math.extras: Faster gini. Leaving this as a separate patch for comparison.

Doug Coleman 2012-09-25 17:52:27 -07:00
parent 59e97e1587
commit d5e26ee76d
1 changed files with 6 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
USING: combinators.short-circuit grouping kernel locals math
math.combinatorics math.constants math.functions math.order
math.primes math.ranges math.statistics math.vectors memoize
sequences sequences.extras sorting assocs ;
sequences sequences.extras sorting assocs fry ;
IN: math.extras
@ -160,9 +160,11 @@ PRIVATE>
:: (gini) ( seq -- x )
seq natural-sort :> sorted
seq length :> len
len [1,b] sorted zip 0 [ * + ] assoc-reduce :> sum0
2 sum0 * sorted sum len * / :> G
G 1 - 1 len / - ; inline
0 0 sorted [
'[ _ + ] dip dupd +
] each :> ( a b )
b len a * / :> B
1 len recip + 2 B * - ;