From e41a7bb6d626bf7d27cec95205403ba5af30c97f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Doug Coleman <>
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2009 16:48:32 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 1/8] site-watcher works again

 extra/site-watcher/db/db.factor              |  9 +++++++--
 extra/site-watcher/site-watcher-tests.factor |  7 -------
 extra/site-watcher/site-watcher.factor       | 19 ++++++++++---------
 3 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/extra/site-watcher/db/db.factor b/extra/site-watcher/db/db.factor
index 0c62c7f791..a1a85f825f 100644
--- a/extra/site-watcher/db/db.factor
+++ b/extra/site-watcher/db/db.factor
@@ -65,9 +65,9 @@ TUPLE: reporting-site email url up? changed? last-up? error last-error ;
     update-tuple ;
 : sites-to-report ( -- seq )
-    "select, site.url, site.up, site.changed, site.last_up, site.error, site.last_error from account, site, watching_site where account.account_name = watching_site.account_name and site.site_id = watching_site.site_id and site.changed = '1'" sql-query 
+    "select, site.url, site.up, site.changed, site.last_up, site.error, site.last_error from users, site, watching_site where users.username = watching_site.account_name and site.site_id = watching_site.site_id and site.changed = '1'" sql-query 
     [ [ reporting-site boa ] input<sequence ] map
-    "update site set changed = 'f';" sql-command ;
+    "update site set changed = 0;" sql-command ;
 : insert-site ( url -- site )
     <site> dup select-tuple [ ] [ dup t >>up? insert-tuple ] ?if ;
@@ -90,3 +90,8 @@ PRIVATE>
 : watching-sites ( username -- sites )
     f <watching-site> select-tuples
     [ site-id>> site new swap >>site-id select-tuple ] map ;
+: site-watcher-path ( -- path ) "site-watcher.db" temp-file ; inline
+: with-site-watcher-db ( quot -- )
+    site-watcher-path <sqlite-db> swap with-db ; inline
diff --git a/extra/site-watcher/site-watcher-tests.factor b/extra/site-watcher/site-watcher-tests.factor
index 68a4a440f6..dde5e65e7e 100644
--- a/extra/site-watcher/site-watcher-tests.factor
+++ b/extra/site-watcher/site-watcher-tests.factor
@@ -5,13 +5,6 @@ site-watcher.private kernel db io.directories io.files.temp
 continuations db.sqlite site-watcher.db.private ;
 IN: site-watcher.tests
-: site-watcher-path ( -- path ) "site-watcher.db" temp-file ; inline
-[ site-watcher-path delete-file ] ignore-errors
-: with-sqlite-db ( quot -- )
-    site-watcher-path <sqlite-db> swap with-db ; inline
 :: fake-sites ( -- seq )
         account ensure-table
diff --git a/extra/site-watcher/site-watcher.factor b/extra/site-watcher/site-watcher.factor
index 29a66afb13..4808e7c7eb 100644
--- a/extra/site-watcher/site-watcher.factor
+++ b/extra/site-watcher/site-watcher.factor
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
 ! Copyright (C) 2009 Doug Coleman.
 ! See for BSD license.
 USING: accessors alarms arrays calendar combinators continuations debugger http.client
-init io.streams.string kernel locals math math.parser
-namespaces sequences site-watcher.db site-watcher.db.private smtp ; continuations debugger http.client fry
+init io.streams.string kernel locals math math.parser db
+namespaces sequences site-watcher.db site-watcher.db.private
+smtp ;
 IN: site-watcher
 SYMBOL: site-watcher-from
@@ -44,13 +45,13 @@ SYMBOL: running-site-watcher
-: watch-sites ( -- )
-    find-sites check-sites sites-to-report send-reports ;
+: watch-sites ( db -- )
+    [ find-sites check-sites sites-to-report send-reports ] with-db ;
-: run-site-watcher ( -- )
-    running-site-watcher get [ 
-        [ watch-sites ] site-watcher-frequency get every
-        running-site-watcher set-global 
+: run-site-watcher ( db -- )
+    [ running-site-watcher get ] dip '[ 
+        [ _ watch-sites ] site-watcher-frequency get every
+        running-site-watcher set
     ] unless ;
 : stop-site-watcher ( -- )

