bootstrap.image.primitives: new vocab to make primitive declarations better

Björn Lindqvist 2016-03-29 15:41:58 +02:00
parent 9ed93afe22
commit eca6dfac15
4 changed files with 443 additions and 254 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
USING: assocs help.markup help.syntax strings ;
IN: bootstrap.image.primitives
HELP: all-primitives
{ $description "A constant " { $link assoc } " containing all primitives. Keys are vocab names and values are sequences of tuples declaring words. The format of the tuples are { name effect vm-func }. If 'vm-func' is a " { $link string } " then the primitive will call a function implemented in C++ code. If 'vm-func' is " { $link f } " then it is a sub-primitive and implemented in one of the files in 'basis/bootstrap/assembler/'." } ;
ARTICLE: "bootstrap.image.primitives" "Bootstrap primitives"
"This vocab contains utilities for declaring primitives to be added to the bootstrap image. It is used by " { $vocab-link "bootstrap.primitives" }
{ $link all-primitives } " is an assoc where all primitives are declared." ;
ABOUT: "bootstrap.image.primitives"

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@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
USING: alien.strings assocs io.encodings.ascii kernel kernel.private
locals quotations sequences words ;
IN: bootstrap.image.primitives
CONSTANT: all-primitives {
{ "<callback>" ( word return-rewind -- alien ) "primitive_callback" }
{ "<displaced-alien>" ( displacement c-ptr -- alien ) "primitive_displaced_alien" }
{ "alien-address" ( c-ptr -- addr ) "primitive_alien_address" }
{ "free-callback" ( alien -- ) "primitive_free_callback" }
{ "current-callback" ( -- n ) "primitive_current_callback" }
{ "alien-cell" ( c-ptr n -- value ) "primitive_alien_cell" }
{ "alien-double" ( c-ptr n -- value ) "primitive_alien_double" }
{ "alien-float" ( c-ptr n -- value ) "primitive_alien_float" }
{ "alien-signed-1" ( c-ptr n -- value ) "primitive_alien_signed_1" }
{ "alien-signed-2" ( c-ptr n -- value ) "primitive_alien_signed_2" }
{ "alien-signed-4" ( c-ptr n -- value ) "primitive_alien_signed_4" }
{ "alien-signed-8" ( c-ptr n -- value ) "primitive_alien_signed_8" }
{ "alien-signed-cell" ( c-ptr n -- value ) "primitive_alien_signed_cell" }
{ "alien-unsigned-1" ( c-ptr n -- value ) "primitive_alien_unsigned_1" }
{ "alien-unsigned-2" ( c-ptr n -- value ) "primitive_alien_unsigned_2" }
{ "alien-unsigned-4" ( c-ptr n -- value ) "primitive_alien_unsigned_4" }
{ "alien-unsigned-8" ( c-ptr n -- value ) "primitive_alien_unsigned_8" }
{ "alien-unsigned-cell" ( c-ptr n -- value ) "primitive_alien_unsigned_cell" }
{ "set-alien-cell" ( value c-ptr n -- ) "primitive_set_alien_cell" }
{ "set-alien-double" ( value c-ptr n -- ) "primitive_set_alien_double" }
{ "set-alien-float" ( value c-ptr n -- ) "primitive_set_alien_float" }
{ "set-alien-signed-1" ( value c-ptr n -- ) "primitive_set_alien_signed_1" }
{ "set-alien-signed-2" ( value c-ptr n -- ) "primitive_set_alien_signed_2" }
{ "set-alien-signed-4" ( value c-ptr n -- ) "primitive_set_alien_signed_4" }
{ "set-alien-signed-8" ( value c-ptr n -- ) "primitive_set_alien_signed_8" }
{ "set-alien-signed-cell" ( value c-ptr n -- ) "primitive_set_alien_signed_cell" }
{ "set-alien-unsigned-1" ( value c-ptr n -- ) "primitive_set_alien_unsigned_1" }
{ "set-alien-unsigned-2" ( value c-ptr n -- ) "primitive_set_alien_unsigned_2" }
{ "set-alien-unsigned-4" ( value c-ptr n -- ) "primitive_set_alien_unsigned_4" }
{ "set-alien-unsigned-8" ( value c-ptr n -- ) "primitive_set_alien_unsigned_8" }
