From 64b248c5d504ee5e5814f6204ac4dba58977e137 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Doug Coleman <>
Date: Sat, 1 May 2010 17:11:11 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] move images.bitmap.loading to images.bitmap

 basis/images/bitmap/bitmap-tests.factor    |   2 +-
 basis/images/bitmap/bitmap.factor          | 371 ++++++++++++++++++++-
 basis/images/bitmap/loading/loading.factor | 365 --------------------
 3 files changed, 368 insertions(+), 370 deletions(-)

diff --git a/basis/images/bitmap/bitmap-tests.factor b/basis/images/bitmap/bitmap-tests.factor
index cebbe2f510..2ac2fed4d1 100644
--- a/basis/images/bitmap/bitmap-tests.factor
+++ b/basis/images/bitmap/bitmap-tests.factor
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-USING: images.bitmap images.bitmap.loading images.testing kernel ;
+USING: images.bitmap images.testing kernel ;
 IN: images.bitmap.tests
 ! "vocab:images/testing/bmp/1bit.bmp" decode-test
diff --git a/basis/images/bitmap/bitmap.factor b/basis/images/bitmap/bitmap.factor
index fa12aaa320..aa500e53fb 100644
--- a/basis/images/bitmap/bitmap.factor
+++ b/basis/images/bitmap/bitmap.factor
@@ -3,19 +3,382 @@
 USING: accessors alien alien.c-types arrays byte-arrays columns
 combinators endian fry grouping images
 images.loader images.normalization io io.binary
-io.encodings.binary io.encodings.string io.files kernel locals macros math math.bitwise
-math.functions namespaces sequences specialized-arrays
-strings summary ;
+io.encodings.8-bit.latin1 io.encodings.binary
+io.encodings.string io.files kernel locals
+macros math math.bitwise math.functions namespaces sequences
+specialized-arrays summary ;
+QUALIFIED-WITH: bitstreams b
 SPECIALIZED-ARRAYS: uint ushort ;
 IN: images.bitmap
 SINGLETON: bmp-image
 "bmp" bmp-image register-image-class
 : write2 ( n -- ) 2 >le write ;
 : write4 ( n -- ) 4 >le write ;
+ERROR: unknown-component-order bitmap ;
+ERROR: unknown-bitmap-header n ;
+: read2 ( -- n ) 2 read le> ;
+: read4 ( -- n ) 4 read le> ;
+TUPLE: loading-bitmap
+    file-header header
+    color-palette color-index bitfields ;
+TUPLE: file-header
+    { magic initial: "BM" }
+    { size }
+    { reserved1 initial: 0 }
+    { reserved2 initial: 0 }
+    { offset }
+    { header-length } ;
+TUPLE: v3-header
+    { width initial: 0 }
+    { height initial: 0 }
+    { planes initial: 0 }
+    { bit-count initial: 0 }
+    { compression initial: 0 }
+    { image-size initial: 0 }
+    { x-resolution initial: 0 }
+    { y-resolution initial: 0 }
+    { colors-used initial: 0 }
+    { colors-important initial: 0 } ;
+TUPLE: v4-header < v3-header
+    { red-mask initial: 0 }
+    { green-mask initial: 0 }
+    { blue-mask initial: 0 }
+    { alpha-mask initial: 0 }
+    { cs-type initial: 0 }
+    { end-points initial: 0 }
+    { gamma-red initial: 0 }
+    { gamma-green initial: 0 }
+    { gamma-blue initial: 0 } ;
+TUPLE: v5-header < v4-header
+    { intent initial: 0 }
+    { profile-data initial: 0 }
+    { profile-size initial: 0 }
+    { reserved3 initial: 0 } ;
+TUPLE: os2v1-header
+    { width initial: 0 }
+    { height initial: 0 }
+    { planes initial: 0 }
+    { bit-count initial: 0 } ;
+TUPLE: os2v2-header < os2v1-header
+    { compression initial: 0 }
+    { image-size initial: 0 }
+    { x-resolution initial: 0 }
+    { y-resolution initial: 0 }
+    { colors-used initial: 0 }
+    { colors-important initial: 0 }
+    { units initial: 0 }
+    { reserved initial: 0 }
+    { recording initial: 0 }
+    { rendering initial: 0 }
+    { size1 initial: 0 }
+    { size2 initial: 0 }
+    { color-encoding initial: 0 }
+    { identifier initial: 0 } ;
+UNION: v-header v3-header v4-header v5-header ;