From ece2eabc39ad424823437fe718bfbb27808aed7d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Doug Coleman <>
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2009 16:48:46 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 2/8] call init-db and run-site-watcher from

 extra/webapps/site-watcher/site-watcher.factor | 10 ++++++----
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/extra/webapps/site-watcher/site-watcher.factor b/extra/webapps/site-watcher/site-watcher.factor
index af07ccebbb..e220cff1d4 100644
--- a/extra/webapps/site-watcher/site-watcher.factor
+++ b/extra/webapps/site-watcher/site-watcher.factor
@@ -122,10 +122,12 @@ CONSTANT: site-list-url URL" $site-watcher-app/"
 site-watcher-db <alloy>
 main-responder set-global
-: start-site-watcher ( -- )
-    <site-watcher-server> start-server ;
 : init-db ( -- )
     site-watcher-db [
         { site account watching-site } [ ensure-table ] each
-    ] with-db ;
\ No newline at end of file
+    ] with-db ;
+: start-site-watcher ( -- )
+    init-db
+    site-watcher-db run-site-watcher
+    <site-watcher-server> start-server ;

From 54df6bee59a5ef9ba127564ef3cd85b397764cae Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Doug Coleman <>
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2009 17:05:08 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 3/8] ping every 5 minutes, not every 10 seconds

 extra/site-watcher/site-watcher.factor | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/extra/site-watcher/site-watcher.factor b/extra/site-watcher/site-watcher.factor
index 4808e7c7eb..114cdf3259 100644
--- a/extra/site-watcher/site-watcher.factor
+++ b/extra/site-watcher/site-watcher.factor
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ SYMBOL: site-watcher-from
 "" site-watcher-from set-global
 SYMBOL: site-watcher-frequency
-10 seconds site-watcher-frequency set-global
+5 minutes site-watcher-frequency set-global
 SYMBOL: running-site-watcher
 [ f running-site-watcher set-global ] "site-watcher" add-init-hook

From 054a2e5b7c02eda05de4c67eeb1b169b06c15b44 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Doug Coleman <>
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2009 20:40:39 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 4/8] add word to parse robots.txt visit-time

 basis/calendar/format/format.factor | 5 +++++
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)

diff --git a/basis/calendar/format/format.factor b/basis/calendar/format/format.factor
index 916d3499fe..c2e95f2a9e 100644
--- a/basis/calendar/format/format.factor
+++ b/basis/calendar/format/format.factor
@@ -46,6 +46,11 @@ IN: calendar.format
 : read-0000 ( -- n ) 4 read string>number ;
+: hhmm>timestamp ( hhmm -- timestamp )
+    [
+        0 0 0 read-00 read-00 0 instant <timestamp>
+    ] with-string-reader ;
 GENERIC: day. ( obj -- )
 M: integer day. ( n -- )

From c626cab383a9f8db56a8de2caee4e0dfe222a47d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Doug Coleman <>
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2009 21:56:48 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 5/8] a robots.txt parser

 extra/robots/authors.txt         |   1 +
 extra/robots/robots-tests.factor | 334 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 extra/robots/robots.factor       |  68 +++++++
 extra/robots/robots.txt          | 279 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 682 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 extra/robots/authors.txt
 create mode 100644 extra/robots/robots-tests.factor
 create mode 100644 extra/robots/robots.factor
 create mode 100644 extra/robots/robots.txt

