Use accessors in places for peg
@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007 Chris Double.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel tools.test peg peg.ebnf words math math.parser sequences ;
USING: kernel tools.test peg peg.ebnf words math math.parser
sequences accessors ;
IN: peg.ebnf.tests
{ T{ ebnf-non-terminal f "abc" } } [
"abc" 'non-terminal' parse parse-result-ast
"abc" 'non-terminal' parse ast>>
] unit-test
{ T{ ebnf-terminal f "55" } } [
"'55'" 'terminal' parse parse-result-ast
"'55'" 'terminal' parse ast>>
] unit-test
@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ IN: peg.ebnf.tests
} [
"digit = '1' | '2'" 'rule' parse parse-result-ast
"digit = '1' | '2'" 'rule' parse ast>>
] unit-test
@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ IN: peg.ebnf.tests
} [
"digit = '1' '2'" 'rule' parse parse-result-ast
"digit = '1' '2'" 'rule' parse ast>>
] unit-test
@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ IN: peg.ebnf.tests
} [
"one two | three" 'choice' parse parse-result-ast
"one two | three" 'choice' parse ast>>
] unit-test
@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ IN: peg.ebnf.tests
} [
"one {two | three}" 'choice' parse parse-result-ast
"one {two | three}" 'choice' parse ast>>
] unit-test
@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ IN: peg.ebnf.tests
} [
"one ((two | three) four)*" 'choice' parse parse-result-ast
"one ((two | three) four)*" 'choice' parse ast>>
] unit-test
@ -91,43 +92,43 @@ IN: peg.ebnf.tests
} [
"one ( two )? three" 'choice' parse parse-result-ast
"one ( two )? three" 'choice' parse ast>>
] unit-test
{ "foo" } [
"\"foo\"" 'identifier' parse parse-result-ast
"\"foo\"" 'identifier' parse ast>>
] unit-test
{ "foo" } [
"'foo'" 'identifier' parse parse-result-ast
"'foo'" 'identifier' parse ast>>
] unit-test
{ "foo" } [
"foo" 'non-terminal' parse parse-result-ast ebnf-non-terminal-symbol
"foo" 'non-terminal' parse ast>> ebnf-non-terminal-symbol
] unit-test
{ "foo" } [
"foo]" 'non-terminal' parse parse-result-ast ebnf-non-terminal-symbol
"foo]" 'non-terminal' parse ast>> ebnf-non-terminal-symbol
] unit-test
{ V{ "a" "b" } } [
"ab" [EBNF foo='a' 'b' EBNF] call parse-result-ast
"ab" [EBNF foo='a' 'b' EBNF] call ast>>
] unit-test
{ V{ 1 "b" } } [
"ab" [EBNF foo=('a')[[ drop 1 ]] 'b' EBNF] call parse-result-ast
"ab" [EBNF foo=('a')[[ drop 1 ]] 'b' EBNF] call ast>>
] unit-test
{ V{ 1 2 } } [
"ab" [EBNF foo=('a') [[ drop 1 ]] ('b') [[ drop 2 ]] EBNF] call parse-result-ast
"ab" [EBNF foo=('a') [[ drop 1 ]] ('b') [[ drop 2 ]] EBNF] call ast>>
] unit-test
{ CHAR: A } [
"A" [EBNF foo=[A-Z] EBNF] call parse-result-ast
"A" [EBNF foo=[A-Z] EBNF] call ast>>
] unit-test
{ CHAR: Z } [
"Z" [EBNF foo=[A-Z] EBNF] call parse-result-ast
"Z" [EBNF foo=[A-Z] EBNF] call ast>>
] unit-test
{ f } [
@ -135,7 +136,7 @@ IN: peg.ebnf.tests
] unit-test
{ CHAR: 0 } [
"0" [EBNF foo=[^A-Z] EBNF] call parse-result-ast
"0" [EBNF foo=[^A-Z] EBNF] call ast>>
] unit-test
{ f } [
@ -147,31 +148,31 @@ IN: peg.ebnf.tests
] unit-test
{ V{ "1" "+" "foo" } } [
"1+1" [EBNF foo='1' '+' '1' [[ drop "foo" ]] EBNF] call parse-result-ast
"1+1" [EBNF foo='1' '+' '1' [[ drop "foo" ]] EBNF] call ast>>
] unit-test
{ "foo" } [
"1+1" [EBNF foo='1' '+' '1' => [[ drop "foo" ]] EBNF] call parse-result-ast
"1+1" [EBNF foo='1' '+' '1' => [[ drop "foo" ]] EBNF] call ast>>
] unit-test
{ "foo" } [
