Working on global optimizations

Slava Pestov 2009-05-19 17:28:13 -05:00
parent a8c9dab9e2
commit e58fcd485c
10 changed files with 316 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -81,30 +81,33 @@ GENERIC: emit-node ( node -- next )
basic-block get successors>> push
stop-iterating ;
: emit-call ( word -- next )
: emit-call ( word height -- next )
{ [ dup loops get key? ] [ loops get at local-recursive-call ] }
{ [ over loops get key? ] [ drop loops get at local-recursive-call ] }
{ [ tail-call? not ] [ ##call ##branch begin-basic-block iterate-next ] }
{ [ dup current-label get eq? ] [ drop first-basic-block get local-recursive-call ] }
[ ##epilogue ##jump stop-iterating ]
{ [ dup current-label get eq? ] [ 2drop first-basic-block get local-recursive-call ] }
[ drop ##epilogue ##jump stop-iterating ]
} cond ;
! #recursive
: compile-recursive ( node -- next )
[ label>> id>> emit-call ]
: recursive-height ( #recursive -- n )
[ label>> return>> in-d>> length ] [ in-d>> length ] bi - ;
: emit-recursive ( #recursive -- next )
[ [ label>> id>> ] [ recursive-height ] bi emit-call ]
[ [ child>> ] [ label>> word>> ] [ label>> id>> ] tri (build-cfg) ] bi ;
: remember-loop ( label -- )
basic-block get swap loops get set-at ;
: compile-loop ( node -- next )
: emit-loop ( node -- next )
[ label>> id>> remember-loop ] [ child>> emit-nodes ] bi
iterate-next ;
M: #recursive emit-node
dup label>> loop?>> [ compile-loop ] [ compile-recursive ] if ;
dup label>> loop?>> [ emit-loop ] [ emit-recursive ] if ;
! #if
: emit-branch ( obj -- final-bb )
@ -191,28 +194,34 @@ M: #if emit-node
ds-pop ^^offset>slot i 0 ##dispatch
dispatch-branches ;
: <dispatch-block> ( -- word )
! If a dispatch is not in tail position, we compile a new word where the dispatch is in
! tail position, then call this word.
: (non-tail-dispatch) ( -- word )
gensym dup t "inlined-block" set-word-prop ;
: <non-tail-dispatch> ( node -- word )
current-word get (non-tail-dispatch) [
] with-cfg-builder
] keep ;
M: #dispatch emit-node
tail-call? [
emit-dispatch stop-iterating
] [
current-word get <dispatch-block> [
] with-cfg-builder
] keep emit-call
<non-tail-dispatch> f emit-call
] if ;
! #call
M: #call emit-node
dup word>> dup "intrinsic" word-prop
[ emit-intrinsic ] [ nip emit-call ] if ;
[ emit-intrinsic ] [ swap call-height emit-call ] if ;
! #call-recursive
M: #call-recursive emit-node label>> id>> emit-call ;
M: #call-recursive emit-node [ label>> id>> ] [ call-height ] bi emit-call ;
! #push
M: #push emit-node

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@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ number
{ successors vector }
{ predecessors vector } ;
M: basic-block hashcode* nip id>> ;
: <basic-block> ( -- basic-block )
basic-block new
V{ } clone >>instructions

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.copy-prop
SYMBOL: copies
: resolve ( vreg -- vreg )
dup copies get at swap or ;
[ copies get at ] keep or ;
: record-copy ( insn -- )
[ src>> resolve ] [ dst>> ] bi copies get set-at ; inline

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@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ M: _conditional-branch uses-vregs [ src1>> ] [ src2>> ] bi 2array ;
M: _compare-imm-branch uses-vregs src1>> 1array ;
M: insn uses-vregs drop f ;
! Instructions that use vregs
UNION: vreg-insn

