Unix I/O re-working; nested multiplexer support, use kqueue on *bsd to wait for process completion, start Linux epoll support
@ -7,19 +7,46 @@ continuations system libc qualified namespaces ;
IN: io.unix.backend
! Multiplexer protocol
SYMBOL: unix-io-backend
MIXIN: unix-io
HOOK: init-unix-io unix-io-backend ( -- )
HOOK: register-io-task unix-io-backend ( task -- )
HOOK: unregister-io-task unix-io-backend ( task -- )
HOOK: unix-io-multiplex unix-io-backend ( timeval -- )
! I/O tasks
TUPLE: io-task port callbacks ;
TUPLE: unix-io ;
: io-task-fd io-task-port port-handle ;
! Global variables
SYMBOL: read-tasks
SYMBOL: write-tasks
: <io-task> ( port continuation class -- task )
>r 1vector io-task construct-boa r> construct-delegate ;
GENERIC: do-io-task ( task -- ? )
GENERIC: io-task-container ( mx task -- hashtable )
! I/O multiplexers
TUPLE: mx fd reads writes ;
: <mx> ( -- mx ) f H{ } clone H{ } clone mx construct-boa ;
: construct-mx ( class -- obj ) <mx> swap construct-delegate ;
GENERIC: register-io-task ( task mx -- )
GENERIC: unregister-io-task ( task mx -- )
GENERIC: unix-io-multiplex ( ms mx -- )
: fd/container ( task mx -- task fd container )
over io-task-container >r dup io-task-fd r> ; inline
: check-io-task ( task mx -- )
fd/container key? nip [
"Cannot perform multiple reads from the same port" throw
] when ;
M: mx register-io-task ( task mx -- )
2dup check-io-task fd/container set-at ;
: add-io-task ( task -- ) mx get-global register-io-task ;
M: mx unregister-io-task ( task mx -- )
fd/container delete-at drop ;
! Some general stuff
: file-mode OCT: 0666 ;
@ -52,43 +79,15 @@ M: integer close-handle ( fd -- )
err_no dup ignorable-error?
[ 2drop f ] [ strerror swap report-error t ] if ;
! Associates a port with a list of continuations waiting on the
! port to finish I/O
TUPLE: io-task port callbacks ;
: <io-task> ( port continuation class -- task )
>r 1vector io-task construct-boa r> construct-delegate ;
! Multiplexer
GENERIC: do-io-task ( task -- ? )
GENERIC: task-container ( task -- vector )
: io-task-fd io-task-port port-handle ;
: check-io-task ( task -- )
dup io-task-fd swap task-container at [
"Cannot perform multiple reads from the same port" throw
] when ;
: add-io-task ( task -- )
dup check-io-task
dup register-io-task
dup io-task-fd over task-container set-at ;
: remove-io-task ( task -- )
dup io-task-fd over task-container delete-at
unregister-io-task ;
: pop-callbacks ( task -- )
dup remove-io-task
: pop-callbacks ( mx task -- )
dup rot unregister-io-task
io-task-callbacks [ schedule-thread ] each ;
: handle-fd ( task -- )
: handle-io-task ( mx task -- )
dup io-task-port touch-port
dup do-io-task [ pop-callbacks ] [ drop ] if ;
dup do-io-task [ pop-callbacks ] [ 2drop ] if ;
: handle-timeout ( task -- )
: handle-timeout ( mx task -- )
"Timeout" over io-task-port report-error pop-callbacks ;
! Readers
@ -119,8 +118,7 @@ M: read-task do-io-task
io-task-port dup refill
[ [ reader-eof ] [ drop ] if ] keep ;
M: read-task task-container
drop read-tasks get-global ;
M: read-task io-task-container drop mx-reads ;
M: input-port (wait-to-read)
[ <read-task> add-io-task stop ] callcc0 pending-error ;
@ -139,13 +137,12 @@ M: write-task do-io-task
io-task-port dup buffer-empty? over port-error or
[ 0 swap buffer-reset t ] [ write-step ] if ;
M: write-task task-container
drop write-tasks get-global ;
M: write-task io-task-container drop mx-writes ;
: add-write-io-task ( port continuation -- )
over port-handle write-tasks get-global at
over port-handle mx get-global mx-writes at*
