Merge branch 'master' of

Eduardo Cavazos 2008-06-01 10:48:01 -05:00
commit e8be61ece5
21 changed files with 681 additions and 172 deletions

View File

@ -1,73 +1,39 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Matthew Willis.
! See for BSD license.
USING: cairo cairo.ffi ui.render kernel opengl
math byte-arrays ui.gadgets accessors arrays
namespaces io.backend ;
USING: sequences math opengl.gadgets kernel
byte-arrays cairo.ffi cairo io.backend arrays ;
IN: cairo.gadgets
! We need two kinds of gadgets:
! one performs the cairo ops once and caches the bytes, the other
! performs cairo ops every refresh
TUPLE: cairo-gadget width height quot cache? bytes ;
PREDICATE: cached-cairo < cairo-gadget cache?>> ;
: <cairo-gadget> ( width height quot -- cairo-gadget )
cairo-gadget construct-gadget
swap >>quot
swap >>height
swap >>width ;
: <cached-cairo> ( width height quot -- cairo-gadget )
<cairo-gadget> t >>cache? ;
: width>stride ( width -- stride ) 4 * ;
: copy-cairo ( width height quot -- byte-array )
>r over width>stride
: copy-cairo ( dim quot -- byte-array )
>r first2 over width>stride
[ * nip <byte-array> dup CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32 ]
[ cairo_image_surface_create_for_data ] 3bi
r> with-cairo-from-surface ;
: (cairo>bytes) ( gadget -- byte-array )
[ width>> ] [ height>> ] [ quot>> ] tri copy-cairo ;
: <cairo-gadget> ( dim quot -- )
over 2^-bounds swap copy-cairo
GL_BGRA rot <texture-gadget> ;
GENERIC: cairo>bytes
M: cairo-gadget cairo>bytes ( gadget -- byte-array )
(cairo>bytes) ;
M: cached-cairo cairo>bytes ( gadget -- byte-array )
dup bytes>> [ ] [
dup (cairo>bytes) [ >>bytes drop ] keep
] ?if ;
: cairo>png ( gadget path -- )
>r [ cairo>bytes CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32 ] [ width>> ]
[ height>> ] tri over width>stride
r> [ cairo_surface_write_to_png check-cairo ] curry with-surface ;
M: cairo-gadget draw-gadget* ( gadget -- )
origin get [
0 0 glRasterPos2i
1.0 -1.0 glPixelZoom
[ width>> ] [ height>> GL_BGRA GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE ]
[ cairo>bytes ] tri glDrawPixels
] with-translation ;
M: cairo-gadget pref-dim* ( gadget -- rect )
[ width>> ] [ height>> ] bi 2array ;
! maybe also texture>png
! : cairo>png ( gadget path -- )
! >r [ cairo>bytes CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32 ] [ width>> ]
! [ height>> ] tri over width>stride
! cairo_image_surface_create_for_data
! r> [ cairo_surface_write_to_png check-cairo ] curry with-surface ;
: copy-surface ( surface -- )
cr swap 0 0 cairo_set_source_surface
cr cairo_paint ;
: <bytes-gadget> ( width height bytes -- cairo-gadget )
>r [ ] <cached-cairo> r> >>bytes ;
: <png-gadget> ( path -- gadget )
normalize-path cairo_image_surface_create_from_png
[ cairo_image_surface_get_width ]
[ cairo_image_surface_get_height 2dup ]
[ cairo_image_surface_get_height 2array dup 2^-bounds ]
[ [ copy-surface ] curry copy-cairo ] tri
<bytes-gadget> ;
GL_BGRA rot <texture-gadget> ;