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Slava Pestov

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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors assocs combinators compiler.cfg.rpo
compiler.cfg.stack-analysis fry kernel math.order namespaces
sequences ;
IN: compiler.cfg.dominance
! Reference:
! A Simple, Fast Dominance Algorithm
! Keith D. Cooper, Timothy J. Harvey, and Ken Kennedy
SYMBOL: idoms
: idom ( bb -- bb' ) idoms get at ;
: set-idom ( idom bb -- changed? ) idoms get maybe-set-at ;
: intersect ( finger1 finger2 -- bb )
2dup [ number>> ] compare {
{ +lt+ [ [ idom ] dip intersect ] }
{ +gt+ [ idom intersect ] }
[ 2drop ]
} case ;
: compute-idom ( bb -- idom )
predecessors>> [ idom ] map sift
[ ] [ intersect ] map-reduce ;
: iterate ( rpo -- changed? )
[ [ compute-idom ] keep set-idom ] map [ ] any? ;
: compute-dominance ( cfg -- cfg )
H{ } clone idoms set
dup entry>> reverse-post-order
unclip dup set-idom drop '[ _ iterate ] loop ;

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@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ TUPLE: stack-frame
spill-counts ;
INSN: ##stack-frame stack-frame ;
INSN: ##call word ;
INSN: ##call word height ;
INSN: ##jump word ;
INSN: ##return ;

