Improving multi-methods
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
IN: temporary
USING: multi-methods tools.test kernel math arrays sequences
prettyprint strings classes hashtables assocs namespaces ;
prettyprint strings classes hashtables assocs namespaces
debugger continuations ;
[ { 1 2 3 4 5 6 } ] [
{ 6 4 5 1 3 2 } [ <=> ] topological-sort
@ -52,6 +53,8 @@ METHOD: beats? { thing thing } f ;
: play ( obj1 obj2 -- ? ) beats? 2nip ;
[ { } 3 play ] unit-test-fails
[ t ] [ error get no-method? ] unit-test
[ ] [ error get error. ] unit-test
[ t ] [ T{ paper } T{ scissors } play ] unit-test
[ f ] [ T{ scissors } T{ paper } play ] unit-test
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel math sequences vectors classes combinators
arrays words assocs parser namespaces definitions
prettyprint prettyprint.backend quotations ;
prettyprint prettyprint.backend quotations arrays.lib
debugger io ;
IN: multi-methods
TUPLE: method loc def ;
@ -38,47 +39,80 @@ TUPLE: method loc def ;
[ 1- picker [ >r ] swap [ r> swap ] 3append ]
} case ;
: (multi-predicate) ( class picker -- quot )
swap "predicate" word-prop append ;
: multi-predicate ( classes -- quot )
dup length <reversed> [
>r "predicate" word-prop r>
picker swap [ not ] 3append [ f ] 2array
] 2map [ t ] swap alist>quot ;
: method-defs ( methods -- methods' )
[ method-def ] assoc-map ;
: multi-dispatch-quot ( methods -- quot )
[ >r multi-predicate r> ] assoc-map
[ "No method" throw ] swap reverse alist>quot ;
dup length <reversed>
[ picker 2array ] 2map
[ drop object eq? not ] assoc-subset
dup empty? [ drop [ t ] ] [
[ (multi-predicate) ] { } assoc>map
unclip [ swap [ f ] \ if 3array append [ ] like ] reduce
] if ;
: methods ( word -- alist )
"multi-methods" word-prop >alist ;
: method-defs ( methods -- methods' )
[ method-def ] assoc-map ;
TUPLE: no-method arguments generic ;
: no-method ( argument-count generic -- * )
>r narray r> \ no-method construct-boa throw ; inline
: argument-count ( methods -- n )
dup assoc-empty? [ drop 0 ] [
keys [ length ] map supremum
] if ;
: multi-dispatch-quot ( methods generic -- quot )
[ [ >r multi-predicate r> ] assoc-map ] keep argument-count
r> [ no-method ] 2curry
swap reverse alist>quot ;
: congruify-methods ( alist -- alist' )
dup empty? [
dup [ first length ] map supremum [
swap >r object pad-left [ \ f or ] map r>
] curry assoc-map
] unless ;
dup argument-count [
swap >r object pad-left [ \ f or ] map r>
] curry assoc-map ;
: sorted-methods ( alist -- alist' )
[ [ first ] 2apply classes< ] topological-sort ;
: niceify-method [ dup \ f eq? [ drop f ] when ] map ;
M: no-method error.
"Type check error" print
"Generic word " write dup no-method-generic pprint
" does not have a method applicable to inputs:" print
dup no-method-arguments short.
"Inputs have signature:" print
dup no-method-arguments [ class ] map niceify-method .
"Defined methods in topological order: " print
methods congruify-methods sorted-methods keys
[ niceify-method ] map stack. ;
GENERIC: perform-combination ( word combination -- quot )
TUPLE: standard-combination ;
: standard-combination ( methods -- quot )
congruify-methods sorted-methods multi-dispatch-quot ;
: standard-combination ( methods generic -- quot )
>r congruify-methods sorted-methods r> multi-dispatch-quot ;
M: standard-combination perform-combination
drop methods method-defs standard-combination ;
drop [ methods method-defs ] keep standard-combination ;
TUPLE: hook-combination var ;
M: hook-combination perform-combination
hook-combination-var [ get ] curry
swap methods method-defs [ [ drop ] swap append ] assoc-map
hook-combination-var [ get ] curry swap methods
[ method-defs [ [ drop ] swap append ] assoc-map ] keep
standard-combination append ;
: make-generic ( word -- )
@ -158,7 +192,9 @@ syntax:M: hook-generic definer drop \ HOOK: f ;
syntax:M: hook-generic definition drop f ;
syntax:M: hook-generic synopsis*
dup seeing-word \ HOOK: pprint-word dup pprint-word
dup definer.
dup seeing-word
dup pprint-word
dup "multi-combination" word-prop
hook-combination-var pprint-word stack-effect. ;
@ -178,7 +214,7 @@ syntax:M: method-spec definition
unclip method method-def ;
syntax:M: method-spec synopsis*
dup definer drop pprint-word
dup definer.
unclip pprint* pprint* ;
syntax:M: method-spec forget
Reference in New Issue