diff --git a/extra/peg/ebnf/ebnf-tests.factor b/extra/peg/ebnf/ebnf-tests.factor
index 452da8df05..8846a9c94c 100644
--- a/extra/peg/ebnf/ebnf-tests.factor
+++ b/extra/peg/ebnf/ebnf-tests.factor
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ! Copyright (C) 2007 Chris Double.
 ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
-USING: kernel tools.test peg peg.ebnf ;
+USING: kernel tools.test peg peg.ebnf compiler.units ;
 IN: peg.ebnf.tests
 { T{ ebnf-non-terminal f "abc" } } [
@@ -15,11 +15,8 @@ IN: peg.ebnf.tests
   T{ ebnf-rule f 
-     V{ 
-       T{ ebnf-choice f
-          V{ T{ ebnf-terminal f "1" } T{ ebnf-terminal f "2" } }
-       }
-       f
+     T{ ebnf-choice f
+        V{ T{ ebnf-terminal f "1" } T{ ebnf-terminal f "2" } }
 } [
@@ -29,11 +26,8 @@ IN: peg.ebnf.tests
   T{ ebnf-rule f 
-     V{
-       T{ ebnf-sequence f
-          V{ T{ ebnf-terminal f "1" } T{ ebnf-terminal f "2" } }
-       }
-       f
+     T{ ebnf-sequence f
+        V{ T{ ebnf-terminal f "1" } T{ ebnf-terminal f "2" } }
 } [
@@ -83,7 +77,7 @@ IN: peg.ebnf.tests
 } [
-  "one {(two | three) four}" 'choice' parse parse-result-ast
+  "one ((two | three) four)*" 'choice' parse parse-result-ast
 ] unit-test
@@ -95,5 +89,33 @@ IN: peg.ebnf.tests
 } [
-  "one [ two ] three" 'choice' parse parse-result-ast
+  "one ( two )? three" 'choice' parse parse-result-ast
 ] unit-test
+{ "foo" } [
+  "\"foo\"" 'identifier' parse parse-result-ast
+] unit-test
+{ "foo" } [
+  "'foo'" 'identifier' parse parse-result-ast
+] unit-test
+{ "foo" } [
+  "foo" 'non-terminal' parse parse-result-ast ebnf-non-terminal-symbol
+] unit-test
+{ "foo" } [
+  "foo]" 'non-terminal' parse parse-result-ast ebnf-non-terminal-symbol
+] unit-test
+{ V{ "a" "b" } } [
+  "foo='a' 'b'" ebnf>quot with-compilation-unit "ab" foo parse parse-result-ast 
+] unit-test
+{ V{ 1 "b" } } [
+  "foo=('a')[[ drop 1 ]] 'b'" ebnf>quot with-compilation-unit "ab" foo parse parse-result-ast 
+] unit-test
+{ V{ 1 2 } } [
+  "foo=('a') [[ drop 1 ]] ('b') [[ drop 2 ]]" ebnf>quot with-compilation-unit "ab" foo parse parse-result-ast 
+] unit-test
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extra/peg/ebnf/ebnf.factor b/extra/peg/ebnf/ebnf.factor
index 5d7d7297ef..e2c2dd5006 100644
--- a/extra/peg/ebnf/ebnf.factor
+++ b/extra/peg/ebnf/ebnf.factor
@@ -2,24 +2,31 @@
 ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
 USING: kernel parser words arrays strings math.parser sequences 
        quotations vectors namespaces math assocs continuations peg
-       peg.parsers unicode.categories ;
+       peg.parsers unicode.categories multiline combinators.lib 
+       splitting ;
 IN: peg.ebnf
 TUPLE: ebnf-non-terminal symbol ;
 TUPLE: ebnf-terminal symbol ;
+TUPLE: ebnf-any-character ;
+TUPLE: ebnf-ensure-not group ;
 TUPLE: ebnf-choice options ;
 TUPLE: ebnf-sequence elements ;
 TUPLE: ebnf-repeat0 group ;
+TUPLE: ebnf-repeat1 group ;
 TUPLE: ebnf-optional elements ;
 TUPLE: ebnf-rule symbol elements ;
-TUPLE: ebnf-action word ;
+TUPLE: ebnf-action parser code ;
 TUPLE: ebnf rules ;
 C: <ebnf-non-terminal> ebnf-non-terminal
