Fix list AST in javascript parser

Chris Double 2008-06-17 23:57:51 +12:00
parent 4050ebcbde
commit e99ff9fa6b
1 changed files with 4 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ Unary = "-" Postfix:p => [[ p "-" ast-unop boa
Postfix = PrimExpr:p SpacesNoNl "++" => [[ p "++" ast-postop boa ]]
| PrimExpr:p SpacesNoNl "--" => [[ p "--" ast-postop boa ]]
| PrimExpr
Args = Expr ("," Expr)* => [[ first2 swap prefix ]]
Args = Expr ("," Expr => [[ second ]])* => [[ first2 swap prefix ]]
PrimExpr = PrimExpr:p "[" Expr:i "]" => [[ i p ast-getp boa ]]
| PrimExpr:p "." Name:m "(" Args:as ")" => [[ m p as ast-send boa ]]
| PrimExpr:p "." Name:f => [[ f p ast-getp boa ]]
@ -169,18 +169,18 @@ PrimExprHd = "(" Expr:e ")" => [[ e ]]
| "new" Name:n "(" Args:as ")" => [[ n as ast-new boa ]]
| "[" Args:es "]" => [[ es ast-array boa ]]
| Json
JsonBindings = JsonBinding ("," JsonBinding)* => [[ first2 swap prefix ]]
JsonBindings = JsonBinding ("," JsonBinding => [[ second ]])* => [[ first2 swap prefix ]]
Json = "{" JsonBindings:bs "}" => [[ bs ast-json boa ]]
JsonBinding = JsonPropName:n ":" Expr:v => [[ n v ast-binding boa ]]
JsonPropName = Name | Number | String
Formal = Spaces Name
Formals = Formal ("," Formal)* => [[ first2 swap prefix ]]
Formals = Formal ("," Formal => [[ second ]])* => [[ first2 swap prefix ]]
FuncRest = "(" Formals:fs ")" "{" SrcElems:body "}" => [[ fs body ast-func boa ]]
Sc = SpacesNoNl ("\n" | "}")| ";"
Binding = Name:n "=" Expr:v => [[ n v ast-var boa ]]
| Name:n => [[ n "undefined" ast-get boa ast-var boa ]]
Block = "{" SrcElems:ss "}" => [[ ss ]]
Bindings = Binding ("," Binding)* => [[ first2 swap prefix ]]
Bindings = Binding ("," Binding => [[ second ]])* => [[ first2 swap prefix ]]
For1 = "var" Binding => [[ second ]]
| Expr
| Spaces => [[ "undefined" ast-get boa ]]