View File

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
USING: cairo.pango cairo cairo.ffi cairo.gadgets
alien.c-types kernel math ;
IN: cairo.pango.gadgets
: (pango-gadget) ( setup show -- gadget )
[ drop layout-size ]
[ compose [ with-pango ] curry <cached-cairo> ] 2bi ;
: <pango-gadget> ( quot -- gadget )
[ cr layout pango_cairo_show_layout ] (pango-gadget) ;
USING: prettyprint sequences ui.gadgets.panes ;
: hello-pango ( -- )
50 [ 6 + ] map [
"Sans Bold " swap unparse append
[ layout-font "Hello, Pango!" layout-text ] curry
<pango-gadget> gadget.
] each ;
MAIN: hello-pango

View File

@ -142,6 +142,6 @@ IN: cairo.samples
USING: quotations cairo.gadgets ui.gadgets.panes sequences ;
: samples ( -- )
{ arc clip clip-image dash gradient text utf8 }
[ 256 256 rot 1quotation <cached-cairo> gadget. ] each ;
[ { 256 256 } swap 1quotation <cairo-gadget> gadget. ] each ;
MAIN: samples
MAIN: samples

View File

@ -39,31 +39,13 @@ TUPLE: statement handle sql in-params out-params bind-params bound? type ;
TUPLE: simple-statement < statement ;
TUPLE: prepared-statement < statement ;
SINGLETON: throwable
SINGLETON: nonthrowable
: make-throwable ( obj -- obj' )
dup sequence? [
[ make-throwable ] map
] [
throwable >>type
] if ;
: make-nonthrowable ( obj -- obj' )
dup sequence? [
[ make-nonthrowable ] map
] [
nonthrowable >>type
] if ;
TUPLE: result-set sql in-params out-params handle n max ;
: construct-statement ( sql in out class -- statement )
swap >>out-params
swap >>in-params
swap >>sql
throwable >>type ;
swap >>sql ;
HOOK: <simple-statement> db ( str in out -- statement )
HOOK: <prepared-statement> db ( str in out -- statement )
@ -81,12 +63,9 @@ GENERIC: more-rows? ( result-set -- ? )
GENERIC: execute-statement* ( statement type -- )
M: throwable execute-statement* ( statement type -- )
M: object execute-statement* ( statement type -- )
drop query-results dispose ;
M: nonthrowable execute-statement* ( statement type -- )
drop [ query-results dispose ] [ 2drop ] recover ;
: execute-statement ( statement -- )
dup sequence? [
[ execute-statement ] each

View File

@ -8,9 +8,8 @@ IN: db.queries
GENERIC: where ( specs obj -- )
: maybe-make-retryable ( statement -- statement )
dup in-params>> [ generator-bind? ] contains? [
] when ;
dup in-params>> [ generator-bind? ] contains?
[ make-retryable ] when ;
: query-make ( class quot -- )
>r sql-props r>

View File

@ -199,10 +199,9 @@ TUPLE: annotation n paste-id summary author mode contents ;
: test-sqlite ( quot -- )
>r "tuples-test.db" temp-file sqlite-db r> with-db ;
! : test-postgresql ( quot -- )
! >r { "localhost" "postgres" "foob" "factor-test" } postgresql-db r> with-db ;
: test-postgresql ( quot -- )
>r { "localhost" "postgres" "foob" "factor-test" } postgresql-db r> with-db ;
: test-postgresql drop ;
: test-repeated-insert
[ ] [ person ensure-table ] unit-test
[ ] [ person1 get insert-tuple ] unit-test

View File

@ -112,8 +112,8 @@ M: retryable execute-statement* ( statement type -- )
: recreate-table ( class -- )
drop-sql-statement make-nonthrowable
[ execute-statement ] with-disposals
[ drop-sql-statement [ execute-statement ] with-disposals
] curry ignore-errors
] [ create-table ] bi ;
: ensure-table ( class -- )