"1+1" [EBNF foo='1' '+' '1' => [[ drop "foo" ]] | '1' '-' '1' => [[ drop "bar" ]] EBNF] call parse-result-ast
"1+1" [EBNF foo='1' '+' '1' => [[ drop "foo" ]] | '1' '-' '1' => [[ drop "bar" ]] EBNF] call ast>>
] unit-test
{ "bar" } [
"1-1" [EBNF foo='1' '+' '1' => [[ drop "foo" ]] | '1' '-' '1' => [[ drop "bar" ]] EBNF] call parse-result-ast
"1-1" [EBNF foo='1' '+' '1' => [[ drop "foo" ]] | '1' '-' '1' => [[ drop "bar" ]] EBNF] call ast>>
] unit-test
{ 6 } [
"4+2" [EBNF num=[0-9] => [[ digit> ]] foo=num:x '+' num:y => [[ drop x y + ]] EBNF] call parse-result-ast
"4+2" [EBNF num=[0-9] => [[ digit> ]] foo=num:x '+' num:y => [[ drop x y + ]] EBNF] call ast>>
] unit-test
{ 6 } [
"4+2" [EBNF foo=[0-9]:x '+' [0-9]:y => [[ drop x digit> y digit> + ]] EBNF] call parse-result-ast
"4+2" [EBNF foo=[0-9]:x '+' [0-9]:y => [[ drop x digit> y digit> + ]] EBNF] call ast>>
] unit-test
{ 10 } [
{ 1 2 3 4 } [EBNF num=. ?[ number? ]? list=list:x num:y => [[ drop x y + ]] | num EBNF] call parse-result-ast
{ 1 2 3 4 } [EBNF num=. ?[ number? ]? list=list:x num:y => [[ drop x y + ]] | num EBNF] call ast>>
] unit-test
{ f } [
@ -179,7 +180,7 @@ IN: peg.ebnf.tests
] unit-test
{ 3 } [
{ 1 2 "a" 4 } [EBNF num=. ?[ number? ]? list=list:x num:y => [[ drop x y + ]] | num EBNF] call parse-result-ast
{ 1 2 "a" 4 } [EBNF num=. ?[ number? ]? list=list:x num:y => [[ drop x y + ]] | num EBNF] call ast>>
] unit-test
{ f } [
@ -187,44 +188,44 @@ IN: peg.ebnf.tests
] unit-test
{ V{ "a" " " "b" } } [
"a b" [EBNF -=" " | "\t" | "\n" foo="a" - "b" EBNF] call parse-result-ast
"a b" [EBNF -=" " | "\t" | "\n" foo="a" - "b" EBNF] call ast>>
] unit-test
{ V{ "a" "\t" "b" } } [
"a\tb" [EBNF -=" " | "\t" | "\n" foo="a" - "b" EBNF] call parse-result-ast
"a\tb" [EBNF -=" " | "\t" | "\n" foo="a" - "b" EBNF] call ast>>
] unit-test
{ V{ "a" "\n" "b" } } [
"a\nb" [EBNF -=" " | "\t" | "\n" foo="a" - "b" EBNF] call parse-result-ast
"a\nb" [EBNF -=" " | "\t" | "\n" foo="a" - "b" EBNF] call ast>>
] unit-test
{ V{ "a" f "b" } } [
"ab" [EBNF -=" " | "\t" | "\n" foo="a" (-)? "b" EBNF] call parse-result-ast
"ab" [EBNF -=" " | "\t" | "\n" foo="a" (-)? "b" EBNF] call ast>>
] unit-test
{ V{ "a" " " "b" } } [
"a b" [EBNF -=" " | "\t" | "\n" foo="a" (-)? "b" EBNF] call parse-result-ast
"a b" [EBNF -=" " | "\t" | "\n" foo="a" (-)? "b" EBNF] call ast>>
] unit-test
{ V{ "a" "\t" "b" } } [
"a\tb" [EBNF -=" " | "\t" | "\n" foo="a" (-)? "b" EBNF] call parse-result-ast
"a\tb" [EBNF -=" " | "\t" | "\n" foo="a" (-)? "b" EBNF] call ast>>
] unit-test
{ V{ "a" "\n" "b" } } [
"a\nb" [EBNF -=" " | "\t" | "\n" foo="a" (-)? "b" EBNF] call parse-result-ast
"a\nb" [EBNF -=" " | "\t" | "\n" foo="a" (-)? "b" EBNF] call ast>>
] unit-test
{ V{ "a" "b" } } [
"ab" [EBNF -=(" " | "\t" | "\n")? => [[ drop ignore ]] foo="a" - "b" EBNF] call parse-result-ast
"ab" [EBNF -=(" " | "\t" | "\n")? => [[ drop ignore ]] foo="a" - "b" EBNF] call ast>>
] unit-test
{ V{ "a" "b" } } [
"a\tb" [EBNF -=(" " | "\t" | "\n")? => [[ drop ignore ]] foo="a" - "b" EBNF] call parse-result-ast
"a\tb" [EBNF -=(" " | "\t" | "\n")? => [[ drop ignore ]] foo="a" - "b" EBNF] call ast>>
] unit-test
{ V{ "a" "b" } } [
"a\nb" [EBNF -=(" " | "\t" | "\n")? => [[ drop ignore ]] foo="a" - "b" EBNF] call parse-result-ast
"a\nb" [EBNF -=(" " | "\t" | "\n")? => [[ drop ignore ]] foo="a" - "b" EBNF] call ast>>
] unit-test
{ f } [
@ -234,19 +235,19 @@ IN: peg.ebnf.tests
{ V{ V{ 49 } "+" V{ 49 } } } [
#! Test direct left recursion.
