Merge branch 'master' of git://
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
USING: help.syntax help.markup byte-arrays alien.c-types ;
IN: alien.arrays
ARTICLE: "c-arrays" "C arrays"
"C arrays are allocated in the same manner as other C data; see " { $link "c-byte-arrays" } " and " { $link "malloc" } "."
"C type specifiers for array types are documented in " { $link "c-types-specs" } "."
"Specialized sequences are provided for accessing memory as an array of primitive type values. These sequences are implemented in the " { $vocab-link "specialized-arrays" } " vocabulary set. They can also be loaded and constructed through their primitive C types:"
{ $subsection require-c-array }
{ $subsection <c-array> }
{ $subsection <c-direct-array> } ;
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ HELP: byte-length
{ $contract "Outputs the size of the byte array, struct, or specialized array data in bytes." } ;
HELP: heap-size
{ $values { "type" string } { "size" math:integer } }
{ $values { "name" "a C type name" } { "size" math:integer } }
{ $description "Outputs the number of bytes needed for a heap-allocated value of this C type." }
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: alien alien.c-types prettyprint ;\nint heap-size ." "4" }
@ -18,16 +18,16 @@ HELP: heap-size
{ $errors "Throws a " { $link no-c-type } " error if the type does not exist." } ;
HELP: stack-size
{ $values { "type" string } { "size" math:integer } }
{ $values { "name" "a C type name" } { "size" math:integer } }
{ $description "Outputs the number of bytes to reserve on the C stack by a value of this C type. In most cases this is equal to " { $link heap-size } ", except on some platforms where C structs are passed by invisible reference, in which case a C struct type only uses as much space as a pointer on the C stack." }
{ $errors "Throws a " { $link no-c-type } " error if the type does not exist." } ;
HELP: <c-type>
{ $values { "type" hashtable } }
{ $values { "c-type" c-type } }
{ $description "Creates a prototypical C type. User code should use higher-level facilities to define C types; see " { $link "c-data" } "." } ;
HELP: no-c-type
{ $values { "type" string } }
{ $values { "name" "a C type name" } }
{ $description "Throws a " { $link no-c-type } " error." }
{ $error-description "Thrown by " { $link c-type } " if a given string does not name a C type. When thrown during compile time, indicates a typo in an " { $link alien-invoke } " or " { $link alien-callback } " form." } ;
@ -35,32 +35,32 @@ HELP: c-types
{ $var-description "Global variable holding a hashtable mapping C type names to C types. Use the " { $link c-type } " word to look up C types." } ;
HELP: c-type
{ $values { "name" string } { "type" hashtable } }
{ $values { "name" "a C type" } { "c-type" c-type } }
{ $description "Looks up a C type by name." }
{ $errors "Throws a " { $link no-c-type } " error if the type does not exist." } ;
HELP: c-getter
{ $values { "name" string } { "quot" { $quotation "( c-ptr n -- obj )" } } }
{ $values { "name" "a C type" } { "quot" { $quotation "( c-ptr n -- obj )" } } }
{ $description "Outputs a quotation which reads values of this C type from a C structure." }
{ $errors "Throws a " { $link no-c-type } " error if the type does not exist." } ;
HELP: c-setter
{ $values { "name" string } { "quot" { $quotation "( obj c-ptr n -- )" } } }
{ $values { "name" "a C type" } { "quot" { $quotation "( obj c-ptr n -- )" } } }
{ $description "Outputs a quotation which writes values of this C type to a C structure." }
{ $errors "Throws an error if the type does not exist." } ;
HELP: box-parameter
{ $values { "n" math:integer } { "ctype" string } }
{ $values { "n" math:integer } { "c-type" "a C type" } }
{ $description "Generates code for converting a C value stored at offset " { $snippet "n" } " from the top of the stack into a Factor object to be pushed on the data stack." }
{ $notes "This is an internal word used by the compiler when compiling callbacks." } ;
HELP: box-return
{ $values { "ctype" string } }
{ $values { "c-type" "a C type" } }
{ $description "Generates code for converting a C value stored in return registers into a Factor object to be pushed on the data stack." }
{ $notes "This is an internal word used by the compiler when compiling alien calls." } ;
HELP: unbox-return
{ $values { "ctype" string } }
{ $values { "c-type" "a C type" } }
{ $description "Generates code for converting a Factor value on the data stack into a C value to be stored in the return registers." }
{ $notes "This is an internal word used by the compiler when compiling callbacks." } ;
@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ unboxer
{ rep initial: int-rep }
stack-align? ;
: <c-type> ( -- type )
\ c-type new ;
: <c-type> ( -- c-type )
\ c-type new ; inline
SYMBOL: c-types
@ -56,13 +56,14 @@ PREDICATE: c-type-word < word
UNION: c-type-name string word ;
! C type protocol
GENERIC: c-type ( name -- type ) foldable
GENERIC: c-type ( name -- c-type ) foldable
GENERIC: resolve-pointer-type ( name -- c-type )
M: word resolve-pointer-type
dup "pointer-c-type" word-prop
[ ] [ drop void* ] ?if ;
M: string resolve-pointer-type
dup "*" append dup c-types get at
[ nip ] [
@ -71,14 +72,14 @@ M: string resolve-pointer-type
[ resolve-pointer-type ] [ drop void* ] if
] if ;
: resolve-typedef ( name -- type )
: resolve-typedef ( name -- c-type )
dup c-type-name? [ c-type ] when ;
: parse-array-type ( name -- dims type )
: parse-array-type ( name -- dims c-type )
"[" split unclip
[ [ "]" ?tail drop string>number ] map ] dip ;
M: string c-type ( name -- type )
M: string c-type ( name -- c-type )
CHAR: ] over member? [
parse-array-type prefix
] [
@ -93,7 +94,7 @@ M: word c-type
: void? ( c-type -- ? )
{ void "void" } member? ;
GENERIC: c-struct? ( type -- ? )
GENERIC: c-struct? ( c-type -- ? )
M: object c-struct?
drop f ;
@ -169,33 +170,33 @@ M: c-type c-type-stack-align? stack-align?>> ;
M: c-type-name c-type-stack-align? c-type c-type-stack-align? ;
: c-type-box ( n type -- )
: c-type-box ( n c-type -- )
[ c-type-rep ] [ c-type-boxer [ "No boxer" throw ] unless* ] bi
%box ;
: c-type-unbox ( n ctype -- )
: c-type-unbox ( n c-type -- )
[ c-type-rep ] [ c-type-unboxer [ "No unboxer" throw ] unless* ] bi
%unbox ;
GENERIC: box-parameter ( n ctype -- )
GENERIC: box-parameter ( n c-type -- )
M: c-type box-parameter c-type-box ;
M: c-type-name box-parameter c-type box-parameter ;
GENERIC: box-return ( ctype -- )
GENERIC: box-return ( c-type -- )
M: c-type box-return f swap c-type-box ;
M: c-type-name box-return c-type box-return ;
GENERIC: unbox-parameter ( n ctype -- )
GENERIC: unbox-parameter ( n c-type -- )
M: c-type unbox-parameter c-type-unbox ;
M: c-type-name unbox-parameter c-type unbox-parameter ;
GENERIC: unbox-return ( ctype -- )
GENERIC: unbox-return ( c-type -- )
M: c-type unbox-return f swap c-type-unbox ;
@ -203,13 +204,13 @@ M: c-type-name unbox-return c-type unbox-return ;
: little-endian? ( -- ? ) 1 <int> *char 1 = ; foldable
GENERIC: heap-size ( type -- size ) foldable
GENERIC: heap-size ( name -- size ) foldable
M: c-type-name heap-size c-type heap-size ;
M: abstract-c-type heap-size size>> ;
GENERIC: stack-size ( type -- size ) foldable
GENERIC: stack-size ( name -- size ) foldable
M: c-type-name stack-size c-type stack-size ;
@ -236,7 +237,7 @@ MIXIN: value-type
[ "Cannot write struct fields with this type" throw ]
] unless* ;
: array-accessor ( type quot -- def )
: array-accessor ( c-type quot -- def )
\ swap , [ heap-size , [ * >fixnum ] % ] [ % ] bi*
] [ ] make ;
@ -262,19 +263,19 @@ M: word typedef ( old new -- )
TUPLE: long-long-type < c-type ;
: <long-long-type> ( -- type )
: <long-long-type> ( -- c-type )
long-long-type new ;
M: long-long-type unbox-parameter ( n type -- )
M: long-long-type unbox-parameter ( n c-type -- )
c-type-unboxer %unbox-long-long ;
M: long-long-type unbox-return ( type -- )
M: long-long-type unbox-return ( c-type -- )
f swap unbox-parameter ;
M: long-long-type box-parameter ( n type -- )
M: long-long-type box-parameter ( n c-type -- )
c-type-boxer %box-long-long ;
M: long-long-type box-return ( type -- )
M: long-long-type box-return ( c-type -- )
f swap box-parameter ;
: define-deref ( name -- )
@ -286,13 +287,13 @@ M: long-long-type box-return ( type -- )
[ dup c-setter '[ _ heap-size <byte-array> [ 0 @ ] keep ] ] bi
