find.extras: Add an old prototype parser and some cool util words.

These words are not fast enough to be the main parser.
Doug Coleman 2017-09-30 13:58:59 -05:00
parent affbc492d7
commit f0e121051d
3 changed files with 400 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Doug Coleman

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@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
! Copyright (C) 2017 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: find.extras kernel math.order sequences strings
tools.test ;
IN: find.extras.tests
{ { "#" "" } } [ "#" lex>strings ] unit-test
{ { "#" "asdf" } } [ "#asdf" lex>strings ] unit-test
{ { "{" { "1" "2" "3" } "}" } } [ "{ 1 2 3 }" lex>strings ] unit-test
{ { "arr{" { "1" "2" "3" } "}" } } [ "arr{ 1 2 3 }" lex>strings ] unit-test
{ { "quot[" { "1" "2" "3" } "]" } } [ "quot[ 1 2 3 ]" lex>strings ] unit-test
{ { "par(" { "1" "2" "3" } ")" } } [ "par( 1 2 3 )" lex>strings ] unit-test
{ { "tic" "`" " 1 2 3 " "`" } } [ "tic` 1 2 3 `" lex>strings ] unit-test
T{ slice f 0 3 "lol" }
} [ "lol" 0 [ char: a char: z between? ] take-empty-from ] unit-test
T{ slice f 0 3 "lol" }
} [ "lol" 0 tag-from ] unit-test
! Test combinations of [=[
{ "[=[" 3 T{ slice f 0 3 "[=[" } } [
"[=[" 0 {
{ [ "[" head-from ] [ [ char: = = ] take-empty-from ] [ "[" head-from ] } find-quots
dup [ slices-combine ] when
} find-quots slices-combine
] unit-test
{ "[=" 0 f } [
"[=" 0 {
{ [ "[" head-from ] [ [ char: = = ] take-empty-from ] [ "[" head-from ] } find-quots
dup [ slices-combine ] when
} find-quots slices-combine
] unit-test
{ "[" 0 f } [
"[" 0 {
{ [ "[" head-from ] [ [ char: = = ] take-empty-from ] [ "[" head-from ] } find-quots
dup [ slices-combine ] when
} find-quots slices-combine
] unit-test
{ "" 0 f } [
"" 0 {
{ [ "[" head-from ] [ [ char: = = ] take-empty-from ] [ "[" head-from ] } find-quots
dup [ slices-combine ] when
} find-quots slices-combine
] unit-test
{ f 0 f } [
f 0 {
{ [ "[" head-from ] [ [ char: = = ] take-empty-from ] [ "[" head-from ] } find-quots
dup [ slices-combine ] when
} find-quots slices-combine
] unit-test
{ } [
"foo\"asdf\"" lex-tokens drop
] unit-test
{ } [ " \"lol\" " lex-tokens drop ] unit-test
{ } [ " foo\"lol\" " lex-tokens drop ] unit-test
{ t } [ "[[lololol]]" 2 "]]" read-until-subseq >boolean 2nip nip ] unit-test

