compiler.cfg.stacks: more accurate deconcatenatization inserts fewer partially redundant ##peeks. 11% improvement on benchmark.beust2, 2% reduction in ##peek and ##replace instructions inserted
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ compiler.cfg.instructions
compiler.alien ;
IN: compiler.cfg.builder
@ -159,14 +160,32 @@ M: #push emit-node
literal>> ^^load-literal ds-push ;
! #shuffle
! Even though low level IR has its own dead code elimination pass,
! we try not to introduce useless ##peeks here, since this reduces
! the accuracy of global stack analysis.
: make-input-map ( #shuffle -- assoc )
! Assoc maps high-level IR values to stack locations.
[ in-d>> <reversed> [ <ds-loc> swap set ] each-index ]
[ in-r>> <reversed> [ <rs-loc> swap set ] each-index ] bi
] H{ } make-assoc ;
: make-output-seq ( values mapping input-map -- vregs )
'[ _ at _ at peek-loc ] map ;
: load-shuffle ( #shuffle mapping input-map -- ds-vregs rs-vregs )
[ [ out-d>> ] 2dip make-output-seq ]
[ [ out-r>> ] 2dip make-output-seq ] 3bi ;
: store-shuffle ( #shuffle ds-vregs rs-vregs -- )
[ [ in-d>> length neg inc-d ] dip ds-store ]
[ [ in-r>> length neg inc-r ] dip rs-store ]
bi-curry* bi ;
M: #shuffle emit-node
H{ } clone
[ [ in-d>> [ length ds-load ] keep ] dip '[ _ set-at ] 2each ]
[ [ in-r>> [ length rs-load ] keep ] dip '[ _ set-at ] 2each ]
[ nip ] 2tri
[ [ [ out-d>> ] [ mapping>> ] bi ] dip '[ _ at _ at ] map ds-store ]
[ [ [ out-r>> ] [ mapping>> ] bi ] dip '[ _ at _ at ] map rs-store ] 2bi ;
dup dup [ mapping>> ] [ make-input-map ] bi load-shuffle store-shuffle ;
! #return
: emit-return ( -- )
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: namespaces assocs kernel fry accessors sequences make math
USING: namespaces assocs kernel fry accessors sequences make math locals
combinators compiler.cfg compiler.cfg.hats compiler.cfg.instructions
compiler.cfg.utilities compiler.cfg.rpo compiler.cfg.stacks.local
|||| compiler.cfg.stacks.height ;
@ -8,13 +8,23 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.stacks.finalize
! This pass inserts peeks and replaces.
: inserting-peeks ( from to -- assoc )
peek-in swap [ peek-out ] [ avail-out ] bi
assoc-union assoc-diff ;
:: inserting-peeks ( from to -- assoc )
! A peek is inserted on an edge if the destination anticipates
! the stack location, the source does not anticipate it and
! it is not available from the source in a register.
to anticip-in
from anticip-out from avail-out assoc-union
assoc-diff ;
: inserting-replaces ( from to -- assoc )
[ replace-out ] [ [ kill-in ] [ replace-in ] bi ] bi*
assoc-union assoc-diff ;
:: inserting-replaces ( from to -- assoc )
! A replace is inserted on an edge if two conditions hold:
! - the location is not dead at the destination, OR
! the location is live at the destination but not available
! at the destination
! - the location is pending in the source but not the destination
from pending-out to pending-in assoc-diff
to dead-in to live-in to anticip-in assoc-diff assoc-diff
assoc-diff ;
: each-insertion ( assoc bb quot: ( vreg loc -- ) -- )
'[ drop [ loc>vreg ] [ _ untranslate-loc ] bi @ ] assoc-each ; inline
@ -33,7 +43,7 @@ ERROR: bad-peek dst loc ;
! If both blocks are subroutine calls, don't bother
! computing anything.
2dup [ kill-block? ] both? [ 2drop ] [
2dup [ [ insert-peeks ] [ insert-replaces ] 2bi ] V{ } make
2dup [ [ insert-replaces ] [ insert-peeks ] 2bi ] V{ } make
[ 2drop ] [ <simple-block> insert-basic-block ] if-empty
] if ;
@ -4,36 +4,56 @@ USING: assocs kernel combinators compiler.cfg.dataflow-analysis
compiler.cfg.stacks.local ;
! Peek analysis. Peek-in is the set of all locations anticipated at
! the start of a basic block.