[ io-task-callbacks push drop ]
[ <write-task> add-io-task ] if* ;
[ drop <write-task> add-io-task ] if ;
: (wait-to-write) ( port -- )
[ add-write-io-task stop ] callcc0 drop ;
@ -154,16 +151,27 @@ M: port port-flush ( port -- )
dup buffer-empty? [ drop ] [ (wait-to-write) ] if ;
M: unix-io io-multiplex ( ms -- )
unix-io-multiplex ;
M: unix-io init-io ( -- )
H{ } clone read-tasks set-global
H{ } clone write-tasks set-global
init-unix-io ;
mx get-global unix-io-multiplex ;
M: unix-io init-stdio ( -- )
0 1 handle>duplex-stream io:stdio set-global
2 <writer> io:stderr set-global ;
! mx io-task for embedding an fd-based mx inside another mx
TUPLE: mx-port mx ;
: <mx-port> ( mx -- port )
dup mx-fd f <port>
mx-port over set-port-type
{ set-mx-port-mx set-delegate } mx-port construct ;
TUPLE: mx-task ;
: <mx-task> ( port -- task )
f io-task construct-boa mx-task construct-delegate ;
M: mx-task do-io-task
io-task-port mx-port-mx 0 swap unix-io-multiplex f ;
: multiplexer-error ( n -- )
0 < [ err_no ignorable-error? [ (io-error) ] unless ] when ;
@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: alien.c-types kernel io.nonblocking io.unix.backend
io.unix.sockets sequences assocs unix unix.kqueue math
namespaces classes combinators ;
IN: io.unix.backend.kqueue
TUPLE: unix-kqueue-io ;
! Global variables
SYMBOL: kqueue-fd
SYMBOL: kqueue-events
: max-events ( -- n )
#! We read up to 256 events at a time. This is an arbitrary
#! constant...
256 ; inline
M: unix-kqueue-io init-unix-io ( -- )
max-events "kevent" <c-array> kqueue-events set-global
kqueue dup io-error kqueue-fd set-global ;
: io-task-filter ( task -- n )
class {
{ read-task [ EVFILT_READ ] }
{ accept-task [ EVFILT_READ ] }
{ receive-task [ EVFILT_READ ] }
{ write-task [ EVFILT_WRITE ] }
{ connect-task [ EVFILT_WRITE ] }
{ send-task [ EVFILT_WRITE ] }
} case ;
: make-kevent ( task -- event )
"kevent" <c-object>
over io-task-fd over set-kevent-ident
swap io-task-filter over set-kevent-filter ;
: register-kevent ( task flags -- )
>r make-kevent r> over set-kevent-flags
kqueue-fd get-global swap 1 f 0 f kevent io-error ;
: make-add-kevent ( task -- event )
EV_ADD over set-kevent-flags ;
: make-delete-kevent ( task -- event )
EV_DELETE over set-kevent-flags ;
M: unix-kqueue-io register-io-task ( task -- )
EV_ADD EV_ENABLE bitor register-kevent ;
M: unix-kqueue-io unregister-io-task ( task -- )
EV_DELETE EV_DISABLE bitor register-kevent ;
: wait-kevent ( timespec -- n )
kqueue-fd get-global
f 0 kqueue-events get-global max-events
r> kevent dup multiplexer-error ;
: kevent-task ( kevent -- task )
dup kevent-ident swap kevent-filter {
{ [ dup EVFILT_READ = ] [ read-tasks ] }
{ [ dup EVFILT_WRITE = ] [ write-tasks ] }
} cond nip get at ;
: handle-kevents ( n eventlist -- )
[ kevent-nth kevent-task handle-fd ] curry each ;
M: unix-kqueue-io unix-io-multiplex ( ms -- )
kqueue-events get-global handle-kevents ;
T{ unix-kqueue-io } unix-io-backend set-global
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
! Copyright (C) 2004, 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: alien.syntax kernel io.nonblocking io.unix.backend
bit-arrays sequences assocs unix math namespaces structs ;
IN: io.unix.backend.select
TUPLE: unix-select-io ;
! Global variables
SYMBOL: read-fdset
SYMBOL: write-fdset
M: unix-select-io init-unix-io ( -- )
FD_SETSIZE 8 * <bit-array> read-fdset set-global
FD_SETSIZE 8 * <bit-array> write-fdset set-global ;
: handle-fdset ( fdset tasks -- )
swap [
swap dup io-task-port timeout? [
nip handle-timeout
] [
tuck io-task-fd swap nth
[ handle-fd ] [ drop ] if
