Merge branch 'master' of git://
@ -252,10 +252,14 @@ M: real tanh ftanh ;
: -i* ( x -- y ) >rect swap neg rect> ;
: asin ( x -- y )
GENERIC: asin ( x -- y ) foldable
M: number asin
dup [-1,1]? [ fasin ] [ i* asinh -i* ] if ; inline
: acos ( x -- y )
GENERIC: acos ( x -- y ) foldable
M: number acos
dup [-1,1]? [ facos ] [ asin pi 2 / swap - ] if ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Jason W. Merrill
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Jason W. Merrill.
! See for BSD license.
USING: help.markup help.syntax ;
IN: math.derivatives
ARTICLE: "math.derivatives" "Derivatives"
"The " { $vocab-link "math.derivatives" } " vocabulary defines the derivative of many of the words in the " { $vocab-link "math" } " and " { $vocab-link "math.functions" } " vocabularies. The derivative for a word is given by a sequence of quotations stored in its " { $snippet "derivative" } " word property that give the partial derivative of the word with respect to each of its inputs."
{ $see-also "math.derivatives.syntax" }
ABOUT: "math.derivatives"
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Jason W. Merrill.
! See for BSD license.
USING: tools.test automatic-differentiation.derivatives ;
IN: automatic-differentiation.derivatives.tests
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Jason W. Merrill.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel math math.functions math.derivatives.syntax
math.order math.parser summary accessors make combinators ;
IN: math.derivatives
ERROR: undefined-derivative point word ;
M: undefined-derivative summary
[ dup "Derivative of " % word>> name>> %
" is undefined at " % point>> # "." % ]
"" make ;
DERIVATIVE: + [ 2drop ] [ 2drop ]
DERIVATIVE: - [ 2drop ] [ 2drop neg ]
DERIVATIVE: * [ nip * ] [ drop * ]
DERIVATIVE: / [ nip / ] [ sq / neg * ]
! Conditional checks if the epsilon-part of the exponent is
! 0 to avoid getting float answers for integer powers.
DERIVATIVE: ^ [ [ 1 - ^ ] keep * * ]
[ [ dup zero? ] 2dip [ 3drop 0 ] [ [ ^ ] keep log * * ] if ]
[ 0 <=>
{ +lt+ [ neg ] }
{ +eq+ [ 0 \ abs undefined-derivative ] }
{ +gt+ [ ] }
} case
DERIVATIVE: sqrt [ sqrt 2 * / ]
DERIVATIVE: exp [ exp * ]
DERIVATIVE: log [ / ]
DERIVATIVE: sin [ cos * ]
DERIVATIVE: cos [ sin neg * ]
DERIVATIVE: tan [ sec sq * ]
DERIVATIVE: sinh [ cosh * ]
DERIVATIVE: cosh [ sinh * ]
DERIVATIVE: tanh [ sech sq * ]
DERIVATIVE: asin [ sq neg 1 + sqrt / ]
DERIVATIVE: acos [ sq neg 1 + sqrt neg / ]
DERIVATIVE: atan [ sq 1 + / ]
DERIVATIVE: asinh [ sq 1 + sqrt / ]
DERIVATIVE: acosh [ [ 1 + sqrt ] [ 1 - sqrt ] bi * / ]
DERIVATIVE: atanh [ sq neg 1 + / ]
DERIVATIVE: neg [ drop neg ]
DERIVATIVE: recip [ sq recip neg * ]
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Jason W. Merrill
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Jason W. Merrill.
! See for BSD license.
USING: help.markup help.syntax ;
IN: math.derivatives.syntax
{ $description "Defines the derivative of a word by setting its " { $snippet "derivative" } " word property. Reads a word followed by " { $snippet "n" } " quotations, giving the " { $snippet "n" } " partial derivatives of the word with respect to each of its arguments successively. Each quotation should take " { $snippet "n + 1" } " inputs, where the first input is an increment and the last " { $snippet "n" } " inputs are the point at which to evaluate the derivative. The derivative should be a linear function of the increment, and should have the same number of outputs as the original word." }
{ $examples
{ $unchecked-example "USING: math math.functions math.derivatives.syntax ;"
"DERIVATIVE: sin [ cos * ]"
"DERIVATIVE: * [ nip * ] [ drop * ]" "" }
} ;
ARTICLE: "math.derivatives.syntax" "Derivative Syntax"
"The " { $vocab-link "math.derivatives.syntax" } " vocabulary provides the " { $link POSTPONE: DERIVATIVE: } " syntax for specifying the derivative of a word."
