Merge branch 'master' of git://

Slava Pestov 2009-10-15 02:40:37 -05:00
commit ec50b169a5
2 changed files with 127 additions and 46 deletions

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@ -40,6 +40,13 @@ IN:
] unit-test
127 191 255 63
255 25 51 76
76 51 229 127
25 255 255 255
] [
0.5 0.75 1.0 0.25
1.0 0.1 0.2 0.3
@ -51,4 +58,35 @@ IN:
[ int-4 short-8 vconvert ] 2bi@
short-8 uchar-16 vconvert
] data-map( float-4[4] -- uchar-16 )
] [ bad-data-map-input-length? ] must-fail-with
] unit-test
: vmerge-transpose ( a b c d -- ac bd ac bd )
[ (vmerge) ] bi-curry@ bi* ; inline
1 10 11 15
2 20 22 25
3 30 33 35
4 40 44 45
5 50 55 55
6 60 66 65
7 70 77 75
8 80 88 85
9 90 99 95
10 100 110 105
11 110 121 115
12 120 132 125
13 130 143 135
14 140 154 145
15 150 165 155
16 160 176 165
] [
B{ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 }
B{ 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 }
B{ 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 110 121 132 143 154 165 176 }
B{ 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125 135 145 155 165 }
[ vmerge-transpose vmerge-transpose ]
data-map( uchar-16 uchar-16 uchar-16 uchar-16 -- uchar-16[4] )
] unit-test

View File

@ -1,69 +1,112 @@
! (c)Joe Groff bsd license
USING: alien alien.c-types alien.parser arrays
byte-arrays fry generalizations kernel lexer locals macros math
math.ranges parser sequences sequences.private ;
USING: accessors alien alien.c-types alien.parser arrays
byte-arrays combinators effects.parser fry generalizations kernel
lexer locals macros math math.ranges parser sequences sequences.private ;
ERROR: bad-data-map-input-length byte-length iter-size remainder ;
: even-/i ( d d -- q )
2dup [ >fixnum ] bi@ /mod
[ 2nip ]
[ bad-data-map-input-length ] if-zero ; inline
: <displaced-direct-array> ( displacement bytes length type -- direct-array )
[ <displaced-alien> ] 2dip <c-direct-array> ; inline
:: data-map-length ( array type count -- byte-length iter-size iter-count )
array byte-length >fixnum
type heap-size count *
2dup even-/i ; inline
TUPLE: data-map-param
{ c-type read-only }
{ count fixnum read-only }
{ orig read-only }
{ bytes c-ptr read-only }
{ byte-length fixnum read-only }
{ iter-length fixnum read-only }
{ iter-count fixnum read-only } ;
: <displaced-direct-array> ( byte-array displacement length type -- direct-array )
[ swap <displaced-alien> ] 2dip <c-direct-array> ; inline
ERROR: bad-data-map-param param remainder ;
:: data-map-loop ( input loop-quot out-bytes-quot in-type in-count out-type out-count -- out-bytes )
input in-type in-count data-map-length
:> iter-count :> in-size :> in-byte-length
input >c-ptr :> in-bytes
M: data-map-param length
iter-count>> ; inline
out-count out-type heap-size * :> out-size
out-size iter-count * :> out-byte-length
out-byte-length out-bytes-quot call :> out-bytes
M: data-map-param nth-unsafe
[ iter-length>> * >fixnum ]
[ bytes>> ]
[ count>> ]
[ c-type>> ]
} cleave <displaced-direct-array> ; inline
0 in-byte-length 1 - >fixnum in-size >fixnum <range>
0 out-byte-length 1 - >fixnum out-size >fixnum <range>
[| in-base out-base |
in-bytes in-base in-count in-type <displaced-direct-array>
in-count firstn-unsafe
loop-quot call
out-bytes out-base out-count out-type <displaced-direct-array>
out-count set-firstn-unsafe
] 2each
out-bytes ; inline
INSTANCE: data-map-param immutable-sequence
: c-type-count ( in/out -- c-type count iter-length )
dup array? [ unclip swap product >fixnum ] [ 1 ] if
2dup swap heap-size * >fixnum ; inline
MACRO: data-map ( in-type in-count out-type out-count -- )
'[ [ (byte-array) ] _ _ _ _ data-map-loop ] ;
MACRO:: >param ( in -- quot: ( array -- param ) )
in c-type-count :> iter-length :> count :> c-type
MACRO: data-map! ( in-type in-count out-type out-count -- )
'[ swap [ [ nip >c-ptr ] curry _ _ _ _ data-map-loop drop ] keep ] ;
[ c-type count ] dip
[ ]
[ >c-ptr ]
[ byte-length ] tri
2dup /i
data-map-param boa
] ;
MACRO:: alloc-param ( out -- quot: ( len -- param ) )
out c-type-count :> iter-length :> count :> c-type
: c-type-parsed ( accum c-type -- accum )
dup array? [ unclip swap product ] [ 1 ] if
[ parsed ] bi@ ;
[ c-type count ] dip
iter-length * >fixnum [ (byte-array) dup ] keep
] keep
data-map-param boa
] ;
MACRO: unpack-params ( ins -- )
[ c-type-count drop nip '[ _ firstn-unsafe ] ] map '[ _ spread ] ;
MACRO: pack-params ( outs -- )
[ ] [ c-type-count drop nip dup [ [ ndip _ ] dip set-firstn ] 3curry ] reduce
fry [ call ] compose ;
:: [data-map] ( ins outs param-quot -- quot )
ins length :> #ins
outs length :> #outs
#ins #outs + :> #params
[| quot |
param-quot call
[ [ ins unpack-params quot call ] #outs ndip outs pack-params ]
#params neach
] #outs nkeep
[ orig>> ] #outs napply
] ;
MACRO: data-map ( ins outs -- )
[ [ '[ _ >param ] ] map '[ _ spread ] ]
[ length dup '[ _ ndup _ nmin-length ] compose ] bi
[ [ '[ _ alloc-param ] ] map '[ _ cleave ] ] bi* compose
[data-map] ;
MACRO: data-map! ( ins outs -- )
2dup append [ '[ _ >param ] ] map '[ _ spread ] [data-map] ;
: parse-data-map-effect ( accum -- accum )
")" parse-effect
[ in>> [ parse-c-type ] map parsed ]
[ out>> [ parse-c-type ] map parsed ] bi ;
SYNTAX: data-map(
scan-c-type c-type-parsed
"--" expect scan-c-type c-type-parsed ")" expect
\ data-map parsed ;
parse-data-map-effect \ data-map parsed ;
SYNTAX: data-map!(
scan-c-type c-type-parsed
"--" expect scan-c-type c-type-parsed ")" expect
\ data-map! parsed ;
parse-data-map-effect \ data-map! parsed ;