Display completion popups in the right place
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: hashtables io io.streams.plain io.streams.string
colors summary make accessors splitting math.order
kernel namespaces assocs destructors strings sequences ;
kernel namespaces assocs destructors strings sequences
present ;
IN: io.styles
GENERIC: stream-format ( str style stream -- )
@ -172,6 +173,8 @@ TUPLE: input string ;
C: <input> input
M: input present string>> ;
M: input summary
"Input: " %
@ -146,10 +146,12 @@ M: editor ungraft*
: line>y ( lines# editor -- y )
line-height * ;
: caret-loc ( editor -- loc )
[ editor-caret* ] keep
: loc>point ( loc editor -- loc )
[ loc>x ] [ [ first ] dip line>y ] 2bi 2array ;
: caret-loc ( editor -- loc )
[ editor-caret* ] keep loc>point ;
: caret-dim ( editor -- dim )
line-height 0 swap 2array ;
@ -209,9 +209,19 @@ PRIVATE>
: initial-selected-index ( model table -- n/f )
[ value>> length 1 >= ] [ selection-required?>> ] bi* and 0 f ? ;
: show-row-summary ( table n -- )
over nth-row
[ swap [ renderer>> row-value ] keep show-summary ]
[ 2drop ]
if ;
M: table model-changed
tuck initial-selected-index >>selected-index
[ update-selected-value ] [ relayout ] bi ;
tuck initial-selected-index {
[ >>selected-index drop ]
[ show-row-summary ]
[ drop update-selected-value ]
[ drop relayout ]
} 2cleave ;
: thin-row-rect ( table row -- rect )
row-rect [ { 0 1 } v* ] change-dim ;
@ -242,14 +252,12 @@ PRIVATE>
hand-click# get 2 =
[ row-action ] [ update-selected-value ] if ;
: show-row-summary ( row table -- )
[ renderer>> row-value ] keep show-summary ;
: select-row ( table n -- )
over validate-row
[ (select-row) ]
[ drop update-selected-value ]
[ over nth-row drop swap show-row-summary ] 2tri ;
[ show-row-summary ]
2tri ;
: prev-row ( table -- )
dup selected-index>> [ 1- ] [ 0 ] if* select-row ;
@ -275,11 +283,10 @@ PRIVATE>
: show-mouse-help ( table -- )
[ swap >>mouse-index relayout-1 ]
[ nth-row ] keep
swap [ show-row-summary ] [ 2drop ] if
] 2bi
[ >>mouse-index relayout-1 ]
[ show-row-summary ]
] [ hide-mouse-help ] if-mouse-row ;
: table-operations-menu ( table -- )
@ -1,18 +1,20 @@
! Copyright (C) 2005, 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: inspector kernel help help.markup io io.styles models
USING: inspector kernel help help.markup io io.styles models math.vectors
strings splitting namespaces parser quotations sequences vocabs words
continuations prettyprint listener debugger threads boxes
concurrency.flags math arrays generic accessors combinators
assocs fry generic.standard.engines.tuple combinators.short-circuit
combinators.short-circuit combinators.smart
assocs fry generic.standard.engines.tuple
tools.vocabs concurrency.mailboxes vocabs.parser calendar
models.delay models.filter documents hashtables sets destructors lexer
ui.commands ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.editors ui.gadgets.labelled
ui.gadgets.panes ui.gadgets.buttons ui.gadgets.scrollers
ui.gadgets.packs ui.gadgets.tracks ui.gadgets.borders
ui.gadgets.frames ui.gadgets.grids ui.gadgets.status-bar
ui.gadgets.wrappers ui.gestures ui.operations ui.tools.browser
ui.tools.debugger ui.tools.inspector ui.tools.common ui ;
ui.gadgets.viewports ui.gadgets.wrappers ui.gestures ui.operations
ui.tools.browser ui.tools.debugger ui.gadgets.theme
ui.tools.inspector ui.tools.common ui ;
IN: ui.tools.listener
! If waiting is t, we're waiting for user input, and invoking
@ -79,31 +81,35 @@ M: interactor ungraft*
[ dup help>> remove-connection ] [ call-next-method ] bi ;
M: interactor model-changed
2dup help>> eq?
