graphviz: oops; remove graphviz.libcgraph, which is never used

Alex Vondrak 2011-05-23 07:16:18 -07:00
parent e0ba1d07a6
commit d4d2804270
1 changed files with 0 additions and 76 deletions

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@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
! Copyright (C) 2011 Alex Vondrak.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien alien.c-types alien.libraries alien.syntax
classes.struct combinators system ;
IN: graphviz.libcgraph
{ [ os macosx? ] [ "libcgraph.dylib" ] }
{ [ os unix? ] [ "" ] }
{ [ os winnt? ] [ "libcgraph.dll" ] }
} cond cdecl add-library
LIBRARY: libcgraph
! Types
STRUCT: Agdesc_s
{ directed uint bits: 1 }
{ strict uint bits: 1 }
{ no_loop uint bits: 1 }
{ maingraph uint bits: 1 }
{ flatlock uint bits: 1 }
{ no_write uint bits: 1 }
{ has_attrs uint bits: 1 }
{ has_cmpnd uint bits: 1 } ;
CONSTANT: Agdirected
S{ Agdesc_s { directed 1 } { maingraph 1 } }
CONSTANT: Agstrictdirected
S{ Agdesc_s { directed 1 } { strict 1 } { maingraph 1 } }
CONSTANT: Agundirected
S{ Agdesc_s { maingraph 1 } }
CONSTANT: Agstrictundirected
S{ Agdesc_s { strict 1 } { maingraph 1 } }
C-TYPE: Agraph_t
C-TYPE: Agnode_t
C-TYPE: Agedge_t
TYPEDEF: Agdesc_s Agdesc_t
C-TYPE: Agdisc_t
! Graphs
FUNCTION: Agraph_t* agopen ( c-string name, Agdesc_t kind, Agdisc_t* disc ) ;
FUNCTION: int agclose ( Agraph_t* g ) ;
FUNCTION: int agwrite ( Agraph_t* g, void* channel ) ;
! Subgraphs
FUNCTION: Agraph_t* agsubg ( Agraph_t* g, c-string name, int createflag ) ;
! Nodes
FUNCTION: Agnode_t* agnode ( Agraph_t* g, c-string name, int createflag ) ;
FUNCTION: Agnode_t* agfstnode ( Agraph_t* g ) ;
FUNCTION: Agnode_t* agnxtnode ( Agraph_t* g, Agnode_t* n ) ;
! Edges
FUNCTION: Agedge_t* agedge ( Agraph_t* g,
Agnode_t* t,
Agnode_t* h,
c-string name,
int createflag ) ;
FUNCTION: Agedge_t* agfstedge ( Agraph_t* g, Agnode_t* n ) ;
FUNCTION: Agedge_t* agnxtedge ( Agraph_t* g, Agedge_t* e, Agnode_t* n ) ;
! String attributes
FUNCTION: int agsafeset ( void* obj,
c-string name,
c-string value,
c-string default ) ;