Merge branch 'master' of
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ HELP: new-assoc
HELP: assoc-find
{ $values { "assoc" assoc } { "quot" "a quotation with stack effect " { $snippet "( key value -- ? )" } } { "key" "the successful key, or f" } { "value" "the successful value, or f" } { "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $contract "Applies a predicate quotation to each entry in the assoc. Returns the key or value that the quotation succeeds on, or " { $link f } " for both if the quotation fails. It also returns a boolean describing whether there was anything found." }
{ $contract "Applies a predicate quotation to each entry in the assoc. Returns the key and value that the quotation succeeds on, or " { $link f } " for both if the quotation fails. It also returns a boolean describing whether there was anything found; this can be used to distinguish between a key and a value equal to " { $link f } ", or nothing being found." }
{ $notes "The " { $link assoc } " mixin has a default implementation for this generic word which first converts the assoc to an association list, then iterates over that with the " { $link find } " combinator for sequences." } ;
HELP: clear-assoc
@ -147,6 +147,9 @@ PRIVATE>
] if
] unless ;
: file-extension ( filename -- extension )
"." last-split1 nip ;
! File info
TUPLE: file-info type size permissions modified ;
@ -219,6 +219,16 @@ $nl
{ $example "t \\ t eq? ." "t" }
"Many words which search collections confuse the case of no element being present with an element being found equal to " { $link f } ". If this distinction is imporant, there is usually an alternative word which can be used; for example, compare " { $link at } " with " { $link at* } "." ;
ARTICLE: "conditionals-boolean-equivalence" "Expressing conditionals with boolean logic"
"Certain simple conditional forms can be expressed in a simpler manner using boolean logic."
"The following two lines are equivalent:"
{ $code "[ drop f ] unless" "swap and" }
"The following two lines are equivalent:"
{ $code "[ ] [ ] ?if" "swap or" }
"The following two lines are equivalent, where " { $snippet "L" } " is a literal:"
{ $code "[ L ] unless*" "L or" } ;
ARTICLE: "conditionals" "Conditionals and logic"
"The basic conditionals:"
{ $subsection if }
@ -238,6 +248,7 @@ ARTICLE: "conditionals" "Conditionals and logic"
{ $subsection and }
{ $subsection or }
{ $subsection xor }
{ $subsection "conditionals-boolean-equivalence" }
"See " { $link "combinators" } " for forms which abstract away common patterns involving multiple nested branches."
{ $see-also "booleans" "bitwise-arithmetic" both? either? } ;
@ -720,9 +731,7 @@ HELP: unless*
{ $description "Variant of " { $link if* } " with no true quotation." }
{ $notes
"The following two lines are equivalent:"
{ $code "X [ Y ] unless*" "X dup [ ] [ drop Y ] if" }
"The following two lines are equivalent, where " { $snippet "L" } " is a literal:"
{ $code "[ L ] unless*" "L or" } } ;
{ $code "X [ Y ] unless*" "X dup [ ] [ drop Y ] if" } } ;
HELP: ?if
{ $values { "default" object } { "cond" "a generalized boolean" } { "true" "a quotation with stack effect " { $snippet "( cond -- )" } } { "false" "a quotation with stack effect " { $snippet "( default -- )" } } }
@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ HELP: \
{ $syntax "\\ word" }
{ $values { "word" "a word" } }
{ $description "Reads the next word from the input and appends a wrapper holding the word to the parse tree. When the evaluator encounters a wrapper, it pushes the wrapped word literally on the data stack." }
{ $examples "The following two lines are equivalent:" { $code "0 \\ <vector> execute\n0 <vector>" } } ;
{ $examples "The following two lines are equivalent:" { $code "0 \\ <vector> execute\n0 <vector>" } "If " { $snippet "foo" } " is a symbol, the following two lines are equivalent:" { $code "foo" "\\ foo" } } ;
{ $syntax "DEFER: word" }
@ -526,6 +526,9 @@ HELP: PREDICATE:
"it satisfies the predicate"
"Each predicate must be defined as a subclass of some other class. This ensures that predicates inheriting from disjoint classes do not need to be exhaustively tested during method dispatch."
{ $examples
{ $code "USING: math ;" "PREDICATE: positive < integer 0 > ;" }
} ;
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: sequences math opengl.gadgets kernel
byte-arrays cairo.ffi cairo io.backend
|||| arrays ;
ui.gadgets accessors
arrays ;
IN: cairo.gadgets
@ -12,11 +13,23 @@ IN: cairo.gadgets
>r first2 over width>stride
[ * nip <byte-array> dup CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32 ]
[ cairo_image_surface_create_for_data ] 3bi
r> with-cairo-from-surface ;
r> with-cairo-from-surface ; inline
: <cairo-gadget> ( dim quot -- )
over 2^-bounds swap copy-cairo
GL_BGRA rot <texture-gadget> ;
TUPLE: cairo-gadget < texture-gadget dim quot ;
: <cairo-gadget> ( dim quot -- gadget )
cairo-gadget construct-gadget
swap >>quot
swap >>dim ;
M: cairo-gadget cache-key* [ dim>> ] [ quot>> ] bi 2array ;
: render-cairo ( dim quot -- bytes format )
>r 2^-bounds r> copy-cairo GL_BGRA ; inline
! M: cairo-gadget render*
! [ dim>> dup ] [ quot>> ] bi
! render-cairo render-bytes* ;
! maybe also texture>png
! : cairo>png ( gadget path -- )
@ -29,11 +42,16 @@ IN: cairo.gadgets
cr swap 0 0 cairo_set_source_surface
cr cairo_paint ;
: <png-gadget> ( path -- gadget )
normalize-path cairo_image_surface_create_from_png
TUPLE: png-gadget < texture-gadget path ;
: <png> ( path -- gadget )
png-gadget construct-gadget
swap >>path ;
M: png-gadget render*
path>> normalize-path cairo_image_surface_create_from_png
[ cairo_image_surface_get_width ]
[ cairo_image_surface_get_height 2array dup 2^-bounds ]
[ [ copy-surface ] curry copy-cairo ] tri
GL_BGRA rot <texture-gadget> ;
GL_BGRA render-bytes* ;
M: png-gadget cache-key* path>> ;
@ -149,6 +149,9 @@ M: retryable execute-statement* ( statement type -- )
: select-tuples ( tuple -- tuples )
dup dup class <select-by-slots-statement> do-select ;
: count-tuples ( tuple -- n )
select-tuples length ;
: select-tuple ( tuple -- tuple/f )
dup dup class f f f 1 <advanced-select-statement>
do-select ?first ;
@ -155,6 +155,16 @@ C-STRUCT: face
{ "face-size*" "size" }
{ "void*" "charmap" } ;
{ "int" "rows" }
{ "int" "width" }
{ "int" "pitch" }
{ "void*" "buffer" }
{ "short" "num_grays" }
{ "char" "pixel_mode" }
{ "char" "palette_mode" }
{ "void*" "palette" } ;
FUNCTION: FT_Error FT_New_Face ( void* library, FT_Char* font, FT_Long index, face* face ) ;
FUNCTION: FT_Error FT_New_Memory_Face ( void* library, FT_Byte* file_base, FT_Long file_size, FT_Long face_index, FT_Face* aface ) ;
@ -170,6 +180,15 @@ C-ENUM:
FUNCTION: int FT_Render_Glyph ( glyph* slot, int render_mode ) ;
FUNCTION: void FT_Done_Face ( face* face ) ;
@ -177,3 +196,4 @@ FUNCTION: void FT_Done_Face ( face* face ) ;
FUNCTION: void FT_Done_FreeType ( void* library ) ;
FUNCTION: FT_Long FT_MulFix ( FT_Long a, FT_Long b ) ;
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
USING: kernel http.server.actions validators
USING: kernel furnace.actions validators
tools.test math math.parser multiline namespaces http
io.streams.string http.server sequences splitting accessors ;
IN: http.server.actions.tests
IN: furnace.actions.tests
[ "a" param "b" param [ string>number ] bi@ + ] >>display
@ -16,9 +16,26 @@ blah
[ 25 ] [
action-request-test-1 lf>crlf
[ read-request ] with-string-reader
request set
{ } "action-1" get call-responder
] unit-test
"a" >>rest
[ "a" param string>number sq ] >>display
"action-2" set
STRING: action-request-test-2
GET http://foo/bar/123 HTTP/1.1
[ 25 ] [
action-request-test-2 lf>crlf
[ read-request ] with-string-reader
{ "5" } "action-2" get call-responder
] unit-test
@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors sequences kernel assocs combinators
validators http hashtables namespaces fry continuations locals
io arrays math boxes splitting urls
|||| ;
IN: furnace.actions
SYMBOL: params
SYMBOL: rest
: render-validation-messages ( -- )
validation-messages get
dup empty? [ drop ] [
<ul "errors" =class ul>
[ <li> message>> escape-string write </li> ] each
] if ;
CHLOE: validation-messages drop render-validation-messages ;
TUPLE: action rest init display validate submit ;
: new-action ( class -- action )
[ ] >>init
[ <400> ] >>display
[ ] >>validate
[ <400> ] >>submit ;
: <action> ( -- action )
action new-action ;
: flashed-variables ( -- seq )
{ validation-messages named-validation-messages } ;
: handle-get ( action -- response )
[ init>> call ]
[ drop flashed-variables restore-flash ]
[ display>> call ]
] with-exit-continuation ;
: validation-failed ( -- * )
request get method>> "POST" = [ f ] [ <400> ] if exit-with ;
: (handle-post) ( action -- response )
[ validate>> call ] [ submit>> call ] bi ;
: param ( name -- value )
params get at ;
: revalidate-url-key "__u" ;
: check-url ( url -- ? )
request get url>>
[ [ protocol>> ] [ host>> ] [ port>> ] tri 3array ] bi@ = ;
: revalidate-url ( -- url/f )
revalidate-url-key param dup [ >url dup check-url swap and ] when ;
: handle-post ( action -- response )
form-nesting-key params get at " " split
[ , (handle-post) ]
[ swap '[ , , nest-values ] ] reduce
] with-exit-continuation
[ flashed-variables <flash-redirect> ] [ <403> ] if*
] unless* ;
: handle-rest ( path action -- assoc )
rest>> dup [ [ "/" join ] dip associate ] [ 2drop f ] if ;
: init-action ( path action -- )
request get request-params assoc-union params set ;
M: action call-responder* ( path action -- response )
[ init-action ] keep
request get method>> {
{ "GET" [ handle-get ] }
{ "HEAD" [ handle-get ] }
{ "POST" [ handle-post ] }
} case ;
M: action modify-form
drop request get url>> revalidate-url-key hidden-form-field ;
: check-validation ( -- )
validation-failed? [ validation-failed ] when ;
: validate-params ( validators -- )
params get swap validate-values from-object
check-validation ;
: validate-integer-id ( -- )
{ { "id" [ v-number ] } } validate-params ;
TUPLE: page-action < action template ;
: <chloe-content> ( path -- response )
resolve-template-path <chloe> "text/html" <content> ;
: <page-action> ( -- page )
page-action new-action
dup '[ , template>> <chloe-content> ] >>display ;
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors namespaces sequences arrays kernel
assocs assocs.lib hashtables math.parser urls combinators
furnace http http.server http.server.filters furnace.sessions
html.elements ;
IN: furnace.asides
TUPLE: asides < filter-responder ;
C: <asides> asides
: begin-aside* ( -- id )
request get
[ url>> ] [ post-data>> ] [ method>> ] tri 3array
asides sget set-at-unique
session-changed ;
: end-aside-post ( url post-data -- response )
request [
swap >>post-data
swap >>url
] change
request get url>> path>> split-path
asides get responder>> call-responder ;
ERROR: end-aside-in-get-error ;
: end-aside* ( url id -- response )
request get method>> "POST" = [ end-aside-in-get-error ] unless
asides sget at [
first3 {
{ "GET" [ drop <redirect> ] }
{ "HEAD" [ drop <redirect> ] }
{ "POST" [ end-aside-post ] }
} case
] [ <redirect> ] ?if ;
SYMBOL: aside-id
: aside-id-key "__a" ;
: begin-aside ( -- )
begin-aside* aside-id set ;
: end-aside ( default -- response )
aside-id [ f ] change end-aside* ;
M: asides call-responder*
dup asides set
aside-id-key request get request-params at aside-id set
call-next-method ;
M: asides init-session*
H{ } clone asides sset
call-next-method ;
M: asides link-attr ( tag -- )
"aside" optional-attr {
{ "none" [ aside-id off ] }
{ "begin" [ begin-aside ] }
{ "current" [ ] }
{ f [ ] }
} case ;
M: asides modify-query ( query responder -- query' )
aside-id get [ aside-id-key associate assoc-union ] when* ;
M: asides modify-form ( responder -- )
drop aside-id get aside-id-key hidden-form-field ;
@ -2,9 +2,11 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors assocs namespaces kernel sequences sets
http.server.auth.providers ;
IN: http.server.auth
furnace.auth.providers ;
IN: furnace.auth
SYMBOL: logged-in-user
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
! Copyright (c) 2007 Chris Double.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors quotations assocs kernel splitting
base64 html.elements io combinators http.server
http.server.auth.providers http.server.auth.login
http sequences ;
IN: http.server.auth.basic
base64 html.elements io combinators sequences
http http.server.filters http.server.responses http.server
furnace.auth.providers furnace.auth.login ;
IN: furnace.auth.basic
TUPLE: basic-auth < filter-responder realm provider ;
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
IN: http.server.auth.login.tests
USING: tools.test http.server.auth.login ;
IN: furnace.auth.login.tests
USING: tools.test furnace.auth.login ;
\ <login> must-infer
\ allow-registration must-infer
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors quotations assocs kernel splitting
combinators sequences namespaces hashtables sets
fry arrays threads qualified random validators
fry arrays threads qualified random validators words
@ -15,22 +15,40 @@ checksums.sha2
http.server.boilerplate ;
furnace.boilerplate ;
IN: http.server.auth.login
IN: furnace.auth.login
: word>string ( word -- string )
[ word-vocabulary ] [ drop ":" ] [ word-name ] tri 3append ;
: words>strings ( seq -- seq' )
[ word>string ] map ;
: string>word ( string -- word )
":" split1 swap lookup ;
: strings>words ( seq -- seq' )
[ string>word ] map ;
TUPLE: login < dispatcher users checksum ;
TUPLE: protected < filter-responder description capabilities ;
: users ( -- provider )
login get users>> ;
@ -59,21 +77,24 @@ M: user-saver dispose
: save-user-after ( user -- )
<user-saver> &dispose drop ;
: login-template ( name -- template )
"resource:extra/http/server/auth/login/" swap ".xml"
3append <chloe> ;
! ! ! Login
: successful-login ( user -- response )
username>> set-uid "$login" end-flow ;
username>> set-uid URL" $login" end-aside ;
: login-failed ( -- * )
"invalid username or password" validation-error
validation-failed ;
: <login-action> ( -- action )
[ "login" login-template <html-content> ] >>display
protected fget [
[ description>> "description" set-value ]
[ capabilities>> words>strings "capabilities" set-value ] bi
] when*
] >>init
{ login "login" } >>template
@ -102,7 +123,7 @@ M: user-saver dispose
: <register-action> ( -- action )
"register" login-template >>template
{ login "register" } >>template
@ -134,7 +155,7 @@ M: user-saver dispose
! ! ! Editing user profile
: <edit-profile-action> ( -- action )
logged-in-user get
[ username>> "username" set-value ]
@ -143,7 +164,7 @@ M: user-saver dispose
] >>init
[ "edit-profile" login-template <html-content> ] >>display
{ login "edit-profile" } >>template
uid "username" set-value
@ -178,7 +199,7 @@ M: user-saver dispose
"$login" end-flow
URL" $login" end-aside
] >>submit ;
! ! ! Password recovery
@ -186,10 +207,10 @@ M: user-saver dispose
SYMBOL: lost-password-from
: current-host ( -- string )
request get host>> host-name or ;
request get url>> host>> host-name or ;
: new-password-url ( user -- url )
swap [
[ username>> "username" set ]
[ ticket>> "ticket" set ]
@ -223,8 +244,8 @@ SYMBOL: lost-password-from
"E-mail send thread" spawn drop ;
: <recover-action-1> ( -- action )
[ "recover-1" login-template <html-content> ] >>display
{ login "recover-1" } >>template
@ -240,11 +261,15 @@ SYMBOL: lost-password-from
] when*
"recover-2" login-template <html-content>
URL" $login/recover-2" <redirect>
] >>submit ;
: <recover-action-2> ( -- action )
{ login "recover-2" } >>template ;
: <recover-action-3> ( -- action )
{ "username" [ v-username ] }
@ -252,7 +277,7 @@ SYMBOL: lost-password-from
} validate-params
] >>init
[ "recover-3" login-template <html-content> ] >>display
{ login "recover-3" } >>template
@ -272,34 +297,38 @@ SYMBOL: lost-password-from
"new-password" value >>encoded-password
users update-user
"recover-4" login-template <html-content>
URL" $login/recover-4" <redirect>
] [
] if*
] >>submit ;
: <recover-action-4> ( -- action )
{ login "recover-4" } >>template ;
! ! ! Logout
: <logout-action> ( -- action )
f set-uid
"$login/login" end-flow
URL" $login" end-aside
] >>submit ;
! ! ! Authentication logic
TUPLE: protected < filter-responder capabilities ;
C: <protected> protected
: <protected> ( responder -- protected )
protected new
swap >>responder ;
: show-login-page ( -- response )
"$login/login" f <standard-redirect> ;
URL" $login/login" { protected } <flash-redirect> ;
: check-capabilities ( responder user -- ? )
[ capabilities>> ] bi@ subset? ;
M: protected call-responder* ( path responder -- response )
dup protected set
uid dup [
users get-user 2dup check-capabilities [
[ logged-in-user set ] [ save-user-after ] bi
@ -317,7 +346,7 @@ M: login call-responder* ( path responder -- response )
: <login-boilerplate> ( responder -- responder' )
"boilerplate" login-template >>template ;
{ login "boilerplate" } >>template ;
: <login> ( responder -- auth )
login new-dispatcher
@ -330,7 +359,9 @@ M: login call-responder* ( path responder -- response )
! ! ! Configuration
: allow-edit-profile ( login -- login )
<edit-profile-action> f <protected> <login-boilerplate>
<edit-profile-action> <protected>
"edit your profile" >>description
"edit-profile" add-responder ;
: allow-registration ( login -- login )
@ -340,8 +371,12 @@ M: login call-responder* ( path responder -- response )
: allow-password-recovery ( login -- login )
<recover-action-1> <login-boilerplate>
"recover-password" add-responder
<recover-action-2> <login-boilerplate>
"recover-2" add-responder
<recover-action-3> <login-boilerplate>
"new-password" add-responder ;
"recover-3" add-responder
<recover-action-4> <login-boilerplate>
"recover-4" add-responder ;
: allow-edit-profile? ( -- ? )
login get responders>> "edit-profile" swap key? ;
@ -4,6 +4,19 @@
<t:if t:value="description">
<p>You must log in to <t:label t:name="description" />.</p>
<t:if t:value="capabilities">
<p>Your user must have the following capabilities:</p>
<t:each t:name="capabilities">
<li><t:label t:name="value" /></li>
<t:form t:action="login">
@ -30,11 +43,11 @@
<t:if code="http.server.auth.login:login-failed?">
<t:if t:code="furnace.auth.login:allow-registration?">
<t:a t:href="register">Register</t:a>
<t:if code="http.server.auth.login:allow-password-recovery?">
<t:if t:code="furnace.auth.login:allow-password-recovery?">
<t:a t:href="recover-password">Recover Password</t:a>
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
IN: http.server.auth.providers.assoc.tests
USING: http.server.actions http.server.auth.providers
http.server.auth.providers.assoc http.server.auth.login
IN: furnace.auth.providers.assoc.tests
USING: furnace.actions furnace.auth.providers
furnace.auth.providers.assoc furnace.auth.login
tools.test namespaces accessors kernel ;
<action> <login>
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
IN: http.server.auth.providers.assoc
USING: accessors assocs kernel
http.server.auth.providers ;
IN: furnace.auth.providers.assoc
USING: accessors assocs kernel furnace.auth.providers ;
TUPLE: users-in-memory assoc ;
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
IN: http.server.auth.providers.db.tests
USING: http.server.actions
http.server.auth.providers.db tools.test
IN: furnace.auth.providers.db.tests
USING: furnace.actions
furnace.auth.providers.db tools.test
namespaces db db.sqlite db.tuples continuations
io.files accessors kernel ;
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: db db.tuples db.types accessors
http.server.auth.providers kernel continuations
furnace.auth.providers kernel continuations
classes.singleton ;
IN: http.server.auth.providers.db
IN: furnace.auth.providers.db
user "USERS"
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: http.server.auth.providers kernel ;
IN: http.server.auth.providers.null
USING: furnace.auth.providers kernel ;
IN: furnace.auth.providers.null
TUPLE: no-users ;
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel accessors random math.parser locals
sequences math ;
IN: http.server.auth.providers
IN: furnace.auth.providers
TUPLE: user
username realname
@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
! Copyright (c) 2008 Slava Pestov
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors kernel namespaces http.server html.templates
locals ;
IN: http.server.boilerplate
USING: accessors kernel namespaces
furnace ;
IN: furnace.boilerplate
TUPLE: boilerplate < filter-responder template ;
@ -12,6 +16,10 @@ M:: boilerplate call-responder* ( path responder -- )
path responder call-next-method
dup content-type>> "text/html" = [
clone [| body |
[ body responder template>> with-boilerplate ]
responder template>> resolve-template-path <chloe>
] change-body
] when ;
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
IN: furnace.db.tests
USING: tools.test furnace.db ;
\ <db-persistence> must-infer
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: db db.pools io.pools http.server http.server.sessions
kernel accessors continuations namespaces destructors ;
IN: http.server.db
USING: kernel accessors continuations namespaces destructors
db db.pools io.pools http.server http.server.filters
furnace.sessions ;
IN: furnace.db
TUPLE: db-persistence < filter-responder pool ;
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: namespaces assocs assocs.lib kernel sequences urls
http http.server http.server.filters http.server.redirection
furnace furnace.sessions ;
IN: furnace.flash
: flash-id-key "__f" ;
TUPLE: flash-scopes < filter-responder ;
C: <flash-scopes> flash-scopes
SYMBOL: flash-scope
: fget ( key -- value ) flash-scope get at ;
M: flash-scopes call-responder*
request get request-params at
flash-scopes sget at flash-scope set
call-next-method ;
M: flash-scopes init-session*
H{ } clone flash-scopes sset
call-next-method ;
: make-flash-scope ( seq -- id )
[ dup get ] H{ } map>assoc flash-scopes sget set-at-unique
session-changed ;
: <flash-redirect> ( url seq -- response )
[ clone ] dip flash-id-key set-query-param
<redirect> ;
: restore-flash ( seq -- )
[ flash-scope get key? ] filter [ [ fget ] keep set ] each ;
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
IN: furnace.tests
USING: http.server.dispatchers http.server.responses
http.server furnace tools.test kernel namespaces accessors
io.streams.string ;
TUPLE: funny-dispatcher < dispatcher ;
: <funny-dispatcher> funny-dispatcher new-dispatcher ;
TUPLE: base-path-check-responder ;
C: <base-path-check-responder> base-path-check-responder
M: base-path-check-responder call-responder*
"$funny-dispatcher" resolve-base-path
"text/plain" <content> ;
[ ] [
<base-path-check-responder> "c" add-responder
"b" add-responder
"a" add-responder
main-responder set
] unit-test
[ "/a/b/" ] [
V{ } responder-nesting set
"a/b/c" split-path main-responder get call-responder body>>
] unit-test
[ "<input type='hidden' name='foo' value='&&&'/>" ]
[ [ "&&&" "foo" hidden-form-field ] with-string-writer ]
@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
! Copyright (C) 2003, 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays kernel combinators assocs
continuations namespaces sequences splitting words
vocabs.loader classes strings
fry urls multiline present
qualified ;
EXCLUDE: xml.utilities => children>string ;
IN: furnace
: nested-responders ( -- seq )
responder-nesting get a:values ;
: each-responder ( quot -- )
nested-responders swap each ; inline
: base-path ( string -- pair )
dup responder-nesting get
[ second class word-name = ] with find nip
[ first ] [ "No such responder: " swap append throw ] ?if ;
: resolve-base-path ( string -- string' )
"$" ?head [
"/" split1 [ base-path [ "/" % % ] each "/" % ] dip %
] "" make
] when ;
: vocab-path ( vocab -- path )
dup vocab-dir vocab-append-path ;
: resolve-template-path ( pair -- path )
first2 [ word-vocabulary vocab-path % ] [ "/" % % ] bi*
] "" make ;
GENERIC: modify-query ( query responder -- query' )
M: object modify-query drop ;
GENERIC: adjust-url ( url -- url' )
M: url adjust-url
[ [ modify-query ] each-responder ] change-query
[ resolve-base-path ] change-path
relative-to-request ;
M: string adjust-url ;
: <redirect> ( url -- response )
adjust-url request get method>> {
{ "GET" [ <temporary-redirect> ] }
{ "HEAD" [ <temporary-redirect> ] }
{ "POST" [ <permanent-redirect> ] }
} case ;
GENERIC: modify-form ( responder -- )
M: object modify-form drop ;
: request-params ( request -- assoc )
dup method>> {
{ "GET" [ url>> query>> ] }
{ "HEAD" [ url>> query>> ] }
{ "POST" [
dup content-type>> "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" =
[ content>> ] [ drop f ] if
] }
} case ;
SYMBOL: exit-continuation
: exit-with exit-continuation get continue-with ;
: with-exit-continuation ( quot -- )
'[ exit-continuation set @ ] callcc1 exit-continuation off ;
! Chloe tags
: parse-query-attr ( string -- assoc )
dup empty?
