Emacs factor mode: 'see' in minibuffer and Eldoc mode available.
@ -89,6 +89,11 @@ buffer."
:type 'boolean
:type 'boolean
:group 'factor)
:group 'factor)
(defcustom factor-help-use-minibuffer t
"When enabled, use the minibuffer for short help messages."
:type 'boolean
:group 'factor)
(defcustom factor-display-compilation-output t
(defcustom factor-display-compilation-output t
"Display the REPL buffer before compiling files."
"Display the REPL buffer before compiling files."
:type 'boolean
:type 'boolean
@ -195,11 +200,14 @@ buffer."
(defconst factor--regex-symbol-definition
(defconst factor--regex-symbol-definition
(factor--regex-second-word '("SYMBOL:")))
(factor--regex-second-word '("SYMBOL:")))
(defconst factor--regex-stack-effect " ( .* )")
(defconst factor--regex-using-line "^USING: +\\([^;]*\\);")
(defconst factor--regex-using-line "^USING: +\\([^;]*\\);")
(defconst factor--regex-use-line "^USE: +\\(.*\\)$")
(defconst factor--regex-use-line "^USE: +\\(.*\\)$")
(defconst factor--font-lock-keywords
(defconst factor--font-lock-keywords
`(("( .* )" . 'factor-font-lock-stack-effect)
`((,factor--regex-stack-effect . 'factor-font-lock-stack-effect)
("\\(P\\|SBUF\\)\"" 1 'factor-font-lock-parsing-word)
("\\(P\\|SBUF\\)\"" 1 'factor-font-lock-parsing-word)
,@(mapcar #'(lambda (w) (cons (concat "\\(^\\| \\)\\(" w "\\)\\($\\| \\)")
,@(mapcar #'(lambda (w) (cons (concat "\\(^\\| \\)\\(" w "\\)\\($\\| \\)")
'(2 'factor-font-lock-parsing-word)))
'(2 'factor-font-lock-parsing-word)))
@ -218,13 +226,15 @@ buffer."
;;; Factor mode syntax:
;;; Factor mode syntax:
(defconst factor--regexp-word-starters
(regexp-opt '("TUPLE" "MACRO" "MACRO:" "M" ":" "")))
(defconst factor--regexp-word-start
(defconst factor--regexp-word-start
(let ((sws '("" ":" "TUPLE" "MACRO" "MACRO:" "M")))
(format "^\\(%s:\\) " factor--regexp-word-starters))
(format "^\\(%s\\)\\(:\\) " (regexp-opt sws))))
(defconst factor--font-lock-syntactic-keywords
(defconst factor--font-lock-syntactic-keywords
`(("^\\(:\\)\\(:\\)" (1 ".") (2 "(;"))
`((,(format "^\\(%s\\)\\(:\\)" factor--regexp-word-starters)
(,factor--regexp-word-start (2 "(;"))
(1 "w") (2 "(;"))
("\\(;\\)" (1 "):"))
("\\(;\\)" (1 "):"))
("\\(#!\\)" (1 "<"))
("\\(#!\\)" (1 "<"))
(" \\(!\\)" (1 "<"))
(" \\(!\\)" (1 "<"))
@ -280,6 +290,25 @@ buffer."
(modify-syntax-entry ?\" "\"" factor-mode-syntax-table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\" "\"" factor-mode-syntax-table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\\ "/" factor-mode-syntax-table)))
(modify-syntax-entry ?\\ "/" factor-mode-syntax-table)))
;;; symbol-at-point
(defun factor--beginning-of-symbol ()
"Move point to the beginning of the current symbol."
(while (eq (char-before) ?:) (backward-char))
(skip-syntax-backward "w_"))
(defun factor--end-of-symbol ()
"Move point to the end of the current symbol."
(skip-syntax-forward "w_")
(while (looking-at ":") (forward-char)))
(put 'factor-symbol 'end-op 'factor--end-of-symbol)
(put 'factor-symbol 'beginning-op 'factor--beginning-of-symbol)
(defsubst factor--symbol-at-point ()
(let ((s (substring-no-properties (thing-at-point 'factor-symbol))))
(and (> (length s) 0) s)))
;;; Factor mode indentation:
;;; Factor mode indentation:
@ -415,83 +444,10 @@ buffer."