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
USING: arrays json.reader kernel multiline strings tools.test ;
IN: json.reader.tests
{ f } [ "false" json> ] unit-test
{ t } [ "true" json> ] unit-test
{ json-null } [ "null" json> ] unit-test
{ 0 } [ "0" json> ] unit-test
{ 102 } [ "102" json> ] unit-test
{ -102 } [ "-102" json> ] unit-test
{ 102 } [ "+102" json> ] unit-test
{ 102.0 } [ "102.0" json> ] unit-test
{ 102.5 } [ "102.5" json> ] unit-test
{ 102.5 } [ "102.50" json> ] unit-test
{ -10250 } [ "-102.5e2" json> ] unit-test
{ -10250 } [ "-102.5E+2" json> ] unit-test
{ 10.25 } [ "1025e-2" json> ] unit-test
{ 0.125 } [ "0.125" json> ] unit-test
{ -0.125 } [ "-0.125" json> ] unit-test
{ " fuzzy pickles " } [ <" " fuzzy pickles " "> json> ] unit-test
{ "while 1:\n\tpass" } [ <" "while 1:\n\tpass" "> json> ] unit-test
{ 8 9 10 12 13 34 47 92 } >string 1array [ <" "\b\t\n\f\r\"\/\\" "> json> ] unit-test
{ HEX: abcd } >string 1array [ <" "\uaBCd" "> json> ] unit-test
{ { 1 "two" 3.0 } } [ <" [1, "two", 3.0] "> json> ] unit-test
{ H{ { "US$" 1.0 } { "EU€" 1.5 } } } [ <" { "US$":1.00, "EU\u20AC":1.50 } "> json> ] unit-test
{ H{
{ "fib" { 1 1 2 3 5 8 H{ { "etc" "etc" } } } }
{ "prime" { 2 3 5 7 11 13 } }
} } [ <" {
"fib": [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,
{ "etc":"etc" } ],
[ 2,3, 5,7,
] }
"> json> ] unit-test
{ 0 } [ " 0" json> ] unit-test
{ 0 } [ "0 " json> ] unit-test
{ 0 } [ " 0 " json> ] unit-test

View File

@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ IN: json.reader
! Grammar for JSON from RFC 4627
SYMBOL: json-null
: [<&>] ( quot -- quot )
{ } make unclip [ <&> ] reduce ;
@ -17,8 +19,7 @@ LAZY: 'ws' ( -- parser )
" " token
"\n" token <|>
"\r" token <|>
"\t" token <|>
"" token <|> ;
"\t" token <|> <*> ;
LAZY: spaced ( parser -- parser )
'ws' swap &> 'ws' <& ;
@ -42,24 +43,39 @@ LAZY: 'value-separator' ( -- parser )
"," token spaced ;
LAZY: 'false' ( -- parser )
"false" token ;
"false" token [ drop f ] <@ ;
LAZY: 'null' ( -- parser )
"null" token ;
"null" token [ drop json-null ] <@ ;
LAZY: 'true' ( -- parser )
"true" token ;
"true" token [ drop t ] <@ ;
LAZY: 'quot' ( -- parser )
"\"" token ;
LAZY: 'hex-digit' ( -- parser )
[ digit> ] satisfy [ digit> ] <@ ;
: hex-digits>ch ( digits -- ch )
0 [ swap 16 * + ] reduce ;
LAZY: 'string-char' ( -- parser )
[ quotable? ] satisfy
"\\b" token [ drop 8 ] <@ <|>
"\\t" token [ drop CHAR: \t ] <@ <|>
"\\n" token [ drop CHAR: \n ] <@ <|>
"\\f" token [ drop 12 ] <@ <|>
"\\r" token [ drop CHAR: \r ] <@ <|>
"\\\"" token [ drop CHAR: " ] <@ <|>
"\\/" token [ drop CHAR: / ] <@ <|>
"\\\\" token [ drop CHAR: \\ ] <@ <|>
"\\u" token 'hex-digit' 4 exactly-n &>
[ hex-digits>ch ] <@ <|> ;
LAZY: 'string' ( -- parser )
[ quotable? ] keep
[ CHAR: \\ = or ] keep
CHAR: " = not and
] satisfy <*> &>
'string-char' <*> &>
'quot' <& [ >string ] <@ ;
DEFER: 'value'
@ -86,6 +102,9 @@ LAZY: 'minus' ( -- parser )
LAZY: 'plus' ( -- parser )
"+" token ;
LAZY: 'sign' ( -- parser )
'minus' 'plus' <|> ;
LAZY: 'zero' ( -- parser )
"0" token [ drop 0 ] <@ ;
@ -116,11 +135,11 @@ LAZY: 'e' ( -- parser )
: sign-number ( pair -- number )
#! Pair is { minus? num }
#! Convert the json number value to a factor number
dup second swap first [ -1 * ] when ;
dup second swap first [ first "-" = [ -1 * ] when ] when* ;
LAZY: 'exp' ( -- parser )
'minus' 'plus' <|> <?> &>
'sign' <?> &>
'digit0-9' <+> [ decimal>integer ] <@ <&> [ sign-number ] <@ ;
: sequence>frac ( seq -- num )
@ -136,7 +155,7 @@ LAZY: 'frac' ( -- parser )
dup second dup [ 10 swap first ^ swap first * ] [ drop first ] if ;
LAZY: 'number' ( -- parser )
'minus' <?>
'sign' <?>
[ 'int' , 'frac' 0 succeed <|> , ] [<&>] [ sum ] <@
'exp' <?> <&> [ raise-to-power ] <@ <&> [ sign-number ] <@ ;
@ -149,7 +168,7 @@ LAZY: 'value' ( -- parser )
'object' ,
'array' ,
'number' ,
] [<|>] ;
] [<|>] spaced ;
: json> ( string -- object )
#! Parse a json formatted string to a factor object

