ui.tools.listener: tried to simplify stream-read-quot and handle-interactive

Björn Lindqvist 2015-10-22 06:57:27 +02:00
parent 0795d21e46
commit d15c5bced4
1 changed files with 15 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -336,30 +336,23 @@ M: object accept-completion-hook 2drop ;
error-continuation get
debugger-popup ;
: try-parse ( lines interactor -- quot/error/f )
[ drop parse-lines-interactive ] [
dup lexer-error? [
dup error>> unexpected-eof? [ drop f ] when
] when
] recover ;
: try-parse ( lines -- quot/f/error )
[ read-quot-step ] [ nip ] recover ;
: handle-interactive ( lines interactor -- quot/f ? )
[ nip ] [ try-parse ] 2bi {
{ [ dup quotation? ] [ nip t ] }
{ [ dup not ] [ drop insert-newline f f ] }
[ handle-parse-error f f ]
} cond ;
: handle-interactive ( interactor lines -- quot/f )
try-parse dup quotation? [ nip ] [
dup not [ drop insert-newline ] [
] if f
] if ;
M: interactor stream-read-quot
[ interactor-yield ] keep {
{ [ over not ] [ drop ] }
{ [ over callable? ] [ drop ] }
[ handle-interactive ] keep swap
[ interactor-finish ] [ nip stream-read-quot ] if
} cond ;
M: interactor stream-read-quot ( stream -- quot/f )
dup interactor-yield dup [ not ] [ callable? ] bi or
[ nip ] [
dupd handle-interactive dup quotation? [
swap interactor-finish
] [ drop stream-read-quot ] if
] if ;
: interactor-operation ( gesture interactor -- ? )
[ token-model>> value>> ] keep word-at-caret