
{ \ dip [ simplify-dip ] }
{ \ call [ simplify-call ] }
{ \ curry [ simplify-curry ] }
{ \ 2curry [ simplify-2curry ] }
{ \ 3curry [ simplify-3curry ] }
{ \ compose [ simplify-compose ] }
{ \ prepose [ simplify-prepose ] }
[ 2drop ]
} case ;
: simplify-callable ( quot -- quot' )
[ (simplify-callable) ] to-fixed-point ;
M: callable >pprint-sequence simplify-callable ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Quotation simplification for prettyprinting automatically-constructed callable objects
Reference in New Issue