implemented inflate-raw (uncompressed chunks)

prunedtree 2009-06-05 03:29:12 -07:00
parent 9612b43034
commit f09a2807fa
1 changed files with 221 additions and 212 deletions

basis/compression/inflate/inflate.factor Executable file → Normal file
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@ -1,212 +1,221 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Marc Fauconneau.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays assocs byte-arrays
byte-vectors combinators constructors fry grouping hashtables
compression.huffman images io.binary kernel locals
math math.bitwise math.order math.ranges multiline sequences
sorting ;
IN: compression.inflate
QUALIFIED-WITH: bitstreams bs
: enum>seq ( assoc -- seq )
dup keys [ ] [ max ] map-reduce 1 + f <array>
[ '[ swap _ set-nth ] assoc-each ] keep ;
ERROR: zlib-unimplemented ;
ERROR: bad-zlib-data ;
ERROR: bad-zlib-header ;
:: check-zlib-header ( data -- )
16 data bs:peek 2 >le be> 31 mod ! checksum
0 assert=
4 data bs:read 8 assert= ! compression method: deflate
4 data bs:read ! log2(max length)-8, 32K max
7 <= [ bad-zlib-header ] unless
5 data bs:seek ! drop check bits
1 data bs:read 0 assert= ! dictionnary - not allowed in png
2 data bs:seek ! compression level; ignore
:: default-table ( -- table )
0 <hashtable> :> table
0 143 [a,b] 280 287 [a,b] append 8 table set-at
144 255 [a,b] >array 9 table set-at
256 279 [a,b] >array 7 table set-at
table enum>seq 1 tail ;
CONSTANT: clen-shuffle { 16 17 18 0 8 7 9 6 10 5 11 4 12 3 13 2 14 1 15 }
: get-table ( values size -- table )
16 f <array> clone <enum>
[ '[ _ push-at ] 2each ] keep seq>> 1 tail [ natural-sort ] map ;
:: decode-huffman-tables ( bitstream -- tables )
5 bitstream bs:read 257 +
5 bitstream bs:read 1 +
4 bitstream bs:read 4 +
clen-shuffle swap head
dup [ drop 3 bitstream bs:read ] map
bitstream swap <huffman-decoder>
[ 2dup + ] dip swap :> k!
_ read1-huff2
{ [ dup 16 = ] [ 2 bitstream bs:read 3 + 2array ] }
{ [ dup 17 = ] [ 3 bitstream bs:read 3 + 2array ] }
{ [ dup 18 = ] [ 7 bitstream bs:read 11 + 2array ] }
[ ]
} cond
dup array? [ dup second ] [ 1 ] if
k swap - dup k! 0 >
[ ] produce swap suffix
{ } [ dup array? [ dup first 16 = ] [ f ] if [ [ unclip-last ] [ second 1+ swap <repetition> append ] bi* ] [ suffix ] if ] reduce
[ dup array? [ second 0 <repetition> ] [ 1array ] if ] map concat
nip swap cut 2array [ [ length>> [0,b) ] [ ] bi get-table ] map ;
CONSTANT: length-table
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 13 15 17
19 23 27 31
35 43 51 59
67 83 99 115
131 163 195 227 258
CONSTANT: dist-table
1 2 3 4
5 7 9 13
17 25 33 49
65 97 129 193
257 385 513 769
1025 1537 2049 3073
4097 6145 8193 12289
16385 24577
: nth* ( n seq -- elt )
[ length 1- swap - ] [ nth ] bi ;
:: inflate-lz77 ( seq -- bytes )
1000 <byte-vector> :> bytes
dup array?