[ drop f ] [ "," split [ dup value ] H{ } map>assoc ] if ;
CHLOE: atom
[ children>string ]
[ "href" required-attr ]
[ "query" optional-attr parse-query-attr ] tri
swap >>query
swap >>path
adjust-url relative-to-request
add-atom-feed ;
CHLOE: write-atom drop write-atom-feeds ;
GENERIC: link-attr ( tag responder -- )
M: object link-attr 2drop ;
: link-attrs ( tag -- )
'[ , _ link-attr ] each-responder ;
: a-start-tag ( tag -- )
dup link-attrs
dup "value" optional-attr [ value f ] [
[ "href" required-attr ]
[ "query" optional-attr parse-query-attr ]
] ?if
swap >>query
swap >>path
adjust-url relative-to-request =href
] with-scope ;
[ a-start-tag ]
[ process-tag-children ]
[ drop </a> ]
tri ;
: hidden-form-field ( value name -- )
over [
"hidden" =type
present =value
] [ 2drop ] if ;
: form-nesting-key "__n" ;
: form-magic ( tag -- )
[ modify-form ] each-responder
nested-values get " " join f like form-nesting-key hidden-form-field
"for" optional-attr [ "," split [ hidden render ] each ] when* ;
: form-start-tag ( tag -- )
"POST" =method
[ link-attrs ]
[ "action" required-attr resolve-base-path =action ]
[ tag-attrs non-chloe-attrs-only print-attrs ]
[ form-magic ] bi
] with-scope ;
CHLOE: form
[ form-start-tag ]
[ process-tag-children ]
[ drop </form> ]
tri ;
STRING: button-tag-markup
<t:form class="inline" xmlns:t="">
<button type="submit"></button>
: add-tag-attrs ( attrs tag -- )
tag-attrs swap update ;
CHLOE: button
button-tag-markup string>xml delegate
[ [ tag-attrs chloe-attrs-only ] dip add-tag-attrs ]
[ [ tag-attrs non-chloe-attrs-only ] dip "button" tag-named add-tag-attrs ]
[ [ children>string 1array ] dip "button" tag-named set-tag-children ]
[ nip ]
} 2cleave process-chloe-tag ;
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: json.writer http.server.responses ;
IN: furnace.json
: <json-content> ( body -- response )
>json "application/json" <content> ;
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
IN: http.server.sessions.tests
USING: tools.test http http.server.sessions
http.server.actions http.server math namespaces kernel accessors
IN: furnace.sessions.tests
USING: tools.test http furnace.sessions
furnace.actions http.server http.server.responses
math namespaces kernel accessors
prettyprint io.streams.string io.files splitting destructors
sequences db db.sqlite continuations ;
sequences db db.sqlite continuations urls math.parser
furnace ;
: with-session
@ -18,15 +20,16 @@ M: foo init-session* drop 0 "x" sset ;
M: foo call-responder*
"x" [ 1+ ] schange
[ "x" sget pprint ] <html-content> ;
"x" sget number>string "text/html" <content> ;
: url-responder-mock-test
"GET" >>method
"id" get session-id-key set-query-param
"/" >>path
request set
dup url>>
"id" get session-id-key set-query-param
"/" >>path drop
{ } sessions get call-responder
[ write-response-body drop ] with-string-writer
] with-destructors ;
@ -36,21 +39,21 @@ M: foo call-responder*
"GET" >>method
"cookies" get >>cookies
"/" >>path
request set
dup url>> "/" >>path drop
{ } sessions get call-responder
[ write-response-body drop ] with-string-writer
] with-destructors ;
: <exiting-action>
[ [ ] <text-content> exit-with ] >>display ;
[ [ ] "text/plain" <content> exit-with ] >>display ;
[ "auth-test.db" temp-file sqlite-db delete-file ] ignore-errors
"auth-test.db" temp-file sqlite-db [
<request> init-request
[ ] [
@ -112,8 +115,8 @@ M: foo call-responder*
"GET" >>method
"/" >>path
"GET" >>method
dup url>> "/" >>path drop
request set
{ "etc" } sessions get call-responder response set
[ "1" ] [ [ response get write-response-body drop ] with-string-writer ] unit-test
@ -131,8 +134,9 @@ M: foo call-responder*
[ ] [
"GET" >>method
"id" get session-id-key set-query-param
"/" >>path
dup url>>
"id" get session-id-key set-query-param
"/" >>path drop
request set
@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ USING: assocs kernel math.intervals math.parser namespaces
random accessors quotations hashtables sequences continuations
fry calendar combinators destructors alarms
db db.tuples db.types
http http.server html.elements ;
IN: http.server.sessions
http http.server http.server.dispatchers http.server.filters
html.elements furnace ;
IN: furnace.sessions
TUPLE: session id expires uid namespace changed? ;
@ -108,14 +109,14 @@ M: session-saver dispose
[ session set ] [ save-session-after ] bi
sessions get responder>> call-responder ;
: session-id-key "factorsessid" ;
: session-id-key "__s" ;
: cookie-session-id ( request -- id/f )
session-id-key get-cookie
dup [ value>> string>number ] when ;
: post-session-id ( request -- id/f )
session-id-key swap post-data>> at string>number ;
session-id-key swap request-params at string>number ;
: request-session-id ( -- id/f )
request get dup method>> {
@ -136,15 +137,10 @@ M: session-saver dispose
: put-session-cookie ( response -- response' )
session get id>> number>string <session-cookie> put-cookie ;
: session-form-field ( -- )
"hidden" =type
session-id-key =name
session get id>> number>string =value
input/> ;
M: sessions modify-form ( responder -- )
drop session get id>> session-id-key hidden-form-field ;
M: sessions call-responder* ( path responder -- response )
[ session-form-field ] add-form-hook
sessions set
request-session [ begin-session ] unless*
existing-session put-session-cookie ;
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors kernel sequences fry sequences.lib
combinators syndication
http.server.responses http.server.redirection
furnace furnace.actions ;
IN: furnace.syndication
GENERIC: feed-entry-title ( object -- string )
GENERIC: feed-entry-date ( object -- timestamp )
GENERIC: feed-entry-url ( object -- url )
GENERIC: feed-entry-description ( object -- description )
M: object feed-entry-description drop f ;
GENERIC: >entry ( object -- entry )
M: entry >entry ;
M: object >entry
swap {
[ feed-entry-title >>title ]
[ feed-entry-date >>date ]
[ feed-entry-url >>url ]
[ feed-entry-description >>description ]
} cleave ;
: process-entries ( seq -- seq' )
20 short head-slice [
>entry clone
[ adjust-url relative-to-request ] change-url
] map ;
: <feed-content> ( body -- response )
feed>xml "application/atom+xml" <content> ;
TUPLE: feed-action < action title url entries ;
: <feed-action> ( -- action )
feed-action new-action
dup '[
feed new
[ title>> call >>title ]
[ url>> call adjust-url relative-to-request >>url ]
[ entries>> call process-entries >>entries ]
] >>display ;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: parser-combinators regexp lazy-lists sequences kernel
USING: parser-combinators regexp lists sequences kernel
promises strings ;
IN: globs
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
IN: help.html
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
IN: html.components.tests
USING: tools.test kernel io.streams.string
io.streams.null accessors inspector html.streams
html.components namespaces ;
html.elements html.components namespaces ;
[ ] [ blank-values ] unit-test
@ -11,14 +11,12 @@ html.components namespaces ;
TUPLE: color red green blue ;
[ ] [ 1 2 3 color boa from-tuple ] unit-test
[ ] [ 1 2 3 color boa from-object ] unit-test
[ 1 ] [ "red" value ] unit-test
[ ] [ "jimmy" "red" set-value ] unit-test
[ "123.5" ] [ 123.5 object>string ] unit-test
[ "jimmy" ] [
"red" label render
@ -107,7 +105,7 @@ TUPLE: color red green blue ;
[ ] [ t "delivery" set-value ] unit-test
[ "<input type='checkbox' name='delivery' selected='true'>Delivery</input>" ] [
[ "<input type='checkbox' name='delivery' checked='true'>Delivery</input>" ] [
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ classes.tuple words arrays sequences sequences.lib splitting
mirrors hashtables combinators continuations math strings
fry locals calendar calendar.format xml.entities validators
html.elements html.streams xmode.code2html farkup inspector
lcs.diff2html ;
lcs.diff2html urls present ;
IN: html.components
SYMBOL: values
@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ SYMBOL: values
: prepare-value ( name object -- value name object )
[ [ value ] keep ] dip ; inline
: from-assoc ( assoc -- ) values get swap update ;
: from-tuple ( tuple -- ) <mirror> from-assoc ;
: from-object ( object -- )
dup assoc? [ <mirror> ] unless
values get swap update ;
: deposit-values ( destination names -- )
[ dup value ] H{ } map>assoc update ;
@ -29,27 +29,36 @@ SYMBOL: values
: deposit-slots ( destination names -- )
[ <mirror> ] dip deposit-values ;
: with-each-index ( seq quot -- )
: with-each-value ( name quot -- )
[ value ] dip '[
blank-values 1+ "index" set-value @
values [ clone ] change
1+ "index" set-value
"value" set-value
] with-scope
] each-index ; inline
: with-each-value ( seq quot -- )
'[ "value" set-value @ ] with-each-index ; inline
: with-each-object ( name quot -- )
[ value ] dip '[
1+ "index" set-value
] with-scope
] each-index ; inline
: with-each-assoc ( seq quot -- )
'[ from-assoc @ ] with-each-index ; inline
SYMBOL: nested-values
: with-each-tuple ( seq quot -- )
'[ from-tuple @ ] with-each-index ; inline
: with-assoc-values ( assoc quot -- )
'[ blank-values , from-assoc @ ] with-scope ; inline
: with-tuple-values ( assoc quot -- )
'[ blank-values , from-tuple @ ] with-scope ; inline
: with-values ( name quot -- )
[ nested-values [ swap prefix ] change ]
[ value blank-values from-object ]
] with-scope ; inline
: nest-values ( name quot -- )
swap [
@ -58,22 +67,6 @@ SYMBOL: values
] with-scope
] dip set-value ; inline
: nest-tuple ( name quot -- )
swap [
H{ } clone [ <mirror> values set call ] keep
] with-scope
] dip set-value ; inline
: object>string ( object -- string )
{ [ dup real? ] [ number>string ] }
{ [ dup timestamp? ] [ timestamp>string ] }
{ [ dup string? ] [ ] }
{ [ dup word? ] [ word-name ] }
{ [ dup not ] [ drop "" ] }
} cond ;
GENERIC: render* ( value name render -- )
: render ( name renderer -- )
@ -88,13 +81,13 @@ GENERIC: render* ( value name render -- )
: render-input ( value name type -- )
<input =type =name object>string =value input/> ;
<input =type =name present =value input/> ;
M: label render* 2drop object>string escape-string write ;
M: label render* 2drop present escape-string write ;
@ -103,9 +96,9 @@ M: hidden render* drop "hidden" render-input ;
: render-field ( value name size type -- )
[ object>string =size ] when*
[ present =size ] when*
object>string =value
present =value
input/> ;
TUPLE: field size ;
@ -132,11 +125,11 @@ TUPLE: textarea rows cols ;
M: textarea render*
[ rows>> [ object>string =rows ] when* ]
[ cols>> [ object>string =cols ] when* ] bi
[ rows>> [ present =rows ] when* ]
[ cols>> [ present =cols ] when* ] bi
object>string escape-string write
present escape-string write
</textarea> ;
! Choice
@ -147,7 +140,7 @@ TUPLE: choice size multiple choices ;
: render-option ( text selected? -- )
<option [ "true" =selected ] when option>
object>string escape-string write
present escape-string write
</option> ;
: render-options ( options selected -- )
@ -156,7 +149,7 @@ TUPLE: choice size multiple choices ;
M: choice render*
swap =name
dup size>> [ object>string =size ] when*
dup size>> [ present =size ] when*
dup multiple>> [ "true" =multiple ] when
[ choices>> value ] [ multiple>> ] bi
@ -174,7 +167,7 @@ M: checkbox render*
"checkbox" =type
swap =name
swap [ "true" =selected ] when
swap [ "true" =checked ] when
label>> escape-string write
</input> ;
@ -183,12 +176,18 @@ M: checkbox render*
GENERIC: link-title ( obj -- string )
GENERIC: link-href ( obj -- url )
M: string link-title ;
M: string link-href ;
M: url link-title ;
M: url link-href ;
M: link render*
<a dup link-href =href a>
link-title object>string escape-string write
link-title present escape-string write
</a> ;
! XMode code component
@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: io kernel namespaces prettyprint quotations
sequences strings words xml.entities compiler.units effects ;
sequences strings words xml.entities compiler.units effects
urls math math.parser combinators present ;
IN: html.elements
@ -130,7 +131,7 @@ SYMBOL: html
" " write-html
"='" write-html
escape-quoted-string write-html
present escape-quoted-string write-html
"'" write-html ;
: attribute-effect T{ effect f { "string" } 0 } ;
@ -162,7 +163,7 @@ SYMBOL: html
"id" "onclick" "style" "valign" "accesskey"
"src" "language" "colspan" "onchange" "rel"
"width" "selected" "onsubmit" "xmlns" "lang" "xml:lang"
"media" "title" "multiple"
"media" "title" "multiple" "checked"
] [ define-attribute-word ] each
@ -178,7 +179,7 @@ SYMBOL: html
<html "" =xmlns "en" =xml:lang "en" =lang html>
<head> <title> swap write </title> </head>
<body> call </body>
</html> ;
</html> ; inline
: render-error ( message -- )
<span "error" =class span> escape-string write </span> ;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
USING: assocs html.parser kernel math sequences strings ascii
arrays shuffle namespaces splitting http
sequences.lib accessors io combinators http.client ;
sequences.lib accessors io combinators http.client urls ;
IN: html.parser.analyzer
TUPLE: link attributes clickable ;
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
USING: html.templates
tools.test io.streams.string kernel sequences ascii boxes
namespaces xml html.components
splitting unicode.categories ;
splitting unicode.categories furnace ;
[ f ] [ f parse-query-attr ] unit-test
@ -27,8 +27,7 @@ IN:
: test-template ( name -- template )
".xml" 3append <chloe> ;
prepend <chloe> ;
[ "Hello world" ] [
@ -70,24 +69,6 @@ IN:
] run-template
] unit-test
SYMBOL: test6-aux?
[ "True" ] [
test6-aux? on
"test6" test-template call-template
] run-template
] unit-test
SYMBOL: test7-aux?