#! Using packrat, so first part of expr fails, causing 2nd choice to be used
"1+1" [EBNF num=([0-9])+ expr=expr "+" num | num EBNF] call parse-result-ast
"1+1" [EBNF num=([0-9])+ expr=expr "+" num | num EBNF] call ast>>
] unit-test
{ V{ V{ V{ 49 } "+" V{ 49 } } "+" V{ 49 } } } [
#! Test direct left recursion.
#! Using packrat, so first part of expr fails, causing 2nd choice to be used
"1+1+1" [EBNF num=([0-9])+ expr=expr "+" num | num EBNF] call parse-result-ast
"1+1+1" [EBNF num=([0-9])+ expr=expr "+" num | num EBNF] call ast>>
] unit-test
{ V{ V{ V{ 49 } "+" V{ 49 } } "+" V{ 49 } } } [
#! Test indirect left recursion.
#! Using packrat, so first part of expr fails, causing 2nd choice to be used
"1+1+1" [EBNF num=([0-9])+ x=expr expr=x "+" num | num EBNF] call parse-result-ast
"1+1+1" [EBNF num=([0-9])+ x=expr expr=x "+" num | num EBNF] call ast>>
] unit-test
{ t } [
@ -279,37 +280,37 @@ main = Primary
{ "this" } [
"this" primary parse-result-ast
"this" primary ast>>
] unit-test
{ V{ "this" "." "x" } } [
"this.x" primary parse-result-ast
"this.x" primary ast>>
] unit-test
{ V{ V{ "this" "." "x" } "." "y" } } [
"this.x.y" primary parse-result-ast
"this.x.y" primary ast>>
] unit-test
{ V{ V{ "this" "." "x" } "." "m" "(" ")" } } [
"this.x.m()" primary parse-result-ast
"this.x.m()" primary ast>>
] unit-test
{ V{ V{ V{ "x" "[" "i" "]" } "[" "j" "]" } "." "y" } } [
"x[i][j].y" primary parse-result-ast
"x[i][j].y" primary ast>>
] unit-test
'ebnf' compile must-infer
{ V{ V{ "a" "b" } "c" } } [
"abc" [EBNF a="a" "b" foo=(a "c") EBNF] call parse-result-ast
"abc" [EBNF a="a" "b" foo=(a "c") EBNF] call ast>>
] unit-test
{ V{ V{ "a" "b" } "c" } } [
"abc" [EBNF a="a" "b" foo={a "c"} EBNF] call parse-result-ast
"abc" [EBNF a="a" "b" foo={a "c"} EBNF] call ast>>
] unit-test
{ V{ V{ "a" "b" } "c" } } [
"abc" [EBNF a="a" "b" foo=a "c" EBNF] call parse-result-ast
"abc" [EBNF a="a" "b" foo=a "c" EBNF] call ast>>
] unit-test
{ f } [
@ -329,7 +330,7 @@ main = Primary
] unit-test
{ V{ V{ "a" "b" } "c" } } [
"ab c" [EBNF a="a" "b" foo={a "c"} EBNF] call parse-result-ast
"ab c" [EBNF a="a" "b" foo={a "c"} EBNF] call ast>>
] unit-test
{ f } [
@ -349,18 +350,18 @@ main = Primary
] unit-test
{ V{ V{ V{ "a" "b" } "c" } V{ V{ "a" "b" } "c" } } } [
"ab cab c" [EBNF a="a" "b" foo={a "c"}* EBNF] call parse-result-ast
"ab cab c" [EBNF a="a" "b" foo={a "c"}* EBNF] call ast>>
] unit-test
{ V{ } } [
"ab cab c" [EBNF a="a" "b" foo=(a "c")* EBNF] call parse-result-ast
"ab cab c" [EBNF a="a" "b" foo=(a "c")* EBNF] call ast>>
] unit-test
{ V{ V{ V{ "a" "b" } "c" } V{ V{ "a" "b" } "c" } } } [
"ab c ab c" [EBNF a="a" "b" foo={a "c"}* EBNF] call parse-result-ast
"ab c ab c" [EBNF a="a" "b" foo={a "c"}* EBNF] call ast>>
] unit-test
{ V{ } } [
"ab c ab c" [EBNF a="a" "b" foo=(a "c")* EBNF] call parse-result-ast
"ab c ab c" [EBNF a="a" "b" foo=(a "c")* EBNF] call ast>>
] unit-test
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Chris Double.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel arrays strings math.parser sequences
peg peg.ebnf peg.parsers memoize math ;
peg peg.ebnf peg.parsers memoize math accessors ;