[ first2 '[ _ 1- bytes nth* bytes push ] times ]
[ bytes push ] if
] each
bytes ;
:: inflate-dynamic ( bitstream -- bytes )
bitstream decode-huffman-tables
bitstream '[ _ swap <huffman-decoder> ] map :> tables
tables first read1-huff2
dup 256 >
dup 285 =
[ ]
dup 264 >
dup 261 - 4 /i dup 5 >
[ bad-zlib-data ] when
bitstream bs:read 2array
] if
! 5 bitstream read-bits ! distance
tables second read1-huff2
dup 3 >
dup 2 - 2 /i dup 13 >
[ bad-zlib-data ] when
bitstream bs:read 2array
dup 256 = not
[ ] produce nip
dup array? [
dup array? [ first2 ] [ 0 ] if
[ 257 - length-table nth ] [ + ] bi*
dup array? [ first2 ] [ 0 ] if
[ dist-table nth ] [ + ] bi*
] bi*
] when
] map ;
: inflate-raw ( bitstream -- bytes ) zlib-unimplemented ;
: inflate-static ( bitstream -- bytes ) zlib-unimplemented ;
:: inflate-loop ( bitstream -- bytes )
[ 1 bitstream bs:read 0 = ]
2 bitstream bs:read
{ 0 [ inflate-raw ] }
{ 1 [ inflate-static ] }
{ 2 [ inflate-dynamic ] }
{ 3 [ bad-zlib-data f ] }
[ produce ] keep call suffix concat ;
! [ produce ] keep dip swap suffix
:: paeth ( a b c -- p )
a b + c - { a b c } [ [ - abs ] keep 2array ] with map
sort-keys first second ;
:: png-unfilter-line ( prev curr filter -- curr' )
prev :> c
prev 3 tail-slice :> b
curr :> a
curr 3 tail-slice :> x
x length [0,b)
{ 0 [ drop ] }
{ 1 [ [| n | n x nth n a nth + 256 wrap n x set-nth ] each ] }
{ 2 [ [| n | n x nth n b nth + 256 wrap n x set-nth ] each ] }
{ 3 [ [| n | n x nth n a nth n b nth + 2/ + 256 wrap n x set-nth ] each ] }
{ 4 [ [| n | n x nth n a nth n b nth n c nth paeth + 256 wrap n x set-nth ] each ] }
} case
curr 3 tail ;
! for debug -- shows residual values
: reverse-png-filter' ( lines -- filtered )
[ first ] [ 1 tail ] [ map ] bi-curry@ bi nip
concat [ 128 + 256 wrap ] map ;
: reverse-png-filter ( lines -- filtered )
dup first [ 0 ] replicate prefix
[ { 0 0 } prepend ] map
2 clump [
first2 dup [ third ] [ 0 2 rot set-nth ] bi png-unfilter-line
] map concat ;
: zlib-inflate ( bytes -- bytes )
[ check-zlib-header ] [ inflate-loop ] bi
inflate-lz77 ;
! Copyright (C) 2009 Marc Fauconneau.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays assocs byte-arrays
byte-vectors combinators constructors fry grouping hashtables
compression.huffman images io.binary kernel locals
math math.bitwise math.order math.ranges multiline sequences
sorting ;
IN: compression.inflate
QUALIFIED-WITH: bitstreams bs
: enum>seq ( assoc -- seq )
dup keys [ ] [ max ] map-reduce 1 + f <array>
[ '[ swap _ set-nth ] assoc-each ] keep ;
ERROR: zlib-unimplemented ;
ERROR: bad-zlib-data ;
ERROR: bad-zlib-header ;
:: check-zlib-header ( data -- )
16 data bs:peek 2 >le be> 31 mod ! checksum
0 assert=
4 data bs:read 8 assert= ! compression method: deflate
4 data bs:read ! log2(max length)-8, 32K max
7 <= [ bad-zlib-header ] unless
5 data bs:seek ! drop check bits
1 data bs:read 0 assert= ! dictionnary - not allowed in png
2 data bs:seek ! compression level; ignore
:: default-table ( -- table )
0 <hashtable> :> table
0 143 [a,b] 280 287 [a,b] append 8 table set-at
144 255 [a,b] >array 9 table set-at
256 279 [a,b] >array 7 table set-at
table enum>seq 1 tail ;
CONSTANT: clen-shuffle { 16 17 18 0 8 7 9 6 10 5 11 4 12 3 13 2 14 1 15 }
: get-table ( values size -- table )
16 f <array> clone <enum>
[ '[ _ push-at ] 2each ] keep seq>> 1 tail [ natural-sort ] map ;
:: decode-huffman-tables ( bitstream -- tables )
5 bitstream bs:read 257 +
5 bitstream bs:read 1 +
4 bitstream bs:read 4 +
clen-shuffle swap head
dup [ drop 3 bitstream bs:read ] map
bitstream swap <huffman-decoder>
[ 2dup + ] dip swap :> k!
