Merge branch 'master' of git://

Doug Coleman 2008-11-22 02:19:14 -06:00
commit eec1e868b0
30 changed files with 465 additions and 243 deletions

View File

@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ sequences strings splitting combinators unicode.categories
math.order ;
IN: documents
: +col ( loc n -- newloc ) >r first2 r> + 2array ;
: +col ( loc n -- newloc ) [ first2 ] dip + 2array ;
: +line ( loc n -- newloc ) >r first2 swap r> + swap 2array ;
: +line ( loc n -- newloc ) [ first2 swap ] dip + swap 2array ;
: =col ( n loc -- newloc ) first swap 2array ;
@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ TUPLE: document < model locs ;
: doc-line ( n document -- string ) value>> nth ;
: doc-lines ( from to document -- slice )
>r 1+ r> value>> <slice> ;
[ 1+ ] dip value>> <slice> ;
: start-on-line ( document from line# -- n1 )
>r dup first r> = [ nip second ] [ 2drop 0 ] if ;
[ dup first ] dip = [ nip second ] [ 2drop 0 ] if ;
: end-on-line ( document to line# -- n2 )
over first over = [
@ -47,12 +47,14 @@ TUPLE: document < model locs ;
2over = [
] [
>r [ first ] bi@ 1+ dup <slice> r> each
[ [ first ] bi@ 1+ dup <slice> ] dip each
] if ; inline
: start/end-on-line ( from to line# -- n1 n2 )
tuck >r >r document get -rot start-on-line r> r>
document get -rot end-on-line ;
[ [ document get ] 2dip start-on-line ]
[ [ document get ] 2dip end-on-line ]
2bi* ;
: (doc-range) ( from to line# -- )
[ start/end-on-line ] keep document get doc-line <slice> , ;
@ -60,16 +62,18 @@ TUPLE: document < model locs ;
: doc-range ( from to document -- string )
document set 2dup [
>r 2dup r> (doc-range)
[ 2dup ] dip (doc-range)
] each-line 2drop
] { } make "\n" join ;
: text+loc ( lines loc -- loc )
over >r over length 1 = [
nip first2
] [
first swap length 1- + 0
] if r> peek length + 2array ;
over [
over length 1 = [
nip first2
] [
first swap length 1- + 0
] if
] dip peek length + 2array ;
: prepend-first ( str seq -- )
0 swap [ append ] change-nth ;
@ -78,25 +82,25 @@ TUPLE: document < model locs ;
[ length 1- ] keep [ prepend ] change-nth ;
: loc-col/str ( loc document -- str col )
>r first2 swap r> nth swap ;
[ first2 swap ] dip nth swap ;
: prepare-insert ( newinput from to lines -- newinput )
tuck loc-col/str tail-slice >r loc-col/str head-slice r>
tuck [ loc-col/str head-slice ] [ loc-col/str tail-slice ] 2bi*
pick append-last over prepend-first ;
: (set-doc-range) ( newlines from to lines -- )
[ prepare-insert ] 3keep
>r [ first ] bi@ 1+ r>
[ [ first ] bi@ 1+ ] dip
replace-slice ;
: set-doc-range ( string from to document -- )
>r >r >r string-lines r> [ text+loc ] 2keep r> r>
[ [ string-lines ] dip [ text+loc ] 2keep ] 2dip
[ [ (set-doc-range) ] keep ] change-model
] keep update-locs ;
: remove-doc-range ( from to document -- )
>r >r >r "" r> r> r> set-doc-range ;
[ "" ] 3dip set-doc-range ;
: last-line# ( document -- line )
value>> length 1- ;
@ -111,7 +115,7 @@ TUPLE: document < model locs ;
dupd doc-line length 2array ;
: line-end? ( loc document -- ? )
>r first2 swap r> doc-line length = ;
[ first2 swap ] dip doc-line length = ;
: doc-end ( document -- loc )
[ last-line# ] keep line-end ;
@ -123,7 +127,7 @@ TUPLE: document < model locs ;
over first 0 < [
2drop { 0 0 }
] [
>r first2 swap tuck r> validate-col 2array
[ first2 swap tuck ] dip validate-col 2array
] if
] if ;
@ -131,7 +135,7 @@ TUPLE: document < model locs ;
value>> "\n" join ;
: set-doc-string ( string document -- )
>r string-lines V{ } like r> [ set-model ] keep
[ string-lines V{ } like ] dip [ set-model ] keep
[ doc-end ] [ update-locs ] bi ;
: clear-doc ( document -- )
@ -141,17 +145,17 @@ GENERIC: prev-elt ( loc document elt -- newloc )
GENERIC: next-elt ( loc document elt -- newloc )
: prev/next-elt ( loc document elt -- start end )
3dup next-elt >r prev-elt r> ;
[ prev-elt ] [ next-elt ] 3bi ;
: elt-string ( loc document elt -- string )
over >r prev/next-elt r> doc-range ;
[ prev/next-elt ] [ drop ] 2bi doc-range ;
TUPLE: char-elt ;
: (prev-char) ( loc document quot -- loc )
-rot {
{ [ over { 0 0 } = ] [ drop ] }
{ [ over second zero? ] [ >r first 1- r> line-end ] }
{ [ over second zero? ] [ [ first 1- ] dip line-end ] }
[ pick call ]
} cond nip ; inline
@ -175,14 +179,14 @@ M: one-char-elt prev-elt 2drop ;
M: one-char-elt next-elt 2drop ;
: (word-elt) ( loc document quot -- loc )
pick >r
>r >r first2 swap r> doc-line r> call
r> =col ; inline
pick [
[ [ first2 swap ] dip doc-line ] dip call
] dip =col ; inline
: ((word-elt)) ( n seq -- ? n seq ) [ ?nth blank? ] 2keep ;
: break-detector ( ? -- quot )
[ >r blank? r> xor ] curry ; inline
[ [ blank? ] dip xor ] curry ; inline
: (prev-word) ( ? col str -- col )
rot break-detector find-last-from drop ?1+ ;
@ -195,17 +199,17 @@ TUPLE: one-word-elt ;
M: one-word-elt prev-elt
[ f -rot >r 1- r> (prev-word) ] (word-elt) ;
[ [ [ f ] dip 1- ] dip (prev-word) ] (word-elt) ;
M: one-word-elt next-elt
[ f -rot (next-word) ] (word-elt) ;
[ [ f ] 2dip (next-word) ] (word-elt) ;
TUPLE: word-elt ;
M: word-elt prev-elt
[ [ >r 1- r> ((word-elt)) (prev-word) ] (word-elt) ]
[ [ [ 1- ] dip ((word-elt)) (prev-word) ] (word-elt) ]
(prev-char) ;
M: word-elt next-elt
@ -219,7 +223,7 @@ M: one-line-elt prev-elt
2drop first 0 2array ;
M: one-line-elt next-elt
drop >r first dup r> doc-line length 2array ;
drop [ first dup ] dip doc-line length 2array ;
TUPLE: line-elt ;