(( value -- c-ptr )) define-inline ;
: define-primitive-type ( type name -- )
: define-primitive-type ( c-type name -- )
[ typedef ]
[ name>> define-deref ]
[ name>> define-out ]
tri ;
: if-void ( type true false -- )
: if-void ( c-type true false -- )
pick void? [ drop nip call ] [ nip call ] if ; inline
CONSTANT: primitive-types
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
USING: alien alien.c-types help.syntax help.markup libc kernel.private
byte-arrays math strings hashtables alien.syntax alien.strings sequences
io.encodings.string debugger destructors vocabs.loader ;
USING: alien alien.c-types help.syntax help.markup libc
kernel.private byte-arrays math strings hashtables alien.syntax
alien.strings sequences io.encodings.string debugger destructors
vocabs.loader classes.struct ;
HELP: <c-array>
@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ HELP: byte-array>memory
{ $warning "This word is unsafe. Improper use can corrupt memory." } ;
HELP: malloc-array
{ $values { "n" "a non-negative integer" } { "type" "a C type" } { "alien" alien } }
{ $values { "n" "a non-negative integer" } { "type" "a C type" } { "array" "a specialized array" } }
{ $description "Allocates an unmanaged memory block large enough to hold " { $snippet "n" } " values of a C type, then wraps the memory in a sequence object using " { $link <c-direct-array> } "." }
{ $notes "The appropriate specialized array vocabulary must be loaded; otherwise, an error will be thrown. The vocabulary can be loaded with the " { $link require-c-array } " word. See the " { $vocab-link "specialized-arrays" } " vocabulary for details on the underlying sequence type constructed." }
{ $warning "Don't forget to deallocate the memory with a call to " { $link free } "." }
@ -53,8 +54,8 @@ ARTICLE: "malloc" "Manual memory management"
"Allocating a C datum with a fixed address:"
{ $subsection malloc-object }
{ $subsection malloc-array }
{ $subsection malloc-byte-array }
{ $subsection malloc-file-contents }
"There is a set of words in the " { $vocab-link "libc" } " vocabulary which directly call C standard library memory management functions:"
{ $subsection malloc }
{ $subsection calloc }
@ -73,26 +74,31 @@ $nl
"You can copy a byte array to memory unsafely:"
{ $subsection byte-array>memory } ;
ARTICLE: "c-byte-arrays" "Passing data in byte arrays"
"Instances of the " { $link byte-array } " class can be passed to C functions; the C function receives a pointer to the first element of the array."
"Byte arrays can be allocated directly with a byte count using the " { $link <byte-array> } " word. However in most cases, instead of computing a size in bytes directly, it is easier to use a higher-level word which expects C type and outputs a byte array large enough to hold that type:"
{ $subsection <c-object> }
{ $subsection <c-array> }
ARTICLE: "c-pointers" "Passing pointers to C functions"
"The following Factor objects may be passed to C function parameters with pointer types:"
{ $list
{ "Instances of " { $link alien } "." }
{ "Instances of " { $link f } "; this is interpreted as a null pointer." }
{ "Instances of " { $link byte-array } "; the C function receives a pointer to the first element of the array." }
{ "Any data type which defines a method on " { $link >c-ptr } " that returns an instance of one of the above. This includes " { $link "classes.struct" } " and " { $link "specialized-arrays" } "." }
"The class of primitive C pointer types:"
{ $subsection c-ptr }
"A generic word for converting any object to a C pointer; user-defined types may add methods to this generic word:"
{ $subsection >c-ptr }
"More about the " { $link alien } " type:"
{ $subsection "aliens" }
{ $warning
"The Factor garbage collector can move byte arrays around, and code passing byte arrays to C must obey important guidelines. See " { $link "byte-arrays-gc" } "." }
{ $see-also "c-arrays" } ;
"The Factor garbage collector can move byte arrays around, and code passing byte arrays, or objects backed by byte arrays, must obey important guidelines. See " { $link "byte-arrays-gc" } "." } ;
ARTICLE: "c-data" "Passing data between Factor and C"
"Two defining characteristics of Factor are dynamic typing and automatic memory management, which are somewhat incompatible with the machine-level data model exposed by C. Factor's C library interface defines its own set of C data types, distinct from Factor language types, together with automatic conversion between Factor values and C types. For example, C integer types must be declared and are fixed-width, whereas Factor supports arbitrary-precision integers."
"Furthermore, Factor's garbage collector can move objects in memory; for a discussion of the consequences, see " { $link "byte-arrays-gc" } "."
{ $subsection "c-types-specs" }
{ $subsection "c-byte-arrays" }
{ $subsection "c-pointers" }
{ $subsection "malloc" }
{ $subsection "c-strings" }
{ $subsection "c-arrays" }
{ $subsection "c-out-params" }
"Important guidelines for passing data in byte arrays:"
{ $subsection "byte-arrays-gc" }
@ -100,12 +106,10 @@ $nl
{ $subsection POSTPONE: C-ENUM: }
"C types can be aliased for convenience and consitency with native library documentation:"
{ $subsection POSTPONE: TYPEDEF: }
"New C types can be defined:"
{ $subsection "c-structs" }
{ $subsection "c-unions" }
"A utility for defining " { $link "destructors" } " for deallocating memory:"
{ $subsection "alien.destructors" }
{ $see-also "aliens" } ;
"C struct and union types can be defined with " { $link POSTPONE: STRUCT: } " and " { $link POSTPONE: UNION: } ". See " { $link "classes.struct" } " for details. For passing arrays to and from C, use the " { $link "specialized-arrays" } " vocabulary." ;
HELP: malloc-string
{ $values { "string" string } { "encoding" "an encoding descriptor" } { "alien" c-ptr } }
{ $description "Encodes a string together with a trailing null code point using the given encoding, and stores the resulting bytes in a freshly-allocated unmanaged memory block." }
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ GENERIC: <c-direct-array> ( alien len c-type -- array )
M: c-type-name <c-direct-array>
c-direct-array-constructor execute( alien len -- array ) ; inline
: malloc-array ( n type -- alien )
: malloc-array ( n type -- array )
[ heap-size calloc ] [ <c-direct-array> ] 2bi ; inline
: (malloc-array) ( n type -- alien )
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Slava Pestov
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
! Copyright (C) 2005, 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays kernel kernel.private math namespaces
make sequences strings words effects combinators alien.c-types ;
IN: alien.structs.fields
TUPLE: field-spec name offset type reader writer ;
: reader-word ( class name vocab -- word )
[ "-" glue ] dip create dup make-deprecated ;
: writer-word ( class name vocab -- word )
[ [ swap "set-" % % "-" % % ] "" make ] dip create dup make-deprecated ;
: <field-spec> ( struct-name vocab type field-name -- spec )
field-spec new
0 >>offset
swap >>name
swap >>type
3dup name>> swap reader-word >>reader
3dup name>> swap writer-word >>writer
2nip ;
: align-offset ( offset type -- offset )
c-type-align align ;
: struct-offsets ( specs -- size )
0 [
[ type>> align-offset ] keep
[ (>>offset) ] [ type>> heap-size + ] 2bi
] reduce ;
: define-struct-slot-word ( word quot spec effect -- )
[ offset>> prefix ] dip define-inline ;
: define-getter ( spec -- )
[ reader>> ] [ type>> c-type-getter-boxer ] [ ] tri
(( c-ptr -- value )) define-struct-slot-word ;
: define-setter ( spec -- )
[ writer>> ] [ type>> c-setter ] [ ] tri
(( value c-ptr -- )) define-struct-slot-word ;
: define-field ( spec -- )
[ define-getter ] [ define-setter ] bi ;
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Struct field implementation and reflection support
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
USING: alien.c-types strings help.markup help.syntax alien.syntax
sequences io arrays kernel words assocs namespaces ;
IN: alien.structs
ARTICLE: "c-structs" "C structure types"
"A " { $snippet "struct" } " in C is essentially a block of memory with the value of each structure field stored at a fixed offset from the start of the block. The C library interface provides some utilities to define words which read and write structure fields given a base address."
