fix netbsd file-system-info

Doug Coleman 2008-11-30 17:32:55 -06:00
parent 2eb185865e
commit da3936a162
2 changed files with 40 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -2,13 +2,48 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien.syntax kernel unix.stat math unix
combinators system io.backend accessors alien.c-types
io.encodings.utf8 alien.strings unix.types unix.statfs io.files ;
io.encodings.utf8 alien.strings unix.types unix.statfs
io.unix.files io.files unix.statvfs.netbsd ;
IN: io.unix.files.netbsd
TUPLE: netbsd-file-system-info < unix-file-system-info
owner io-size blocks-reserved
sync-reads sync-writes async-reads async-writes
fsidx fstype mnotonname mntfromname mount-from spare ;
blocks-reserved files-reserved
owner io-size
sync-reads sync-writes
async-reads async-writes
idx mount-from spare ;
M: netbsd new-file-system-info netbsd-file-system-info new ;
M: netbsd file-system-statvfs
"statvfs" <c-object> tuck statvfs io-error ;
M: netbsd statvfs>file-system-info ( file-system-info statvfs -- file-system-info' )
[ statvfs-f_flag >>flags ]
[ statvfs-f_bsize >>block-size ]
[ statvfs-f_frsize >>preferred-block-size ]
[ statvfs-f_iosize >>io-size ]
[ statvfs-f_blocks >>blocks ]
[ statvfs-f_bfree >>blocks-free ]
[ statvfs-f_bavail >>blocks-available ]
[ statvfs-f_bresvd >>blocks-reserved ]
[ statvfs-f_files >>files ]
[ statvfs-f_ffree >>files-free ]
[ statvfs-f_favail >>files-available ]
[ statvfs-f_fresvd >>files-reserved ]
[ statvfs-f_syncreads >>sync-reads ]
[ statvfs-f_syncwrites >>sync-writes ]
[ statvfs-f_asyncreads >>async-reads ]
[ statvfs-f_asyncwrites >>async-writes ]
[ statvfs-f_fsidx >>idx ]
[ statvfs-f_fsid >>id ]
[ statvfs-f_namemax >>name-max ]
[ statvfs-f_owner >>owner ]
[ statvfs-f_spare >>spare ]
[ statvfs-f_fstypename alien>native-string >>type ]
[ statvfs-f_mntonname alien>native-string >>mount-point ]
[ statvfs-f_mntfromname alien>native-string >>device-name ]
} cleave ;
FUNCTION: int statvfs ( char* path, statvfs* buf ) ;

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@ -32,4 +32,4 @@ C-STRUCT: statvfs
{ { "char" _VFS_MNAMELEN } "f_mntonname" }
{ { "char" _VFS_MNAMELEN } "f_mntfromname" } ;
FUNCTION: int statvfs ( char* path, statvfs *buf ) ;
FUNCTION: int statvfs ( char* path, statvfs* buf ) ;