] if drop
] curry assoc-each ;
: init-fdset ( fdset tasks -- )
swap dup clear-bits
[ >r drop t swap r> set-nth ] curry assoc-each ;
: read-fdset/tasks
read-fdset get-global read-tasks get-global ;
: write-fdset/tasks
write-fdset get-global write-tasks get-global ;
: init-fdsets ( -- read write except )
read-fdset/tasks dupd init-fdset
write-fdset/tasks dupd init-fdset
f ;
M: unix-select-io register-io-task ( task -- ) drop ;
M: unix-select-io unregister-io-task ( task -- ) drop ;
M: unix-select-io unix-io-multiplex ( timeval -- )
make-timeval >r FD_SETSIZE init-fdsets r>
select multiplexer-error
read-fdset/tasks handle-fdset
write-fdset/tasks handle-fdset ;
T{ unix-select-io } unix-io-backend set-global
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
IN: io.unix.bsd
USING: io.backend io.unix.backend io.unix.kqueue io.unix.select
io.unix.launcher namespaces kernel assocs threads continuations
! On *BSD and Mac OS X, we use select() for the top-level
! multiplexer, and we hang a kqueue off of it but file change
! notification and process exit notification.
! kqueue is buggy with files and ptys so we can't use it as the
! main multiplexer.
TUPLE: bsd-io ;
INSTANCE: bsd-io unix-io
M: bsd-io init-io ( -- )
<select-mx> mx set-global
<kqueue-mx> kqueue-mx set-global
kqueue-mx get-global <mx-port> <mx-task> dup io-task-fd
2dup mx get-global mx-reads set-at
mx get-global mx-writes set-at ;
M: bsd-io wait-for-process ( pid -- status )
[ kqueue-mx get-global add-pid-task stop ] curry callcc1 ;
T{ bsd-io } io-backend set-global
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: alien.c-types kernel io.nonblocking io.unix.backend
bit-arrays sequences assocs unix math namespaces structs ;
IN: io.unix.epoll
TUPLE: epoll-mx events ;
: max-events ( -- n )
#! We read up to 256 events at a time. This is an arbitrary
#! constant...
256 ; inline
: <epoll-mx> ( -- mx )
epoll-mx construct-mx
max-events epoll_create dup io-error over set-mx-fd
max-events "epoll-event" <c-array> over set-epoll-mx-events ;
: io-task-filter ( task -- n )
class {
{ read-task [ EVFILT_READ ] }
{ accept-task [ EVFILT_READ ] }
{ receive-task [ EVFILT_READ ] }
{ write-task [ EVFILT_WRITE ] }
{ connect-task [ EVFILT_WRITE ] }
{ send-task [ EVFILT_WRITE ] }
} case ;
: make-event ( task -- event )
"epoll-event" <c-object>
tuck set-epoll-event-events
over io-task-fd over set-epoll-fd ;
: do-epoll-ctl ( task mx what -- )
>r >r make-event r> mx-fd r> pick event-data *int roll
epoll_ctl io-error ;
M: epoll-mx register-io-task ( task mx -- )
EPOLL_CTL_ADD do-epoll-ctl ;
M: epoll-mx unregister-io-task ( task mx -- )
EPOLL_CTL_DEL do-epoll-ctl ;
: wait-kevent ( mx timeout -- n )
>r mx-fd epoll-mx-events max-events r> epoll_wait
dup multiplexer-error ;
: epoll-read-task ( mx fd -- )
over mx-reads at* [ handle-io-task ] [ 2drop ] if ;
: epoll-write-task ( mx fd -- )
over mx-reads at* [ handle-io-task ] [ 2drop ] if ;
: handle-event ( mx kevent -- )
epoll-event-fd 2dup epoll-read-task epoll-write-task ;
: handle-events ( mx n -- )
[ over epoll-mx-events kevent-nth handle-kevent ] with each ;
M: epoll-mx unix-io-multiplex ( ms mx -- )
dup rot wait-kevent handle-kevents ;
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: alien.c-types kernel io.nonblocking io.unix.backend
io.unix.sockets sequences assocs unix unix.kqueue unix.process
math namespaces classes combinators threads vectors ;
IN: io.unix.kqueue
TUPLE: kqueue-mx events processes ;
: max-events ( -- n )
#! We read up to 256 events at a time. This is an arbitrary
#! constant...
