frp library
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Sam Anklesaria
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USING: ui.frp help.syntax help.markup monads sequences ;
IN: ui.frp
! Layout utilities
{ $description "Used in a series of gadgets created by a box, accumulating the gadget" } ;
HELP: ->
{ $description "Like " { $link , } "but passes its model on for further use." } ;
HELP: <hbox>
{ $syntax "[ gadget , gadget , ... ] <hbox>" }
{ $description "Creates an horizontal track containing the gadgets listed in the quotation" } ;
HELP: <vbox>
{ $syntax "[ gadget , gadget , ... ] <hbox>" }
{ $description "Creates an vertical track containing the gadgets listed in the quotation" } ;
! Gadgets
HELP: <model-button>
{ $description "Creates an button whose model updates on clicks" } ;
HELP: <merge>
{ $description "Creates a model that merges the updates of two others" } ;
HELP: <filter>
{ $description "Creates a model that uses the updates of another model when they satisfy a given predicate" } ;
HELP: <fold>
{ $description "Similar to " { $link reduce } " but works on models, applying a quotation to the previous and new values at each update" } ;
HELP: switch
{ $description "Creates a model that starts with the behavior of model1 and switches to the behavior of model2 on its update" } ;
ARTICLE: { "frp" "instances" } "FRP Instances"
"Models are all functors, as " { $link fmap } " corresponds directly to the " { $link "models.arrow" } " vocabulary. "
"Also, a gadget is a monad. Binding recieves a model and creates a new gadget." ;
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
USING: accessors arrays fry kernel models models.product
monads sequences ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.buttons ui.gadgets.tracks
ui.gadgets.tables ;
IN: ui.frp
! Layout utilities
GENERIC: , ( object -- )
M: gadget , make:, ;
M: model , activate-model ;
GENERIC: -> ( object -- model )
M: gadget -> dup make:, model>> ;
M: model -> dup , ;
: <box> ( models type -- track )
[ { } make:make ] dip <track> swap dup [ model>> ] map <product>
[ [ f track-add ] each ] dip >>model ; inline
: <hbox> ( models -- track ) horizontal <box> ; inline
: <vbox> ( models -- track ) vertical <box> ; inline
! Gadgets
: <frp-button> ( text -- button ) [ t swap set-control-value ] <bevel-button> f <model> >>model ;
TUPLE: frp-table < table quot ;
M: frp-table row-columns quot>> call( a -- b ) ;
: <frp-table> ( model quot -- table )
frp-table new-line-gadget dup >>renderer swap >>quot swap >>model
f <model> >>selected-value sans-serif-font >>font
focus-border-color >>focus-border-color
transparent >>column-line-color ;
! Model utilities
TUPLE: multi-model < model ;
! M: multi-model model-activated dup model-changed ;
: <multi-model> ( models kind -- model ) f swap new-model [ [ add-dependency ] curry each ] keep ;
TUPLE: merge-model < multi-model ;
M: merge-model model-changed [ value>> ] dip set-model ;
: <merge> ( models -- model ) merge-model <multi-model> ;
TUPLE: filter-model < multi-model quot ;
M: filter-model model-changed [ value>> ] dip [ quot>> call( val -- bool ) ] 2keep
[ set-model ] [ 2drop ] if ;
: <filter> ( model quot -- filter-model ) [ 1array filter-model <multi-model> ] dip >>quot ;
TUPLE: fold-model < multi-model oldval quot ;
M: fold-model model-changed [ [ value>> ] [ [ oldval>> ] [ quot>> ] bi ] bi*
call( val oldval -- newval ) ] keep set-model ;
: <fold> ( oldval quot model -- model' ) 1array fold-model <multi-model> swap >>quot swap >>oldval ;
TUPLE: switch-model < multi-model switcher on ;
M: switch-model model-changed tuck [ switcher>> = ] 2keep
'[ on>> [ _ value>> _ set-model ] when ] [ t swap (>>on) ] if ;
: switch ( signal1 signal2 -- signal' ) [ 2array switch-model <multi-model> ] keep >>switcher ;
TUPLE: mapped < model model quot ;
: <mapped> ( model quot -- arrow )
f mapped new-model
swap >>quot
over >>model
[ add-dependency ] keep ;
M: mapped model-changed
[ [ value>> ] [ quot>> ] bi* call( old -- new ) ] [ nip ] 2bi
set-model ;
! Instances
M: model fmap <mapped> ;
SINGLETON: gadget-monad
INSTANCE: gadget-monad monad
INSTANCE: gadget monad
M: gadget monad-of drop gadget-monad ;
M: gadget-monad return drop <gadget> swap >>model ;
M: gadget >>= model>> '[ _ swap call( x -- y ) ] ;
! ! list (model = Columns), listContent (model = contents)
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
USING: accessors arrays fry kernel models models.product
monads sequences ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.buttons ui.gadgets.tracks ;
IN: ui.frp
! Layout utilities
GENERIC: , ( object -- )
M: gadget , make:, ;
M: model , activate-model ;
GENERIC: -> ( object -- model )
M: gadget -> dup make:, model>> ;
M: model -> dup , ;
: <box> ( models type -- track )
[ { } make:make ] dip <track> swap dup [ model>> ] map <product>
[ [ f track-add ] each ] dip >>model ; inline
: <hbox> ( models -- track ) horizontal <box> ; inline
: <vbox> ( models -- track ) vertical <box> ; inline
! Gadgets
: <model-button> ( text -- button ) [ t swap set-control-value ] <button> f <model> >>model ;
! Model utilities
TUPLE: multi-model < model ;
! M: multi-model model-activated dup model-changed ;
: <multi-model> ( models kind -- model ) f swap new-model [ [ add-dependency ] curry each ] keep ;
TUPLE: merge-model < multi-model ;
M: merge-model model-changed [ value>> ] dip set-model ;
: <merge> ( models -- model ) merge-model <multi-model> ;
TUPLE: filter-model < multi-model quot ;
M: filter-model model-changed [ value>> ] dip [ quot>> call( val -- bool ) ] 2keep
[ set-model ] [ 2drop ] if ;
: <filter> ( model quot -- filter-model ) [ 1array filter-model <multi-model> ] dip >>quot ;
TUPLE: fold-model < multi-model oldval quot ;
M: fold-model model-changed [ [ value>> ] [ [ oldval>> ] [ quot>> ] bi ] bi*
call( val oldval -- newval ) ] keep set-model ;
: <fold> ( oldval quot model -- model' ) 1array fold-model <multi-model> swap >>quot swap >>oldval ;
TUPLE: switch-model < multi-model switcher on ;
M: switch-model model-changed tuck [ switcher>> = ] 2keep
'[ on>> [ _ value>> _ set-model ] when ] [ t swap (>>on) ] if ;
: switch ( signal1 signal2 -- signal' ) [ 2array switch-model <multi-model> ] keep >>switcher ;
TUPLE: mapped < model model quot ;
: <mapped> ( model quot -- arrow )
f mapped new-model
swap >>quot
over >>model
[ add-dependency ] keep ;
M: mapped model-changed
[ [ value>> ] [ quot>> ] bi* call( old -- new ) ] [ nip ] 2bi
set-model ;
! Instances
M: model fmap <mapped> ;
SINGLETON: gadget-monad
INSTANCE: gadget-monad monad
INSTANCE: gadget monad
M: gadget monad-of drop gadget-monad ;
M: gadget-monad return drop <gadget> swap >>model ;
M: gadget >>= model>> '[ _ swap call( x -- y ) ] ;
! ! list (model = Columns), listContent (model = contents)
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Utilities for functional reactive programming in user interfaces
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