Merge branch 'master' of git://
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
! (c)2009, 2010 Slava Pestov, Joe Groff bsd license
USING: accessors alien alien.c-types alien.arrays alien.strings arrays
byte-arrays cpu.architecture fry io io.encodings.binary
io.files io.streams.memory kernel libc math sequences words
byte-vectors ;
USING: accessors alien alien.c-types alien.arrays alien.strings
arrays byte-arrays cpu.architecture fry io io.encodings.binary
io.files io.streams.memory kernel libc math sequences words ;
GENERIC: require-c-array ( c-type -- )
@ -63,13 +62,6 @@ M: memory-stream stream-read
swap memory>byte-array
] [ [ + ] change-index drop ] 2bi ;
M: byte-vector stream-write
[ dup byte-length tail-slice ]
[ [ [ byte-length ] bi@ + ] keep lengthen ]
[ drop byte-length ]
[ >c-ptr swap >c-ptr ] dip memcpy ;
M: value-type c-type-rep drop int-rep ;
M: value-type c-type-getter
@ -83,4 +75,3 @@ M: array c-type-boxer-quot
unclip [ array-length ] dip [ <c-direct-array> ] 2curry ;
M: array c-type-unboxer-quot drop [ >c-ptr ] ;
@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ TUPLE: biassoc from to ;
M: biassoc assoc-size from>> assoc-size ;
M: biassoc at* from>> at* ;
M: biassoc at* from>> at* ; inline
M: biassoc value-at* to>> at* ;
M: biassoc value-at* to>> at* ; inline
: once-at ( value key assoc -- )
2dup key? [ 3drop ] [ set-at ] if ;
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008, 2010 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays combinators hints kernel locals math
math.order sequences ;
math.order sequences sequences.private ;
IN: binary-search
:: (search) ( seq from to quot: ( elt -- <=> ) -- i elt )
from to + 2/ :> midpoint@
midpoint@ seq nth :> midpoint
midpoint@ seq nth-unsafe :> midpoint
to from - 1 <= [
midpoint@ midpoint
@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ IN: bit-sets.tests
T{ bit-set f ?{ f f t f t f } } intersect
] unit-test
[ f ] [ T{ bit-set f ?{ t f f f t f } } null? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ T{ bit-set f ?{ f f f f f f } } null? ] unit-test
[ T{ bit-set f ?{ t f t f f f } } ] [
T{ bit-set f ?{ t t t f f f } }
T{ bit-set f ?{ f t f f t t } } diff
@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ IN: bootstrap.compiler
"alien.remote-control" require
] unless
"prettyprint" "alien.prettyprint" require-when
"debugger" "alien.debugger" require-when
{ "boostrap.compiler" "prettyprint" } "alien.prettyprint" require-when
{ "boostrap.compiler" "debugger" } "alien.debugger" require-when
"cpu." cpu name>> append require
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ gc
[ optimized? not ] filter compile ;
"debug-compiler" get [
"Compiling..." write flush
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ gc
curry compose uncurry
array-nth set-array-nth length>>
array-nth set-array-nth
wrap probe
@ -117,4 +117,6 @@ gc
" done" print flush
"" require
] unless
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
USING: vocabs.loader vocabs kernel ;
IN: bootstrap.handbook
"" "help.handbook" require-when
{ "boostrap.handbook" "" } "help.handbook" require-when
@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ USING: vocabs.loader kernel io.thread threads
compiler.utilities namespaces ;
IN: bootstrap.threads
"debugger" "debugger.threads" require-when
{ "bootstrap.threads" "debugger" } "debugger.threads" require-when
[ yield ] yield-hook set-global
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ USING: kernel vocabs vocabs.loader sequences system ;
[ "bootstrap." prepend vocab ] all? [
"" require
"ui.backend.cocoa" "" require-when
{ "ui.backend.cocoa" } "" require-when
"" require
] when
@ -404,4 +404,4 @@ FUNCTOR-SYNTAX: STRUCT:
USING: vocabs vocabs.loader ;
"prettyprint" "classes.struct.prettyprint" require-when
{ "classes.struct" "prettyprint" } "classes.struct.prettyprint" require-when
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ M: ##copy analyze-aliases*
M: ##compare analyze-aliases*
dup useless-compare? [
dst>> \ f type-number \ ##load-immediate new-insn
dst>> f \ ##load-constant new-insn
] when ;
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ M: #recursive emit-node
and ;
: emit-trivial-if ( -- )
ds-pop \ f type-number cc/= ^^compare-imm ds-push ;
ds-pop f cc/= ^^compare-imm ds-push ;
: trivial-not-if? ( #if -- ? )
children>> first2
@ -132,12 +132,12 @@ M: #recursive emit-node
and ;
: emit-trivial-not-if ( -- )
ds-pop \ f type-number cc= ^^compare-imm ds-push ;
ds-pop f cc= ^^compare-imm ds-push ;
: emit-actual-if ( #if -- )
! Inputs to the final instruction need to be copied because of
! loc>vreg sync
ds-pop any-rep ^^copy \ f type-number cc/= ##compare-imm-branch emit-if ;
ds-pop any-rep ^^copy f cc/= ##compare-imm-branch emit-if ;
M: #if emit-node
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Slava Pestov.
! Copyright (C) 2008, 2010 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays byte-arrays kernel layouts math
namespaces sequences combinators splitting parser effects
words cpu.architecture compiler.cfg.registers
USING: accessors arrays byte-arrays combinators.short-circuit
kernel layouts math namespaces sequences combinators splitting
parser effects words cpu.architecture compiler.cfg.registers
compiler.cfg.instructions compiler.cfg.instructions.syntax ;
IN: compiler.cfg.hats
@ -41,11 +41,13 @@ insn-classes get [
: immutable? ( obj -- ? )
{ [ float? ] [ word? ] [ not ] } 1|| ; inline
: ^^load-literal ( obj -- dst )
[ next-vreg dup ] dip {
{ [ dup not ] [ drop \ f type-number ##load-immediate ] }
{ [ dup fixnum? ] [ tag-fixnum ##load-immediate ] }
{ [ dup float? ] [ ##load-constant ] }
{ [ dup immutable? ] [ ##load-constant ] }
[ ##load-reference ]
} cond ;
@ -33,6 +33,10 @@ INSN: ##load-constant
def: dst/int-rep
constant: obj ;
INSN: ##load-double
def: dst/double-rep
constant: val ;
INSN: ##peek
def: dst/int-rep
literal: loc ;
@ -20,9 +20,6 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.intrinsics.fixnum
0 cc= ^^compare-imm
ds-push ;
: tag-literal ( n -- tagged )
literal>> [ tag-fixnum ] [ \ f type-number ] if* ;
: emit-fixnum-op ( insn -- )
[ 2inputs ] dip call ds-push ; inline
@ -44,7 +41,7 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.intrinsics.fixnum
{ [ dup 0 [-inf,a] interval-subset? ] [ drop emit-fixnum-right-shift ] }
[ drop emit-fixnum-shift-general ]
} cond ;
: emit-fixnum-bitnot ( -- )
ds-pop ^^not tag-mask get ^^xor-imm ds-push ;
@ -68,23 +68,23 @@ PRIVATE>
] with-compilation-unit
: each-def-rep ( ... insn vreg-quot: ( ... vreg rep -- ... ) -- ... )
: each-def-rep ( insn vreg-quot: ( vreg rep -- ) -- )
[ [ defs-vreg ] [ defs-vreg-rep ] bi ] dip with when* ; inline
: each-use-rep ( ... insn vreg-quot: ( ... vreg rep -- ... ) -- ... )
: each-use-rep ( insn vreg-quot: ( vreg rep -- ) -- )
[ [ uses-vregs ] [ uses-vreg-reps ] bi ] dip 2each ; inline
: each-temp-rep ( ... insn vreg-quot: ( ... vreg rep -- ... ) -- ... )
: each-temp-rep ( insn vreg-quot: ( vreg rep -- ) -- )
[ [ temp-vregs ] [ temp-vreg-reps ] bi ] dip 2each ; inline
: each-rep ( insn vreg-quot: ( vreg rep -- ) -- )
[ each-def-rep ] [ each-use-rep ] [ each-temp-rep ] 2tri ; inline
: with-vreg-reps ( ..a cfg vreg-quot: ( ..a vreg rep -- ..b ) -- ..b )
[ basic-block set ] [
[ each-def-rep ]
[ each-use-rep ]
[ each-temp-rep ] 2tri
_ each-rep
] each-non-phi
] bi
] each-basic-block ; inline
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
USING: tools.test cpu.architecture
compiler.cfg.registers compiler.cfg.instructions
compiler.cfg.representations.preferred ;
USING: accessors compiler.cfg compiler.cfg.debugger
compiler.cfg.instructions compiler.cfg.registers
compiler.cfg.representations.preferred cpu.architecture kernel
namespaces tools.test sequences arrays system ;
IN: compiler.cfg.representations
[ { double-rep double-rep } ] [
@ -16,4 +17,111 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.representations
{ dst 5 }
{ src 3 }
} defs-vreg-rep
] unit-test
] unit-test
: test-representations ( -- )
cfg new 0 get >>entry dup cfg set select-representations drop ;
! Make sure cost calculation isn't completely wrong
T{ ##prologue }
T{ ##branch }
} 0 test-bb
T{ ##peek f 1 D 0 }
T{ ##peek f 2 D 1 }
T{ ##add-float f 3 1 2 }
T{ ##replace f 3 D 0 }
T{ ##replace f 3 D 1 }
T{ ##replace f 3 D 2 }
T{ ##branch }
} 1 test-bb
T{ ##epilogue }
T{ ##return }
} 2 test-bb
0 1 edge
1 2 edge
[ ] [ test-representations ] unit-test
[ 1 ] [ 1 get instructions>> [ ##allot? ] count ] unit-test
cpu x86.32? [
! Make sure load-constant is converted into load-double
T{ ##prologue }
T{ ##branch }
} 0 test-bb
T{ ##peek f 1 D 0 }
T{ ##load-constant f 2 0.5 }
T{ ##add-float f 3 1 2 }
T{ ##replace f 3 D 0 }
T{ ##branch }
} 1 test-bb
T{ ##epilogue }
T{ ##return }
} 2 test-bb
0 1 edge
1 2 edge
[ ] [ test-representations ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 1 get instructions>> second ##load-double? ] unit-test
! Make sure phi nodes are handled in a sane way
T{ ##prologue }
T{ ##branch }
} 0 test-bb
T{ ##peek f 1 D 0 }
T{ ##compare-imm-branch f 1 2 }
} 1 test-bb
T{ ##load-constant f 2 1.5 }
T{ ##branch }
} 2 test-bb
T{ ##load-constant f 3 2.5 }
T{ ##branch }
} 3 test-bb
T{ ##phi f 4 }
T{ ##peek f 5 D 0 }
T{ ##add-float f 6 4 5 }
T{ ##replace f 6 D 0 }
} 4 test-bb
T{ ##epilogue }
T{ ##return }
} 5 test-bb
4 5 edge
2 get 2 2array
3 get 3 2array 2array 4 get instructions>> first (>>inputs)
[ ] [ test-representations ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 2 get instructions>> first ##load-double? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 3 get instructions>> first ##load-double? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 4 get instructions>> first ##phi? ] unit-test
] when
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov
! Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Slava Pestov
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel fry accessors sequences assocs sets namespaces
arrays combinators combinators.short-circuit math make locals
@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ SYMBOL: possibilities
: possible ( vreg -- reps ) possibilities get at ;
: compute-possibilities ( cfg -- )
H{ } clone [ '[ swap _ conjoin-at ] with-vreg-reps ] keep
[ keys ] assoc-map possibilities set ;
H{ } clone [ '[ swap _ adjoin-at ] with-vreg-reps ] keep
[ members ] assoc-map possibilities set ;
! Compute vregs which must remain tagged for their lifetime.
SYMBOL: always-boxed
@ -119,15 +119,18 @@ SYMBOL: always-boxed
SYMBOL: costs
: init-costs ( -- )
possibilities get [ [ 0 ] H{ } map>assoc ] assoc-map costs set ;
possibilities get [ drop H{ } clone ] assoc-map costs set ;
: record-possibility ( rep vreg -- )
costs get at [ 0 or ] change-at ;
: increase-cost ( rep vreg -- )
! Increase cost of keeping vreg in rep, making a choice of rep less
! likely.
[ basic-block get loop-nesting-at ] 2dip costs get at at+ ;
costs get at [ 0 or basic-block get loop-nesting-at 1 + + ] change-at ;
: maybe-increase-cost ( possible vreg preferred -- )
pick eq? [ 2drop ] [ increase-cost ] if ;
pick eq? [ record-possibility ] [ increase-cost ] if ;
: representation-cost ( vreg preferred -- )
! 'preferred' is a representation that the instruction can accept with no cost.
@ -137,11 +140,29 @@ SYMBOL: costs
[ '[ _ _ maybe-increase-cost ] ]
2bi each ;
GENERIC: compute-insn-costs ( insn -- )
M: ##load-constant compute-insn-costs
! There's no cost to unboxing the result of a ##load-constant
drop ;
M: insn compute-insn-costs [ representation-cost ] each-rep ;
: compute-costs ( cfg -- costs )
init-costs [ representation-cost ] with-vreg-reps costs get ;
[ basic-block set ]
] each-non-phi
] bi
] each-basic-block
costs get ;
! For every vreg, compute preferred representation, that minimizes costs.
: minimize-costs ( costs -- representations )
[ nip assoc-empty? not ] assoc-filter
[ >alist alist-min first ] assoc-map ;
: compute-representations ( cfg -- )
@ -150,6 +171,54 @@ SYMBOL: costs
bi assoc-union
representations set ;
! PHI nodes require special treatment
! If the output of a phi instruction is only used as the input to another
! phi instruction, then we want to use the same representation for both
! if possible.