ABOUT: "math.derivatives.syntax"
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Jason W. Merrill.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel parser words effects accessors sequences
math.ranges ;
IN: math.derivatives.syntax
: DERIVATIVE: scan-object dup stack-effect in>> length [1,b]
[ drop scan-object ] map
"derivative" set-word-prop ; parsing
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Jason W. Merrill
@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Jason W. Merrill.
! See for BSD license.
USING: help.markup help.syntax kernel words math math.functions math.derivatives.syntax ;
IN: math.dual
HELP: <dual>
{ $values
{ "ordinary-part" real } { "epsilon-part" real }
{ "dual" dual number }
{ $description "Creates a dual number from its ordinary and epsilon parts." } ;
HELP: d*
{ $values
{ "x" dual } { "y" dual }
{ "x*y" dual }
{ $description "Multiply dual numbers." } ;
HELP: d+
{ $values
{ "x" dual } { "y" dual }
{ "x+y" dual }
{ $description "Add dual numbers." } ;
HELP: d-
{ $values
{ "x" dual } { "y" dual }
{ "x-y" dual }
{ $description "Subtract dual numbers." } ;
HELP: d/
{ $values
{ "x" dual } { "y" dual }
{ "x/y" dual }
{ $description "Divide dual numbers." }
{ $errors "Throws an error if the ordinary part of " { $snippet "x" } " is zero." } ;
HELP: d^
{ $values
{ "x" dual } { "y" dual }
{ "x^y" dual }
{ $description "Raise a dual number to a (possibly dual) power" } ;
HELP: dabs
{ $values
{ "x" dual }
{ "|x|" dual }
{ $description "Absolute value of a dual number." } ;
HELP: dacosh
{ $values
{ "x" dual }
{ "y" dual }
{ $description "Inverse hyberbolic cosine of a dual number." } ;
HELP: dasinh
{ $values
{ "x" dual }
{ "y" dual }
{ $description "Inverse hyberbolic sine of a dual number." } ;
HELP: datanh
{ $values
{ "x" dual }
{ "y" dual }
{ $description "Inverse hyberbolic tangent of a dual number." } ;
HELP: dneg
{ $values
{ "x" dual }
{ "-x" dual }
{ $description "Negative of a dual number." } ;
HELP: drecip
{ $values
{ "x" dual }
{ "1/x" dual }
{ $description "Reciprocal of a dual number." } ;
HELP: define-dual-method
{ $values
{ "word" word }
{ $description "Defines a method on the dual numbers for generic word." }
{ $notes "Uses the derivative word-prop, which holds a list of quotations giving the partial derivatives of the word with respect to each of its arguments. This can be set using " { $link POSTPONE: DERIVATIVE: } "." } ;
{ define-dual-method dual-op POSTPONE: DERIVATIVE: } related-words
HELP: dual
{ $class-description "The class of dual numbers with non-zero epsilon part." } ;
HELP: dual-op
{ $values
{ "word" word }
{ $description "Similar to " { $link execute } ", but promotes word to operate on duals." }
{ $notes "Uses the derivative word-prop, which holds a list of quotations giving the partial derivatives of the word with respect to each of its arguments. This can be set using " { $link POSTPONE: DERIVATIVE: } ". Once a derivative has been defined for a word, dual-op makes it easy to extend the definition to dual numbers." }
{ $examples
{ $unchecked-example "USING: math math.dual math.derivatives.syntax math.functions ;"
"DERIVATIVE: sin [ cos * ]"
"M: dual sin \\sin dual-op ;" "" }
{ $unchecked-example "USING: math math.dual math.derivatives.syntax ;"
"DERIVATIVE: * [ drop ] [ nip ]"
": d* ( x y -- x*y ) \ * dual-op ;" "" }
} ;
HELP: unpack-dual
{ $values
{ "dual" dual }
{ "ordinary-part" number } { "epsilon-part" number }
{ $description "Extracts the ordinary and epsilon part of a dual number." } ;
ARTICLE: "math.dual" "Dual Numbers"
"The " { $vocab-link "math.dual" } " vocabulary implements dual numbers, along with arithmetic methods for working with them. Many of the functions in " { $vocab-link "math.functions" } " are extended to work with dual numbers."
"Dual numbers are ordered pairs " { $snippet "<o,e>"} "--an ordinary part and an epsilon part--with component-wise addition and multiplication defined by "{ $snippet "<o1,e1>*<o2,e2> = <o1*o2,e1*o2 + e2*o1>" } ". They are analagous to complex numbers with " { $snippet "i^2 = 0" } "instead of " { $snippet "i^2 = -1" } ". For well-behaved functions " { $snippet "f" } ", " { $snippet "f(<o1,e1>) = f(o1) + e1*f'(o1)" } ", where " { $snippet "f'"} " is the derivative of " { $snippet "f" } "."