View File

@ -58,3 +58,6 @@ M: memoized reset-word
: reset-memoized ( word -- )
"memoize" word-prop clear-assoc ;
: invalidate-memoized ! ( inputs... word )
[ #in packer call ] [ "memoize" word-prop delete-at ] bi ;

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
! USING: kernel quotations namespaces sequences assocs.lib ;
USING: kernel namespaces namespaces.private quotations sequences
assocs.lib math.parser math sequences.lib locals ;
assocs.lib math.parser math sequences.lib locals mirrors ;
IN: namespaces.lib
@ -58,3 +58,9 @@ MACRO:: nmake ( quot exemplars -- )
] with-scope
] ;
: make-object ( quot class -- object )
new [ <mirror> swap bind ] keep ; inline
: with-object ( object quot -- )
[ <mirror> ] dip bind ; inline

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Matthew Willis.
! See for BSD license.
USING: locals math.functions math namespaces accessors kernel opengl ui.gadgets
destructors sequences ui.render colors ;
IN: opengl.gadgets
TUPLE: texture-gadget bytes format dim tex ;
: 2^-ceil ( x -- y )
dup 2 < [ 2 * ] [ 1- log2 1+ 2^ ] if ; foldable flushable
: 2^-bounds ( dim -- dim' )
[ 2^-ceil ] map ; foldable flushable
: <texture-gadget> ( bytes format dim -- gadget )
texture-gadget construct-gadget
swap >>dim
swap >>format
swap >>bytes ;
:: render ( gadget -- )
GL_TEXTURE_2D glEnable
GL_TEXTURE_2D gadget tex>> glBindTexture
gadget dim>> 2^-bounds first2
gadget format>>
gadget bytes>>
GL_TEXTURE_2D 0 glBindTexture
] do-attribs ;
:: four-corners ( dim -- )
[let* | w [ dim first ]
h [ dim second ]
dim' [ dim dup 2^-bounds [ /f ] 2map ]
w' [ dim' first ]
h' [ dim' second ] |
0 0 glTexCoord2d 0 0 glVertex2d
0 h' glTexCoord2d 0 h glVertex2d
w' h' glTexCoord2d w h glVertex2d
w' 0 glTexCoord2d w 0 glVertex2d
] ;
M: texture-gadget draw-gadget* ( gadget -- )
origin get [
white gl-color
1.0 -1.0 glPixelZoom
GL_TEXTURE_2D glEnable
GL_TEXTURE_2D over tex>> glBindTexture
dim>> four-corners
] do-state
GL_TEXTURE_2D 0 glBindTexture
] do-attribs
] with-translation ;
M: texture-gadget graft* ( gadget -- )
gen-texture >>tex [ render ]
[ f >>bytes f >>format drop ] bi ;
M: texture-gadget ungraft* ( gadget -- )
tex>> delete-texture ;
M: texture-gadget pref-dim* ( gadget -- dim ) dim>> ;