{ "set-alien-unsigned-cell" ( value c-ptr n -- ) "primitive_set_alien_unsigned_cell" }
{ "(dlopen)" ( path -- dll ) "primitive_dlopen" }
{ "(dlsym)" ( name dll -- alien ) "primitive_dlsym" }
{ "(dlsym-raw)" ( name dll -- alien ) "primitive_dlsym_raw" }
{ "dlclose" ( dll -- ) "primitive_dlclose" }
{ "dll-valid?" ( dll -- ? ) "primitive_dll_validp" }
{ "<array>" ( n elt -- array ) "primitive_array" }
{ "resize-array" ( n array -- new-array ) "primitive_resize_array" }
{ "(byte-array)" ( n -- byte-array ) "primitive_uninitialized_byte_array" }
{ "<byte-array>" ( n -- byte-array ) "primitive_byte_array" }
"resize-byte-array" ( n byte-array -- new-byte-array )
{ "<tuple-boa>" ( slots... layout -- tuple ) "primitive_tuple_boa" }
{ "<tuple>" ( layout -- tuple ) "primitive_tuple" }
"modify-code-heap" ( alist update-existing? reset-pics? -- )
{ "inline-cache-miss" ( generic methods index cache -- ) f }
{ "inline-cache-miss-tail" ( generic methods index cache -- ) f }
{ "lookup-method" ( object methods -- method ) "primitive_lookup_method" }
{ "mega-cache-lookup" ( methods index cache -- ) f }
{ "mega-cache-miss" ( methods index cache -- method ) "primitive_mega_cache_miss" }
{ "(exists?)" ( path -- ? ) "primitive_existsp" }
{ "(fopen)" ( path mode -- alien ) "primitive_fopen" }
{ "fclose" ( alien -- ) "primitive_fclose" }
{ "fflush" ( alien -- ) "primitive_fflush" }
{ "fgetc" ( alien -- byte/f ) "primitive_fgetc" }
{ "fputc" ( byte alien -- ) "primitive_fputc" }
{ "fread-unsafe" ( n buf alien -- count ) "primitive_fread" }
{ "fseek" ( alien offset whence -- ) "primitive_fseek" }
{ "ftell" ( alien -- n ) "primitive_ftell" }
{ "fwrite" ( data length alien -- ) "primitive_fwrite" }
{ "(clone)" ( obj -- newobj ) "primitive_clone" }
{ "<wrapper>" ( obj -- wrapper ) "primitive_wrapper" }
{ "callstack>array" ( callstack -- array ) "primitive_callstack_to_array" }
{ "die" ( -- ) "primitive_die" }
{ "drop" ( x -- ) f }
{ "2drop" ( x y -- ) f }
{ "3drop" ( x y z -- ) f }
{ "4drop" ( w x y z -- ) f }
{ "dup" ( x -- x x ) f }
{ "2dup" ( x y -- x y x y ) f }
{ "3dup" ( x y z -- x y z x y z ) f }
{ "4dup" ( w x y z -- w x y z w x y z ) f }
{ "rot" ( x y z -- y z x ) f }
{ "-rot" ( x y z -- z x y ) f }
{ "dupd" ( x y -- x x y ) f }
{ "swapd" ( x y z -- y x z ) f }
{ "nip" ( x y -- y ) f }
{ "2nip" ( x y z -- z ) f }
{ "over" ( x y -- x y x ) f }
{ "pick" ( x y z -- x y z x ) f }
{ "swap" ( x y -- y x ) f }
{ "eq?" ( obj1 obj2 -- ? ) f }
{ "(call)" ( quot -- ) f }
{ "(execute)" ( word -- ) f }
{ "c-to-factor" ( -- ) f }
{ "fpu-state" ( -- ) f }
{ "lazy-jit-compile" ( -- ) f }
{ "leaf-signal-handler" ( -- ) f }
{ "set-callstack" ( callstack -- * ) f }
{ "set-fpu-state" ( -- ) f }
{ "signal-handler" ( -- ) f }
{ "tag" ( object -- n ) f }
{ "unwind-native-frames" ( -- ) f }
{ "callstack-for" ( context -- array ) "primitive_callstack_for" }
{ "datastack-for" ( context -- array ) "primitive_datastack_for" }
{ "retainstack-for" ( context -- array ) "primitive_retainstack_for" }
{ "(identity-hashcode)" ( obj -- code ) "primitive_identity_hashcode" }
{ "become" ( old new -- ) "primitive_become" }
{ "callstack-bounds" ( -- start end ) "primitive_callstack_bounds" }
{ "check-datastack" ( array in# out# -- ? ) "primitive_check_datastack" }
{ "compute-identity-hashcode" ( obj -- ) "primitive_compute_identity_hashcode" }
{ "context-object" ( n -- obj ) "primitive_context_object" }
"innermost-frame-executing" ( callstack -- obj )
"innermost-frame-scan" ( callstack -- n )
{ "set-context-object" ( obj n -- ) "primitive_set_context_object" }