[ "" ] [
test7-aux? off
"test7" test-template call-template
] run-template
] unit-test
[ ] [ blank-values ] unit-test
[ ] [ "A label" "label" set-value ] unit-test
@ -128,7 +109,7 @@ M: link-test link-href drop "" ;
[ "<ul><li>1</li><li>2</li><li>3</li></ul>" ] [
"test9" test-template call-template
"test7" test-template call-template
] run-template [ blank? not ] filter
] unit-test
@ -143,7 +124,7 @@ TUPLE: person first-name last-name ;
[ "<table><tr><td>RBaxter</td><td>Unknown</td></tr><tr><td>Doug</td><td>Coleman</td></tr></table>" ] [
"test10" test-template call-template
"test8" test-template call-template
] run-template [ blank? not ] filter
] unit-test
@ -155,7 +136,47 @@ TUPLE: person first-name last-name ;
] unit-test
[ "<table><tr><td>RBaxter</td><td>Unknown</td></tr><tr><td>Doug</td><td>Coleman</td></tr></table>" ] [
"test8" test-template call-template
] run-template [ blank? not ] filter
] unit-test
[ ] [ 1 "id" set-value ] unit-test
[ "<a name=\"1\">Hello</a>" ] [
"test9" test-template call-template
] run-template
] unit-test
[ ] [ H{ { "a" H{ { "b" "c" } } } } values set ] unit-test
[ "<form method='POST' action='foo'><input type='hidden' name='__n' value='a'/></form>" ] [
"test10" test-template call-template
] run-template
] unit-test
[ ] [ blank-values ] unit-test
[ ] [
H{ { "first-name" "RBaxter" } { "last-name" "Unknown" } } "person" set-value
] unit-test
[ "<table><tr><td>RBaxter</td><td>Unknown</td></tr></table>" ] [
"test11" test-template call-template
] run-template [ blank? not ] filter
] unit-test
[ ] [
{ "a" "b" } "choices" set-value
"true" "b" set-value
] unit-test
[ "<input type='checkbox' name='a'>a</input><input type='checkbox' name='b' checked='true'>b</input>" ] [
"test12" test-template call-template
] run-template
] unit-test
@ -3,19 +3,16 @@
USING: accessors kernel sequences combinators kernel namespaces
classes.tuple assocs splitting words arrays memoize
io io.files io.encodings.utf8 io.streams.string
|||| tuple-syntax mirrors fry math
|||| tuple-syntax mirrors fry math urls present
multiline xml xml.writer xml.utilities
http.server.sessions ;
|||| ;
! Chloe is Ed's favorite web designer
SYMBOL: tag-stack
TUPLE: chloe path ;
@ -23,8 +20,6 @@ C: <chloe> chloe
DEFER: process-template
: chloe-ns "" ; inline
: chloe-attrs-only ( assoc -- assoc' )
[ drop name-url chloe-ns = ] assoc-filter ;
@ -38,35 +33,23 @@ DEFER: process-template
[ t ]
} cond nip ;
SYMBOL: tags
MEMO: chloe-name ( string -- name )
name new
swap >>tag
chloe-ns >>url ;
: required-attr ( tag name -- value )
dup chloe-name rot at*
[ nip ] [ drop " attribute is required" append throw ] if ;
: optional-attr ( tag name -- value )
chloe-name swap at ;
: process-tag-children ( tag -- )
[ process-template ] each ;
CHLOE: chloe process-tag-children ;
: children>string ( tag -- string )
[ process-tag-children ] with-string-writer ;
: title-tag ( tag -- )
children>string set-title ;
CHLOE: title children>string set-title ;
: write-title-tag ( tag -- )
CHLOE: write-title
"head" tags get member? "title" tags get member? not and
"head" tag-stack get member?
"title" tag-stack get member? not and
[ <title> write-title </title> ] [ write-title ] if ;
: style-tag ( tag -- )
CHLOE: style
dup "include" optional-attr dup [
swap children>string empty? [
"style tag cannot have both an include attribute and a body" throw
@ -76,241 +59,80 @@ MEMO: chloe-name ( string -- name )
drop children>string
] if add-style ;
: write-style-tag ( tag -- )
CHLOE: write-style
drop <style> write-style </style> ;
: atom-tag ( tag -- )
[ "title" required-attr ]
[ "href" required-attr ]
bi set-atom-feed ;
CHLOE: even "index" value even? [ process-tag-children ] [ drop ] if ;
: write-atom-tag ( tag -- )
"head" tags get member? [
] [
atom-feed get value>> second write
] if ;
CHLOE: odd "index" value odd? [ process-tag-children ] [ drop ] if ;
: parse-query-attr ( string -- assoc )
dup empty?
[ drop f ] [ "," split [ dup value ] H{ } map>assoc ] if ;
: flow-attr ( tag -- )
"flow" optional-attr {
{ "none" [ flow-id off ] }
{ "begin" [ begin-flow ] }
{ "current" [ ] }
{ f [ ] }
} case ;
: session-attr ( tag -- )
"session" optional-attr {
{ "none" [ session off flow-id off ] }
{ "current" [ ] }
{ f [ ] }
} case ;
: a-start-tag ( tag -- )
: (bind-tag) ( tag quot -- )
dup flow-attr
dup session-attr
dup "value" optional-attr [ value f ] [
[ "href" required-attr ]
[ "query" optional-attr parse-query-attr ]
] ?if link>string =href
] with-scope ;
[ "name" required-attr ] keep
'[ , process-tag-children ]
] dip call ; inline
: a-tag ( tag -- )
[ a-start-tag ]
[ process-tag-children ]
[ drop </a> ]
tri ;
CHLOE: each [ with-each-value ] (bind-tag) ;
: form-start-tag ( tag -- )
"POST" =method
[ flow-attr ]
[ session-attr ]
[ "action" required-attr resolve-base-path =action ]
[ tag-attrs non-chloe-attrs-only print-attrs ]
} cleave
] [
"for" optional-attr [ hidden render ] when*
] bi
] with-scope ;
CHLOE: bind-each [ with-each-object ] (bind-tag) ;
: form-tag ( tag -- )
[ form-start-tag ]
[ process-tag-children ]
[ drop </form> ]
tri ;
CHLOE: bind [ with-values ] (bind-tag) ;
DEFER: process-chloe-tag
: error-message-tag ( tag -- )
children>string render-error ;
STRING: button-tag-markup
<t:form class="inline" xmlns:t="">
<button type="submit"></button>
CHLOE: comment drop ;
: add-tag-attrs ( attrs tag -- )
tag-attrs swap update ;
: button-tag ( tag -- )
button-tag-markup string>xml delegate
[ [ tag-attrs chloe-attrs-only ] dip add-tag-attrs ]
[ [ tag-attrs non-chloe-attrs-only ] dip "button" tag-named add-tag-attrs ]
[ [ children>string 1array ] dip "button" tag-named set-tag-children ]
[ nip ]
} 2cleave process-chloe-tag ;
CHLOE: call-next-template drop call-next-template ;
: attr>word ( value -- word/f )
dup ":" split1 swap lookup
[ ] [ "No such word: " swap append throw ] ?if ;
: attr>var ( value -- word/f )
attr>word dup symbol? [
"Must be a symbol: " swap append throw
] unless ;
: if-satisfied? ( tag -- ? )
t swap
[ "code" optional-attr [ attr>word execute and ] when* ]
[ "var" optional-attr [ attr>var get and ] when* ]
[ "svar" optional-attr [ attr>var sget and ] when* ]
[ "uvar" optional-attr [ attr>var uget and ] when* ]
[ "value" optional-attr [ value and ] when* ]
} cleave ;
[ "code" optional-attr [ attr>word execute ] [ t ] if* ]
[ "value" optional-attr [ value ] [ t ] if* ]
bi and ;
: if-tag ( tag -- )
dup if-satisfied? [ process-tag-children ] [ drop ] if ;
CHLOE: if dup if-satisfied? [ process-tag-children ] [ drop ] if ;
: even-tag ( tag -- )
"index" value even? [ process-tag-children ] [ drop ] if ;
: odd-tag ( tag -- )
"index" value odd? [ process-tag-children ] [ drop ] if ;
: (each-tag) ( tag quot -- )
[ "values" required-attr value ] keep
'[ , process-tag-children ]
] dip call ; inline
: each-tag ( tag -- )
[ with-each-value ] (each-tag) ;
: each-tuple-tag ( tag -- )
[ with-each-tuple ] (each-tag) ;
: each-assoc-tag ( tag -- )
[ with-each-assoc ] (each-tag) ;
: (bind-tag) ( tag quot -- )
[ "name" required-attr value ] keep
'[ , process-tag-children ]
] dip call ; inline
: bind-tuple-tag ( tag -- )
[ with-tuple-values ] (bind-tag) ;
: bind-assoc-tag ( tag -- )
[ with-assoc-values ] (bind-tag) ;
: error-message-tag ( tag -- )
children>string render-error ;
: validation-messages-tag ( tag -- )
drop render-validation-messages ;
: singleton-component-tag ( tag class -- )
[ "name" required-attr ] dip render ;
: attrs>slots ( tag tuple -- )
[ attrs>> ] [ <mirror> ] bi*
swap tag>> dup "name" =
[ 2drop ] [ , set-at ] if
] assoc-each ;
: tuple-component-tag ( tag class -- )
[ drop "name" required-attr ]
[ new [ attrs>slots ] keep ]
2bi render ;
CHLOE-TUPLE: textarea
CHLOE-TUPLE: password
CHLOE-TUPLE: checkbox
: process-chloe-tag ( tag -- )
dup name-tag {
{ "chloe" [ process-tag-children ] }
! HTML head
{ "title" [ title-tag ] }
{ "write-title" [ write-title-tag ] }
{ "style" [ style-tag ] }
{ "write-style" [ write-style-tag ] }
{ "atom" [ atom-tag ] }
{ "write-atom" [ write-atom-tag ] }
! HTML elements
{ "a" [ a-tag ] }
{ "button" [ button-tag ] }
! Components
{ "label" [ label singleton-component-tag ] }
{ "link" [ link singleton-component-tag ] }
{ "code" [ code tuple-component-tag ] }
{ "farkup" [ farkup singleton-component-tag ] }
{ "inspector" [ inspector singleton-component-tag ] }
{ "comparison" [ comparison singleton-component-tag ] }
{ "html" [ html singleton-component-tag ] }
! Forms
{ "form" [ form-tag ] }
{ "error-message" [ error-message-tag ] }
{ "validation-messages" [ validation-messages-tag ] }
{ "hidden" [ hidden singleton-component-tag ] }
{ "field" [ field tuple-component-tag ] }
{ "password" [ password tuple-component-tag ] }
{ "textarea" [ textarea tuple-component-tag ] }
{ "choice" [ choice tuple-component-tag ] }
{ "checkbox" [ checkbox tuple-component-tag ] }
! Control flow
{ "if" [ if-tag ] }
{ "even" [ even-tag ] }
{ "odd" [ odd-tag ] }
{ "each" [ each-tag ] }
{ "each-assoc" [ each-assoc-tag ] }
{ "each-tuple" [ each-tuple-tag ] }
{ "bind-assoc" [ bind-assoc-tag ] }
{ "bind-tuple" [ bind-tuple-tag ] }
{ "comment" [ drop ] }
{ "call-next-template" [ drop call-next-template ] }
[ "Unknown chloe tag: " prepend throw ]
} case ;
dup name-tag dup tags get at
[ call ] [ "Unknown chloe tag: " prepend throw ] ?if ;
: process-tag ( tag -- )
[ name-tag >lower tags get push ]
[ name-tag >lower tag-stack get push ]
[ write-start-tag ]
[ process-tag-children ]
[ write-end-tag ]
[ drop tags get pop* ]
[ drop tag-stack get pop* ]
} cleave ;
: expand-attrs ( tag -- tag )
dup [ tag? ] is? [
clone [
[ "@" ?head [ value present ] when ] assoc-map
] change-attrs
] when ;
: process-template ( xml -- )
{ [ dup [ chloe-tag? ] is? ] [ process-chloe-tag ] }
{ [ dup [ tag? ] is? ] [ process-tag ] }
@ -319,7 +141,7 @@ STRING: button-tag-markup
: process-chloe ( xml -- )
V{ } clone tags set
V{ } clone tag-stack set
nested-template? get [
@ -334,6 +156,6 @@ STRING: button-tag-markup
] with-scope ;
M: chloe call-template*
path>> utf8 <file-reader> read-xml process-chloe ;
path>> ".xml" append utf8 <file-reader> read-xml process-chloe ;
INSTANCE: chloe template
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors kernel sequences combinators kernel namespaces
classes.tuple assocs splitting words arrays memoize parser
io io.files io.encodings.utf8 io.streams.string
|||| tuple-syntax mirrors fry math urls
multiline xml xml.writer xml.utilities
html.templates ;
SYMBOL: tags
tags global [ H{ } clone or ] change-at
: define-chloe-tag ( name quot -- ) swap tags get set-at ;
scan parse-definition define-chloe-tag ; parsing
: chloe-ns "" ; inline
MEMO: chloe-name ( string -- name )
name new
swap >>tag
chloe-ns >>url ;
: required-attr ( tag name -- value )
dup chloe-name rot at*
[ nip ] [ drop " attribute is required" append throw ] if ;
: optional-attr ( tag name -- value )
chloe-name swap at ;
: singleton-component-tag ( tag class -- )
[ "name" required-attr ] dip render ;
[ word-name ] [ '[ , singleton-component-tag ] ] bi
define-chloe-tag ;
: attrs>slots ( tag tuple -- )
[ attrs>> ] [ <mirror> ] bi*
swap tag>> dup "name" =
[ 2drop ] [ , set-at ] if
] assoc-each ;
: tuple-component-tag ( tag class -- )
[ drop "name" required-attr ]
[ new [ attrs>slots ] keep ]
2bi render ;
[ word-name ] [ '[ , tuple-component-tag ] ] bi
define-chloe-tag ;
@ -1,14 +1,3 @@
<?xml version='1.0' ?>
<t:chloe xmlns:t="">
<t:each-tuple t:values="people">
<td><t:label t:name="first-name"/></td>
<td><t:label t:name="last-name"/></td>
<t:chloe xmlns:t=""><t:bind t:name="a"><t:form t:action="foo"/></t:bind></t:chloe>
@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
<t:chloe xmlns:t="">
<t:each-assoc t:values="people">
<t:bind t:name="person">
<td><t:label t:name="first-name"/></td>
<td><t:label t:name="last-name"/></td>
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<?xml version='1.0' ?>
<t:chloe xmlns:t=""><t:each t:name="choices"><t:checkbox t:name="@value" t:label="@value" /></t:each></t:chloe>
@ -2,8 +2,26 @@
<t:chloe xmlns:t="">
<t:if t:var="">
<t:label t:name="label" />
<t:link t:name="link" />
<t:code t:name="code" mode="mode" />
<t:farkup t:name="farkup" />
<t:inspector t:name="inspector" />
<t:html t:name="html" />
<t:field t:name="field" t:size="13" />
<t:password t:name="password" t:size="10" />
<t:textarea t:name="textarea" t:rows="5" t:cols="10" />
<t:choice t:name="choice" t:choices="choices" />
<t:checkbox t:name="checkbox">Checkbox</t:checkbox>
@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
<t:chloe xmlns:t="">
<t:if t:var="">
<t:each t:name="numbers">
<li><t:label t:name="value"/></li>
@ -2,26 +2,13 @@
<t:chloe xmlns:t="">
<t:label t:name="label" />
<t:link t:name="link" />
<t:code t:name="code" mode="mode" />
<t:farkup t:name="farkup" />
<t:inspector t:name="inspector" />
<t:html t:name="html" />
<t:field t:name="field" t:size="13" />
<t:password t:name="password" t:size="10" />
<t:textarea t:name="textarea" t:rows="5" t:cols="10" />
<t:choice t:name="choice" t:choices="choices" />
<t:checkbox t:name="checkbox">Checkbox</t:checkbox>
<t:bind-each t:name="people">
<td><t:label t:name="first-name"/></td>
<td><t:label t:name="last-name"/></td>
@ -1,11 +1,3 @@
<?xml version='1.0' ?>
<t:chloe xmlns:t="">
<t:each t:values="numbers">
<li><t:label t:name="value"/></li>
<t:chloe xmlns:t=""><a name="@id">Hello</a></t:chloe>
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors kernel fry io io.encodings.utf8 io.files
debugger prettyprint continuations namespaces boxes sequences
arrays strings html.elements io.streams.string quotations ;
arrays strings html.elements io.streams.string
quotations xml.writer ;
IN: html.templates
MIXIN: template
@ -13,6 +14,8 @@ M: string call-template* write ;
M: callable call-template* call ;
M: xml call-template* write-xml ;
M: object call-template* output-stream get stream-copy ;
ERROR: template-error template error ;
@ -43,17 +46,17 @@ SYMBOL: style
: write-style ( -- )
style get >string write ;
SYMBOL: atom-feed
SYMBOL: atom-feeds
: set-atom-feed ( title url -- )
2array atom-feed get >box ;
: add-atom-feed ( title url -- )
2array atom-feeds get push ;
: write-atom-feed ( -- )
atom-feed get value>> [
: write-atom-feeds ( -- )
atom-feeds get [
<link "alternate" =rel "application/atom+xml" =type
[ first =title ] [ second =href ] bi
first2 [ =title ] [ =href ] bi*
] when* ;
] each ;
SYMBOL: nested-template?
@ -66,9 +69,9 @@ M: f call-template* drop call-next-template ;
: with-boilerplate ( body template -- )
title get [ <box> title set ] unless
atom-feed get [ <box> atom-feed set ] unless
style get [ SBUF" " clone style set ] unless
title [ <box> or ] change
style [ SBUF" " clone or ] change
atom-feeds [ V{ } like ] change
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
USING: http.client http.client.private http tools.test
tuple-syntax namespaces ;
tuple-syntax namespaces urls ;
[ "localhost" f ] [ "localhost" parse-host ] unit-test
[ "localhost" 8888 ] [ "localhost:8888" parse-host ] unit-test
@ -10,36 +10,26 @@ tuple-syntax namespaces ;
TUPLE{ request
protocol: http
url: TUPLE{ url protocol: "http" host: "" port: 80 path: "/index.html" }
method: "GET"
host: ""
port: 80
path: "/index.html"
version: "1.1"
cookies: V{ }
header: H{ { "connection" "close" } { "user-agent" "Factor http.client vocabulary" } }
] [
] with-scope
] unit-test
TUPLE{ request
protocol: https
url: TUPLE{ url protocol: "https" host: "" port: 443 path: "/index.html" }
method: "GET"
host: ""
port: 443
path: "/index.html"
version: "1.1"
cookies: V{ }
header: H{ { "connection" "close" } { "user-agent" "Factor http.client vocabulary" } }
] [
] with-scope
] unit-test
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ USING: assocs http kernel math math.parser namespaces sequences
io io.sockets io.streams.string io.files io.timeouts strings
splitting calendar continuations accessors vectors math.order
io.encodings.8-bit io.encodings.binary io.streams.duplex
fry debugger inspector ascii ;
fry debugger inspector ascii urls ;
IN: http.client
: max-redirects 10 ;
@ -21,14 +21,16 @@ DEFER: http-request
SYMBOL: redirects
: redirect-url ( request url -- request )
'[ , >url ensure-port derive-url ensure-port ] change-url ;
: do-redirect ( response data -- response data )
over code>> 300 399 between? [
redirects inc
redirects get max-redirects < [
request get
swap "location" header dup absolute-url?
[ request-with-url ] [ request-with-path ] if
swap "location" header redirect-url
"GET" >>method http-request
] [
@ -51,7 +53,7 @@ PRIVATE>
: http-request ( request -- response data )
dup request [
dup request-addr latin1 [
dup url>> url-addr latin1 [
1 minutes timeouts
@ -62,8 +64,8 @@ PRIVATE>
: <get-request> ( url -- request )
swap request-with-url
"GET" >>method ;
"GET" >>method
swap >url ensure-port >>url ;
: http-get* ( url -- response data )
<get-request> http-request ;
@ -98,12 +100,11 @@ M: download-failed error.