ABOUT: "math.dual"
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Jason W. Merrill.
! See for BSD license.
USING: tools.test math.dual kernel accessors math math.functions
math.constants ;
IN: math.dual.tests
[ 0.0 1.0 ] [ 0 1 <dual> sin unpack-dual ] unit-test
[ 1.0 0.0 ] [ 0 1 <dual> cos unpack-dual ] unit-test
[ 3 5 ] [ 1 5 <dual> 2 d+ unpack-dual ] unit-test
[ 0 -1 ] [ 1 5 <dual> 1 6 <dual> d- unpack-dual ] unit-test
[ 2 1 ] [ 2 3 <dual> 1 -1 <dual> d* unpack-dual ] unit-test
[ 1/2 -1/4 ] [ 2 1 <dual> 1 swap d/ unpack-dual ] unit-test
[ 2 ] [ 1 1 <dual> 2 d^ epsilon-part>> ] unit-test
[ 2.0 .25 ] [ 4 1 <dual> sqrt unpack-dual ] unit-test
[ 2 -1 ] [ -2 1 <dual> dabs unpack-dual ] unit-test
[ -2 -1 ] [ 2 1 <dual> dneg unpack-dual ] unit-test
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Jason W. Merrill.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel math math.functions math.derivatives accessors
macros words effects sequences generalizations fry
|||| generic compiler.units ;
IN: math.dual
TUPLE: dual ordinary-part epsilon-part ;
C: <dual> dual
! Ordinary numbers implement the dual protocol by returning
! themselves as the ordinary part, and 0 as the epsilon part.
M: number ordinary-part>> ;
M: number epsilon-part>> drop 0 ;
: unpack-dual ( dual -- ordinary-part epsilon-part )
[ ordinary-part>> ] [ epsilon-part>> ] bi ;
: input-length ( word -- n ) stack-effect in>> length ;
MACRO: ordinary-op ( word -- o )
[ input-length ] keep
'[ [ ordinary-part>> ] _ napply _ execute ] ;
! Takes N dual numbers <o1,e1> <o2,e2> ... <oN,eN> and weaves
! their ordinary and epsilon parts to produce
! e1 o1 o2 ... oN e2 o1 o2 ... oN ... eN o1 o2 ... oN
! This allows a set of partial derivatives each to be evaluated
! at the same point.
MACRO: duals>nweave ( n -- )
dup dup dup
[ [ epsilon-part>> ] _ napply ]
_ nkeep
[ ordinary-part>> ] _ napply
_ nweave
] ;
MACRO: chain-rule ( word -- e )
[ input-length '[ _ duals>nweave ] ]
[ "derivative" word-prop ]
[ input-length 1+ '[ _ nspread ] ]
'[ [ @ _ @ ] sum-outputs ] ;
MACRO: dual-op ( word -- )
[ '[ _ ordinary-op ] ]
[ input-length '[ _ nkeep ] ]
[ '[ _ chain-rule ] ]
'[ _ @ @ <dual> ] ;
: define-dual-method ( word -- )
[ \ dual swap create-method ] keep '[ _ dual-op ] define ;
! Specialize math functions to operate on dual numbers.
[ { sqrt exp log sin cos tan sinh cosh tanh acos asin atan }
[ define-dual-method ] each ] with-compilation-unit
! Inverse methods { asinh, acosh, atanh } are not generic, so
! there is no way to specialize them for dual numbers. However,
! they are defined in terms of functions that can operate on
! dual numbers and arithmetic methods, so if it becomes
! possible to make arithmetic operators work directly on dual
! numbers, we will get these for free.
! Arithmetic words are not generic (yet?), so we have to
! define special versions of them to operate on dual numbers.
: d+ ( x y -- x+y ) \ + dual-op ;
: d- ( x y -- x-y ) \ - dual-op ;
: d* ( x y -- x*y ) \ * dual-op ;
: d/ ( x y -- x/y ) \ / dual-op ;
: d^ ( x y -- x^y ) \ ^ dual-op ;
: dabs ( x -- |x| ) \ abs dual-op ;
! The following words are also not generic, but are defined in
! terms of words that can operate on dual numbers and
! arithmetic. If it becomes possible to implement arithmetic on
! dual numbers directly, these functions can be deleted.
: dneg ( x -- -x ) \ neg dual-op ;
: drecip ( x -- 1/x ) \ recip dual-op ;
: dasinh ( x -- y ) \ asinh dual-op ;
: dacosh ( x -- y ) \ acosh dual-op ;
: datanh ( x -- y ) \ atanh dual-op ;
Reference in New Issue