{ "set-datastack" ( array -- ) "primitive_set_datastack" }
"set-innermost-frame-quotation" ( n callstack -- )
{ "set-retainstack" ( array -- ) "primitive_set_retainstack" }
{ "set-special-object" ( obj n -- ) "primitive_set_special_object" }
{ "special-object" ( n -- obj ) "primitive_special_object" }
{ "strip-stack-traces" ( -- ) "primitive_strip_stack_traces" }
{ "unimplemented" ( -- * ) "primitive_unimplemented" }
{ "drop-locals" ( n -- ) f }
{ "get-local" ( n -- obj ) f }
{ "load-local" ( obj -- ) f }
{ "load-locals" ( ... n -- ) "primitive_load_locals" }
{ "bits>double" ( n -- x ) "primitive_bits_double" }
{ "bits>float" ( n -- x ) "primitive_bits_float" }
{ "double>bits" ( x -- n ) "primitive_double_bits" }
{ "float>bits" ( x -- n ) "primitive_float_bits" }
"(format-float)" ( n fill width precision format locale -- byte-array )
{ "both-fixnums?" ( x y -- ? ) f }
{ "fixnum+fast" ( x y -- z ) f }
{ "fixnum-fast" ( x y -- z ) f }
{ "fixnum*fast" ( x y -- z ) f }
{ "fixnum-bitand" ( x y -- z ) f }
{ "fixnum-bitor" ( x y -- z ) f }
{ "fixnum-bitxor" ( x y -- z ) f }
{ "fixnum-bitnot" ( x -- y ) f }
{ "fixnum-mod" ( x y -- z ) f }
{ "fixnum-shift-fast" ( x y -- z ) f }
{ "fixnum/i-fast" ( x y -- z ) f }
{ "fixnum/mod-fast" ( x y -- z w ) f }
{ "fixnum+" ( x y -- z ) f }
{ "fixnum-" ( x y -- z ) f }
{ "fixnum*" ( x y -- z ) f }
{ "fixnum<" ( x y -- ? ) f }
{ "fixnum<=" ( x y -- z ) f }
{ "fixnum>" ( x y -- ? ) f }
{ "fixnum>=" ( x y -- ? ) f }
{ "bignum*" ( x y -- z ) "primitive_bignum_multiply" }
{ "bignum+" ( x y -- z ) "primitive_bignum_add" }
{ "bignum-" ( x y -- z ) "primitive_bignum_subtract" }
{ "bignum-bit?" ( x n -- ? ) "primitive_bignum_bitp" }
{ "bignum-bitand" ( x y -- z ) "primitive_bignum_and" }
{ "bignum-bitnot" ( x -- y ) "primitive_bignum_not" }
{ "bignum-bitor" ( x y -- z ) "primitive_bignum_or" }
{ "bignum-bitxor" ( x y -- z ) "primitive_bignum_xor" }
{ "bignum-log2" ( x -- n ) "primitive_bignum_log2" }
{ "bignum-mod" ( x y -- z ) "primitive_bignum_mod" }
{ "bignum-gcd" ( x y -- z ) "primitive_bignum_gcd" }
{ "bignum-shift" ( x y -- z ) "primitive_bignum_shift" }
{ "bignum/i" ( x y -- z ) "primitive_bignum_divint" }
{ "bignum/mod" ( x y -- z w ) "primitive_bignum_divmod" }
{ "bignum<" ( x y -- ? ) "primitive_bignum_less" }
{ "bignum<=" ( x y -- ? ) "primitive_bignum_lesseq" }
{ "bignum=" ( x y -- ? ) "primitive_bignum_eq" }
{ "bignum>" ( x y -- ? ) "primitive_bignum_greater" }
{ "bignum>=" ( x y -- ? ) "primitive_bignum_greatereq" }
{ "bignum>fixnum" ( x -- y ) "primitive_bignum_to_fixnum" }
{ "bignum>fixnum-strict" ( x -- y ) "primitive_bignum_to_fixnum_strict" }
{ "fixnum-shift" ( x y -- z ) "primitive_fixnum_shift" }
{ "fixnum/i" ( x y -- z ) "primitive_fixnum_divint" }
{ "fixnum/mod" ( x y -- z w ) "primitive_fixnum_divmod" }
{ "fixnum>bignum" ( x -- y ) "primitive_fixnum_to_bignum" }
{ "fixnum>float" ( x -- y ) "primitive_fixnum_to_float" }
{ "float*" ( x y -- z ) "primitive_float_multiply" }
{ "float+" ( x y -- z ) "primitive_float_add" }
{ "float-" ( x y -- z ) "primitive_float_subtract" }
{ "float-u<" ( x y -- ? ) "primitive_float_less" }
{ "float-u<=" ( x y -- ? ) "primitive_float_lesseq" }
{ "float-u>" ( x y -- ? ) "primitive_float_greater" }
{ "float-u>=" ( x y -- ? ) "primitive_float_greatereq" }
{ "float/f" ( x y -- z ) "primitive_float_divfloat" }
{ "float<" ( x y -- ? ) "primitive_float_less" }
{ "float<=" ( x y -- ? ) "primitive_float_lesseq" }
{ "float=" ( x y -- ? ) "primitive_float_eq" }
{ "float>" ( x y -- ? ) "primitive_float_greater" }
{ "float>=" ( x y -- ? ) "primitive_float_greatereq" }