View File

@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
! See for BSD license.
! pangocairo bindings, from pango/pangocairo.h
USING: cairo.ffi alien.c-types math
alien.syntax system combinators alien ;
IN: cairo.pango
alien.syntax system combinators alien
arrays pango pango.fonts ;
IN: pango.cairo
<< "pangocairo" {
! { [ os winnt? ] [ "libpangocairo-1.dll" ] }
@ -15,10 +15,6 @@ IN: cairo.pango
LIBRARY: pangocairo
TYPEDEF: void* PangoCairoFont
TYPEDEF: void* PangoCairoFontMap
TYPEDEF: void* PangoFontMap
FUNCTION: PangoFontMap*
pango_cairo_font_map_new ( ) ;
@ -92,49 +88,6 @@ pango_cairo_layout_path ( cairo_t* cr, PangoLayout* layout ) ;
pango_cairo_error_underline_path ( cairo_t* cr, double x, double y, double width, double height ) ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! Helpful functions from other parts of pango
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: PANGO_SCALE 1024 ;
pango_layout_set_text ( PangoLayout* layout, char* text, int length ) ;
pango_layout_get_text ( PangoLayout* layout ) ;
pango_layout_get_size ( PangoLayout* layout, int* width, int* height ) ;
TYPEDEF: void* PangoFontDescription
FUNCTION: PangoFontDescription*
pango_font_description_from_string ( char* str ) ;
pango_font_description_to_string ( PangoFontDescription* desc ) ;
pango_font_description_to_filename ( PangoFontDescription* desc ) ;
pango_layout_set_font_description ( PangoLayout* layout, PangoFontDescription* desc ) ;
FUNCTION: PangoFontDescription*
pango_layout_get_font_description ( PangoLayout* layout ) ;
pango_layout_get_pixel_size ( PangoLayout* layout, int* width, int* height ) ;
pango_font_description_free ( PangoFontDescription* desc ) ;
TYPEDEF: void* gpointer
g_object_unref ( gpointer object ) ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! Higher level words and combinators
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ -162,8 +115,8 @@ M: pango-layout dispose ( alien -- ) alien>> g_object_unref ;
>r CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32 0 0 cairo_image_surface_create
r> [ with-pango ] curry with-cairo-from-surface ; inline
: layout-size ( quot -- width height )
[ layout pango-layout-get-pixel-size ] compose dummy-pango ; inline
: layout-size ( quot -- dim )
[ layout pango-layout-get-pixel-size 2array ] compose dummy-pango ; inline
: layout-font ( str -- )
@ -173,3 +126,6 @@ M: pango-layout dispose ( alien -- ) alien>> g_object_unref ;
: layout-text ( str -- )
layout swap -1 pango_layout_set_text ;
: families ( -- families )
pango_cairo_font_map_get_default list-families ;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Matthew Willis.
! See for BSD license.
USING: pango.cairo cairo cairo.ffi cairo.gadgets
alien.c-types kernel math ;
IN: pango.cairo.gadgets
: (pango-gadget) ( setup show -- gadget )
[ drop layout-size ]
[ compose [ with-pango ] curry <cairo-gadget> ] 2bi ;
: <pango-gadget> ( quot -- gadget )
[ cr layout pango_cairo_show_layout ] (pango-gadget) ;
USING: prettyprint sequences ui.gadgets.panes
threads io.backend io.encodings.utf8 io.files ;
: hello-pango ( -- )
50 [ 6 + ] map [
"Sans " swap unparse append
cr 0 1 0.2 0.6 cairo_set_source_rgba
layout-font "今日は、 Pango!" layout-text
] curry
<pango-gadget> gadget. yield
] each
normalize-path utf8 file-contents layout-text
] <pango-gadget> gadget. ;
MAIN: hello-pango