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Slava Pestov

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@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors assocs kernel namespaces math sequences fry deques
search-deques dlists sets make combinators compiler.cfg.copy-prop
compiler.cfg.def-use compiler.cfg.instructions compiler.cfg.registers
compiler.cfg.rpo ;
IN: compiler.cfg.stack-analysis
! Convert stack operations to register operations
! If 'poisoned' is set, disregard height information. This is set if we don't have
! height change information for an instruction.
TUPLE: state locs>vregs vregs>locs changed-locs d-height r-height poisoned? ;
: <state> ( -- state )
state new
H{ } clone >>locs>vregs
H{ } clone >>vregs>locs
H{ } clone >>changed-locs
0 >>d-height
0 >>r-height ;
M: state clone
[ clone ] change-locs>vregs
[ clone ] change-vregs>locs
[ clone ] change-changed-locs ;
: loc>vreg ( loc -- vreg ) state get locs>vregs>> at ;
: record-peek ( dst loc -- )
state get
[ locs>vregs>> set-at ]
[ swapd vregs>locs>> set-at ]
3bi ;
: delete-old-vreg ( loc -- )
state get locs>vregs>> at [ state get vregs>locs>> delete-at ] when* ;
: changed-loc ( loc -- )
state get changed-locs>> conjoin ;
: redundant-replace? ( src loc -- ? )
loc>vreg = ;
: record-replace ( src loc -- )
! Locs are not single assignment, which means we have to forget
! that the previous vreg, if any, points at this loc. Also, record
! that the loc changed so that all the right ##replace instructions
! are emitted at a sync point.
2dup redundant-replace? [ 2drop ] [
dup delete-old-vreg dup changed-loc record-peek
] if ;
: save-changed-locs ( state -- )
[ changed-locs>> ] [ locs>vregs>> ] bi '[
_ at swap 2dup redundant-replace?
[ 2drop ] [ ##replace ] if
] assoc-each ;
: clear-state ( state -- )
[ 0 >>d-height drop ]
[ 0 >>r-height drop ]
[ changed-locs>> clear-assoc ]
[ locs>vregs>> clear-assoc ]
[ vregs>locs>> clear-assoc ]
} cleave ;
: sync-state ( -- )
! also: update height
! but first, sync outputs
state get {
[ save-changed-locs ]
[ d-height>> dup 0 = [ drop ] [ ##inc-d ] if ]
[ r-height>> dup 0 = [ drop ] [ ##inc-r ] if ]
[ clear-state ]
} cleave ;
: poison-state ( -- ) state get t >>poisoned? drop ;
GENERIC: translate-loc ( loc -- loc' )
M: ds-loc translate-loc n>> state get d-height>> + <ds-loc> ;
M: rs-loc translate-loc n>> state get r-height>> + <rs-loc> ;
! Abstract interpretation
GENERIC: visit ( insn -- )
! Instructions which don't have any effect on the stack
UNION: neutral-insn
##conditional-branch ;
M: neutral-insn visit , ;
: adjust-d ( n -- ) state get [ + ] change-d-height drop ;
M: ##inc-d visit n>> adjust-d ;
: adjust-r ( n -- ) state get [ + ] change-r-height drop ;
M: ##inc-r visit n>> adjust-r ;
: eliminate-peek ( dst src -- )
! the requested stack location is already in 'src'
[ ##copy ] [ swap copies get set-at ] 2bi ;
M: ##peek visit
[ dst>> ] [ loc>> translate-loc ] bi
dup loc>vreg dup [ nip eliminate-peek drop ] [ drop record-peek , ] if ;
M: ##replace visit
[ src>> resolve ] [ loc>> translate-loc ] bi
record-replace ;
M: ##copy visit
[ call-next-method ] [ record-copy ] bi ;
M: ##call visit
[ call-next-method ] [ height>> [ adjust-d ] [ poison-state ] if* ] bi ;
M: ##fixnum-mul visit
call-next-method -1 adjust-d ;
M: ##fixnum-add visit
call-next-method -1 adjust-d ;
M: ##fixnum-sub visit
call-next-method -1 adjust-d ;
! Instructions that poison the stack state
UNION: poison-insn
##fixnum-sub-tail ;
M: poison-insn visit call-next-method poison-state ;
! Instructions that kill all live vregs
UNION: kill-vreg-insn
##alien-indirect ;
M: kill-vreg-insn visit sync-state , ;
: visit-alien-node ( node -- )
params>> [ out-d>> length ] [ in-d>> length ] bi - adjust-d ;
M: ##alien-invoke visit
[ call-next-method ] [ visit-alien-node ] bi ;
M: ##alien-indirect visit
[ call-next-method ] [ visit-alien-node ] bi ;
! Basic blocks we still need to look at
SYMBOL: work-list
: add-to-work-list ( basic-block -- )
work-list get push-front ;
! Maps basic-blocks to states
SYMBOLS: state-in state-out ;
: merge-states ( seq -- state )
[ <state> ] [ first ] if-empty ;
: block-in-state ( bb -- states )
predecessors>> state-out get '[ _ at ] map merge-states ;
: maybe-set-at ( value key assoc -- changed? )
3dup at* [ = [ 3drop f ] [ set-at t ] if ] [ 2drop set-at t ] if ;
: set-block-in-state ( state b -- )
state-in get set-at ;
: set-block-out-state ( bb state -- changed? )
swap state-out get maybe-set-at ;
: finish-block ( bb state -- )
[ drop ] [ set-block-out-state ] 2bi
[ successors>> [ add-to-work-list ] each ] [ drop ] if ;
: visit-block ( bb -- )
dup block-in-state
[ swap set-block-in-state ] [
state [
[ [ [ [ visit ] each ] V{ } make ] change-instructions drop ]
[ state get finish-block ]
] with-variable
] 2bi ;
: visit-blocks ( bb -- )
reverse-post-order work-list get
[ '[ _ push-front ] each ] [ [ visit-block ] slurp-deque ] bi ;
: optimize-stack ( cfg -- cfg )
H{ } clone copies set
H{ } clone state-in set
H{ } clone state-out set
<hashed-dlist> work-list set
dup entry>> visit-blocks
] with-scope ;
! To do:
! - implement merge-states
! - insert loads to convert partially available values into available values
! if any state is poisoned, then we need to sync in every predecessor that didn't sync
! and begin with a new state.
! if heights differ, throw an error.
! changed-locs is the union of the changed-locs of all predecessors
! locs>vregs: take the union, then for each predecessor, diff its locs>vregs against the union.
! those are the ones that need to be loaded in.
! think about phi insertion.

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@ -35,5 +35,8 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.utilities
: stop-iterating ( -- next ) end-basic-block f ;
: call-height ( ##call -- n )
[ out-d>> length ] [ in-d>> length ] bi - ;
: emit-primitive ( node -- )
word>> ##call ##branch begin-basic-block ;
[ word>> ] [ call-height ] bi ##call ##branch begin-basic-block ;