2dup [ help>> eq? ] [ nip completion-popup>> not ] 2bi and
[ [ value>> ] dip show-summary ]
[ call-next-method ]
if ;
: write-input ( string input -- )
<input> presented associate
[ H{ { font-style bold } } format ] with-nesting ;
GENERIC: (print-input) ( object -- )
: interactor-input. ( string interactor -- )
output>> [
dup string? [ dup write-input nl ] [ short. ] if
] with-output-stream* ;
M: input (print-input)
dup presented associate
[ string>> H{ { font-style bold } } format ] with-nesting nl ;
: add-interactor-history ( str interactor -- )
over empty? [ 2drop ] [ history>> adjoin ] if ;
M: object (print-input)
short. ;
: print-input ( object interactor -- )
output>> [ (print-input) ] with-output-stream* ;
: add-interactor-history ( input interactor -- )
over string>> empty? [ 2drop ] [ history>> adjoin ] if ;
: interactor-continue ( obj interactor -- )
mailbox>> mailbox-put ;
: interactor-finish ( interactor -- )
[ editor-string ] keep
[ interactor-input. ] 2keep
[ add-interactor-history ] keep
clear-editor ;
[ editor-string <input> ] keep
[ print-input ]
[ add-interactor-history ]
[ clear-editor drop ]
2tri ;
: interactor-eof ( interactor -- )
dup interactor-busy? [
@ -111,9 +117,9 @@ M: interactor model-changed
] unless drop ;
: evaluate-input ( interactor -- )
dup interactor-busy? [
dup control-value over interactor-continue
] unless drop ;
dup interactor-busy? [ drop ] [
[ control-value ] keep interactor-continue
] if ;
: interactor-yield ( interactor -- obj )
dup thread>> self eq? [
@ -132,10 +138,9 @@ M: interactor stream-readln
interactor-read dup [ first ] when ;
: interactor-call ( quot interactor -- )
dup interactor-busy? [
2dup interactor-input.
2dup interactor-continue
] unless 2drop ;
dup interactor-busy? [ 2drop ] [
[ print-input ] [ interactor-continue ] 2bi
] if ;
M: interactor stream-read
swap dup zero? [
@ -299,10 +304,10 @@ M: engine-word word-completion-string method-completion-string ;
2bi ;
: quot-action ( interactor -- lines )
[ control-value ] keep
[ [ "\n" join ] dip add-interactor-history ]
[ [ editor-string <input> ] keep add-interactor-history ]
[ control-value ]
[ select-all ]
2bi ;
tri ;
: hide-popup ( listener -- )
dup popup>> track-remove
@ -456,22 +461,23 @@ M: completion-renderer row-value drop ;
'[ @ keys 1000 short head ] <filter> ;
M: completion-popup hide-glass-hook
interactor>> f >>completion-popup drop ;
interactor>> f >>completion-popup request-focus ;
: hide-completion-popup ( popup -- )
find-world hide-glass ;
: completion-loc/doc/elt ( popup -- loc doc elt )
[ interactor>> [ editor-caret* ] [ model>> ] bi ] [ element>> ] bi ;
: completion-loc/doc ( popup -- loc doc )
interactor>> [ editor-caret* ] [ model>> ] bi ;
: accept-completion ( item table -- )
[ [ present ] [ completion-loc/doc/elt ] bi* set-elt-string ]
[ [ present ] [ completion-loc/doc ] bi* one-word-elt set-elt-string ]
[ hide-completion-popup ]
bi ;
: <completion-table> ( interactor quot -- table )
<completion-model> <table>
monospace-font >>font
t >>selection-required?
completion-renderer >>renderer
dup '[ _ accept-completion ] >>action ;
@ -493,24 +499,49 @@ completion-popup H{
{ T{ key-down f f " " } [ table>> row-action ] }
} set-gestures
: show-completion-popup ( interactor quot -- )
[ >>completion-popup ] keep
[ find-world ] dip
{ 0 0 } show-glass ;
CONSTANT: completion-popup-offset { -4 0 }
: (completion-popup-loc) ( interactor element -- loc )
[ drop screen-loc ] [
[ [ [ editor-caret* ] [ model>> ] bi ] dip prev-elt ] [ drop ] 2bi
] 2bi v+ completion-popup-offset v+ ;
: completion-popup-loc-1 ( interactor element -- loc )
[ (completion-popup-loc) ] [ drop caret-dim ] 2bi v+ ;
: completion-popup-loc-2 ( interactor element popup -- loc )
[ (completion-popup-loc) ] dip pref-dim { 0 1 } v* v- ;
: completion-popup-fits? ( interactor element popup -- ? )
[ [ completion-popup-loc-1 ] dip pref-dim v+ ]
[ 2drop find-world dim>> ]
3bi [ second ] bi@ <= ;
: completion-popup-loc ( interactor element popup -- loc )
3dup completion-popup-fits?
[ drop completion-popup-loc-1 ]
[ completion-popup-loc-2 ]
if ;
: show-completion-popup ( interactor quot element -- )
[ nip ] [ drop <completion-popup> ] 3bi
[ nip >>completion-popup drop ]
[ [ 2drop find-world ] [ 2nip ] [ completion-popup-loc ] 3tri ] 3bi
show-glass ;
: word-completion-popup ( interactor -- )
dup dup vocab-completion?
dup vocab-completion?
[ vocabs-matching ] [ words-matching ] ?
<completion-popup> one-word-elt >>element
show-completion-popup ;
one-word-elt show-completion-popup ;
: history-matching ( string interactor -- alist )
history>> <reversed> dup zip completions ;
: history-matching ( interactor -- alist )
[ dup string>> { { CHAR: \n CHAR: \s } } substitute ] { } map>assoc
<reversed> ;
: history-completion-popup ( interactor -- )
dup dup '[ _ history-matching ]
<completion-popup> one-line-elt >>element
show-completion-popup ;
dup '[ drop _ history-matching ] one-line-elt show-completion-popup ;
: pass-to-popup? ( gesture interactor -- ? )
[ [ key-down? ] [ key-up? ] bi or ]
Reference in New Issue