Adding 'ini-file' vocab to parse INI config files.

John Benediktsson 2011-08-19 17:22:16 -07:00
parent b1c1ca0e74
commit e592e3ede6
5 changed files with 318 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
John Benediktsson

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
! Copyright (C) 2010 John Benediktsson
! See for BSD license
USING: assocs hashtables help.syntax help.markup io strings ;
IN: ini-file
HELP: read-ini
{ $values { "assoc" assoc } }
{ $description
"Reads and parses an INI configuration from the " { $link input-stream }
" and returns the result as a nested " { $link hashtable }
} ;
HELP: write-ini
{ $values { "assoc" assoc } }
{ $description
"Writes a configuration to the " { $link output-stream }
" in the INI format."
} ;
HELP: string>ini
{ $values { "str" string } { "assoc" assoc } }
{ $description
"Parses the specified " { $link string } " as an INI configuration"
" and returns the result as a nested " { $link hashtable }
} ;
HELP: ini>string
{ $values { "assoc" assoc } { "str" string } }
{ $description
"Encodes the specified " { $link hashtable } " as an INI configuration."
} ;

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@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
! Copyright (C) 2010 John Benediktsson
! See for BSD license
USING: ini-file tools.test ;
IN: ini-file.tests
[ H{ } ] [ "" string>ini ] unit-test
[ H{ { "section" H{ } } } ] [ "[section]" string>ini ] unit-test
[ H{ { "section" H{ } } } ] [ "[\"section\" ]" string>ini ] unit-test
[ H{ { " some name with spaces " H{ } } } ]
[ "[ \" some name with spaces \"]" string>ini ] unit-test
[ H{ { "[]" H{ } } } ] [ "[\\[\\]]" string>ini ] unit-test
[ H{ { "foo" "bar" } } ] [ "foo=bar" string>ini ] unit-test
[ H{ { "foo" "bar" } { "baz" "quz" } } ]
[ "foo=bar\nbaz= quz" string>ini ] unit-test
[ H{ { "section" H{ { "foo" "abc def" } } } } ]
foo = abc def
""" string>ini
] unit-test
[ H{ { "section" H{ { "foo" "abc def" } } } } ]
foo = abc \\
""" string>ini
] unit-test
[ H{ { "section" H{ { "foo" "abc def" } } } } ]
foo = "abc " \\
""" string>ini
] unit-test
[ H{ { "section" H{ { "foo" "abc def" } } } } ]
[section] foo = "abc def"
""" string>ini
] unit-test
[ H{ { "section" H{ { "foo" "abc def" } } } } ]
[section] foo = abc \\
""" string>ini
] unit-test
[ H{ { "section" H{ { "foo" "" } } } } ]
""" string>ini
] unit-test
[ H{ { "section" H{ { "foo" "" } } } } ]
""" string>ini
] unit-test
[ H{ { "" H{ { "" "" } } } } ]
""" string>ini
] unit-test
[ H{ { "owner" H{ { "name" "John Doe" }
{ "organization" "Acme Widgets Inc." } } }
{ "database" H{ { "server" "" }
{ "port" "143" }
{ "file" "payroll.dat" } } } } ]
; last modified 1 April 2001 by John Doe
name=John Doe
organization=Acme Widgets Inc.
server= ; use IP address in case network name resolution is not working
file = "payroll.dat"
""" string>ini
] unit-test
[ H{ { "a long section name"
H{ { "a long key name" "a long value name" } } } } ]
[a long section name ]
a long key name= a long value name
""" string>ini
] unit-test
[ H{ { "key with \n esc\ape \r codes \""
"value with \t esc\ape codes" } } ]
key with \\n esc\\ape \\r codes \\\" = value with \\t esc\\ape codes
""" string>ini
] unit-test
[ """key with \\n esc\\ape \\r codes \\\"=value with \\t esc\\ape codes\n""" ]
H{ { "key with \n esc\ape \r codes \""
"value with \t esc\ape codes" } } ini>string
] unit-test