diff --git a/extra/robots/authors.txt b/extra/robots/authors.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b4bd0e7b35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/robots/authors.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Doug Coleman
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extra/robots/robots-tests.factor b/extra/robots/robots-tests.factor
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a590d9eee0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/robots/robots-tests.factor
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+! Copyright (C) 2009 Doug Coleman.
+! See for BSD license.
+USING: calendar io.encodings.utf8 io.files robots tools.test ;
+IN: robots.tests
+{ "" }
+    T{ rules
+        { user-agents V{ "*" } }
+        { allows V{ } }
+        { disallows
+            V{
+                "/cgi-bin/"
+                "/scripts/"
+                "/ChipList2/scripts/"
+                "/ChipList2/styles/"
+                "/ads/"
+                "/ChipList2/ads/"
+                "/advertisements/"
+                "/ChipList2/advertisements/"
+                "/graphics/"
+                "/ChipList2/graphics/"
+            }
+        }
+        { visit-time
+            {
+                T{ timestamp { hour 2 } }
+                T{ timestamp { hour 5 } }
+            }
+        }
+        { request-rate 1 }
+        { crawl-delay 1 }
+        { unknowns H{ } }
+    }
+    T{ rules
+        { user-agents V{ "UbiCrawler" } }
+        { allows V{ } }
+        { disallows V{ "/" } }
+        { unknowns H{ } }
+    }
+    T{ rules
+        { user-agents V{ "DOC" } }
+        { allows V{ } }
+        { disallows V{ "/" } }
+        { unknowns H{ } }
+    }
+    T{ rules
+        { user-agents V{ "Zao" } }
+        { allows V{ } }
+        { disallows V{ "/" } }
+        { unknowns H{ } }
+    }
+    T{ rules
+        { user-agents V{ "" } }
+        { allows V{ } }
+        { disallows V{ "/" } }
+        { unknowns H{ } }
+    }
+    T{ rules
+        { user-agents V{ "Zealbot" } }
+        { allows V{ } }
+        { disallows V{ "/" } }
+        { unknowns H{ } }
+    }
+    T{ rules
+        { user-agents V{ "MSIECrawler" } }
+        { allows V{ } }
+        { disallows V{ "/" } }
+        { unknowns H{ } }
+    }
+    T{ rules
+        { user-agents V{ "SiteSnagger" } }
+        { allows V{ } }
+        { disallows V{ "/" } }
+        { unknowns H{ } }
+    }
+    T{ rules
+        { user-agents V{ "WebStripper" } }
+        { allows V{ } }
+        { disallows V{ "/" } }
+        { unknowns H{ } }
+    }
+    T{ rules
+        { user-agents V{ "WebCopier" } }
+        { allows V{ } }
+        { disallows V{ "/" } }
+        { unknowns H{ } }
+    }
+    T{ rules
+        { user-agents V{ "Fetch" } }
+        { allows V{ } }
+        { disallows V{ "/" } }
+        { unknowns H{ } }
+    }
+    T{ rules
+        { user-agents V{ "Offline Explorer" } }
+        { allows V{ } }
+        { disallows V{ "/" } }
+        { unknowns H{ } }
+    }
+    T{ rules
+        { user-agents V{ "Teleport" } }
+        { allows V{ } }
+        { disallows V{ "/" } }
+        { unknowns H{ } }
+    }
+    T{ rules
+        { user-agents V{ "TeleportPro" } }
+        { allows V{ } }
+        { disallows V{ "/" } }
+        { unknowns H{ } }
+    }
+    T{ rules
+        { user-agents V{ "WebZIP" } }
+        { allows V{ } }
+        { disallows V{ "/" } }
+        { unknowns H{ } }
+    }
+    T{ rules
