Remove delegation slot
@ -23,9 +23,8 @@ DEFER: record-literal-allocation
[ <slot-value> [ swap record-literal-allocation ] keep ] map ;
[ <slot-value> [ swap record-literal-allocation ] keep ] map ;
: object-slots ( object -- slots/f )
: object-slots ( object -- slots/f )
#! Delegation
{ [ dup class immutable-tuple-class? ] [ tuple-slots rest-slice ] }
{ [ dup class immutable-tuple-class? ] [ tuple-slots ] }
{ [ dup complex? ] [ [ real-part ] [ imaginary-part ] bi 2array ] }
{ [ dup complex? ] [ [ real-part ] [ imaginary-part ] bi 2array ] }
[ drop f ]
[ drop f ]
} cond ;
} cond ;
@ -37,7 +36,6 @@ DEFER: record-literal-allocation
if* ;
if* ;
M: #push escape-analysis*
M: #push escape-analysis*
#! Delegation.
[ out-d>> first ] [ literal>> ] bi record-literal-allocation ;
[ out-d>> first ] [ literal>> ] bi record-literal-allocation ;
: record-unknown-allocation ( #call -- )
: record-unknown-allocation ( #call -- )
@ -59,7 +57,7 @@ M: #push escape-analysis*
[ second node-value-info literal>> ] 2bi
[ second node-value-info literal>> ] 2bi
dup fixnum? [
dup fixnum? [
{ [ over tuple class<= ] [ 3 - ] }
{ [ over tuple class<= ] [ 2 - ] }
{ [ over complex class<= ] [ 1 - ] }
{ [ over complex class<= ] [ 1 - ] }
[ drop f ]
[ drop f ]
} cond nip
} cond nip
@ -67,15 +67,14 @@ MEMO: builtin-predicate-expansion ( word -- nodes )
MEMO: (tuple-boa-expansion) ( n -- quot )
MEMO: (tuple-boa-expansion) ( n -- quot )
1- [ 3 + ] map <reversed>
[ 2 + ] map <reversed>
[ '[ [ , set-slot ] keep ] % ] each
[ '[ [ , set-slot ] keep ] % ] each
[ f over 2 set-slot ] %
] [ ] make ;
] [ ] make ;
: tuple-boa-expansion ( layout -- quot )
: tuple-boa-expansion ( layout -- quot )
#! No memoization here since otherwise we'd hang on to
#! No memoization here since otherwise we'd hang on to
#! tuple layout objects.
#! tuple layout objects.
[ \ (tuple) , size>> (tuple-boa-expansion) % ] [ ] make splice-quot ;
size>> (tuple-boa-expansion) \ (tuple) prefix splice-quot ;
: expand-tuple-boa ( #call -- node )
: expand-tuple-boa ( #call -- node )
last-literal tuple-boa-expansion ;
last-literal tuple-boa-expansion ;
@ -60,15 +60,13 @@ slots ;
: <value-info> ( -- info ) \ value-info new ;
: <value-info> ( -- info ) \ value-info new ;
: read-only-slots ( values class -- slots )
: read-only-slots ( values class -- slots )
#! Delegation.
all-slots rest-slice
[ read-only>> [ drop f ] unless ] 2map
[ read-only>> [ drop f ] unless ] 2map
{ f f } prepend ;
f prefix ;
DEFER: <literal-info>
DEFER: <literal-info>
: init-literal-info ( info -- info )
: init-literal-info ( info -- info )
#! Delegation.