View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ IN: help.definitions.tests
[ ] [ "IN: help.definitions.tests USING: help.syntax ; : xxx ; HELP: xxx ;" eval ] unit-test
[ ] [ "xxx" "help.definitions.tests" lookup help ] unit-test
[ ] [ "xxx" "help.definitions.tests" lookup print-topic ] unit-test
[ ] [ "xxx" "help.definitions.tests" lookup >link synopsis print ] unit-test
] with-file-vocabs

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
IN: help.handbook.tests
USING: help tools.test ;
[ ] [ "article-index" help ] unit-test
[ ] [ "primitive-index" help ] unit-test
[ ] [ "error-index" help ] unit-test
[ ] [ "type-index" help ] unit-test
[ ] [ "class-index" help ] unit-test
[ ] [ "article-index" print-topic ] unit-test
[ ] [ "primitive-index" print-topic ] unit-test
[ ] [ "error-index" print-topic ] unit-test
[ ] [ "type-index" print-topic ] unit-test
[ ] [ "class-index" print-topic ] unit-test

View File

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ IN: help.lint
] each ;
: check-rendering ( word element -- )
[ help ] with-string-writer drop ;
[ print-topic ] with-string-writer drop ;
: all-word-help ( words -- seq )
[ word-help ] filter ;

View File

@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ TUPLE: blahblah quux ;
[ "an int" ] [ [ { "int" } $instance ] with-string-writer ] unit-test
[ ] [ \ quux>> help ] unit-test
[ ] [ \ >>quux help ] unit-test
[ ] [ \ blahblah? help ] unit-test
[ ] [ \ quux>> print-topic ] unit-test
[ ] [ \ >>quux print-topic ] unit-test
[ ] [ \ blahblah? print-topic ] unit-test
: fooey "fooey" throw ;
[ ] [ \ fooey help ] unit-test
[ ] [ \ fooey print-topic ] unit-test
[ ] [ gensym help ] unit-test
[ ] [ gensym print-topic ] unit-test

View File

@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ HELP: hide-vars
{ $description "Removes a sequence of variables from the watch list." } ;
HELP: hide-all-vars
{ $values { "seq" "a sequence of variable names" } }
{ $description "Removes all variables from the watch list." } ;
ARTICLE: "listener" "The listener"

View File

@ -15,9 +15,7 @@ C: <handle> handle
SINGLETON: cocoa-ui-backend
M: cocoa-ui-backend do-events ( -- )
[ NSApp [ do-event ] curry loop ui-wait ] ui-try
] with-autorelease-pool ;
[ NSApp [ do-event ] curry loop ui-wait ] with-autorelease-pool ;
TUPLE: pasteboard handle ;