(goto-char (- (point-max) pos))))))
(goto-char (- (point-max) pos))))))
;;; Factor mode commands:
;; Factor mode:
(defun factor-telnet-to-port (port)
(interactive "nPort: ")
(make-comint-in-buffer "factor-telnet" nil (cons "localhost" port))))
(defun factor-telnet ()
(factor-telnet-to-port 9000))
(defun factor-telnet-factory ()
(factor-telnet-to-port 9010))
(defun factor-run-file ()
(when (and (buffer-modified-p)
(y-or-n-p (format "Save file %s? " (buffer-file-name))))
(when factor-display-compilation-output
(comint-send-string "*factor*" (format "\"%s\"" (buffer-file-name)))
(comint-send-string "*factor*" " run-file\n"))
(defun factor-display-output-buffer ()
(with-current-buffer "*factor*"
(goto-char (point-max))
(unless (get-buffer-window (current-buffer) t)
(display-buffer (current-buffer) t))))
(defun factor-send-string (str)
(let ((n (length (split-string str "\n"))))
(set-buffer "*factor*")
(goto-char (point-max))
(if (> n 1) (newline))
(insert str)
(defun factor-send-region (start end)
(interactive "r")
(let ((str (buffer-substring start end))
(n (count-lines start end)))
(set-buffer "*factor*")
(goto-char (point-max))
(if (> n 1) (newline))
(insert str)
(defun factor-send-definition ()
(factor-send-region (search-backward ":")
(search-forward ";")))
(defun factor-edit ()
(comint-send-string "*factor*" "\\ ")
(comint-send-string "*factor*" (thing-at-point 'sexp))
(comint-send-string "*factor*" " edit\n"))
(defun factor-clear ()
(factor-send-string "clear"))
(defun factor-comment-line ()
(insert "! "))
(defvar factor-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)
(defvar factor-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)
"Key map used by Factor mode.")
"Key map used by Factor mode.")
;; Factor mode:
(defun factor-mode ()
(defun factor-mode ()
"A mode for editing programs written in the Factor programming language.
"A mode for editing programs written in the Factor programming language.
@ -519,6 +475,8 @@ buffer."
(set (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function) 'factor--indent-line)
(set (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function) 'factor--indent-line)
(setq factor-indent-width (factor--guess-indent-width))
(setq factor-indent-width (factor--guess-indent-width))
(setq indent-tabs-mode nil)
(setq indent-tabs-mode nil)
;; ElDoc
(set (make-local-variable 'eldoc-documentation-function) 'factor--see-current-word)
(run-hooks 'factor-mode-hook))
(run-hooks 'factor-mode-hook))
@ -563,6 +521,171 @@ buffer."
(pop-to-buffer buf)
(pop-to-buffer buf)
(switch-to-buffer buf))))
(switch-to-buffer buf))))
(defun factor-telnet-to-port (port)
(interactive "nPort: ")
(make-comint-in-buffer "factor-telnet" nil (cons "localhost" port))))
(defun factor-telnet ()
(factor-telnet-to-port 9000))
(defun factor-telnet-factory ()
(factor-telnet-to-port 9010))
;;; Factor listener interaction:
(defun factor--listener-send-cmd (cmd)
(let* ((out (get-buffer-create "*factor messages*"))
(beg (with-current-buffer out (goto-char (point-max))))
(proc (factor--listener-process)))
(comint-redirect-send-command-to-process cmd out proc nil t)
(with-current-buffer factor--listener-buffer
(while (not comint-redirect-completed) (sleep-for 0 1)))
(with-current-buffer out
(split-string (buffer-substring-no-properties beg (point-max))
"[\"\f\n\r\v]+" t))))
;;;;; Current vocabulary:
(defvar factor--current-vocab nil
"Current vocabulary."))
(defconst factor--regexp-current-vocab "^IN: +\\([^ \r\n\f]+\\)")
(defun factor--current-buffer-vocab ()
(when (or (re-search-backward factor--regexp-current-vocab nil t)
(re-search-forward factor--regexp-current-vocab nil t))
(setq factor--current-vocab (match-string-no-properties 1)))))
(defun factor--current-listener-vocab ()
(car (factor--listener-send-cmd "USING: parser ; in get .")))