{ "float>bignum" ( x -- y ) "primitive_float_to_bignum" }
{ "float>fixnum" ( x -- y ) "primitive_float_to_fixnum" }
{ "all-instances" ( -- array ) "primitive_all_instances" }
{ "compact-gc" ( -- ) "primitive_compact_gc" }
{ "gc" ( -- ) "primitive_full_gc" }
{ "minor-gc" ( -- ) "primitive_minor_gc" }
{ "size" ( obj -- n ) "primitive_size" }
{ "(save-image)" ( path1 path2 then-die? -- ) "primitive_save_image" }
{ "jit-compile" ( quot -- ) "primitive_jit_compile" }
{ "quotation-code" ( quot -- start end ) "primitive_quotation_code" }
{ "quotation-compiled?" ( quot -- ? ) "primitive_quotation_compiled_p" }
{ "array>quotation" ( array -- quot ) "primitive_array_to_quotation" }
{ "set-slot" ( value obj n -- ) "primitive_set_slot" }
{ "slot" ( obj m -- value ) f }
{ "<string>" ( n ch -- string ) "primitive_string" }
{ "resize-string" ( n str -- newstr ) "primitive_resize_string" }
{ "set-string-nth-fast" ( ch n string -- ) "primitive_set_string_nth_fast" }
{ "string-nth-fast" ( n string -- ch ) f }
{ "(exit)" ( n -- * ) "primitive_exit" }
{ "nano-count" ( -- ns ) "primitive_nano_count" }
{ "(sleep)" ( nanos -- ) "primitive_sleep" }
{ "(set-context)" ( obj context -- obj' ) f }
{ "(set-context-and-delete)" ( obj context -- * ) f }
{ "(start-context)" ( obj quot -- obj' ) f }
{ "(start-context-and-delete)" ( obj quot -- * ) f }
{ "context-object-for" ( n context -- obj ) "primitive_context_object_for" }
{ "dispatch-stats" ( -- stats ) "primitive_dispatch_stats" }
{ "reset-dispatch-stats" ( -- ) "primitive_reset_dispatch_stats" }
{ "(callback-room)" ( -- allocator-room ) "primitive_callback_room" }
{ "(code-blocks)" ( -- array ) "primitive_code_blocks" }
{ "(code-room)" ( -- allocator-room ) "primitive_code_room" }
{ "(data-room)" ( -- data-room ) "primitive_data_room" }
{ "disable-gc-events" ( -- events ) "primitive_disable_gc_events" }
{ "enable-gc-events" ( -- ) "primitive_enable_gc_events" }
{ "profiling" ( ? -- ) "primitive_sampling_profiler" }
{ "(get-samples)" ( -- samples/f ) "primitive_get_samples" }
{ "(clear-samples)" ( -- ) "primitive_clear_samples" }
{ "word-code" ( word -- start end ) "primitive_word_code" }
{ "word-optimized?" ( word -- ? ) "primitive_word_optimized_p" }
{ "(word)" ( name vocab hashcode -- word ) "primitive_word" }
: primitive-quot ( word vm-func -- quot )
[ nip ascii string>alien [ do-primitive ] curry ] [ 1quotation ] if* ;
: primitive-word ( name vocab -- word )
create-word dup t "primitive" set-word-prop ;
:: create-primitive ( vocab word effect vm-func -- )
word vocab primitive-word
dup vm-func primitive-quot effect define-declared ;
: create-primitives ( assoc -- )
[ [ first3 create-primitive ] with each ] assoc-each ;

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
USING: bootstrap.image.private effects help.markup help.syntax strings ; USING: bootstrap.image.private effects help.markup help.syntax strings ;
IN: bootstrap.primitives IN: bootstrap.primitives
HELP: make-sub-primitive ARTICLE: "bootstrap.primitives" "Bootstrap primitives"
{ $values { "word" string } { "vocab" string } { "effect" effect } } "A script file run to create the bootstrap image. Also see the vocab " { $link "bootstrap.image.primitives" } "." ;
{ $description "Defines a sub primitive word." }
{ $see-also define-sub-primitive } ; ABOUT: "bootstrap.primitives"

View File

@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
! Copyright (C) 2004, 2010 Slava Pestov. ! Copyright (C) 2004, 2010 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license. ! See for BSD license.