{ $subsection POSTPONE: C-STRUCT: }
"Great care must be taken when working with C structures since no type or bounds checking is possible."
"An example:"
{ $code
"C-STRUCT: XVisualInfo"
" { \"Visual*\" \"visual\" }"
" { \"VisualID\" \"visualid\" }"
" { \"int\" \"screen\" }"
" { \"uint\" \"depth\" }"
" { \"int\" \"class\" }"
" { \"ulong\" \"red_mask\" }"
" { \"ulong\" \"green_mask\" }"
" { \"ulong\" \"blue_mask\" }"
" { \"int\" \"colormap_size\" }"
" { \"int\" \"bits_per_rgb\" } ;"
"C structure objects can be allocated by calling " { $link <c-object> } " or " { $link malloc-object } "."
"Arrays of C structures can be created with the " { $vocab-link "specialized-arrays" } " vocabulary." ;
ARTICLE: "c-unions" "C unions"
"A " { $snippet "union" } " in C defines a type large enough to hold its largest member. This is usually used to allocate a block of memory which can hold one of several types of values."
{ $subsection POSTPONE: C-UNION: }
"C union objects can be allocated by calling " { $link <c-object> } " or " { $link malloc-object } "."
"Arrays of C unions can be created with the " { $vocab-link "specialized-arrays" } " vocabulary." ;
@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
USING: alien alien.syntax alien.c-types kernel tools.test
sequences system libc words vocabs namespaces layouts ;
IN: alien.structs.tests
{ "int" "x" }
{ { "int" 8 } "y" } ;
[ 36 ] [ "bar" heap-size ] unit-test
[ t ] [ \ <displaced-alien> "bar" c-type-getter memq? ] unit-test
C-STRUCT: align-test
{ "int" "x" }
{ "double" "y" } ;
os winnt? cpu x86? and [
[ 16 ] [ "align-test" heap-size ] unit-test
cell 4 = [
{ "long" "a" } { "double" "b" } { "int" "c" } ;
[ 24 ] [ "one" heap-size ] unit-test
] when
] when
C-STRUCT: foox
{ { "int" MAX_FOOS } "x" } ;
[ 120 ] [ "foox" heap-size ] unit-test
C-UNION: barx
{ "int" MAX_FOOS }
"float" ;
[ 120 ] [ "barx" heap-size ] unit-test
"help" vocab [
"print-topic" "help" lookup "help" set
[ ] [ \ foox-x "help" get execute ] unit-test
[ ] [ \ set-foox-x "help" get execute ] unit-test
] when
C-STRUCT: nested
{ "int" "x" } ;
C-STRUCT: nested-2
{ "nested" "y" } ;
[ 4 ] [
"nested-2" <c-object>
"nested" <c-object>
4 over set-nested-x
over set-nested-2-y
] unit-test
@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
! Copyright (C) 2004, 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays assocs generic hashtables kernel kernel.private
math namespaces parser sequences strings words libc fry
alien.c-types alien.structs.fields cpu.architecture math.order
quotations byte-arrays ;
IN: alien.structs
TUPLE: struct-type < abstract-c-type fields return-in-registers? ;
INSTANCE: struct-type value-type
M: struct-type c-type ;
M: struct-type c-type-stack-align? drop f ;
: if-value-struct ( ctype true false -- )
[ dup value-struct? ] 2dip '[ drop void* @ ] if ; inline
M: struct-type unbox-parameter
[ %unbox-large-struct ] [ unbox-parameter ] if-value-struct ;
M: struct-type box-parameter
[ %box-large-struct ] [ box-parameter ] if-value-struct ;
: if-small-struct ( c-type true false -- ? )
[ dup return-struct-in-registers? ] 2dip '[ f swap @ ] if ; inline
M: struct-type unbox-return
[ %unbox-small-struct ] [ %unbox-large-struct ] if-small-struct ;
M: struct-type box-return
[ %box-small-struct ] [ %box-large-struct ] if-small-struct ;
M: struct-type stack-size
[ heap-size ] [ stack-size ] if-value-struct ;
M: struct-type c-struct? drop t ;
: (define-struct) ( name size align fields class -- )
[ [ align ] keep ] 2dip new
byte-array >>class
byte-array >>boxed-class
swap >>fields
swap >>align
swap >>size
swap typedef ;
: make-fields ( name vocab fields -- fields )
[ first2 <field-spec> ] with with map ;
: compute-struct-align ( types -- n )
[ c-type-align ] [ max ] map-reduce ;
: define-struct ( name vocab fields -- )
[ 2drop ] [ make-fields ] 3bi
[ struct-offsets ] keep
[ [ type>> ] map compute-struct-align ] keep
[ struct-type (define-struct) ] keep
[ define-field ] each ; deprecated
: define-union ( name members -- )
[ [ heap-size ] [ max ] map-reduce ] keep
compute-struct-align f struct-type (define-struct) ; deprecated
: offset-of ( field struct -- offset )
c-types get at fields>>
[ name>> = ] with find nip offset>> ;
USE: vocabs.loader
"specialized-arrays" require
@ -1 +0,0 @@
C structure support
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
IN: alien.syntax
USING: alien alien.c-types alien.parser alien.structs
classes.struct help.markup help.syntax ;
USING: alien alien.c-types alien.parser classes.struct help.markup help.syntax ;
{ $syntax "DLL\" path\"" }
@ -54,21 +53,6 @@ HELP: TYPEDEF:
{ $description "Aliases the C type " { $snippet "old" } " under the name " { $snippet "new" } " if ." }
{ $notes "This word differs from " { $link typedef } " in that it runs at parse time, to ensure correct ordering of operations when loading source files. Words defined in source files are compiled before top-level forms are run, so if a source file defines C binding words and uses " { $link typedef } ", the type alias won't be available at compile time." } ;
{ $deprecated "New code should use " { $link "classes.struct" } ". See the " { $link POSTPONE: STRUCT: } " word." }
{ $syntax "C-STRUCT: name pairs... ;" }
{ $values { "name" "a new C type name" } { "pairs" "C type / field name string pairs" } }
{ $description "Defines a C struct layout and accessor words." }
{ $notes "C type names are documented in " { $link "c-types-specs" } "." } ;
{ $deprecated "New code should use " { $link "classes.struct" } ". See the " { $link POSTPONE: UNION-STRUCT: } " word." }
{ $syntax "C-UNION: name members... ;" }
{ $values { "name" "a new C type name" } { "members" "a sequence of C types" } }
{ $description "Defines a new C type sized to fit its largest member." }
{ $notes "C type names are documented in " { $link "c-types-specs" } "." }
{ $examples { $code "C-UNION: event \"active-event\" \"keyboard-event\" \"mouse-event\" ;" } } ;
{ $syntax "C-ENUM: words... ;" }
{ $values { "words" "a sequence of word names" } }
@ -130,8 +114,8 @@ HELP: typedef
{ POSTPONE: TYPEDEF: typedef } related-words
HELP: c-struct?
{ $values { "type" "a string" } { "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Tests if a C type is a structure defined by " { $link POSTPONE: C-STRUCT: } "." } ;
{ $values { "c-type" "a C type name" } { "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Tests if a C type is a structure defined by " { $link POSTPONE: STRUCT: } "." } ;
HELP: define-function
{ $values { "return" "a C return type" } { "library" "a logical library name" } { "function" "a C function name" } { "parameters" "a sequence of C parameter types" } }
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
! Copyright (C) 2005, 2009 Slava Pestov, Alex Chapman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays alien alien.c-types alien.structs
USING: accessors arrays alien alien.c-types
alien.arrays alien.strings kernel math namespaces parser
sequences words quotations math.parser splitting grouping
effects assocs combinators lexer strings.parser alien.parser
@ -27,12 +27,6 @@ SYNTAX: STDCALL-CALLBACK:
scan-c-type CREATE-C-TYPE typedef ;
scan current-vocab parse-definition define-struct ; deprecated
scan parse-definition define-union ; deprecated
";" parse-tokens
[ [ create-in ] dip define-constant ] each-index ;
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ ARTICLE: "bit-arrays" "Bit arrays"
"Bit array words are in the " { $vocab-link "bit-arrays" } " vocabulary."
"Bit arrays play a special role in the C library interface; they can be used to pass binary data back and forth between Factor and C. See " { $link "c-byte-arrays" } "."
"Bit arrays play a special role in the C library interface; they can be used to pass binary data back and forth between Factor and C. See " { $link "c-pointers" } "."