View File

@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ IN: ui.cocoa.views
{ S+ HEX: 20000 }
{ C+ HEX: 40000 }
{ A+ HEX: 80000 }
{ M+ HEX: 100000 }
{ A+ HEX: 100000 }
{ M+ HEX: 80000 }
} ;
: key-codes
@ -59,29 +59,26 @@ IN: ui.cocoa.views
: key-event>gesture ( event -- modifiers keycode action? )
dup event-modifiers swap key-code ;
: send-key-event ( view event quot -- ? )
>r key-event>gesture r> call swap window-focus
send-gesture ; inline
: send-user-input ( view string -- )
CF>string swap window-focus user-input ;
: send-key-event ( view gesture -- )
swap window-focus propagate-gesture ;
: interpret-key-event ( view event -- )
NSArray swap -> arrayWithObject: -> interpretKeyEvents: ;
: send-key-down-event ( view event -- )
2dup [ <key-down> ] send-key-event
[ interpret-key-event ] [ 2drop ] if ;
[ key-event>gesture <key-down> send-key-event ]
[ interpret-key-event ]
2bi ;
: send-key-up-event ( view event -- )
[ <key-up> ] send-key-event drop ;
key-event>gesture <key-up> send-key-event ;
: mouse-event>gesture ( event -- modifiers button )
dup event-modifiers swap button ;
: send-button-down$ ( view event -- )
[ mouse-event>gesture <button-down> ] 2keep
mouse-location rot window send-button-down ;
[ mouse-event>gesture <button-down> ]
[ mouse-location rot window send-button-down ] 2bi ;
: send-button-up$ ( view event -- )
[ mouse-event>gesture <button-up> ] 2keep
@ -138,83 +135,83 @@ CLASS: {
{ "mouseEntered:" "void" { "id" "SEL" "id" }
[ [ nip send-mouse-moved ] ui-try ]
[ nip send-mouse-moved ]
{ "mouseExited:" "void" { "id" "SEL" "id" }
[ [ 3drop forget-rollover ] ui-try ]
[ 3drop forget-rollover ]
{ "mouseMoved:" "void" { "id" "SEL" "id" }
[ [ nip send-mouse-moved ] ui-try ]
[ nip send-mouse-moved ]
{ "mouseDragged:" "void" { "id" "SEL" "id" }
[ [ nip send-mouse-moved ] ui-try ]
[ nip send-mouse-moved ]
{ "rightMouseDragged:" "void" { "id" "SEL" "id" }
[ [ nip send-mouse-moved ] ui-try ]
[ nip send-mouse-moved ]
{ "otherMouseDragged:" "void" { "id" "SEL" "id" }
[ [ nip send-mouse-moved ] ui-try ]
[ nip send-mouse-moved ]
{ "mouseDown:" "void" { "id" "SEL" "id" }
[ [ nip send-button-down$ ] ui-try ]
[ nip send-button-down$ ]
{ "mouseUp:" "void" { "id" "SEL" "id" }
[ [ nip send-button-up$ ] ui-try ]
[ nip send-button-up$ ]
{ "rightMouseDown:" "void" { "id" "SEL" "id" }
[ [ nip send-button-down$ ] ui-try ]
[ nip send-button-down$ ]
{ "rightMouseUp:" "void" { "id" "SEL" "id" }
[ [ nip send-button-up$ ] ui-try ]
[ nip send-button-up$ ]
{ "otherMouseDown:" "void" { "id" "SEL" "id" }
[ [ nip send-button-down$ ] ui-try ]
[ nip send-button-down$ ]
{ "otherMouseUp:" "void" { "id" "SEL" "id" }
[ [ nip send-button-up$ ] ui-try ]
[ nip send-button-up$ ]
{ "scrollWheel:" "void" { "id" "SEL" "id" }
[ [ nip send-wheel$ ] ui-try ]
[ nip send-wheel$ ]
{ "keyDown:" "void" { "id" "SEL" "id" }
[ [ nip send-key-down-event ] ui-try ]
[ nip send-key-down-event ]
{ "keyUp:" "void" { "id" "SEL" "id" }
[ [ nip send-key-up-event ] ui-try ]
[ nip send-key-up-event ]
{ "cut:" "id" { "id" "SEL" "id" }
[ [ nip T{ cut-action } send-action$ ] ui-try ]
[ nip T{ cut-action } send-action$ ]
{ "copy:" "id" { "id" "SEL" "id" }
[ [ nip T{ copy-action } send-action$ ] ui-try ]
[ nip T{ copy-action } send-action$ ]
{ "paste:" "id" { "id" "SEL" "id" }
[ [ nip T{ paste-action } send-action$ ] ui-try ]
[ nip T{ paste-action } send-action$ ]
{ "delete:" "id" { "id" "SEL" "id" }
[ [ nip T{ delete-action } send-action$ ] ui-try ]
[ nip T{ delete-action } send-action$ ]
{ "selectAll:" "id" { "id" "SEL" "id" }
[ [ nip T{ select-all-action } send-action$ ] ui-try ]
[ nip T{ select-all-action } send-action$ ]
! Multi-touch gestures: this is undocumented.
@ -290,7 +287,7 @@ CLASS: {
! Text input
{ "insertText:" "void" { "id" "SEL" "id" }
[ [ nip send-user-input ] ui-try ]
[ nip CF>string swap window-focus user-input ]
{ "hasMarkedText" "char" { "id" "SEL" }
@ -335,11 +332,11 @@ CLASS: {
! Initialization
{ "updateFactorGadgetSize:" "void" { "id" "SEL" "id" }
2drop dup view-dim swap window (>>dim) yield
] ui-try
[ 2drop dup view-dim swap window (>>dim) yield ]
{ "doCommandBySelector:" "void" { "id" "SEL" "SEL" }
[ 3drop ]
{ "initWithFrame:pixelFormat:" "id" { "id" "SEL" "NSRect" "id" }

View File

@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ M: editor gadget-text* editor-string % ;
[ drop dup extend-selection dup mark>> click-loc ]
[ select-elt ] if ;
: insert-newline ( editor -- ) "\n" swap user-input ;
: insert-newline ( editor -- ) "\n" swap user-input* drop ;
: delete-next-character ( editor -- )
T{ char-elt } editor-delete ;

View File

@ -10,11 +10,9 @@ SYMBOL: ui-notify-flag
: notify-ui-thread ( -- ) ui-notify-flag get-global raise-flag ;
TUPLE: gadget < rect
pref-dim parent children orientation focus
visible? root? clipped? layout-state graft-state graft-node
interior boundary
model ;
TUPLE: gadget < rect pref-dim parent children orientation focus
visible? root? clipped? layout-state graft-state graft-node
interior boundary model ;
M: gadget equal? 2drop f ;

View File

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ IN: ui.gadgets.panes.tests
[ t ] [ [ [ 1 2 3 ] pprint ] test-gadget-text ] unit-test
[ t ] [ [ \ + describe ] test-gadget-text ] unit-test
[ t ] [ [ \ = see ] test-gadget-text ] unit-test
[ t ] [ [ \ = help ] test-gadget-text ] unit-test
[ t ] [ [ \ = print-topic ] test-gadget-text ] unit-test
[ t ] [
@ -84,16 +84,16 @@ ARTICLE: "test-article-1" "This is a test article"
[ t ] [ [ "test-article-1" $title ] test-gadget-text ] unit-test
[ t ] [ [ "test-article-1" help ] test-gadget-text ] unit-test
[ t ] [ [ "test-article-1" print-topic ] test-gadget-text ] unit-test
ARTICLE: "test-article-2" "This is a test article"
"Hello world, how are you today."
{ $table { "a" "b" } { "c" "d" } } ;
[ t ] [ [ "test-article-2" help ] test-gadget-text ] unit-test
[ t ] [ [ "test-article-2" print-topic ] test-gadget-text ] unit-test
<pane> [ \ = see ] with-pane
<pane> [ \ = help ] with-pane
<pane> [ \ = print-topic ] with-pane
[ ] [
\ = <model> [ see ] <pane-control> [ ] with-grafted-gadget

View File

@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ TUPLE: slot-editor < track ref text ;
GENERIC: finish-editing ( slot-editor ref -- )
M: key-ref finish-editing
drop T{ update-object } swap send-gesture drop ;
drop T{ update-object } swap propagate-gesture ;
M: value-ref finish-editing
drop T{ update-slot } swap send-gesture drop ;
drop T{ update-slot } swap propagate-gesture ;
: slot-editor-value ( slot-editor -- object )
text>> control-value parse-fresh ;
@ -55,14 +55,14 @@ M: value-ref finish-editing
: delete ( slot-editor -- )
dup ref>> delete-ref
T{ update-object } swap send-gesture drop ;
T{ update-object } swap propagate-gesture ;
\ delete H{
{ +description+ "Delete the slot and close the slot editor." }
} define-command
: close ( slot-editor -- )
T{ update-slot } swap send-gesture drop ;
T{ update-slot } swap propagate-gesture ;
\ close H{
{ +description+ "Close the slot editor without saving changes." }
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ TUPLE: editable-slot < track printer ref ;
: <edit-button> ( -- gadget )
[ T{ edit-slot } swap send-gesture drop ]
[ T{ edit-slot } swap propagate-gesture ]
<roll-button> ;
: display-slot ( gadget editable-slot -- )

