erg 2008-10-20 01:55:40 -05:00
parent e2880e8dd7
commit deb4526bd1
2 changed files with 12 additions and 70 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
USING: kernel alien.syntax math sequences unix
alien.c-types arrays accessors combinators ;
IN: unix.stat
! Ubuntu 7.10 64-bit
@ -30,35 +29,6 @@ FUNCTION: int __lxstat ( int ver, char* pathname, stat* buf ) ;
: stat ( pathname buf -- int ) 1 -rot __xstat ;
: lstat ( pathname buf -- int ) 1 -rot __lxstat ;
C-STRUCT: fstab
{ "char*" "fs_spec" }
{ "char*" "fs_file" }
{ "char*" "fs_vfstype" }
{ "char*" "fs_mntops" }
{ "char*" "fs_type" }
{ "int" "fs_freq" }
{ "int" "fs_passno" } ;
FUNCTION: fstab* getfsent ( ) ;
FUNCTION: fstab* getfsspec ( char* name ) ;
FUNCTION: fstab* getfsfile ( char* name ) ;
FUNCTION: int setfsent ( ) ;
FUNCTION: void endfsent ( ) ;
TUPLE: fstab spec file vfstype mntops type freq passno ;
: fstab-struct>fstab ( struct -- fstab )
[ fstab new ] dip
[ fstab-fs_spec >>spec ]
[ fstab-fs_file >>file ]
[ fstab-fs_vfstype >>vfstype ]
[ fstab-fs_mntops >>mntops ]
[ fstab-fs_type >>type ]
[ fstab-fs_freq >>freq ]
[ fstab-fs_passno >>passno ]
} cleave ;
TYPEDEF: ulonglong __fsblkcnt64_t
TYPEDEF: ulonglong __fsfilcnt64_t
@ -76,38 +46,4 @@ C-STRUCT: statfs64
{ "__SWORD_TYPE" "f_frsize" }
{ { "__SWORD_TYPE" 5 } "f_spare" } ;
TUPLE: statfs type bsize blocks bfree bavail files ffree fsid
namelen frsize spare ;
: statfs-struct>statfs ( struct -- statfs )
[ \ statfs new ] dip
[ statfs64-f_type >>type ]
[ statfs64-f_bsize >>bsize ]
[ statfs64-f_blocks >>blocks ]
[ statfs64-f_bfree >>bfree ]
[ statfs64-f_bavail >>bavail ]
[ statfs64-f_files >>files ]
[ statfs64-f_ffree >>ffree ]
[ statfs64-f_fsid >>fsid ]
[ statfs64-f_namelen >>namelen ]
[ statfs64-f_frsize >>frsize ]
[ statfs64-f_spare >>spare ]
} cleave ;
FUNCTION: int statfs64 ( char* path, statfs64* buf ) ;
: statfs ( path -- byte-array )
"statfs64" <c-object> [ statfs64 io-error ] keep ;
: all-fstabs ( -- seq )
setfsent io-error
[ getfsent dup ] [ fstab-struct>fstab ] [ drop ] produce endfsent ;
C-STRUCT: mntent
{ "char*" "mnt_fsname" }
{ "char*" "mnt_dir" }
{ "char*" "mnt_type" }
{ "char*" "mnt_opts" }
{ "int" "mnt_freq" }
{ "int" "mnt_passno" } ;

View File

@ -1,15 +1,20 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: alien.c-types combinators kernel ;
USING: alien.c-types combinators kernel io.files unix.stat
math accessors system unix io.backend ;
IN: unix.statfs.linux
TUPLE: linux-file-system-info < file-system-info
type bsize blocks bfree bavail files ffree fsid
namelen frsize spare ;
: statfs-struct>statfs ( struct -- statfs )
[ \ statfs new ] dip
: statfs>file-system-info ( struct -- statfs )
[ \ linux-file-system-info new ] dip
[ statfs64-f_bsize ]
[ statfs64-f_bavail ] bi * >>free-space
[ statfs64-f_type >>type ]
[ statfs64-f_bsize >>bsize ]
[ statfs64-f_blocks >>blocks ]
@ -23,6 +28,7 @@ namelen frsize spare ;
[ statfs64-f_spare >>spare ]
} cleave ;
: statfs ( path -- byte-array )
"statfs64" <c-object> [ statfs64 io-error ] keep ;
M: linux file-system-info ( path -- byte-array )
"statfs64" <c-object> tuck statfs64 io-error
statfs>file-system-info ;