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Matthew Willis.
! See for BSD license
USING: pango alien.syntax alien.c-types
kernel ;
IN: pango.fonts
LIBRARY: pango
pango_font_map_list_families ( PangoFontMap* fontmap, PangoFontFamily*** families, int* n_families ) ;
pango_font_family_get_name ( PangoFontFamily* family ) ;
pango_font_family_is_monospace ( PangoFontFamily* family ) ;
pango_font_family_list_faces ( PangoFontFamily* family, PangoFontFace*** faces, int* n_faces ) ;
pango_font_face_get_face_name ( PangoFontFace* face ) ;
pango_font_face_list_sizes ( PangoFontFace* face, int** sizes, int* n_sizes ) ;
: list-families ( PangoFontMap* -- PangoFontFamily*-seq )
0 <int> 0 <int> [ pango_font_map_list_families ] 2keep
*int swap *void* [ swap c-void*-array> ] [ g_free ] bi ;
: list-faces ( PangoFontFamily* -- PangoFontFace*-seq )
0 <int> 0 <int> [ pango_font_family_list_faces ] 2keep
*int swap *void* [ swap c-void*-array> ] [ g_free ] bi ;
: list-sizes ( PangoFontFace* -- ints )
0 <int> 0 <int> [ pango_font_face_list_sizes ] 2keep
*int swap *void* [ swap c-int-array> ] [ g_free ] bi ;
: monospace? ( PangoFontFamily* -- ? )
pango_font_family_is_monospace 1 = ;

extra/pango/pango.factor Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Matthew Willis.
! See for BSD license
USING: system
alien.c-types alien.syntax alien combinators ;
IN: pango
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! Helpful functions from other parts of pango
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<< "pango" {
! { [ os winnt? ] [ "libpango-1.dll" ] }
! { [ os macosx? ] [ "libpango.dylib" ] }
{ [ os unix? ] [ "" ] }
} cond "cdecl" add-library >>
LIBRARY: pango
: PANGO_SCALE 1024 ;
pango_layout_set_text ( PangoLayout* layout, char* text, int length ) ;
pango_layout_get_text ( PangoLayout* layout ) ;
pango_layout_get_size ( PangoLayout* layout, int* width, int* height ) ;
FUNCTION: PangoFontDescription*
pango_font_description_from_string ( char* str ) ;
pango_font_description_to_string ( PangoFontDescription* desc ) ;
pango_font_description_to_filename ( PangoFontDescription* desc ) ;
pango_layout_set_font_description ( PangoLayout* layout, PangoFontDescription* desc ) ;
FUNCTION: PangoFontDescription*
pango_layout_get_font_description ( PangoLayout* layout ) ;
pango_layout_get_pixel_size ( PangoLayout* layout, int* width, int* height ) ;
pango_font_description_free ( PangoFontDescription* desc ) ;
! glib functions
TYPEDEF: void* gpointer
g_object_unref ( gpointer object ) ;
g_free ( gpointer mem ) ;

extra/urls/authors.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Slava Pestov

extra/urls/summary.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Tools for working with URLs (uniform resource locators)