dup literal>> class >>class
dup literal>> class >>class
dup literal>> dup real? [ [a,a] >>interval ] [
dup literal>> dup real? [ [a,a] >>interval ] [
[ [-inf,inf] >>interval ] dip
[ [-inf,inf] >>interval ] dip
@ -79,10 +77,8 @@ DEFER: <literal-info>
2array >>slots
2array >>slots
] }
] }
{ [ dup tuple? ] [
{ [ dup tuple? ] [
[ tuple-slots [ <literal-info> ] map ] [ class ] bi
tuple-slots rest-slice
read-only-slots >>slots
[ <literal-info> ] map
] [ class ] bi read-only-slots >>slots
] }
] }
[ drop ]
[ drop ]
} cond
} cond
@ -32,19 +32,18 @@ UNION: fixed-length-sequence array byte-array string ;
{ <tuple-boa> <complex> } memq? ;
{ <tuple-boa> <complex> } memq? ;
: fold-<tuple-boa> ( values class -- info )
: fold-<tuple-boa> ( values class -- info )
[ , f , [ literal>> ] map % ] { } make >tuple
[ [ literal>> ] map ] dip prefix >tuple
<literal-info> ;
<literal-info> ;
: (propagate-tuple-constructor) ( values class -- info )
: (propagate-tuple-constructor) ( values class -- info )
[ [ value-info ] map ] dip [ read-only-slots ] keep
[ [ value-info ] map ] dip [ read-only-slots ] keep
over 2 tail-slice [ dup [ literal?>> ] when ] all? [
over rest-slice [ dup [ literal?>> ] when ] all? [
[ 2 tail-slice ] dip fold-<tuple-boa>
[ rest-slice ] dip fold-<tuple-boa>
] [
] [
] if ;
] if ;
: propagate-<tuple-boa> ( #call -- info )
: propagate-<tuple-boa> ( #call -- info )
#! Delegation
in-d>> unclip-last
in-d>> unclip-last
value-info literal>> class>> (propagate-tuple-constructor) ;
value-info literal>> class>> (propagate-tuple-constructor) ;
@ -69,7 +68,6 @@ UNION: fixed-length-sequence array byte-array string ;
[ 1 = ] [ length>> ] bi* and ;
[ 1 = ] [ length>> ] bi* and ;
: value-info-slot ( slot info -- info' )
: value-info-slot ( slot info -- info' )
#! Delegation.
{ [ over 0 = ] [ 2drop fixnum <class-info> ] }
{ [ over 0 = ] [ 2drop fixnum <class-info> ] }
{ [ 2dup length-accessor? ] [ nip length>> ] }
{ [ 2dup length-accessor? ] [ nip length>> ] }
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ TUPLE: empty-tuple ;
[ dup cons boa 10 [ nip dup cons boa ] each-integer car>> ]
[ dup cons boa 10 [ nip dup cons boa ] each-integer car>> ]
[ 2 cons boa { [ ] [ ] } dispatch ]
[ 2 cons boa { [ ] [ ] } dispatch ]
[ dup [ drop f ] [ "A" throw ] if ]
[ dup [ drop f ] [ "A" throw ] if ]
[ [ ] [ ] curry curry dup 3 slot swap 4 slot dup 3 slot swap 4 slot drop ]
[ [ ] [ ] curry curry dup 2 slot swap 3 slot dup 2 slot swap 3 slot drop ]
[ [ ] [ ] curry curry call ]
[ [ ] [ ] curry curry call ]
[ <complex> <complex> dup 1 slot drop 2 slot drop ]
[ <complex> <complex> dup 1 slot drop 2 slot drop ]
[ 1 cons boa over [ "A" throw ] when car>> ]
[ 1 cons boa over [ "A" throw ] when car>> ]
@ -163,10 +163,12 @@ M: byte-vector >pprint-sequence ;
M: curry >pprint-sequence ;
M: curry >pprint-sequence ;
M: compose >pprint-sequence ;
M: compose >pprint-sequence ;
M: hashtable >pprint-sequence >alist ;
M: hashtable >pprint-sequence >alist ;
M: tuple >pprint-sequence tuple>array ;
M: wrapper >pprint-sequence wrapped>> 1array ;
M: wrapper >pprint-sequence wrapped>> 1array ;
M: callstack >pprint-sequence callstack>array ;
M: callstack >pprint-sequence callstack>array ;
M: tuple >pprint-sequence
[ class f 2array ] [ tuple-slots ] bi append ;
GENERIC: pprint-narrow? ( obj -- ? )
GENERIC: pprint-narrow? ( obj -- ? )
M: object pprint-narrow? drop f ;
M: object pprint-narrow? drop f ;
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ M: object infer-call*
: infer-<tuple-boa> ( -- )
: infer-<tuple-boa> ( -- )
\ <tuple-boa>
\ <tuple-boa>
peek-d literal value>> size>> { tuple } <effect>
peek-d literal value>> size>> 1+ { tuple } <effect>
apply-word/effect ;
apply-word/effect ;
: infer-(throw) ( -- )
: infer-(throw) ( -- )
@ -105,8 +105,11 @@ IN: stack-checker.transforms
\ new [
\ new [
dup tuple-class? [
dup tuple-class? [
dup inlined-dependency depends-on
dup inlined-dependency depends-on
dup all-slots rest-slice ! delegate slot
[ [ initial>> literalize , ] each literalize , \ boa , ] [ ] make
[ all-slots [ initial>> literalize , ] each ]
[ literalize , ] bi
\ boa ,
] [ ] make
] [ drop f ] if
] [ drop f ] if
] 1 define-transform
] 1 define-transform
@ -281,18 +281,12 @@ bi
"tuple" "kernel" create
"tuple" "kernel" create
[ { } define-builtin ]
[ { } define-builtin ]
[ define-tuple-layout ]
[ define-tuple-layout ]
{ "delegate" } make-slots
[ drop ] [ finalize-tuple-slots ] 2bi
[ "slots" set-word-prop ]
[ define-accessors ]
] tri
! Create special tombstone values
! Create special tombstone values
"tombstone" "hashtables.private" create
"tombstone" "hashtables.private" create
{ } define-tuple-class
{ "state" } define-tuple-class
"((empty))" "hashtables.private" create
"((empty))" "hashtables.private" create
"tombstone" "hashtables.private" lookup f
"tombstone" "hashtables.private" lookup f
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ load-help? off
! using the host image's hashing algorithms. We don't
! using the host image's hashing algorithms. We don't
! use each-object here since the catch stack isn't yet
! use each-object here since the catch stack isn't yet
! set up.
