Grid layout now respects baselines when fill attribute is off
Paragraph gadgets now compute a baselinedb4
@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
USING: ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.grids tools.test kernel arrays
namespaces math.geometry.rect accessors ;
namespaces math.geometry.rect accessors ui.gadgets.grids.private
ui.gadgets.debug sequences ;
IN: ui.gadgets.grids.tests
[ { { { 1 "a" } { 1 "b" } } { { 2 "a" } { 2 "b" } } } ]
[ { 1 2 } { "a" "b" } cross-zip ] unit-test
[ { 0 0 } ] [ { } <grid> pref-dim ] unit-test
: 100x100 <gadget> { 100 100 } >>dim ;
: 100x100 ( -- gadget ) <gadget> { 100 100 } >>dim ;
[ { 100 100 } ] [
@ -45,3 +49,39 @@ IN: ui.gadgets.grids.tests
"a" get rect-dim
"b" get rect-dim
] unit-test
[ ] [
100x100 dup "a" set
100x100 dup "b" set
100x100 dup "c" set
[ 1array ] tri@ 3array
{ 10 10 } >>gap "g" set
] unit-test
[ ] [ "g" get prefer ] unit-test
[ ] [ "g" get layout ] unit-test
[ { 10 10 } ] [ "a" get loc>> ] unit-test
[ { 100 100 } ] [ "a" get dim>> ] unit-test
[ { 10 120 } ] [ "b" get loc>> ] unit-test
[ { 100 100 } ] [ "b" get dim>> ] unit-test
[ { 10 230 } ] [ "c" get loc>> ] unit-test
[ { 100 100 } ] [ "c" get dim>> ] unit-test
5 { 10 10 } <baseline-gadget>
10 { 10 10 } <baseline-gadget> 2array
1array <grid> f >>fill?
"g" set
[ ] [ "g" get prefer ] unit-test
[ { 20 15 } ] [ "g" get dim>> ] unit-test
[ V{ { 0 5 } { 10 0 } } ] [
"g" get
dup layout
children>> [ loc>> ] map
] unit-test
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
! Copyright (C) 2006, 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: arrays kernel math namespaces make sequences words io
USING: arrays kernel math math.order namespaces make sequences words io
math.vectors ui.gadgets columns accessors strings.tables
math.geometry.rect locals fry ;
IN: ui.gadgets.grids
@ -8,8 +8,7 @@ IN: ui.gadgets.grids
TUPLE: grid < gadget
{ gap initial: { 0 0 } }
{ fill? initial: t }
align ;
{ fill? initial: t } ;
: new-grid ( children class -- grid )
@ -27,50 +26,82 @@ align ;
: grid-remove ( grid i j -- grid ) [ <gadget> ] 2dip grid-add ;
: pref-dim-grid ( grid -- dims )
grid>> [ [ pref-dim ] map ] map ;
: (compute-grid) ( grid -- seq ) [ max-dim ] map ;
: cross-zip ( seq1 seq2 -- seq1xseq2 )
[ [ 2array ] with map ] curry map ;
: compute-grid ( grid -- horiz vert )
pref-dim-grid [ flip (compute-grid) ] [ (compute-grid) ] bi ;
TUPLE: cell pref-dim baseline ;
: (pair-up) ( horiz vert -- dim )
[ first ] [ second ] bi* 2array ;
: <cell> ( gadget -- cell ) [ pref-dim ] [ baseline ] bi cell boa ;
: pair-up ( horiz vert -- dims )
[ [ (pair-up) ] curry map ] with map ;
M: cell baseline baseline>> ;
: add-gaps ( gap seq -- newseq )
[ v+ ] with map ;
TUPLE: grid-layout grid gap fill? row-heights column-widths ;
: gap-sum ( gap seq -- newseq )
dupd add-gaps dim-sum v+ ;
: iterate-cell-dims ( cells quot -- seq )
'[ [ pref-dim>> @ ] [ max ] map-reduce ] map ; inline
: row-heights ( grid-layout -- heights )
[ grid>> ] [ fill?>> ] bi
[ [ second ] iterate-cell-dims ]
[ [ dup [ pref-dim>> ] map baseline-metrics + ] map ]
if ;
: column-widths ( grid-layout -- widths )
grid>> flip [ first ] iterate-cell-dims ;
: <grid-layout> ( grid -- grid-layout )
grid-layout new
[ grid>> [ [ <cell> ] map ] map >>grid ]
[ fill?>> >>fill? ]
[ gap>> >>gap ]
dup row-heights >>row-heights
dup column-widths >>column-widths ;
: accumulate-cell-dims ( seq gap -- n ns )
dup '[ + _ + ] accumulate ;
: accumulate-cell-xs ( grid-layout -- x xs )
[ column-widths>> ] [ gap>> first ] bi
accumulate-cell-dims ;
: accumulate-cell-ys ( grid-layout -- y ys )
[ row-heights>> ] [ gap>> second ] bi
accumulate-cell-dims ;
M: grid pref-dim*
[ gap>> ] [ compute-grid [ gap-sum ] bi-curry@ ] bi bi (pair-up) ;
[ accumulate-cell-xs drop ]
[ accumulate-cell-ys drop ]
bi 2array ;
: do-grid ( dims grid quot -- )
[ grid>> ] dip '[ _ 2each ] 2each ; inline
: (compute-cell-locs) ( grid-layout -- locs )
[ accumulate-cell-xs nip ]
[ accumulate-cell-ys nip ]
bi cross-zip flip ;
: grid-positions ( grid dims -- locs )
[ gap>> dup ] dip add-gaps swap [ v+ ] accumulate nip ;
: adjust-for-baseline ( row-locs row-cells -- row-locs' )
baseline-align [ 0 swap 2array v+ ] 2map ;
: position-grid ( grid horiz vert -- )
pick [ [ grid-positions ] bi-curry@ bi pair-up ] dip
[ (>>loc) ] do-grid ;
: resize-grid ( grid horiz vert -- )
pick fill?>> [
pair-up swap [ (>>dim) ] do-grid
] [
2drop grid>> [ [ prefer ] each ] each
: cell-locs ( grid-layout -- locs )
dup fill?>>
[ (compute-cell-locs) ] [
[ (compute-cell-locs) ] [ grid>> ] bi
[ adjust-for-baseline ] 2map
] if ;
: grid-layout ( grid horiz vert -- )
[ position-grid ] [ resize-grid ] 3bi ;
: cell-dims ( grid-layout -- dims )
dup fill?>>
[ [ column-widths>> ] [ row-heights>> ] bi cross-zip flip ]
[ grid>> [ [ pref-dim>> ] map ] map ]
if ;
M: grid layout* dup compute-grid grid-layout ;
M: grid layout*
[ grid>> ] [ <grid-layout> [ cell-locs ] [ cell-dims ] bi ] bi
[ [ [ >>loc ] [ >>dim ] bi* drop ] 3each ] 3each ;
M: grid children-on ( rect gadget -- seq )
dup children>> empty? [ 2drop f ] [
@ -83,3 +114,5 @@ M: grid gadget-text*
[ [ gadget-text ] map ] map format-table
[ CHAR: \n , ] [ % ] interleave ;
@ -74,4 +74,9 @@ M: paragraph layout*
wrap-paragraph dup line-y-coordinates
[ layout-line ] 2each ;
M: paragraph baseline
children>> [ 0 ] [
first [ loc>> second ] [ baseline ] bi +
] if-empty ;
Reference in New Issue