 C: <ebnf-terminal> ebnf-terminal
+C: <ebnf-any-character> ebnf-any-character
+C: <ebnf-ensure-not> ebnf-ensure-not
 C: <ebnf-choice> ebnf-choice
 C: <ebnf-sequence> ebnf-sequence
 C: <ebnf-repeat0> ebnf-repeat0
+C: <ebnf-repeat1> ebnf-repeat1
 C: <ebnf-optional> ebnf-optional
 C: <ebnf-rule> ebnf-rule
 C: <ebnf-action> ebnf-action
@@ -27,12 +34,10 @@ C: <ebnf> ebnf
 SYMBOL: parsers
 SYMBOL: non-terminals
-SYMBOL: last-parser
 : reset-parser-generation ( -- ) 
   V{ } clone parsers set 
-  H{ } clone non-terminals set 
-  f last-parser set ;
+  H{ } clone non-terminals set ;
 : store-parser ( parser -- number )
   parsers get [ push ] keep length 1- ;
@@ -50,7 +55,7 @@ SYMBOL: last-parser
 GENERIC: (generate-parser) ( ast -- id )
 : generate-parser ( ast -- id )
-  (generate-parser) dup last-parser set ;
+  (generate-parser) ;
 M: ebnf-terminal (generate-parser) ( ast -- id )
   ebnf-terminal-symbol token sp store-parser ;
@@ -61,6 +66,9 @@ M: ebnf-non-terminal (generate-parser) ( ast -- id )
     parsers get , \ nth , [ search ] [ 2drop f ] recover , \ or ,
   ] [ ] make delay sp store-parser ;
+M: ebnf-any-character (generate-parser) ( ast -- id )
+  drop [ drop t ] satisfy store-parser ;
 M: ebnf-choice (generate-parser) ( ast -- id )
   ebnf-choice-options [
     generate-parser get-parser 
@@ -71,9 +79,15 @@ M: ebnf-sequence (generate-parser) ( ast -- id )
     generate-parser get-parser
   ] map seq store-parser ;
+M: ebnf-ensure-not (generate-parser) ( ast -- id )
+  ebnf-ensure-not-group generate-parser get-parser ensure-not store-parser ;
 M: ebnf-repeat0 (generate-parser) ( ast -- id )
   ebnf-repeat0-group generate-parser get-parser repeat0 store-parser ;
+M: ebnf-repeat1 (generate-parser) ( ast -- id )
+  ebnf-repeat1-group generate-parser get-parser repeat1 store-parser ;
 M: ebnf-optional (generate-parser) ( ast -- id )
   ebnf-optional-elements generate-parser get-parser optional store-parser ;
@@ -83,15 +97,12 @@ M: ebnf-rule (generate-parser) ( ast -- id )
   swap [ parsers get set-nth ] keep ;
 M: ebnf-action (generate-parser) ( ast -- id )
-  ebnf-action-word search 1quotation 
-  last-parser get get-parser swap action store-parser ;
+  [ ebnf-action-parser generate-parser get-parser ] keep
+  ebnf-action-code string-lines parse-lines action store-parser ;
 M: vector (generate-parser) ( ast -- id )
   [ generate-parser ] map peek ;
-M: f (generate-parser) ( ast -- id )
-  drop last-parser get ;
 M: ebnf (generate-parser) ( ast -- id )
   ebnf-rules [
@@ -99,67 +110,153 @@ M: ebnf (generate-parser) ( ast -- id )
 DEFER: 'rhs'
+: syntax ( string -- parser )
+  #! Parses the string, ignoring white space, and
+  #! does not put the result in the AST.
+  token sp hide ;
+: syntax-pack ( begin parser end -- parser )
+  #! Parse 'parser' surrounded by syntax elements
+  #! begin and end.
+  [ syntax ] dipd syntax pack ;
+: 'identifier' ( -- parser )
+  #! Return a parser that parses an identifer delimited by
+  #! a quotation character. The quotation can be single
+  #! or double quotes. The AST produced is the identifier
+  #! between the quotes.