256 ; inline
: <kqueue-mx> ( -- mx )
kqueue-mx construct-mx
kqueue dup io-error over set-mx-fd
H{ } clone over set-kqueue-mx-processes
max-events "kevent" <c-array> over set-kqueue-mx-events ;
: io-task-filter ( task -- n )
class {
{ read-task [ EVFILT_READ ] }
{ accept-task [ EVFILT_READ ] }
{ receive-task [ EVFILT_READ ] }
{ write-task [ EVFILT_WRITE ] }
{ connect-task [ EVFILT_WRITE ] }
{ send-task [ EVFILT_WRITE ] }
} case ;
: make-kevent ( task flags -- event )
"kevent" <c-object>
tuck set-kevent-flags
over io-task-fd over set-kevent-ident
swap io-task-filter over set-kevent-filter ;
: register-kevent ( kevent mx -- )
mx-fd swap 1 f 0 f kevent io-error ;
M: kqueue-mx register-io-task ( task mx -- )
over EV_ADD make-kevent over register-kevent
delegate register-io-task ;
M: kqueue-mx unregister-io-task ( task mx -- )
2dup delegate unregister-io-task
swap EV_DELETE make-kevent swap register-kevent ;
: wait-kevent ( mx timespec -- n )
>r dup mx-fd f 0 roll kqueue-mx-events max-events r> kevent
dup multiplexer-error ;
: kevent-read-task ( mx fd -- )
over mx-reads at handle-io-task ;
: kevent-write-task ( mx fd -- )
over mx-reads at handle-io-task ;
: kevent-proc-task ( mx pid -- )
dup (wait-for-pid) spin kqueue-mx-processes delete-at* [
[ schedule-thread-with ] with each
] [ 2drop ] if ;
: handle-kevent ( mx kevent -- )
dup kevent-ident swap kevent-filter {
{ [ dup EVFILT_READ = ] [ drop kevent-read-task ] }
{ [ dup EVFILT_WRITE = ] [ drop kevent-write-task ] }
{ [ dup EVFILT_PROC = ] [ drop kevent-proc-task ] }
} cond ;
: handle-kevents ( mx n -- )
[ over kqueue-mx-events kevent-nth handle-kevent ] with each ;
M: kqueue-mx unix-io-multiplex ( ms mx -- )
swap make-timespec dupd wait-kevent handle-kevents ;
: make-proc-kevent ( pid -- kevent )
"kevent" <c-object>
tuck set-kevent-ident
EV_ADD over set-kevent-flags
EVFILT_PROC over set-kevent-filter
NOTE_EXIT over set-kevent-fflags ;
: add-pid-task ( continuation pid mx -- )
2dup kqueue-mx-processes at* [
2nip push
] [
over make-proc-kevent over register-kevent
>r >r 1vector r> r> kqueue-mx-processes set-at
] if ;
@ -1,14 +1,18 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007 Slava Pestov.
! Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: io io.launcher io.unix.backend io.nonblocking
sequences kernel namespaces math system alien.c-types
debugger continuations arrays assocs combinators unix.process
USING: io io.backend io.launcher io.unix.backend io.nonblocking
sequences kernel namespaces math system alien.c-types debugger
continuations arrays assocs combinators unix.process
parser-combinators memoize promises strings ;
IN: io.unix.launcher
! Search unix first
USE: unix
HOOK: wait-for-process io-backend ( pid -- status )
M: unix-io wait-for-process ( pid -- status ) wait-for-pid ;
! Our command line parser. Supported syntax:
! foo bar baz -- simple tokens
! foo\ bar -- escaping the space
@ -44,28 +48,26 @@ MEMO: 'arguments' ( -- parser )
: (spawn-process) ( -- )
pass-environment? [
get-arguments get-environment assoc>env exec-args-with-env
] [
get-arguments exec-args-with-path
] if io-error
[ get-environment assoc>env exec-args-with-env ]
[ exec-args-with-path ] if
] [ error. :c flush ] recover 1 exit ;
: wait-for-process ( pid -- )
0 <int> 0 waitpid drop ;
: spawn-process ( -- pid )
[ (spawn-process) ] [ ] with-fork ;
: spawn-detached ( -- )
[ spawn-process 0 exit ] [ ] with-fork wait-for-process ;
[ spawn-process 0 exit ] [ ] with-fork
wait-for-process drop ;
M: unix-io run-process* ( desc -- )
+detached+ get [
] [
spawn-process wait-for-process
spawn-process wait-for-process drop
] if
] with-descriptor ;
@ -85,15 +87,16 @@ M: unix-io run-process* ( desc -- )
-rot 2dup second close first close
] with-fork first swap second rot ;
TUPLE: pipe-stream pid ;
TUPLE: pipe-stream pid status ;
: <pipe-stream> ( in out pid -- stream )
pipe-stream construct-boa
f pipe-stream construct-boa
-rot handle>duplex-stream over set-delegate ;
M: pipe-stream stream-close
dup delegate stream-close
pipe-stream-pid wait-for-process ;
dup pipe-stream-pid wait-for-process
swap set-pipe-stream-status ;
M: unix-io process-stream*
[ spawn-process-stream <pipe-stream> ] with-descriptor ;
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
IN: io.unix.linux
USING: io.unix.backend io.unix.select namespaces kernel assocs ;
TUPLE: linux-io ;
INSTANCE: linux-io unix-io
M: linux-io init-io ( -- )
<epoll-mx> mx set-global ;
M: linux-io wait-for-pid ( pid -- status )
[ kqueue-mx get-global add-pid-task stop ] curry callcc1 ;
T{ linux-io } io-backend set-global
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
! Copyright (C) 2004, 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: alien.c-types kernel io.nonblocking io.unix.backend
bit-arrays sequences assocs unix math namespaces structs ;
IN: io.unix.select
TUPLE: select-mx read-fdset write-fdset ;
! Factor's bit-arrays are an array of bytes, OS X expects
! FD_SET to be an array of cells, so we have to account for
! byte order differences on big endian platforms
: little-endian? 1 <int> *char 1 = ; foldable
: munge ( i -- i' )
little-endian? [ BIN: 11000 bitxor ] unless ; inline
: <select-mx> ( -- mx )
select-mx construct-mx
FD_SETSIZE 8 * <bit-array> over set-select-mx-read-fdset
FD_SETSIZE 8 * <bit-array> over set-select-mx-write-fdset ;
: handle-fd ( fd task fdset mx -- )
roll munge rot nth [ swap handle-io-task ] [ 2drop ] if ;
: handle-fdset ( tasks fdset mx -- )
[ handle-fd ] 2curry assoc-each ;
: init-fdset ( tasks fdset -- )
dup clear-bits
[ >r drop t swap munge r> set-nth ] curry assoc-each ;
: read-fdset/tasks
{ mx-reads select-mx-read-fdset } get-slots ;
: write-fdset/tasks
{ mx-writes select-mx-write-fdset } get-slots ;
: init-fdsets ( mx -- read write except )
[ read-fdset/tasks tuck init-fdset ] keep
write-fdset/tasks tuck init-fdset
f ;
M: select-mx unix-io-multiplex ( ms mx -- )
swap >r FD_SETSIZE over init-fdsets r> make-timeval
select multiplexer-error
dup read-fdset/tasks pick handle-fdset
dup write-fdset/tasks rot handle-fdset ;
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ M: connect-task do-io-task
io-task-port dup port-handle f 0 write
0 < [ defer-error ] [ drop t ] if ;
M: connect-task task-container drop write-tasks get-global ;
M: connect-task io-task-container drop mx-writes ;
: wait-to-connect ( port -- )
[ <connect-task> add-io-task stop ] callcc0 drop ;