+UNION: os2-header os2v1-header os2v2-header ;
+: parse-file-header ( -- file-header )
+    \ file-header new
+        2 read latin1 decode >>magic
+        read4 >>size
+        read2 >>reserved1
+        read2 >>reserved2
+        read4 >>offset
+        read4 >>header-length ;
+: read-v3-header-data ( header -- header )
+    read4 >>width
+    read4 32 >signed >>height
+    read2 >>planes
+    read2 >>bit-count
+    read4 >>compression
+    read4 >>image-size
+    read4 >>x-resolution
+    read4 >>y-resolution
+    read4 >>colors-used
+    read4 >>colors-important ;
+: read-v3-header ( -- header )
+    \ v3-header new
+        read-v3-header-data ;
+: read-v4-header-data ( header -- header )
+    read4 >>red-mask
+    read4 >>green-mask
+    read4 >>blue-mask
+    read4 >>alpha-mask
+    read4 >>cs-type
+    read4 read4 read4 3array >>end-points
+    read4 >>gamma-red
+    read4 >>gamma-green
+    read4 >>gamma-blue ;
+: read-v4-header ( -- v4-header )
+    \ v4-header new
+        read-v3-header-data
+        read-v4-header-data ;
+: read-v5-header-data ( v5-header -- v5-header )
+    read4 >>intent
+    read4 >>profile-data
+    read4 >>profile-size
+    read4 >>reserved3 ;
+: read-v5-header ( -- loading-bitmap )
+    \ v5-header new
+        read-v3-header-data
+        read-v4-header-data
+        read-v5-header-data ;
+: read-os2v1-header ( -- os2v1-header )
+    \ os2v1-header new
+        read2 >>width
+        read2 16 >signed >>height
+        read2 >>planes
+        read2 >>bit-count ;
+: read-os2v2-header-data ( os2v2-header -- os2v2-header )
+    read4 >>width
+    read4 32 >signed >>height
+    read2 >>planes
+    read2 >>bit-count
+    read4 >>compression
+    read4 >>image-size
+    read4 >>x-resolution
+    read4 >>y-resolution
+    read4 >>colors-used
+    read4 >>colors-important
+    read2 >>units
+    read2 >>reserved
+    read2 >>recording
+    read2 >>rendering
+    read4 >>size1
+    read4 >>size2
+    read4 >>color-encoding
+    read4 >>identifier ;
+: read-os2v2-header ( -- os2v2-header )
+    \ os2v2-header new
+        read-os2v2-header-data ;
+: parse-header ( n -- header )
+    {
+        { 12 [ read-os2v1-header ] }
+        { 64 [ read-os2v2-header ] }
+        { 40 [ read-v3-header ] }
+        { 108 [ read-v4-header ] }
+        { 124 [ read-v5-header ] }
+        [ unknown-bitmap-header ]
+    } case ;
+: color-index-length ( header -- n )
+    {
+        [ width>> ]
+        [ planes>> * ]
+        [ bit-count>> * 31 + 32 /i 4 * ]
+        [ height>> abs * ]
+    } cleave ;
+: color-palette-length ( loading-bitmap -- n )
+    file-header>>
+    [ offset>> 14 - ] [ header-length>> ] bi - ;
+: parse-color-palette ( loading-bitmap -- loading-bitmap )
+    dup color-palette-length read >>color-palette ;
+GENERIC: parse-color-data* ( loading-bitmap header -- loading-bitmap )
+: parse-color-data ( loading-bitmap -- loading-bitmap )
+    dup header>> parse-color-data* ;
+M: os2v1-header parse-color-data* ( loading-bitmap header -- loading-bitmap )
+    color-index-length read >>color-index ;
+M: object parse-color-data* ( loading-bitmap header -- loading-bitmap )
+    dup image-size>> [ 0 ] unless* dup 0 >
+    [ nip ] [ drop color-index-length ] if read >>color-index ;
+: alpha-used? ( loading-bitmap -- ? )
+    color-index>> 4 <sliced-groups> [ fourth 0 = ] all? not ;
+GENERIC: bitmap>component-order* ( loading-bitmap header -- object )
+: bitmap>component-order ( loading-bitmap -- object )
+    dup header>> bitmap>component-order* ;
+: simple-bitmap>component-order ( loading-bitamp -- object )
+    header>> bit-count>> {
+        { 32 [ BGRX ] }
+        { 24 [ BGR ] }
+        { 16 [ BGR ] }
+        { 8 [ BGR ] }
