Persistent heaps

Dan Ehrenberg 2008-07-11 09:42:16 -07:00
parent 30cc22d411
commit e95721ad08
5 changed files with 116 additions and 0 deletions

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Daniel Ehrenberg

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USING: persistent-heaps tools.test ;
IN: persistent-heaps.tests
: test-input
{ { "hello" 3 } { "goodbye" 2 } { "whatever" 5 }
{ "foo" 1 } { "bar" -1 } { "baz" -7 } { "bing" 0 } } ;
{ { "baz" -7 } { "bar" -1 } { "bing" 0 } { "foo" 1 }
{ "goodbye" 2 } { "hello" 3 } { "whatever" 5 } }
] [ test-input assoc>pheap pheap>alist ] unit-test

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@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
USING: kernel accessors multi-methods locals combinators math arrays
assocs namespaces sequences ;
IN: persistent-heaps
! These are minheaps
TUPLE: branch value prio left right ;
TUPLE: empty-heap ;
PREDICATE: singleton-heap < branch
[ left>> ] [ right>> ] bi [ empty-heap? ] both? ;
C: <branch> branch
: >branch< ( branch -- value prio left right )
{ [ value>> ] [ prio>> ] [ left>> ] [ right>> ] } cleave ;
: <persistent-heap> ( -- heap ) T{ empty-heap } ;
: <singleton-heap> ( value prio -- heap )
<persistent-heap> <persistent-heap> <branch> ;
: pheap-empty? ( heap -- ? ) empty-heap? ;
: empty-pheap ( -- * )
"Attempt to delete from an empty heap" throw ;
: remove-left ( heap -- value prio newheap )
dup [ left>> ] [ right>> ] bi [ pheap-empty? ] both?
[ [ value>> ] [ prio>> ] bi <persistent-heap> ]
[ >branch< swap remove-left -rot [ <branch> ] 2dip rot ] if ;
: both-with? ( obj a b quot -- ? )
swap >r with r> swap both? ; inline
GENERIC: sift-down ( value prio left right -- heap )
METHOD: sift-down { empty-heap empty-heap } <branch> ;
METHOD: sift-down { singleton-heap empty-heap }
3dup drop prio>> <= [ <branch> ] [
drop -rot [ [ value>> ] [ prio>> ] bi ] 2dip
<singleton-heap> <persistent-heap> <branch>
] if ;
:: reroot-left ( value prio left right -- heap )
left value>> left prio>>
value prio left left>> left right>> sift-down
right <branch> ;
:: reroot-right ( value prio left right -- heap )
right value>> right prio>> left
value prio right left>> right right>> sift-down
<branch> ;
METHOD: sift-down { branch branch }
3dup [ prio>> <= ] both-with? [ <branch> ] [
2dup [ prio>> ] bi@ <= [ reroot-left ] [ reroot-right ] if
] if ;
GENERIC: pheap-peek ( heap -- value prio )
M: empty-heap pheap-peek empty-pheap ;
M: branch pheap-peek [ value>> ] [ prio>> ] bi ;
GENERIC: pheap-push ( value prio heap -- newheap )
M: empty-heap pheap-push
drop <singleton-heap> ;
: push-top ( value prio heap -- newheap )
[ [ value>> ] [ prio>> ] [ right>> ] tri pheap-push ]
[ left>> ] bi <branch> ;
: push-in ( value prio heap -- newheap )
[ 2nip [ value>> ] [ prio>> ] bi ]
[ right>> pheap-push ]
[ 2nip left>> ] 3tri <branch> ;
M: branch pheap-push
2dup prio>> <= [ push-top ] [ push-in ] if ;
: pheap-pop* ( heap -- newheap )
dup pheap-empty? [ empty-pheap ] [
dup left>> pheap-empty?
[ drop <persistent-heap> ]
[ [ left>> remove-left ] keep right>> swap sift-down ] if
] if ;
: pheap-pop ( heap -- newheap value prio )
[ pheap-pop* ] [ pheap-peek ] bi ;
: assoc>pheap ( assoc -- heap ) ! Assoc is value => prio
<persistent-heap> swap [ rot pheap-push ] assoc-each ;
: pheap>alist ( heap -- alist )
[ dup pheap-empty? not ] [ pheap-pop 2array ] [ ] produce nip ;
: pheap>values ( heap -- seq ) pheap>alist keys ;

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Datastructure for functional peristent heaps, from ML for the Working Programmer

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