"Bit arrays form a class of objects:"
{ $subsection bit-array }
@ -95,9 +95,36 @@ HELP: struct
HELP: struct-class
{ $class-description "The metaclass of all " { $link struct } " classes." } ;
ARTICLE: "classes.struct" "Struct classes"
{ $link struct } " classes are similar to " { $link tuple } "s, but their slots exhibit value semantics, and they are backed by a contiguous structured block of memory. Structs can be used for structured access to C memory or Factor byte arrays and for passing struct values in and out of the FFI. Struct types are defined using a syntax similar to tuple syntax:"
ARTICLE: "classes.struct.examples" "Struct class examples"
"A struct with a variety of fields:"
{ $code
"USING: alien.c-types classes.struct ;"
"STRUCT: test-struct"
" { i int }"
" { chicken char[16] }"
" { data void* } ;"
"Creating a new instance of this struct, and printing out:"
{ $code "test-struct <struct> ." }
"Creating a new instance with slots initialized from the stack:"
{ $code
"USING: libc specialized-arrays ;"
"\"Hello, chicken.\" >char-array"
"1024 malloc"
"test-struct <struct-boa> ."
} ;
ARTICLE: "classes.struct.define" "Defining struct classes"
"Struct classes are defined using a syntax similar to the " { $link POSTPONE: TUPLE: } " syntax for defining tuple classes:"
{ $subsection POSTPONE: STRUCT: }
"Union structs are also supported, which behave like structs but share the same memory for all the slots."
{ $subsection POSTPONE: UNION-STRUCT: } ;
ARTICLE: "classes.struct.create" "Creating instances of structs"
"Structs can be allocated with " { $link new } "- and " { $link boa } "-like constructor words. Additional words are provided for building structs from C memory and from existing buffers:"
{ $subsection <struct> }
{ $subsection <struct-boa> }
@ -106,10 +133,40 @@ ARTICLE: "classes.struct" "Struct classes"
"When the contents of a struct will be immediately reset, faster primitive words are available that will create a struct without initializing its contents:"
{ $subsection (struct) }
{ $subsection (malloc-struct) }
"Structs have literal syntax like tuples:"
{ $subsection POSTPONE: S{ }
"Union structs are also supported, which behave like structs but share the same memory for all the type's slots."
{ $subsection POSTPONE: UNION-STRUCT: }
"Structs have literal syntax, similar to " { $link POSTPONE: T{ } " for tuples:"
{ $subsection POSTPONE: S{ } ;
ARTICLE: "classes.struct.c" "Passing structs to C functions"
"Structs can be passed and returned by value, or by reference."
"If a parameter is declared with a struct type, the parameter is passed by value. To pass a struct by reference, declare a parameter with a pointer to struct type."
"If a C function is declared as returning a struct type, the struct is returned by value, and wrapped in an instance of the correct struct class automatically. If a C function is declared as returning a pointer to a struct, it will return an " { $link alien } " instance. This is because there is no way to distinguish between a pointer to a single struct and a pointer to an array of zero or more structs. It is up to the caller to wrap it in a struct, or a specialized array of structs, respectively."
"An example of a struct declaration:"
{ $code
"USING: alien.c-types classes.struct ;"
"STRUCT: Point"
" { x int }"
" { y int }"
" { z int } ;"
"A C function which returns a struct by value:"
{ $code
"USING: alien.syntax ;"
"FUNCTION: Point give_me_a_point ( char* description ) ;"
"A C function which takes a struct parameter by reference:"
{ $code
"FUNCTION: void print_point ( Point* p ) ;"
} ;
ARTICLE: "classes.struct" "Struct classes"
{ $link struct } " classes are similar to " { $link tuple } "s, but their slots exhibit value semantics, and they are backed by a contiguous structured block of memory. Structs can be used for structured access to C memory or Factor byte arrays and for passing struct values in and out of the FFI."
{ $subsection "classes.struct.examples" }
{ $subsection "classes.struct.define" }
{ $subsection "classes.struct.create" }
{ $subsection "classes.struct.c" } ;
ABOUT: "classes.struct"
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ USING: namespaces make math math.order math.parser sequences accessors
kernel kernel.private layouts assocs words summary arrays
combinators classes.algebra alien alien.c-types
alien.strings alien.arrays alien.complex alien.libraries sets libc
continuations.private fry cpu.architecture classes locals
continuations.private fry cpu.architecture classes classes.struct locals
source-files.errors slots parser generic.parser
@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ compiler.cfg.registers
compiler.utilities ;
QUALIFIED: classes.struct
QUALIFIED: alien.structs
IN: compiler.codegen
SYMBOL: insn-counts
@ -331,10 +329,7 @@ GENERIC: flatten-value-type ( type -- types )
M: object flatten-value-type 1array ;
M: alien.structs:struct-type flatten-value-type ( type -- types )
stack-size cell align (flatten-int-type) ;
M: classes.struct:struct-c-type flatten-value-type ( type -- types )
M: struct-c-type flatten-value-type ( type -- types )
stack-size cell align (flatten-int-type) ;
M: long-long-type flatten-value-type ( type -- types )
@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays sequences math splitting make assocs kernel
layouts system alien.c-types cpu.architecture
layouts system alien.c-types classes.struct cpu.architecture
cpu.x86.assembler cpu.x86.assembler.operands cpu.x86 compiler.codegen
compiler.cfg.registers ;
QUALIFIED: alien.structs
QUALIFIED: classes.struct
IN: cpu.x86.64.unix
M: int-regs param-regs
@ -48,9 +46,7 @@ stack-params \ (stack-value) c-type (>>rep) >>
] if ;
M: alien.structs:struct-type flatten-value-type ( type -- seq )
flatten-struct ;
M: classes.struct:struct-c-type flatten-value-type ( type -- seq )
M: struct-c-type flatten-value-type ( type -- seq )
flatten-struct ;
M: x86.64 return-struct-in-registers? ( c-type -- ? )
@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ HELP: textual-list
{ $values { "seq" "a sequence" } { "quot" { $quotation "( elt -- )" } } }
{ $description "Applies the quotation to each element of the sequence, printing a comma between each pair of elements." }
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: help.markup io ;" "{ \"fish\" \"chips\" \"salt\" } [ write ] textual-list" "fish, chips, salt" }
{ $example "USING: help.markup io namespaces ;" "last-element off" "{ \"fish\" \"chips\" \"salt\" } [ write ] textual-list" "fish, chips, salt" }
} ;
HELP: $links
@ -21,6 +21,45 @@ ARTICLE: "specialized-array-words" "Specialized array words"
"Behind the scenes, these words are placed in a vocabulary named " { $snippet "specialized-arrays.instances.T" } ", however this vocabulary should not be placed in a " { $link POSTPONE: USING: } " form directly. Instead, always use " { $link POSTPONE: SPECIALIZED-ARRAY: } ". This ensures that the vocabulary can get generated the first time it is needed." ;
ARTICLE: "specialized-array-c" "Passing specialized arrays to C functions"
"If a C function is declared as taking a parameter with a pointer or an array type (for example, " { $snippet "float*" } " or " { $snippet "int[3]" } "), instances of the relevant specialized array can be passed in."
"C type specifiers for array types are documented in " { $link "c-types-specs" } "."
"Here is an example; as is common with C functions, the array length is passed in separately, since C does not offer a runtime facility to determine the array length of a base pointer:"
{ $code
"USING: alien.syntax specialized-arrays ;"
"FUNCTION: void process_data ( int* data, int len ) ;"
"int-array{ 10 20 30 } dup length process_data"
"Literal specialized arrays, as well as specialized arrays created with " { $snippet "<T-array>" } " and " { $snippet ">T-array" } " are backed by a " { $link byte-array } " in the Factor heap, and can move as a result of garbage collection. If this is unsuitable, the array can be allocated in unmanaged memory instead."
"In the following example, it is presumed that the C library holds on to a pointer to the array's data after the " { $snippet "init_with_data()" } " call returns; this is one situation where unmanaged memory has to be used instead. Note the use of destructors to ensure the memory is deallocated after the block ends:"
{ $code
"USING: alien.syntax specialized-arrays ;"
"FUNCTION: void init_with_data ( float* data, int len ) ;"
"FUNCTION: float compute_result ( ) ;"
" 100 malloc-float-array &free"
" dup length init_with_data"
" compute_result"
"] with-destructors"
"Finally, sometimes a C library returns a pointer to an array in unmanaged memory, together with a length. In this case, a specialized array can be constructed to view this memory using " { $snippet "<direct-T-array>" } ":"
{ $code
"USING: alien.c-types classes.struct ;"
"STRUCT: device_info"
" { id int }"
" { name char* } ;"
"FUNCTION: void get_device_info ( int* length ) ;"
"0 <int> [ get_device_info ] keep <direct-int-array> ."