SYMBOL: phis
: collect-phis ( cfg -- )
H{ } clone phis set
phis get
'[ [ inputs>> values ] [ dst>> ] bi _ set-at ] each-phi
] each-basic-block ;
SYMBOL: work-list
: add-to-work-list ( vregs -- )
work-list get push-all-front ;
: rep-assigned ( vregs -- vregs' )
representations get '[ _ key? ] filter ;
: rep-not-assigned ( vregs -- vregs' )
representations get '[ _ key? not ] filter ;
: add-ready-phis ( -- )
phis get keys rep-assigned add-to-work-list ;
: process-phi ( dst -- )
! If dst = phi(src1,src2,...) and dst's representation has been
! determined, assign that representation to each one of src1,...
! that does not have a representation yet, and process those, too.
dup phis get at* [
[ rep-of ] [ rep-not-assigned ] bi*
[ [ set-rep-of ] with each ] [ add-to-work-list ] bi
] [ 2drop ] if ;
: remaining-phis ( -- )
phis get keys rep-not-assigned { } assert-sequence= ;
: process-phis ( -- )
<hashed-dlist> work-list set
work-list get [ process-phi ] slurp-deque
remaining-phis ;
: compute-phi-representations ( cfg -- )
collect-phis process-phis ;
! Insert conversions. This introduces new temporaries, so we need
! to rename opearands too.
@ -188,7 +257,7 @@ SYMBOLS: renaming-set needs-renaming? ;
: record-renaming ( from to -- )
2array renaming-set get push needs-renaming? on ;
:: (compute-renaming-set) ( ..a vreg required quot: ( ..a vreg preferred required -- ..b ) -- ..b )
:: (compute-renaming-set) ( vreg required quot: ( vreg preferred required -- new-vreg ) -- )
vreg rep-of :> preferred
preferred required eq?
[ vreg no-renaming ]
@ -217,15 +286,16 @@ RENAMING: convert [ converted-value ] [ converted-value ] [ ]
GENERIC: conversions-for-insn ( insn -- )
SYMBOL: phi-mappings
M: ##phi conversions-for-insn , ;
! compiler.cfg.cssa inserts conversions which convert phi inputs into
! the representation of the output. However, we still have to do some
! processing here, because if the only node that uses the output of
! the phi instruction is another phi instruction then this phi node's
! output won't have a representation assigned.
M: ##phi conversions-for-insn
[ , ] [ [ inputs>> values ] [ dst>> ] bi phi-mappings get set-at ] bi ;
! When a float is unboxed, we replace the ##load-constant with a ##load-double
! if the architecture supports it
: convert-to-load-double? ( insn -- ? )
[ drop load-double? ]
[ dst>> rep-of double-rep? ]
[ obj>> float? ]
} 1&& ;
! When a literal zeroes/ones vector is unboxed, we replace the ##load-reference
! with a ##zero-vector or ##fill-vector instruction since this is more efficient.
@ -234,17 +304,25 @@ M: ##phi conversions-for-insn
[ dst>> rep-of vector-rep? ]
[ obj>> B{ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 } = ]
} 1&& ;
: convert-to-fill-vector? ( insn -- ? )
[ dst>> rep-of vector-rep? ]
[ obj>> B{ 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 } = ]
} 1&& ;
: (convert-to-load-double) ( insn -- dst val )
[ dst>> ] [ obj>> ] bi ; inline
: (convert-to-zero/fill-vector) ( insn -- dst rep )
dst>> dup rep-of ; inline
: conversions-for-load-insn ( insn -- ?insn )
[ dup convert-to-load-double? ]
[ (convert-to-load-double) ##load-double f ]
[ dup convert-to-zero-vector? ]
[ (convert-to-zero/fill-vector) ##zero-vector f ]
@ -277,46 +355,8 @@ M: insn conversions-for-insn , ;
] change-instructions drop
] if ;
! If the output of a phi instruction is only used as the input to another
! phi instruction, then we want to use the same representation for both
! if possible.
SYMBOL: work-list
: add-to-work-list ( vregs -- )
work-list get push-all-front ;
: rep-assigned ( vregs -- vregs' )
representations get '[ _ key? ] filter ;
: rep-not-assigned ( vregs -- vregs' )
representations get '[ _ key? not ] filter ;
: add-ready-phis ( -- )
phi-mappings get keys rep-assigned add-to-work-list ;
: process-phi-mapping ( dst -- )
! If dst = phi(src1,src2,...) and dst's representation has been
! determined, assign that representation to each one of src1,...
! that does not have a representation yet, and process those, too.
dup phi-mappings get at* [
[ rep-of ] [ rep-not-assigned ] bi*
[ [ set-rep-of ] with each ] [ add-to-work-list ] bi
] [ 2drop ] if ;
: remaining-phi-mappings ( -- )
phi-mappings get keys rep-not-assigned
[ [ int-rep ] dip set-rep-of ] each ;
: process-phi-mappings ( -- )
<hashed-dlist> work-list set
work-list get [ process-phi-mapping ] slurp-deque
remaining-phi-mappings ;
: insert-conversions ( cfg -- )
H{ } clone phi-mappings set
[ conversions-for-block ] each-basic-block
process-phi-mappings ;
[ conversions-for-block ] each-basic-block ;
@ -326,6 +366,7 @@ PRIVATE>
[ compute-possibilities ]
[ compute-representations ]
[ compute-phi-representations ]
[ insert-conversions ]
[ ]
} cleave
@ -27,6 +27,12 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.value-numbering.rewrite
[ value>> immediate-bitwise? ]
} 1&& ;
: vreg-immediate-comparand? ( vreg -- ? )
vreg>expr {
[ constant-expr? ]
[ value>> immediate-comparand? ]
} 1&& ;
! Outputs f to mean no change
GENERIC: rewrite ( insn -- insn/f )
@ -35,10 +41,7 @@ M: insn rewrite drop f ;
: ##branch-t? ( insn -- ? )
dup ##compare-imm-branch? [
[ cc>> cc/= eq? ]
[ src2>> \ f type-number eq? ]
} 1&&
{ [ cc>> cc/= eq? ] [ src2>> not ] } 1&&
] [ drop f ] if ; inline
: general-compare-expr? ( insn -- ? )
@ -118,8 +121,8 @@ M: ##compare-imm rewrite-tagged-comparison
: rewrite-redundant-comparison? ( insn -- ? )
[ src1>> vreg>expr general-compare-expr? ]
[ src2>> \ f type-number = ]
[ cc>> { cc= cc/= } member-eq? ]
[ src2>> not ]
[ cc>> { cc= cc/= } member? ]
} 1&& ; inline
: rewrite-redundant-comparison ( insn -- insn' )
@ -131,17 +134,12 @@ M: ##compare-imm rewrite-tagged-comparison
} cond
swap cc= eq? [ [ negate-cc ] change-cc ] when ;
ERROR: bad-comparison ;
: (fold-compare-imm) ( insn -- ? )
[ [ src1>> vreg>constant ] [ src2>> ] bi ] [ cc>> ] bi
pick integer?
[ [ <=> ] dip evaluate-cc ]
2nip {
{ cc= [ f ] }
{ cc/= [ t ] }
[ bad-comparison ]
[ src1>> vreg>constant ] [ src2>> ] [ cc>> ] tri
2over [ integer? ] both? [ [ <=> ] dip evaluate-cc ] [
{ cc= [ eq? ] }
{ cc/= [ eq? not ] }
} case
] if ;
@ -189,8 +187,8 @@ M: ##compare-imm-branch rewrite
M: ##compare-branch rewrite
{ [ dup src1>> vreg-immediate-arithmetic? ] [ t >compare-imm-branch ] }
{ [ dup src2>> vreg-immediate-arithmetic? ] [ f >compare-imm-branch ] }
{ [ dup src1>> vreg-immediate-comparand? ] [ t >compare-imm-branch ] }
{ [ dup src2>> vreg-immediate-comparand? ] [ f >compare-imm-branch ] }
{ [ dup self-compare? ] [ rewrite-self-compare-branch ] }
[ drop f ]
} cond ;
@ -209,19 +207,15 @@ M: ##compare-branch rewrite
next-vreg \ ##compare-imm new-insn ; inline
: >boolean-insn ( insn ? -- insn' )
[ dst>> ] dip
{ t [ t \ ##load-constant new-insn ] }
{ f [ \ f type-number \ ##load-immediate new-insn ] }
} case ;
[ dst>> ] dip \ ##load-constant new-insn ;
: rewrite-self-compare ( insn -- insn' )
dup (rewrite-self-compare) >boolean-insn ;
M: ##compare rewrite
{ [ dup src1>> vreg-immediate-arithmetic? ] [ t >compare-imm ] }
{ [ dup src2>> vreg-immediate-arithmetic? ] [ f >compare-imm ] }
{ [ dup src1>> vreg-immediate-comparand? ] [ t >compare-imm ] }
{ [ dup src2>> vreg-immediate-comparand? ] [ f >compare-imm ] }
{ [ dup self-compare? ] [ rewrite-self-compare ] }
[ drop f ]
} cond ;
@ -254,7 +248,12 @@ M: ##shl-imm constant-fold* drop shift ;
: constant-fold ( insn -- insn' )
[ dst>> ]
[ [ src1>> vreg>constant ] [ src2>> ] [ ] tri constant-fold* ] bi
[ src1>> vreg>constant \ f type-number or ]
[ src2>> ]
[ ]
tri constant-fold*
] bi
\ ##load-immediate new-insn ; inline
: unary-constant-fold? ( insn -- ? )
@ -380,7 +379,7 @@ M: ##sar-imm rewrite
[ drop f ]
} cond ;
: insn>imm-insn ( insn op swap? -- )
: insn>imm-insn ( insn op swap? -- new-insn )
swap [
[ [ dst>> ] [ src1>> ] [ src2>> ] tri ] dip
[ swap ] when vreg>constant
@ -390,13 +389,13 @@ M: ##sar-imm rewrite
[ vreg-immediate-arithmetic? ] [ vreg-immediate-bitwise? ] if ;
: rewrite-arithmetic ( insn op -- ? )
: rewrite-arithmetic ( insn op -- insn/f )
{ [ over src2>> over vreg-immediate? ] [ f insn>imm-insn ] }
[ 2drop f ]
} cond ; inline
: rewrite-arithmetic-commutative ( insn op -- ? )
: rewrite-arithmetic-commutative ( insn op -- insn/f )
{ [ over src2>> over vreg-immediate? ] [ f insn>imm-insn ] }
{ [ over src1>> over vreg-immediate? ] [ t insn>imm-insn ] }
@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ cpu.architecture tools.test kernel math combinators.short-circuit
accessors sequences compiler.cfg.predecessors locals compiler.cfg.dce
compiler.cfg.ssa.destruction compiler.cfg.loop-detection
compiler.cfg.representations compiler.cfg assocs vectors arrays
layouts literals namespaces alien compiler.cfg.value-numbering.simd ;
layouts literals namespaces alien compiler.cfg.value-numbering.simd
system ;
IN: compiler.cfg.value-numbering.tests
: trim-temps ( insns -- insns )
@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.value-numbering.tests
T{ ##load-reference f 1 + }
T{ ##peek f 2 D 0 }
T{ ##compare f 4 2 1 cc> }
T{ ##compare-imm f 6 4 $[ \ f type-number ] cc/= }
T{ ##compare-imm f 6 4 f cc/= }
T{ ##replace f 6 D 0 }
} value-numbering-step trim-temps
] unit-test
@ -100,7 +101,7 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.value-numbering.tests
T{ ##load-reference f 1 + }
T{ ##peek f 2 D 0 }
T{ ##compare f 4 2 1 cc<= }
T{ ##compare-imm f 6 4 $[ \ f type-number ] cc= }
T{ ##compare-imm f 6 4 f cc= }
T{ ##replace f 6 D 0 }
} value-numbering-step trim-temps
] unit-test
@ -118,7 +119,7 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.value-numbering.tests
T{ ##peek f 8 D 0 }
T{ ##peek f 9 D -1 }
T{ ##compare-float-unordered f 12 8 9 cc< }
T{ ##compare-imm f 14 12 $[ \ f type-number ] cc= }
T{ ##compare-imm f 14 12 f cc= }
T{ ##replace f 14 D 0 }
} value-numbering-step trim-temps
] unit-test
@ -135,7 +136,7 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.value-numbering.tests
T{ ##peek f 29 D -1 }