: download ( url -- )
dup download-name download-to ;
: <post-request> ( content-type content url -- request )
: <post-request> ( post-data url -- request )
"POST" >>method
swap request-with-url
swap >>post-data
swap >>post-data-type ;
swap >url ensure-port >>url
swap >>post-data ;
: http-post ( content-type content url -- response data )
: http-post ( post-data url -- response data )
<post-request> http-request ;
@ -1,58 +1,27 @@
USING: http tools.test multiline tuple-syntax
io.streams.string kernel arrays splitting sequences
assocs io.sockets db db.sqlite continuations ;
assocs io.sockets db db.sqlite continuations urls hashtables ;
IN: http.tests
[ "hello%20world" ] [ "hello world" url-encode ] unit-test
[ "hello world" ] [ "hello%20world" url-decode ] unit-test
[ "~hello world" ] [ "%7ehello+world" url-decode ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "%XX%XX%XX" url-decode ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "%XX%XX%X" url-decode ] unit-test
[ "hello world" ] [ "hello+world" url-decode ] unit-test
[ "hello world" ] [ "hello%20world" url-decode ] unit-test
[ " ! " ] [ "%20%21%20" url-decode ] unit-test
[ "hello world" ] [ "hello world%" url-decode ] unit-test
[ "hello world" ] [ "hello world%x" url-decode ] unit-test
[ "hello%20world" ] [ "hello world" url-encode ] unit-test
[ "%20%21%20" ] [ " ! " url-encode ] unit-test
[ "\u001234hi\u002045" ] [ "\u001234hi\u002045" url-encode url-decode ] unit-test
[ "/" ] [ "" url>path ] unit-test
[ "/" ] [ "" url>path ] unit-test
[ "/bar" ] [ "" url>path ] unit-test
[ "/bar" ] [ "/bar" url>path ] unit-test
[ "a=b&a=c" ] [ { { "a" { "b" "c" } } } assoc>query ] unit-test
[ H{ { "a" "b" } } ] [ "a=b" query>assoc ] unit-test
[ H{ { "a" { "b" "c" } } } ] [ "a=b&a=c" query>assoc ] unit-test
[ "a=3" ] [ { { "a" 3 } } assoc>query ] unit-test
: lf>crlf "\n" split "\r\n" join ;
STRING: read-request-test-1
GET http://foo/bar HTTP/1.1
POST http://foo/bar HTTP/1.1
Some-Header: 1
Some-Header: 2
Content-Length: 4
Content-type: application/octet-stream
TUPLE{ request
protocol: http
port: 80
method: "GET"
path: "/bar"
query: H{ }
url: TUPLE{ url protocol: "http" port: 80 path: "/bar" }
method: "POST"
version: "1.1"
header: H{ { "some-header" "1; 2" } { "content-length" "4" } }
post-data: "blah"
header: H{ { "some-header" "1; 2" } { "content-length" "4" } { "content-type" "application/octet-stream" } }
post-data: TUPLE{ post-data content: "blah" raw: "blah" content-type: "application/octet-stream" }
cookies: V{ }
] [
@ -62,8 +31,9 @@ blah
] unit-test
STRING: read-request-test-1'
GET /bar HTTP/1.1
POST /bar HTTP/1.1
content-length: 4
content-type: application/octet-stream
some-header: 1; 2
@ -85,14 +55,10 @@ Host:
TUPLE{ request
protocol: http
port: 80
url: TUPLE{ url protocol: "http" port: 80 host: "" path: "/bar" }
method: "HEAD"
path: "/bar"
query: H{ }
version: "1.1"
header: H{ { "host" "" } }
host: ""
cookies: V{ }
] [
@ -101,6 +67,15 @@ Host:
] with-string-reader
] unit-test
STRING: read-request-test-3
GET nested HTTP/1.0
[ read-request-test-3 [ read-request ] with-string-reader ]
[ "Bad request: URL" = ]
STRING: read-response-test-1
HTTP/1.1 404 not found
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF8
@ -114,7 +89,7 @@ blah
code: 404
message: "not found"
header: H{ { "content-type" "text/html; charset=UTF8" } }
cookies: V{ }
cookies: { }
content-type: "text/html"
content-charset: "UTF8"
@ -145,14 +120,16 @@ read-response-test-1' 1array [
] unit-test
! Live-fire exercise
USING: http.server http.server.static http.server.sessions
http.server.actions http.server.auth.login http.server.db http.client
USING: http.server http.server.static furnace.sessions
furnace.actions furnace.auth.login furnace.db http.client
io.server io.files io io.encodings.ascii
accessors namespaces threads ;
accessors namespaces threads
http.server.responses http.server.redirection
http.server.dispatchers ;
: add-quit-action
[ stop-server [ "Goodbye" write ] <html-content> ] >>display
[ stop-server "Goodbye" "text/html" <content> ] >>display
"quit" add-responder ;
: test-db "test.db" temp-file sqlite-db ;
@ -171,7 +148,7 @@ test-db [
"resource:extra/http/test" <static> >>default
"nested" add-responder
[ "redirect-loop" f <standard-redirect> ] >>display
[ URL" redirect-loop" <temporary-redirect> ] >>display
"redirect-loop" add-responder
main-responder set
@ -186,16 +163,6 @@ test-db [
"http://localhost:1237/nested/foo.html" http-get =
] unit-test
! Try with a slightly malformed request
[ t ] [
"localhost" 1237 <inet> ascii [
"GET nested HTTP/1.0\r\n" write flush
"\r\n" write flush
read-crlf drop
] with-client "location" swap at "/" head?
] unit-test
[ "http://localhost:1237/redirect-loop" http-get ]
[ too-many-redirects? ] must-fail-with
@ -207,7 +174,7 @@ test-db [
[ ] [
<action> f <protected>
<action> <protected>
"" add-responder
@ -237,7 +204,7 @@ test-db [
[ ] [
<action> [ [ "Hi" write ] <text-content> ] >>display
<action> [ [ "Hi" write ] "text/plain" <content> ] >>display
"" add-responder
@ -254,3 +221,56 @@ test-db [
[ "Hi" ] [ "http://localhost:1237/" http-get ] unit-test
[ "Goodbye" ] [ "http://localhost:1237/quit" http-get ] unit-test
USING: html.components html.elements xml xml.utilities validators
furnace furnace.flash ;
[ ] [
[ a get-global "a" set-value ] >>init
[ [ <html> "a" <field> render </html> ] "text/html" <content> ] >>display
[ { { "a" [ v-integer ] } } validate-params ] >>validate
[ "a" value a set-global URL" " <redirect> ] >>submit
test-db <db-persistence>
main-responder set
[ 1237 httpd ] "HTTPD test" spawn drop
] with-scope
] unit-test
[ ] [ 100 sleep ] unit-test
3 a set-global
: test-a string>xml "input" tag-named "value" swap at ;
[ "3" ] [
"http://localhost:1237/" http-get*
swap dup cookies>> "cookies" set session-id-key get-cookie
value>> "session-id" set test-a
] unit-test
[ "4" ] [
H{ { "a" "4" } { "__u" "http://localhost:1237/" } } "session-id" get session-id-key associate assoc-union
"http://localhost:1237/" <post-request> "cookies" get >>cookies http-request nip test-a
] unit-test
[ 4 ] [ a get-global ] unit-test
! Test flash scope
[ "xyz" ] [
H{ { "a" "xyz" } { "__u" "http://localhost:1237/" } } "session-id" get session-id-key associate assoc-union
"http://localhost:1237/" <post-request> "cookies" get >>cookies http-request nip test-a
] unit-test
[ 4 ] [ a get-global ] unit-test
[ "Goodbye" ] [ "http://localhost:1237/quit" http-get ] unit-test
@ -4,92 +4,18 @@ USING: accessors kernel combinators math namespaces
assocs sequences splitting sorting sets debugger
strings vectors hashtables quotations arrays byte-arrays
math.parser calendar calendar.format
math.parser calendar calendar.format present
io io.streams.string io.encodings.utf8 io.encodings.string
io io.server
|||| unicode.categories qualified
html.templates ;
urls html.templates xml xml.writer ;
EXCLUDE: fry => , ;
IN: http
GENERIC: http-port ( protocol -- port )
M: http http-port drop 80 ;
M: https http-port drop 443 ;
GENERIC: protocol>string ( protocol -- string )
M: http protocol>string drop "http" ;
M: https protocol>string drop "https" ;
: string>protocol ( string -- protocol )
{ "http" [ http ] }
{ "https" [ https ] }
[ "Unknown protocol: " swap append throw ]
} case ;
: absolute-url? ( url -- ? )
[ "http://" head? ] [ "https://" head? ] bi or ;
: url-quotable? ( ch -- ? )
#! In a URL, can this character be used without
#! URL-encoding?
{ [ dup letter? ] [ t ] }
{ [ dup LETTER? ] [ t ] }
{ [ dup digit? ] [ t ] }
{ [ dup "/_-.:" member? ] [ t ] }
[ f ]
} cond nip ; foldable
: push-utf8 ( ch -- )
1string utf8 encode
[ CHAR: % , >hex 2 CHAR: 0 pad-left % ] each ;
: url-encode ( str -- str )
[ dup url-quotable? [ , ] [ push-utf8 ] if ] each
] "" make ;
: url-decode-hex ( index str -- )
2dup length 2 - >= [
] [
[ 1+ dup 2 + ] dip subseq hex> [ , ] when*
] if ;
: url-decode-% ( index str -- index str )
2dup url-decode-hex [ 3 + ] dip ;
: url-decode-+-or-other ( index str ch -- index str )
dup CHAR: + = [ drop CHAR: \s ] when , [ 1+ ] dip ;
: url-decode-iter ( index str -- )
2dup length >= [
] [
2dup nth dup CHAR: % = [
drop url-decode-%
] [
] if url-decode-iter
] if ;
: url-decode ( str -- str )
[ 0 swap url-decode-iter ] "" make utf8 decode ;
: crlf "\r\n" write ;
: add-header ( value key assoc -- )
@ -128,10 +54,9 @@ M: https protocol>string drop "https" ;
: header-value>string ( value -- string )
{ [ dup number? ] [ number>string ] }
{ [ dup timestamp? ] [ timestamp>http-string ] }
{ [ dup string? ] [ ] }
{ [ dup sequence? ] [ [ header-value>string ] map "; " join ] }
{ [ dup array? ] [ [ header-value>string ] map "; " join ] }
[ present ]
} cond ;
: check-header-string ( str -- str )
@ -145,42 +70,6 @@ M: https protocol>string drop "https" ;
header-value>string check-header-string write crlf
] assoc-each crlf ;
: add-query-param ( value key assoc -- )
at [
{ [ dup string? ] [ swap 2array ] }
{ [ dup array? ] [ swap suffix ] }
{ [ dup not ] [ drop ] }
} cond
] when*
] 2keep set-at ;
: query>assoc ( query -- assoc )
dup [
"&" split H{ } clone [
[ "=" split1 [ dup [ url-decode ] when ] bi@ swap ] dip
] curry each
] keep
] when ;
: assoc>query ( hash -- str )
{ [ dup number? ] [ number>string 1array ] }
{ [ dup string? ] [ 1array ] }
{ [ dup sequence? ] [ ] }
} cond
] assoc-map
[ url-encode ] dip
[ url-encode "=" swap 3append , ] with each
] assoc-each
] { } make "&" join ;
TUPLE: cookie name value path domain expires max-age http-only ;
: <cookie> ( value name -- cookie )
@ -236,16 +125,11 @@ TUPLE: cookie name value path domain expires max-age http-only ;
[ unparse-cookie ] map concat "; " join ;
TUPLE: request
cookies ;
: set-header ( request/response value key -- request/response )
@ -254,51 +138,30 @@ cookies ;
: <request>
request new
"1.1" >>version
http >>protocol
"http" >>protocol
H{ } clone >>query
H{ } clone >>header
H{ } clone >>query
V{ } clone >>cookies
"close" "connection" set-header
"Factor http.client vocabulary" "user-agent" set-header ;
: query-param ( request key -- value )
swap query>> at ;
: set-query-param ( request value key -- request )
pick query>> set-at ;
: chop-hostname ( str -- str' )
":" split1 "//" ?head drop nip
CHAR: / over index over length or tail
dup empty? [ drop "/" ] when ;
: url>path ( url -- path )
#! Technically, only proxies are meant to support hostnames
#! in HTTP requests, but IE sends these sometimes so we
#! just chop the hostname part.
dup { "http://" "https://" } [ head? ] with contains?
[ chop-hostname ] when ;
: read-method ( request -- request )
" " read-until [ "Bad request: method" throw ] unless
>>method ;
: read-query ( request -- request )
" " read-until
[ "Bad request: query params" throw ] unless
query>assoc >>query ;
: check-absolute ( url -- url )
dup path>> "/" head? [ "Bad request: URL" throw ] unless ; inline
: read-url ( request -- request )
" ?" read-until {
{ CHAR: \s [ dup empty? [ drop read-url ] [ url>path >>path ] if ] }
{ CHAR: ? [ url>path >>path read-query ] }
[ "Bad request: URL" throw ]
} case ;
" " read-until [
dup empty? [ drop read-url ] [ >url check-absolute >>url ] if
] [ "Bad request: URL" throw ] if ;
: parse-version ( string -- version )
"HTTP/" ?head [ "Bad version" throw ] unless
dup { "1.0" "1.1" } member? [ "Bad version" throw ] unless ;
"HTTP/" ?head [ "Bad request: version" throw ] unless
dup { "1.0" "1.1" } member? [ "Bad request: version" throw ] unless ;
: read-request-version ( request -- request )
read-crlf [ CHAR: \s = ] left-trim
@ -311,34 +174,33 @@ cookies ;
: header ( request/response key -- value )
swap header>> at ;
SYMBOL: max-post-request
TUPLE: post-data raw content content-type ;
1024 256 * max-post-request set-global
: <post-data> ( raw content-type -- post-data )
post-data new
swap >>content-type
swap >>raw ;
: content-length ( header -- n )
"content-length" swap at string>number dup [
dup max-post-request get > [
"content-length > max-post-request" throw
] when
] when ;
: parse-post-data ( post-data -- post-data )
[ ] [ raw>> ] [ content-type>> ] tri {
{ "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" [ query>assoc ] }
{ "text/xml" [ string>xml ] }
[ drop ]
} case >>content ;
: read-post-data ( request -- request )
dup header>> content-length [ read >>post-data ] when* ;
: parse-host ( string -- host port )
"." ?tail drop ":" split1
dup [ string>number ] when ;
dup method>> "POST" = [
[ ]
[ "content-length" header string>number read ]
[ "content-type" header ] tri
<post-data> parse-post-data >>post-data
] when ;
: extract-host ( request -- request )
dup [ "host" header parse-host ] keep protocol>> http-port or
[ >>host ] [ >>port ] bi* ;
: extract-post-data-type ( request -- request )
dup "content-type" header >>post-data-type ;
: parse-post-data ( request -- request )
dup post-data-type>> "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" =
[ dup post-data>> query>assoc >>post-data ] when ;
[ ] [ url>> ] [ "host" header parse-host ] tri
[ >>host ] [ >>port ] bi*
drop ;
: extract-cookies ( request -- request )
dup "cookie" header [ parse-cookies >>cookies ] when* ;
@ -349,6 +211,9 @@ SYMBOL: max-post-request
: parse-content-type ( content-type -- type encoding )
";" split1 parse-content-type-attributes "charset" swap at ;
: detect-protocol ( request -- request )
dup url>> remote-address get secure? "https" "http" ? >>protocol drop ;
: read-request ( -- request )
@ -356,58 +221,53 @@ SYMBOL: max-post-request
extract-cookies ;
: write-method ( request -- request )
dup method>> write bl ;
: (link>string) ( url query -- url' )
[ url-encode ] [ assoc>query ] bi*
dup empty? [ drop ] [ "?" swap 3append ] if ;
: write-url ( request -- )
[ path>> ] [ query>> ] bi (link>string) write ;
: write-request-url ( request -- request )
dup write-url bl ;
dup url>> relative-url present write bl ;
: write-version ( request -- request )
"HTTP/" write dup request-version write crlf ;
: unparse-post-data ( request -- request )
dup post-data>> dup sequence? [ drop ] [
assoc>query >>post-data
"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" >>post-data-type
] if ;
GENERIC: protocol-addr ( request protocol -- addr )
M: object protocol-addr
drop [ host>> ] [ port>> ] bi <inet> ;
M: https protocol-addr
call-next-method <secure> ;
: request-addr ( request -- addr )
dup protocol>> protocol-addr ;
: request-host ( request -- string )
[ host>> ] [ port>> ] bi dup http http-port =
: url-host ( url -- string )
[ host>> ] [ port>> ] bi dup "http" protocol-port =
[ drop ] [ ":" swap number>string 3append ] if ;
: write-request-header ( request -- request )
dup header>> >hashtable
over host>> [ over request-host "host" pick set-at ] when
over post-data>> [ length "content-length" pick set-at ] when*
over post-data-type>> [ "content-type" pick set-at ] when*
over url>> host>> [ over url>> url-host "host" pick set-at ] when
over post-data>> [
[ raw>> length "content-length" pick set-at ]
[ content-type>> "content-type" pick set-at ]
] when*
over cookies>> f like [ unparse-cookies "cookie" pick set-at ] when*
write-header ;
GENERIC: >post-data ( object -- post-data )
M: post-data >post-data ;
M: string >post-data "application/octet-stream" <post-data> ;
M: byte-array >post-data "application/octet-stream" <post-data> ;
M: xml >post-data xml>string "text/xml" <post-data> ;
M: assoc >post-data assoc>query "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" <post-data> ;
M: f >post-data ;
: unparse-post-data ( request -- request )
[ >post-data ] change-post-data ;
: write-post-data ( request -- request )
dup post-data>> [ write ] when* ;
dup method>> "POST" = [ dup post-data>> raw>> write ] when ;
: write-request ( request -- )
@ -419,39 +279,6 @@ M: https protocol-addr
drop ;
: request-with-path ( request path -- request )
[ "/" prepend ] [ "/" ] if*
"?" split1 [ >>path ] [ dup [ query>assoc ] when >>query ] bi* ;
: request-with-url ( request url -- request )
":" split1
[ string>protocol >>protocol ]
"//" ?head [ "Invalid URL" throw ] unless
"/" split1
parse-host [ >>host ] [ >>port ] bi*
dup protocol>> http-port '[ , or ] change-port
[ request-with-path ]
] bi* ;
: request-url ( request -- url )
dup host>> [
[ protocol>> protocol>string write "://" write ]
[ host>> url-encode write ":" write ]
[ [ port>> ] [ protocol>> http-port or ] bi number>string write ]
] [ drop ] if
[ path>> "/" head? [ "/" write ] unless ]
[ write-url ]
] with-string-writer ;
GENERIC: write-response ( response -- )
GENERIC: write-full-response ( request response -- )
@ -490,7 +317,7 @@ body ;
: read-response-header
read-header >>header
dup "set-cookie" header parse-cookies >>cookies
dup "content-type" header [
parse-content-type [ >>content-type ] [ >>content-charset ] bi*
] when* ;
@ -556,7 +383,7 @@ body ;
: <raw-response> ( -- response )
raw-response new
"1.1" >>version ;
"1.1" >>version ;
M: raw-response write-response ( respose -- )
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
! Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: io assocs kernel sequences math namespaces splitting ;
IN: http.mime
: file-extension ( filename -- extension )
"." split dup length 1 <= [ drop f ] [ peek ] if ;
: mime-type ( filename -- mime-type )
file-extension "mime-types" get at "application/octet-stream" or ;
{ "html" "text/html" }
{ "txt" "text/plain" }
{ "xml" "text/xml" }
{ "css" "text/css" }
{ "gif" "image/gif" }
{ "png" "image/png" }
{ "jpg" "image/jpeg" }
{ "jpeg" "image/jpeg" }
{ "jar" "application/octet-stream" }
{ "zip" "application/octet-stream" }
{ "tgz" "application/octet-stream" }
{ "tar.gz" "application/octet-stream" }
{ "gz" "application/octet-stream" }
{ "pdf" "application/pdf" }
{ "factor" "text/plain" }
{ "cgi" "application/x-cgi-script" }
{ "fhtml" "application/x-factor-server-page" }
} "mime-types" set-global
@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors sequences kernel assocs combinators http.server
validators http hashtables namespaces fry continuations locals
boxes xml.entities html.elements html.components io arrays math ;
IN: http.server.actions
SYMBOL: params
SYMBOL: rest-param
: render-validation-messages ( -- )
validation-messages get
dup empty? [ drop ] [
<ul "errors" =class ul>
[ <li> message>> escape-string write </li> ] each
] if ;
TUPLE: action rest-param init display validate submit ;
: new-action ( class -- action )
[ ] >>init
[ <400> ] >>display
[ ] >>validate
[ <400> ] >>submit ;
: <action> ( -- action )
action new-action ;
: handle-get ( action -- response )
[ init>> call ]
[ display>> call ]
bi ;
: validation-failed ( -- * )
request get method>> "POST" =
[ action get display>> call ] [ <400> ] if exit-with ;
: handle-post ( action -- response )
[ validate>> call ]
[ submit>> call ] bi ;
: handle-rest-param ( arg -- )
dup length 1 > action get rest-param>> not or
[ <404> exit-with ] [
action get rest-param>> associate rest-param set
] if ;
M: action call-responder* ( path action -- response )
dup action set
, dup empty? [ drop ] [ handle-rest-param ] if
request get
[ request-params rest-param get assoc-union params set ]
[ method>> ] bi
{ "GET" [ handle-get ] }
{ "HEAD" [ handle-get ] }
{ "POST" [ handle-post ] }
} case
] with-exit-continuation ;
: param ( name -- value )
params get at ;
: check-validation ( -- )
validation-failed? [ validation-failed ] when ;
: validate-params ( validators -- )
params get swap validate-values from-assoc
check-validation ;
: validate-integer-id ( -- )
{ { "id" [ v-number ] } } validate-params ;
TUPLE: page-action < action template ;
: <page-action> ( -- page )
page-action new-action
dup '[ , template>> <html-content> ] >>display ;
TUPLE: feed-action < action feed ;
: <feed-action> ( -- feed )
feed-action new
dup '[ , feed>> call <feed-content> ] >>display ;
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: namespaces kernel assocs io.files io.streams.duplex
combinators arrays io.launcher io http.server.static http.server
http accessors sequences strings math.parser fry ;
http accessors sequences strings math.parser fry urls ;
IN: http.server.cgi
: post? request get method>> "POST" = ;
@ -14,13 +14,12 @@ IN: http.server.cgi
"HTTP/" request get version>> append "SERVER_PROTOCOL" set
"Factor" "SERVER_SOFTWARE" set
request get path>> "SCRIPT_NAME" set
request get url>> path>> "SCRIPT_NAME" set
request get host>> "SERVER_NAME" set
request get port>> number>string "SERVER_PORT" set
request get url>> host>> "SERVER_NAME" set
request get url>> port>> number>string "SERVER_PORT" set
"" "PATH_INFO" set
"" "REMOTE_HOST" set
"" "REMOTE_ADDR" set
@ -29,15 +28,17 @@ IN: http.server.cgi
request get method>> "REQUEST_METHOD" set
request get query>> assoc>query "QUERY_STRING" set
request get url>> query>> assoc>query "QUERY_STRING" set
request get "cookie" header "HTTP_COOKIE" set
request get "user-agent" header "HTTP_USER_AGENT" set
request get "accept" header "HTTP_ACCEPT" set
post? [
request get post-data-type>> "CONTENT_TYPE" set
request get post-data>> length number>string "CONTENT_LENGTH" set
request get post-data>> raw>>
[ "CONTENT_TYPE" set ]
[ length number>string "CONTENT_LENGTH" set ]
] when
] H{ } make-assoc ;
@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ IN: http.server.cgi
"CGI output follows" >>message
swap '[
, output-stream get swap <cgi-process> <process-stream> [
post? [ request get post-data>> write flush ] when
post? [ request get post-data>> raw>> write flush ] when
input-stream get swap (stream-copy)
] with-stream
] >>body ;
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
IN: http.server.db.tests
USING: tools.test http.server.db ;
\ <db-persistence> must-infer
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
USING: http.server http.server.dispatchers http.server.responses
tools.test kernel namespaces accessors io http math sequences
assocs arrays classes words urls ;
