streamline cords, add a functor for making specialized cords

Joe Groff 2009-11-24 23:18:01 -08:00
parent 46f0aa6421
commit d95c6eb4c8
2 changed files with 29 additions and 59 deletions

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@ -2,4 +2,3 @@ USING: sequences.cords strings tools.test kernel sequences ;
IN: sequences.cords.tests
[ "hello world" ] [ "hello" " world" cord-append dup like ] unit-test
[ "hello world" ] [ { "he" "llo" " world" } cord-concat dup like ] unit-test

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@ -1,72 +1,43 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors assocs sequences sorting binary-search math
math.order arrays combinators kernel ;
math.order arrays classes combinators kernel functors ;
IN: sequences.cords
MIXIN: cord
TUPLE: simple-cord
{ first read-only } { second read-only } ;
TUPLE: generic-cord
{ head read-only } { tail read-only } ;
INSTANCE: generic-cord cord
M: simple-cord length
[ first>> length ] [ second>> length ] bi + ; inline
M: cord length
[ head>> length ] [ tail>> length ] bi + ; inline
M: simple-cord virtual-exemplar first>> ; inline
M: cord virtual-exemplar head>> ; inline
M: simple-cord virtual@
2dup first>> length <
[ first>> ] [ [ first>> length - ] [ second>> ] bi ] if ; inline
TUPLE: multi-cord
{ count read-only } { seqs read-only } ;
M: multi-cord length count>> ; inline
M: multi-cord virtual@
seqs>> [ first <=> ] with search nip
[ first - ] [ second ] bi ; inline
M: multi-cord virtual-exemplar
seqs>> [ f ] [ first second ] if-empty ; inline
: <cord> ( seqs -- cord )
dup length 2 = [
first2 simple-cord boa
] [
[ 0 [ length + ] accumulate ] keep zip multi-cord boa
] if ; inline
UNION: cord simple-cord multi-cord ;
M: cord virtual@
2dup head>> length <
[ head>> ] [ [ head>> length - ] [ tail>> ] bi ] if ; inline
INSTANCE: cord virtual-sequence
INSTANCE: multi-cord virtual-sequence
GENERIC: cord-append ( seq1 seq2 -- cord )
: cord-append ( seq1 seq2 -- cord )
{ [ over empty? ] [ nip ] }
{ [ dup empty? ] [ drop ] }
{ [ 2dup [ cord? ] both? ] [ [ seqs>> values ] bi@ append <cord> ] }
{ [ over cord? ] [ [ seqs>> values ] dip suffix <cord> ] }
{ [ dup cord? ] [ seqs>> values swap prefix <cord> ] }
[ 2array <cord> ]
} cond ; inline
M: object cord-append
generic-cord boa ; inline
: cord-concat ( seqs -- cord )
{ [ dup empty? ] [ drop f ] }
{ [ dup length 1 = ] [ first ] }
{ [ dup cord? ] [ seqs>> values ] }
{ [ dup empty? ] [ drop { } ] }
[ 1array ]
} cond
] map concat <cord>
} cond ; inline
FUNCTOR: define-specialized-cord ( T C -- )
TUPLE: T-cord
{ head T read-only } { tail T read-only } ;
INSTANCE: T-cord cord
M: T cord-append
2dup [ T instance? ] both?
[ T-cord boa ] [ generic-cord boa ] if ; inline