+        { 4 [ BGR ] }
+        { 1 [ BGR ] }
+        [ unknown-component-order ]
+    } case ;
+: advanced-bitmap>component-order ( loading-bitmap -- object )
+    [ ] [ header>> bit-count>> ] [ alpha-used? ] tri 2array {
+        { { 32 t } [ drop BGRA ] }
+        { { 32 f } [ drop BGRX ] }
+        [ drop simple-bitmap>component-order ]
+    } case ;
+: color-lookup3 ( loading-bitmap -- seq )
+    [ color-index>> >array ]
+    [ color-palette>> 3 <sliced-groups> ] bi
+    '[ _ nth ] map concat ;
+: color-lookup4 ( loading-bitmap -- seq )
+    [ color-index>> >array ]
+    [ color-palette>> 4 <sliced-groups> [ 3 head-slice ] map ] bi
+    '[ _ nth ] map concat ;
+! os2v1 is 3bytes each, all others are 3 + 1 unused
+: color-lookup ( loading-bitmap -- seq )
+    dup file-header>> header-length>> {
+        { 12 [ color-lookup3 ] }
+        { 64 [ color-lookup4 ] }
+        { 40 [ color-lookup4 ] }
+        { 108 [ color-lookup4 ] }
+        { 124 [ color-lookup4 ] }
+    } case ;
+M: os2v1-header bitmap>component-order* drop simple-bitmap>component-order ;
+M: os2v2-header bitmap>component-order* drop simple-bitmap>component-order ;
+M: v3-header bitmap>component-order* drop simple-bitmap>component-order ;
+M: v4-header bitmap>component-order* drop advanced-bitmap>component-order ;
+M: v5-header bitmap>component-order* drop advanced-bitmap>component-order ;
+: uncompress-bitfield ( seq masks -- bytes' )
+    '[
+        _ [
+            [ bitand ] [ bit-count ] [ log2 ] tri - shift
+        ] with map
+    ] { } map-as B{ } concat-as ;
+ERROR: bmp-not-supported n ;
+: bitmap>bytes ( loading-bitmap -- byte-array )
+    dup header>> bit-count>>
+    {
+        { 32 [ color-index>> ] }
+        { 24 [ color-index>> ] }
+        { 16 [
+            [
+                ! byte-array>ushort-array
+                2 group [ le> ] map
+                ! 5 6 5
+                ! { HEX: f800 HEX: 7e0 HEX: 1f } uncompress-bitfield
+                ! 5 5 5
+                { HEX: 7c00 HEX: 3e0 HEX: 1f } uncompress-bitfield
+            ] change-color-index
+            color-index>>
+        ] }
+        { 8 [ color-lookup ] }
+        { 4 [ [ 4 b:byte-array-n>seq ] change-color-index color-lookup ] }
+        { 1 [ [ 1 b:byte-array-n>seq ] change-color-index color-lookup ] }
+        [ bmp-not-supported ]
+    } case >byte-array ;
+: set-bitfield-widths ( loading-bitmap -- loading-bitmap' )
+    dup header>> bit-count>> {
+        { 16 [ dup color-palette>> 4 group [ le> ] map ] }
+        { 32 [ { HEX: ff0000 HEX: ff00 HEX: ff } ] }
+    } case reverse >>bitfields ;
+ERROR: unsupported-bitfield-widths n ;
+M: unsupported-bitfield-widths summary
+    drop "Bitmaps only support bitfield compression in 16/32bit images" ;
+: uncompress-bitfield-widths ( loading-bitmap -- loading-bitmap' )
+    set-bitfield-widths
+    dup header>> bit-count>> {
+        { 16 [
+            dup bitfields>> '[
+                byte-array>ushort-array _ uncompress-bitfield
+            ] change-color-index
+        ] }
+        { 32 [ ] }
+        [ unsupported-bitfield-widths ]
+    } case ;
+ERROR: unsupported-bitmap-compression compression ;
+GENERIC: uncompress-bitmap* ( loading-bitmap header -- loading-bitmap )
+: uncompress-bitmap ( loading-bitmap -- loading-bitmap )
+    dup header>> uncompress-bitmap* ;
+M: os2-header uncompress-bitmap* ( loading-bitmap header -- loading-bitmap' )
+    drop ;
+: do-run-length-uncompress ( loading-bitmap word -- loading-bitmap )
+    dupd '[
+        _ header>> [ width>> ] [ height>> ] bi
+        _ execute
+    ] change-color-index ; inline
+M: v-header uncompress-bitmap* ( loading-bitmap header -- loading-bitmap' )
+    compression>> {