"For a full discussion of Factor heap allocation versus unmanaged memory allocation, see " { $link "byte-arrays-gc" } "."
"Each specialized array has a " { $slot "underlying" } " slot holding a " { $link byte-array } " with the raw data. Passing a specialized array as a parameter to a C function call will automatically extract the underlying data. To get at the underlying data directly, call the " { $link >c-ptr } " word on a specialized array." ;
ARTICLE: "specialized-array-math" "Vector arithmetic with specialized arrays"
@ -42,7 +81,7 @@ ARTICLE: "specialized-arrays" "Specialized arrays"
"A specialized array type needs to be generated for each element type. This is done with a parsing word:"
"This parsing word adds new words to the search path:"
"This parsing word adds new words to the search path, documented in the next section."
{ $subsection "specialized-array-words" }
{ $subsection "specialized-array-c" }
{ $subsection "specialized-array-math" }
@ -261,7 +261,6 @@ $nl
"C library interface words are found in the " { $vocab-link "alien" } " vocabulary."
{ $warning "C does not perform runtime type checking, automatic memory management or array bounds checks. Incorrect usage of C library functions can lead to crashes, data corruption, and security exploits." }
{ $subsection "loading-libs" }
{ $subsection "aliens" }
{ $subsection "alien-invoke" }
{ $subsection "alien-callback" }
{ $subsection "c-data" }
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ ARTICLE: "byte-arrays" "Byte arrays"
"Byte array words are in the " { $vocab-link "byte-arrays" } " vocabulary."
"Byte arrays play a special role in the C library interface; they can be used to pass binary data back and forth between Factor and C. See " { $link "c-byte-arrays" } "."
"Byte arrays play a special role in the C library interface; they can be used to pass binary data back and forth between Factor and C. See " { $link "c-pointers" } "."
"Byte arrays form a class of objects."
{ $subsection byte-array }
@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007 Chris Double.
! See for BSD license.
IN: ogg
"ogg" {
{ [ os winnt? ] [ "ogg.dll" ] }
{ [ os macosx? ] [ "libogg.0.dylib" ] }
{ [ os unix? ] [ "" ] }
} cond "cdecl" add-library
STRUCT: oggpack-buffer
{ endbyte long }
{ endbit int }
{ buffer uchar* }
{ ptr uchar* }
{ storage long } ;
STRUCT: ogg-page
{ header uchar* }
{ header_len long }
{ body uchar* }
{ body_len long } ;
STRUCT: ogg-stream-state
{ body_data uchar* }
{ body_storage long }
{ body_fill long }
{ body_returned long }
{ lacing_vals int* }
{ granule_vals longlong* }
{ lacing_storage long }
{ lacing_fill long }
{ lacing_packet long }
{ lacing_returned long }
{ header { uchar 282 } }
{ header_fill int }
{ e_o_s int }
{ b_o_s int }
{ serialno long }
{ pageno long }
{ packetno longlong }
{ granulepos longlong } ;
STRUCT: ogg-packet
{ packet uchar* }
{ bytes long }
{ b_o_s long }
{ e_o_s long }
{ granulepos longlong }
{ packetno longlong } ;
STRUCT: ogg-sync-state
{ data uchar* }
{ storage int }
{ fill int }
{ returned int }
{ unsynced int }
{ headerbytes int }
{ bodybytes int } ;
FUNCTION: void oggpack_writeinit ( oggpack-buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpack_writetrunc ( oggpack-buffer* b, long bits ) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpack_writealign ( oggpack-buffer* b) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpack_writecopy ( oggpack-buffer* b, void* source, long bits ) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpack_reset ( oggpack-buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpack_writeclear ( oggpack-buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpack_readinit ( oggpack-buffer* b, uchar* buf, int bytes ) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpack_write ( oggpack-buffer* b, ulong value, int bits ) ;
FUNCTION: long oggpack_look ( oggpack-buffer* b, int bits ) ;
FUNCTION: long oggpack_look1 ( oggpack-buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpack_adv ( oggpack-buffer* b, int bits ) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpack_adv1 ( oggpack-buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: long oggpack_read ( oggpack-buffer* b, int bits ) ;
FUNCTION: long oggpack_read1 ( oggpack-buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: long oggpack_bytes ( oggpack-buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: long oggpack_bits ( oggpack-buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: uchar* oggpack_get_buffer ( oggpack-buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpackB_writeinit ( oggpack-buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpackB_writetrunc ( oggpack-buffer* b, long bits ) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpackB_writealign ( oggpack-buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpackB_writecopy ( oggpack-buffer* b, void* source, long bits ) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpackB_reset ( oggpack-buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpackB_writeclear ( oggpack-buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpackB_readinit ( oggpack-buffer* b, uchar* buf, int bytes ) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpackB_write ( oggpack-buffer* b, ulong value, int bits ) ;
FUNCTION: long oggpackB_look ( oggpack-buffer* b, int bits ) ;
FUNCTION: long oggpackB_look1 ( oggpack-buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpackB_adv ( oggpack-buffer* b, int bits ) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpackB_adv1 ( oggpack-buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: long oggpackB_read ( oggpack-buffer* b, int bits ) ;
FUNCTION: long oggpackB_read1 ( oggpack-buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: long oggpackB_bytes ( oggpack-buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: long oggpackB_bits ( oggpack-buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: uchar* oggpackB_get_buffer ( oggpack-buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_stream_packetin ( ogg-stream-state* os, ogg-packet* op ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_stream_pageout ( ogg-stream-state* os, ogg-page* og ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_stream_flush ( ogg-stream-state* os, ogg-page* og ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_sync_init ( ogg-sync-state* oy ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_sync_clear ( ogg-sync-state* oy ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_sync_reset ( ogg-sync-state* oy ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_sync_destroy ( ogg-sync-state* oy ) ;
FUNCTION: void* ogg_sync_buffer ( ogg-sync-state* oy, long size ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_sync_wrote ( ogg-sync-state* oy, long bytes ) ;
FUNCTION: long ogg_sync_pageseek ( ogg-sync-state* oy, ogg-page* og ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_sync_pageout ( ogg-sync-state* oy, ogg-page* og ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_stream_pagein ( ogg-stream-state* os, ogg-page* og ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_stream_packetout ( ogg-stream-state* os, ogg-packet* op ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_stream_packetpeek ( ogg-stream-state* os, ogg-packet* op ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_stream_init (ogg-stream-state* os, int serialno ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_stream_clear ( ogg-stream-state* os ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_stream_reset ( ogg-stream-state* os ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_stream_reset_serialno ( ogg-stream-state* os, int serialno ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_stream_destroy ( ogg-stream-state* os ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_stream_eos ( ogg-stream-state* os ) ;
FUNCTION: void ogg_page_checksum_set ( ogg-page* og ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_page_version ( ogg-page* og ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_page_continued ( ogg-page* og ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_page_bos ( ogg-page* og ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_page_eos ( ogg-page* og ) ;
FUNCTION: longlong ogg_page_granulepos ( ogg-page* og ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_page_serialno ( ogg-page* og ) ;
FUNCTION: long ogg_page_pageno ( ogg-page* og ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_page_packets ( ogg-page* og ) ;
FUNCTION: void ogg_packet_clear ( ogg-packet* op ) ;
@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007 Chris Double.
! See for BSD license.