+  [
+    [ CHAR: " = not ] satisfy repeat1 "\"" "\"" surrounded-by ,
+    [ CHAR: ' = not ] satisfy repeat1 "'" "'" surrounded-by ,
+  ] choice* [ >string ] action ;
 : 'non-terminal' ( -- parser )
-  CHAR: a CHAR: z range "-" token [ first ] action  2array choice repeat1 [ >string <ebnf-non-terminal> ] action ;
+  #! A non-terminal is the name of another rule. It can
+  #! be any non-blank character except for characters used
+  #! in the EBNF syntax itself.
+  [
+    {
+      [ dup blank?    ]
+      [ dup CHAR: " = ]
+      [ dup CHAR: ' = ]
+      [ dup CHAR: | = ]
+      [ dup CHAR: { = ]
+      [ dup CHAR: } = ]
+      [ dup CHAR: = = ]
+      [ dup CHAR: ) = ]
+      [ dup CHAR: ( = ]
+      [ dup CHAR: ] = ]
+      [ dup CHAR: [ = ]
+      [ dup CHAR: . = ]
+      [ dup CHAR: ! = ]
+      [ dup CHAR: * = ]
+      [ dup CHAR: + = ]
+      [ dup CHAR: ? = ]
+    } || not nip    
+  ] satisfy repeat1 [ >string <ebnf-non-terminal> ] action ;
 : 'terminal' ( -- parser )
-  "'" token hide [ CHAR: ' = not ] satisfy repeat1 "'" token hide 3array seq [ first >string <ebnf-terminal> ] action ;
+  #! A terminal is an identifier enclosed in quotations
+  #! and it represents the literal value of the identifier.
+  'identifier' [ <ebnf-terminal> ] action ;
+: 'any-character' ( -- parser )
+  #! A parser to match the symbol for any character match.
+  [ CHAR: . = ] satisfy [ drop <ebnf-any-character> ] action ;
 : 'element' ( -- parser )
-  'non-terminal' 'terminal' 2array choice ;
+  #! An element of a rule. It can be a terminal or a 
+  #! non-terminal but must not be followed by a "=". 
+  #! The latter indicates that it is the beginning of a
+  #! new rule.
+  [
+    [ 
+      'non-terminal' ,
+      'terminal' ,
+      'any-character' ,
+    ] choice* ,
+    "=" syntax ensure-not ,
+  ] seq* [ first ] action ;
 DEFER: 'choice'
+: grouped ( quot suffix  -- parser )
+  #! Parse a group of choices, with a suffix indicating
+  #! the type of group (repeat0, repeat1, etc) and
+  #! an quot that is the action that produces the AST.
+  "(" [ 'choice' sp ] delay ")" syntax-pack 
+  swap 2seq  
+  [ first ] rot compose action ;
 : 'group' ( -- parser )
-  "(" token sp hide
-  [ 'choice' sp ] delay
-  ")" token sp hide 
-  3array seq [ first ] action ;
+  #! A grouping with no suffix. Used for precedence.
+  [ ] [
+    "*" token sp ensure-not ,
+    "+" token sp ensure-not ,
+    "?" token sp ensure-not ,
+    "[[" token sp ensure-not ,
+  ] seq* hide grouped ; 
 : 'repeat0' ( -- parser )
-  "{" token sp hide
-  [ 'choice' sp ] delay
-  "}" token sp hide 
-  3array seq [ first <ebnf-repeat0> ] action ;
+  [ <ebnf-repeat0> ] "*" syntax grouped ;
+: 'repeat1' ( -- parser )
+  [ <ebnf-repeat1> ] "+" syntax grouped ;
 : 'optional' ( -- parser )
-  "[" token sp hide
-  [ 'choice' sp ] delay
-  "]" token sp hide 
-  3array seq [ first <ebnf-optional> ] action ;
+  [ <ebnf-optional> ] "?" syntax grouped ;
+: 'factor-code' ( -- parser )
+  [
+    "]]" token ensure-not ,
+    [ drop t ] satisfy ,
+  ] seq* [ first ] action repeat0 [ >string ] action ;
+: 'action' ( -- parser )
+  [
+    "(" [ 'choice' sp ] delay ")" syntax-pack ,
+    "[[" 'factor-code' "]]" syntax-pack ,
+  ] seq* [ first2 <ebnf-action> ] action ;
+: 'ensure-not' ( -- parser )
+  #! Parses the '!' syntax to ensure that 
+  #! something that matches the following elements do
+  #! not exist in the parse stream.