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ TUPLE: accept-task ;
: <accept-task> ( port continuation -- task )
accept-task <io-task> ;
M: accept-task task-container drop read-tasks get ;
M: accept-task io-task-container drop mx-reads ;
: accept-sockaddr ( port -- fd sockaddr )
dup port-handle swap server-port-addr sockaddr-type
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ M: receive-task do-io-task
2drop defer-error
] if ;
M: receive-task task-container drop read-tasks get ;
M: receive-task io-task-container drop mx-reads ;
: wait-receive ( stream -- )
[ <receive-task> add-io-task stop ] callcc0 drop ;
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ M: send-task do-io-task
[ send-task-len do-send ] keep
swap 0 < [ io-task-port defer-error ] [ drop t ] if ;
M: send-task task-container drop write-tasks get ;
M: send-task io-task-container drop mx-writes ;
: wait-send ( packet sockaddr len stream -- )
[ <send-task> add-io-task stop ] callcc0 2drop 2drop ;
@ -3,9 +3,8 @@ io.unix.launcher io.unix.mmap io.backend combinators namespaces
system vocabs.loader ;
{ [ macosx? ] [ "io.unix.backend.kqueue" ] }
{ [ bsd? ] [ "io.unix.backend.kqueue" ] }
{ [ unix? ] [ "io.unix.backend.select" ] }
{ [ bsd? ] [ "io.unix.bsd" ] }
{ [ macosx? ] [ "io.unix.bsd" ] }
{ [ linux? ] [ "io.unix.backend.linux" ] }
{ [ solaris? ] [ "io.unix.backend.solaris" ] }
} cond require
T{ unix-io } io-backend set-global
@ -1,53 +1,55 @@
USING: kernel alien.c-types sequences math unix combinators.cleave ;
USING: kernel alien.c-types sequences math unix
combinators.cleave vectors kernel namespaces continuations
threads assocs vectors ;
IN: unix.process
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! Low-level Unix process launching utilities. These are used
! to implement io.launcher on Unix. User code should use
! io.launcher instead.
: >argv ( seq -- alien ) [ malloc-char-string ] map f add >c-void*-array ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: exec ( pathname argv -- int )
[ malloc-char-string ] [ >argv ] bi* execv ;
[ malloc-char-string ] [ >argv ] bi* execv ;
: exec-with-path ( filename argv -- int )
[ malloc-char-string ] [ >argv ] bi* execvp ;
[ malloc-char-string ] [ >argv ] bi* execvp ;
: exec-with-env ( filename argv envp -- int )
[ malloc-char-string ] [ >argv ] [ >argv ] tri* execve ;
[ malloc-char-string ] [ >argv ] [ >argv ] tri* execve ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: exec-args ( seq -- int )
[ first ] [ ] bi exec ;
: exec-args ( seq -- int ) [ first ] [ ] bi exec ;
: exec-args-with-path ( seq -- int ) [ first ] [ ] bi exec-with-path ;
: exec-args-with-path ( seq -- int )
[ first ] [ ] bi exec-with-path ;
: exec-args-with-env ( seq seq -- int ) >r [ first ] [ ] bi r> exec-with-env ;
: exec-args-with-env ( seq seq -- int )
>r [ first ] [ ] bi r> exec-with-env ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: with-fork ( child parent -- )
fork dup zero? -roll swap curry if ; inline
: with-fork ( child parent -- ) fork dup zero? -roll swap curry if ; inline
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
USING: kernel alien.c-types namespaces continuations threads assocs unix
combinators.cleave ;
! Lame polling strategy for getting process exit codes. On
! BSD, we use kqueue which is more efficient.
SYMBOL: pid-wait
! -----------
! pid | continuation
: (wait-for-pid) ( pid -- status )
0 <int> [ 0 waitpid drop ] keep *int ;
: init-pid-wait ( -- ) H{ } clone pid-wait set-global ;
: wait-for-pid ( pid -- status ) [ pid-wait get set-at stop ] curry callcc1 ;
: wait-for-pid ( pid -- status )
[ pid-wait get-global [ ?push ] change-at stop ] curry
callcc1 ;
: wait-loop ( -- )
-1 0 <int> tuck WNOHANG waitpid ! &status return
[ *int ] [ pid-wait get delete-at* drop ] bi* ! status ?
dup [ schedule-thread-with ] [ 2drop ] if
250 sleep wait-loop ;
-1 0 <int> tuck WNOHANG waitpid ! &status return
[ *int ] [ pid-wait get delete-at* drop ] bi* ! status ?
[ schedule-thread-with ] with each
250 sleep
wait-loop ;
: start-wait-loop ( -- ) init-pid-wait [ wait-loop ] in-thread ;
: start-wait-loop ( -- )
H{ } clone pid-wait set-global
[ wait-loop ] in-thread ;
Reference in New Issue