IN: ogg.theora
"theoradec" {
{ [ os winnt? ] [ "theoradec.dll" ] }
{ [ os macosx? ] [ "libtheoradec.0.dylib" ] }
{ [ os unix? ] [ "" ] }
} cond "cdecl" add-library
"theoraenc" {
{ [ os winnt? ] [ "theoraenc.dll" ] }
{ [ os macosx? ] [ "libtheoraenc.0.dylib" ] }
{ [ os unix? ] [ "" ] }
} cond "cdecl" add-library
TYPEDEF: int th-colorspace
TYPEDEF: int th-pixelformat
STRUCT: th-img-plane
{ width int }
{ height int }
{ stride int }
{ data uchar* }
TYPEDEF: th-img-plane[3] th-ycbcr-buffer
STRUCT: th-info
{ version-major uchar }
{ version-minor uchar }
{ version-subminor uchar }
{ frame-width uint }
{ frame-height uint }
{ pic-width uint }
{ pic-height uint }
{ pic-x uint }
{ pic-y uint }
{ fps-numerator uint }
{ fps-denominator uint }
{ aspect-numerator uint }
{ aspect-denominator uint }
{ colorspace th-colorspace }
{ pixel-fmt th-pixelformat }
{ target-bitrate int }
{ quality int }
{ keyframe-granule-shift int }
STRUCT: th-comment
{ user-comments char** }
{ comment-lengths int* }
{ comments int }
{ vendor char* }
TYPEDEF: uchar[64] th-quant-base
STRUCT: th-quant-ranges
{ nranges int }
{ sizes int* }
{ base-matrices th-quant-base* }
STRUCT: th-quant-info
{ dc-scale { short 64 } }
{ ac-scale { short 64 } }
{ loop-filter-limits { uchar 64 } }
{ qi-ranges { th-quant-ranges 2 3 } }
STRUCT: th-huff-code
{ pattern int }
{ nbits int }
LIBRARY: theoradec
FUNCTION: char* th_version_string ( ) ;
FUNCTION: uint th_version_number ( ) ;
FUNCTION: longlong th_granule_frame ( void* encdec, longlong granpos) ;
FUNCTION: int th_packet_isheader ( ogg-packet* op ) ;
FUNCTION: int th_packet_iskeyframe ( ogg-packet* op ) ;
FUNCTION: void th_info_init ( th-info* info ) ;
FUNCTION: void th_info_clear ( th-info* info ) ;
FUNCTION: void th_comment_init ( th-comment* tc ) ;
FUNCTION: void th_comment_add ( th-comment* tc, char* comment ) ;
FUNCTION: void th_comment_add_tag ( th-comment* tc, char* tag, char* value ) ;
FUNCTION: char* th_comment_query ( th-comment* tc, char* tag, int count ) ;
FUNCTION: int th_comment_query_count ( th-comment* tc, char* tag ) ;
FUNCTION: void th_comment_clear ( th-comment* tc ) ;
TYPEDEF: void* th-enc-ctx
LIBRARY: theoraenc
FUNCTION: th-enc-ctx* th_encode_alloc ( th-info* info ) ;
FUNCTION: int th_encode_ctl ( th-enc-ctx* enc, int req, void* buf, int buf_sz ) ;
FUNCTION: int th_encode_flushheader ( th-enc-ctx* enc, th-comment* comments, ogg-packet* op ) ;
FUNCTION: int th_encode_ycbcr_in ( th-enc-ctx* enc, th-ycbcr-buffer ycbcr ) ;
FUNCTION: int th_encode_packetout ( th-enc-ctx* enc, int last, ogg-packet* op ) ;
FUNCTION: void th_encode_free ( th-enc-ctx* enc ) ;
TYPEDEF: void* th-stripe-decoded-func
STRUCT: th-stripe-callback
{ ctx void* }
{ stripe-decoded th-stripe-decoded-func }
TYPEDEF: void* th-dec-ctx
TYPEDEF: void* th-setup-info
LIBRARY: theoradec
FUNCTION: int th_decode_headerin ( th-info* info, th-comment* tc, th-setup-info** setup, ogg-packet* op ) ;
FUNCTION: th-dec-ctx* th_decode_alloc ( th-info* info, th-setup-info* setup ) ;
FUNCTION: void th_setup_free ( th-setup-info* setup ) ;
FUNCTION: int th_decode_ctl ( th-dec-ctx* dec, int req, void* buf, int buf_sz ) ;
FUNCTION: int th_decode_packetin ( th-dec-ctx* dec, ogg-packet* op, longlong granpos ) ;
FUNCTION: int th_decode_ycbcr_out ( th-dec-ctx* dec, th-ycbcr-buffer ycbcr ) ;
FUNCTION: void th_decode_free ( th-dec-ctx* dec ) ;
@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007 Chris Double.
! See for BSD license.
IN: ogg.vorbis
"vorbis" {
{ [ os winnt? ] [ "vorbis.dll" ] }
{ [ os macosx? ] [ "libvorbis.0.dylib" ] }
{ [ os unix? ] [ "" ] }
} cond "cdecl" add-library
LIBRARY: vorbis
STRUCT: vorbis-info
{ version int }
{ channels int }
{ rate long }
{ bitrate_upper long }
{ bitrate_nominal long }
{ bitrate_lower long }
{ bitrate_window long }
{ codec_setup void* }
STRUCT: vorbis-dsp-state
{ analysisp int }
{ vi vorbis-info* }
{ pcm float** }
{ pcmret float** }
{ pcm_storage int }
{ pcm_current int }
{ pcm_returned int }
{ preextrapolate int }
{ eofflag int }
{ lW long }
{ W long }
{ nW long }
{ centerW long }
{ granulepos longlong }
{ sequence longlong }
{ glue_bits longlong }
{ time_bits longlong }
{ floor_bits longlong }
{ res_bits longlong }
{ backend_state void* }
STRUCT: alloc-chain
{ ptr void* }
{ next void* }
STRUCT: vorbis-block
{ pcm float** }
{ opb oggpack-buffer }
{ lW long }
{ W long }
{ nW long }
{ pcmend int }
{ mode int }
{ eofflag int }
{ granulepos longlong }
{ sequence longlong }
{ vd vorbis-dsp-state* }
{ localstore void* }
{ localtop long }
{ localalloc long }
{ totaluse long }
{ reap alloc-chain* }
{ glue_bits long }
{ time_bits long }
{ floor_bits long }
{ res_bits long }
{ internal void* }
STRUCT: vorbis-comment
{ usercomments char** }
{ comment_lengths int* }
{ comments int }
{ vendor char* }
FUNCTION: void vorbis_info_init ( vorbis-info* vi ) ;
FUNCTION: void vorbis_info_clear ( vorbis-info* vi ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_info_blocksize ( vorbis-info* vi, int zo ) ;
FUNCTION: void vorbis_comment_init ( vorbis-comment* vc ) ;
FUNCTION: void vorbis_comment_add ( vorbis-comment* vc, char* comment ) ;
FUNCTION: void vorbis_comment_add_tag ( vorbis-comment* vc, char* tag, char* contents ) ;
FUNCTION: char* vorbis_comment_query ( vorbis-comment* vc, char* tag, int count ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_comment_query_count ( vorbis-comment* vc, char* tag ) ;
FUNCTION: void vorbis_comment_clear ( vorbis-comment* vc ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_block_init ( vorbis-dsp-state* v, vorbis-block* vb ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_block_clear ( vorbis-block* vb ) ;
FUNCTION: void vorbis_dsp_clear ( vorbis-dsp-state* v ) ;
FUNCTION: double vorbis_granule_time ( vorbis-dsp-state* v, longlong granulepos ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_analysis_init ( vorbis-dsp-state* v, vorbis-info* vi ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_commentheader_out ( vorbis-comment* vc, ogg-packet* op ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_analysis_headerout ( vorbis-dsp-state* v,
vorbis-comment* vc,
ogg-packet* op,
ogg-packet* op_comm,
ogg-packet* op_code ) ;
FUNCTION: float** vorbis_analysis_buffer ( vorbis-dsp-state* v, int vals ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_analysis_wrote ( vorbis-dsp-state* v, int vals ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_analysis_blockout ( vorbis-dsp-state* v, vorbis-block* vb ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_analysis ( vorbis-block* vb, ogg-packet* op ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_bitrate_addblock ( vorbis-block* vb ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_bitrate_flushpacket ( vorbis-dsp-state* vd,
ogg-packet* op ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_synthesis_headerin ( vorbis-info* vi, vorbis-comment* vc,
ogg-packet* op ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_synthesis_init ( vorbis-dsp-state* v, vorbis-info* vi ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_synthesis_restart ( vorbis-dsp-state* v ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_synthesis ( vorbis-block* vb, ogg-packet* op ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_synthesis_trackonly ( vorbis-block* vb, ogg-packet* op ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_synthesis_blockin ( vorbis-dsp-state* v, vorbis-block* vb ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_synthesis_pcmout ( vorbis-dsp-state* v, float*** pcm ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_synthesis_lapout ( vorbis-dsp-state* v, float*** pcm ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_synthesis_read ( vorbis-dsp-state* v, int samples ) ;
FUNCTION: long vorbis_packet_blocksize ( vorbis-info* vi, ogg-packet* op ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_synthesis_halfrate ( vorbis-info* v, int flag ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_synthesis_halfrate_p ( vorbis-info* v ) ;
@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007 Chris Double.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel system combinators alien alien.syntax ;