View File

@ -103,10 +103,27 @@ world H{
{ T{ key-down f { C+ } "a" } [ T{ select-all-action } send-action ] }
{ T{ button-down f { C+ } 1 } [ drop T{ button-down f f 3 } button-gesture ] }
{ T{ button-down f { A+ } 1 } [ drop T{ button-down f f 2 } button-gesture ] }
{ T{ button-down f { M+ } 1 } [ drop T{ button-down f f 2 } button-gesture ] }
{ T{ button-up f { C+ } 1 } [ drop T{ button-up f f 3 } button-gesture ] }
{ T{ button-up f { A+ } 1 } [ drop T{ button-up f f 2 } button-gesture ] }
{ T{ button-up f { M+ } 1 } [ drop T{ button-up f f 2 } button-gesture ] }
} set-gestures
PREDICATE: specific-button-up < button-up #>> ;
PREDICATE: specific-button-down < button-down #>> ;
PREDICATE: specific-drag < drag #>> ;
: generalize-gesture ( gesture -- )
clone f >># button-gesture ;
M: world handle-gesture ( gesture gadget -- ? )
{ [ over specific-button-up? ] [ drop generalize-gesture t ] }
{ [ over specific-button-down? ] [ drop generalize-gesture t ] }
{ [ over specific-drag? ] [ drop generalize-gesture t ] }
[ call-next-method ]
} cond ;
: close-global ( world global -- )
dup get-global find-world rot eq?
[ f swap set-global ] [ drop ] if ;

View File

@ -15,14 +15,14 @@ $nl
"The default implementation looks at the " { $snippet "\"gestures\"" } " word property of each superclass of the gadget's class." }
{ $notes "Methods should be defined on this word if you desire to handle an arbitrary set of gestures. To define handlers for a fixed set, it is easier to use " { $link set-gestures } "." } ;
{ send-gesture handle-gesture set-gestures } related-words
{ propagate-gesture handle-gesture set-gestures } related-words
HELP: send-gesture
HELP: propagate-gesture
{ $values { "gesture" "a gesture" } { "gadget" gadget } { "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Calls " { $link send-gesture } " on every parent of " { $snippet "gadget" } ". Outputs " { $link f } " if some parent handled the gesture, else outputs " { $link t } "." } ;
{ $description "Calls " { $link handle-gesture } " on every parent of " { $snippet "gadget" } ". Outputs " { $link f } " if some parent handled the gesture, else outputs " { $link t } "." } ;
HELP: user-input
{ $values { "str" string } { "gadget" gadget } }
{ $values { "string" string } { "gadget" gadget } }
{ $description "Calls " { $link user-input* } " on every parent of the gadget." } ;
HELP: motion
@ -90,10 +90,6 @@ HELP: select-all-action
{ $class-description "Gesture sent when the " { $emphasis "select all" } " standard window system action is invoked." }
{ $examples { $code "T{ select-all-action }" } } ;
HELP: generalize-gesture
{ $values { "gesture" "a gesture" } { "newgesture" "a new gesture" } }
{ $description "Turns a " { $link button-down } ", " { $link button-up } " or " { $link drag } " action naming a specific mouse button into one which can apply regardless of which mouse button was pressed." } ;
{ $description "Control key modifier." } ;