: transfer-peeked-locs ( assoc bb -- assoc' )
[ replace-set assoc-diff ] [ peek-set assoc-union ] bi ;
M: peek-analysis transfer-set drop [ replace-set assoc-diff ] keep peek-set assoc-union ;
! A stack location is anticipated at a location if every path from
! the location to an exit block will read the stack location
! before writing it.
! Replace analysis. Replace-in is the set of all locations which
! will be overwritten at some point after the start of a basic block.
M: anticip-analysis transfer-set drop transfer-peeked-locs ;
M: replace-analysis transfer-set drop replace-set assoc-union ;
! A stack location is live at a location if some path from
! the location to an exit block will read the stack location
! before writing it.
! Availability analysis. Avail-out is the set of all locations
! in registers at the end of a basic block.
M: live-analysis transfer-set drop transfer-peeked-locs ;
M: live-analysis join-sets drop assoc-combine ;
! A stack location is available at a location if all paths from
! the entry block to the location load the location into a
! register.
M: avail-analysis transfer-set drop [ peek-set ] [ replace-set ] bi assoc-union assoc-union ;
M: avail-analysis transfer-set
drop [ peek-set assoc-union ] [ replace-set assoc-union ] bi ;
! Kill analysis. Kill-in is the set of all locations
! which are going to be overwritten.
! A stack location is pending at a location if all paths from
! the entry block to the location write the location.
M: kill-analysis transfer-set drop kill-set assoc-union ;
M: pending-analysis transfer-set
drop replace-set assoc-union ;
! A stack location is dead at a location if no paths from the
! location to the exit block read the location before writing it.
M: dead-analysis transfer-set
[ kill-set assoc-union ]
[ replace-set assoc-union ] bi ;
! Main word
: compute-global-sets ( cfg -- cfg' )
[ compute-peek-sets ]
[ compute-replace-sets ]
[ compute-anticip-sets ]
[ compute-live-sets ]
[ compute-pending-sets ]
[ compute-dead-sets ]
[ compute-avail-sets ]
[ compute-kill-sets ]
[ ]
} cleave ;
@ -10,8 +10,13 @@ compiler.cfg.stacks.height
compiler.cfg.parallel-copy ;
IN: compiler.cfg.stacks.local
! Local stack analysis. We build local peek and replace sets for every basic
! block while constructing the CFG.
! Local stack analysis. We build three sets for every basic block
! in the CFG:
! - peek-set: all stack locations that the block reads before writing
! - replace-set: all stack locations that the block writes
! - kill-set: all stack locations which become unavailable after the
! block ends because of the stack height being decremented
! This is done while constructing the CFG.
SYMBOLS: peek-sets replace-sets kill-sets ;
@ -80,9 +85,8 @@ M: rs-loc translate-local-loc n>> current-height get r>> - <rs-loc> ;
: compute-local-kill-set ( -- assoc )
basic-block get current-height get
[ [ ds-heights get at dup ] [ d>> ] bi* [-] iota [ swap - <ds-loc> ] with map ]
[ [ rs-heights get at dup ] [ r>> ] bi* [-] iota [ swap - <rs-loc> ] with map ]
[ drop local-replace-set get at ] 2tri
[ append unique dup ] dip update ;
[ [ rs-heights get at dup ] [ r>> ] bi* [-] iota [ swap - <rs-loc> ] with map ] 2bi
append unique ;
: begin-local-analysis ( -- )
H{ } clone local-peek-set set
@ -392,4 +392,13 @@ cell 4 = [
[ 3 3 2 ] [ 4 3 "" coalescing-bug-4 ] unit-test
[ 2 3 1 ] [ 2 3 V{ } coalescing-bug-4 ] unit-test
[ 3 3 1 ] [ 4 3 V{ } coalescing-bug-4 ] unit-test
[ 3 3 1 ] [ 4 3 V{ } coalescing-bug-4 ] unit-test
[ 3 3 1 ] [ 4 3 V{ } coalescing-bug-4 ] unit-test
! Global stack analysis dataflow equations are wrong
: some-word ( a -- b ) 2 + ;
: global-dcn-bug-1 ( a b -- c d )
dup [ [ drop 1 ] dip ] [ [ some-word ] dip ] if
dup [ [ 1 fixnum+fast ] dip ] [ [ drop 1 ] dip ] if ;
[ 2 t ] [ 0 t global-dcn-bug-1 ] unit-test
[ 1 f ] [ 0 f global-dcn-bug-1 ] unit-test
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