IN: peg.expr
EBNF: expr
@ -20,5 +20,5 @@ exp = exp "+" fac => [[ first3 nip + ]]
: eval-expr ( string -- number )
expr parse-result-ast ;
expr ast>> ;
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007 Chris Double.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel tools.test strings namespaces arrays sequences peg peg.private accessors words math ;
USING: kernel tools.test strings namespaces arrays sequences
peg peg.private accessors words math accessors ;
IN: peg.tests
{ f } [
@ -10,7 +11,7 @@ IN: peg.tests
{ "begin" "end" } [
"beginend" "begin" token parse
{ parse-result-ast parse-result-remaining } get-slots
{ ast>> remaining>> } get-slots
] unit-test
@ -23,11 +24,11 @@ IN: peg.tests
] unit-test
{ CHAR: a } [
"abcd" CHAR: a CHAR: z range parse parse-result-ast
"abcd" CHAR: a CHAR: z range parse ast>>
] unit-test
{ CHAR: z } [
"zbcd" CHAR: a CHAR: z range parse parse-result-ast
"zbcd" CHAR: a CHAR: z range parse ast>>
] unit-test
{ f } [
@ -35,15 +36,15 @@ IN: peg.tests
] unit-test
{ V{ "g" "o" } } [
"good" "g" token "o" token 2array seq parse parse-result-ast
"good" "g" token "o" token 2array seq parse ast>>
] unit-test
{ "a" } [
"abcd" "a" token "b" token 2array choice parse parse-result-ast
"abcd" "a" token "b" token 2array choice parse ast>>
] unit-test
{ "b" } [
"bbcd" "a" token "b" token 2array choice parse parse-result-ast
"bbcd" "a" token "b" token 2array choice parse ast>>
] unit-test
{ f } [
@ -55,15 +56,15 @@ IN: peg.tests
] unit-test
{ 0 } [
"" "a" token repeat0 parse parse-result-ast length
"" "a" token repeat0 parse ast>> length
] unit-test
{ 0 } [
"b" "a" token repeat0 parse parse-result-ast length
"b" "a" token repeat0 parse ast>> length
] unit-test
{ V{ "a" "a" "a" } } [
"aaab" "a" token repeat0 parse parse-result-ast
"aaab" "a" token repeat0 parse ast>>
] unit-test
{ f } [
@ -75,15 +76,15 @@ IN: peg.tests
] unit-test
{ V{ "a" "a" "a" } } [
"aaab" "a" token repeat1 parse parse-result-ast
"aaab" "a" token repeat1 parse ast>>
] unit-test
{ V{ "a" "b" } } [
"ab" "a" token optional "b" token 2array seq parse parse-result-ast
"ab" "a" token optional "b" token 2array seq parse ast>>
] unit-test
{ V{ f "b" } } [
"b" "a" token optional "b" token 2array seq parse parse-result-ast
"b" "a" token optional "b" token 2array seq parse ast>>
] unit-test
{ f } [
@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ IN: peg.tests
] unit-test
{ V{ CHAR: a CHAR: b } } [
"ab" "a" token ensure CHAR: a CHAR: z range dup 3array seq parse parse-result-ast
"ab" "a" token ensure CHAR: a CHAR: z range dup 3array seq parse ast>>
] unit-test
{ f } [
@ -123,11 +124,11 @@ IN: peg.tests
] unit-test
{ 1 } [
"a" "a" token [ drop 1 ] action parse parse-result-ast
"a" "a" token [ drop 1 ] action parse ast>>
] unit-test
{ V{ 1 1 } } [
"aa" "a" token [ drop 1 ] action dup 2array seq parse parse-result-ast
"aa" "a" token [ drop 1 ] action dup 2array seq parse ast>>
] unit-test
{ f } [
@ -139,19 +140,19 @@ IN: peg.tests
] unit-test
{ CHAR: a } [
"a" [ CHAR: a = ] satisfy parse parse-result-ast
"a" [ CHAR: a = ] satisfy parse ast>>
] unit-test