USING: alien.strings arrays assocs bootstrap.image.private classes USING: arrays assocs bootstrap.image.primitives
classes.builtin classes.intersection classes.predicate classes.private bootstrap.image.private classes classes.builtin classes.intersection
classes.singleton classes.tuple classes.tuple.private classes.union classes.predicate classes.private classes.singleton classes.tuple
combinators compiler.units io io.encodings.ascii kernel kernel.private classes.tuple.private classes.union combinators compiler.units io
layouts make math math.private namespaces parser quotations sequences kernel kernel.private layouts make math math.private namespaces parser
slots source-files splitting vocabs vocabs.loader words ; quotations sequences slots source-files splitting vocabs vocabs.loader
words ;
IN: bootstrap.primitives IN: bootstrap.primitives
"Creating primitives and basic runtime structures..." print flush "* Creating primitives and basic runtime structures..." print flush
H{ } clone sub-primitives set H{ } clone sub-primitives set
@ -319,249 +320,8 @@ tuple
} cleave } cleave
( quot1 quot2 -- compose ) define-declared ( quot1 quot2 -- compose ) define-declared
! Sub-primitive words "* Declaring primitives..." print flush
: make-sub-primitive ( word vocab effect -- ) all-primitives create-primitives
dup t "primitive" set-word-prop
dup 1quotation
] dip define-declared ;
{ "mega-cache-lookup" "generic.single.private" ( methods index cache -- ) }
{ "inline-cache-miss" "generic.single.private" ( generic methods index cache -- ) }
{ "inline-cache-miss-tail" "generic.single.private" ( generic methods index cache -- ) }
{ "drop" "kernel" ( x -- ) }
{ "2drop" "kernel" ( x y -- ) }
{ "3drop" "kernel" ( x y z -- ) }
{ "4drop" "kernel" ( w x y z -- ) }
{ "dup" "kernel" ( x -- x x ) }
{ "2dup" "kernel" ( x y -- x y x y ) }
{ "3dup" "kernel" ( x y z -- x y z x y z ) }
{ "4dup" "kernel" ( w x y z -- w x y z w x y z ) }
{ "rot" "kernel" ( x y z -- y z x ) }
{ "-rot" "kernel" ( x y z -- z x y ) }
{ "dupd" "kernel" ( x y -- x x y ) }
{ "swapd" "kernel" ( x y z -- y x z ) }
{ "nip" "kernel" ( x y -- y ) }
{ "2nip" "kernel" ( x y z -- z ) }
{ "over" "kernel" ( x y -- x y x ) }
{ "pick" "kernel" ( x y z -- x y z x ) }
{ "swap" "kernel" ( x y -- y x ) }
{ "eq?" "kernel" ( obj1 obj2 -- ? ) }
{ "tag" "kernel.private" ( object -- n ) }
{ "(execute)" "kernel.private" ( word -- ) }
{ "(call)" "kernel.private" ( quot -- ) }
{ "fpu-state" "kernel.private" ( -- ) }
{ "set-fpu-state" "kernel.private" ( -- ) }
{ "signal-handler" "kernel.private" ( -- ) }
{ "leaf-signal-handler" "kernel.private" ( -- ) }
{ "unwind-native-frames" "kernel.private" ( -- ) }
{ "set-callstack" "kernel.private" ( callstack -- * ) }
{ "lazy-jit-compile" "kernel.private" ( -- ) }
{ "c-to-factor" "kernel.private" ( -- ) }
{ "slot" "slots.private" ( obj m -- value ) }
{ "get-local" "locals.backend" ( n -- obj ) }
{ "load-local" "locals.backend" ( obj -- ) }
{ "drop-locals" "locals.backend" ( n -- ) }
{ "both-fixnums?" "math.private" ( x y -- ? ) }
{ "fixnum+fast" "math.private" ( x y -- z ) }
{ "fixnum-fast" "math.private" ( x y -- z ) }
{ "fixnum*fast" "math.private" ( x y -- z ) }
{ "fixnum-bitand" "math.private" ( x y -- z ) }
{ "fixnum-bitor" "math.private" ( x y -- z ) }
{ "fixnum-bitxor" "math.private" ( x y -- z ) }
{ "fixnum-bitnot" "math.private" ( x -- y ) }
{ "fixnum-mod" "math.private" ( x y -- z ) }
{ "fixnum-shift-fast" "math.private" ( x y -- z ) }
{ "fixnum/i-fast" "math.private" ( x y -- z ) }
{ "fixnum/mod-fast" "math.private" ( x y -- z w ) }
{ "fixnum+" "math.private" ( x y -- z ) }
{ "fixnum-" "math.private" ( x y -- z ) }
{ "fixnum*" "math.private" ( x y -- z ) }
{ "fixnum<" "math.private" ( x y -- ? ) }
{ "fixnum<=" "math.private" ( x y -- z ) }
{ "fixnum>" "math.private" ( x y -- ? ) }
{ "fixnum>=" "math.private" ( x y -- ? ) }
{ "string-nth-fast" "strings.private" ( n string -- ch ) }
{ "(set-context)" "threads.private" ( obj context -- obj' ) }
{ "(set-context-and-delete)" "threads.private" ( obj context -- * ) }
{ "(start-context)" "threads.private" ( obj quot -- obj' ) }
{ "(start-context-and-delete)" "threads.private" ( obj quot -- * ) }
} [ first3 make-sub-primitive ] each
! Primitive words