extra/urls/tags.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
IN: urls.tests
USING: urls tools.test tuple-syntax arrays kernel assocs ;
[ "hello%20world" ] [ "hello world" url-encode ] unit-test
[ "hello world" ] [ "hello%20world" url-decode ] unit-test
[ "~hello world" ] [ "%7ehello+world" url-decode ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "%XX%XX%XX" url-decode ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "%XX%XX%X" url-decode ] unit-test
[ "hello world" ] [ "hello+world" url-decode ] unit-test
[ "hello world" ] [ "hello%20world" url-decode ] unit-test
[ " ! " ] [ "%20%21%20" url-decode ] unit-test
[ "hello world" ] [ "hello world%" url-decode ] unit-test
[ "hello world" ] [ "hello world%x" url-decode ] unit-test
[ "hello%20world" ] [ "hello world" url-encode ] unit-test
[ "%20%21%20" ] [ " ! " url-encode ] unit-test
[ "\u001234hi\u002045" ] [ "\u001234hi\u002045" url-encode url-decode ] unit-test
[ "a=b&a=c" ] [ { { "a" { "b" "c" } } } assoc>query ] unit-test
[ H{ { "a" "b" } } ] [ "a=b" query>assoc ] unit-test
[ H{ { "a" { "b" "c" } } } ] [ "a=b&a=c" query>assoc ] unit-test
[ "a=3" ] [ { { "a" 3 } } assoc>query ] unit-test
: urls
TUPLE{ url
protocol: "http"
host: ""
port: 1234
path: "/a/path"
query: H{ { "a" "b" } }
anchor: "foo"
TUPLE{ url
protocol: "http"
host: ""
path: "/a/path"
query: H{ { "a" "b" } }
anchor: "foo"
TUPLE{ url
protocol: "http"
host: ""
port: 1234
path: "/another/fine/path"
anchor: "foo"
TUPLE{ url
path: "/a/relative/path"
anchor: "foo"
TUPLE{ url
path: "/a/relative/path"
TUPLE{ url
path: "a/relative/path"
} ;
urls [
[ 1array ] [ [ string>url ] curry ] bi* unit-test
] assoc-each
urls [
swap [ 1array ] [ [ url>string ] curry ] bi* unit-test
] assoc-each
[ "b" ] [ "a" "b" url-append-path ] unit-test
[ "a/b" ] [ "a/c" "b" url-append-path ] unit-test
[ "a/b" ] [ "a/" "b" url-append-path ] unit-test
[ "/b" ] [ "a" "/b" url-append-path ] unit-test
[ "/b" ] [ "a/b/" "/b" url-append-path ] unit-test
[ "/xxx/bar" ] [ "/xxx/baz" "bar" url-append-path ] unit-test
TUPLE{ url
protocol: "http"
host: ""
port: 1234
path: "/a/path"
] [
TUPLE{ url
protocol: "http"
host: ""
port: 1234
path: "/foo"
TUPLE{ url
path: "/a/path"
] unit-test
TUPLE{ url
protocol: "http"
host: ""
port: 1234
path: "/a/path/relative/path"
query: H{ { "a" "b" } }
anchor: "foo"
] [
TUPLE{ url
protocol: "http"
host: ""
port: 1234
path: "/a/path/"
TUPLE{ url
path: "relative/path"
query: H{ { "a" "b" } }
anchor: "foo"
] unit-test
TUPLE{ url
protocol: "http"
host: ""
port: 1234
path: "/a/path/relative/path"
query: H{ { "a" "b" } }
anchor: "foo"
] [
TUPLE{ url
protocol: "http"
host: ""
port: 1234
path: "/a/path/"
TUPLE{ url
path: "relative/path"
query: H{ { "a" "b" } }
anchor: "foo"
] unit-test
TUPLE{ url
protocol: "http"
host: ""
path: "/xxx/baz"
] [
TUPLE{ url
protocol: "http"
host: ""
path: "/xxx/bar"
TUPLE{ url
path: "baz"
] unit-test