! set up.
begin-scan USE: accessors USE: kernel.private
[ hashtable? ] pusher [ (each-object) ] dip
[ hashtable? ] pusher [ (each-object) ] dip
[ rehash ] each
[ rehash ] each
@ -58,3 +58,10 @@ ERROR: invalid-slot-name name ;
} case
} case
dup check-duplicate-slots
dup check-duplicate-slots
3dup check-slot-shadowing ;
3dup check-slot-shadowing ;
: literal>tuple ( seq -- tuple )
{ [ dup length 1 = ] [ first new ] }
{ [ dup second not ] [ [ 2 tail ] [ first ] bi slots>tuple ] }
[ "Not implemented" throw ]
} cond ;
@ -21,8 +21,7 @@ ERROR: not-a-tuple object ;
superclasses [ "slots" word-prop ] map concat ;
superclasses [ "slots" word-prop ] map concat ;
PREDICATE: immutable-tuple-class < tuple-class ( class -- ? )
PREDICATE: immutable-tuple-class < tuple-class ( class -- ? )
#! Delegation
all-slots [ read-only>> ] all? ;
all-slots rest-slice [ read-only>> ] all? ;
@ -126,7 +125,7 @@ ERROR: bad-superclass class ;
} cond ;
} cond ;
: boa-check-quot ( class -- quot )
: boa-check-quot ( class -- quot )
all-slots 1 tail [ class>> instance-check-quot ] map spread>quot ;
all-slots [ class>> instance-check-quot ] map spread>quot ;
: define-boa-check ( class -- )
: define-boa-check ( class -- )
dup boa-check-quot "boa-check" set-word-prop ;
dup boa-check-quot "boa-check" set-word-prop ;
@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ IN: quotations
: uncurry dup 3 slot swap 4 slot ; inline
: uncurry dup 2 slot swap 3 slot ; inline
: uncompose dup 3 slot swap 4 slot ; inline
: uncompose dup 2 slot swap 3 slot ; inline
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ IN: bootstrap.syntax
"B{" [ \ } [ >byte-array ] parse-literal ] define-syntax
"B{" [ \ } [ >byte-array ] parse-literal ] define-syntax
"BV{" [ \ } [ >byte-vector ] parse-literal ] define-syntax
"BV{" [ \ } [ >byte-vector ] parse-literal ] define-syntax
"H{" [ \ } [ >hashtable ] parse-literal ] define-syntax
"H{" [ \ } [ >hashtable ] parse-literal ] define-syntax
"T{" [ \ } [ >tuple ] parse-literal ] define-syntax
"T{" [ \ } [ literal>tuple ] parse-literal ] define-syntax
"W{" [ \ } [ first <wrapper> ] parse-literal ] define-syntax
"W{" [ \ } [ first <wrapper> ] parse-literal ] define-syntax
"POSTPONE:" [ scan-word parsed ] define-syntax
"POSTPONE:" [ scan-word parsed ] define-syntax
@ -345,11 +345,8 @@ DEFINE_PRIMITIVE(tuple_boa)
F_TUPLE *tuple = allot_tuple(layout);
F_TUPLE *tuple = allot_tuple(layout);
/* set delegate slot */
for(i = size - 1; i >= 1; i--)
for(i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--)
Reference in New Issue