T{ ##peek f 30 D -2 }
T{ ##compare f 33 29 30 cc<= }
T{ ##compare-imm-branch f 33 $[ \ f type-number ] cc/= }
T{ ##compare-imm-branch f 33 f cc/= }
} value-numbering-step trim-temps
] unit-test
@ -149,7 +150,7 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.value-numbering.tests
T{ ##peek f 1 D -1 }
T{ ##test-vector f 2 1 f float-4-rep vcc-any }
T{ ##compare-imm-branch f 2 $[ \ f type-number ] cc/= }
T{ ##compare-imm-branch f 2 f cc/= }
} value-numbering-step trim-temps
] unit-test
@ -418,6 +419,36 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.value-numbering.tests
} value-numbering-step trim-temps
] unit-test
cpu x86.32? [
T{ ##peek f 0 D 0 }
T{ ##load-constant f 1 + }
T{ ##compare-imm f 2 0 + cc= }
] [
T{ ##peek f 0 D 0 }
T{ ##load-constant f 1 + }
T{ ##compare f 2 0 1 cc= }
} value-numbering-step trim-temps
] unit-test
T{ ##peek f 0 D 0 }
T{ ##load-constant f 1 + }
T{ ##compare-imm-branch f 0 + cc= }
] [
T{ ##peek f 0 D 0 }
T{ ##load-constant f 1 + }
T{ ##compare-branch f 0 1 cc= }
} value-numbering-step trim-temps
] unit-test
] when
T{ ##peek f 0 D 0 }
@ -432,6 +463,20 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.value-numbering.tests
} value-numbering-step trim-temps
] unit-test
T{ ##peek f 0 D 0 }
T{ ##load-constant f 1 3.5 }
T{ ##compare-branch f 0 1 cc= }
] [
T{ ##peek f 0 D 0 }
T{ ##load-constant f 1 3.5 }
T{ ##compare-branch f 0 1 cc= }
} value-numbering-step trim-temps
] unit-test
T{ ##peek f 0 D 0 }
@ -460,20 +505,6 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.value-numbering.tests
} value-numbering-step
] unit-test
T{ ##peek f 0 D 0 }
T{ ##load-constant f 1 3.5 }
T{ ##compare-branch f 0 1 cc= }
] [
T{ ##peek f 0 D 0 }
T{ ##load-constant f 1 3.5 }
T{ ##compare-branch f 0 1 cc= }
} value-numbering-step trim-temps
] unit-test
T{ ##peek f 0 D 0 }
@ -488,6 +519,59 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.value-numbering.tests
} value-numbering-step trim-temps
] unit-test
! Branch folding
T{ ##load-immediate f 1 100 }
T{ ##load-immediate f 2 200 }
T{ ##load-constant f 3 t }
] [
T{ ##load-immediate f 1 100 }
T{ ##load-immediate f 2 200 }
T{ ##compare f 3 1 2 cc<= }
} value-numbering-step trim-temps
] unit-test
T{ ##load-immediate f 1 100 }
T{ ##load-immediate f 2 200 }
T{ ##load-constant f 3 f }
] [
T{ ##load-immediate f 1 100 }
T{ ##load-immediate f 2 200 }
T{ ##compare f 3 1 2 cc= }
} value-numbering-step trim-temps
] unit-test
T{ ##load-immediate f 1 100 }
T{ ##load-constant f 2 f }
] [
T{ ##load-immediate f 1 100 }
T{ ##compare-imm f 2 1 f cc= }
} value-numbering-step trim-temps
] unit-test
T{ ##load-constant f 1 f }
T{ ##load-constant f 2 t }
] [
T{ ##load-constant f 1 f }
T{ ##compare-imm f 2 1 f cc= }
} value-numbering-step trim-temps
] unit-test
! Reassociation
@ -1011,6 +1095,19 @@ cell 8 = [
} value-numbering-step
] unit-test
! Stupid constant folding corner case
T{ ##load-constant f 1 f }
T{ ##load-immediate f 2 $[ \ f type-number ] }
] [
T{ ##load-constant f 1 f }
T{ ##and-imm f 2 1 15 }
} value-numbering-step
] unit-test
! Displaced alien optimizations
3 vreg-counter set-global
@ -1073,7 +1170,7 @@ cell 8 = [
T{ ##load-immediate f 1 10 }
T{ ##load-immediate f 2 20 }
T{ ##load-immediate f 3 $[ \ f type-number ] }
T{ ##load-constant f 3 f }
] [
@ -1115,7 +1212,7 @@ cell 8 = [
T{ ##load-immediate f 1 10 }
T{ ##load-immediate f 2 20 }
T{ ##load-immediate f 3 $[ \ f type-number ] }
T{ ##load-constant f 3 f }
] [
@ -1128,7 +1225,7 @@ cell 8 = [
T{ ##peek f 0 D 0 }
T{ ##load-immediate f 1 $[ \ f type-number ] }
T{ ##load-constant f 1 f }
] [
@ -1152,7 +1249,7 @@ cell 8 = [
T{ ##peek f 0 D 0 }
T{ ##load-immediate f 1 $[ \ f type-number ] }
T{ ##load-constant f 1 f }
] [
@ -1176,7 +1273,7 @@ cell 8 = [
T{ ##peek f 0 D 0 }
T{ ##load-immediate f 1 $[ \ f type-number ] }
T{ ##load-constant f 1 f }
] [
@ -1557,7 +1654,7 @@ cell 8 = [
T{ ##peek f 0 D 0 }
T{ ##compare f 1 0 0 cc<= }
T{ ##compare-imm-branch f 1 $[ \ f type-number ] cc/= }
T{ ##compare-imm-branch f 1 f cc/= }
} test-branch-folding
] unit-test
@ -1659,7 +1756,7 @@ V{
T{ ##copy { dst 21 } { src 20 } { rep any-rep } }
T{ ##compare-imm-branch
{ src1 21 }
{ src2 $[ \ f type-number ] }
{ src2 f }
{ cc cc/= }
} 1 test-bb
@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ SYNTAX: CODEGEN:
CODEGEN: ##load-immediate %load-immediate
CODEGEN: ##load-reference %load-reference
CODEGEN: ##load-constant %load-reference
CODEGEN: ##load-double %load-double
CODEGEN: ##peek %peek
CODEGEN: ##replace %replace
CODEGEN: ##inc-d %inc-d
@ -70,9 +70,12 @@ MEMO: cached-string>symbol ( symbol -- obj ) string>symbol ;
: rel-word-pic-tail ( word class -- )
[ add-literal ] dip rt-entry-point-pic-tail rel-fixup ;
: rel-immediate ( literal class -- )
: rel-literal ( literal class -- )
[ add-literal ] dip rt-literal rel-fixup ;
: rel-float ( literal class -- )
[ add-literal ] dip rt-float rel-fixup ;
: rel-this ( class -- )
rt-this rel-fixup ;
@ -68,7 +68,8 @@ C-ENUM: f
rt-exception-handler ;
rt-float ;
: rc-absolute? ( n -- ? )
@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ IN: compiler.tests.low-level-ir
execute( -- result ) ;
! loading immediates
! loading constants
[ f ] [
T{ ##load-immediate f 0 $[ \ f type-number ] }
T{ ##load-constant f 0 f }
} compile-test-bb
] unit-test
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ IN: compiler.tree.propagation.recursive.tests
integer generalize-counter-interval
] unit-test
[ T{ interval f { 0 t } { $[ most-positive-fixnum ] t } } ] [
[ T{ interval f { 0 t } { $[ max-array-capacity ] t } } ] [
T{ interval f { 1 t } { 1 t } }
T{ interval f { 0 t } { 0 t } }
fixnum generalize-counter-interval
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Slava Pestov.
! Copyright (C) 2008, 2010 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel sequences accessors arrays fry math math.intervals
layouts combinators namespaces locals
USING: kernel classes.algebra sequences accessors arrays fry
math math.intervals layouts combinators namespaces locals
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ compiler.tree.propagation.nodes
compiler.tree.propagation.constraints ;
FROM: sequences.private => array-capacity ;
IN: compiler.tree.propagation.recursive
: check-fixed-point ( node infos1 infos2 -- )
@ -24,7 +25,14 @@ IN: compiler.tree.propagation.recursive
[ label>> calls>> [ node>> node-input-infos ] map flip ]
[ latest-input-infos ] bi ;
: counter-class ( interval class -- class' )
dup fixnum class<= [
swap array-capacity-interval interval-subset?
[ drop array-capacity ] when
] [ nip ] if ;
:: generalize-counter-interval ( interval initial-interval class -- interval' )
interval class counter-class :> class
{ [ interval initial-interval interval-subset? ] [ initial-interval ] }
{ [ interval empty-interval eq? ] [ initial-interval ] }
@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008, 2010 Slava Pestov, Daniel Ehrenberg.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien.c-types kernel sequences words fry generic accessors
classes.tuple classes classes.algebra definitions
stack-checker.dependencies quotations classes.tuple.private math
math.partial-dispatch math.private math.intervals sets.private
math.floats.private math.integers.private layouts math.order
vectors hashtables combinators effects generalizations assocs
sets combinators.short-circuit sequences.private locals growable
USING: alien.c-types kernel sequences words fry generic
generic.single accessors classes.tuple classes classes.algebra
definitions stack-checker.dependencies quotations
classes.tuple.private math math.partial-dispatch math.private
math.intervals sets.private math.floats.private
math.integers.private layouts math.order vectors hashtables
combinators effects generalizations assocs sets
combinators.short-circuit sequences.private locals growable
stack-checker namespaces ;
FROM: math => float ;
FROM: sets => set ;
@ -299,6 +300,12 @@ M\ set intersect [ intersect-quot ] 1 define-partial-eval
[ \ push def>> ] [ f ] if
] "custom-inlining" set-word-prop
! Speeds up fasta benchmark
\ >fixnum [
in-d>> first value-info class>> fixnum \ f class-or class<=
[ [ dup [ \ >fixnum no-method ] unless ] ] [ f ] if
] "custom-inlining" set-word-prop
! We want to constant-fold calls to heap-size, and recompile those
! calls when a C type is redefined
\ heap-size [
@ -202,8 +202,9 @@ M: ulonglong-2-rep scalar-rep-of drop ulonglong-scalar-rep ;
! Mapping from register class to machine registers
HOOK: machine-registers cpu ( -- assoc )
HOOK: %load-immediate cpu ( reg obj -- )
HOOK: %load-immediate cpu ( reg val -- )
HOOK: %load-reference cpu ( reg obj -- )
HOOK: %load-double cpu ( reg val -- )
HOOK: %peek cpu ( vreg loc -- )
HOOK: %replace cpu ( vreg loc -- )
@ -496,15 +497,32 @@ M: reg-class param-reg param-regs nth ;
M: stack-params param-reg 2drop ;
! Is this integer small enough to be an immediate operand for
! %add-imm, %sub-imm, and %mul-imm?
! Does this architecture support %load-double?
HOOK: load-double? cpu ( -- ? )
M: object load-double? f ;
! Can this value be an immediate operand for %add-imm, %sub-imm,
! or %mul-imm?
HOOK: immediate-arithmetic? cpu ( n -- ? )
! Is this integer small enough to be an immediate operand for
! %and-imm, %or-imm, and %xor-imm?
! Can this value be an immediate operand for %and-imm, %or-imm,
! or %xor-imm?
HOOK: immediate-bitwise? cpu ( n -- ? )
! What c-type describes the implicit struct return pointer for large structs?
! Can this value be an immediate operand for %compare-imm or
! %compare-imm-branch?
HOOK: immediate-comparand? cpu ( n -- ? )
M: object immediate-comparand? ( n -- ? )
{ [ dup integer? ] [ immediate-arithmetic? ] }
{ [ dup not ] [ drop t ] }
[ drop f ]
} cond ;
! What c-type describes the implicit struct return pointer for
! large structs?
HOOK: struct-return-pointer-type cpu ( -- c-type )
! Is this structure small enough to be returned in registers?