extra/urls/urls.factor Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel unicode.categories combinators sequences splitting
fry namespaces assocs arrays strings mirrors
io.encodings.string io.encodings.utf8
math math.parser accessors namespaces.lib ;
IN: urls
: url-quotable? ( ch -- ? )
#! In a URL, can this character be used without
#! URL-encoding?
{ [ dup letter? ] [ t ] }
{ [ dup LETTER? ] [ t ] }
{ [ dup digit? ] [ t ] }
{ [ dup "/_-.:" member? ] [ t ] }
[ f ]
} cond nip ; foldable
: push-utf8 ( ch -- )
1string utf8 encode
[ CHAR: % , >hex 2 CHAR: 0 pad-left % ] each ;
: url-encode ( str -- str )
[ dup url-quotable? [ , ] [ push-utf8 ] if ] each
] "" make ;
: url-decode-hex ( index str -- )
2dup length 2 - >= [
] [
[ 1+ dup 2 + ] dip subseq hex> [ , ] when*
] if ;
: url-decode-% ( index str -- index str )
2dup url-decode-hex [ 3 + ] dip ;
: url-decode-+-or-other ( index str ch -- index str )
dup CHAR: + = [ drop CHAR: \s ] when , [ 1+ ] dip ;
: url-decode-iter ( index str -- )
2dup length >= [
] [
2dup nth dup CHAR: % = [
drop url-decode-%
] [
] if url-decode-iter
] if ;
: url-decode ( str -- str )
[ 0 swap url-decode-iter ] "" make utf8 decode ;
: add-query-param ( value key assoc -- )
at [
{ [ dup string? ] [ swap 2array ] }
{ [ dup array? ] [ swap suffix ] }
{ [ dup not ] [ drop ] }
} cond
] when*
] 2keep set-at ;
: query>assoc ( query -- assoc )
dup [
"&" split H{ } clone [
[ "=" split1 [ dup [ url-decode ] when ] bi@ swap ] dip
] curry each
] keep
] when ;
: assoc>query ( hash -- str )
{ [ dup number? ] [ number>string 1array ] }
{ [ dup string? ] [ 1array ] }
{ [ dup sequence? ] [ ] }
} cond
] assoc-map
[ url-encode ] dip
[ url-encode "=" swap 3append , ] with each
] assoc-each
] { } make "&" join ;
TUPLE: url protocol host port path query anchor ;
: query-param ( request key -- value )
swap query>> at ;
: set-query-param ( request value key -- request )
pick query>> set-at ;
: parse-host ( string -- host port )
":" split1 [ url-decode ] [
dup [
dup [ "Invalid port" throw ] unless
] when
] bi* ;
: parse-host-part ( protocol rest -- string' )
[ "protocol" set ] [
"//" ?head [ "Invalid URL" throw ] unless
"/" split1 [
parse-host [ "host" set ] [ "port" set ] bi*
] [ "/" prepend ] bi*
] bi* ;
: string>url ( string -- url )
":" split1 [ parse-host-part ] when*
"#" split1 [
"?" split1 [ query>assoc "query" set ] when*
url-decode "path" set
] [
url-decode "anchor" set
] bi*
] url make-object ;
: unparse-host-part ( protocol -- )
"://" %
"host" get url-encode %
"port" get [ ":" % # ] when*
"path" get "/" head? [ "Invalid URL" throw ] unless ;
: url>string ( url -- string )
<mirror> [
"protocol" get [ unparse-host-part ] when*
"path" get url-encode %
"query" get [ "?" % assoc>query % ] when*
"anchor" get [ "#" % url-encode % ] when*
] bind
] "" make ;
: url-append-path ( path1 path2 -- path )
{ [ dup "/" head? ] [ nip ] }
{ [ dup empty? ] [ drop ] }
{ [ over "/" tail? ] [ append ] }
{ [ "/" pick start not ] [ nip ] }
[ [ "/" last-split1 drop "/" ] dip 3append ]
} cond ;
: derive-url ( base url -- url' )
[ clone dup ] dip
2dup [ path>> ] bi@ url-append-path
[ [ <mirror> ] bi@ [ nip ] assoc-filter update ] dip
>>path ;
: relative-url ( url -- url' )
clone f >>protocol f >>host f >>port ;