Also test the derivation variant of astar

Samuel Tardieu 2010-03-16 09:28:51 +01:00
parent 604ccb0a3a
commit db106486f1
1 changed files with 19 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ USING: arrays assocs astar combinators hashtables kernel literals math math.func
math.vectors sequences sorting splitting strings tools.test ;
IN: astar.tests
! Use a 10x9 maze (see below) to try to go from s to e, f or g.
! X means that a position is unreachable.
! The costs model is:
@ -13,6 +11,10 @@ IN: astar.tests
! - going down costs 1 point
! - going left or right costs 2 points
TUPLE: maze < astar ;
: reachable? ( pos -- ? )
first2 [ 2 * 5 + ] [ 2 + ] bi* $[
" 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
@ -28,20 +30,21 @@ IN: astar.tests
8 X X X X X X X X X X"
"\n" split ] nth nth CHAR: X = not ;
: neighbours ( pos -- neighbours )
{ [ 1 + 2array ] [ 1 - 2array ] [ [ 1 + ] dip 2array ] [ [ 1 - ] dip 2array ] } 2cleave
[ reachable? ] filter ;
M: maze neighbours
{ [ 1 + 2array ] [ 1 - 2array ] [ [ 1 + ] dip 2array ] [ [ 1 - ] dip 2array ] } 2cleave
[ reachable? ] filter ;
: heuristic ( from to -- cost )
v- [ abs ] [ + ] map-reduce ;
M: maze heuristic
drop v- [ abs ] [ + ] map-reduce ;
: cost ( from to -- cost )
2dup [ first ] bi@ = [ [ second ] bi@ > 1 5 ? ] [ 2drop 2 ] if ;
M: maze cost
drop 2dup [ first ] bi@ = [ [ second ] bi@ > 1 5 ? ] [ 2drop 2 ] if ;
: test1 ( to -- path considered )
{ 1 1 } swap [ neighbours ] [ cost ] [ heuristic ] <astar> [ find-path ] [ considered ] bi ;
{ 1 1 } swap maze new [ find-path ] [ considered ] bi ;
! Existing path from s to f
@ -73,8 +76,6 @@ IN: astar.tests
! Non-existing path from s to g -- all positions must have been considered
[ f 26 ] [ { 1 7 } test1 length ] unit-test
! Look for a path between A and C. The best path is A --> D --> C. C will be placed
! in the open set early because B will be examined first. This checks that the evaluation
! of C is correctly replaced in the open set.
@ -92,6 +93,10 @@ IN: astar.tests
! A ---> D ---------> E ---> F
! (2) (1) (1)
! In this version, we will use the quotations-aware version through <astar>.
: n ( pos -- neighbours )
$[ { "ABD" "BC" "C" "DCE" "ECF" } [ unclip swap 2array ] map >hashtable ] at ;