+        { user-agents V{ "linko" } }
+        { allows V{ } }
+        { disallows V{ "/" } }
+        { unknowns H{ } }
+    }
+    T{ rules
+        { user-agents V{ "HTTrack" } }
+        { allows V{ } }
+        { disallows V{ "/" } }
+        { unknowns H{ } }
+    }
+    T{ rules
+        { user-agents V{ "Microsoft.URL.Control" } }
+        { allows V{ } }
+        { disallows V{ "/" } }
+        { unknowns H{ } }
+    }
+    T{ rules
+        { user-agents V{ "Xenu" } }
+        { allows V{ } }
+        { disallows V{ "/" } }
+        { unknowns H{ } }
+    }
+    T{ rules
+        { user-agents V{ "larbin" } }
+        { allows V{ } }
+        { disallows V{ "/" } }
+        { unknowns H{ } }
+    }
+    T{ rules
+        { user-agents V{ "libwww" } }
+        { allows V{ } }
+        { disallows V{ "/" } }
+        { unknowns H{ } }
+    }
+    T{ rules
+        { user-agents V{ "ZyBORG" } }
+        { allows V{ } }
+        { disallows V{ "/" } }
+        { unknowns H{ } }
+    }
+    T{ rules
+        { user-agents V{ "Download Ninja" } }
+        { allows V{ } }
+        { disallows V{ "/" } }
+        { unknowns H{ } }
+    }
+    T{ rules
+        { user-agents V{ "wget" } }
+        { allows V{ } }
+        { disallows V{ "/" } }
+        { unknowns H{ } }
+    }
+    T{ rules
+        { user-agents V{ "grub-client" } }
+        { allows V{ } }
+        { disallows V{ "/" } }
+        { unknowns H{ } }
+    }
+    T{ rules
+        { user-agents V{ "k2spider" } }
+        { allows V{ } }
+        { disallows V{ "/" } }
+        { unknowns H{ } }
+    }
+    T{ rules
+        { user-agents V{ "NPBot" } }
+        { allows V{ } }
+        { disallows V{ "/" } }
+        { unknowns H{ } }
+    }
+    T{ rules
+        { user-agents V{ "WebReaper" } }
+        { allows V{ } }
+        { disallows V{ "/" } }
+        { unknowns H{ } }
+    }
+    T{ rules
+        { user-agents
+            V{
+                "abot"
+                "ALeadSoftbot"
+                "BeijingCrawler"
+                "BilgiBot"
+                "bot"
+                "botlist"
+                "BOTW Spider"
+                "bumblebee"
+                "Bumblebee"
+                "BuzzRankingBot"
+                "Charlotte"
+                "Clushbot"
+                "Crawler"
+                "CydralSpider"
+                "DataFountains"
+                "DiamondBot"
+                "Dulance bot"
+                "DYNAMIC"
+                ""
+                "EDI"
+                "envolk"
+                "Exabot"
+                "Exabot-Images"
+                "Exabot-Test"
+                "exactseek-pagereaper"
+                "Exalead NG"
+                "FANGCrawl"
+                "Feed::Find"
+                "flatlandbot"
+                "Gigabot"
+                "GigabotSiteSearch"
+                "GurujiBot"
+                "Hatena Antenna"
+                "Hatena Bookmark"
+                "Hatena RSS"
+                "HatenaScreenshot"
+                "Helix"
+                "HiddenMarket"
+                "HyperEstraier"
+                "iaskspider"
+                "IIITBOT"
+                "InfociousBot"
+                "iVia"
+                "iVia Page Fetcher"
+                "Jetbot"
+                "Kolinka Forum Search"
+                "KRetrieve"
+                ""
+                "Lincoln State Web Browser"
+                "Links4US-Crawler"
+                "LOOQ"
+                "Lsearch/sondeur"
+                ""