View File

@ -2,12 +2,10 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays assocs kernel math models namespaces
make sequences words strings system hashtables math.parser
math.vectors classes.tuple classes ui.gadgets boxes calendar
alarms symbols combinators sets columns ;
math.vectors classes.tuple classes boxes calendar
alarms symbols combinators sets columns fry deques ui.gadgets ;
IN: ui.gestures
: set-gestures ( class hash -- ) "gestures" set-word-prop ;
GENERIC: handle-gesture ( gesture gadget -- ? )
M: object handle-gesture
@ -15,13 +13,42 @@ M: object handle-gesture
[ "gestures" word-prop ] map
assoc-stack dup [ call f ] [ 2drop t ] if ;
: send-gesture ( gesture gadget -- ? )
[ dupd handle-gesture ] each-parent nip ;
: set-gestures ( class hash -- ) "gestures" set-word-prop ;
: user-input ( str gadget -- )
over empty?
[ [ dupd user-input* ] each-parent ] unless
2drop ;
: gesture-queue ( -- deque ) \ gesture-queue get ;
GENERIC: send-queued-gesture ( request -- )
TUPLE: send-gesture gesture gadget ;
M: send-gesture send-queued-gesture
[ gesture>> ] [ gadget>> ] bi handle-gesture drop ;
: queue-gesture ( ... class -- )
boa gesture-queue push-front notify-ui-thread ; inline
: send-gesture ( gesture gadget -- )
\ send-gesture queue-gesture ;
: each-gesture ( gesture seq -- ) [ send-gesture ] with each ;
TUPLE: propagate-gesture gesture gadget ;
M: propagate-gesture send-queued-gesture
[ gesture>> ] [ gadget>> ] bi
[ handle-gesture ] with each-parent drop ;
: propagate-gesture ( gesture gadget -- )
\ propagate-gesture queue-gesture ;
TUPLE: user-input string gadget ;
M: user-input send-queued-gesture
[ string>> ] [ gadget>> ] bi
[ user-input* ] with each-parent drop ;
: user-input ( string gadget -- )
'[ _ \ user-input queue-gesture ] unless-empty ;
! Gesture objects
TUPLE: motion ; C: <motion> motion
@ -46,11 +73,8 @@ TUPLE: right-action ; C: <right-action> right-action
TUPLE: up-action ; C: <up-action> up-action
TUPLE: down-action ; C: <down-action> down-action
TUPLE: zoom-in-action ; C: <zoom-in-action> zoom-in-action
TUPLE: zoom-out-action ; C: <zoom-out-action> zoom-out-action
: generalize-gesture ( gesture -- newgesture )
clone f >># ;
TUPLE: zoom-in-action ; C: <zoom-in-action> zoom-in-action
TUPLE: zoom-out-action ; C: <zoom-out-action> zoom-out-action
! Modifiers
SYMBOLS: C+ A+ M+ S+ ;
@ -58,7 +82,7 @@ SYMBOLS: C+ A+ M+ S+ ;
TUPLE: key-down mods sym ;
: <key-gesture> ( mods sym action? class -- mods' sym' )
>r [ S+ rot remove swap ] unless r> boa ; inline
[ [ [ S+ swap remove f like ] dip ] unless ] dip boa ; inline
: <key-down> ( mods sym action? -- key-down )
key-down <key-gesture> ;
@ -100,11 +124,7 @@ SYMBOL: double-click-timeout
hand-loc get hand-click-loc get = not ;
: button-gesture ( gesture -- )
hand-clicked get-global 2dup send-gesture [
>r generalize-gesture r> send-gesture drop
] [
] if ;
hand-clicked get-global propagate-gesture ;
: drag-gesture ( -- )
hand-buttons get-global
@ -130,14 +150,11 @@ SYMBOL: drag-timer
: fire-motion ( -- )
hand-buttons get-global empty? [
T{ motion } hand-gadget get-global send-gesture drop
T{ motion } hand-gadget get-global propagate-gesture
] [
] if ;
: each-gesture ( gesture seq -- )
[ handle-gesture drop ] with each ;
: hand-gestures ( new old -- )
drop-prefix <reversed>
T{ mouse-leave } swap each-gesture
@ -145,15 +162,15 @@ SYMBOL: drag-timer
: forget-rollover ( -- )
f hand-world set-global
hand-gadget get-global >r
f hand-gadget set-global
f r> parents hand-gestures ;
hand-gadget get-global
[ f hand-gadget set-global f ] dip
parents hand-gestures ;
: send-lose-focus ( gadget -- )
T{ lose-focus } swap handle-gesture drop ;
T{ lose-focus } swap send-gesture ;
: send-gain-focus ( gadget -- )
T{ gain-focus } swap handle-gesture drop ;
T{ gain-focus } swap send-gesture ;
: focus-child ( child gadget ? -- )
@ -219,9 +236,11 @@ SYMBOL: drag-timer
: move-hand ( loc world -- )
dup hand-world set-global
under-hand >r over hand-loc set-global
pick-up hand-gadget set-global
under-hand r> hand-gestures ;
under-hand [
over hand-loc set-global
pick-up hand-gadget set-global
] dip hand-gestures ;
: send-button-down ( gesture loc world -- )
@ -240,14 +259,13 @@ SYMBOL: drag-timer
: send-wheel ( direction loc world -- )
scroll-direction set-global
T{ mouse-scroll } hand-gadget get-global send-gesture
drop ;
T{ mouse-scroll } hand-gadget get-global propagate-gesture ;
: world-focus ( world -- gadget )
dup focus>> [ world-focus ] [ ] ?if ;
: send-action ( world gesture -- )
swap world-focus send-gesture drop ;
swap world-focus propagate-gesture ;
GENERIC: gesture>string ( gesture -- string/f )

View File

@ -67,10 +67,10 @@ M: browser-gadget definitions-changed ( assoc browser -- )
\ browser-help H{ { +nullary+ t } } define-command
browser-gadget "toolbar" f {
{ T{ key-down f { A+ } "b" } com-back }
{ T{ key-down f { A+ } "f" } com-forward }
{ T{ key-down f { A+ } "h" } com-documentation }
{ T{ key-down f { A+ } "v" } com-vocabularies }
{ T{ key-down f { A+ } "LEFT" } com-back }
{ T{ key-down f { A+ } "RIGHT" } com-forward }
{ f com-documentation }
{ f com-vocabularies }
{ T{ key-down f f "F1" } browser-help }
} define-command-map

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ HELP: <debugger>
"Creates a gadget displaying a description of the error, along with buttons to print the contents of the stacks in the listener, and a list of restarts."
} ;
{ <debugger> debugger-window ui-try } related-words
{ <debugger> debugger-window } related-words
HELP: debugger-window
{ $values { "error" "an error" } }

View File

@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ M: interactor dispose drop ;
: handle-interactive ( lines interactor -- quot/f ? )
tuck try-parse {
{ [ dup quotation? ] [ nip t ] }
{ [ dup not ] [ drop "\n" swap user-input f f ] }
{ [ dup not ] [ drop "\n" swap user-input* drop f f ] }
[ handle-parse-error f f ]
} cond ;

View File

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
! Copyright (C) 2005, 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: inspector help help.markup io io.styles
kernel models namespaces parser quotations sequences vocabs words
prettyprint listener debugger threads boxes concurrency.flags
math arrays generic accessors combinators assocs fry ui.commands
ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.editors ui.gadgets.labelled
ui.gadgets.panes ui.gadgets.buttons ui.gadgets.scrollers
USING: inspector help help.markup io io.styles kernel models
namespaces parser quotations sequences vocabs words prettyprint
listener debugger threads boxes concurrency.flags math arrays
generic accessors combinators assocs fry ui.commands ui.gadgets
ui.gadgets.editors ui.gadgets.labelled ui.gadgets.panes
ui.gadgets.buttons ui.gadgets.scrollers ui.gadgets.packs
ui.gadgets.tracks ui.gadgets.borders ui.gestures ui.operations ;
@ -13,20 +13,12 @@ IN:
TUPLE: listener-gadget < track input output ;
: listener-output, ( listener -- listener )
[ >>output ] [ <scroller> 1 track-add ] bi ;
: listener-streams ( listener -- input output )
[ input>> ] [ output>> <pane-stream> ] bi ;
: <listener-input> ( listener -- gadget )
output>> <pane-stream> <interactor> ;
: listener-input, ( listener -- listener )
dup <listener-input>
[ >>input ] [ 1 <border> { 1 1 } >>fill f track-add ] bi ;
: welcome. ( -- )
"If this is your first time with Factor, please read the " print
"handbook" ($link) ". To see a list of keyboard shortcuts," print
@ -109,7 +101,7 @@ M: engine-word word-completion-string
: insert-word ( word -- )
get-workspace listener>> input>>
[ >r word-completion-string r> user-input ]
[ >r word-completion-string r> user-input* drop ]
[ interactor-use use-if-necessary ]
2bi ;
@ -156,11 +148,21 @@ M: engine-word word-completion-string
[ wait-for-listener ]
} cleave ;
: init-listener ( listener -- listener )
<scrolling-pane> >>output
dup <listener-input> >>input ;
: <listener-scroller> ( listener -- scroller )
over output>> add-gadget
swap input>> add-gadget
<scroller> ;
: <listener-gadget> ( -- gadget )
{ 0 1 } listener-gadget new-track
listener-input, ;
dup <listener-scroller> 1 track-add ;
: listener-help ( -- ) "ui-listener" help-window ;
@ -177,9 +179,9 @@ listener-gadget "misc" "Miscellaneous commands" {
listener-gadget "toolbar" f {
{ f restart-listener }
{ T{ key-down f { A+ } "a" } com-auto-use }
{ T{ key-down f { A+ } "c" } clear-output }
{ T{ key-down f { A+ } "C" } clear-stack }
{ T{ key-down f { A+ } "u" } com-auto-use }
{ T{ key-down f { A+ } "k" } clear-output }
{ T{ key-down f { A+ } "K" } clear-stack }
{ T{ key-down f { C+ } "d" } com-end }
} define-command-map