_ read1-huff2
{ [ dup 16 = ] [ 2 bitstream bs:read 3 + 2array ] }
{ [ dup 17 = ] [ 3 bitstream bs:read 3 + 2array ] }
{ [ dup 18 = ] [ 7 bitstream bs:read 11 + 2array ] }
[ ]
} cond
dup array? [ dup second ] [ 1 ] if
k swap - dup k! 0 >
[ ] produce swap suffix
{ } [ dup array? [ dup first 16 = ] [ f ] if [ [ unclip-last ] [ second 1+ swap <repetition> append ] bi* ] [ suffix ] if ] reduce
[ dup array? [ second 0 <repetition> ] [ 1array ] if ] map concat
nip swap cut 2array [ [ length>> [0,b) ] [ ] bi get-table ] map ;
CONSTANT: length-table
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 13 15 17
19 23 27 31
35 43 51 59
67 83 99 115
131 163 195 227 258
CONSTANT: dist-table
1 2 3 4
5 7 9 13
17 25 33 49
65 97 129 193
257 385 513 769
1025 1537 2049 3073
4097 6145 8193 12289
16385 24577
: nth* ( n seq -- elt )
[ length 1- swap - ] [ nth ] bi ;
:: inflate-lz77 ( seq -- bytes )
1000 <byte-vector> :> bytes
dup array?
[ first2 '[ _ 1- bytes nth* bytes push ] times ]
[ bytes push ] if
] each
bytes ;
:: inflate-dynamic ( bitstream -- bytes )
bitstream decode-huffman-tables
bitstream '[ _ swap <huffman-decoder> ] map :> tables
tables first read1-huff2
dup 256 >
dup 285 =
[ ]
dup 264 >
dup 261 - 4 /i dup 5 >
[ bad-zlib-data ] when
bitstream bs:read 2array
] if
! 5 bitstream read-bits ! distance
tables second read1-huff2
dup 3 >
dup 2 - 2 /i dup 13 >
[ bad-zlib-data ] when
bitstream bs:read 2array
dup 256 = not
[ ] produce nip
dup array? [
dup array? [ first2 ] [ 0 ] if
[ 257 - length-table nth ] [ + ] bi*
dup array? [ first2 ] [ 0 ] if
[ dist-table nth ] [ + ] bi*
] bi*
] when
] map ;
:: inflate-raw ( bitstream -- bytes )
8 bitstream bs:align
16 bitstream bs:read :> len
16 bitstream bs:read :> nlen
len nlen + 16 >signed -1 assert= ! len + ~len = -1
bitstream byte-pos>>
bitstream byte-pos>> len +
bitstream bytes>> <slice>
len 8 * bitstream bs:seek ;
: inflate-static ( bitstream -- bytes ) zlib-unimplemented ;
:: inflate-loop ( bitstream -- bytes )
[ 1 bitstream bs:read 0 = ]
2 bitstream bs:read
{ 0 [ inflate-raw ] }
{ 1 [ inflate-static ] }
{ 2 [ inflate-dynamic ] }
{ 3 [ bad-zlib-data f ] }
[ produce ] keep call suffix concat ;
! [ produce ] keep dip swap suffix
:: paeth ( a b c -- p )
a b + c - { a b c } [ [ - abs ] keep 2array ] with map
sort-keys first second ;
:: png-unfilter-line ( prev curr filter -- curr' )
prev :> c
prev 3 tail-slice :> b
curr :> a
curr 3 tail-slice :> x
x length [0,b)
{ 0 [ drop ] }
{ 1 [ [| n | n x nth n a nth + 256 wrap n x set-nth ] each ] }
{ 2 [ [| n | n x nth n b nth + 256 wrap n x set-nth ] each ] }
{ 3 [ [| n | n x nth n a nth n b nth + 2/ + 256 wrap n x set-nth ] each ] }
{ 4 [ [| n | n x nth n a nth n b nth n c nth paeth + 256 wrap n x set-nth ] each ] }
} case
curr 3 tail ;
! for debug -- shows residual values
: reverse-png-filter' ( lines -- filtered )
[ first ] [ 1 tail ] [ map ] bi-curry@ bi nip
concat [ 128 + 256 wrap ] map ;
: reverse-png-filter ( lines -- filtered )
dup first [ 0 ] replicate prefix
[ { 0 0 } prepend ] map
2 clump [
first2 dup [ third ] [ 0 2 rot set-nth ] bi png-unfilter-line
] map concat ;
: zlib-inflate ( bytes -- bytes )
[ check-zlib-header ] [ inflate-loop ] bi
inflate-lz77 ;