+                "NationalDirectory"
+                "NetCarta_WebMapper"
+                "NewsGator"
+                "NextGenSearchBot"
+                "ng"
+                "nicebot"
+                "NP"
+                "NPBot"
+                "Nudelsalat"
+                "Nutch"
+                "OmniExplorer_Bot"
+                "OpenIntelligenceData"
+                "Oracle Enterprise Search"
+                "Pajaczek"
+                ""
+                "PeerFactor 404 crawler"
+                "PeerFactor Crawler"
+                "PlantyNet"
+                "PlantyNet_WebRobot"
+                "plinki"
+                "PMAFind"
+                "Pogodak!"
+                "QuickFinder Crawler"
+                "Radiation Retriever"
+                "Reaper"
+                "RedCarpet"
+                "ScorpionBot"
+                "Scrubby"
+                "Scumbot"
+                "searchbot"
+                ""
+                "SeznamBot"
+                "ShowXML"
+                ""
+                " beta crawler"
+                "Snapbot"
+                "SnapPreviewBot"
+                "sohu"
+                "SpankBot"
+                "Speedy Spider"
+                "Speedy_Spider"
+                "SpeedySpider"
+                "spider"
+                "SquigglebotBot"
+                "SurveyBot"
+                "SynapticSearch"
+                "T-H-U-N-D-E-R-S-T-O-N-E"
+                "Talkro Web-Shot"
+                "Tarantula"
+                "TerrawizBot"
+                "TheInformant"
+                "TMCrawler"
+                "TridentSpider"
+                "Tutorial Crawler"
+                "Twiceler"
+                "unwrapbot"
+                "URI::Fetch"
+                "VengaBot"
+                " b o t"
+                "Vortex"
+                "Votay bot"
+                "WebAlta Crawler"
+                "Webbot"
+                ""
+                "WebCorp"
+                "Webinator"
+                "WIRE"
+                "WISEbot"
+                "Xerka WebBot"
+                "XSpider"
+                "YodaoBot"
+                "Yoono"
+                "yoono"
+            }
+        }
+        { allows V{ } }
+        { disallows V{ "/" } }
+        { unknowns H{ } }
+    }
+] [ "vocab:robots/robots.txt" utf8 file-contents parse-robots.txt ] unit-test
diff --git a/extra/robots/robots.factor b/extra/robots/robots.factor
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1b2422f06e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/robots/robots.factor
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+! Copyright (C) 2009 Doug Coleman.
+! See for BSD license.
+USING: accessors http.client kernel unicode.categories
+sequences urls splitting combinators splitting.monotonic
+combinators.short-circuit assocs arrays
+math.parser calendar.format make ;
+IN: robots
+! visit-time is GMT, request-rate is pages/second 
+! crawl-rate is seconds
+TUPLE: rules user-agents allows disallows
+visit-time request-rate crawl-delay unknowns ;
+: >robots.txt-url ( url -- url' )
+    >url URL" robots.txt" derive-url ;
+: get-robots.txt ( url -- headers robots.txt )
+    >robots.txt-url http-get ;
+: normalize-robots.txt ( string -- sitemaps seq )
+    string-lines
+    [ [ blank? ] trim ] map
+    [ "#" head? not ] filter harvest
+    [ ":" split1 [ [ blank? ] trim ] bi@ [ >lower ] dip  ] { } map>assoc
+    [ first "sitemap" = ] partition [ values ] dip
+    [
+        {