View File

@ -47,11 +47,6 @@ HELP: (open-window)
{ $description "Opens a native window containing the given world. This grafts the world by calling " { $link graft } ". Each world can only be displayed in one top-level window at a time." }
{ $notes "This word should not be called directly by user code. Instead, use " { $link open-window } "." } ;
HELP: ui-try
{ $values { "quot" quotation } }
{ $description "Calls the quotation. If it throws an error, opens a window with the error and restores the data stack." }
{ $notes "This is essentially a graphical variant of " { $link try } "." } ;
ARTICLE: "ui-glossary" "UI glossary"
{ $table
{ "color specifier"

basis/ui/ui-tests.factor Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
IN: ui.tests
USING: ui tools.test ;
\ event-loop must-infer
\ open-window must-infer

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
! Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Slava Pestov.
! Copyright (C) 2006, 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: arrays assocs io kernel math models namespaces make
prettyprint dlists deques sequences threads sequences words
@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ SYMBOL: ui-hook
: init-ui ( -- )
<dlist> \ graft-queue set-global
<dlist> \ layout-queue set-global
<dlist> \ gesture-queue set-global
V{ } clone windows set-global ;
: restore-gadget-later ( gadget -- )
@ -138,14 +139,22 @@ SYMBOL: ui-hook
: notify-queued ( -- )
graft-queue [ notify ] slurp-deque ;
: send-queued-gestures ( -- )
gesture-queue [ send-queued-gesture ] slurp-deque ;
: update-ui ( -- )
[ notify-queued layout-queued redraw-worlds ] assert-depth ;
] assert-depth
] [ ui-error ] recover ;
: ui-wait ( -- )
10 sleep ;
: ui-try ( quot -- ) [ ui-error ] recover ;
SYMBOL: ui-thread
: ui-running ( quot -- )
@ -156,11 +165,9 @@ SYMBOL: ui-thread
\ ui-running get-global ;
: update-ui-loop ( -- )
ui-running? ui-thread get-global self eq? and [
ui-notify-flag get lower-flag
[ update-ui ] ui-try
] when ;
[ ui-running? ui-thread get-global self eq? and ]
[ ui-notify-flag get lower-flag update-ui ]
[ ] while ;
: start-ui-thread ( -- )
[ self ui-thread set-global update-ui-loop ]

View File

@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ SYMBOLS: msg-obj class-name-ptr mouse-captured ;
:: handle-wm-keydown ( hWnd uMsg wParam lParam -- )
wParam exclude-key-wm-keydown? [
wParam keystroke>gesture <key-down>
hWnd window-focus send-gesture drop
hWnd window-focus propagate-gesture
] unless ;
:: handle-wm-char ( hWnd uMsg wParam lParam -- )
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ SYMBOLS: msg-obj class-name-ptr mouse-captured ;
:: handle-wm-keyup ( hWnd uMsg wParam lParam -- )
wParam keystroke>gesture <key-up>
hWnd window-focus send-gesture drop ;
hWnd window-focus propagate-gesture ;
:: set-window-active ( hwnd uMsg wParam lParam ? -- n )
? hwnd window (>>active?)
@ -381,11 +381,9 @@ SYMBOL: trace-messages?
! return 0 if you handle the message, else just let DefWindowProc return its val
: ui-wndproc ( -- object )
"uint" { "void*" "uint" "long" "long" } "stdcall" [
trace-messages? get-global [ dup windows-message-name name>> print flush ] when
wm-handlers get-global at* [ call ] [ drop DefWindowProc ] if
] ui-try
trace-messages? get-global [ dup windows-message-name name>> print flush ] when
wm-handlers get-global at* [ call ] [ drop DefWindowProc ] if
] alien-callback ;
: peek-message? ( msg -- ? ) f 0 0 PM_REMOVE PeekMessage zero? ;