(defun factor--set-current-listener-vocab (&optional vocab)
(format "IN: %s" (or vocab (factor--current-buffer-vocab))))
(defmacro factor--with-vocab (vocab &rest body)
(let ((current (make-symbol "current")))
`(let ((,current (factor--current-listener-vocab)))
(factor--set-current-listener-vocab ,vocab)
(prog1 (condition-case nil (progn . ,body) (error nil))
(factor--set-current-listener-vocab ,current)))))
(put 'factor--with-vocab 'lisp-indent-function 1)
;;;;; Synchronous interaction:
(defun factor--listener-sync-cmds (cmds &optional vocab)
(factor--with-vocab vocab
(mapcar #'(lambda (c)
(factor--listener-process) c ".+" 0))
(defsubst factor--listener-sync-cmd (cmd &optional vocab)
(car (factor--listener-sync-cmds (list cmd) vocab)))
;;;;; Interface: see
(defconst factor--regex-error-marker "^Type :help for debugging")
(defconst factor--regex-data-stack "^--- Data stack:")
(defun factor--prune-stack (ans)
(do ((res '() (cons (car s) res)) (s ans (cdr s)))
((or (not s)
(and (car res) (string-match factor--regex-stack-effect (car res)))
(string-match factor--regex-data-stack (car s)))
(and (not (string-match factor--regex-error-marker (car res)))
(nreverse res)))))
(defun factor--see-ans-to-string (ans)
(let ((s (mapconcat #'identity (factor--prune-stack ans) " ")))
(and (> (length s) 0)
(let ((font-lock-verbose nil))
(insert s)
(defun factor--see-current-word (&optional word)
(let ((word (or word (factor--symbol-at-point))))
(when word
(let ((answer (factor--listener-send-cmd (format "\\ %s see" word))))
(factor--see-ans-to-string answer)))))
(defun factor-see-current-word (&optional word)
"Echo in the minibuffer information about word at point."
(let ((word (or word (factor--symbol-at-point)))
(msg (factor--see-current-word word)))
(if msg (message "%s" msg)
(if word (message "No help found for '%s'" word)
(message "No word at point")))))
;;; to fix:
(defun factor-run-file ()
(when (and (buffer-modified-p)
(y-or-n-p (format "Save file %s? " (buffer-file-name))))
(when factor-display-compilation-output
(comint-send-string "*factor*" (format "\"%s\"" (buffer-file-name)))
(comint-send-string "*factor*" " run-file\n"))
(defun factor-display-output-buffer ()
(with-current-buffer "*factor*"
(goto-char (point-max))
(unless (get-buffer-window (current-buffer) t)
(display-buffer (current-buffer) t))))
(defun factor-send-string (str)
(let ((n (length (split-string str "\n"))))
(set-buffer "*factor*")
(goto-char (point-max))
(if (> n 1) (newline))
(insert str)
(defun factor-send-region (start end)
(interactive "r")
(let ((str (buffer-substring start end))
(n (count-lines start end)))
(set-buffer "*factor*")
(goto-char (point-max))
(if (> n 1) (newline))
(insert str)
(defun factor-send-definition ()
(factor-send-region (search-backward ":")
(search-forward ";")))
(defun factor-edit ()
(comint-send-string "*factor*" "\\ ")
(comint-send-string "*factor*" (thing-at-point 'sexp))
(comint-send-string "*factor*" " edit\n"))
(defun factor-clear ()
(factor-send-string "clear"))
(defun factor-comment-line ()
(insert "! "))
;;;; Factor help mode:
;;;; Factor help mode:
@ -612,16 +735,16 @@ buffer."
(defun factor--listener-help-buffer ()
(defun factor--listener-help-buffer ()
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*factor-help*")
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*factor-help*")
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
(let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (erase-buffer))
(delete-region (point-min) (point-max)))
(defvar factor--help-history nil)
(defvar factor--help-history nil)
(defun factor--listener-show-help (&optional see)
(defun factor--listener-show-help (&optional see)
(let* ((def (thing-at-point 'sexp))
(let* ((def (factor--symbol-at-point))
(prompt (format "%s (%s): " (if see "See" "Help") def))
(prompt (format "See%s help on%s: " (if see " short" "")
(if def (format " (%s)" def) "")))
(ask (or (not (eq major-mode 'factor-mode))
(ask (or (not (eq major-mode 'factor-mode))
(not def)
(not def)
@ -634,11 +757,21 @@ buffer."
(pop-to-buffer hb)
(pop-to-buffer hb)
(beginning-of-buffer hb)))
(beginning-of-buffer hb)))
(defun factor-see ()
;;;; Interface: see/help commands
(factor--listener-show-help t))
(defun factor-see (&optional arg)
"See a help summary of symbol at point.
By default, the information is shown in the minibuffer. When
called with a prefix argument, the information is displayed in a
separate help buffer."
(interactive "P")
(if (if factor-help-use-minibuffer (not arg) arg)
(factor--listener-show-help t)))
(defun factor-help ()
(defun factor-help ()
"Show extended help about the symbol at point, using a help
Reference in New Issue