+        { f [ ] }
+        { 0 [ ] }
+        { 1 [ \ run-length-uncompress-bitmap8 do-run-length-uncompress ] }
+        { 2 [ \ run-length-uncompress-bitmap4 do-run-length-uncompress ] }
+        { 3 [ uncompress-bitfield-widths ] }
+        { 4 [ "jpeg" unsupported-bitmap-compression ] }
+        { 5 [ "png" unsupported-bitmap-compression ] }
+    } case ;
+ERROR: unsupported-bitmap-file magic ;
+: load-bitmap ( stream -- loading-bitmap )
+    [
+        \ loading-bitmap new
+        parse-file-header [ >>file-header ] [ ] bi magic>> {
+            { "BM" [
+                dup file-header>> header-length>> parse-header >>header
+                parse-color-palette
+                parse-color-data
+            ] }
+            ! { "BA" [ parse-os2-bitmap-array ] }
+            ! { "CI" [ parse-os2-color-icon ] }
+            ! { "CP" [ parse-os2-color-pointer ] }
+            ! { "IC" [ parse-os2-icon ] }
+            ! { "PT" [ parse-os2-pointer ] }
+            [ unsupported-bitmap-file ]
+        } case
+    ] with-input-stream ;
+: loading-bitmap>bytes ( loading-bitmap -- byte-array )
+    uncompress-bitmap bitmap>bytes ;
+M: bmp-image stream>image ( stream bmp-image -- bitmap )
+    drop load-bitmap
+    [ image new ] dip
+    {
+        [ loading-bitmap>bytes >>bitmap ]
+        [ header>> [ width>> ] [ height>> abs ] bi 2array >>dim ]
+        [ header>> height>> 0 < not >>upside-down? ]
+        [ bitmap>component-order >>component-order ubyte-components >>component-type ]
+    } cleave ;
 : output-width-and-height ( image -- )
     [ dim>> first write4 ]
diff --git a/basis/images/bitmap/loading/loading.factor b/basis/images/bitmap/loading/loading.factor
index 702fd14472..16e0e459f5 100644
--- a/basis/images/bitmap/loading/loading.factor
+++ b/basis/images/bitmap/loading/loading.factor
@@ -5,368 +5,3 @@ fry grouping images images.loader io
 io.binary io.encodings.binary
 io.encodings.string kernel math math.bitwise
 io.encodings.8-bit.latin1 sequences specialized-arrays summary images.bitmap ;
-QUALIFIED-WITH: bitstreams b
-IN: images.bitmap.loading
-ERROR: unknown-component-order bitmap ;
-ERROR: unknown-bitmap-header n ;
-: read2 ( -- n ) 2 read le> ;
-: read4 ( -- n ) 4 read le> ;
-TUPLE: loading-bitmap
-    file-header header
-    color-palette color-index bitfields ;
-TUPLE: file-header
-    { magic initial: "BM" }
-    { size }
-    { reserved1 initial: 0 }
-    { reserved2 initial: 0 }
-    { offset }
-    { header-length } ;
-TUPLE: v3-header
-    { width initial: 0 }
-    { height initial: 0 }
-    { planes initial: 0 }
-    { bit-count initial: 0 }
-    { compression initial: 0 }
-    { image-size initial: 0 }
-    { x-resolution initial: 0 }
-    { y-resolution initial: 0 }
-    { colors-used initial: 0 }
-    { colors-important initial: 0 } ;
-TUPLE: v4-header < v3-header
-    { red-mask initial: 0 }
-    { green-mask initial: 0 }
-    { blue-mask initial: 0 }
-    { alpha-mask initial: 0 }
-    { cs-type initial: 0 }
-    { end-points initial: 0 }
-    { gamma-red initial: 0 }
-    { gamma-green initial: 0 }
-    { gamma-blue initial: 0 } ;
-TUPLE: v5-header < v4-header
-    { intent initial: 0 }
-    { profile-data initial: 0 }
-    { profile-size initial: 0 }
-    { reserved3 initial: 0 } ;
-TUPLE: os2v1-header
-    { width initial: 0 }
-    { height initial: 0 }
-    { planes initial: 0 }
-    { bit-count initial: 0 } ;
-TUPLE: os2v2-header < os2v1-header
-    { compression initial: 0 }
-    { image-size initial: 0 }
-    { x-resolution initial: 0 }
-    { y-resolution initial: 0 }
-    { colors-used initial: 0 }
-    { colors-important initial: 0 }
-    { units initial: 0 }
-    { reserved initial: 0 }
-    { recording initial: 0 }