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ CONSTANT: fp-scratch-reg 30
M: ppc %load-immediate ( reg n -- ) swap LOAD ;
M: ppc %load-reference ( reg obj -- )
[ 0 swap LOAD32 ] [ rc-absolute-ppc-2/2 rel-immediate ] bi* ;
[ 0 swap LOAD32 ] [ rc-absolute-ppc-2/2 rel-literal ] bi* ;
M: ppc %alien-global ( register symbol dll -- )
[ 0 swap LOAD32 ] 2dip rc-absolute-ppc-2/2 rel-dlsym ;
@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ M: ppc %epilogue ( n -- )
} case ;
: (%compare) ( src1 src2 -- ) [ 0 ] dip CMP ; inline
: (%compare-imm) ( src1 src2 -- ) [ 0 ] 2dip CMPI ; inline
: (%compare-imm) ( src1 src2 -- ) [ 0 ] [ ] [ \ f type-number or ] tri* CMPI ; inline
: (%compare-float-unordered) ( src1 src2 -- ) [ 0 ] dip FCMPU ; inline
: (%compare-float-ordered) ( src1 src2 -- ) [ 0 ] dip FCMPO ; inline
@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: locals alien alien.c-types alien.libraries alien.syntax
arrays kernel fry math namespaces sequences system layouts io
vocabs.loader accessors init classes.struct combinators command-line
make compiler compiler.units compiler.constants compiler.alien
compiler.codegen compiler.codegen.fixup
compiler.cfg.instructions compiler.cfg.builder
compiler.cfg.intrinsics compiler.cfg.stack-frame
cpu.x86.assembler cpu.x86.assembler.operands cpu.x86
cpu.architecture vm ;
vocabs.loader accessors init classes.struct combinators
command-line make words compiler compiler.units
compiler.constants compiler.alien compiler.codegen
compiler.codegen.fixup compiler.cfg.instructions
compiler.cfg.builder compiler.cfg.intrinsics
compiler.cfg.stack-frame cpu.x86.assembler
cpu.x86.assembler.operands cpu.x86 cpu.architecture vm ;
FROM: layouts => cell ;
IN: cpu.x86.32
@ -24,6 +24,14 @@ M: x86.32 stack-reg ESP ;
M: x86.32 frame-reg EBP ;
M: x86.32 temp-reg ECX ;
M: x86.32 immediate-comparand? ( n -- ? )
[ call-next-method ] [ word? ] bi or ;
M: x86.32 load-double? ( -- ? ) t ;
M: x86.32 %load-double ( dst val -- )
[ 0 [] MOVSD ] dip rc-absolute rel-float ;
M: x86.32 %mov-vm-ptr ( reg -- )
0 MOV 0 rc-absolute-cell rel-vm ;
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ HOOK: pic-tail-reg cpu ( -- reg )
M: x86 %load-immediate dup 0 = [ drop dup XOR ] [ MOV ] if ;
M: x86 %load-reference swap 0 MOV rc-absolute-cell rel-immediate ;
M: x86 %load-reference swap 0 MOV rc-absolute-cell rel-literal ;
HOOK: ds-reg cpu ( -- reg )
HOOK: rs-reg cpu ( -- reg )
@ -491,43 +491,60 @@ M: x86 %push-context-stack ( -- )
M: x86 %epilogue ( n -- ) cell - incr-stack-reg ;
:: %boolean ( dst temp word -- )
:: (%boolean) ( dst temp insn -- )
dst \ f type-number MOV
temp 0 MOV \ t rc-absolute-cell rel-immediate
dst temp word execute ; inline
temp 0 MOV \ t rc-absolute-cell rel-literal
dst temp insn execute ; inline
: (%compare) ( src1 src2 cc -- )
2over [ { cc= cc/= } member? ] [ register? ] [ 0 = ] tri* and and
[ drop dup TEST ]
[ CMP ] if ;
: %boolean ( dst cc temp -- )
swap order-cc {
{ cc< [ \ CMOVL (%boolean) ] }
{ cc<= [ \ CMOVLE (%boolean) ] }
{ cc> [ \ CMOVG (%boolean) ] }
{ cc>= [ \ CMOVGE (%boolean) ] }
{ cc= [ \ CMOVE (%boolean) ] }
{ cc/= [ \ CMOVNE (%boolean) ] }
} case ;
M:: x86 %compare ( dst src1 src2 cc temp -- )
src1 src2 cc (%compare)
cc order-cc {
{ cc< [ dst temp \ CMOVL %boolean ] }
{ cc<= [ dst temp \ CMOVLE %boolean ] }
{ cc> [ dst temp \ CMOVG %boolean ] }
{ cc>= [ dst temp \ CMOVGE %boolean ] }
{ cc= [ dst temp \ CMOVE %boolean ] }
{ cc/= [ dst temp \ CMOVNE %boolean ] }
} case ;
src1 src2 CMP
dst cc temp %boolean ;
M: x86 %compare-imm ( dst src1 src2 cc temp -- )
%compare ;
: use-test? ( src1 src2 cc -- ? )
[ register? ] [ 0 = ] [ { cc= cc/= } member? ] tri* and and ;
: (%compare-tagged) ( src1 src2 -- )
[ HEX: ffffffff CMP ] dip rc-absolute rel-literal ;
: (%compare-imm) ( src1 src2 cc -- )
{ [ 3dup use-test? ] [ 2drop dup TEST ] }
{ [ over integer? ] [ drop CMP ] }
{ [ over word? ] [ drop (%compare-tagged) ] }
{ [ over not ] [ 2drop \ f type-number CMP ] }
} cond ;
M:: x86 %compare-imm ( dst src1 src2 cc temp -- )
src1 src2 cc (%compare-imm)
dst cc temp %boolean ;
: %branch ( label cc -- )
order-cc {
{ cc< [ JL ] }
{ cc<= [ JLE ] }
{ cc> [ JG ] }
{ cc>= [ JGE ] }
{ cc= [ JE ] }
{ cc/= [ JNE ] }
} case ;
M:: x86 %compare-branch ( label src1 src2 cc -- )
src1 src2 cc (%compare)
cc order-cc {
{ cc< [ label JL ] }
{ cc<= [ label JLE ] }
{ cc> [ label JG ] }
{ cc>= [ label JGE ] }
{ cc= [ label JE ] }
{ cc/= [ label JNE ] }
} case ;
src1 src2 CMP
label cc %branch ;
M: x86 %compare-imm-branch ( label src1 src2 cc -- )
%compare-branch ;
M:: x86 %compare-imm-branch ( label src1 src2 cc -- )
src1 src2 cc (%compare-imm)
label cc %branch ;
M: x86 %add-float double-rep two-operand ADDSD ;
M: x86 %sub-float double-rep two-operand SUBSD ;
@ -569,20 +586,20 @@ M: x86 %float>integer CVTTSD2SI ;
:: (%compare-float) ( dst src1 src2 cc temp compare -- )
cc {
{ cc< [ src2 src1 \ compare execute( a b -- ) dst temp \ CMOVA %boolean ] }
{ cc<= [ src2 src1 \ compare execute( a b -- ) dst temp \ CMOVAE %boolean ] }
{ cc> [ src1 src2 \ compare execute( a b -- ) dst temp \ CMOVA %boolean ] }
{ cc>= [ src1 src2 \ compare execute( a b -- ) dst temp \ CMOVAE %boolean ] }
{ cc= [ src1 src2 \ compare execute( a b -- ) dst temp \ %cmov-float= %boolean ] }
{ cc<> [ src1 src2 \ compare execute( a b -- ) dst temp \ CMOVNE %boolean ] }
{ cc<>= [ src1 src2 \ compare execute( a b -- ) dst temp \ CMOVNP %boolean ] }
{ cc/< [ src2 src1 \ compare execute( a b -- ) dst temp \ CMOVBE %boolean ] }
{ cc/<= [ src2 src1 \ compare execute( a b -- ) dst temp \ CMOVB %boolean ] }
{ cc/> [ src1 src2 \ compare execute( a b -- ) dst temp \ CMOVBE %boolean ] }
{ cc/>= [ src1 src2 \ compare execute( a b -- ) dst temp \ CMOVB %boolean ] }
{ cc/= [ src1 src2 \ compare execute( a b -- ) dst temp \ %cmov-float/= %boolean ] }
{ cc/<> [ src1 src2 \ compare execute( a b -- ) dst temp \ CMOVE %boolean ] }
{ cc/<>= [ src1 src2 \ compare execute( a b -- ) dst temp \ CMOVP %boolean ] }
{ cc< [ src2 src1 \ compare execute( a b -- ) dst temp \ CMOVA (%boolean) ] }
{ cc<= [ src2 src1 \ compare execute( a b -- ) dst temp \ CMOVAE (%boolean) ] }
{ cc> [ src1 src2 \ compare execute( a b -- ) dst temp \ CMOVA (%boolean) ] }
{ cc>= [ src1 src2 \ compare execute( a b -- ) dst temp \ CMOVAE (%boolean) ] }
{ cc= [ src1 src2 \ compare execute( a b -- ) dst temp \ %cmov-float= (%boolean) ] }
{ cc<> [ src1 src2 \ compare execute( a b -- ) dst temp \ CMOVNE (%boolean) ] }
{ cc<>= [ src1 src2 \ compare execute( a b -- ) dst temp \ CMOVNP (%boolean) ] }
{ cc/< [ src2 src1 \ compare execute( a b -- ) dst temp \ CMOVBE (%boolean) ] }
{ cc/<= [ src2 src1 \ compare execute( a b -- ) dst temp \ CMOVB (%boolean) ] }
{ cc/> [ src1 src2 \ compare execute( a b -- ) dst temp \ CMOVBE (%boolean) ] }
{ cc/>= [ src1 src2 \ compare execute( a b -- ) dst temp \ CMOVB (%boolean) ] }
{ cc/= [ src1 src2 \ compare execute( a b -- ) dst temp \ %cmov-float/= (%boolean) ] }
{ cc/<> [ src1 src2 \ compare execute( a b -- ) dst temp \ CMOVE (%boolean) ] }
{ cc/<>= [ src1 src2 \ compare execute( a b -- ) dst temp \ CMOVP (%boolean) ] }
} case ; inline
M: x86 %compare-float-ordered ( dst src1 src2 cc temp -- )
@ -954,10 +971,10 @@ M: x86 %compare-vector-ccs
:: %test-vector-mask ( dst temp mask vcc -- )
vcc {
{ vcc-any [ dst dst TEST dst temp \ CMOVNE %boolean ] }
{ vcc-none [ dst dst TEST dst temp \ CMOVE %boolean ] }
{ vcc-all [ dst mask CMP dst temp \ CMOVE %boolean ] }
{ vcc-notall [ dst mask CMP dst temp \ CMOVNE %boolean ] }
{ vcc-any [ dst dst TEST dst temp \ CMOVNE (%boolean) ] }
{ vcc-none [ dst dst TEST dst temp \ CMOVE (%boolean) ] }
{ vcc-all [ dst mask CMP dst temp \ CMOVE (%boolean) ] }
{ vcc-notall [ dst mask CMP dst temp \ CMOVNE (%boolean) ] }
} case ;
: %move-vector-mask ( dst src rep -- mask )
@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays assocs byte-arrays byte-vectors classes
combinators definitions effects fry generic generic.single
generic.standard hashtables io.binary io.streams.string kernel
kernel.private math math.integers.private math.parser
namespaces parser sbufs sequences splitting splitting.private strings
vectors words ;
generic.standard hashtables io.binary io.encodings
io.streams.string kernel kernel.private math
math.integers.private math.parser namespaces parser sbufs
sequences splitting splitting.private strings vectors words ;
IN: hints
GENERIC: specializer-predicate ( spec -- quot )
@ -131,3 +131,5 @@ M\ hashtable at* { { fixnum object } { word object } } "specializer" set-word-pr
M\ hashtable set-at { { object fixnum object } { object word object } } "specializer" set-word-prop
\ bignum/f { { bignum bignum } { bignum fixnum } { fixnum bignum } { fixnum fixnum } } "specializer" set-word-prop
\ encode-string { string object object } "specializer" set-word-prop
@ -194,6 +194,6 @@ ERROR: download-failed response ;
: http-delete ( url -- response data )
<delete-request> http-request ;
USING: vocabs vocabs.loader ;
USE: vocabs.loader
"debugger" "http.client.debugger" require-when
{ "http.client" "debugger" } "http.client.debugger" require-when
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Daniel Ehrenberg, Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: math.parser arrays io.encodings sequences kernel assocs
hashtables io.encodings.ascii generic parser classes.tuple words
words.symbol io io.files splitting namespaces math
compiler.units accessors classes.singleton classes.mixin
io.encodings.iana fry simple-flat-file lexer ;
USING: arrays assocs biassocs kernel io.encodings math.parser
sequences hashtables io.encodings.ascii generic parser
classes.tuple words words.symbol io io.files splitting
namespaces math compiler.units accessors classes.singleton
classes.mixin io.encodings.iana fry simple-flat-file lexer ;
IN: io.encodings.8-bit
@ -15,20 +15,22 @@ IN: io.encodings.8-bit
SYMBOL: 8-bit-encodings
8-bit-encodings [ H{ } clone ] initialize
TUPLE: 8-bit biassoc ;
TUPLE: 8-bit { biassoc biassoc read-only } ;
: encode-8-bit ( char stream assoc -- )
swapd value-at
[ swap stream-write1 ] [ encode-error ] if* ; inline
: 8-bit-encode ( char 8-bit -- byte )
biassoc>> value-at [ encode-error ] unless* ; inline
M: 8-bit encode-char biassoc>> encode-8-bit ;
M: 8-bit encode-char
swap [ 8-bit-encode ] dip stream-write1 ;
: decode-8-bit ( stream assoc -- char/f )
swap stream-read1
[ swap at [ replacement-char ] unless* ]
[ drop f ] if* ; inline
M: 8-bit encode-string
swap [ '[ _ 8-bit-encode ] B{ } map-as ] dip stream-write ;
M: 8-bit decode-char biassoc>> decode-8-bit ;
M: 8-bit decode-char
swap stream-read1 dup
[ swap biassoc>> at [ replacement-char ] unless* ]
[ 2drop f ]
if ;
MIXIN: 8-bit-encoding
@ -1,22 +1,27 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Daniel Ehrenberg.
! See for BSD license.
USING: io io.encodings kernel math io.encodings.private ;
USING: accessors byte-arrays io io.encodings
io.encodings.private kernel math sequences ;
IN: io.encodings.ascii
: encode-if< ( char stream encoding max -- )
nip 1 - pick < [ encode-error ] [ stream-write1 ] if ; inline
: decode-if< ( stream encoding max -- character )
nip swap stream-read1 dup
[ [ nip ] [ > ] 2bi [ >fixnum ] [ drop replacement-char ] if ]
[ 2drop f ] if ; inline
M: ascii encode-char
128 encode-if< ; inline
over 127 <= [ stream-write1 ] [ encode-error ] if ; inline
M: ascii encode-string
dup aux>>
[ [ dup 127 <= [ encode-error ] unless ] B{ } map-as ]
[ >byte-array ]
] dip
stream-write ;
M: ascii decode-char
128 decode-if< ; inline
stream-read1 dup [
dup 127 <= [ >fixnum ] [ drop replacement-char ] if
] when ; inline
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ M: output-port stream-write1
: write-in-groups ( byte-array port -- )
[ binary-object <direct-uchar-array> ] dip
[ buffer>> size>> <groups> ] [ '[ _ stream-write ] ] bi
[ buffer>> size>> <sliced-groups> ] [ '[ _ stream-write ] ] bi
each ;
M: output-port stream-write
@ -198,5 +198,3 @@ io.encodings.private ;
HINTS: decoder-read-until { string input-port utf8 } { string input-port ascii } ;
HINTS: decoder-readln { input-port utf8 } { input-port ascii } ;
HINTS: encoder-write { object output-port utf8 } { object output-port ascii } ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Slava Pestov
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
! Copyright (C) 2010 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien byte-vectors io kernel libc math sequences ;
! This is split off from io.streams.byte-array because it uses
! memcpy, which is a non-core word that only works after the
! optimizing compiler has been loaded.
M: byte-vector stream-write
[ dup byte-length tail-slice ]
[ [ [ byte-length ] bi@ + ] keep lengthen ]
[ drop byte-length ]
[ >c-ptr swap >c-ptr ] dip memcpy ;
@ -26,5 +26,5 @@ SYNTAX: MEMO:: (::) define-memoized ;
} [ require ] each
"prettyprint" "locals.definitions" require-when
"prettyprint" "locals.prettyprint" require-when
{ "locals" "prettyprint" } "locals.definitions" require-when
{ "locals" "prettyprint" } "locals.prettyprint" require-when
@ -64,4 +64,4 @@ M: rect contains-point?
USE: vocabs.loader
"prettyprint" "math.rectangles.prettyprint" require-when
{ "math.rectangles" "prettyprint" } "math.rectangles.prettyprint" require-when
@ -339,4 +339,4 @@ M: short-8 v*hs+
M: int-4 v*hs+
int-4-rep [ (simd-v*hs+) ] [ call-next-method ] vv->v-op longlong-2-cast ; inline
"mirrors" "math.vectors.simd.mirrors" require-when
{ "math.vectors.simd" "mirrors" } "math.vectors.simd.mirrors" require-when
@ -628,6 +628,6 @@ SYNTAX: PEG:
] append!