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ x11.xim x11.glx x11.clipboard x11.constants io.encodings.string io.encodings.ascii
io.encodings.utf8 combinators debugger command-line qualified
math.vectors classes.tuple threads math.geometry.rect
environment ;
environment ascii ;
IN: ui.x11
SINGLETON: x11-ui-backend
@ -67,20 +67,32 @@ M: world configure-event
: event-modifiers ( event -- seq )
XKeyEvent-state modifiers modifier ;
: valid-input? ( string gesture -- ? )
over empty? [ 2drop f ] [
mods>> { f { S+ } } member? [
[ [ 127 = not ] [ CHAR: \s >= ] bi and ] all?
] [
[ [ 127 = not ] [ CHAR: \s >= ] [ alpha? not ] tri and and ] all?
] if
] if ;
: key-down-event>gesture ( event world -- string gesture )
handle>> xic>> lookup-string
>r swap event-modifiers r> key-code <key-down> ;
M: world key-down-event
[ key-down-event>gesture ] keep world-focus
[ send-gesture ] keep swap [ user-input ] [ 2drop ] if ;
[ key-down-event>gesture ] keep
[ propagate-gesture drop ]
[ 2over valid-input? [ nip user-input ] [ 3drop ] if ]
3bi ;
: key-up-event>gesture ( event -- gesture )
dup event-modifiers swap 0 XLookupKeysym key-code <key-up> ;
M: world key-up-event
>r key-up-event>gesture r> world-focus send-gesture drop ;
>r key-up-event>gesture r> world-focus propagate-gesture ;
: mouse-event>gesture ( event -- modifiers button loc )
dup event-modifiers over XButtonEvent-button
@ -185,7 +197,7 @@ M: world client-event
M: x11-ui-backend do-events
wait-event dup XAnyEvent-window window dup
[ [ [ 2dup handle-event ] ui-try ] assert-depth ] when 2drop ;
[ handle-event ] [ 2drop ] if ;
: x-clipboard@ ( gadget clipboard -- prop win )
atom>> swap

View File

@ -9,6 +9,6 @@ USING: math kernel alien ;
] alien-callback
"int" { "int" } "cdecl" alien-indirect ;
: fib-main ( -- ) 25 fib drop ;
: fib-main ( -- ) 34 fib drop ;
MAIN: fib-main

View File

@ -224,13 +224,13 @@ SYMBOL: dlist
: delete-dlist ( -- ) dlist get [ dlist get 1 glDeleteLists dlist off ] when ;
: cfdg-window* ( -- )
: cfdg-window* ( -- slate )
C[ display ] <slate>
{ 500 500 } >>pdim
C[ delete-dlist ] >>ungraft
dup "CFDG" open-window ;
: cfdg-window ( -- ) [ cfdg-window* ] with-ui ;
: cfdg-window ( -- slate ) [ cfdg-window* ] with-ui ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel accessors ui ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.buttons ui.render ;
IN: ui.gadgets.broken
! An intentionally broken gadget -- used to test UI error handling,
! make sure that one bad gadget doesn't bring the whole system down
: <bad-button> ( -- button )
"Click me if you dare"
[ "Haha" throw ]
<bevel-button> ;
TUPLE: bad-gadget < gadget ;
M: bad-gadget draw-gadget* "Lulz" throw ;
M: bad-gadget pref-dim* drop { 100 100 } ;
: <bad-gadget> ( -- gadget ) bad-gadget new-gadget ;
: bad-gadget-test ( -- )
<bad-button> "Test 1" open-window
<bad-gadget> "Test 2" open-window ;
MAIN: bad-gadget-test