-    { rendering initial: 0 }
-    { size1 initial: 0 }
-    { size2 initial: 0 }
-    { color-encoding initial: 0 }
-    { identifier initial: 0 } ;
-UNION: v-header v3-header v4-header v5-header ;
-UNION: os2-header os2v1-header os2v2-header ;
-: parse-file-header ( -- file-header )
-    \ file-header new
-        2 read latin1 decode >>magic
-        read4 >>size
-        read2 >>reserved1
-        read2 >>reserved2
-        read4 >>offset
-        read4 >>header-length ;
-: read-v3-header-data ( header -- header )
-    read4 >>width
-    read4 32 >signed >>height
-    read2 >>planes
-    read2 >>bit-count
-    read4 >>compression
-    read4 >>image-size
-    read4 >>x-resolution
-    read4 >>y-resolution
-    read4 >>colors-used
-    read4 >>colors-important ;
-: read-v3-header ( -- header )
-    \ v3-header new
-        read-v3-header-data ;
-: read-v4-header-data ( header -- header )
-    read4 >>red-mask
-    read4 >>green-mask
-    read4 >>blue-mask
-    read4 >>alpha-mask
-    read4 >>cs-type
-    read4 read4 read4 3array >>end-points
-    read4 >>gamma-red
-    read4 >>gamma-green
-    read4 >>gamma-blue ;
-: read-v4-header ( -- v4-header )
-    \ v4-header new
-        read-v3-header-data
-        read-v4-header-data ;
-: read-v5-header-data ( v5-header -- v5-header )
-    read4 >>intent
-    read4 >>profile-data
-    read4 >>profile-size
-    read4 >>reserved3 ;
-: read-v5-header ( -- loading-bitmap )
-    \ v5-header new
-        read-v3-header-data
-        read-v4-header-data
-        read-v5-header-data ;
-: read-os2v1-header ( -- os2v1-header )
-    \ os2v1-header new
-        read2 >>width
-        read2 16 >signed >>height
-        read2 >>planes
-        read2 >>bit-count ;
-: read-os2v2-header-data ( os2v2-header -- os2v2-header )
-    read4 >>width
-    read4 32 >signed >>height
-    read2 >>planes
-    read2 >>bit-count
-    read4 >>compression
-    read4 >>image-size
-    read4 >>x-resolution
-    read4 >>y-resolution
-    read4 >>colors-used
-    read4 >>colors-important
-    read2 >>units
-    read2 >>reserved
-    read2 >>recording
-    read2 >>rendering
-    read4 >>size1
-    read4 >>size2
-    read4 >>color-encoding
-    read4 >>identifier ;
-: read-os2v2-header ( -- os2v2-header )
-    \ os2v2-header new
-        read-os2v2-header-data ;
-: parse-header ( n -- header )
-    {
-        { 12 [ read-os2v1-header ] }
-        { 64 [ read-os2v2-header ] }
-        { 40 [ read-v3-header ] }
-        { 108 [ read-v4-header ] }
-        { 124 [ read-v5-header ] }
-        [ unknown-bitmap-header ]
-    } case ;
-: color-index-length ( header -- n )
-    {
-        [ width>> ]
-        [ planes>> * ]
-        [ bit-count>> * 31 + 32 /i 4 * ]
-        [ height>> abs * ]
-    } cleave ;
-: color-palette-length ( loading-bitmap -- n )
-    file-header>>
-    [ offset>> 14 - ] [ header-length>> ] bi - ;
-: parse-color-palette ( loading-bitmap -- loading-bitmap )
-    dup color-palette-length read >>color-palette ;
-GENERIC: parse-color-data* ( loading-bitmap header -- loading-bitmap )
-: parse-color-data ( loading-bitmap -- loading-bitmap )
-    dup header>> parse-color-data* ;
-M: os2v1-header parse-color-data* ( loading-bitmap header -- loading-bitmap )
-    color-index-length read >>color-index ;
-M: object parse-color-data* ( loading-bitmap header -- loading-bitmap )
-    dup image-size>> [ 0 ] unless* dup 0 >
-    [ nip ] [ drop color-index-length ] if read >>color-index ;
-: alpha-used? ( loading-bitmap -- ? )
-    color-index>> 4 <sliced-groups> [ fourth 0 = ] all? not ;
-GENERIC: bitmap>component-order* ( loading-bitmap header -- object )
-: bitmap>component-order ( loading-bitmap -- object )