IN: http.server.dispatchers.tests
\ find-responder must-infer
\ http-error. must-infer
TUPLE: mock-responder path ;
C: <mock-responder> mock-responder
M: mock-responder call-responder*
path>> on
[ ] "text/plain" <content> ;
: check-dispatch ( tag path -- ? )
V{ } clone responder-nesting set
over off
main-responder get call-responder
write-response get ;
"foo" <mock-responder> "foo" add-responder
"bar" <mock-responder> "bar" add-responder
"123" <mock-responder> "123" add-responder
"default" <mock-responder> >>default
"baz" add-responder
main-responder set
[ "foo" ] [
{ "foo" } main-responder get find-responder path>> nip
] unit-test
[ "bar" ] [
{ "bar" } main-responder get find-responder path>> nip
] unit-test
[ t ] [ "foo" "foo" check-dispatch ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "foo" "bar" check-dispatch ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "bar" "bar" check-dispatch ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "default" "baz/xxx" check-dispatch ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "default" "baz/xxx//" check-dispatch ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "default" "/baz/xxx//" check-dispatch ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "123" "baz/123" check-dispatch ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "123" "baz///123" check-dispatch ] unit-test
] with-scope
"default" <mock-responder> >>default
main-responder set
[ "/default" ] [ "/default" main-responder get find-responder drop ] unit-test
] with-scope
! Make sure path for default responder isn't chopped
TUPLE: path-check-responder ;
C: <path-check-responder> path-check-responder
M: path-check-responder call-responder*
>array "text/plain" <content> ;
[ { "c" } ] [
V{ } clone responder-nesting set
{ "b" "c" }
<path-check-responder> >>default
"b" add-responder
] unit-test
! Test that "" dispatcher works with default>>
[ ] [
"" <mock-responder> "" add-responder
"bar" <mock-responder> "bar" add-responder
"baz" <mock-responder> >>default
main-responder set
[ t ] [ "" "" check-dispatch ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "" "quux" check-dispatch ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "baz" "quux" check-dispatch ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "foo" "bar" check-dispatch ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "bar" "bar" check-dispatch ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "baz" "xxx" check-dispatch ] unit-test
] unit-test
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel namespaces sequences assocs accessors splitting
|||| http http.server http.server.responses ;
IN: http.server.dispatchers
TUPLE: dispatcher default responders ;
: new-dispatcher ( class -- dispatcher )
<404> <trivial-responder> >>default
H{ } clone >>responders ; inline
: <dispatcher> ( -- dispatcher )
dispatcher new-dispatcher ;
: find-responder ( path dispatcher -- path responder )
over empty? [
"" over responders>> at*
[ nip ] [ drop default>> ] if
] [
over first over responders>> at*
[ [ drop rest-slice ] dip ] [ drop default>> ] if
] if ;
M: dispatcher call-responder* ( path dispatcher -- response )
find-responder call-responder ;
TUPLE: vhost-dispatcher default responders ;
: <vhost-dispatcher> ( -- dispatcher )
vhost-dispatcher new-dispatcher ;
: canonical-host ( host -- host' )
>lower "www." ?head drop "." ?tail drop ;
: find-vhost ( dispatcher -- responder )
request get url>> host>> canonical-host over responders>> at*
[ nip ] [ drop default>> ] if ;
M: vhost-dispatcher call-responder* ( path dispatcher -- response )
find-vhost call-responder ;
: add-responder ( dispatcher responder path -- dispatcher )
pick responders>> set-at ;
: add-main-responder ( dispatcher responder path -- dispatcher )
[ add-responder drop ]
[ drop "" add-responder drop ]
[ 2drop ] 3tri ;
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: http.server accessors ;
IN: http.server.filters
TUPLE: filter-responder responder ;
M: filter-responder call-responder*
responder>> call-responder ;
@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors namespaces sequences arrays kernel
assocs assocs.lib hashtables math.parser
html.elements http http.server http.server.sessions ;
IN: http.server.flows
TUPLE: flows < filter-responder ;
C: <flows> flows
: begin-flow* ( -- id )
request get
[ path>> ] [ request-params ] [ method>> ] tri 3array
flows sget set-at-unique
session-changed ;
: end-flow-post ( path params -- response )
request [
"POST" >>method
swap >>post-data
swap >>path
] change
request get path>> split-path
flows get responder>> call-responder ;
: end-flow* ( default id -- response )
flows sget at
[ first3 "POST" = [ end-flow-post ] [ <standard-redirect> ] if ]
[ f <standard-redirect> ] ?if ;
SYMBOL: flow-id
: flow-id-key "factorflowid" ;
: begin-flow ( -- )
begin-flow* flow-id set ;
: end-flow ( default -- response )
flow-id get end-flow* ;
: add-flow-id ( query -- query' )
flow-id get [ flow-id-key associate assoc-union ] when* ;
: flow-form-field ( -- )
flow-id get [
"hidden" =type
flow-id-key =name
] when* ;
M: flows call-responder*
dup flows set
[ add-flow-id ] add-link-hook
[ flow-form-field ] add-form-hook
flow-id-key request get request-params at flow-id set
call-next-method ;
M: flows init-session*
H{ } clone flows sset
call-next-method ;
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
IN: http.server.redirection.tests
USING: http http.server.redirection urls accessors
namespaces tools.test present ;
\ relative-to-request must-infer
"http" >>protocol
"" >>host
"/xxx/bar" >>path
{ { "a" "b" } } >>query
request set
[ "" ] [
<url> relative-to-request present
] unit-test
[ "" ] [
<url> "baz" >>path relative-to-request present
] unit-test
[ "" ] [
<url> "baz" >>path { { "c" "d" } } >>query relative-to-request present
] unit-test
[ "" ] [
<url> { { "c" "d" } } >>query relative-to-request present
] unit-test
[ "" ] [
<url> "/flip" >>path relative-to-request present
] unit-test
[ "" ] [
<url> "/flip" >>path { { "c" "d" } } >>query relative-to-request present
] unit-test
[ "" ] [
"" >url relative-to-request present
] unit-test
[ "" ] [
"" >url { { "a" "b" } } >>query relative-to-request present
] unit-test
] with-scope
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel accessors combinators namespaces
logging urls http http.server http.server.responses ;
IN: http.server.redirection
: relative-to-request ( url -- url' )
request get url>>
f >>query
swap derive-url ensure-port ;
: <custom-redirect> ( url code message -- response )
swap dup url? [ relative-to-request ] when
"location" set-header ;
\ <custom-redirect> DEBUG add-input-logging
: <permanent-redirect> ( url -- response )
301 "Moved Permanently" <custom-redirect> ;
: <temporary-redirect> ( url -- response )
307 "Temporary Redirect" <custom-redirect> ;
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: html.elements math.parser http accessors kernel
io io.streams.string ;
IN: http.server.responses
: <content> ( body content-type -- response )
200 >>code
"Document follows" >>message
swap >>content-type
swap >>body ;
: trivial-response-body ( code message -- )
<h1> [ number>string write bl ] [ write ] bi* </h1>
</html> ;
: <trivial-response> ( code message -- response )
2dup [ trivial-response-body ] with-string-writer
"text/html" <content>
swap >>message
swap >>code ;
: <304> ( -- response )
304 "Not modified" <trivial-response> ;
: <403> ( -- response )
403 "Forbidden" <trivial-response> ;
: <400> ( -- response )
400 "Bad request" <trivial-response> ;
: <404> ( -- response )
404 "Not found" <trivial-response> ;
@ -1,142 +1,4 @@
USING: http.server tools.test kernel namespaces accessors
io http math sequences assocs arrays classes words ;
USING: http http.server math sequences continuations tools.test ;
IN: http.server.tests
\ find-responder must-infer
http >>protocol
"" >>host
"/xxx/bar" >>path
{ { "a" "b" } } >>query
request set
[ ] link-hook set
[ "" ] [ f f derive-url ] unit-test
[ "" ] [ "baz" f derive-url ] unit-test
[ "" ] [ "baz" { { "c" "d" } } derive-url ] unit-test
[ "" ] [ f { { "c" "d" } } derive-url ] unit-test
[ "" ] [ "/flip" f derive-url ] unit-test
[ "" ] [ "/flip" { { "c" "d" } } derive-url ] unit-test
[ "" ] [ "" f derive-url ] unit-test
[ "" ] [ "" { { "a" "b" } } derive-url ] unit-test
] with-scope
TUPLE: mock-responder path ;
C: <mock-responder> mock-responder
M: mock-responder call-responder*
path>> on
[ ] <text-content> ;
: check-dispatch ( tag path -- ? )
H{ } clone base-paths set
over off
main-responder get call-responder
write-response get ;
"foo" <mock-responder> "foo" add-responder
"bar" <mock-responder> "bar" add-responder
"123" <mock-responder> "123" add-responder
"default" <mock-responder> >>default
"baz" add-responder
main-responder set
[ "foo" ] [
{ "foo" } main-responder get find-responder path>> nip
] unit-test
[ "bar" ] [
{ "bar" } main-responder get find-responder path>> nip
] unit-test
[ t ] [ "foo" "foo" check-dispatch ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "foo" "bar" check-dispatch ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "bar" "bar" check-dispatch ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "default" "baz/xxx" check-dispatch ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "default" "baz/xxx//" check-dispatch ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "default" "/baz/xxx//" check-dispatch ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "123" "baz/123" check-dispatch ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "123" "baz///123" check-dispatch ] unit-test
] with-scope
"default" <mock-responder> >>default
main-responder set
[ "/default" ] [ "/default" main-responder get find-responder drop ] unit-test
] with-scope
! Make sure path for default responder isn't chopped
TUPLE: path-check-responder ;
C: <path-check-responder> path-check-responder
M: path-check-responder call-responder*
>array <text-content> ;
[ { "c" } ] [
H{ } clone base-paths set
{ "b" "c" }
<path-check-responder> >>default
"b" add-responder
] unit-test
! Test that "" dispatcher works with default>>
[ ] [
"" <mock-responder> "" add-responder
"bar" <mock-responder> "bar" add-responder
"baz" <mock-responder> >>default
main-responder set
[ t ] [ "" "" check-dispatch ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "" "quux" check-dispatch ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "baz" "quux" check-dispatch ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "foo" "bar" check-dispatch ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "bar" "bar" check-dispatch ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "baz" "xxx" check-dispatch ] unit-test
] unit-test
TUPLE: funny-dispatcher < dispatcher ;
: <funny-dispatcher> funny-dispatcher new-dispatcher ;
TUPLE: base-path-check-responder ;
C: <base-path-check-responder> base-path-check-responder
M: base-path-check-responder call-responder*
"$funny-dispatcher" resolve-base-path
<text-content> ;
[ ] [
<base-path-check-responder> "c" add-responder
"b" add-responder
"a" add-responder
main-responder set
] unit-test
[ "/a/b/" ] [
"a/b/c" split-path main-responder get call-responder body>>
] unit-test
[ t ] [ [ \ + first ] [ <500> ] recover response? ] unit-test
@ -1,276 +1,74 @@
! Copyright (C) 2003, 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: assocs kernel namespaces io io.timeouts strings splitting
threads sequences prettyprint io.server logging calendar http
html.streams html.elements accessors math.parser
combinators.lib tools.vocabs debugger continuations random
combinators destructors io.encodings.8-bit fry classes words
math rss json.writer ;
USING: kernel accessors sequences arrays namespaces splitting
vocabs.loader http http.server.responses logging calendar
destructors html.elements html.streams io.server
io.encodings.8-bit io.timeouts io assocs debugger continuations
fry tools.vocabs math ;
IN: http.server
SYMBOL: responder-nesting
SYMBOL: main-responder
SYMBOL: development-mode
! path is a sequence of path component strings
GENERIC: call-responder* ( path responder -- response )
: request-params ( request -- assoc )
dup method>> {
{ "GET" [ query>> ] }
{ "HEAD" [ query>> ] }
{ "POST" [ post-data>> ] }
} case ;
: <content> ( body content-type -- response )
200 >>code
"Document follows" >>message
swap >>content-type
swap >>body ;
: <text-content> ( body -- response )
"text/plain" <content> ;
: <html-content> ( body -- response )
"text/html" <content> ;
: <xml-content> ( body -- response )
"text/xml" <content> ;
: <feed-content> ( feed -- response )
'[ , feed>xml ] "text/xml" <content> ;
: <json-content> ( obj -- response )
'[ , >json ] "application/json" <content> ;
TUPLE: trivial-responder response ;
C: <trivial-responder> trivial-responder
M: trivial-responder call-responder* nip response>> call ;
M: trivial-responder call-responder* nip response>> clone ;
: trivial-response-body ( code message -- )
<h1> [ number>string write bl ] [ write ] bi* </h1>
</html> ;
: <trivial-response> ( code message -- response )
2dup '[ , , trivial-response-body ] <html-content>
swap >>message
swap >>code ;
: <400> ( -- response )
400 "Bad request" <trivial-response> ;
: <404> ( -- response )
404 "Not Found" <trivial-response> ;
SYMBOL: 404-responder
[ <404> ] <trivial-responder> 404-responder set-global
SYMBOL: base-paths
main-responder global [ <404> <trivial-responder> or ] change-at
: invert-slice ( slice -- slice' )
dup slice? [
[ seq>> ] [ from>> ] bi head-slice
] [
drop { }
] if ;
dup slice? [ [ seq>> ] [ from>> ] bi head-slice ] [ drop { } ] if ;
: add-base-path ( path dispatcher -- )
[ invert-slice ] [ class word-name ] bi*
base-paths get set-at ;
: add-responder-nesting ( path responder -- )
[ invert-slice ] dip 2array responder-nesting get push ;
: call-responder ( path responder -- response )
[ add-base-path ] [ call-responder* ] 2bi ;
SYMBOL: link-hook
: add-link-hook ( quot -- )
link-hook [ compose ] change ; inline
: modify-query ( query -- query )
link-hook get call ;
: base-path ( string -- path )
dup base-paths get at
[ ] [ "No such responder: " swap append throw ] ?if ;
: resolve-base-path ( string -- string' )
"$" ?head [
"/" split1 [ base-path [ "/" % % ] each "/" % ] dip %
] "" make
] when ;
: link>string ( url query -- url' )
[ resolve-base-path ] [ modify-query ] bi* (link>string) ;
: write-link ( url query -- )
link>string write ;
SYMBOL: form-hook
: add-form-hook ( quot -- )
form-hook [ compose ] change ;
: hidden-form-field ( -- )
form-hook get call ;
: absolute-redirect ( to query -- url )
#! Same host.
request get clone
swap [ >>query ] when*
swap url-encode >>path
[ modify-query ] change-query
request-url ;
: replace-last-component ( path with -- path' )
[ "/" last-split1 drop "/" ] dip 3append ;
: relative-redirect ( to query -- url )
request get clone
swap [ >>query ] when*
swap [ '[ , replace-last-component ] change-path ] when*
[ modify-query ] change-query
request-url ;
: derive-url ( to query -- url )
{ [ over "http://" head? ] [ link>string ] }
{ [ over "/" head? ] [ absolute-redirect ] }
{ [ over "$" head? ] [ [ resolve-base-path ] dip derive-url ] }
[ relative-redirect ]
} cond ;
: <redirect> ( to query code message -- response )
<trivial-response> -rot derive-url "location" set-header ;
\ <redirect> DEBUG add-input-logging
: <permanent-redirect> ( to query -- response )
301 "Moved Permanently" <redirect> ;
: <temporary-redirect> ( to query -- response )
307 "Temporary Redirect" <redirect> ;
: <standard-redirect> ( to query -- response )
request get method>> "POST" =
[ <permanent-redirect> ] [ <temporary-redirect> ] if ;
TUPLE: dispatcher default responders ;
: new-dispatcher ( class -- dispatcher )
404-responder get >>default
H{ } clone >>responders ; inline
: <dispatcher> ( -- dispatcher )
dispatcher new-dispatcher ;
: find-responder ( path dispatcher -- path responder )
over empty? [
"" over responders>> at*
[ nip ] [ drop default>> ] if
] [
over first over responders>> at*
[ [ drop rest-slice ] dip ] [ drop default>> ] if
] if ;
M: dispatcher call-responder* ( path dispatcher -- response )
find-responder call-responder ;
TUPLE: vhost-dispatcher default responders ;
: <vhost-dispatcher> ( -- dispatcher )
404-responder get H{ } clone vhost-dispatcher boa ;
: find-vhost ( dispatcher -- responder )
request get host>> over responders>> at*
[ nip ] [ drop default>> ] if ;
M: vhost-dispatcher call-responder* ( path dispatcher -- response )
find-vhost call-responder ;
: add-responder ( dispatcher responder path -- dispatcher )
pick responders>> set-at ;
: add-main-responder ( dispatcher responder path -- dispatcher )
[ add-responder drop ]
[ drop "" add-responder drop ]
[ 2drop ] 3tri ;
TUPLE: filter-responder responder ;
M: filter-responder call-responder*
responder>> call-responder ;
SYMBOL: main-responder
main-responder global
[ drop 404-responder get-global ] cache
SYMBOL: development-mode
[ add-responder-nesting ] [ call-responder* ] 2bi ;
: http-error. ( error -- )
"Internal server error" [
development-mode get [
[ print-error nl :c ] with-html-stream
] [
500 "Internal server error"
] if
[ print-error nl :c ] with-html-stream
] simple-page ;
: <500> ( error -- response )
500 "Internal server error" <trivial-response>
swap '[ , http-error. ] >>body ;
swap development-mode get [ '[ , http-error. ] >>body ] [ drop ] if ;
: do-response ( response -- )
dup write-response
request get method>> "HEAD" =
[ drop ] [
, write-response-body
] [
] recover
] if ;
[ drop ] [ '[ , write-response-body ] [ http-error. ] recover ] if ;
LOG: httpd-hit NOTICE
: log-request ( request -- )
{ method>> host>> path>> } map-exec-with httpd-hit ;
SYMBOL: exit-continuation
: exit-with exit-continuation get continue-with ;
: with-exit-continuation ( quot -- )
'[ exit-continuation set @ ] callcc1 exit-continuation off ;
[ method>> ] [ url>> [ host>> ] [ path>> ] bi ] bi 3array httpd-hit ;
: split-path ( string -- path )
"/" split harvest ;
: init-request ( -- )
H{ } clone base-paths set
[ ] link-hook set
[ ] form-hook set ;
: init-request ( request -- )
request set
V{ } clone responder-nesting set ;
: dispatch-request ( request -- response )
url>> path>> split-path main-responder get call-responder ;
: do-request ( request -- response )
[ request set ]
[ init-request ]
[ log-request ]
[ path>> split-path main-responder get call-responder ] tri
[ <404> ] unless*
] [
[ \ do-request log-error ]
[ <500> ]
] recover ;
[ dispatch-request ] tri
] [ [ \ do-request log-error ] [ <500> ] bi ] recover ;
: ?refresh-all ( -- )
development-mode get-global
@ -287,8 +85,7 @@ SYMBOL: exit-continuation
: httpd ( port -- )
dup integer? [ internet-server ] when
"http.server" latin1
[ handle-client ] with-server ;
"http.server" latin1 [ handle-client ] with-server ;
: httpd-main ( -- )
8888 httpd ;
@ -1,10 +1,15 @@
! Copyright (C) 2004, 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: calendar io io.files kernel math math.order
math.parser http http.server namespaces parser sequences strings
assocs hashtables debugger http.mime sorting html.elements
html.templates.fhtml logging calendar.format accessors
io.encodings.binary fry xml.entities destructors ;
math.parser namespaces parser sequences strings
assocs hashtables debugger mime-types sorting logging
calendar.format accessors
io.encodings.binary fry xml.entities destructors urls
html.elements html.templates.fhtml
http.server.redirection ;
IN: http.server.static
! special maps mime types to quots with effect ( path -- )
@ -17,12 +22,6 @@ TUPLE: file-responder root hook special allow-listings ;
2drop t
] if ;
: <304> ( -- response )
304 "Not modified" <trivial-response> ;
: <403> ( -- response )
403 "Forbidden" <trivial-response> ;
: <file-responder> ( root hook -- responder )
file-responder new
swap >>hook
@ -71,7 +70,7 @@ TUPLE: file-responder root hook special allow-listings ;
: list-directory ( directory -- response )
file-responder get allow-listings>> [
'[ , directory. ] <html-content>
'[ , directory. ] "text/html" <content>
] [
drop <403>
] if ;
@ -85,7 +84,7 @@ TUPLE: file-responder root hook special allow-listings ;
find-index [ serve-file ] [ list-directory ] ?if
] [
request get path>> "/" append f <standard-redirect>
request get url>> clone [ "/" append ] change-path <permanent-redirect>
] if ;
: serve-object ( filename -- response )
@ -101,6 +100,6 @@ M: file-responder call-responder* ( path responder -- response )
! file responder integration
: enable-fhtml ( responder -- responder )
[ <fhtml> <html-content> ]
[ <fhtml> "text/html" <content> ]
pick special>> set-at ;
@ -1,13 +1,22 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors kernel arrays namespaces sequences continuations
destructors io.sockets ;
destructors io.sockets alien alien.syntax ;
IN: io.pools
TUPLE: pool connections disposed ;
TUPLE: pool connections disposed expired ;
: check-pool ( pool -- )
dup check-disposed
dup expired>> expired? [
ALIEN: 31337 >>expired
connections>> [ delete-all ] [ dispose-each ] bi
] [ drop ] if ;
: <pool> ( class -- pool )
new V{ } clone >>connections ; inline
new V{ } clone
dup check-pool ; inline
M: pool dispose* connections>> dispose-each ;
@ -17,15 +26,14 @@ M: pool dispose* connections>> dispose-each ;
TUPLE: return-connection conn pool ;
: return-connection ( conn pool -- )
dup check-disposed connections>> push ;
dup check-pool connections>> push ;
GENERIC: make-connection ( pool -- conn )
: new-connection ( pool -- )
[ make-connection ] keep return-connection ;
dup check-pool [ make-connection ] keep return-connection ;
: acquire-connection ( pool -- conn )
dup check-disposed
[ dup connections>> empty? ] [ dup new-connection ] [ ] while
connections>> pop ;
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov
! See for BSD license.