] ;
USING: vocabs vocabs.loader ;
USE: vocabs.loader
"debugger" "peg.debugger" require-when
{ "debugger" "peg" } "peg.debugger" require-when
@ -216,6 +216,6 @@ SYNTAX: R` CHAR: ` parsing-regexp ;
SYNTAX: R{ CHAR: } parsing-regexp ;
SYNTAX: R| CHAR: | parsing-regexp ;
USING: vocabs vocabs.loader ;
USE: vocabs.loader
"prettyprint" "regexp.prettyprint" require-when
{ "prettyprint" "regexp" } "regexp.prettyprint" require-when
@ -173,6 +173,6 @@ SYNTAX: SPECIALIZED-ARRAYS:
scan-c-type define-array-vocab use-vocab ;
"prettyprint" "specialized-arrays.prettyprint" require-when
{ "specialized-arrays" "prettyprint" } "specialized-arrays.prettyprint" require-when
"mirrors" "specialized-arrays.mirrors" require-when
{ "specialized-arrays" "mirrors" } "specialized-arrays.mirrors" require-when
@ -35,4 +35,4 @@ ERROR: bad-declaration-error < inference-error declaration ;
ERROR: unbalanced-branches-error < inference-error word quots declareds actuals ;
"debugger" "stack-checker.errors.prettyprint" require-when
{ "stack-checker.errors" "debugger" } "stack-checker.errors.prettyprint" require-when
@ -349,6 +349,7 @@ M: bad-executable summary
\ both-fixnums? { object object } { object } define-primitive
\ byte-array>bignum { byte-array } { bignum } define-primitive \ byte-array>bignum make-foldable
\ callstack { } { callstack } define-primitive \ callstack make-flushable
\ callstack-bounds { } { alien alien } define-primitive \ callstack-bounds make-flushable
\ callstack-for { c-ptr } { callstack } define-primitive \ callstack make-flushable
\ callstack>array { callstack } { array } define-primitive \ callstack>array make-flushable
\ check-datastack { array integer integer } { object } define-primitive \ check-datastack make-flushable
@ -164,6 +164,6 @@ SYNTAX: TYPED:
(::) define-typed ;
USING: vocabs vocabs.loader ;
USE: vocabs.loader
"prettyprint" "typed.prettyprint" require-when
{ "typed" "prettyprint" } "typed.prettyprint" require-when
@ -395,4 +395,4 @@ M: f request-focus-on 2drop ;
USE: vocabs.loader
"prettyprint" "ui.gadgets.prettyprint" require-when
{ "ui.gadgets" "prettyprint" } "ui.gadgets.prettyprint" require-when
@ -72,6 +72,6 @@ M: unix open-file [ open ] unix-system-call ;
"debugger" "unix.debugger" require-when
{ "unix" "debugger" } "unix.debugger" require-when
@ -185,4 +185,4 @@ SYNTAX: URL" lexer get skip-blank parse-string >url suffix! ;
USE: vocabs.loader
"prettyprint" "urls.prettyprint" require-when
{ "urls" "prettyprint" } "urls.prettyprint" require-when
@ -96,4 +96,4 @@ SYNTAX: GUID: scan string>guid suffix! ;
USE: vocabs.loader
"prettyprint" "" require-when
{ "" "prettyprint" } "" require-when
@ -33,4 +33,4 @@ SYMBOL: root
: with-x ( display-string quot -- )
[ init-x ] dip [ close-x ] [ ] cleanup ; inline
"io.backend.unix" "" require-when
{ "x11" "io.backend.unix" } "" require-when
@ -177,4 +177,4 @@ SYNTAX: [XML
USE: vocabs.loader
"inverse" "xml.syntax.inverse" require-when
{ "xml.syntax" "inverse" } "xml.syntax.inverse" require-when
@ -451,6 +451,7 @@ tuple
{ "retainstack" "kernel" "primitive_retainstack" (( -- array )) }
{ "(identity-hashcode)" "kernel.private" "primitive_identity_hashcode" (( obj -- code )) }
{ "become" "kernel.private" "primitive_become" (( old new -- )) }
{ "callstack-bounds" "kernel.private" "primitive_callstack_bounds" (( -- start end )) }
{ "check-datastack" "kernel.private" "primitive_check_datastack" (( array in# out# -- ? )) }
{ "compute-identity-hashcode" "kernel.private" "primitive_compute_identity_hashcode" (( obj -- )) }
{ "context-object" "kernel.private" "primitive_context_object" (( n -- obj )) }
@ -31,3 +31,6 @@ IN: hash-sets.tests
[ f ] [ HS{ 1 2 3 } HS{ 2 3 } set= ] unit-test
[ HS{ 1 2 } HS{ 1 2 3 } ] [ HS{ 1 2 } clone dup clone [ 3 swap adjoin ] keep ] unit-test
[ t ] [ HS{ } null? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ HS{ 1 } null? ] unit-test
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ M: hash-set delete table>> delete-at ; inline
M: hash-set members table>> keys ; inline
M: hash-set set-like drop dup hash-set? [ members <hash-set> ] unless ;
M: hash-set clone table>> clone hash-set boa ;
M: hash-set null? table>> assoc-empty? ;
M: sequence fast-set <hash-set> ;
M: f fast-set drop H{ } clone hash-set boa ;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Daniel Ehrenberg.
! Copyright (C) 2008, 2010 Daniel Ehrenberg, Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: math kernel sequences sbufs vectors namespaces growable
strings io classes continuations destructors combinators
@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ GENERIC: decode-char ( stream encoding -- char/f )
GENERIC: encode-char ( char stream encoding -- )
GENERIC: encode-string ( string stream encoding -- )
M: object encode-string [ encode-char ] 2curry each ; inline
GENERIC: <decoder> ( stream encoding -- newstream )
CONSTANT: replacement-char HEX: fffd
@ -134,13 +138,8 @@ M: encoder stream-element-type
M: encoder stream-write1
>encoder< encode-char ;
GENERIC# encoder-write 2 ( string stream encoding -- )
M: string encoder-write
[ encode-char ] 2curry each ;
M: encoder stream-write
>encoder< encoder-write ;
>encoder< encode-string ;
M: encoder dispose stream>> dispose ;
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
! Copyright (C) 2006, 2008 Daniel Ehrenberg.
! See for BSD license.
USING: math math.order kernel sequences sbufs vectors growable io
continuations namespaces io.encodings combinators strings ;
USING: accessors byte-arrays math math.order kernel sequences
sbufs vectors growable io continuations namespaces io.encodings
combinators strings ;
IN: io.encodings.utf8
! Decoding UTF-8
@ -45,10 +46,10 @@ M: utf8 decode-char
! Encoding UTF-8
: encoded ( stream char -- )
BIN: 111111 bitand BIN: 10000000 bitor swap stream-write1 ;
BIN: 111111 bitand BIN: 10000000 bitor swap stream-write1 ; inline
: char>utf8 ( stream char -- )
: char>utf8 ( char stream -- )
swap {
{ [ dup -7 shift zero? ] [ swap stream-write1 ] }
{ [ dup -11 shift zero? ] [
2dup -6 shift BIN: 11000000 bitor swap stream-write1
@ -65,10 +66,16 @@ M: utf8 decode-char
2dup -6 shift encoded
} cond ;
} cond ; inline
M: utf8 encode-char
drop swap char>utf8 ;
drop char>utf8 ;
M: utf8 encode-string
over aux>>
[ [ char>utf8 ] curry each ]
[ [ >byte-array ] dip stream-write ] if ;
@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ ARTICLE: "set-operations" "Operations on sets"
"To test if a set is the empty set:"
{ $subsections null? }
"Basic mathematical operations, which any type of set may override for efficiency:"
{ $subsections
@ -178,3 +180,7 @@ HELP: within
HELP: without
{ $values { "seq" sequence } { "set" set } { "subseq" sequence } }
{ $description "Returns the subsequence of the given sequence consisting of things that are not members of the set. This may contain duplicates, if the sequence has duplicates." } ;
HELP: null?
{ $values { "set" set } { "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Tests whether the given set is empty. This outputs " { $snippet "t" } " when given a null set of any type." } ;
@ -61,3 +61,6 @@ IN: sets.tests
[ f ] [ HS{ 1 2 3 1 2 1 } duplicates ] unit-test
[ H{ { 3 HS{ 1 2 } } } ] [ H{ } clone 1 3 pick adjoin-at 2 3 pick adjoin-at ] unit-test
[ t ] [ f null? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ { 4 } null? ] unit-test
@ -21,10 +21,13 @@ GENERIC: subset? ( set1 set2 -- ? )
GENERIC: set= ( set1 set2 -- ? )
GENERIC: duplicates ( set -- seq )
GENERIC: all-unique? ( set -- ? )
GENERIC: null? ( set -- ? )
! Defaults for some methods.
! Override them for efficiency
M: set null? members null? ; inline
M: set set-like drop ; inline
M: set union
@ -91,6 +94,9 @@ M: sequence set-like
M: sequence members
[ pruned ] keep like ;
M: sequence null?
empty? ; inline
: combine ( sets -- set )
[ f ]
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2003, 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors kernel math.private sequences kernel.private
math sequences.private slots.private byte-arrays
alien.accessors ;
math sequences.private slots.private alien.accessors ;
IN: strings
@ -114,10 +114,10 @@ HELP: require
{ $notes "To unconditionally reload a vocabulary, use " { $link reload } ". To reload changed source files only, use the words in " { $link "vocabs.refresh" } "." } ;
HELP: require-when
{ $values { "if" "a vocabulary specifier" } { "then" "a vocabulary specifier" } }
{ $description "Loads the " { $snippet "then" } " vocabulary if it is not loaded and the " { $snippet "if" } " vocabulary is. If the " { $snippet "if" } " vocabulary is not loaded now, but it is later, then the " { $snippet "then" } " vocabulary will be loaded along with it at that time." }
{ $notes "This is used to express a joint dependency of vocabularies. If vocabularies " { $snippet "a" } " and " { $snippet "b" } " use code in vocabulary " { $snippet "c" } " to interact, then the following line can be placed in " { $snippet "a" } " in order express the dependency."
{ $code "\"b\" \"c\" require-when" } } ;
{ $values { "if" "a sequence of vocabulary specifiers" } { "then" "a vocabulary specifier" } }
{ $description "Loads the " { $snippet "then" } " vocabulary if it is not loaded and all of the " { $snippet "if" } " vocabulary is. If some of the " { $snippet "if" } " vocabularies are not loaded now, but they are later, then the " { $snippet "then" } " vocabulary will be loaded along with the final one." }
{ $notes "This is used to express a joint dependency of vocabularies. If vocabularies " { $snippet "a" } " and " { $snippet "b" } " use code in vocabulary " { $snippet "c" } " to interact, then the following line, which can be placed in " { $snippet "a" } " or " { $snippet "b" } ", expresses the dependency."
{ $code "{ \"a\" \"b\" } \"c\" require-when" } } ;
HELP: run
{ $values { "vocab" "a vocabulary specifier" } }
@ -66,10 +66,19 @@ DEFER: require
: load-conditional-requires ( vocab-name -- )
conditional-requires get
[ at [ require ] each ]
[ delete-at ] 2bi ;
SYMBOL: require-when-vocabs
require-when-vocabs [ HS{ } clone ] initialize
SYMBOL: require-when-table
require-when-table [ V{ } clone ] initialize
: load-conditional-requires ( vocab -- )
vocab-name require-when-vocabs get in? [
require-when-table get [
[ [ vocab ] all? ] dip
[ require ] curry when
] assoc-each
] when ;
: load-source ( vocab -- )
dup check-vocab-hook get call( vocab -- )
@ -79,7 +88,7 @@ DEFER: require
[ +parsing+ >>source-loaded? ] dip
[ % ] [ call( -- ) ] if-bootstrapping
+done+ >>source-loaded?