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@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
! Copyright (C) 2010 John Benediktsson
! See for BSD license
USING: arrays assocs combinators combinators.short-circuit
formatting hashtables io io.streams.string kernel make math
namespaces quoting sequences splitting strings strings.parser ;
IN: ini-file
: escape ( ch -- ch' )
{ CHAR: a CHAR: \a }
{ CHAR: b HEX: 08 } ! \b
{ CHAR: f HEX: 0c } ! \f
{ CHAR: n CHAR: \n }
{ CHAR: r CHAR: \r }
{ CHAR: t CHAR: \t }
{ CHAR: v HEX: 0b } ! \v
{ CHAR: ' CHAR: ' }
{ CHAR: " CHAR: " }
{ CHAR: \\ CHAR: \\ }
{ CHAR: ? CHAR: ? }
{ CHAR: ; CHAR: ; }
{ CHAR: [ CHAR: [ }
{ CHAR: ] CHAR: ] }
{ CHAR: = CHAR: = }
} ?at [ bad-escape ] unless ;
: (unescape-string) ( str -- )
CHAR: \\ over index [
cut-slice [ % ] dip rest-slice
dup empty? [ "Missing escape code" throw ] when
unclip-slice escape , (unescape-string)
] [ % ] if* ;
: unescape-string ( str -- str' )
[ (unescape-string) ] "" make ;
USE: xml.entities
: escape-string ( str -- str' )
{ CHAR: \a "\\a" }
{ HEX: 08 "\\b" }
{ HEX: 0c "\\f" }
{ CHAR: \n "\\n" }
{ CHAR: \r "\\r" }
{ CHAR: \t "\\t" }
{ HEX: 0b "\\v" }
{ CHAR: ' "\\'" }
{ CHAR: " "\\\"" }
{ CHAR: \\ "\\\\" }
{ CHAR: ? "\\?" }
{ CHAR: ; "\\;" }
{ CHAR: [ "\\[" }
{ CHAR: ] "\\]" }
{ CHAR: = "\\=" }
} escape-string-by ;
: space? ( ch -- ? )
[ CHAR: \s = ]
[ CHAR: \t = ]
[ CHAR: \n = ]
[ CHAR: \r = ]
[ HEX: 0c = ] ! \f
[ HEX: 0b = ] ! \v
} 1|| ;
: unspace ( str -- str' )
[ space? ] trim ;
: unwrap ( str -- str' )
1 swap [ length 1 - ] keep subseq ;
: uncomment ( str -- str' )
";#" [ over index [ head ] when* ] each ;
: cleanup-string ( str -- str' )
unspace unquote unescape-string ;
SYMBOL: section
SYMBOL: option
: section? ( line -- index/f )
[ length 1 > ]
[ first CHAR: [ = ]
[ CHAR: ] swap last-index ]
} 1&& ;
: line-continues? ( line -- ? )
{ [ empty? not ] [ last CHAR: \ = ] } 1&& ;
: section, ( -- )
section get [ , ] when* ;
: option, ( name value -- )
section get [ second swapd set-at ] [ 2array , ] if* ;
: [section] ( line -- )
unwrap cleanup-string H{ } clone 2array section set ;
: name=value ( line -- )
option [
[ swap [ first2 ] dip ] [
"=" split1 [ cleanup-string "" ] [ "" or ] bi*
] if*
dup line-continues? [
dup length 1 - head cleanup-string
dup last space? [ " " append ] unless append 2array
] [
cleanup-string append option, f
] if
] change ;
: parse-line ( line -- )
uncomment unspace dup section? [
section, 1 + cut [ [section] ] [ unspace ] bi*
] when* [ name=value ] unless-empty ;
: read-ini ( -- assoc )
section off option off
[ [ parse-line ] each-line section, ] { } make
>hashtable ;
: write-ini ( assoc -- )
dup string?
[ [ escape-string ] bi@ "%s=%s\n" printf ]
[ escape-string "[%s]\n" printf ] dip
[ [ escape-string ] bi@ "%s=%s\n" printf ]
assoc-each nl
] if
] assoc-each ;
! FIXME: escaped comments "\;" don't work
: string>ini ( str -- assoc )
[ read-ini ] with-string-reader ;
: ini>string ( str -- assoc )
[ write-ini ] with-string-writer ;

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Parses INI configuration files.