-    dup header>> bitmap>component-order* ;
-: simple-bitmap>component-order ( loading-bitamp -- object )
-    header>> bit-count>> {
-        { 32 [ BGRX ] }
-        { 24 [ BGR ] }
-        { 16 [ BGR ] }
-        { 8 [ BGR ] }
-        { 4 [ BGR ] }
-        { 1 [ BGR ] }
-        [ unknown-component-order ]
-    } case ;
-: advanced-bitmap>component-order ( loading-bitmap -- object )
-    [ ] [ header>> bit-count>> ] [ alpha-used? ] tri 2array {
-        { { 32 t } [ drop BGRA ] }
-        { { 32 f } [ drop BGRX ] }
-        [ drop simple-bitmap>component-order ]
-    } case ;
-: color-lookup3 ( loading-bitmap -- seq )
-    [ color-index>> >array ]
-    [ color-palette>> 3 <sliced-groups> ] bi
-    '[ _ nth ] map concat ;
-: color-lookup4 ( loading-bitmap -- seq )
-    [ color-index>> >array ]
-    [ color-palette>> 4 <sliced-groups> [ 3 head-slice ] map ] bi
-    '[ _ nth ] map concat ;
-! os2v1 is 3bytes each, all others are 3 + 1 unused
-: color-lookup ( loading-bitmap -- seq )
-    dup file-header>> header-length>> {
-        { 12 [ color-lookup3 ] }
-        { 64 [ color-lookup4 ] }
-        { 40 [ color-lookup4 ] }
-        { 108 [ color-lookup4 ] }
-        { 124 [ color-lookup4 ] }
-    } case ;
-M: os2v1-header bitmap>component-order* drop simple-bitmap>component-order ;
-M: os2v2-header bitmap>component-order* drop simple-bitmap>component-order ;
-M: v3-header bitmap>component-order* drop simple-bitmap>component-order ;
-M: v4-header bitmap>component-order* drop advanced-bitmap>component-order ;
-M: v5-header bitmap>component-order* drop advanced-bitmap>component-order ;
-: uncompress-bitfield ( seq masks -- bytes' )
-    '[
-        _ [
-            [ bitand ] [ bit-count ] [ log2 ] tri - shift
-        ] with map
-    ] { } map-as B{ } concat-as ;
-ERROR: bmp-not-supported n ;
-: bitmap>bytes ( loading-bitmap -- byte-array )
-    dup header>> bit-count>>
-    {
-        { 32 [ color-index>> ] }
-        { 24 [ color-index>> ] }
-        { 16 [
-            [
-                ! byte-array>ushort-array
-                2 group [ le> ] map
-                ! 5 6 5
-                ! { HEX: f800 HEX: 7e0 HEX: 1f } uncompress-bitfield
-                ! 5 5 5
-                { HEX: 7c00 HEX: 3e0 HEX: 1f } uncompress-bitfield
-            ] change-color-index
-            color-index>>
-        ] }
-        { 8 [ color-lookup ] }
-        { 4 [ [ 4 b:byte-array-n>seq ] change-color-index color-lookup ] }
-        { 1 [ [ 1 b:byte-array-n>seq ] change-color-index color-lookup ] }
-        [ bmp-not-supported ]
-    } case >byte-array ;
-: set-bitfield-widths ( loading-bitmap -- loading-bitmap' )
-    dup header>> bit-count>> {
-        { 16 [ dup color-palette>> 4 group [ le> ] map ] }
-        { 32 [ { HEX: ff0000 HEX: ff00 HEX: ff } ] }
-    } case reverse >>bitfields ;
-ERROR: unsupported-bitfield-widths n ;
-M: unsupported-bitfield-widths summary
-    drop "Bitmaps only support bitfield compression in 16/32bit images" ;
-: uncompress-bitfield-widths ( loading-bitmap -- loading-bitmap' )
-    set-bitfield-widths
-    dup header>> bit-count>> {
-        { 16 [
-            dup bitfields>> '[
-                byte-array>ushort-array _ uncompress-bitfield
-            ] change-color-index
-        ] }
-        { 32 [ ] }
-        [ unsupported-bitfield-widths ]
-    } case ;
-ERROR: unsupported-bitmap-compression compression ;
-GENERIC: uncompress-bitmap* ( loading-bitmap header -- loading-bitmap )
-: uncompress-bitmap ( loading-bitmap -- loading-bitmap )
-    dup header>> uncompress-bitmap* ;
-M: os2-header uncompress-bitmap* ( loading-bitmap header -- loading-bitmap' )
-    drop ;
-: do-run-length-uncompress ( loading-bitmap word -- loading-bitmap )