IN: ogg
"ogg" {
{ [ os winnt? ] [ "ogg.dll" ] }
{ [ os macosx? ] [ "libogg.0.dylib" ] }
{ [ os unix? ] [ "" ] }
} cond "cdecl" add-library
C-STRUCT: oggpack_buffer
{ "long" "endbyte" }
{ "int" "endbit" }
{ "uchar*" "buffer" }
{ "uchar*" "ptr" }
{ "long" "storage" } ;
C-STRUCT: ogg_page
{ "uchar*" "header" }
{ "long" "header_len" }
{ "uchar*" "body" }
{ "long" "body_len" } ;
C-STRUCT: ogg_stream_state
{ "uchar*" "body_data" }
{ "long" "body_storage" }
{ "long" "body_fill" }
{ "long" "body_returned" }
{ "int*" "lacing_vals" }
{ "longlong*" "granule_vals" }
{ "long" "lacing_storage" }
{ "long" "lacing_fill" }
{ "long" "lacing_packet" }
{ "long" "lacing_returned" }
{ { "uchar" 282 } "header" }
{ "int" "header_fill" }
{ "int" "e_o_s" }
{ "int" "b_o_s" }
{ "long" "serialno" }
{ "long" "pageno" }
{ "longlong" "packetno" }
{ "longlong" "granulepos" } ;
C-STRUCT: ogg_packet
{ "uchar*" "packet" }
{ "long" "bytes" }
{ "long" "b_o_s" }
{ "long" "e_o_s" }
{ "longlong" "granulepos" }
{ "longlong" "packetno" } ;
C-STRUCT: ogg_sync_state
{ "uchar*" "data" }
{ "int" "storage" }
{ "int" "fill" }
{ "int" "returned" }
{ "int" "unsynced" }
{ "int" "headerbytes" }
{ "int" "bodybytes" } ;
FUNCTION: void oggpack_writeinit ( oggpack_buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpack_writetrunc ( oggpack_buffer* b, long bits ) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpack_writealign ( oggpack_buffer* b) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpack_writecopy ( oggpack_buffer* b, void* source, long bits ) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpack_reset ( oggpack_buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpack_writeclear ( oggpack_buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpack_readinit ( oggpack_buffer* b, uchar* buf, int bytes ) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpack_write ( oggpack_buffer* b, ulong value, int bits ) ;
FUNCTION: long oggpack_look ( oggpack_buffer* b, int bits ) ;
FUNCTION: long oggpack_look1 ( oggpack_buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpack_adv ( oggpack_buffer* b, int bits ) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpack_adv1 ( oggpack_buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: long oggpack_read ( oggpack_buffer* b, int bits ) ;
FUNCTION: long oggpack_read1 ( oggpack_buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: long oggpack_bytes ( oggpack_buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: long oggpack_bits ( oggpack_buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: uchar* oggpack_get_buffer ( oggpack_buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpackB_writeinit ( oggpack_buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpackB_writetrunc ( oggpack_buffer* b, long bits ) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpackB_writealign ( oggpack_buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpackB_writecopy ( oggpack_buffer* b, void* source, long bits ) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpackB_reset ( oggpack_buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpackB_writeclear ( oggpack_buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpackB_readinit ( oggpack_buffer* b, uchar* buf, int bytes ) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpackB_write ( oggpack_buffer* b, ulong value, int bits ) ;
FUNCTION: long oggpackB_look ( oggpack_buffer* b, int bits ) ;
FUNCTION: long oggpackB_look1 ( oggpack_buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpackB_adv ( oggpack_buffer* b, int bits ) ;
FUNCTION: void oggpackB_adv1 ( oggpack_buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: long oggpackB_read ( oggpack_buffer* b, int bits ) ;
FUNCTION: long oggpackB_read1 ( oggpack_buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: long oggpackB_bytes ( oggpack_buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: long oggpackB_bits ( oggpack_buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: uchar* oggpackB_get_buffer ( oggpack_buffer* b ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_stream_packetin ( ogg_stream_state* os, ogg_packet* op ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_stream_pageout ( ogg_stream_state* os, ogg_page* og ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_stream_flush ( ogg_stream_state* os, ogg_page* og ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_sync_init ( ogg_sync_state* oy ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_sync_clear ( ogg_sync_state* oy ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_sync_reset ( ogg_sync_state* oy ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_sync_destroy ( ogg_sync_state* oy ) ;
FUNCTION: void* ogg_sync_buffer ( ogg_sync_state* oy, long size ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_sync_wrote ( ogg_sync_state* oy, long bytes ) ;
FUNCTION: long ogg_sync_pageseek ( ogg_sync_state* oy, ogg_page* og ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_sync_pageout ( ogg_sync_state* oy, ogg_page* og ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_stream_pagein ( ogg_stream_state* os, ogg_page* og ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_stream_packetout ( ogg_stream_state* os, ogg_packet* op ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_stream_packetpeek ( ogg_stream_state* os, ogg_packet* op ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_stream_init (ogg_stream_state* os, int serialno ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_stream_clear ( ogg_stream_state* os ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_stream_reset ( ogg_stream_state* os ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_stream_reset_serialno ( ogg_stream_state* os, int serialno ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_stream_destroy ( ogg_stream_state* os ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_stream_eos ( ogg_stream_state* os ) ;
FUNCTION: void ogg_page_checksum_set ( ogg_page* og ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_page_version ( ogg_page* og ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_page_continued ( ogg_page* og ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_page_bos ( ogg_page* og ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_page_eos ( ogg_page* og ) ;
FUNCTION: longlong ogg_page_granulepos ( ogg_page* og ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_page_serialno ( ogg_page* og ) ;
FUNCTION: long ogg_page_pageno ( ogg_page* og ) ;
FUNCTION: int ogg_page_packets ( ogg_page* og ) ;
FUNCTION: void ogg_packet_clear ( ogg_packet* op ) ;
@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007 Chris Double.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel system combinators alien alien.syntax ;
IN: ogg.theora
"theora" {
{ [ os winnt? ] [ "theora.dll" ] }
{ [ os macosx? ] [ "libtheora.0.dylib" ] }
{ [ os unix? ] [ "" ] }
} cond "cdecl" add-library
LIBRARY: theora
C-STRUCT: yuv_buffer
{ "int" "y_width" }
{ "int" "y_height" }
{ "int" "y_stride" }
{ "int" "uv_width" }
{ "int" "uv_height" }
{ "int" "uv_stride" }
{ "void*" "y" }
{ "void*" "u" }
{ "void*" "v" } ;
: OC_CS_UNSPECIFIED ( -- number ) 0 ; inline
: OC_CS_ITU_REC_470M ( -- number ) 1 ; inline
: OC_CS_ITU_REC_470BG ( -- number ) 2 ; inline
: OC_CS_NSPACES ( -- number ) 3 ; inline
TYPEDEF: int theora_colorspace
: OC_PF_420 ( -- number ) 0 ; inline
: OC_PF_RSVD ( -- number ) 1 ; inline
: OC_PF_422 ( -- number ) 2 ; inline
: OC_PF_444 ( -- number ) 3 ; inline
TYPEDEF: int theora_pixelformat
C-STRUCT: theora_info
{ "uint" "width" }
{ "uint" "height" }
{ "uint" "frame_width" }
{ "uint" "frame_height" }
{ "uint" "offset_x" }
{ "uint" "offset_y" }
{ "uint" "fps_numerator" }
{ "uint" "fps_denominator" }
{ "uint" "aspect_numerator" }
{ "uint" "aspect_denominator" }
{ "theora_colorspace" "colorspace" }
{ "int" "target_bitrate" }
{ "int" "quality" }
{ "int" "quick_p" }
{ "uchar" "version_major" }
{ "uchar" "version_minor" }
{ "uchar" "version_subminor" }
{ "void*" "codec_setup" }
{ "int" "dropframes_p" }
{ "int" "keyframe_auto_p" }
{ "uint" "keyframe_frequency" }
{ "uint" "keyframe_frequency_force" }