: make-primitive ( word vocab function effect -- )
dup reset-word
dup t "primitive" set-word-prop
] dip
ascii string>alien [ do-primitive ] curry
] dip define-declared ;
{ "<callback>" "alien" "primitive_callback" ( word return-rewind -- alien ) }
{ "<displaced-alien>" "alien" "primitive_displaced_alien" ( displacement c-ptr -- alien ) }
{ "alien-address" "alien" "primitive_alien_address" ( c-ptr -- addr ) }
{ "alien-cell" "alien.accessors" "primitive_alien_cell" ( c-ptr n -- value ) }
{ "alien-double" "alien.accessors" "primitive_alien_double" ( c-ptr n -- value ) }
{ "alien-float" "alien.accessors" "primitive_alien_float" ( c-ptr n -- value ) }
{ "alien-signed-1" "alien.accessors" "primitive_alien_signed_1" ( c-ptr n -- value ) }
{ "alien-signed-2" "alien.accessors" "primitive_alien_signed_2" ( c-ptr n -- value ) }
{ "alien-signed-4" "alien.accessors" "primitive_alien_signed_4" ( c-ptr n -- value ) }
{ "alien-signed-8" "alien.accessors" "primitive_alien_signed_8" ( c-ptr n -- value ) }
{ "alien-signed-cell" "alien.accessors" "primitive_alien_signed_cell" ( c-ptr n -- value ) }
{ "alien-unsigned-1" "alien.accessors" "primitive_alien_unsigned_1" ( c-ptr n -- value ) }
{ "alien-unsigned-2" "alien.accessors" "primitive_alien_unsigned_2" ( c-ptr n -- value ) }
{ "alien-unsigned-4" "alien.accessors" "primitive_alien_unsigned_4" ( c-ptr n -- value ) }
{ "alien-unsigned-8" "alien.accessors" "primitive_alien_unsigned_8" ( c-ptr n -- value ) }
{ "alien-unsigned-cell" "alien.accessors" "primitive_alien_unsigned_cell" ( c-ptr n -- value ) }
{ "set-alien-cell" "alien.accessors" "primitive_set_alien_cell" ( value c-ptr n -- ) }
{ "set-alien-double" "alien.accessors" "primitive_set_alien_double" ( value c-ptr n -- ) }
{ "set-alien-float" "alien.accessors" "primitive_set_alien_float" ( value c-ptr n -- ) }
{ "set-alien-signed-1" "alien.accessors" "primitive_set_alien_signed_1" ( value c-ptr n -- ) }
{ "set-alien-signed-2" "alien.accessors" "primitive_set_alien_signed_2" ( value c-ptr n -- ) }
{ "set-alien-signed-4" "alien.accessors" "primitive_set_alien_signed_4" ( value c-ptr n -- ) }
{ "set-alien-signed-8" "alien.accessors" "primitive_set_alien_signed_8" ( value c-ptr n -- ) }
{ "set-alien-signed-cell" "alien.accessors" "primitive_set_alien_signed_cell" ( value c-ptr n -- ) }
{ "set-alien-unsigned-1" "alien.accessors" "primitive_set_alien_unsigned_1" ( value c-ptr n -- ) }
{ "set-alien-unsigned-2" "alien.accessors" "primitive_set_alien_unsigned_2" ( value c-ptr n -- ) }
{ "set-alien-unsigned-4" "alien.accessors" "primitive_set_alien_unsigned_4" ( value c-ptr n -- ) }
{ "set-alien-unsigned-8" "alien.accessors" "primitive_set_alien_unsigned_8" ( value c-ptr n -- ) }
{ "set-alien-unsigned-cell" "alien.accessors" "primitive_set_alien_unsigned_cell" ( value c-ptr n -- ) }
{ "(dlopen)" "alien.libraries" "primitive_dlopen" ( path -- dll ) }
{ "(dlsym)" "alien.libraries" "primitive_dlsym" ( name dll -- alien ) }
{ "(dlsym-raw)" "alien.libraries" "primitive_dlsym_raw" ( name dll -- alien ) }
{ "dlclose" "alien.libraries" "primitive_dlclose" ( dll -- ) }
{ "dll-valid?" "alien.libraries" "primitive_dll_validp" ( dll -- ? ) }
{ "current-callback" "alien.private" "primitive_current_callback" ( -- n ) }
{ "<array>" "arrays" "primitive_array" ( n elt -- array ) }
{ "resize-array" "arrays" "primitive_resize_array" ( n array -- new-array ) }
{ "(byte-array)" "byte-arrays" "primitive_uninitialized_byte_array" ( n -- byte-array ) }
{ "<byte-array>" "byte-arrays" "primitive_byte_array" ( n -- byte-array ) }
{ "resize-byte-array" "byte-arrays" "primitive_resize_byte_array" ( n byte-array -- new-byte-array ) }
{ "<tuple-boa>" "classes.tuple.private" "primitive_tuple_boa" ( slots... layout -- tuple ) }
{ "<tuple>" "classes.tuple.private" "primitive_tuple" ( layout -- tuple ) }
{ "modify-code-heap" "compiler.units" "primitive_modify_code_heap" ( alist update-existing? reset-pics? -- ) }
{ "lookup-method" "generic.single.private" "primitive_lookup_method" ( object methods -- method ) }
{ "mega-cache-miss" "generic.single.private" "primitive_mega_cache_miss" ( methods index cache -- method ) }
{ "(exists?)" "io.files.private" "primitive_existsp" ( path -- ? ) }
{ "(fopen)" "io.streams.c" "primitive_fopen" ( path mode -- alien ) }