vocab-name load-conditional-requires
] [ ] [ f >>source-loaded? ] cleanup ;
: load-docs ( vocab -- )
@ -97,10 +106,12 @@ PRIVATE>
load-vocab drop ;
: require-when ( if then -- )
over vocab
[ nip require ]
[ swap conditional-requires get [ swap suffix ] change-at ]
if ;
over [ vocab ] all? [
require drop
] [
[ drop [ require-when-vocabs get adjoin ] each ]
[ 2array require-when-table get push ] 2bi
] if ;
: reload ( name -- )
dup vocab
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
USE: vocabs.loader
IN: vocabs.loader.test.m
"vocabs.loader.test.o" "vocabs.loader.test.n" require-when
{ "vocabs.loader.test.o" "vocabs.loader.test.m" }
"vocabs.loader.test.n" require-when
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007, 2009 Eduardo Cavazos, Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors assocs strings kernel sorting namespaces
sequences definitions sets ;
sequences definitions sets combinators ;
IN: vocabs
SYMBOL: dictionary
@ -83,9 +83,6 @@ ERROR: bad-vocab-name name ;
: check-vocab-name ( name -- name )
dup string? [ bad-vocab-name ] unless ;
SYMBOL: conditional-requires
conditional-requires [ H{ } clone ] initialize
: create-vocab ( name -- vocab )
dictionary get [ <vocab> ] cache
@ -91,10 +91,13 @@ TYPED:: make-repeat-fasta ( k: fixnum len: fixnum alu: string -- k': fixnum )
n 2 * ALU "Homo sapiens alu" "ONE" write-repeat-fasta
n 3 * homo-sapiens-chars homo-sapiens-floats
"IUB ambiguity codes" "TWO" write-random-fasta
n 5 * IUB-chars IUB-floats
"Homo sapiens frequency" "THREE" write-random-fasta
] with-file-writer
] ;
@ -1,308 +1,83 @@
! Copyright (C) 2010 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors alien alien.c-types alien.parser
alien.strings arrays assocs byte-arrays classes.struct
combinators continuations cuda.ffi destructors fry io
io.backend io.encodings.string io.encodings.utf8 kernel lexer
locals math math.parser namespaces
prettyprint quotations sequences ;
USING: accessors alien alien.parser alien.strings
alien.syntax arrays assocs byte-arrays classes.struct
combinators continuations cuda.ffi cuda.memory cuda.utils
destructors fry io io.backend io.encodings.string
io.encodings.utf8 kernel lexer locals macros math math.parser
namespaces nested-comments parser
prettyprint quotations sequences words ;
QUALIFIED-WITH: alien.c-types a
IN: cuda
SYMBOL: cuda-device
SYMBOL: cuda-context
SYMBOL: cuda-module
SYMBOL: cuda-function
SYMBOL: cuda-launcher
SYMBOL: cuda-memory-hashtable
ERROR: throw-cuda-error n ;
: cuda-error ( n -- )
dup CUDA_SUCCESS = [ drop ] [ throw-cuda-error ] if ;
: cuda-version ( -- n )
int <c-object> [ cuDriverGetVersion cuda-error ] keep *int ;
: init-cuda ( -- )
0 cuInit cuda-error ;
TUPLE: launcher
{ device integer initial: 0 }
{ device-flags initial: 0 }
path block-shape shared-size grid ;
{ device-flags initial: 0 } ;
TUPLE: function-launcher
dim-block dim-grid shared-size stream ;
: with-cuda-context ( flags device quot -- )
[ CUcontext <c-object> ] 2dip
[ cuCtxCreate cuda-error ] 3keep 2drop *void*
] dip
H{ } clone cuda-modules set-global
H{ } clone cuda-functions set
[ create-context ] dip
[ '[ _ @ ] ]
[ drop '[ _ cuCtxDestroy cuda-error ] ] 2bi
[ drop '[ _ destroy-context ] ] 2bi
[ ] cleanup ; inline
: with-cuda-module ( path quot -- )
[ CUmodule <c-object> ] dip
[ cuModuleLoad cuda-error ] 2keep drop *void*
] dip
[ '[ _ @ ] ]
[ drop '[ _ cuModuleUnload cuda-error ] ] 2bi
[ ] cleanup ; inline
: with-cuda-program ( flags device path quot -- )
: with-cuda-program ( flags device quot -- )
[ dup cuda-device set ] 2dip
cuda-context set
_ [
cuda-module set
_ call
] with-cuda-module
] with-cuda-context ; inline
'[ cuda-context set _ call ] with-cuda-context ; inline
: with-cuda ( launcher quot -- )
H{ } clone cuda-memory-hashtable
] 2dip '[
[ H{ } clone cuda-memory-hashtable ] 2dip '[
[ cuda-launcher set ]
[ [ device>> ] [ device-flags>> ] [ path>> ] tri ] bi
[ [ device>> ] [ device-flags>> ] bi ] bi
_ with-cuda-program
] with-variable ; inline
: c-type>cuda-setter ( c-type -- n cuda-type )
{ [ dup a:int = ] [ drop 4 [ cuda-int* ] ] }
{ [ dup a:uint = ] [ drop 4 [ cuda-int* ] ] }
{ [ dup a:float = ] [ drop 4 [ cuda-float* ] ] }
{ [ dup a:pointer? ] [ drop 4 [ ptr>> cuda-int* ] ] }
{ [ dup a:void* = ] [ drop 4 [ ptr>> cuda-int* ] ] }
} cond ;
: #cuda-devices ( -- n )
int <c-object> [ cuDeviceGetCount cuda-error ] keep *int ;
: n>cuda-device ( n -- device )
[ CUdevice <c-object> ] dip [ cuDeviceGet cuda-error ] 2keep drop *int ;
: enumerate-cuda-devices ( -- devices )
#cuda-devices iota [ n>cuda-device ] map ;
: cuda-device-properties ( device -- properties )
[ CUdevprop <c-object> ] dip
[ cuDeviceGetProperties cuda-error ] 2keep drop
CUdevprop memory>struct ;
: cuda-devices ( -- assoc )
enumerate-cuda-devices [ dup cuda-device-properties ] { } map>assoc ;
: cuda-device-name ( n -- string )
[ 256 [ <byte-array> ] keep ] dip
[ cuDeviceGetName cuda-error ]
[ 2drop utf8 alien>string ] 3bi ;
: cuda-device-capability ( n -- pair )
[ int <c-object> int <c-object> ] dip
[ cuDeviceComputeCapability cuda-error ]
[ drop [ *int ] bi@ ] 3bi 2array ;
: cuda-device-memory ( n -- bytes )
[ uint <c-object> ] dip
[ cuDeviceTotalMem cuda-error ]
[ drop *uint ] 2bi ;
: get-cuda-function* ( module string -- function )
[ CUfunction <c-object> ] 2dip
[ cuModuleGetFunction cuda-error ] 3keep 2drop *void* ;
: get-cuda-function ( string -- function )
[ cuda-module get ] dip get-cuda-function* ;
: with-cuda-function ( string quot -- )
get-cuda-function cuda-function set
] dip call ; inline
: launch-function* ( function -- ) cuLaunch cuda-error ;
: launch-function ( -- ) cuda-function get cuLaunch cuda-error ;
: launch-function-grid* ( function width height -- )
cuLaunchGrid cuda-error ;
: launch-function-grid ( width height -- )
[ cuda-function get ] 2dip
cuLaunchGrid cuda-error ;
TUPLE: cuda-memory < disposable ptr length ;
: <cuda-memory> ( ptr length -- obj )
cuda-memory new-disposable
swap >>length
swap >>ptr ;
: add-cuda-memory ( obj -- obj )
dup dup ptr>> cuda-memory-hashtable get set-at ;
: delete-cuda-memory ( obj -- )
cuda-memory-hashtable delete-at ;
ERROR: invalid-cuda-memory ptr ;
: cuda-memory-length ( cuda-memory -- n )
ptr>> cuda-memory-hashtable get ?at [
] [
] if ;
M: cuda-memory byte-length length>> ;
: cuda-malloc ( n -- ptr )
[ CUdeviceptr <c-object> ] dip
[ cuMemAlloc cuda-error ] 2keep
[ *int ] dip <cuda-memory> add-cuda-memory ;
: cuda-free* ( ptr -- )
cuMemFree cuda-error ;
M: cuda-memory dispose ( ptr -- )
ptr>> cuda-free* ;
: host>device ( dest-ptr src-ptr -- )
[ ptr>> ] dip dup length cuMemcpyHtoD cuda-error ;
:: device>host ( ptr -- seq )
ptr byte-length <byte-array>
[ ptr [ ptr>> ] [ byte-length ] bi cuMemcpyDtoH cuda-error ] keep ;
: memcpy-device>device ( dest-ptr src-ptr count -- )
cuMemcpyDtoD cuda-error ;
: memcpy-device>array ( dest-array dest-index src-ptr count -- )
cuMemcpyDtoA cuda-error ;
: memcpy-array>device ( dest-ptr src-array src-index count -- )
cuMemcpyAtoD cuda-error ;
: memcpy-array>host ( dest-ptr src-array src-index count -- )
cuMemcpyAtoH cuda-error ;
: memcpy-host>array ( dest-array dest-index src-ptr count -- )
cuMemcpyHtoA cuda-error ;
: memcpy-array>array ( dest-array dest-index src-array src-ptr count -- )
cuMemcpyAtoA cuda-error ;
: cuda-int* ( function offset value -- )
cuParamSeti cuda-error ;
: cuda-int ( offset value -- )
[ cuda-function get ] 2dip cuda-int* ;
: cuda-float* ( function offset value -- )
cuParamSetf cuda-error ;
: cuda-float ( offset value -- )
[ cuda-function get ] 2dip cuda-float* ;
: cuda-vector* ( function offset ptr n -- )
cuParamSetv cuda-error ;
: cuda-vector ( offset ptr n -- )
[ cuda-function get ] 3dip cuda-vector* ;
: param-size* ( function n -- )
cuParamSetSize cuda-error ;
: param-size ( n -- )
[ cuda-function get ] dip param-size* ;
: malloc-device-string ( string -- n )
utf8 encode
[ length cuda-malloc ] keep
[ host>device ] [ drop ] 2bi ;
ERROR: bad-cuda-parameter parameter ;
:: set-parameters ( seq -- )
cuda-function get :> function
0 :> offset!
seq [
[ offset ] dip
{ [ dup cuda-memory? ] [ ptr>> cuda-int ] }
{ [ dup float? ] [ cuda-float ] }
{ [ dup integer? ] [ cuda-int ] }
[ bad-cuda-parameter ]
} cond
offset 4 + offset!
] each
offset param-size ;
: cuda-device-attribute ( attribute dev -- n )
[ int <c-object> ] 2dip
[ cuDeviceGetAttribute cuda-error ]
[ 2drop *int ] 3bi ;
: function-block-shape* ( function x y z -- )
cuFuncSetBlockShape cuda-error ;
: function-block-shape ( x y z -- )
[ cuda-function get ] 3dip
cuFuncSetBlockShape cuda-error ;
: function-shared-size* ( function n -- )
cuFuncSetSharedSize cuda-error ;
: function-shared-size ( n -- )
[ cuda-function get ] dip
cuFuncSetSharedSize cuda-error ;
: launch ( -- )
cuda-launcher get {
[ block-shape>> first3 function-block-shape ]
[ shared-size>> function-shared-size ]
: run-function-launcher ( function-launcher function -- )
[ dim-block>> first3 function-block-shape* ]
[ shared-size>> function-shared-size* ]
grid>> [
dim-grid>> [
] [
first2 launch-function-grid
first2 launch-function-grid*
] if-empty
} cleave ;
} 2cleave ;
: cuda-device. ( n -- )
[ "Device: " write number>string print ]
[ "Name: " write cuda-device-name print ]
[ "Memory: " write cuda-device-memory number>string print ]
"Capability: " write
cuda-device-capability [ number>string ] map " " join print
: cuda-argument-setter ( offset c-type -- offset' quot )
[ over [ + ] dip ] dip
'[ swap _ swap _ call ] ;
MACRO: cuda-arguments ( c-types -- quot: ( args... function -- ) )
[ 0 ] dip [ cuda-argument-setter ] map reverse
swap '[ _ param-size* ] suffix
'[ _ cleave ] ;
: define-cuda-word ( word module-name function-name arguments -- )
_ _ cached-function
[ nip _ cuda-arguments ]
[ run-function-launcher ] 2bi
[ "Properties: " write cuda-device-properties . ]
cuda-device-attribute number>string print
} cleave ;
: cuda. ( -- )
"CUDA Version: " write cuda-version number>string print nl
#cuda-devices iota [ nl ] [ cuda-device. ] interleave ;
: test-cuda0 ( -- )
T{ launcher
{ path "vocab:cuda/hello.ptx" }
{ block-shape { 6 6 6 } }
{ shared-size 2 }
{ grid { 2 6 } }
} [
"helloWorld" [
"Hello World!" [ - ] map-index
malloc-device-string &dispose
[ 1array set-parameters ]
[ drop launch ]
[ device>host utf8 alien>string . ] tri
] with-cuda-function
] with-cuda ;
[ 2nip \ function-launcher suffix a:void function-effect ]
3bi define-declared ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Doug Coleman
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
! Copyright (C) 2010 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien.c-types alien.strings cuda cuda.memory cuda.syntax
destructors io io.encodings.utf8 kernel locals math sequences ;
IN: cuda.demos.hello-world
CUDA-LIBRARY: hello vocab:cuda/demos/hello-world/hello.ptx
CUDA-FUNCTION: helloWorld ( char* string-ptr ) ;
:: cuda-hello-world ( -- )
T{ launcher { device 0 } } [
"Hello World!" [ - ] map-index malloc-device-string
&dispose dup :> str
{ 6 1 1 } { 2 1 } 1 3<<< helloWorld
str device>host utf8 alien>string print
] with-cuda ;
MAIN: cuda-hello-world
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Doug Coleman
Joe Groff
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
! Copyright (C) 2010 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien.c-types cuda cuda.syntax locals ;
IN: cuda.demos.prefix-sum
CUDA-LIBRARY: prefix-sum vocab:cuda/demos/prefix-sum/prefix-sum.ptx
CUDA-FUNCTION: prefix_sum_block ( uint* in, uint* out, uint n ) ;
:: cuda-prefix-sum ( -- )
T{ launcher { device 0 } }
! { 1 1 1 } { 2 1 } 0 3<<< prefix_sum_block
] with-cuda ;
MAIN: cuda-prefix-sum
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Doug Coleman
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
! Copyright (C) 2010 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien.c-types alien.strings arrays assocs
byte-arrays classes.struct combinators cuda.ffi cuda.utils io
io.encodings.utf8 kernel math.parser prettyprint sequences ;
IN: cuda.devices
: #cuda-devices ( -- n )
int <c-object> [ cuDeviceGetCount cuda-error ] keep *int ;
: n>cuda-device ( n -- device )
[ CUdevice <c-object> ] dip [ cuDeviceGet cuda-error ] 2keep drop *int ;
: enumerate-cuda-devices ( -- devices )
#cuda-devices iota [ n>cuda-device ] map ;
: cuda-device-properties ( device -- properties )
[ CUdevprop <c-object> ] dip
[ cuDeviceGetProperties cuda-error ] 2keep drop
CUdevprop memory>struct ;
: cuda-devices ( -- assoc )
enumerate-cuda-devices [ dup cuda-device-properties ] { } map>assoc ;
: cuda-device-name ( n -- string )