{ "uint" "keyframe_data_target_bitrate" }
{ "int" "keyframe_auto_threshold" }
{ "uint" "keyframe_mindistance" }
{ "int" "noise_sensitivity" }
{ "int" "sharpness" }
{ "theora_pixelformat" "pixelformat" } ;
C-STRUCT: theora_state
{ "theora_info*" "i" }
{ "longlong" "granulepos" }
{ "void*" "internal_encode" }
{ "void*" "internal_decode" } ;
C-STRUCT: theora_comment
{ "char**" "user_comments" }
{ "int*" "comment_lengths" }
{ "int" "comments" }
{ "char*" "vendor" } ;
: OC_FAULT ( -- number ) -1 ; inline
: OC_EINVAL ( -- number ) -10 ; inline
: OC_DISABLED ( -- number ) -11 ; inline
: OC_BADHEADER ( -- number ) -20 ; inline
: OC_NOTFORMAT ( -- number ) -21 ; inline
: OC_VERSION ( -- number ) -22 ; inline
: OC_IMPL ( -- number ) -23 ; inline
: OC_BADPACKET ( -- number ) -24 ; inline
: OC_NEWPACKET ( -- number ) -25 ; inline
: OC_DUPFRAME ( -- number ) 1 ; inline
FUNCTION: char* theora_version_string ( ) ;
FUNCTION: uint theora_version_number ( ) ;
FUNCTION: int theora_encode_init ( theora_state* th, theora_info* ti ) ;
FUNCTION: int theora_encode_YUVin ( theora_state* t, yuv_buffer* yuv ) ;
FUNCTION: int theora_encode_packetout ( theora_state* t, int last_p, ogg_packet* op ) ;
FUNCTION: int theora_encode_header ( theora_state* t, ogg_packet* op ) ;
FUNCTION: int theora_encode_comment ( theora_comment* tc, ogg_packet* op ) ;
FUNCTION: int theora_encode_tables ( theora_state* t, ogg_packet* op ) ;
FUNCTION: int theora_decode_header ( theora_info* ci, theora_comment* cc, ogg_packet* op ) ;
FUNCTION: int theora_decode_init ( theora_state* th, theora_info* c ) ;
FUNCTION: int theora_decode_packetin ( theora_state* th, ogg_packet* op ) ;
FUNCTION: int theora_decode_YUVout ( theora_state* th, yuv_buffer* yuv ) ;
FUNCTION: int theora_packet_isheader ( ogg_packet* op ) ;
FUNCTION: int theora_packet_iskeyframe ( ogg_packet* op ) ;
FUNCTION: int theora_granule_shift ( theora_info* ti ) ;
FUNCTION: longlong theora_granule_frame ( theora_state* th, longlong granulepos ) ;
FUNCTION: double theora_granule_time ( theora_state* th, longlong granulepos ) ;
FUNCTION: void theora_info_init ( theora_info* c ) ;
FUNCTION: void theora_info_clear ( theora_info* c ) ;
FUNCTION: void theora_clear ( theora_state* t ) ;
FUNCTION: void theora_comment_init ( theora_comment* tc ) ;
FUNCTION: void theora_comment_add ( theora_comment* tc, char* comment ) ;
FUNCTION: void theora_comment_add_tag ( theora_comment* tc, char* tag, char* value ) ;
FUNCTION: char* theora_comment_query ( theora_comment* tc, char* tag, int count ) ;
FUNCTION: int theora_comment_query_count ( theora_comment* tc, char* tag ) ;
FUNCTION: void theora_comment_clear ( theora_comment* tc ) ;
@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007 Chris Double.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel system combinators alien alien.syntax ogg ;
IN: ogg.vorbis
"vorbis" {
{ [ os winnt? ] [ "vorbis.dll" ] }
{ [ os macosx? ] [ "libvorbis.0.dylib" ] }
{ [ os unix? ] [ "" ] }
} cond "cdecl" add-library
LIBRARY: vorbis
C-STRUCT: vorbis_info
{ "int" "version" }
{ "int" "channels" }
{ "long" "rate" }
{ "long" "bitrate_upper" }
{ "long" "bitrate_nominal" }
{ "long" "bitrate_lower" }
{ "long" "bitrate_window" }
{ "void*" "codec_setup"}
C-STRUCT: vorbis_dsp_state
{ "int" "analysisp" }
{ "vorbis_info*" "vi" }
{ "float**" "pcm" }
{ "float**" "pcmret" }
{ "int" "pcm_storage" }
{ "int" "pcm_current" }
{ "int" "pcm_returned" }
{ "int" "preextrapolate" }
{ "int" "eofflag" }
{ "long" "lW" }
{ "long" "W" }
{ "long" "nW" }
{ "long" "centerW" }
{ "longlong" "granulepos" }
{ "longlong" "sequence" }
{ "longlong" "glue_bits" }
{ "longlong" "time_bits" }
{ "longlong" "floor_bits" }
{ "longlong" "res_bits" }
{ "void*" "backend_state" }
C-STRUCT: alloc_chain
{ "void*" "ptr" }
{ "void*" "next" }
C-STRUCT: vorbis_block
{ "float**" "pcm" }
{ "oggpack_buffer" "opb" }
{ "long" "lW" }
{ "long" "W" }
{ "long" "nW" }
{ "int" "pcmend" }
{ "int" "mode" }
{ "int" "eofflag" }
{ "longlong" "granulepos" }
{ "longlong" "sequence" }
{ "vorbis_dsp_state*" "vd" }
{ "void*" "localstore" }
{ "long" "localtop" }
{ "long" "localalloc" }
{ "long" "totaluse" }
{ "alloc_chain*" "reap" }
{ "long" "glue_bits" }
{ "long" "time_bits" }
{ "long" "floor_bits" }
{ "long" "res_bits" }
{ "void*" "internal" }
C-STRUCT: vorbis_comment
{ "char**" "usercomments" }
{ "int*" "comment_lengths" }
{ "int" "comments" }
{ "char*" "vendor" }
FUNCTION: void vorbis_info_init ( vorbis_info* vi ) ;
FUNCTION: void vorbis_info_clear ( vorbis_info* vi ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_info_blocksize ( vorbis_info* vi, int zo ) ;
FUNCTION: void vorbis_comment_init ( vorbis_comment* vc ) ;
FUNCTION: void vorbis_comment_add ( vorbis_comment* vc, char* comment ) ;
FUNCTION: void vorbis_comment_add_tag ( vorbis_comment* vc, char* tag, char* contents ) ;
FUNCTION: char* vorbis_comment_query ( vorbis_comment* vc, char* tag, int count ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_comment_query_count ( vorbis_comment* vc, char* tag ) ;
FUNCTION: void vorbis_comment_clear ( vorbis_comment* vc ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_block_init ( vorbis_dsp_state* v, vorbis_block* vb ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_block_clear ( vorbis_block* vb ) ;
FUNCTION: void vorbis_dsp_clear ( vorbis_dsp_state* v ) ;
FUNCTION: double vorbis_granule_time ( vorbis_dsp_state* v, longlong granulepos ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_analysis_init ( vorbis_dsp_state* v, vorbis_info* vi ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_commentheader_out ( vorbis_comment* vc, ogg_packet* op ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_analysis_headerout ( vorbis_dsp_state* v,
vorbis_comment* vc,
ogg_packet* op,
ogg_packet* op_comm,
ogg_packet* op_code ) ;
FUNCTION: float** vorbis_analysis_buffer ( vorbis_dsp_state* v, int vals ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_analysis_wrote ( vorbis_dsp_state* v, int vals ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_analysis_blockout ( vorbis_dsp_state* v, vorbis_block* vb ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_analysis ( vorbis_block* vb, ogg_packet* op ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_bitrate_addblock ( vorbis_block* vb ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_bitrate_flushpacket ( vorbis_dsp_state* vd,
ogg_packet* op ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_synthesis_headerin ( vorbis_info* vi, vorbis_comment* vc,
ogg_packet* op ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_synthesis_init ( vorbis_dsp_state* v, vorbis_info* vi ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_synthesis_restart ( vorbis_dsp_state* v ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_synthesis ( vorbis_block* vb, ogg_packet* op ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_synthesis_trackonly ( vorbis_block* vb, ogg_packet* op ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_synthesis_blockin ( vorbis_dsp_state* v, vorbis_block* vb ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_synthesis_pcmout ( vorbis_dsp_state* v, float*** pcm ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_synthesis_lapout ( vorbis_dsp_state* v, float*** pcm ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_synthesis_read ( vorbis_dsp_state* v, int samples ) ;
FUNCTION: long vorbis_packet_blocksize ( vorbis_info* vi, ogg_packet* op ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_synthesis_halfrate ( vorbis_info* v, int flag ) ;
FUNCTION: int vorbis_synthesis_halfrate_p ( vorbis_info* v ) ;
: OV_FALSE ( -- number ) -1 ; inline
: OV_EOF ( -- number ) -2 ; inline
: OV_HOLE ( -- number ) -3 ; inline
: OV_EREAD ( -- number ) -128 ; inline
: OV_EFAULT ( -- number ) -129 ; inline
: OV_EIMPL ( -- number ) -130 ; inline
: OV_EINVAL ( -- number ) -131 ; inline
: OV_ENOTVORBIS ( -- number ) -132 ; inline
: OV_EBADHEADER ( -- number ) -133 ; inline
: OV_EVERSION ( -- number ) -134 ; inline
: OV_ENOTAUDIO ( -- number ) -135 ; inline
: OV_EBADPACKET ( -- number ) -136 ; inline
: OV_EBADLINK ( -- number ) -137 ; inline
: OV_ENOSEEK ( -- number ) -138 ; inline
Reference in New Issue