+  [
+    "!" syntax ,
+    'group' sp ,
+  ] seq* [ first <ebnf-ensure-not> ] action ;
 : 'sequence' ( -- parser )
+  #! A sequence of terminals and non-terminals, including
+  #! groupings of those. 
+    'ensure-not' sp ,
     'element' sp ,
     'group' sp , 
     'repeat0' sp ,
+    'repeat1' sp ,
     'optional' sp , 
-   ] { } make  choice  
-   repeat1 [ 
+    'action' sp , 
+  ] choice* repeat1 [ 
      dup length 1 = [ first ] [ <ebnf-sequence> ] if
-   ] action ;  
+  ] action ;  
 : 'choice' ( -- parser )
   'sequence' sp "|" token sp list-of [ 
     dup length 1 = [ first ] [ <ebnf-choice> ] if
-   ] action ;
-: 'action' ( -- parser )
-  "=>" token hide
-  [ blank? ] satisfy ensure-not [ drop t ] satisfy 2array seq [ first ] action repeat1 [ >string ] action sp
-  2array seq [ first <ebnf-action> ] action ;
-: 'rhs' ( -- parser )
-  'choice' 'action' sp optional 2array seq ;
+  ] action ;
 : 'rule' ( -- parser )
-  'non-terminal' [ ebnf-non-terminal-symbol ] action 
-  "=" token sp hide 
-  'rhs' 
-  3array seq [ first2 <ebnf-rule> ] action ;
+  [
+    'non-terminal' [ ebnf-non-terminal-symbol ] action  ,
+    "=" syntax  ,
+    'choice'  ,
+  ] seq* [ first2 <ebnf-rule> ] action ;
 : 'ebnf' ( -- parser )
-  'rule' sp "." token sp hide list-of [ <ebnf> ] action ;
+  'rule' sp repeat1 [ <ebnf> ] action ;
 : ebnf>quot ( string -- quot )
   'ebnf' parse [
@@ -182,4 +279,4 @@ DEFER: 'choice'
    ] if* ;
-: <EBNF "EBNF>" parse-tokens " " join ebnf>quot call ; parsing
+: <EBNF "EBNF>" parse-multiline-string ebnf>quot call ; parsing
diff --git a/extra/peg/expr/authors.txt b/extra/peg/expr/authors.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..44b06f94bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/peg/expr/authors.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Chris Double
diff --git a/extra/peg/expr/expr.factor b/extra/peg/expr/expr.factor
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed13ac0e50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/peg/expr/expr.factor
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+! Copyright (C) 2008 Chris Double.
+! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
+USING: kernel arrays strings math.parser sequences
+peg peg.ebnf peg.parsers memoize math ;
+IN: peg.expr
+: operator-fold ( lhs seq -- value )
+ #! Perform a fold of a lhs, followed by a sequence of pairs being
+ #! { operator rhs } in to a tree structure of the correct precedence.
+ swap [ first2 swap call ] reduce ;
+times    = ("*") [[ drop [ * ] ]]
+divide   = ("/") [[ drop [ / ] ]]
+add      = ("+") [[ drop [ + ] ]]
+subtract = ("-") [[ drop [ - ] ]]
+digit    = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" |
+           "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" 
+number   = ((digit)+) [[ concat string>number ]]
+value    = number | ("(" expr ")") [[ second ]] 
+product = (value ((times | divide) value)*) [[ first2 operator-fold ]]
+sum = (product ((add | subtract) product)*) [[ first2 operator-fold ]]
+expr = sum
+: eval-expr ( string -- number )
+  expr parse parse-result-ast ;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extra/peg/expr/summary.txt b/extra/peg/expr/summary.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c3c140b2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/peg/expr/summary.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Simple expression evaluator using EBNF
diff --git a/extra/peg/expr/tags.txt b/extra/peg/expr/tags.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9da56880c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extra/peg/expr/tags.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/extra/peg/pl0/pl0-tests.factor b/extra/peg/pl0/pl0-tests.factor
index fa8ac89f57..bf321d54e9 100644
--- a/extra/peg/pl0/pl0-tests.factor
+++ b/extra/peg/pl0/pl0-tests.factor
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ! Copyright (C) 2007 Chris Double.
 ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
-USING: kernel tools.test peg peg.pl0 ;
+USING: kernel tools.test peg peg.pl0 multiline sequences ;
 IN: peg.pl0.tests
 { "abc" } [
@@ -11,3 +11,89 @@ IN: peg.pl0.tests
 { 55 } [
   "55abc" number parse parse-result-ast 
 ] unit-test
+{ t } [
+  <"
+VAR x, squ;
+PROCEDURE square;
+   squ := x * x
+   x := 1;
+   WHILE x <= 10 DO
+      CALL square;
+      x := x + 1;
+   END
+"> program parse parse-result-remaining empty?
+] unit-test
+{ f } [
+  <"
+  m =  7,
+  n = 85;
+  x, y, z, q, r;
+PROCEDURE multiply;
+VAR a, b;
+  a := x;
+  b := y;
+  z := 0;
+    IF ODD b THEN z := z + a;
+    a := 2 * a;
+    b := b / 2;
+  END
+PROCEDURE divide;
+VAR w;
+  r := x;
+  q := 0;
+  w := y;
+  WHILE w <= r DO w := 2 * w;
+    q := 2 * q;
+    w := w / 2;
+    IF w <= r THEN BEGIN
+      r := r - w;
+      q := q + 1
+    END
+  END
+VAR f, g;
+  f := x;
+  g := y;
+    IF f < g THEN g := g - f;
+    IF g < f THEN f := f - g;
+  END;
+  z := f
+  x := m;
+  y := n;
+  CALL multiply;
+  x := 25;
+  y :=  3;
+  CALL divide;
+  x := 84;
+  y := 36;
+  CALL gcd;
+  "> program parse parse-result-remaining empty?
+] unit-test
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extra/peg/pl0/pl0.factor b/extra/peg/pl0/pl0.factor
index 6844eb44dc..1ef7a23b41 100644
--- a/extra/peg/pl0/pl0.factor
+++ b/extra/peg/pl0/pl0.factor
@@ -1,30 +1,31 @@
 ! Copyright (C) 2007 Chris Double.
 ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
 USING: kernel arrays strings math.parser sequences
-peg peg.ebnf peg.parsers memoize ;
+peg peg.ebnf peg.parsers memoize namespaces ;
 IN: peg.pl0
 #! Grammar for PL/0 based on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PL/0
 MEMO: ident ( -- parser )
-  CHAR: a CHAR: z range 
-  CHAR: A CHAR: Z range 2array choice repeat1 
-  [ >string ] action ;
+  [
+    CHAR: a CHAR: z range ,
+    CHAR: A CHAR: Z range ,
+  ] choice* repeat1 [ >string ] action ;
 MEMO: number ( -- parser )
   CHAR: 0 CHAR: 9 range repeat1 [ string>number ] action ;
-program = block '.' .
-block = [ 'const' ident '=' number { ',' ident '=' number } ';' ]
-        [ 'var' ident { ',' ident } ';' ]
-        { 'procedure' ident ';' [ block ';' ] } statement .
-statement = [ ident ':=' expression | 'call' ident |
-              'begin' statement {';' statement } 'end' |
-              'if' condition 'then' statement |
-              'while' condition 'do' statement ] .
-condition = 'odd' expression |
-            expression ('=' | '#' | '<=' | '<' | '>=' | '>') expression .
-expression = ['+' | '-'] term {('+' | '-') term } .
-term = factor {('*' | '/') factor } .
-factor = ident | number | '(' expression ')'
+program = block "." 
+block = [ "CONST" ident "=" number { "," ident "=" number } ";" ]
+        [ "VAR" ident { "," ident } ";" ]
+        { "PROCEDURE" ident ";" [ block ";" ] } statement 
+statement = [ ident ":=" expression | "CALL" ident |
+              "BEGIN" statement {";" statement } "END" |
+              "IF" condition "THEN" statement |
+              "WHILE" condition "DO" statement ] 
+condition = "ODD" expression |
+            expression ("=" | "#" | "<=" | "<" | ">=" | ">") expression 
+expression = ["+" | "-"] term {("+" | "-") term } 
+term = factor {("*" | "/") factor } 
+factor = ident | number | "(" expression ")"