[ 256 [ <byte-array> ] keep ] dip
[ cuDeviceGetName cuda-error ]
[ 2drop utf8 alien>string ] 3bi ;
: cuda-device-capability ( n -- pair )
[ int <c-object> int <c-object> ] dip
[ cuDeviceComputeCapability cuda-error ]
[ drop [ *int ] bi@ ] 3bi 2array ;
: cuda-device-memory ( n -- bytes )
[ uint <c-object> ] dip
[ cuDeviceTotalMem cuda-error ]
[ drop *uint ] 2bi ;
: cuda-device-attribute ( attribute dev -- n )
[ int <c-object> ] 2dip
[ cuDeviceGetAttribute cuda-error ]
[ 2drop *int ] 3bi ;
: cuda-device. ( n -- )
[ "Device: " write number>string print ]
[ "Name: " write cuda-device-name print ]
[ "Memory: " write cuda-device-memory number>string print ]
"Capability: " write
cuda-device-capability [ number>string ] map " " join print
[ "Properties: " write cuda-device-properties . ]
cuda-device-attribute number>string print
} cleave ;
: cuda. ( -- )
"CUDA Version: " write cuda-version number>string print nl
#cuda-devices iota [ nl ] [ cuda-device. ] interleave ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Doug Coleman
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
! Copyright (C) 2010 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors alien assocs byte-arrays cuda.ffi
cuda.utils destructors io.encodings.string io.encodings.utf8
kernel locals namespaces sequences ;
QUALIFIED-WITH: alien.c-types a
IN: cuda.memory
SYMBOL: cuda-memory-hashtable
TUPLE: cuda-memory < disposable ptr length ;
: <cuda-memory> ( ptr length -- obj )
cuda-memory new-disposable
swap >>length
swap >>ptr ;
: add-cuda-memory ( obj -- obj )
dup dup ptr>> cuda-memory-hashtable get set-at ;
: delete-cuda-memory ( obj -- )
cuda-memory-hashtable delete-at ;
ERROR: invalid-cuda-memory ptr ;
: cuda-memory-length ( cuda-memory -- n )
ptr>> cuda-memory-hashtable get ?at [
] [
] if ;
M: cuda-memory byte-length length>> ;
: cuda-malloc ( n -- ptr )
[ CUdeviceptr <c-object> ] dip
[ cuMemAlloc cuda-error ] 2keep
[ a:*int ] dip <cuda-memory> add-cuda-memory ;
: cuda-free* ( ptr -- )
cuMemFree cuda-error ;
M: cuda-memory dispose ( ptr -- )
ptr>> cuda-free* ;
: memcpy-device>device ( dest-ptr src-ptr count -- )
cuMemcpyDtoD cuda-error ;
: memcpy-device>array ( dest-array dest-index src-ptr count -- )
cuMemcpyDtoA cuda-error ;
: memcpy-array>device ( dest-ptr src-array src-index count -- )
cuMemcpyAtoD cuda-error ;
: memcpy-array>host ( dest-ptr src-array src-index count -- )
cuMemcpyAtoH cuda-error ;
: memcpy-host>array ( dest-array dest-index src-ptr count -- )
cuMemcpyHtoA cuda-error ;
: memcpy-array>array ( dest-array dest-index src-array src-ptr count -- )
cuMemcpyAtoA cuda-error ;
: host>device ( dest-ptr src-ptr -- )
[ ptr>> ] dip dup length cuMemcpyHtoD cuda-error ;
:: device>host ( ptr -- seq )
ptr byte-length <byte-array>
[ ptr [ ptr>> ] [ byte-length ] bi cuMemcpyDtoH cuda-error ] keep ;
: malloc-device-string ( string -- n )
utf8 encode
[ length cuda-malloc ] keep
[ host>device ] [ drop ] 2bi ;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
! (c)2010 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: accessors arrays combinators io kernel math math.parser
roles sequences strings variants words ;
USING: accessors arrays combinators io io.streams.string kernel
math math.parser roles sequences strings variants words ;
FROM: roles => TUPLE: ;
IN: cuda.ptx
@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ TUPLE: ptx-variable
{ parameter ?integer }
{ dim dim }
{ initializer ?string } ;
UNION: ?ptx-variable POSTPONE: f ptx-variable ;
TUPLE: ptx-predicate
{ negated? boolean }
@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ TUPLE: ptx-entry
body ;
TUPLE: ptx-func < ptx-entry
{ return ptx-variable } ;
{ return ?ptx-variable } ;
TUPLE: ptx-directive ;
@ -241,7 +242,7 @@ TUPLE: cnot < ptx-2op-instruction ;
TUPLE: copysign < ptx-3op-instruction ;
TUPLE: cos <{ ptx-2op-instruction ptx-float-env } ;
TUPLE: cvt < ptx-2op-instruction
{ rounding-mode ?ptx-rounding-mode }
{ round ?ptx-rounding-mode }
{ ftz? boolean }
{ sat? boolean }
{ dest-type ptx-type } ;
@ -253,7 +254,7 @@ TUPLE: ex2 <{ ptx-2op-instruction ptx-float-env } ;
TUPLE: exit < ptx-instruction ;
TUPLE: fma <{ ptx-mad-instruction ptx-float-env } ;
TUPLE: isspacep < ptx-instruction
{ storage-space ?ptx-storage-space }
{ storage-space ptx-storage-space }
{ dest string }
{ a string } ;
TUPLE: ld < ptx-ldst-instruction ;
@ -331,15 +332,23 @@ TUPLE: xor < ptx-3op-instruction ;
GENERIC: ptx-element-label ( elt -- label )
M: object ptx-element-label drop f ;
GENERIC: ptx-semicolon? ( elt -- ? )
M: object ptx-semicolon? drop t ;
M: ptx-target ptx-semicolon? drop f ;
M: ptx-entry ptx-semicolon? drop f ;
M: ptx-func ptx-semicolon? drop f ;
M: .file ptx-semicolon? drop f ;
M: .loc ptx-semicolon? drop f ;
GENERIC: (write-ptx-element) ( elt -- )
: write-ptx-element ( elt -- )
dup ptx-element-label [ write ":" write ] when*
"\t" write (write-ptx-element)
";" print ;
"\t" write dup (write-ptx-element)
ptx-semicolon? [ ";" print ] [ nl ] if ;
: write-ptx ( ptx -- )
"\t.version " write dup version>> write ";" print
"\t.version " write dup version>> print
dup target>> write-ptx-element
body>> [ write-ptx-element ] each ;
@ -399,9 +408,9 @@ M: ptx-variable (write-ptx-element)
"\t}" write ;
: write-entry ( entry -- )
dup name>> write " " write
dup params>> [ write-params ] when* nl
dup directives>> [ (write-ptx-element) ] each nl
dup name>> write
dup params>> [ " " write write-params ] when* nl
dup directives>> [ (write-ptx-element) nl ] each
dup body>> write-body
drop ;
@ -538,7 +547,7 @@ M: (write-ptx-element)
dup b>> [ ", " write write ] when*
", " write c>> write ;
M: bar.sync (write-ptx-element)
"bar.arrive " write-insn
"bar.sync " write-insn
dup a>> write
dup b>> [ ", " write write ] when*
drop ;
@ -554,15 +563,16 @@ M: bfind (write-ptx-element)
write-2op ;
M: bra (write-ptx-element)
"bra" write-insn
dup write-uni
" " write target>> write ;
dup write-uni " " write
target>> write ;
M: brev (write-ptx-element)
"brev" write-insn
write-2op ;
M: brkpt (write-ptx-element)
"brkpt" write-insn drop ;
M: call (write-ptx-element)
"call" write-insn " " write
"call" write-insn
dup write-uni " " write
dup return>> [ "(" write write "), " write ] when*
dup target>> write
dup params>> [ ", (" write ", " join write ")" write ] unless-empty
@ -582,7 +592,7 @@ M: cos (write-ptx-element)
write-2op ;
M: cvt (write-ptx-element)
"cvt" write-insn
dup rounding-mode>> (write-ptx-element)
dup round>> (write-ptx-element)
dup write-ftz
dup write-sat
dup dest-type>> (write-ptx-element)
@ -676,12 +686,17 @@ M: prefetchu (write-ptx-element)
" " write a>> write ;
M: prmt (write-ptx-element)
"prmt" write-insn
dup mode>> (write-ptx-element)
write-4op ;
dup type>> (write-ptx-element)
dup mode>> (write-ptx-element) " " write
dup dest>> write ", " write
dup a>> write ", " write
dup b>> write ", " write
dup c>> write
drop ;
M: rcp (write-ptx-element)
"rcp" write-insn
dup write-float-env
write-3op ;
write-2op ;
M: red (write-ptx-element)
"red" write-insn
dup storage-space>> (write-ptx-element)
@ -749,10 +764,15 @@ M: testp (write-ptx-element)
"testp" write-insn
dup op>> (write-ptx-element)
write-2op ;
M: trap (write-ptx-element)
"trap" write-insn drop ;
M: vote (write-ptx-element)
"vote" write-insn
dup mode>> (write-ptx-element)
write-2op ;
M: xor (write-ptx-element)
"or" write-insn
"xor" write-insn
write-3op ;
: ptx>string ( ptx -- string )
[ write-ptx ] with-string-writer ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Doug Coleman
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
! Copyright (C) 2010 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien.parser cuda cuda.utils io.backend kernel lexer
namespaces parser ;
IN: cuda.syntax
scan scan normalize-path
[ add-cuda-library ]
[ drop current-cuda-library set-global ] 2bi ;
scan [ create-in current-cuda-library get ] [ ] bi
";" scan-c-args drop define-cuda-word ;
: 3<<< ( dim-block dim-grid shared-size -- function-launcher )
f function-launcher boa ;
: 4<<< ( dim-block dim-grid shared-size stream -- function-launcher )
function-launcher boa ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Doug Coleman
@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
! Copyright (C) 2010 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors alien.c-types alien.strings arrays
assocs byte-arrays classes.struct combinators cuda.ffi io
io.backend io.encodings.utf8 kernel math.parser namespaces
prettyprint sequences ;
IN: cuda.utils
SYMBOL: cuda-device
SYMBOL: cuda-context
SYMBOL: cuda-module
SYMBOL: cuda-function
SYMBOL: cuda-launcher
SYMBOL: cuda-modules
SYMBOL: cuda-functions
ERROR: throw-cuda-error n ;
: cuda-error ( n -- )
dup CUDA_SUCCESS = [ drop ] [ throw-cuda-error ] if ;
: init-cuda ( -- )
0 cuInit cuda-error ;
: cuda-version ( -- n )
int <c-object> [ cuDriverGetVersion cuda-error ] keep *int ;
: get-function-ptr* ( module string -- function )
[ CUfunction <c-object> ] 2dip
[ cuModuleGetFunction cuda-error ] 3keep 2drop *void* ;
: get-function-ptr ( string -- function )
[ cuda-module get ] dip get-function-ptr* ;
: with-cuda-function ( string quot -- )
get-function-ptr* cuda-function set
] dip call ; inline
: create-context ( flags device -- context )
[ CUcontext <c-object> ] 2dip
[ cuCtxCreate cuda-error ] 3keep 2drop *void* ;
: destroy-context ( context -- ) cuCtxDestroy cuda-error ;
SYMBOL: cuda-libraries
cuda-libraries [ H{ } clone ] initialize
SYMBOL: current-cuda-library
TUPLE: cuda-library name path handle ;
: <cuda-library> ( name path -- obj )
\ cuda-library new
swap >>path
swap >>name ;
: add-cuda-library ( name path -- )
normalize-path <cuda-library>
dup name>> cuda-libraries get-global set-at ;
: ?delete-at ( key assoc -- old/key ? )
2dup delete-at* [ 2nip t ] [ 2drop f ] if ; inline
ERROR: no-cuda-library name ;
: load-module ( path -- module )
[ CUmodule <c-object> ] dip
[ cuModuleLoad cuda-error ] 2keep drop *void* ;
: unload-module ( module -- )
cuModuleUnload cuda-error ;
: load-cuda-library ( library -- handle )
path>> load-module ;
: lookup-cuda-library ( name -- cuda-library )
cuda-libraries get ?at [ no-cuda-library ] unless ;
: remove-cuda-library ( name -- library )
cuda-libraries get ?delete-at [ no-cuda-library ] unless ;
: unload-cuda-library ( name -- )
remove-cuda-library handle>> unload-module ;
: cached-module ( module-name -- alien )
cuda-modules get-global [ load-cuda-library ] cache ;
: cached-function ( module-name function-name -- alien )
[ cached-module ] dip
2array cuda-functions get [ first2 get-function-ptr* ] cache ;
: launch-function* ( function -- ) cuLaunch cuda-error ;
: launch-function ( -- ) cuda-function get cuLaunch cuda-error ;
: cuda-int* ( function offset value -- )
cuParamSeti cuda-error ;
: cuda-int ( offset value -- )
[ cuda-function get ] 2dip cuda-int* ;
: cuda-float* ( function offset value -- )
cuParamSetf cuda-error ;
: cuda-float ( offset value -- )
[ cuda-function get ] 2dip cuda-float* ;
: cuda-vector* ( function offset ptr n -- )
cuParamSetv cuda-error ;
: cuda-vector ( offset ptr n -- )
[ cuda-function get ] 3dip cuda-vector* ;
: param-size* ( function n -- )
cuParamSetSize cuda-error ;
: param-size ( n -- )
[ cuda-function get ] dip param-size* ;
: launch-function-grid* ( function width height -- )
cuLaunchGrid cuda-error ;
: launch-function-grid ( width height -- )
[ cuda-function get ] 2dip
cuLaunchGrid cuda-error ;
: function-block-shape* ( function x y z -- )
cuFuncSetBlockShape cuda-error ;
: function-block-shape ( x y z -- )
[ cuda-function get ] 3dip
cuFuncSetBlockShape cuda-error ;
: function-shared-size* ( function n -- )
cuFuncSetSharedSize cuda-error ;
: function-shared-size ( n -- )
[ cuda-function get ] dip
cuFuncSetSharedSize cuda-error ;
@ -112,6 +112,6 @@ PRIVATE>
M: game-loop dispose
stop-loop ;
USING: vocabs vocabs.loader ;
USE: vocabs.loader
"prettyprint" "game.loop.prettyprint" require-when
{ "game.loop" "prettyprint" } "game.loop.prettyprint" require-when
@ -632,4 +632,4 @@ M: program-instance dispose
[ world>> ] [ program>> instances>> ] [ ] tri ?delete-at
reset-memos ;
"prettyprint" "gpu.shaders.prettyprint" require-when
{ "gpu.shaders" "prettyprint" } "gpu.shaders.prettyprint" require-when
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Doug Coleman
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Doug Coleman
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
! Copyright (C) 2010 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien.syntax core-foundation core-foundation.strings
javascriptcore.ffi ;
IN: javascriptcore.core-foundation