View File

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
(require 'font-lock)
(require 'comint)
(require 'view)
;;; Customization:
@ -64,6 +65,30 @@ value from the existing code in the buffer."
:type '(file :must-match t)
:group 'factor)
(defcustom factor-use-doc-window t
"When on, use a separate window to display help information.
Disable to see that information in the factor-listener comint
:type 'boolean
:group 'factor)
(defcustom factor-listener-use-other-window t
"Use a window other than the current buffer's when switching to
the factor-listener buffer."
:type 'boolean
:group 'factor)
(defcustom factor-listener-window-allow-split t
"Allow window splitting when switching to the factor-listener
:type 'boolean
:group 'factor)
(defcustom factor-help-always-ask t
"When enabled, always ask for confirmation in help prompts."
:type 'boolean
:group 'factor)
(defcustom factor-display-compilation-output t
"Display the REPL buffer before compiling files."
:type 'boolean
@ -74,6 +99,11 @@ value from the existing code in the buffer."
:type 'hook
:group 'factor)
(defcustom factor-help-mode-hook nil
"Hook run by `factor-help-mode'."
:type 'hook
:group 'factor)
(defgroup factor-faces nil
"Faces used in Factor mode"
:group 'factor
@ -125,6 +155,10 @@ value from the existing code in the buffer."
"Face for parsing words."
:group 'factor-faces)
(defface factor-font-lock-help-mode-headlines '((t (:bold t :weight bold)))
"Face for headlines in help buffers."
:group 'factor-faces)
;;; Factor mode font lock:
@ -429,18 +463,6 @@ value from the existing code in the buffer."
(factor-send-region (search-backward ":")
(search-forward ";")))
(defun factor-see ()
(comint-send-string "*factor*" "\\ ")
(comint-send-string "*factor*" (thing-at-point 'sexp))
(comint-send-string "*factor*" " see\n"))
(defun factor-help ()
(comint-send-string "*factor*" "\\ ")
(comint-send-string "*factor*" (thing-at-point 'sexp))
(comint-send-string "*factor*" " help\n"))
(defun factor-edit ()
(comint-send-string "*factor*" "\\ ")
@ -459,17 +481,6 @@ value from the existing code in the buffer."
(defvar factor-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)
"Key map used by Factor mode.")
(define-key factor-mode-map "\C-c\C-f" 'factor-run-file)
(define-key factor-mode-map "\C-c\C-r" 'factor-send-region)
(define-key factor-mode-map "\C-c\C-d" 'factor-send-definition)
(define-key factor-mode-map "\C-c\C-s" 'factor-see)
(define-key factor-mode-map "\C-ce" 'factor-edit)
(define-key factor-mode-map "\C-c\C-h" 'factor-help)
(define-key factor-mode-map "\C-cc" 'comment-region)
(define-key factor-mode-map [return] 'newline-and-indent)
(define-key factor-mode-map [tab] 'indent-for-tab-command)
;; Factor mode:
@ -494,23 +505,118 @@ value from the existing code in the buffer."
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.factor\\'" . factor-mode))
;;; Factor listener mode
;;; Factor listener mode:
(define-derived-mode factor-listener-mode comint-mode "Factor Listener")
(define-derived-mode factor-listener-mode comint-mode "Factor Listener"
"Major mode for interacting with an inferior Factor listener process.
(set (make-local-variable 'comint-prompt-regexp) "^( [^)]+ ) "))
(define-key factor-listener-mode-map [f8] 'factor-refresh-all)
(defvar factor--listener-buffer nil
"The buffer in which the Factor listener is running.")
(defun factor--listener-start-process ()
"Start an inferior Factor listener process, using
`factor-binary' and `factor-image'."
(setq factor--listener-buffer
(apply 'make-comint "factor" (expand-file-name factor-binary) nil
`("-run=listener" ,(format "-i=%s" (expand-file-name factor-image)))))
(with-current-buffer factor--listener-buffer
(defun factor--listener-process ()
(or (and (buffer-live-p factor--listener-buffer)
(get-buffer-process factor--listener-buffer))
(progn (factor--listener-start-process)
(defun run-factor ()
"Start a factor listener inside emacs, or switch to it if it
already exists."
(defalias 'switch-to-factor 'run-factor)
(defun run-factor (&optional arg)
"Show the factor-listener buffer, starting the process if needed."
(make-comint-in-buffer "factor" nil (expand-file-name factor-binary) nil
(concat "-i=" (expand-file-name factor-image))
(let ((buf (process-buffer (factor--listener-process)))
(pop-up-windows factor-listener-window-allow-split))
(if factor-listener-use-other-window
(pop-to-buffer buf)
(switch-to-buffer buf))))
;;;; Factor help mode:
(defvar factor-help-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)
"Keymap for Factor help mode.")
(defconst factor--help-headlines
(regexp-opt '("Parent topics:"
"Inputs and outputs"
"Word description"
"Generic word contract"
(defconst factor--help-headlines-regexp (format "^%s" factor--help-headlines))
(defconst factor--help-font-lock-keywords
`((,factor--help-headlines-regexp . 'factor-font-lock-help-mode-headlines)
(defun factor-help-mode ()
"Major mode for displaying Factor help messages.
(use-local-map factor-help-mode-map)
(setq mode-name "Factor Help")
(setq major-mode 'factor-help-mode)
(set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
'(factor--help-font-lock-keywords t nil nil nil))
(set (make-local-variable 'comint-redirect-subvert-readonly) t)
(set (make-local-variable 'view-no-disable-on-exit) t)
(setq view-exit-action
(lambda (buffer)
;; Use `with-current-buffer' to make sure that `bury-buffer'
;; also removes BUFFER from the selected window.
(with-current-buffer buffer
(run-mode-hooks 'factor-help-mode-hook))
(defun factor--listener-help-buffer ()
(set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*factor-help*"))
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
(delete-region (point-min) (point-max)))
(defvar factor--help-history nil)
(defun factor--listener-show-help (&optional see)
(let* ((def (thing-at-point 'sexp))
(prompt (format "%s (%s): " (if see "See" "Help") def))
(ask (or (not (eq major-mode 'factor-mode))
(not def)
(cmd (format "\\ %s %s"
(if ask (read-string prompt nil 'factor--help-history def) def)
(if see "see" "help")))
(hb (factor--listener-help-buffer))
(proc (factor--listener-process)))
(comint-redirect-send-command-to-process cmd hb proc nil)
(pop-to-buffer hb)))
(defun factor-see ()
(factor--listener-show-help t))
(defun factor-help ()
(defun factor-refresh-all ()
"Reload source files and documentation for all loaded
@ -519,6 +625,28 @@ vocabularies which have been modified on disk."
(comint-send-string "*factor*" "refresh-all\n"))
;;; Key bindings:
(defmacro factor--define-key (key cmd)
(define-key factor-mode-map [(control ?c) ,key] ,cmd)
(define-key factor-mode-map [(control ?c) (control ,key)] ,cmd)))
(factor--define-key ?f 'factor-run-file)
(factor--define-key ?r 'factor-send-region)
(factor--define-key ?d 'factor-send-definition)
(factor--define-key ?s 'factor-see)
(factor--define-key ?e 'factor-edit)
(factor--define-key ?z 'switch-to-factor)
(factor--define-key ?c 'comment-region)
(define-key factor-mode-map "\C-ch" 'factor-help)
(define-key factor-mode-map "\C-m" 'newline-and-indent)
(define-key factor-mode-map [tab] 'indent-for-tab-command)
(define-key factor-listener-mode-map [f8] 'factor-refresh-all)
(provide 'factor)
;;; factor.el ends here

View File

@ -29,10 +29,35 @@ void save_stacks(void)
F_CONTEXT *alloc_context(void)
F_CONTEXT *context;
context = unused_contexts;
unused_contexts = unused_contexts->next;
context = safe_malloc(sizeof(F_CONTEXT));
context->datastack_region = alloc_segment(ds_size);
context->retainstack_region = alloc_segment(rs_size);
return context;
void dealloc_context(F_CONTEXT *context)
context->next = unused_contexts;
unused_contexts = context;
/* called on entry into a compiled callback */
void nest_stacks(void)
F_CONTEXT *new_stacks = safe_malloc(sizeof(F_CONTEXT));
F_CONTEXT *new_stacks = alloc_context();
new_stacks->callstack_bottom = (F_STACK_FRAME *)-1;
new_stacks->callstack_top = (F_STACK_FRAME *)-1;
@ -54,9 +79,6 @@ void nest_stacks(void)
new_stacks->current_callback_save = userenv[CURRENT_CALLBACK_ENV];
new_stacks->catchstack_save = userenv[CATCHSTACK_ENV];
new_stacks->datastack_region = alloc_segment(ds_size);
new_stacks->retainstack_region = alloc_segment(rs_size);
new_stacks->next = stack_chain;
stack_chain = new_stacks;
@ -67,9 +89,6 @@ void nest_stacks(void)
/* called when leaving a compiled callback */
void unnest_stacks(void)
ds = stack_chain->datastack_save;
rs = stack_chain->retainstack_save;
@ -79,7 +98,7 @@ void unnest_stacks(void)
F_CONTEXT *old_stacks = stack_chain;
stack_chain = old_stacks->next;
/* called on startup */
@ -88,6 +107,7 @@ void init_stacks(CELL ds_size_, CELL rs_size_)
ds_size = ds_size_;
rs_size = rs_size_;
stack_chain = NULL;
unused_contexts = NULL;
bool stack_to_array(CELL bottom, CELL top)

View File

@ -211,6 +211,8 @@ typedef struct _F_CONTEXT {
F_CONTEXT *unused_contexts;
CELL ds_size, rs_size;
#define ds_bot (stack_chain->datastack_region->start)