-    dupd '[
-        _ header>> [ width>> ] [ height>> ] bi
-        _ execute
-    ] change-color-index ; inline
-M: v-header uncompress-bitmap* ( loading-bitmap header -- loading-bitmap' )
-    compression>> {
-        { f [ ] }
-        { 0 [ ] }
-        { 1 [ \ run-length-uncompress-bitmap8 do-run-length-uncompress ] }
-        { 2 [ \ run-length-uncompress-bitmap4 do-run-length-uncompress ] }
-        { 3 [ uncompress-bitfield-widths ] }
-        { 4 [ "jpeg" unsupported-bitmap-compression ] }
-        { 5 [ "png" unsupported-bitmap-compression ] }
-    } case ;
-ERROR: unsupported-bitmap-file magic ;
-: load-bitmap ( stream -- loading-bitmap )
-    [
-        \ loading-bitmap new
-        parse-file-header [ >>file-header ] [ ] bi magic>> {
-            { "BM" [
-                dup file-header>> header-length>> parse-header >>header
-                parse-color-palette
-                parse-color-data
-            ] }
-            ! { "BA" [ parse-os2-bitmap-array ] }
-            ! { "CI" [ parse-os2-color-icon ] }
-            ! { "CP" [ parse-os2-color-pointer ] }
-            ! { "IC" [ parse-os2-icon ] }
-            ! { "PT" [ parse-os2-pointer ] }
-            [ unsupported-bitmap-file ]
-        } case
-    ] with-input-stream ;
-: loading-bitmap>bytes ( loading-bitmap -- byte-array )
-    uncompress-bitmap bitmap>bytes ;
-M: bmp-image stream>image ( stream bmp-image -- bitmap )
-    drop load-bitmap
-    [ image new ] dip
-    {
-        [ loading-bitmap>bytes >>bitmap ]
-        [ header>> [ width>> ] [ height>> abs ] bi 2array >>dim ]
-        [ header>> height>> 0 < not >>upside-down? ]
-        [ bitmap>component-order >>component-order ubyte-components >>component-type ]
-    } cleave ;

From 155ede5ad7b6f37e6739b7db9e3ddfc904134a78 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Doug Coleman <>
Date: Sat, 1 May 2010 18:37:59 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Fix normalization to take stride/padding bytes into

 .../normalization/normalization-tests.factor  | 55 ++++++++++++-------
 .../images/normalization/normalization.factor | 16 ++++--
 2 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

diff --git a/basis/images/normalization/normalization-tests.factor b/basis/images/normalization/normalization-tests.factor
index c85aed413f..3dd270f2c2 100644
--- a/basis/images/normalization/normalization-tests.factor
+++ b/basis/images/normalization/normalization-tests.factor
@@ -7,72 +7,87 @@ IN: images.normalization.tests
 ! 1>x
 [ B{ 255 255 } ]
-[ B{ 0 1 } A L permute ] unit-test
+[ B{ 0 1 } 2 2 A L permute ] unit-test
 [ B{ 255 255 255 255 } ]
-[ B{ 0 1 } A RG permute ] unit-test
+[ B{ 0 1 } 2 2 A RG permute ] unit-test
 [ B{ 255 255 255 255 255 255 } ]
-[ B{ 0 1 } A BGR permute ] unit-test
+[ B{ 0 1 } 2 2 A BGR permute ] unit-test
 [ B{ 0 255 255 255 1 255 255 255 } ]
-[ B{ 0 1 } A ABGR permute ] unit-test
+[ B{ 0 1 } 2 2 A ABGR permute ] unit-test
+! Difference stride
+! The last byte is padding, so it should not end up in the image
+[ B{ 255 255 } ]
+[ B{ 0 1 0 } 2 3 A L permute ] unit-test
+[ B{ 255 255 255 255 } ]
+[ B{ 0 1 0 } 2 3 A RG permute ] unit-test
+[ B{ 255 255 255 255 255 255 } ]
+[ B{ 0 1 0 } 2 3 A BGR permute ] unit-test
+[ B{ 0 255 255 255 1 255 255 255 } ]
+[ B{ 0 1 0 } 2 3 A ABGR permute ] unit-test
 ! 2>x
 [ B{ 0 2 } ]
-[ B{ 0 1 2 3 } LA L permute ] unit-test
+[ B{ 0 1 2 3 } 2 4 LA L permute ] unit-test
 [ B{ 255 255 255 255 } ]
-[ B{ 0 1 2 3 } LA RG permute ] unit-test
+[ B{ 0 1 2 3 } 2 4 LA RG permute ] unit-test
 [ B{ 255 255 255 255 255 255 } ]
-[ B{ 0 1 2 3 } LA BGR permute ] unit-test
+[ B{ 0 1 2 3 } 2 4 LA BGR permute ] unit-test
 [ B{ 1 255 255 255 3 255 255 255 } ]