USING: peg peg.parsers kernel sequences strings words
memoize ;
USING: peg peg.parsers kernel sequences strings words ;
IN: io.unix.launcher.parser
! Our command line parser. Supported syntax:
@ -9,20 +8,20 @@ IN: io.unix.launcher.parser
! foo\ bar -- escaping the space
! 'foo bar' -- quotation
! "foo bar" -- quotation
MEMO: 'escaped-char' ( -- parser )
"\\" token [ drop t ] satisfy 2seq [ second ] action ;
: 'escaped-char' ( -- parser )
"\\" token any-char 2seq [ second ] action ;
MEMO: 'quoted-char' ( delimiter -- parser' )
: 'quoted-char' ( delimiter -- parser' )
swap [ member? not ] curry satisfy
2choice ; inline
MEMO: 'quoted' ( delimiter -- parser )
: 'quoted' ( delimiter -- parser )
dup 'quoted-char' repeat0 swap dup surrounded-by ;
MEMO: 'unquoted' ( -- parser ) " '\"" 'quoted-char' repeat1 ;
: 'unquoted' ( -- parser ) " '\"" 'quoted-char' repeat1 ;
MEMO: 'argument' ( -- parser )
: 'argument' ( -- parser )
"\"" 'quoted'
"'" 'quoted'
'unquoted' 3choice
@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007 Alex Chapman
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors alien.c-types colors jamshred.oint
jamshred.player jamshred.tunnel kernel math math.vectors opengl
|||| opengl.glu sequences ;
USING: accessors alien.c-types colors jamshred.oint jamshred.player jamshred.tunnel kernel math math.constants math.functions math.vectors opengl opengl.glu sequences ;
: min-vertices 6 ; inline
@ -14,6 +12,35 @@ IN:
: n-segments-ahead ( -- n ) 60 ; inline
: n-segments-behind ( -- n ) 40 ; inline
: wall-drawing-offset ( -- n )
#! so that we can't see through the wall, we draw it a bit further away
0.15 ;
: wall-drawing-radius ( segment -- r )
radius>> wall-drawing-offset + ;
: wall-up ( segment -- v )
[ wall-drawing-radius ] [ up>> ] bi n*v ;
: wall-left ( segment -- v )
[ wall-drawing-radius ] [ left>> ] bi n*v ;
: segment-vertex ( theta segment -- vertex )
[ wall-up swap sin v*n ] [ wall-left swap cos v*n ] 2bi v+
] [
location>> v+
] bi ;
: segment-vertex-normal ( vertex segment -- normal )
location>> swap v- normalize ;
: segment-vertex-and-normal ( segment theta -- vertex normal )
swap [ segment-vertex ] keep dupd segment-vertex-normal ;
: equally-spaced-radians ( n -- seq )
#! return a sequence of n numbers between 0 and 2pi
dup [ / pi 2 * * ] curry map ;
: draw-segment-vertex ( segment theta -- )
over segment-color gl-color segment-vertex-and-normal
gl-normal gl-vertex ;
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ jamshred-gadget H{
{ T{ mouse-scroll } [ handle-mouse-scroll ] }
} set-gestures
: jamshred-window ( -- )
[ <jamshred> <jamshred-gadget> "Jamshred" open-window ] with-ui ;
: jamshred-window ( -- jamshred )
[ <jamshred> dup <jamshred-gadget> "Jamshred" open-window ] with-ui ;
MAIN: jamshred-window
@ -39,8 +39,11 @@ C: <oint> oint
: random-turn ( oint theta -- )
2 / 2dup random-float+- left-pivot random-float+- up-pivot ;
: location+ ( v oint -- )
[ location>> v+ ] [ (>>location) ] bi ;
: go-forward ( distance oint -- )
[ forward>> n*v ] [ location>> v+ ] [ (>>location) ] tri ;
[ forward>> n*v ] [ location+ ] bi ;
: distance-vector ( oint oint -- vector )
[ location>> ] bi@ swap v- ;
@ -62,3 +65,9 @@ C: <oint> oint
:: reflect ( v n -- v' )
#! bounce v on a surface with normal n
v v n v. n n v. / 2 * n n*v v- ;
: half-way ( p1 p2 -- p3 )
over v- 2 v/n v+ ;
: half-way-between-oints ( o1 o2 -- p )
[ location>> ] bi@ half-way ;
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007 Alex Chapman
! Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Alex Chapman
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors colors combinators jamshred.log jamshred.oint jamshred.sound jamshred.tunnel kernel math math.constants math.order math.ranges shuffle sequences system ;
USING: accessors colors combinators jamshred.log jamshred.oint jamshred.sound jamshred.tunnel kernel locals math math.constants math.order math.ranges math.vectors math.matrices shuffle sequences system ;
USE: tools.walker
IN: jamshred.player
TUPLE: player < oint name sounds tunnel nearest-segment last-move speed ;
@ -30,6 +31,9 @@ TUPLE: player < oint name sounds tunnel nearest-segment last-move speed ;
[ tunnel>> ] [ dup nearest-segment>> nearest-segment ]
[ (>>nearest-segment) ] tri ;
: update-time ( player -- seconds-passed )
millis swap [ last-move>> - 1000 / ] [ (>>last-move) ] 2bi ;
: moved ( player -- ) millis swap (>>last-move) ;
: speed-range ( -- range )
@ -41,38 +45,82 @@ TUPLE: player < oint name sounds tunnel nearest-segment last-move speed ;
: multiply-player-speed ( n player -- )
[ * speed-range clamp-to-range ] change-speed drop ;
: distance-to-move ( player -- distance )
[ speed>> ] [ last-move>> millis dup >r swap - 1000 / * r> ]
[ (>>last-move) ] tri ;
: distance-to-move ( seconds-passed player -- distance )
speed>> * ;
DEFER: (move-player)
: bounce ( d-left player -- d-left' player )
[ dup nearest-segment>> bounce-off-wall ]
[ sounds>> bang ]
[ 3/4 swap multiply-player-speed ]
[ ]
} cleave ;
: ?bounce ( distance-remaining player -- )
:: (distance) ( heading player -- current next location heading )
player nearest-segment>>
player [ tunnel>> ] [ nearest-segment>> ] bi heading heading-segment
player location>> heading ;
: distance-to-heading-segment ( heading player -- distance )
(distance) distance-to-next-segment ;
: distance-to-heading-segment-area ( heading player -- distance )
(distance) distance-to-next-segment-area ;
: distance-to-collision ( player -- distance )
dup nearest-segment>> (distance-to-collision) ;
: from ( player -- radius distance-from-centre )
[ nearest-segment>> dup radius>> swap ] [ location>> ] bi
distance-from-centre ;
: distance-from-wall ( player -- distance ) from - ;
: fraction-from-centre ( player -- fraction ) from swap / ;
: fraction-from-wall ( player -- fraction )
fraction-from-centre 1 swap - ;
: update-nearest-segment2 ( heading player -- )
2dup distance-to-heading-segment-area 0 <= [
[ tunnel>> ] [ nearest-segment>> rot heading-segment ]
[ (>>nearest-segment) ] tri
] [
] if ;
:: move-player-on-heading ( d-left player distance heading -- d-left' player )
[let* | d-to-move [ d-left distance min ]
move-v [ d-to-move heading n*v ] |
move-v player location+
heading player update-nearest-segment2
d-left d-to-move - player ] ;
: move-toward-wall ( d-left player d-to-wall -- d-left' player )
over [ forward>> ] keep distance-to-heading-segment-area min
over forward>> move-player-on-heading ;
: ?move-player-freely ( d-left player -- d-left' player )
over 0 > [
[ dup nearest-segment>> bounce ]
[ sounds>> bang ]
[ 3/4 swap multiply-player-speed ]
[ (move-player) ]
} cleave
] [
] if ;
dup distance-to-collision dup 0.2 > [ ! bug! should be 0, not 0.2
move-toward-wall ?move-player-freely
] [ drop ] if
] when ;
: move-player-distance ( distance-remaining player distance -- distance-remaining player )
pick min tuck over go-forward [ - ] dip ;
: drag-heading ( player -- heading )
[ forward>> ] [ nearest-segment>> forward>> proj ] bi ;
: (move-player) ( distance-remaining player -- )
over 0 <= [
] [
dup dup nearest-segment>> distance-to-collision
move-player-distance ?bounce
] if ;
: drag-player ( d-left player -- d-left' player )
dup [ [ drag-heading ] keep distance-to-heading-segment-area ]
[ drag-heading move-player-on-heading ] bi ;
: (move-player) ( d-left player -- d-left' player )
?move-player-freely over 0 > [
! bounce
] when ;
: move-player ( player -- )
[ distance-to-move ] [ (move-player) ] [ update-nearest-segment ] tri ;
[ update-time ] [ distance-to-move ] [ (move-player) 2drop ] tri ;
: update-player ( player -- )
dup move-player nearest-segment>>
white swap set-segment-color ;
[ move-player ] [ nearest-segment>> white swap (>>color) ] bi ;
@ -42,4 +42,4 @@ IN: jamshred.tunnel.tests
[ { 0 1 0 } ] [ simple-collision-up sideways-heading ] unit-test
[ { 0 0 0 } ] [ simple-collision-up sideways-relative-location ] unit-test
[ { 0 1 0 } ]
[ simple-collision-up collision-vector 0 bounce-offset 0 3array v+ ] unit-test
[ simple-collision-up collision-vector 0 0 0 3array v+ ] unit-test
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007 Alex Chapman
! Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Alex Chapman
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays combinators float-arrays kernel jamshred.oint locals math math.functions math.constants math.matrices math.order math.ranges math.vectors math.quadratic random sequences vectors ;
USING: accessors arrays combinators float-arrays kernel jamshred.oint locals math math.constants math.matrices math.order math.ranges math.vectors math.quadratic random sequences vectors ;
USE: tools.walker
IN: jamshred.tunnel
: n-segments ( -- n ) 5000 ; inline
@ -8,21 +9,6 @@ IN: jamshred.tunnel
TUPLE: segment < oint number color radius ;
C: <segment> segment
: segment-vertex ( theta segment -- vertex )
tuck 2dup up>> swap sin v*n
>r left>> swap cos v*n r> v+
swap location>> v+ ;
: segment-vertex-normal ( vertex segment -- normal )
location>> swap v- normalize ;
: segment-vertex-and-normal ( segment theta -- vertex normal )
swap [ segment-vertex ] keep dupd segment-vertex-normal ;
: equally-spaced-radians ( n -- seq )
#! return a sequence of n numbers between 0 and 2pi
dup [ / pi 2 * * ] curry map ;
: segment-number++ ( segment -- )
[ number>> 1+ ] keep (>>number) ;
@ -40,9 +26,7 @@ C: <segment> segment
: (random-segments) ( segments n -- segments )
dup 0 > [
>r dup peek random-segment over push r> 1- (random-segments)
] [
] if ;
] [ drop ] if ;
: default-segment-radius ( -- r ) 1 ;
@ -66,7 +50,7 @@ C: <segment> segment
: <straight-tunnel> ( -- segments )
n-segments simple-segments ;
: sub-tunnel ( from to sements -- segments )
: sub-tunnel ( from to segments -- segments )
#! return segments between from and to, after clamping from and to to
#! valid values
[ sequence-index-range [ clamp-to-range ] curry bi@ ] keep <slice> ;
@ -97,6 +81,32 @@ C: <segment> segment
[ nearest-segment-forward ] 3keep
nearest-segment-backward r> nearer-segment ;
: get-segment ( segments n -- segment )
over sequence-index-range clamp-to-range swap nth ;
: next-segment ( segments current-segment -- segment )
number>> 1+ get-segment ;
: previous-segment ( segments current-segment -- segment )
number>> 1- get-segment ;
: heading-segment ( segments current-segment heading -- segment )
#! the next segment on the given heading
over forward>> v. 0 <=> {
{ +gt+ [ next-segment ] }
{ +lt+ [ previous-segment ] }
{ +eq+ [ nip ] } ! current segment
} case ;
:: distance-to-next-segment ( current next location heading -- distance )
[let | cf [ current forward>> ] |
cf next location>> v. cf location v. - cf heading v. / ] ;
:: distance-to-next-segment-area ( current next location heading -- distance )
[let | cf [ current forward>> ]
h [ next current half-way-between-oints ] |
cf h v. cf location v. - cf heading v. / ] ;
: vector-to-centre ( seg loc -- v )
over location>> swap v- swap forward>> proj-perp ;
@ -106,19 +116,25 @@ C: <segment> segment
: wall-normal ( seg oint -- n )
location>> vector-to-centre normalize ;
: from ( seg loc -- radius d-f-c )
dupd location>> distance-from-centre [ radius>> ] dip ;
: distant ( -- n ) 1000 ;
: distance-from-wall ( seg loc -- distance ) from - ;
: fraction-from-centre ( seg loc -- fraction ) from / ;
: fraction-from-wall ( seg loc -- fraction )
fraction-from-centre 1 swap - ;
: max-real ( a b -- c )
#! sometimes collision-coefficient yields complex roots, so we ignore these (hack)
dup real? [
over real? [ max ] [ nip ] if
] [
drop dup real? [ drop distant ] unless
] if ;
:: collision-coefficient ( v w r -- c )
[let* | a [ v dup v. ]
b [ v w v. 2 * ]
c [ w dup v. r sq - ] |
c b a quadratic max ] ;
v norm 0 = [
] [
[let* | a [ v dup v. ]
b [ v w v. 2 * ]
c [ w dup v. r sq - ] |
c b a quadratic max-real ]
] if ;
: sideways-heading ( oint segment -- v )
[ forward>> ] bi@ proj-perp ;
@ -126,18 +142,12 @@ C: <segment> segment
: sideways-relative-location ( oint segment -- loc )
[ [ location>> ] bi@ v- ] keep forward>> proj-perp ;
: bounce-offset 0.1 ; inline
: bounce-radius ( segment -- r )
radius>> bounce-offset - ; ! bounce before we hit so that we can't see through the wall (hack?)
: (distance-to-collision) ( oint segment -- distance )
[ sideways-heading ] [ sideways-relative-location ]
[ nip radius>> ] 2tri collision-coefficient ;
: collision-vector ( oint segment -- v )
[ sideways-heading ] [ sideways-relative-location ]
[ bounce-radius ] 2tri
swap [ collision-coefficient ] dip forward>> n*v ;
: distance-to-collision ( oint segment -- distance )
collision-vector norm ;
dupd (distance-to-collision) swap forward>> n*v ;
: bounce-forward ( segment oint -- )
[ wall-normal ] [ forward>> swap reflect ] [ (>>forward) ] tri ;
@ -151,6 +161,6 @@ C: <segment> segment
#! must be done after forward and left!
nip [ forward>> ] [ left>> cross ] [ (>>up) ] tri ;
: bounce ( oint segment -- )
: bounce-off-wall ( oint segment -- )
swap [ bounce-forward ] [ bounce-left ] [ bounce-up ] 2tri ;
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel parser-combinators namespaces sequences promises strings
assocs math math.parser math.vectors math.functions math.order
lazy-lists hashtables ascii ;
lists hashtables ascii ;
IN: json.reader
! Grammar for JSON from RFC 4627
@ -1,445 +0,0 @@
! Copyright (C) 2004 Chris Double.
! See for BSD license.