+            [ [ first "user-agent" = ] bi@ and ]
+            [ nip first "user-agent" = not ]
+        } 2|| 
+    ] monotonic-split ;
+: <rules> ( -- rules )
+    rules new
+        V{ } clone >>user-agents
+        V{ } clone >>allows
+        V{ } clone >>disallows
+        H{ } clone >>unknowns ;
+: add-user-agent ( rules agent -- rules ) over user-agents>> push ;
+: add-allow ( rules allow -- rules ) over allows>> push ;
+: add-disallow ( rules disallow -- rules ) over disallows>> push ;
+: parse-robots.txt-line ( rules seq -- rules )
+    first2 swap {
+        { "user-agent" [ add-user-agent ] }
+        { "allow" [ add-allow ] }
+        { "disallow" [ add-disallow ] }
+        { "crawl-delay" [ string>number >>crawl-delay ] }
+        { "request-rate" [ string>number >>request-rate ] }
+        {
+            "visit-time" [ "-" split1 [ hhmm>timestamp ] bi@ 2array
+            >>visit-time
+        ] }
+        [ pick unknowns>> push-at ]
+    } case ;
+: parse-robots.txt ( string -- sitemaps rules-seq )
+    normalize-robots.txt [
+        [ <rules> dup ] dip [ parse-robots.txt-line drop ] with each
+    ] map ;
+: robots ( url -- sitemaps rules-seq )
+    get-robots.txt nip parse-robots.txt ;
diff --git a/extra/robots/robots.txt b/extra/robots/robots.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bbaaee69e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/robots/robots.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+# robots.txt
+User-Agent: *
+Disallow: /cgi-bin/
+Disallow: /scripts/
+Disallow: /ChipList2/scripts/
+#Disallow: /styles/
+Disallow: /ChipList2/styles/
+Disallow: /ads/
+Disallow: /ChipList2/ads/
+Disallow: /advertisements/
+Disallow: /ChipList2/advertisements/
+Disallow: /graphics/
+Disallow: /ChipList2/graphics/
+#Disallow: /ChipList1/
+# robots.txt for and friends
+# Please note: There are a lot of pages on this site, and there are
+# some misbehaved spiders out there that go _way_ too fast. If you're
+# irresponsible, your access to the site may be blocked.
+# Inktomi's "Slurp" can read a minimum delay between hits; if your
+# bot supports such a thing using the 'Crawl-delay' or another
+# instruction, please let us know.
+# *at least* 1 second please. preferably more :D
+#User-agent: *
+Crawl-delay: 1
+Request-rate: 1/1
+Visit-time: 0200-0500
+# Crawlers that are kind enough to obey, but which we'd rather not have
+# unless they're feeding search engines.
+User-agent: UbiCrawler
+Disallow: /
+User-agent: DOC
+Disallow: /
+User-agent: Zao
+Disallow: /
+# Some bots are known to be trouble, particularly those designed to copy
+# entire sites. Please obey robots.txt.
+Disallow: /
+User-agent: Zealbot
+Disallow: /
+User-agent: MSIECrawler
+Disallow: /
+User-agent: SiteSnagger
+Disallow: /
+User-agent: WebStripper
+Disallow: /
+User-agent: WebCopier
+Disallow: /
+User-agent: Fetch
+Disallow: /
+User-agent: Offline Explorer
+Disallow: /
+User-agent: Teleport
+Disallow: /
+User-agent: TeleportPro
+Disallow: /
+User-agent: WebZIP
+Disallow: /
+User-agent: linko
+Disallow: /
+User-agent: HTTrack
+Disallow: /
+User-agent: Microsoft.URL.Control
+Disallow: /
+User-agent: Xenu
+Disallow: /
+User-agent: larbin
+Disallow: /
+User-agent: libwww
+Disallow: /
+User-agent: ZyBORG
+Disallow: /
+User-agent: Download Ninja
+Disallow: /
+# Sorry, wget in its recursive mode is a frequent problem.
+# Please read the man page and use it properly; there is a
+# --wait option you can use to set the delay between hits,
+# for instance.
+User-agent: wget