{ "a" } [
" a" "a" token sp parse parse-result-ast
" a" "a" token sp parse ast>>
] unit-test
{ "a" } [
"a" "a" token sp parse parse-result-ast
"a" "a" token sp parse ast>>
] unit-test
{ V{ "a" } } [
"[a]" "[" token hide "a" token "]" token hide 3array seq parse parse-result-ast
"[a]" "[" token hide "a" token "]" token hide 3array seq parse ast>>
] unit-test
{ f } [
@ -164,8 +165,8 @@ IN: peg.tests
[ "1" token , "-" token , "1" token , ] seq* ,
[ "1" token , "+" token , "1" token , ] seq* ,
] choice*
"1-1" over parse parse-result-ast swap
"1+1" swap parse parse-result-ast
"1-1" over parse ast>> swap
"1+1" swap parse ast>>
] unit-test
: expr ( -- parser )
@ -174,7 +175,7 @@ IN: peg.tests
[ expr ] delay "+" token "1" token 3seq "1" token 2choice ;
{ V{ V{ "1" "+" "1" } "+" "1" } } [
"1+1+1" expr parse parse-result-ast
"1+1+1" expr parse ast>>
] unit-test
{ t } [
@ -189,6 +190,6 @@ IN: peg.tests
] unit-test
{ CHAR: B } [
"B" [ drop t ] satisfy [ 66 >= ] semantic parse parse-result-ast
"B" [ drop t ] satisfy [ 66 >= ] semantic parse ast>>
] unit-test
@ -1,43 +1,44 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007 Chris Double.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel tools.test peg peg.ebnf peg.pl0 multiline sequences ;
USING: kernel tools.test peg peg.ebnf peg.pl0
multiline sequences accessors ;
IN: peg.pl0.tests
{ t } [
"CONST foo = 1;" "block" \ pl0 rule parse parse-result-remaining empty?
"CONST foo = 1;" "block" \ pl0 rule parse remaining>> empty?
] unit-test
{ t } [
"VAR foo;" "block" \ pl0 rule parse parse-result-remaining empty?
"VAR foo;" "block" \ pl0 rule parse remaining>> empty?
] unit-test
{ t } [
"VAR foo,bar , baz;" "block" \ pl0 rule parse parse-result-remaining empty?
"VAR foo,bar , baz;" "block" \ pl0 rule parse remaining>> empty?
] unit-test
{ t } [
"foo := 5" "statement" \ pl0 rule parse parse-result-remaining empty?
"foo := 5" "statement" \ pl0 rule parse remaining>> empty?
] unit-test
{ t } [
"BEGIN foo := 5 END" "statement" \ pl0 rule parse parse-result-remaining empty?
"BEGIN foo := 5 END" "statement" \ pl0 rule parse remaining>> empty?
] unit-test
{ t } [
"IF 1=1 THEN foo := 5" "statement" \ pl0 rule parse parse-result-remaining empty?
"IF 1=1 THEN foo := 5" "statement" \ pl0 rule parse remaining>> empty?
] unit-test
{ t } [
"WHILE 1=1 DO foo := 5" "statement" \ pl0 rule parse parse-result-remaining empty?
"WHILE 1=1 DO foo := 5" "statement" \ pl0 rule parse remaining>> empty?
] unit-test
{ t } [
"WHILE ODD 1 DO foo := 5" "statement" \ pl0 rule parse parse-result-remaining empty?
"WHILE ODD 1 DO foo := 5" "statement" \ pl0 rule parse remaining>> empty?
] unit-test
{ t } [
"PROCEDURE square; BEGIN squ:=x*x END" "block" \ pl0 rule parse parse-result-remaining empty?
"PROCEDURE square; BEGIN squ:=x*x END" "block" \ pl0 rule parse remaining>> empty?
] unit-test
{ t } [
@ -57,7 +58,7 @@ BEGIN
x := x + 1;
"> pl0 parse-result-remaining empty?
"> pl0 remaining>> empty?
] unit-test
{ f } [
@ -123,5 +124,5 @@ BEGIN
y := 36;
CALL gcd;
"> pl0 parse-result-remaining empty?
"> pl0 remaining>> empty?
] unit-test
Reference in New Issue