{ "fclose" "io.streams.c" "primitive_fclose" ( alien -- ) }
{ "fflush" "io.streams.c" "primitive_fflush" ( alien -- ) }
{ "fgetc" "io.streams.c" "primitive_fgetc" ( alien -- byte/f ) }
{ "fputc" "io.streams.c" "primitive_fputc" ( byte alien -- ) }
{ "fread-unsafe" "io.streams.c" "primitive_fread" ( n buf alien -- count ) }
{ "free-callback" "alien" "primitive_free_callback" ( alien -- ) }
{ "fseek" "io.streams.c" "primitive_fseek" ( alien offset whence -- ) }
{ "ftell" "io.streams.c" "primitive_ftell" ( alien -- n ) }
{ "fwrite" "io.streams.c" "primitive_fwrite" ( data length alien -- ) }
{ "(clone)" "kernel" "primitive_clone" ( obj -- newobj ) }
{ "<wrapper>" "kernel" "primitive_wrapper" ( obj -- wrapper ) }
{ "callstack>array" "kernel" "primitive_callstack_to_array" ( callstack -- array ) }
{ "die" "kernel" "primitive_die" ( -- ) }
{ "callstack-for" "kernel.private" "primitive_callstack_for" ( context -- array ) }
{ "datastack-for" "kernel.private" "primitive_datastack_for" ( context -- array ) }
{ "retainstack-for" "kernel.private" "primitive_retainstack_for" ( context -- array ) }
{ "(identity-hashcode)" "kernel.private" "primitive_identity_hashcode" ( obj -- code ) }
{ "become" "kernel.private" "primitive_become" ( old new -- ) }
{ "callstack-bounds" "kernel.private" "primitive_callstack_bounds" ( -- start end ) }
{ "check-datastack" "kernel.private" "primitive_check_datastack" ( array in# out# -- ? ) }
{ "compute-identity-hashcode" "kernel.private" "primitive_compute_identity_hashcode" ( obj -- ) }
{ "context-object" "kernel.private" "primitive_context_object" ( n -- obj ) }
{ "innermost-frame-executing" "kernel.private" "primitive_innermost_stack_frame_executing" ( callstack -- obj ) }
{ "innermost-frame-scan" "kernel.private" "primitive_innermost_stack_frame_scan" ( callstack -- n ) }
{ "set-context-object" "kernel.private" "primitive_set_context_object" ( obj n -- ) }
{ "set-datastack" "kernel.private" "primitive_set_datastack" ( array -- ) }
{ "set-innermost-frame-quotation" "kernel.private" "primitive_set_innermost_stack_frame_quotation" ( n callstack -- ) }
{ "set-retainstack" "kernel.private" "primitive_set_retainstack" ( array -- ) }
{ "set-special-object" "kernel.private" "primitive_set_special_object" ( obj n -- ) }
{ "special-object" "kernel.private" "primitive_special_object" ( n -- obj ) }
{ "strip-stack-traces" "kernel.private" "primitive_strip_stack_traces" ( -- ) }
{ "unimplemented" "kernel.private" "primitive_unimplemented" ( -- * ) }
{ "load-locals" "locals.backend" "primitive_load_locals" ( ... n -- ) }
{ "bits>double" "math" "primitive_bits_double" ( n -- x ) }
{ "bits>float" "math" "primitive_bits_float" ( n -- x ) }
{ "double>bits" "math" "primitive_double_bits" ( x -- n ) }
{ "float>bits" "math" "primitive_float_bits" ( x -- n ) }
{ "(format-float)" "math.parser.private" "primitive_format_float" ( n fill width precision format locale -- byte-array ) }
{ "bignum*" "math.private" "primitive_bignum_multiply" ( x y -- z ) }
{ "bignum+" "math.private" "primitive_bignum_add" ( x y -- z ) }
{ "bignum-" "math.private" "primitive_bignum_subtract" ( x y -- z ) }
{ "bignum-bit?" "math.private" "primitive_bignum_bitp" ( x n -- ? ) }
{ "bignum-bitand" "math.private" "primitive_bignum_and" ( x y -- z ) }
{ "bignum-bitnot" "math.private" "primitive_bignum_not" ( x -- y ) }
{ "bignum-bitor" "math.private" "primitive_bignum_or" ( x y -- z ) }
{ "bignum-bitxor" "math.private" "primitive_bignum_xor" ( x y -- z ) }
{ "bignum-log2" "math.private" "primitive_bignum_log2" ( x -- n ) }
{ "bignum-mod" "math.private" "primitive_bignum_mod" ( x y -- z ) }
{ "bignum-gcd" "math.private" "primitive_bignum_gcd" ( x y -- z ) }
{ "bignum-shift" "math.private" "primitive_bignum_shift" ( x y -- z ) }
{ "bignum/i" "math.private" "primitive_bignum_divint" ( x y -- z ) }
{ "bignum/mod" "math.private" "primitive_bignum_divmod" ( x y -- z w ) }
{ "bignum<" "math.private" "primitive_bignum_less" ( x y -- ? ) }
{ "bignum<=" "math.private" "primitive_bignum_lesseq" ( x y -- ? ) }
{ "bignum=" "math.private" "primitive_bignum_eq" ( x y -- ? ) }
{ "bignum>" "math.private" "primitive_bignum_greater" ( x y -- ? ) }
{ "bignum>=" "math.private" "primitive_bignum_greatereq" ( x y -- ? ) }