+Disallow: /
+# The 'grub' distributed client has been *very* poorly behaved.
+User-agent: grub-client
+Disallow: /
+# Doesn't follow robots.txt anyway, but...
+User-agent: k2spider
+Disallow: /
+# Hits many times per second, not acceptable
+User-agent: NPBot
+Disallow: /
+# A capture bot, downloads gazillions of pages with no public benefit
+User-agent: WebReaper
+Disallow: /
+# Provided courtesy of
+# Created on February 13, 2008 at 7:39:00 PM GMT.
+# Place this file in the root public folder of your website.
+# It will stop the following bots from indexing your website.
+User-agent: abot
+User-agent: ALeadSoftbot
+User-agent: BeijingCrawler
+User-agent: BilgiBot
+User-agent: bot
+User-agent: botlist
+User-agent: BOTW Spider
+User-agent: bumblebee
+User-agent: Bumblebee
+User-agent: BuzzRankingBot
+User-agent: Charlotte
+User-agent: Clushbot
+User-agent: Crawler
+User-agent: CydralSpider
+User-agent: DataFountains
+User-agent: DiamondBot
+User-agent: Dulance bot
+User-agent: DYNAMIC
+User-agent: EDI
+User-agent: envolk
+User-agent: Exabot
+User-agent: Exabot-Images
+User-agent: Exabot-Test
+User-agent: exactseek-pagereaper
+User-agent: Exalead NG
+User-agent: FANGCrawl
+User-agent: Feed::Find
+User-agent: flatlandbot
+User-agent: Gigabot
+User-agent: GigabotSiteSearch
+User-agent: GurujiBot
+User-agent: Hatena Antenna
+User-agent: Hatena Bookmark
+User-agent: Hatena RSS
+User-agent: HatenaScreenshot
+User-agent: Helix
+User-agent: HiddenMarket
+User-agent: HyperEstraier
+User-agent: iaskspider
+User-agent: IIITBOT
+User-agent: InfociousBot
+User-agent: iVia
+User-agent: iVia Page Fetcher
+User-agent: Jetbot
+User-agent: Kolinka Forum Search
+User-agent: KRetrieve
+User-agent: Lincoln State Web Browser
+User-agent: Links4US-Crawler
+User-agent: LOOQ
+User-agent: Lsearch/sondeur
+User-agent: NationalDirectory
+User-agent: NetCarta_WebMapper
+User-agent: NewsGator
+User-agent: NextGenSearchBot
+User-agent: ng
+User-agent: nicebot
+User-agent: NP
+User-agent: NPBot
+User-agent: Nudelsalat
+User-agent: Nutch
+User-agent: OmniExplorer_Bot
+User-agent: OpenIntelligenceData
+User-agent: Oracle Enterprise Search
+User-agent: Pajaczek
+User-agent: PeerFactor 404 crawler
+User-agent: PeerFactor Crawler
+User-agent: PlantyNet
+User-agent: PlantyNet_WebRobot
+User-agent: plinki
+User-agent: PMAFind
+User-agent: Pogodak!
+User-agent: QuickFinder Crawler
+User-agent: Radiation Retriever
+User-agent: Reaper
+User-agent: RedCarpet
+User-agent: ScorpionBot
+User-agent: Scrubby
+User-agent: Scumbot
+User-agent: searchbot
+User-agent: SeznamBot
+User-agent: ShowXML
+User-agent: beta crawler
+User-agent: Snapbot
+User-agent: SnapPreviewBot
+User-agent: sohu
+User-agent: SpankBot
+User-agent: Speedy Spider
+User-agent: Speedy_Spider
+User-agent: SpeedySpider
+User-agent: spider
+User-agent: SquigglebotBot
+User-agent: SurveyBot
+User-agent: SynapticSearch
+User-agent: T-H-U-N-D-E-R-S-T-O-N-E
+User-agent: Talkro Web-Shot
+User-agent: Tarantula
+User-agent: TerrawizBot
+User-agent: TheInformant
+User-agent: TMCrawler
+User-agent: TridentSpider
+User-agent: Tutorial Crawler
+User-agent: Twiceler
+User-agent: unwrapbot
+User-agent: URI::Fetch
+User-agent: VengaBot
+User-agent: b o t
+User-agent: Vortex
+User-agent: Votay bot
+User-agent: WebAlta Crawler
+User-agent: Webbot
+User-agent: WebCorp
+User-agent: Webinator
+User-agent: WIRE
+User-agent: WISEbot
+User-agent: Xerka WebBot
+User-agent: XSpider
+User-agent: YodaoBot
+User-agent: Yoono
+User-agent: yoono
+Disallow: /