FUNCTION: JSStringRef JSStringCreateWithCFString ( CFStringRef string ) ;
FUNCTION: CFStringRef JSStringCopyCFString ( CFAllocatorRef alloc, JSStringRef string ) ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Doug Coleman
@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
! Copyright (C) 2010 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien alien.c-types alien.libraries alien.syntax
classes.struct combinators io.encodings.utf8 system ;
IN: javascriptcore.ffi
"javascriptcore" {
{ [ os macosx? ] [ "/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/Versions/Current/JavaScriptCore" ] }
! { [ os winnt? ] [ "javascriptcore.dll" ] }
! { [ os unix? ] [ "" ] }
} cond cdecl add-library
LIBRARY: javascriptcore
TYPEDEF: void* JSContextGroupRef
TYPEDEF: void* JSContextRef
TYPEDEF: void* JSGlobalContextRef
TYPEDEF: void* JSStringRef
TYPEDEF: void* JSClassRef
TYPEDEF: void* JSPropertyNameArrayRef
TYPEDEF: void* JSPropertyNameAccumulatorRef
TYPEDEF: void* JSValueRef
TYPEDEF: void* JSObjectRef
TYPEDEF: void* JSObjectInitializeCallback
TYPEDEF: void* JSObjectFinalizeCallback
TYPEDEF: void* JSObjectHasPropertyCallback
TYPEDEF: void* JSObjectGetPropertyCallback
TYPEDEF: void* JSObjectSetPropertyCallback
TYPEDEF: void* JSObjectDeletePropertyCallback
TYPEDEF: void* JSObjectGetPropertyNamesCallback
TYPEDEF: void* JSObjectCallAsFunctionCallback
TYPEDEF: void* JSObjectCallAsConstructorCallback
TYPEDEF: void* JSObjectHasInstanceCallback
TYPEDEF: void* JSObjectConvertToTypeCallback
TYPEDEF: uint unsigned
TYPEDEF: ushort JSChar
! char[utf16n] for strings
C-ENUM: JSPropertyAttributes
{ kJSPropertyAttributeNone 0 }
{ kJSPropertyAttributeReadOnly 2 }
{ kJSPropertyAttributeDontEnum 4 }
{ kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete 8 } ;
C-ENUM: JSClassAttributes
{ kJSClassAttributeNone 0 }
{ kJSClassAttributeNoAutomaticPrototype 2 } ;
kJSTypeObject ;
STRUCT: JSStaticValue
{ name c-string }
{ getProperty JSObjectGetPropertyCallback }
{ setProperty JSObjectSetPropertyCallback }
{ attributes JSPropertyAttributes } ;
STRUCT: JSStaticFunction
{ name c-string }
{ callAsFunction JSObjectCallAsFunctionCallback } ;
STRUCT: JSClassDefinition
{ version int }
{ attributes JSClassAttributes }
{ className c-string }
{ parentClass JSClassRef }
{ staticValues JSStaticValue* }
{ staticFunctions JSStaticFunction* }
{ initialize JSObjectInitializeCallback }
{ finalize JSObjectFinalizeCallback }
{ hasProperty JSObjectHasPropertyCallback }
{ getProperty JSObjectGetPropertyCallback }
{ setProperty JSObjectSetPropertyCallback }
{ deleteProperty JSObjectDeletePropertyCallback }
{ getPropertyNames JSObjectGetPropertyNamesCallback }
{ callAsFunction JSObjectCallAsFunctionCallback }
{ callAsConstructor JSObjectCallAsConstructorCallback }
{ hasInstance JSObjectHasInstanceCallback }
{ convertToType JSObjectConvertToTypeCallback } ;
ALIAS: kJSClassDefinitionEmpty JSClassDefinition
FUNCTION: JSValueRef JSEvaluateScript (
JSContextRef ctx,
JSStringRef script,
JSObjectRef thisObject,
JSStringRef sourceURL,
int startingLineNumber,
JSValueRef* exception ) ;
FUNCTION: bool JSCheckScriptSyntax (
JSContextRef ctx,
JSStringRef script,
JSStringRef sourceURL,
int startingLineNumber,
JSValueRef* exception ) ;
FUNCTION: void JSGarbageCollect
( JSContextRef ctx ) ;
FUNCTION: JSContextGroupRef JSContextGroupCreate
( ) ;
FUNCTION: JSContextGroupRef JSContextGroupRetain
( JSContextGroupRef group ) ;
FUNCTION: void JSContextGroupRelease
( JSContextGroupRef group ) ;
FUNCTION: JSGlobalContextRef JSGlobalContextCreate
( JSClassRef globalObjectClass ) ;
FUNCTION: JSGlobalContextRef JSGlobalContextCreateInGroup (
JSContextGroupRef group,
JSClassRef globalObjectClass ) ;
FUNCTION: JSGlobalContextRef JSGlobalContextRetain
( JSGlobalContextRef ctx ) ;
FUNCTION: void JSGlobalContextRelease
( JSGlobalContextRef ctx ) ;
FUNCTION: JSObjectRef JSContextGetGlobalObject
( JSContextRef ctx ) ;
FUNCTION: JSContextGroupRef JSContextGetGroup
( JSContextRef ctx ) ;
FUNCTION: JSClassRef JSClassCreate
( JSClassDefinition* definition ) ;
FUNCTION: JSClassRef JSClassRetain
( JSClassRef jsClass ) ;
FUNCTION: void JSClassRelease
( JSClassRef jsClass ) ;
FUNCTION: JSObjectRef JSObjectMake
( JSContextRef ctx,
JSClassRef jsClass, void* data ) ;
FUNCTION: JSObjectRef JSObjectMakeFunctionWithCallback ( JSContextRef ctx, JSStringRef name, JSObjectCallAsFunctionCallback callAsFunction ) ;
FUNCTION: JSObjectRef JSObjectMakeConstructor ( JSContextRef ctx, JSClassRef jsClass, JSObjectCallAsConstructorCallback callAsConstructor ) ;
FUNCTION: JSObjectRef JSObjectMakeArray ( JSContextRef ctx, size_t argumentCount, JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef* exception ) ;
FUNCTION: JSObjectRef JSObjectMakeDate ( JSContextRef ctx, size_t argumentCount, JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef* exception ) ;
FUNCTION: JSObjectRef JSObjectMakeError ( JSContextRef ctx, size_t argumentCount, JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef* exception ) ;
FUNCTION: JSObjectRef JSObjectMakeRegExp ( JSContextRef ctx, size_t argumentCount, JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef* exception ) ;
FUNCTION: JSObjectRef JSObjectMakeFunction ( JSContextRef ctx, JSStringRef name, unsigned parameterCount, JSStringRef parameterNames[], JSStringRef body, JSStringRef sourceURL, int startingLineNumber, JSValueRef* exception ) ;
FUNCTION: JSValueRef JSObjectGetPrototype ( JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object ) ;
FUNCTION: void JSObjectSetPrototype ( JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSValueRef value ) ;
FUNCTION: bool JSObjectHasProperty ( JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef propertyName ) ;
FUNCTION: JSValueRef JSObjectGetProperty ( JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef propertyName, JSValueRef* exception ) ;
FUNCTION: void JSObjectSetProperty ( JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef propertyName, JSValueRef value, JSPropertyAttributes attributes, JSValueRef* exception ) ;
FUNCTION: bool JSObjectDeleteProperty ( JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSStringRef propertyName, JSValueRef* exception ) ;
FUNCTION: JSValueRef JSObjectGetPropertyAtIndex ( JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, unsigned propertyIndex, JSValueRef* exception ) ;
FUNCTION: void JSObjectSetPropertyAtIndex ( JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, unsigned propertyIndex, JSValueRef value, JSValueRef* exception ) ;
FUNCTION: void* JSObjectGetPrivate ( JSObjectRef object ) ;
FUNCTION: bool JSObjectSetPrivate ( JSObjectRef object, void* data ) ;
FUNCTION: bool JSObjectIsFunction ( JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object ) ;
FUNCTION: JSValueRef JSObjectCallAsFunction ( JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argumentCount, JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef* exception ) ;
FUNCTION: bool JSObjectIsConstructor ( JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object ) ;
FUNCTION: JSObjectRef JSObjectCallAsConstructor ( JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, size_t argumentCount, JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef* exception ) ;
FUNCTION: JSPropertyNameArrayRef JSObjectCopyPropertyNames ( JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object ) ;
FUNCTION: JSPropertyNameArrayRef JSPropertyNameArrayRetain ( JSPropertyNameArrayRef array ) ;
FUNCTION: void JSPropertyNameArrayRelease ( JSPropertyNameArrayRef array ) ;
FUNCTION: size_t JSPropertyNameArrayGetCount ( JSPropertyNameArrayRef array ) ;
FUNCTION: JSStringRef JSPropertyNameArrayGetNameAtIndex ( JSPropertyNameArrayRef array, size_t index ) ;
FUNCTION: void JSPropertyNameAccumulatorAddName ( JSPropertyNameAccumulatorRef accumulator, JSStringRef propertyName ) ;
FUNCTION: JSStringRef JSStringCreateWithCharacters ( JSChar* chars, size_t numChars ) ;
FUNCTION: JSStringRef JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString ( c-string[utf8] string ) ;
FUNCTION: JSStringRef JSStringRetain ( JSStringRef string ) ;
FUNCTION: void JSStringRelease ( JSStringRef string ) ;
FUNCTION: size_t JSStringGetLength ( JSStringRef string ) ;
FUNCTION: JSChar* JSStringGetCharactersPtr ( JSStringRef string ) ;
FUNCTION: size_t JSStringGetMaximumUTF8CStringSize ( JSStringRef string ) ;
FUNCTION: size_t JSStringGetUTF8CString ( JSStringRef string, char* buffer, size_t bufferSize ) ;
FUNCTION: bool JSStringIsEqual ( JSStringRef a, JSStringRef b ) ;
FUNCTION: bool JSStringIsEqualToUTF8CString ( JSStringRef a, char* b ) ;
FUNCTION: JSType JSValueGetType ( JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value ) ;
FUNCTION: bool JSValueIsUndefined ( JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value ) ;
FUNCTION: bool JSValueIsNull ( JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value ) ;
FUNCTION: bool JSValueIsBoolean ( JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value ) ;
FUNCTION: bool JSValueIsNumber ( JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value ) ;
FUNCTION: bool JSValueIsString ( JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value ) ;
FUNCTION: bool JSValueIsObject ( JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value ) ;
FUNCTION: bool JSValueIsObjectOfClass ( JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value, JSClassRef jsClass ) ;
FUNCTION: bool JSValueIsEqual ( JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef a, JSValueRef b, JSValueRef* exception ) ;
FUNCTION: bool JSValueIsStrictEqual ( JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef a, JSValueRef b ) ;
FUNCTION: bool JSValueIsInstanceOfConstructor ( JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value, JSObjectRef constructor, JSValueRef* exception ) ;
FUNCTION: JSValueRef JSValueMakeUndefined ( JSContextRef ctx ) ;
FUNCTION: JSValueRef JSValueMakeNull ( JSContextRef ctx ) ;
FUNCTION: JSValueRef JSValueMakeBoolean ( JSContextRef ctx, bool boolean ) ;
FUNCTION: JSValueRef JSValueMakeNumber ( JSContextRef ctx, double number ) ;
FUNCTION: JSValueRef JSValueMakeString ( JSContextRef ctx, JSStringRef string ) ;
FUNCTION: bool JSValueToBoolean ( JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value ) ;
FUNCTION: double JSValueToNumber ( JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value, JSValueRef* exception ) ;
FUNCTION: JSStringRef JSValueToStringCopy ( JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value, JSValueRef* exception ) ;
FUNCTION: JSObjectRef JSValueToObject ( JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value, JSValueRef* exception ) ;
FUNCTION: void JSValueProtect ( JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value ) ;
FUNCTION: void JSValueUnprotect ( JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value ) ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Doug Coleman
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
! Copyright (C) 2010 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien alien.accessors alien.syntax kernel kernel.private
math system ;
IN: javascriptcore.ffi.hack
HOOK: set-callstack-bounds os ( -- )
HOOK: macosx-callstack-start-offset cpu ( -- address )
HOOK: macosx-callstack-size-offset cpu ( -- address )
M: ppc macosx-callstack-start-offset HEX: 188 ;
M: ppc macosx-callstack-size-offset HEX: 18c ;
M: x86.32 macosx-callstack-start-offset HEX: c48 ;
M: x86.32 macosx-callstack-size-offset HEX: c4c ;
M: x86.64 macosx-callstack-start-offset HEX: 1860 ;
M: x86.64 macosx-callstack-size-offset HEX: 1868 ;
M: object set-callstack-bounds ;
FUNCTION: void* pthread_self ( ) ;
M: macosx set-callstack-bounds
callstack-bounds over [ alien-address ] bi@ -
[ macosx-callstack-size-offset set-alien-unsigned-cell ]
[ macosx-callstack-start-offset set-alien-cell ] bi ;
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
! Copyright (C) 2010 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: javascriptcore.ffi.hack kernel ;
IN: javascriptcore
: with-javascriptcore ( quot -- )
call ; inline
@ -214,4 +214,10 @@ void factor_vm::primitive_set_innermost_stack_frame_quot()
FRAME_RETURN_ADDRESS(inner,this) = (char *)quot->entry_point + offset;
void factor_vm::primitive_callstack_bounds()
@ -265,6 +265,9 @@ struct initial_code_block_visitor {
case RT_FLOAT:
@ -111,6 +111,9 @@ struct code_block_compaction_relocation_visitor {
case RT_FLOAT:
@ -185,6 +185,9 @@ struct code_block_fixup_relocation_visitor {
case RT_FLOAT:
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