{ "bignum>fixnum" "math.private" "primitive_bignum_to_fixnum" ( x -- y ) }
{ "bignum>fixnum-strict" "math.private" "primitive_bignum_to_fixnum_strict" ( x -- y ) }
{ "fixnum-shift" "math.private" "primitive_fixnum_shift" ( x y -- z ) }
{ "fixnum/i" "math.private" "primitive_fixnum_divint" ( x y -- z ) }
{ "fixnum/mod" "math.private" "primitive_fixnum_divmod" ( x y -- z w ) }
{ "fixnum>bignum" "math.private" "primitive_fixnum_to_bignum" ( x -- y ) }
{ "fixnum>float" "math.private" "primitive_fixnum_to_float" ( x -- y ) }
{ "float*" "math.private" "primitive_float_multiply" ( x y -- z ) }
{ "float+" "math.private" "primitive_float_add" ( x y -- z ) }
{ "float-" "math.private" "primitive_float_subtract" ( x y -- z ) }
{ "float-u<" "math.private" "primitive_float_less" ( x y -- ? ) }
{ "float-u<=" "math.private" "primitive_float_lesseq" ( x y -- ? ) }
{ "float-u>" "math.private" "primitive_float_greater" ( x y -- ? ) }
{ "float-u>=" "math.private" "primitive_float_greatereq" ( x y -- ? ) }
{ "float/f" "math.private" "primitive_float_divfloat" ( x y -- z ) }
{ "float<" "math.private" "primitive_float_less" ( x y -- ? ) }
{ "float<=" "math.private" "primitive_float_lesseq" ( x y -- ? ) }
{ "float=" "math.private" "primitive_float_eq" ( x y -- ? ) }
{ "float>" "math.private" "primitive_float_greater" ( x y -- ? ) }
{ "float>=" "math.private" "primitive_float_greatereq" ( x y -- ? ) }
{ "float>bignum" "math.private" "primitive_float_to_bignum" ( x -- y ) }
{ "float>fixnum" "math.private" "primitive_float_to_fixnum" ( x -- y ) }
{ "all-instances" "memory" "primitive_all_instances" ( -- array ) }
{ "(code-blocks)" "tools.memory.private" "primitive_code_blocks" ( -- array ) }
{ "(code-room)" "tools.memory.private" "primitive_code_room" ( -- allocator-room ) }
{ "compact-gc" "memory" "primitive_compact_gc" ( -- ) }
{ "(callback-room)" "tools.memory.private" "primitive_callback_room" ( -- allocator-room ) }
{ "(data-room)" "tools.memory.private" "primitive_data_room" ( -- data-room ) }
{ "disable-gc-events" "tools.memory.private" "primitive_disable_gc_events" ( -- events ) }
{ "enable-gc-events" "tools.memory.private" "primitive_enable_gc_events" ( -- ) }
{ "gc" "memory" "primitive_full_gc" ( -- ) }
{ "minor-gc" "memory" "primitive_minor_gc" ( -- ) }
{ "size" "memory" "primitive_size" ( obj -- n ) }
{ "(save-image)" "memory.private" "primitive_save_image" ( path1 path2 then-die? -- ) }
{ "jit-compile" "quotations" "primitive_jit_compile" ( quot -- ) }
{ "quotation-code" "quotations" "primitive_quotation_code" ( quot -- start end ) }
{ "quotation-compiled?" "quotations" "primitive_quotation_compiled_p" ( quot -- ? ) }
{ "array>quotation" "quotations.private" "primitive_array_to_quotation" ( array -- quot ) }
{ "set-slot" "slots.private" "primitive_set_slot" ( value obj n -- ) }
{ "<string>" "strings" "primitive_string" ( n ch -- string ) }
{ "resize-string" "strings" "primitive_resize_string" ( n str -- newstr ) }
{ "set-string-nth-fast" "strings.private" "primitive_set_string_nth_fast" ( ch n string -- ) }
{ "(exit)" "system" "primitive_exit" ( n -- * ) }
{ "nano-count" "system" "primitive_nano_count" ( -- ns ) }
{ "(sleep)" "threads.private" "primitive_sleep" ( nanos -- ) }
{ "context-object-for" "threads.private" "primitive_context_object_for" ( n context -- obj ) }
{ "dispatch-stats" "tools.dispatch.private" "primitive_dispatch_stats" ( -- stats ) }
{ "reset-dispatch-stats" "tools.dispatch.private" "primitive_reset_dispatch_stats" ( -- ) }
{ "word-code" "words" "primitive_word_code" ( word -- start end ) }
{ "word-optimized?" "words" "primitive_word_optimized_p" ( word -- ? ) }
{ "(word)" "words.private" "primitive_word" ( name vocab hashcode -- word ) }
{ "profiling" "tools.profiler.sampling.private" "primitive_sampling_profiler" ( ? -- ) }
{ "(get-samples)" "tools.profiler.sampling.private" "primitive_get_samples" ( -- samples/f ) }
{ "(clear-samples)" "tools.profiler.sampling.private" "primitive_clear_samples" ( -- ) }
} [ first4 make-primitive ] each
! Bump build number ! Bump build number
"build" "kernel" create-word build 1 + [ ] curry ( -- n ) define-declared "build" "kernel" create-word build 1 + [ ] curry ( -- n ) define-declared