-[ B{ 0 1 2 3 } LA ABGR permute ] unit-test
+[ B{ 0 1 2 3 } 2 4 LA ABGR permute ] unit-test
 ! 3>x
 [ B{ 255 255 } ]
-[ B{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 } RGB L permute ] unit-test
+[ B{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 } 2 6 RGB L permute ] unit-test
 [ B{ 0 1 3 4 } ]
-[ B{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 } RGB RG permute ] unit-test
+[ B{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 } 2 6 RGB RG permute ] unit-test
 [ B{ 2 1 0 5 4 3 } ]
-[ B{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 } RGB BGR permute ] unit-test
+[ B{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 } 2 6 RGB BGR permute ] unit-test
 [ B{ 255 2 1 0 255 5 4 3 } ]
-[ B{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 } RGB ABGR permute ] unit-test
+[ B{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 } 2 6 RGB ABGR permute ] unit-test
 ! 4>x
 [ B{ 255 255 } ]
-[ B{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 } RGBA L permute ] unit-test
+[ B{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 } 2 8 RGBA L permute ] unit-test
 [ B{ 0 1 4 5 } ]
-[ B{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 } RGBA RG permute ] unit-test
+[ B{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 } 2 8 RGBA RG permute ] unit-test
 [ B{ 2 1 0 6 5 4 } ]
-[ B{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 } RGBA BGR permute ] unit-test
+[ B{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 } 2 8 RGBA BGR permute ] unit-test
 [ B{ 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 } ]
-[ B{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 } RGBA ABGR permute ] unit-test
+[ B{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 } 2 8 RGBA ABGR permute ] unit-test
 ! Edge cases
 [ B{ 0 4 } ]
-[ B{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 } RGBA R permute ] unit-test
+[ B{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 } 2 8 RGBA R permute ] unit-test
 [ B{ 255 0 1 2 255 4 5 6 } ]
-[ B{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 } RGBA XRGB permute ] unit-test
+[ B{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 } 2 8 RGBA XRGB permute ] unit-test
 [ B{ 1 2 3 255 5 6 7 255 } ]
-[ B{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 } XRGB RGBA permute ] unit-test
+[ B{ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 } 2 8 XRGB RGBA permute ] unit-test
 [ B{ 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 } ]
-[ B{ 0 1 } L RGBA permute ] unit-test
+[ B{ 0 1 } 2 2 L RGBA permute ] unit-test
 ! Invalid inputs
diff --git a/basis/images/normalization/normalization.factor b/basis/images/normalization/normalization.factor
index db68e4bad6..a73de4f7b8 100644
--- a/basis/images/normalization/normalization.factor
+++ b/basis/images/normalization/normalization.factor
@@ -25,15 +25,21 @@ CONSTANT: fill-value 255
         dup 4 >= [ drop fill-value ] [ _ nth ] if
     ] B{ } map-as ;
-:: permute ( bytes src-order dst-order -- new-bytes )
+:: permute ( bytes width stride src-order dst-order -- new-bytes )
     src-order name>> :> src
     dst-order name>> :> dst
-    bytes src length group
-    [ pad4 src dst permutation shuffle dst length head ]
-    map concat ;
+    bytes stride group
+    [
+        src length group width head
+        [ pad4 src dst permutation shuffle dst length head ] map concat
+    ] map concat ;
+: stride ( image -- n )
+    [ bitmap>> length ] [ dim>> second ] bi / ;
 : (reorder-components) ( image src-order dest-order -- image )
-    [ permute ] 2curry change-bitmap ;
+    [ [ ] [ dim>> first ] [ stride ] tri ] 2dip
+    '[ _ _ _ _ permute ] change-bitmap ;
 GENERIC: normalize-component-type* ( image component-type -- image )