! Updated by Matthew Willis, July 2006
! Updated by Chris Double, September 2006
USING: kernel sequences math vectors arrays namespaces
quotations promises combinators io ;
IN: lazy-lists
! Lazy List Protocol
MIXIN: list
GENERIC: car ( cons -- car )
GENERIC: cdr ( cons -- cdr )
GENERIC: nil? ( cons -- ? )
M: promise car ( promise -- car )
force car ;
M: promise cdr ( promise -- cdr )
force cdr ;
M: promise nil? ( cons -- bool )
force nil? ;
TUPLE: cons car cdr ;
C: cons cons
M: cons car ( cons -- car )
cons-car ;
M: cons cdr ( cons -- cdr )
cons-cdr ;
: nil ( -- cons )
T{ cons f f f } ;
M: cons nil? ( cons -- bool )
nil eq? ;
: 1list ( obj -- cons )
nil cons ;
: 2list ( a b -- cons )
nil cons cons ;
: 3list ( a b c -- cons )
nil cons cons cons ;
! Both 'car' and 'cdr' are promises
TUPLE: lazy-cons car cdr ;
: lazy-cons ( car cdr -- promise )
[ promise ] bi@ \ lazy-cons boa
T{ promise f f t f } clone
[ set-promise-value ] keep ;
M: lazy-cons car ( lazy-cons -- car )
lazy-cons-car force ;
M: lazy-cons cdr ( lazy-cons -- cdr )
lazy-cons-cdr force ;
M: lazy-cons nil? ( lazy-cons -- bool )
nil eq? ;
: 1lazy-list ( a -- lazy-cons )
[ nil ] lazy-cons ;
: 2lazy-list ( a b -- lazy-cons )
1lazy-list 1quotation lazy-cons ;
: 3lazy-list ( a b c -- lazy-cons )
2lazy-list 1quotation lazy-cons ;
: lnth ( n list -- elt )
swap [ cdr ] times car ;
: (llength) ( list acc -- n )
over nil? [ nip ] [ [ cdr ] dip 1+ (llength) ] if ;
: llength ( list -- n )
0 (llength) ;
: uncons ( cons -- car cdr )
#! Return the car and cdr of the lazy list
dup car swap cdr ;
: leach ( list quot -- )
swap dup nil? [ 2drop ] [ uncons swapd over 2slip leach ] if ; inline
: lreduce ( list identity quot -- result )
swapd leach ; inline
TUPLE: memoized-cons original car cdr nil? ;
: not-memoized ( -- obj )
{ } ;
: not-memoized? ( obj -- bool )
not-memoized eq? ;
: <memoized-cons> ( cons -- memoized-cons )
not-memoized not-memoized not-memoized
memoized-cons boa ;
M: memoized-cons car ( memoized-cons -- car )
dup memoized-cons-car not-memoized? [
dup memoized-cons-original car [ swap set-memoized-cons-car ] keep
] [
] if ;
M: memoized-cons cdr ( memoized-cons -- cdr )
dup memoized-cons-cdr not-memoized? [
dup memoized-cons-original cdr [ swap set-memoized-cons-cdr ] keep
] [
] if ;
M: memoized-cons nil? ( memoized-cons -- bool )
dup memoized-cons-nil? not-memoized? [
dup memoized-cons-original nil? [ swap set-memoized-cons-nil? ] keep
] [
] if ;
TUPLE: lazy-map cons quot ;
C: <lazy-map> lazy-map
: lmap ( list quot -- result )
over nil? [ 2drop nil ] [ <lazy-map> <memoized-cons> ] if ;
M: lazy-map car ( lazy-map -- car )
[ lazy-map-cons car ] keep
lazy-map-quot call ;
M: lazy-map cdr ( lazy-map -- cdr )
[ lazy-map-cons cdr ] keep
lazy-map-quot lmap ;
M: lazy-map nil? ( lazy-map -- bool )
lazy-map-cons nil? ;
: lmap-with ( value list quot -- result )
with lmap ;
TUPLE: lazy-take n cons ;
C: <lazy-take> lazy-take
: ltake ( n list -- result )
over zero? [ 2drop nil ] [ <lazy-take> ] if ;
M: lazy-take car ( lazy-take -- car )
lazy-take-cons car ;
M: lazy-take cdr ( lazy-take -- cdr )
[ lazy-take-n 1- ] keep
lazy-take-cons cdr ltake ;
M: lazy-take nil? ( lazy-take -- bool )
dup lazy-take-n zero? [
drop t
] [
lazy-take-cons nil?
] if ;
TUPLE: lazy-until cons quot ;
C: <lazy-until> lazy-until
: luntil ( list quot -- result )
over nil? [ drop ] [ <lazy-until> ] if ;
M: lazy-until car ( lazy-until -- car )
lazy-until-cons car ;
M: lazy-until cdr ( lazy-until -- cdr )
[ lazy-until-cons uncons swap ] keep lazy-until-quot tuck call
[ 2drop nil ] [ luntil ] if ;
M: lazy-until nil? ( lazy-until -- bool )
drop f ;
TUPLE: lazy-while cons quot ;
C: <lazy-while> lazy-while
: lwhile ( list quot -- result )
over nil? [ drop ] [ <lazy-while> ] if ;
M: lazy-while car ( lazy-while -- car )
lazy-while-cons car ;
M: lazy-while cdr ( lazy-while -- cdr )
[ lazy-while-cons cdr ] keep lazy-while-quot lwhile ;
M: lazy-while nil? ( lazy-while -- bool )
[ car ] keep lazy-while-quot call not ;
TUPLE: lazy-filter cons quot ;
C: <lazy-filter> lazy-filter
: lfilter ( list quot -- result )
over nil? [ 2drop nil ] [ <lazy-filter> <memoized-cons> ] if ;
: car-filter? ( lazy-filter -- ? )
[ lazy-filter-cons car ] keep
lazy-filter-quot call ;
: skip ( lazy-filter -- )
[ lazy-filter-cons cdr ] keep
set-lazy-filter-cons ;
M: lazy-filter car ( lazy-filter -- car )
dup car-filter? [ lazy-filter-cons ] [ dup skip ] if car ;
M: lazy-filter cdr ( lazy-filter -- cdr )
dup car-filter? [
[ lazy-filter-cons cdr ] keep
lazy-filter-quot lfilter
] [
dup skip cdr
] if ;
M: lazy-filter nil? ( lazy-filter -- bool )
dup lazy-filter-cons nil? [
drop t
] [
dup car-filter? [
drop f
] [
dup skip nil?
] if
] if ;
: list>vector ( list -- vector )
[ [ , ] leach ] V{ } make ;
: list>array ( list -- array )
[ [ , ] leach ] { } make ;
TUPLE: lazy-append list1 list2 ;
C: <lazy-append> lazy-append
: lappend ( list1 list2 -- result )
over nil? [ nip ] [ <lazy-append> ] if ;
M: lazy-append car ( lazy-append -- car )
lazy-append-list1 car ;
M: lazy-append cdr ( lazy-append -- cdr )
[ lazy-append-list1 cdr ] keep
lazy-append-list2 lappend ;
M: lazy-append nil? ( lazy-append -- bool )
drop f ;
TUPLE: lazy-from-by n quot ;
C: lfrom-by lazy-from-by ( n quot -- list )
: lfrom ( n -- list )
[ 1+ ] lfrom-by ;
M: lazy-from-by car ( lazy-from-by -- car )
lazy-from-by-n ;
M: lazy-from-by cdr ( lazy-from-by -- cdr )
[ lazy-from-by-n ] keep
lazy-from-by-quot dup slip lfrom-by ;
M: lazy-from-by nil? ( lazy-from-by -- bool )
drop f ;
TUPLE: lazy-zip list1 list2 ;
C: <lazy-zip> lazy-zip
: lzip ( list1 list2 -- lazy-zip )
over nil? over nil? or
[ 2drop nil ] [ <lazy-zip> ] if ;
M: lazy-zip car ( lazy-zip -- car )
[ lazy-zip-list1 car ] keep lazy-zip-list2 car 2array ;
M: lazy-zip cdr ( lazy-zip -- cdr )
[ lazy-zip-list1 cdr ] keep lazy-zip-list2 cdr lzip ;
M: lazy-zip nil? ( lazy-zip -- bool )
drop f ;
TUPLE: sequence-cons index seq ;
C: <sequence-cons> sequence-cons
: seq>list ( index seq -- list )
2dup length >= [
2drop nil
] [
] if ;
M: sequence-cons car ( sequence-cons -- car )
[ sequence-cons-index ] keep
sequence-cons-seq nth ;
M: sequence-cons cdr ( sequence-cons -- cdr )
[ sequence-cons-index 1+ ] keep
sequence-cons-seq seq>list ;
M: sequence-cons nil? ( sequence-cons -- bool )
drop f ;
: >list ( object -- list )
{ [ dup sequence? ] [ 0 swap seq>list ] }
{ [ dup list? ] [ ] }
[ "Could not convert object to a list" throw ]
} cond ;
TUPLE: lazy-concat car cdr ;
C: <lazy-concat> lazy-concat
DEFER: lconcat
: (lconcat) ( car cdr -- list )
over nil? [
nip lconcat
] [
] if ;
: lconcat ( list -- result )
dup nil? [
drop nil
] [
uncons (lconcat)
] if ;
M: lazy-concat car ( lazy-concat -- car )
lazy-concat-car car ;
M: lazy-concat cdr ( lazy-concat -- cdr )
[ lazy-concat-car cdr ] keep lazy-concat-cdr (lconcat) ;
M: lazy-concat nil? ( lazy-concat -- bool )
dup lazy-concat-car nil? [
lazy-concat-cdr nil?
] [
drop f
] if ;
: lcartesian-product ( list1 list2 -- result )
swap [ swap [ 2array ] lmap-with ] lmap-with lconcat ;
: lcartesian-product* ( lists -- result )
dup nil? [
drop nil
] [
[ car ] keep cdr [ car lcartesian-product ] keep cdr list>array swap [
swap [ swap [ suffix ] lmap-with ] lmap-with lconcat
] reduce
] if ;
: lcomp ( list quot -- result )
[ lcartesian-product* ] dip lmap ;
: lcomp* ( list guards quot -- result )
[ [ lcartesian-product* ] dip [ lfilter ] each ] dip lmap ;
DEFER: lmerge
: (lmerge) ( list1 list2 -- result )
over [ car ] curry -rot
dup [ car ] curry -rot
[ cdr ] bi@ lmerge
] 2curry lazy-cons
] 2curry lazy-cons ;
: lmerge ( list1 list2 -- result )
{ [ over nil? ] [ nip ] }
{ [ dup nil? ] [ drop ] }
{ [ t ] [ (lmerge) ] }
} cond ;
TUPLE: lazy-io stream car cdr quot ;
C: <lazy-io> lazy-io
: lcontents ( stream -- result )
f f [ stream-read1 ] <lazy-io> ;
: llines ( stream -- result )
f f [ stream-readln ] <lazy-io> ;
M: lazy-io car ( lazy-io -- car )
dup lazy-io-car dup [
] [
drop dup lazy-io-stream over lazy-io-quot call
swap dupd set-lazy-io-car
] if ;
M: lazy-io cdr ( lazy-io -- cdr )
dup lazy-io-cdr dup [
] [
drop dup
[ lazy-io-stream ] keep
[ lazy-io-quot ] keep
car [
[ f f ] dip <lazy-io> [ swap set-lazy-io-cdr ] keep
] [
3drop nil
] if
] if ;
M: lazy-io nil? ( lazy-io -- bool )
car not ;
INSTANCE: cons list
INSTANCE: sequence-cons list
INSTANCE: memoized-cons list
INSTANCE: promise list
INSTANCE: lazy-io list
INSTANCE: lazy-concat list
INSTANCE: lazy-cons list
INSTANCE: lazy-map list
INSTANCE: lazy-take list
INSTANCE: lazy-append list
INSTANCE: lazy-from-by list
INSTANCE: lazy-zip list
INSTANCE: lazy-while list
INSTANCE: lazy-until list
INSTANCE: lazy-filter list
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ M: delete diff-line
</tr> ;
: htmlize-diff ( diff -- )
<table "comparison" =class table>
<table "100%" =width "comparison" =class table>
<tr> <th> "Old" write </th> <th> "New" write </th> </tr>
[ diff-line ] each
</table> ;
@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 James Cash
! See for BSD license.
USING: lisp lisp.parser tools.test sequences math kernel parser ;
USING: lisp lisp.parser tools.test sequences math kernel parser arrays ;
IN: lisp.test
"#f" [ f ] lisp-define
"#t" [ t ] lisp-define
[ f ] "#f" lisp-define
[ t ] "#t" lisp-define
"+" "math" "+" define-primitve
"-" "math" "-" define-primitve
"+" "math" "+" define-primitive
"-" "math" "-" define-primitive
! "list" [ >array ] lisp-define
{ 5 } [
[ 2 3 ] "+" <lisp-symbol> funcall
@ -22,26 +24,39 @@ IN: lisp.test
] unit-test
{ 3 } [
"((lambda (x y) (+ x y)) 1 2)" lisp-string>factor call
"((lambda (x y) (+ x y)) 1 2)" lisp-eval
] unit-test
{ 42 } [
"((lambda (x y z) (+ x (- y z))) 40 3 1)" lisp-string>factor call
"((lambda (x y z) (+ x (- y z))) 40 3 1)" lisp-eval
] unit-test
{ T{ lisp-symbol f "if" } } [
"(defmacro if (pred tr fl) (quasiquote (cond ((unquote pred) (unquote tr)) (#t (unquote fl)))))" lisp-eval
] unit-test
{ t } [
T{ lisp-symbol f "if" } lisp-macro?
] unit-test
{ 1 } [
"(if #t 1 2)" lisp-string>factor call
"(if #t 1 2)" lisp-eval
] unit-test
{ "b" } [
"(cond (#f \"a\") (#t \"b\"))" lisp-string>factor call
"(cond (#f \"a\") (#t \"b\"))" lisp-eval
] unit-test
{ 5 } [
"(begin (+ 1 4))" lisp-string>factor call
"(begin (+ 1 4))" lisp-eval
] unit-test
{ 3 } [
"((lambda (x) (if x (begin (+ 1 2)) (- 3 5))) #t)" lisp-string>factor call
"((lambda (x) (if x (begin (+ 1 2)) (- 3 5))) #t)" lisp-eval
] unit-test
] with-interactive-vocabs
! { { 1 2 3 4 5 } } [
! "(list 1 2 3 4 5)" lisp-eval
! ] unit-test
] with-interactive-vocabs
@ -1,48 +1,47 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 James Cash
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel peg sequences arrays strings combinators.lib
namespaces combinators math bake locals locals.private accessors
vectors syntax lisp.parser assocs parser sequences.lib words quotations
fry ;
namespaces combinators math locals locals.private accessors
vectors syntax lisp.parser assocs parser sequences.lib words
quotations fry lists inspector ;
IN: lisp
DEFER: convert-form
DEFER: funcall
DEFER: lookup-var
DEFER: lookup-macro
DEFER: lisp-macro?
DEFER: macro-expand
DEFER: define-lisp-macro
! Functions to convert s-exps to quotations
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: convert-body ( s-exp -- quot )
[ ] [ convert-form compose ] reduce ; inline
: convert-if ( s-exp -- quot )
rest first3 [ convert-form ] tri@ '[ @ , , if ] ;
: convert-body ( cons -- quot )
[ ] [ convert-form compose ] foldl ; inline
: convert-begin ( s-exp -- quot )
rest [ convert-form ] [ ] map-as '[ , [ funcall ] each ] ;
: convert-begin ( cons -- quot )
cdr [ convert-form ] [ ] lmap-as '[ , [ funcall ] each ] ;
: convert-cond ( s-exp -- quot )
rest [ body>> first2 [ convert-form ] bi@ [ '[ @ funcall ] ] dip 2array ]
{ } map-as '[ , cond ] ;
: convert-cond ( cons -- quot )
cdr [ 2car [ convert-form ] bi@ [ '[ @ funcall ] ] dip 2array ]
{ } lmap-as '[ , cond ] ;
: convert-general-form ( s-exp -- quot )
unclip convert-form swap convert-body swap '[ , @ funcall ] ;
: convert-general-form ( cons -- quot )
uncons [ convert-body ] [ convert-form ] bi* '[ , @ funcall ] ;
! words for convert-lambda
: localize-body ( assoc body -- assoc newbody )
[ dup lisp-symbol? [ over dupd [ name>> ] dip at swap or ]
[ dup s-exp? [ body>> localize-body <s-exp> ] when ] if
] map ;
[ lisp-symbol? ] pick '[ [ name>> , at ] [ ] bi or ] traverse ;
: localize-lambda ( body vars -- newbody newvars )
make-locals dup push-locals swap
[ swap localize-body <s-exp> convert-form swap pop-locals ] dip swap ;
[ swap localize-body convert-form swap pop-locals ] dip swap ;
: split-lambda ( s-exp -- body vars )
first3 -rot nip [ body>> ] bi@ [ name>> ] map ; inline
: split-lambda ( cons -- body-cons vars-seq )
3car -rot nip [ name>> ] lmap>array ; inline
: rest-lambda ( body vars -- quot )
: rest-lambda ( body vars -- quot )
"&rest" swap [ index ] [ remove ] 2bi
localize-lambda <lambda>
'[ , cut '[ @ , ] , compose ] ;
@ -51,46 +50,80 @@ DEFER: lookup-var
localize-lambda <lambda> '[ , compose ] ;
: convert-lambda ( s-exp -- quot )
: convert-lambda ( cons -- quot )
split-lambda "&rest" over member? [ rest-lambda ] [ normal-lambda ] if ;
: convert-quoted ( s-exp -- quot )
second 1quotation ;
: convert-quoted ( cons -- quot )
cdr 1quotation ;
: convert-list-form ( s-exp -- quot )
dup first dup lisp-symbol?
[ name>>
{ { "lambda" [ convert-lambda ] }
{ "quote" [ convert-quoted ] }
{ "if" [ convert-if ] }
{ "begin" [ convert-begin ] }
{ "cond" [ convert-cond ] }
[ drop convert-general-form ]
} case ]
[ drop convert-general-form ] if ;
: convert-unquoted ( cons -- quot )
"unquote not valid outside of quasiquote!" throw ;
: convert-form ( lisp-form -- quot )
{ { [ dup s-exp? ] [ body>> convert-list-form ] }
{ [ dup lisp-symbol? ] [ '[ , lookup-var ] ] }
[ 1quotation ]
: convert-quasiquoted ( cons -- newcons )
[ { [ dup list? ] [ car dup lisp-symbol? ] [ name>> "unquote" equal? dup ] } && nip ]
[ cadr ] traverse ;
: convert-defmacro ( cons -- quot )
cdr [ car ] keep [ convert-lambda ] [ car name>> ] bi define-lisp-macro 1quotation ;
: form-dispatch ( cons lisp-symbol -- quot )
{ { "lambda" [ convert-lambda ] }
{ "defmacro" [ convert-defmacro ] }
{ "quote" [ convert-quoted ] }
{ "unquote" [ convert-unquoted ] }
{ "quasiquote" [ convert-quasiquoted ] }
{ "begin" [ convert-begin ] }
{ "cond" [ convert-cond ] }
[ drop convert-general-form ]
} case ;
: convert-list-form ( cons -- quot )
dup car
{ { [ dup lisp-macro? ] [ drop macro-expand ] }
{ [ dup lisp-symbol? ] [ form-dispatch ] }
[ drop convert-general-form ]
} cond ;
: convert-form ( lisp-form -- quot )
{ [ dup cons? ] [ convert-list-form ] }
{ [ dup lisp-symbol? ] [ '[ , lookup-var ] ] }
[ 1quotation ]
} cond ;
: compile-form ( lisp-ast -- quot )
convert-form lambda-rewrite call ; inline
: macro-call ( lambda -- cons )
call ; inline
: macro-expand ( cons -- quot )
uncons [ list>seq [ ] like ] [ lookup-macro macro-call compile-form ] bi* call ;
: lisp-string>factor ( str -- quot )
lisp-expr parse-result-ast convert-form lambda-rewrite call ;
lisp-expr parse-result-ast compile-form ;
: lisp-eval ( str -- * )
lisp-string>factor call ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SYMBOL: lisp-env
ERROR: no-such-var var ;
SYMBOL: macro-env
ERROR: no-such-var variable-name ;
M: no-such-var summary drop "No such variable" ;
: init-env ( -- )
H{ } clone lisp-env set ;
H{ } clone lisp-env set
H{ } clone macro-env set ;
: lisp-define ( name quot -- )
swap lisp-env get set-at ;
: lisp-define ( quot name -- )
lisp-env get set-at ;
: lisp-get ( name -- word )
dup lisp-env get at [ ] [ no-such-var throw ] ?if ;
dup lisp-env get at [ ] [ no-such-var ] ?if ;
: lookup-var ( lisp-symbol -- quot )
name>> lisp-get ;
@ -98,5 +131,14 @@ ERROR: no-such-var var ;
: funcall ( quot sym -- * )
dup lisp-symbol? [ lookup-var ] when call ; inline
: define-primitve ( name vocab word -- )
swap lookup 1quotation '[ , compose call ] lisp-define ;
: define-primitive ( name vocab word -- )
swap lookup 1quotation '[ , compose call ] swap lisp-define ;
: lookup-macro ( lisp-symbol -- lambda )
name>> macro-env get at ;
: define-lisp-macro ( quot name -- )
macro-env get set-at ;
: lisp-macro? ( car -- ? )
dup lisp-symbol? [ name>> macro-env get key? ] [ drop f ] if ;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 James Cash
! See for BSD license.