From 55bb5f0cd4e2183e0a9d60a1e50864d243cd867a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Doug Coleman <>
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2009 22:40:46 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 6/8] fix typo in example

 extra/spider/spider-docs.factor | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/extra/spider/spider-docs.factor b/extra/spider/spider-docs.factor
index 41dd13e918..cdbd5e7e09 100644
--- a/extra/spider/spider-docs.factor
+++ b/extra/spider/spider-docs.factor
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ HELP: slurp-heap-while
 ARTICLE: "spider-tutorial" "Spider tutorial"
 "To create a new spider, call the " { $link <spider> } " word with a link to the site you wish to spider."
-{ $code <" "" <spider> "> }
+{ $code <" "" <spider> "> }
 "The max-depth is initialized to 0, which retrieves just the initial page. Let's initialize it to something more fun:"
 { $code <" 1 >>max-depth "> }
 "Now the spider will retrieve the first page and all the pages it links to in the same domain." $nl

From ccdef3594986d4ea888eb2b61c6e8e6620b14f33 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Doug Coleman <>
Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2009 19:25:55 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 7/8] inline everything so stuff compiles

 extra/html/parser/analyzer/analyzer.factor |  4 ++--
 extra/html/parser/parser.factor            |  2 +-
 extra/html/parser/state/state.factor       | 18 +++++++++---------
 3 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/extra/html/parser/analyzer/analyzer.factor b/extra/html/parser/analyzer/analyzer.factor
index abe830c3fa..b344ce160f 100755
--- a/extra/html/parser/analyzer/analyzer.factor
+++ b/extra/html/parser/analyzer/analyzer.factor
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ TUPLE: link attributes clickable ;
 : find-between-all ( vector quot -- seq )
     '[ _ [ closing?>> not ] bi and ] find-all
-    [ first2 find-between* ] with map ;
+    [ first2 find-between* ] with map ; inline
 : remove-blank-text ( vector -- vector' )
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ TUPLE: link attributes clickable ;
     [ clickable>> [ bl bl text>> print ] each nl ] bi ;
 : find-by-text ( seq quot -- tag )
-    [ dup name>> text = ] prepose find drop ;
+    [ dup name>> text = ] prepose find drop ; inline
 : find-opening-tags-by-name ( name seq -- seq )
     [ [ name>> = ] [ closing?>> not ] bi and ] with find-all ;
diff --git a/extra/html/parser/parser.factor b/extra/html/parser/parser.factor
index c445b708c5..60e5ddbf54 100644
--- a/extra/html/parser/parser.factor
+++ b/extra/html/parser/parser.factor
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ SYMBOL: tagstack
     ] when ;
 : tag-parse ( quot -- vector )
-    V{ } clone tagstack [ string-parse ] with-variable ;
+    V{ } clone tagstack [ string-parse ] with-variable ; inline
 : parse-html ( string -- vector )
     [ (parse-html) tagstack get ] tag-parse ;
diff --git a/extra/html/parser/state/state.factor b/extra/html/parser/state/state.factor
index cda601866e..1b3f188a78 100644
--- a/extra/html/parser/state/state.factor
+++ b/extra/html/parser/state/state.factor
@@ -5,22 +5,22 @@ IN: html.parser.state
 TUPLE: state string i ;
-: get-i ( -- i ) state get i>> ;
+: get-i ( -- i ) state get i>> ; inline
 : get-char ( -- char )
-    state get [ i>> ] [ string>> ] bi ?nth ;
+    state get [ i>> ] [ string>> ] bi ?nth ; inline
 : get-next ( -- char )
-    state get [ i>> 1+ ] [ string>> ] bi ?nth ;
+    state get [ i>> 1+ ] [ string>> ] bi ?nth ; inline
 : next ( -- )
-    state get [ 1+ ] change-i drop ;
+    state get [ 1+ ] change-i drop ; inline
 : string-parse ( string quot -- )
-    [ 0 state boa state ] dip with-variable ;
+    [ 0 state boa state ] dip with-variable ; inline
 : short* ( n seq -- n' seq )
-    over [ nip dup length swap ] unless ;
+    over [ nip dup length swap ] unless ; inline
 : skip-until ( quot: ( -- ? ) -- )
     get-char [
@@ -30,12 +30,12 @@ TUPLE: state string i ;
 : take-until ( quot: ( -- ? ) -- )
     get-i [ skip-until ] dip get-i
-    state get string>> subseq ;
+    state get string>> subseq ; inline
 : string-matches? ( string circular -- ? )
-    get-char over push-growing-circular sequence= ;
+    get-char over push-growing-circular sequence= ; inline
 : take-string ( match -- string )
     dup length <growing-circular>
     [ 2dup string-matches? ] take-until nip
-    dup length rot length 1- - head next ;
+    dup length rot length 1- - head next ; inline

From 3d97e4c82e40584b6f7a13e1c4f2accdebcd3931 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Doug Coleman <>
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 19:00:23 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 8/8] delete factor/ every time after a build is finished.  you
 can easily check it out by knowing the git-id

 extra/mason/build/build.factor | 15 +++++++++------
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/extra/mason/build/build.factor b/extra/mason/build/build.factor
index 706dc12616..90ca1d31ff 100644
--- a/extra/mason/build/build.factor
+++ b/extra/mason/build/build.factor
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ io.files io.launcher mason.child mason.cleanup mason.common mason.release namespaces prettyprint ;
+QUALIFIED: continuations
 : create-build-dir ( -- )
     now datestamp stamp set
     build-dir make-directory ;
@@ -21,10 +23,11 @@ IN:
-    record-id
-    build-child
-    upload-help
-    release
-    cleanup ;
+    [
+        record-id
+        build-child
+        upload-help
+        release
+    ] [ cleanup ] [ ] continuations:cleanup ;
-MAIN: build
\ No newline at end of file
+MAIN: build