Icons in profiler tool, update for search models change

Slava Pestov 2009-02-17 08:23:46 -06:00
parent 9990663a85
commit d14fba5b98
1 changed files with 49 additions and 25 deletions

View File

@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007, 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: kernel quotations accessors fry assocs present math.order
math.vectors arrays locals models.search models.sort models
sequences vocabs tools.profiler words prettyprint ui ui.commands
ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.panes ui.gadgets.scrollers
ui.gadgets.tracks ui.gestures ui.gadgets.buttons
math.vectors arrays locals models.search models.sort models sequences
vocabs tools.profiler words prettyprint combinators.smart
definitions.icons ui ui.commands ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.panes
ui.gadgets.scrollers ui.gadgets.tracks ui.gestures ui.gadgets.buttons
ui.gadgets.tables ui.gadgets.search-tables ui.gadgets.labeled
ui.gadgets.buttons ui.gadgets.packs ui.gadgets.labels
ui.gadgets.tabbed ui.gadgets.status-bar ui.gadgets.borders
ui.tools.browser ui.tools.common ui.baseline-alignment ;
ui.tools.browser ui.tools.common ui.baseline-alignment
ui.operations ui.images ;
FROM: models.filter => <filter> ;
FROM: models.compose => <compose> ;
IN: ui.tools.profiler
@ -23,34 +24,52 @@ generic class ;
SINGLETONS: word-renderer vocab-renderer ;
UNION: profiler-renderer word-renderer vocab-renderer ;
: with-datastack* ( seq quot -- seq' )
'[ _ input<sequence ] output>array ; inline
! Value is a { word count } pair
M: profiler-renderer row-columns
drop [ [ present ] map ] [ { "All" "" } ] if* ;
[ [ definition-icon <image-name> ] [ present ] bi ]
[ present ]
] with-datastack*
] [ { "" "All" "" } ] if* ;
M: profiler-renderer prototype-row
drop \ = definition-icon <image-name> "" "" 3array ;
M: profiler-renderer row-value
drop dup [ first ] when ;
M: vocab-renderer row-value
call-next-method dup [ vocab ] when ;
M: profiler-renderer column-alignment drop { 0 0 1 } ;
M: profiler-renderer filled-column drop 1 ;
M: profiler-renderer column-alignment drop { 0 1 } ;
M: profiler-renderer filled-column drop 0 ;
M: word-renderer column-titles drop { "Word" "Count" } ;
M: vocab-renderer column-titles drop { "Vocabulary" "Count" } ;
M: word-renderer column-titles drop { "" "Word" "Count" } ;
M: vocab-renderer column-titles drop { "" "Vocabulary" "Count" } ;
SINGLETON: method-renderer
M: method-renderer column-alignment drop { 0 1 } ;
M: method-renderer filled-column drop 0 ;
M: method-renderer column-alignment drop { 0 0 1 } ;
M: method-renderer filled-column drop 1 ;
! Value is a { method-body count } pair
M: method-renderer row-columns
drop [ first synopsis ] [ second present ] bi 2array ;
drop [
[ [ definition-icon <image-name> ] [ synopsis ] bi ]
[ present ]
] with-datastack* ;
M: method-renderer row-value drop first ;
M: method-renderer column-titles drop { "Method" "Count" } ;
M: method-renderer column-titles drop { "" "Method" "Count" } ;
: <profiler-model> ( values profiler -- model )
[ [ filter-counts ] <filter> ] [ sort>> ] bi* <sort> ;
@ -67,17 +86,16 @@ M: method-renderer column-titles drop { "Method" "Count" } ;
] <search>
] keep <profiler-model> ;
: match? ( pair/f str -- ? )
swap dup [ first present subseq? ] [ 2drop t ] if ;
: <profiler-table> ( model renderer -- table )
[ match? ] <search-table> ;
[ first present ] <search-table>
[ invoke-primary-operation ] >>action ;
: <profiler-filter-model> ( counts profiler -- model' )
[ <model> ] dip <profiler-model> [ f prefix ] <filter> ;
: <vocabs-model> ( profiler -- model )
[ vocab-counters ] dip <profiler-filter-model> ;
[ vocab-counters [ [ vocab ] dip ] assoc-map ] dip
<profiler-filter-model> ;
: <generic-model> ( profiler -- model )
[ generic-counters ] dip <profiler-filter-model> ;
@ -98,10 +116,16 @@ M: method-renderer column-titles drop { "Method" "Count" } ;
[ first3 '[ _ _ method-matches? ] filter ] <filter>
] keep <profiler-model> ;
: sort-by-name ( obj1 obj2 -- <=> )
[ first name>> ] compare ;
: sort-by-call-count ( obj1 obj2 -- <=> )
[ second ] compare invert-comparison ;
: sort-options ( -- alist )
{ [ [ first ] compare ] "by name" }
{ [ [ second ] compare invert-comparison ] "by call count" }
{ [ sort-by-name ] "by name" }
{ [ sort-by-call-count ] "by call count" }
} ;
: <sort-options> ( model -- gadget )
@ -160,7 +184,7 @@ M: method-renderer column-titles drop { "Method" "Count" } ;
: <profiler-gadget> ( -- profiler )
vertical profiler-gadget new-track
{ 5 5 } >>gap
[ [ first ] compare ] <model> >>sort
[ sort-by-name ] <model> >>sort
all-words counters <model> >>words
<selection-model> >>vocab
dup <vocabs-model> >>vocabs