USING: lisp.parser tools.test peg peg.ebnf ;
USING: lisp.parser tools.test peg peg.ebnf lists ;
IN: lisp.parser.tests
@ -9,38 +9,60 @@ IN: lisp.parser.tests
] unit-test
{ -42 } [
"-42" "atom" \ lisp-expr rule parse parse-result-ast
"-42" "atom" \ lisp-expr rule parse parse-result-ast
] unit-test
{ 37/52 } [
"37/52" "atom" \ lisp-expr rule parse parse-result-ast
"37/52" "atom" \ lisp-expr rule parse parse-result-ast
] unit-test
{ 123.98 } [
"123.98" "atom" \ lisp-expr rule parse parse-result-ast
"123.98" "atom" \ lisp-expr rule parse parse-result-ast
] unit-test
{ "" } [
"\"\"" "atom" \ lisp-expr rule parse parse-result-ast
"\"\"" "atom" \ lisp-expr rule parse parse-result-ast
] unit-test
{ "aoeu" } [
"\"aoeu\"" "atom" \ lisp-expr rule parse parse-result-ast
"\"aoeu\"" "atom" \ lisp-expr rule parse parse-result-ast
] unit-test
{ "aoeu\"de" } [
"\"aoeu\\\"de\"" "atom" \ lisp-expr rule parse parse-result-ast
"\"aoeu\\\"de\"" "atom" \ lisp-expr rule parse parse-result-ast
] unit-test
{ T{ lisp-symbol f "foobar" } } [
"foobar" "atom" \ lisp-expr rule parse parse-result-ast
"foobar" "atom" \ lisp-expr rule parse parse-result-ast
] unit-test
{ T{ lisp-symbol f "+" } } [
"+" "atom" \ lisp-expr rule parse parse-result-ast
"+" "atom" \ lisp-expr rule parse parse-result-ast
] unit-test
{ T{ s-exp f
V{ T{ lisp-symbol f "foo" } 1 2 "aoeu" } } } [
"(foo 1 2 \"aoeu\")" lisp-expr parse-result-ast
{ +nil+ } [
"()" lisp-expr parse-result-ast
] unit-test
{ T{
T{ lisp-symbol f "foo" }
T{ cons f 2 T{ cons f "aoeu" +nil+ } }
} } } [
"(foo 1 2 \"aoeu\")" lisp-expr parse-result-ast
] unit-test
{ T{ cons f
T{ cons f
T{ cons f 3 T{ cons f 4 +nil+ } }
T{ cons f 2 +nil+ } }
} [
"(1 (3 4) 2)" lisp-expr parse-result-ast
] unit-test
@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 James Cash
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel peg.ebnf peg.expr math.parser sequences arrays strings
combinators.lib math ;
USING: kernel peg peg.ebnf peg.expr math.parser sequences arrays strings
combinators.lib math fry accessors lists ;
IN: lisp.parser
TUPLE: lisp-symbol name ;
C: <lisp-symbol> lisp-symbol
TUPLE: s-exp body ;
C: <s-exp> s-exp
EBNF: lisp-expr
_ = (" " | "\t" | "\n")*
LPAREN = "("
@ -24,8 +21,9 @@ rational = integer "/" (digit)+ => [[ first3 nip string
number = float
| rational
| integer
id-specials = "!" | "$" | "%" | "&" | "*" | "/" | ":" | "<" | "#"
| " =" | ">" | "?" | "^" | "_" | "~" | "+" | "-" | "." | "@"
id-specials = "!" | "$" | "%" | "&" | "*" | "/" | ":"
| "<" | "#" | " =" | ">" | "?" | "^" | "_"
| "~" | "+" | "-" | "." | "@"
letters = [a-zA-Z] => [[ 1array >string ]]
initials = letters | id-specials
numbers = [0-9] => [[ 1array >string ]]
@ -36,6 +34,6 @@ string = dquote ( escaped | !(dquote) . )* dquote => [[ second >string ]]
atom = number
| identifier
| string
list-item = _ (atom|s-expression) _ => [[ second ]]
s-expression = LPAREN (list-item)* RPAREN => [[ second <s-exp> ]]
list-item = _ ( atom | s-expression ) _ => [[ second ]]
s-expression = LPAREN (list-item)* RPAREN => [[ second seq>cons ]]
@ -0,0 +1 @@
James Cash
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
! Copyright (C) 2004 Chris Double.
! See for BSD license.
USING: lazy-lists math kernel sequences quotations ;
IN: lazy-lists.examples
USING: lists.lazy math kernel sequences quotations ;
IN: lists.lazy.examples
: naturals 0 lfrom ;
: positives 1 lfrom ;
@ -11,5 +11,5 @@ IN: lazy-lists.examples
: odds 1 lfrom [ 2 mod 1 = ] lfilter ;
: powers-of-2 1 [ 2 * ] lfrom-by ;
: ones 1 [ ] lfrom-by ;
: squares naturals [ dup * ] lmap ;
: squares naturals [ dup * ] lazy-map ;
: first-five-squares 5 squares ltake list>array ;
@ -1,48 +1,8 @@
! Copyright (C) 2006 Chris Double.
! See for BSD license.
USING: help.markup help.syntax sequences strings ;
IN: lazy-lists
{ car cons cdr nil nil? list? uncons } related-words
HELP: cons
{ $values { "car" "the head of the lazy list" } { "cdr" "the tail of the lazy list" } { "cons" "a cons object" } }
{ $description "Constructs a cons cell." } ;
HELP: car
{ $values { "cons" "a cons object" } { "car" "the first item in the list" } }
{ $description "Returns the first item in the list." } ;
HELP: cdr
{ $values { "cons" "a cons object" } { "cdr" "a cons object" } }
{ $description "Returns the tail of the list." } ;
HELP: nil
{ $values { "cons" "An empty cons" } }
{ $description "Returns a representation of an empty list" } ;
HELP: nil?
{ $values { "cons" "a cons object" } { "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Return true if the cons object is the nil cons." } ;
HELP: list? ( object -- ? )
{ $values { "object" "an object" } { "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Returns true if the object conforms to the list protocol." } ;
{ 1list 2list 3list } related-words
HELP: 1list
{ $values { "obj" "an object" } { "cons" "a cons object" } }
{ $description "Create a list with 1 element." } ;
HELP: 2list
{ $values { "a" "an object" } { "b" "an object" } { "cons" "a cons object" } }
{ $description "Create a list with 2 elements." } ;
HELP: 3list
{ $values { "a" "an object" } { "b" "an object" } { "c" "an object" } { "cons" "a cons object" } }
{ $description "Create a list with 3 elements." } ;
USING: help.markup help.syntax sequences strings lists ;
IN: lists.lazy
HELP: lazy-cons
{ $values { "car" "a quotation with stack effect ( -- X )" } { "cdr" "a quotation with stack effect ( -- cons )" } { "promise" "the resulting cons object" } }
@ -68,37 +28,15 @@ HELP: <memoized-cons>
{ $description "Constructs a cons object that wraps an existing cons object. Requests for the car, cdr and nil? will be remembered after the first call, and the previous result returned on subsequent calls." }
{ $see-also cons car cdr nil nil? } ;
HELP: lnth
{ $values { "n" "an integer index" } { "list" "a cons object" } { "elt" "the element at the nth index" } }
{ $description "Outputs the nth element of the list." }
{ $see-also llength cons car cdr } ;
{ lazy-map lazy-map-with ltake lfilter lappend lfrom lfrom-by lconcat lcartesian-product lcartesian-product* lcomp lcomp* lmerge lwhile luntil } related-words
HELP: llength
{ $values { "list" "a cons object" } { "n" "a non-negative integer" } }
{ $description "Outputs the length of the list. This should not be called on an infinite list." }
{ $see-also lnth cons car cdr } ;
HELP: uncons
{ $values { "cons" "a cons object" } { "car" "the head of the list" } { "cdr" "the tail of the list" } }
{ $description "Put the head and tail of the list on the stack." } ;
{ leach lreduce lmap lmap-with ltake lfilter lappend lfrom lfrom-by lconcat lcartesian-product lcartesian-product* lcomp lcomp* lmerge lreduce lwhile luntil } related-words
HELP: leach
{ $values { "list" "a cons object" } { "quot" "a quotation with stack effect ( obj -- )" } }
{ $description "Call the quotation for each item in the list." } ;
HELP: lreduce
{ $values { "list" "a cons object" } { "identity" "an object" } { "quot" "a quotation with stack effect ( prev elt -- next )" } { "result" "the final result" } }
{ $description "Combines successive elements of the list using a binary operation, and outputs the final result." } ;
HELP: lmap
HELP: lazy-map
{ $values { "list" "a cons object" } { "quot" "a quotation with stack effect ( obj -- X )" } { "result" "resulting cons object" } }
{ $description "Perform a similar functionality to that of the " { $link map } " word, but in a lazy manner. No evaluation of the list elements occurs initially but a " { $link <lazy-map> } " object is returned which conforms to the list protocol. Calling " { $link car } ", " { $link cdr } " or " { $link nil? } " on this will evaluate elements as required." } ;
HELP: lmap-with
HELP: lazy-map-with
{ $values { "value" "an object" } { "list" "a cons object" } { "quot" "a quotation with stack effect ( obj elt -- X )" } { "result" "resulting cons object" } }
{ $description "Variant of " { $link lmap } " which pushes a retained object on each invocation of the quotation." } ;
{ $description "Variant of " { $link lazy-map } " which pushes a retained object on each invocation of the quotation." } ;
HELP: ltake
{ $values { "n" "a non negative integer" } { "list" "a cons object" } { "result" "resulting cons object" } }
@ -147,6 +85,8 @@ HELP: >list
{ $values { "object" "an object" } { "list" "a list" } }
{ $description "Convert the object into a list. Existing lists are passed through intact, sequences are converted using " { $link seq>list } " and other objects cause an error to be thrown." }
{ $see-also seq>list } ;
{ leach foldl lazy-map lazy-map-with ltake lfilter lappend lfrom lfrom-by lconcat lcartesian-product lcartesian-product* lcomp lcomp* lmerge lwhile luntil } related-words
HELP: lconcat
{ $values { "list" "a list of lists" } { "result" "a list" } }
@ -175,7 +115,7 @@ HELP: lmerge
{ $values { "list1" "a list" } { "list2" "a list" } { "result" "lazy list merging list1 and list2" } }
{ $description "Return the result of merging the two lists in a lazy manner." }
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: lazy-lists prettyprint ;" "{ 1 2 3 } >list { 4 5 6 } >list lmerge list>array ." "{ 1 4 2 5 3 6 }" }
{ $example "USING: lists.lazy prettyprint ;" "{ 1 2 3 } >list { 4 5 6 } >list lmerge list>array ." "{ 1 4 2 5 3 6 }" }
} ;
HELP: lcontents
@ -187,4 +127,3 @@ HELP: llines
{ $values { "stream" "a stream" } { "result" "a list" } }
{ $description "Returns a lazy list of all lines in the file. " { $link car } " returns the next lines in the file, " { $link cdr } " returns the remaining lines as a lazy list. " { $link nil? } " indicates end of file." }
{ $see-also lcontents } ;
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
! Copyright (C) 2006 Matthew Willis and Chris Double.
! See for BSD license.
USING: lazy-lists tools.test kernel math io sequences ;
IN: lazy-lists.tests
USING: lists lists.lazy tools.test kernel math io sequences ;
IN: lists.lazy.tests
[ { 1 2 3 4 } ] [
{ 1 2 3 4 } >list list>array
@ -25,5 +25,5 @@ IN: lazy-lists.tests
] unit-test
[ { 4 5 6 } ] [
3 { 1 2 3 } >list [ + ] lmap-with list>array
3 { 1 2 3 } >list [ + ] lazy-map-with list>array
] unit-test
@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
! Copyright (C) 2004 Chris Double.
! See for BSD license.
! Updated by Matthew Willis, July 2006
! Updated by Chris Double, September 2006
! Updated by James Cash, June 2008
USING: kernel sequences math vectors arrays namespaces
quotations promises combinators io lists accessors ;
IN: lists.lazy
M: promise car ( promise -- car )
force car ;
M: promise cdr ( promise -- cdr )
force cdr ;
M: promise nil? ( cons -- bool )
force nil? ;
! Both 'car' and 'cdr' are promises
TUPLE: lazy-cons car cdr ;
: lazy-cons ( car cdr -- promise )
[ promise ] bi@ \ lazy-cons boa
T{ promise f f t f } clone
[ set-promise-value ] keep ;
M: lazy-cons car ( lazy-cons -- car )
car>> force ;
M: lazy-cons cdr ( lazy-cons -- cdr )
cdr>> force ;
M: lazy-cons nil? ( lazy-cons -- bool )
nil eq? ;
: 1lazy-list ( a -- lazy-cons )
[ nil ] lazy-cons ;
: 2lazy-list ( a b -- lazy-cons )
1lazy-list 1quotation lazy-cons ;
: 3lazy-list ( a b c -- lazy-cons )
2lazy-list 1quotation lazy-cons ;
TUPLE: memoized-cons original car cdr nil? ;
: not-memoized ( -- obj )
{ } ;
: not-memoized? ( obj -- bool )
not-memoized eq? ;
: <memoized-cons> ( cons -- memoized-cons )
not-memoized not-memoized not-memoized
memoized-cons boa ;
M: memoized-cons car ( memoized-cons -- car )
dup car>> not-memoized? [
dup original>> car [ >>car drop ] keep
] [
] if ;
M: memoized-cons cdr ( memoized-cons -- cdr )
dup cdr>> not-memoized? [
dup original>> cdr [ >>cdr drop ] keep
] [
] if ;
M: memoized-cons nil? ( memoized-cons -- bool )
dup nil?>> not-memoized? [
dup original>> nil? [ >>nil? drop ] keep
] [
] if ;
TUPLE: lazy-map cons quot ;
C: <lazy-map> lazy-map
: lazy-map ( list quot -- result )
over nil? [ 2drop nil ] [ <lazy-map> <memoized-cons> ] if ;
M: lazy-map car ( lazy-map -- car )
[ cons>> car ] keep
quot>> call ;
M: lazy-map cdr ( lazy-map -- cdr )
[ cons>> cdr ] keep
quot>> lazy-map ;
M: lazy-map nil? ( lazy-map -- bool )
cons>> nil? ;
: lazy-map-with ( value list quot -- result )
with lazy-map ;
TUPLE: lazy-take n cons ;
C: <lazy-take> lazy-take
: ltake ( n list -- result )
over zero? [ 2drop nil ] [ <lazy-take> ] if ;
M: lazy-take car ( lazy-take -- car )
cons>> car ;
M: lazy-take cdr ( lazy-take -- cdr )
[ n>> 1- ] keep
cons>> cdr ltake ;
M: lazy-take nil? ( lazy-take -- bool )
dup n>> zero? [
drop t
] [
cons>> nil?
] if ;
TUPLE: lazy-until cons quot ;
C: <lazy-until> lazy-until
: luntil ( list quot -- result )
over nil? [ drop ] [ <lazy-until> ] if ;
M: lazy-until car ( lazy-until -- car )
cons>> car ;
M: lazy-until cdr ( lazy-until -- cdr )
[ cons>> uncons ] keep quot>> tuck call
[ 2drop nil ] [ luntil ] if ;
M: lazy-until nil? ( lazy-until -- bool )
drop f ;
TUPLE: lazy-while cons quot ;
C: <lazy-while> lazy-while
: lwhile ( list quot -- result )
over nil? [ drop ] [ <lazy-while> ] if ;
M: lazy-while car ( lazy-while -- car )
cons>> car ;
M: lazy-while cdr ( lazy-while -- cdr )
[ cons>> cdr ] keep quot>> lwhile ;
M: lazy-while nil? ( lazy-while -- bool )
[ car ] keep quot>> call not ;
TUPLE: lazy-filter cons quot ;
C: <lazy-filter> lazy-filter
: lfilter ( list quot -- result )
over nil? [ 2drop nil ] [ <lazy-filter> <memoized-cons> ] if ;
: car-filter? ( lazy-filter -- ? )
[ cons>> car ] [ quot>> ] bi call ;
: skip ( lazy-filter -- )
dup cons>> cdr >>cons drop ;
M: lazy-filter car ( lazy-filter -- car )
dup car-filter? [ cons>> ] [ dup skip ] if car ;
M: lazy-filter cdr ( lazy-filter -- cdr )
dup car-filter? [
[ cons>> cdr ] [ quot>> ] bi lfilter
] [
dup skip cdr
] if ;
M: lazy-filter nil? ( lazy-filter -- bool )
dup cons>> nil? [
drop t
] [
dup car-filter? [
drop f
] [
dup skip nil?
] if
] if ;
: list>vector ( list -- vector )
[ [ , ] leach ] V{ } make ;
: list>array ( list -- array )
[ [ , ] leach ] { } make ;
TUPLE: lazy-append list1 list2 ;
C: <lazy-append> lazy-append
: lappend ( list1 list2 -- result )
over nil? [ nip ] [ <lazy-append> ] if ;
M: lazy-append car ( lazy-append -- car )
list1>> car ;
M: lazy-append cdr ( lazy-append -- cdr )
[ list1>> cdr ] keep
list2>> lappend ;
M: lazy-append nil? ( lazy-append -- bool )
drop f ;
TUPLE: lazy-from-by n quot ;
C: lfrom-by lazy-from-by ( n quot -- list )
: lfrom ( n -- list )
[ 1+ ] lfrom-by ;
M: lazy-from-by car ( lazy-from-by -- car )
n>> ;
M: lazy-from-by cdr ( lazy-from-by -- cdr )
[ n>> ] keep
quot>> dup slip lfrom-by ;
M: lazy-from-by nil? ( lazy-from-by -- bool )
drop f ;
TUPLE: lazy-zip list1 list2 ;
C: <lazy-zip> lazy-zip
: lzip ( list1 list2 -- lazy-zip )
over nil? over nil? or
[ 2drop nil ] [ <lazy-zip> ] if ;
M: lazy-zip car ( lazy-zip -- car )
[ list1>> car ] keep list2>> car 2array ;
M: lazy-zip cdr ( lazy-zip -- cdr )
[ list1>> cdr ] keep list2>> cdr lzip ;
M: lazy-zip nil? ( lazy-zip -- bool )
drop f ;
TUPLE: sequence-cons index seq ;
C: <sequence-cons> sequence-cons
: seq>list ( index seq -- list )
2dup length >= [
2drop nil
] [
] if ;
M: sequence-cons car ( sequence-cons -- car )
[ index>> ] keep
seq>> nth ;
M: sequence-cons cdr ( sequence-cons -- cdr )
[ index>> 1+ ] keep
seq>> seq>list ;
M: sequence-cons nil? ( sequence-cons -- bool )
drop f ;
: >list ( object -- list )
{ [ dup sequence? ] [ 0 swap seq>list ] }
{ [ dup list? ] [ ] }
[ "Could not convert object to a list" throw ]
} cond ;
TUPLE: lazy-concat car cdr ;
C: <lazy-concat> lazy-concat
DEFER: lconcat
: (lconcat) ( car cdr -- list )
over nil? [
nip lconcat
] [
] if ;
: lconcat ( list -- result )
dup nil? [
drop nil
] [
uncons swap (lconcat)
] if ;
M: lazy-concat car ( lazy-concat -- car )
car>> car ;
M: lazy-concat cdr ( lazy-concat -- cdr )
[ car>> cdr ] keep cdr>> (lconcat) ;
M: lazy-concat nil? ( lazy-concat -- bool )
dup car>> nil? [
cdr>> nil?
] [
drop f
] if ;
: lcartesian-product ( list1 list2 -- result )
swap [ swap [ 2array ] lazy-map-with ] lazy-map-with lconcat ;
: lcartesian-product* ( lists -- result )
dup nil? [
drop nil
] [
[ car ] keep cdr [ car lcartesian-product ] keep cdr list>array swap [
swap [ swap [ suffix ] lazy-map-with ] lazy-map-with lconcat
] reduce
] if ;
: lcomp ( list quot -- result )
[ lcartesian-product* ] dip lazy-map ;
: lcomp* ( list guards quot -- result )
[ [ lcartesian-product* ] dip [ lfilter ] each ] dip lazy-map ;
DEFER: lmerge
: (lmerge) ( list1 list2 -- result )
over [ car ] curry -rot
dup [ car ] curry -rot
[ cdr ] bi@ lmerge
] 2curry lazy-cons
] 2curry lazy-cons ;
: lmerge ( list1 list2 -- result )
{ [ over nil? ] [ nip ] }
{ [ dup nil? ] [ drop ] }
{ [ t ] [ (lmerge) ] }
} cond ;
TUPLE: lazy-io stream car cdr quot ;
C: <lazy-io> lazy-io
: lcontents ( stream -- result )
f f [ stream-read1 ] <lazy-io> ;
: llines ( stream -- result )
f f [ stream-readln ] <lazy-io> ;
M: lazy-io car ( lazy-io -- car )
dup car>> dup [
] [
drop dup stream>> over quot>> call
swap dupd set-lazy-io-car
] if ;
M: lazy-io cdr ( lazy-io -- cdr )
dup cdr>> dup [
] [
drop dup
[ stream>> ] keep
[ quot>> ] keep
car [
[ f f ] dip <lazy-io> [ >>cdr drop ] keep
] [
3drop nil
] if
] if ;
M: lazy-io nil? ( lazy-io -- bool )
car not ;
INSTANCE: sequence-cons list
INSTANCE: memoized-cons list
INSTANCE: promise list
INSTANCE: lazy-io list
INSTANCE: lazy-concat list
INSTANCE: lazy-cons list
INSTANCE: lazy-map list
INSTANCE: lazy-take list
INSTANCE: lazy-append list
INSTANCE: lazy-from-by list
INSTANCE: lazy-zip list
INSTANCE: lazy-while list
INSTANCE: lazy-until list
INSTANCE: lazy-filter list
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