View File

@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
! Copyright (C) 2017 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays assocs combinators combinators.extras fry generalizations kernel literals locals
macros make math math.private multiline namespaces quotations
sequences sequences.deep sequences.extras
sequences.generalizations sequences.private shuffle
stack-checker.transforms strings unicode words ;
IN: find.extras
: >strings ( seq -- str )
[ dup slice? [ >string ] when ] deep-map ;
: matching-delimiter ( ch -- ch' )
{ char: \( char: ) }
{ char: \[ char: ] }
{ char: \{ char: } }
{ char: < char: > }
{ char: \: char: ; }
} ?at drop ;
: matching-delimiter-string ( string -- string' )
[ matching-delimiter ] map ;
SYMBOL: delimiter-stack
: with-delimiter-stack ( string quot -- seq )
[ V{ } clone delimiter-stack ] dip with-variable ; inline
: push-delimiter ( delim -- )
delimiter-stack get push ;
: peek-delimiter ( -- delim/f )
delimiter-stack get [ f ] [ last ] if-empty ;
ERROR: delimiter-mismatch-error got expected ;
: pop-delimiter ( delim -- )
delimiter-stack get pop
2dup matching-delimiter-string 2dup sequence= [ 4drop ] [ delimiter-mismatch-error ] if ;
ERROR: unmatched-delimiter delimiter delimiter-string ;
: check-delimiter-stack ( -- )
delimiter-stack get [
first dup >string unmatched-delimiter
] unless-empty ;
ERROR: invalid-slice seq from to ;
: range-empty-slice ( seq from to -- seq n' slice )
2dup > [ invalid-slice ] when
[ 2drop ]
[ [ rot <slice> ] keep swap ] 3bi ; inline
: range-slice ( seq from to -- seq n' slice )
2dup = [ drop f ] [ range-empty-slice ] if ; inline
: length-slice ( seq from len -- seq n' slice )
[ 2drop ]
[ [ drop ] [ + ] 2bi [ rot <slice> ] keep swap ] 3bi ; inline
: head-from? ( seq n subseq -- ? )
over [ [ short tail-slice ] dip head? ] [ 3drop f ] if ; inline
: head-from ( seq n subseq -- seq n/f subseq/f )
3dup head-from? [ length length-slice ] [ drop f ] if ;
: before-from? ( seq n subseq -- ? )
[ length - ] keep over 0 < [ 3drop f ] [ head-from? ] if ;
: guard-length ( seq n -- seq n/f ? )
dup [ 2dup [ length ] dip > ] [ f ] if ; inline
: take-loop ( seq n quot: ( seq n slice -- seq n' slice/f ) -- seq n'/f )
[ guard-length ] dip swap [
[ swapd [ nth ] dip call ] 3keep roll
[ [ 1 + ] dip take-loop ] [ drop ] if
] [
] if ; inline recursive
: take-empty-from ( seq n quot -- seq n'/f subseq/f )
[ take-loop ] 3keep drop
nip swap [ range-empty-slice ] [ drop f f ] if* ; inline
: take-from ( seq n quot -- seq n'/f subseq/f )
[ take-loop ] 3keep drop
nip swap [ range-slice ] [ drop f f ] if* ; inline
: find-until-subseq ( seq n subseq -- seq n'/f subseq/f )
3dup -rot subseq-start-from [
[ pick <slice> ] keep swap
] [
2drop f f
] if* ;
: find-subseq-from ( seq n subseq -- seq n'/f subseq/f )
over [
3dup -rot subseq-start-from [
swap length +
[ pick <slice> ] keep swap
] [
2drop f f
] if*
] [
2drop f f
] if ;
:: quots>find-quot ( quots -- quot )
quots length :> n
n 1 - :> nless
quots [ ] like
n [ [ call ] nless ndip n nrot ] n*quot
'[ [ @ @ n narray ] keep
over [ ] all? [ drop ] [ -rot 2drop f ] if ] ;
MACRO: find-quots ( quots -- quot ) quots>find-quot ;
: slices-combine ( seq -- slice )
[ f ]
[ [ first from>> ] [ last to>> ] [ last seq>> ] tri <slice> ] if-empty ;
: slices-length ( seq -- n )
[ 0 ] [ [ last to>> ] [ first from>> ] bi - ] if-empty ;
: inc-length ( seq n -- seq n'/f )
2dup [ length ] dip > [ 1 + ] [ drop f ] if ; inline
: find-until-quots-step ( seq n quot -- seq n'/f )
over [
[ call ] keep swap [
slices-length nip -
] [
[ inc-length ] dip find-until-quots-step
] if*
] [
2drop f
] if ; inline
MACRO: find-until-quots ( quots -- quot ) ! : ( seq n -- seq n'/f slice/f ) )
_ [ find-until-quots-step ] 3keep drop nip swap [
[ pick <slice> ] keep swap
] [
drop f f
] if*
] ;
CONSTANT: whitespace-separators "\s\t\r\n"
CONSTANT: modern-separators "[]{}()<>:;,`\\!\"'"
CONSTANT: all-separators $[ whitespace-separators modern-separators append ]
: tag-from ( seq n -- seq n' slice )
[ all-separators member? not ] take-empty-from ;
: read-until-subseq ( seq n delimiter -- seq' n' payload delimiter )
[ find-until-subseq ] keep
'[ _ head-from ] dip swap ;
: opening-lua-bracket-from ( seq n -- seq n' slices )
{ [ tag-from ] [ "[" head-from ] [ [ char: = = ] take-empty-from ] [ "[" head-from ] }
find-quots ;
: opening-lua-brace-from ( seq n -- seq n' slices )
{ [ tag-from ] [ "{" head-from ] [ [ char: = = ] take-empty-from ] [ "{" head-from ] }
find-quots ;
: opening-lua-paren-from ( seq n -- seq n' slices )
{ [ tag-from ] [ "(" head-from ] [ [ char: = = ] take-empty-from ] [ "(" head-from ] }
find-quots ;
: read-lua-string ( seq n pair -- seq n' )
[ first , ] [ rest ] bi slices-combine dup ,
read-until-subseq [ , ] bi@ ;
: skip-whitespace ( seq n -- seq n'/f )
[ whitespace-separators member? ] take-empty-from drop ;
: tagged-bracket-open-from ( seq n -- seq n' slice ) { [ tag-from ] [ "[" head-from ] } find-quots ;
: tagged-brace-open-from ( seq n -- seq n' slice ) { [ tag-from ] [ "{" head-from ] } find-quots ;
: tagged-paren-open-from ( seq n -- seq n' slice ) { [ tag-from ] [ "(" head-from ] } find-quots ;
: tagged-colon-open-from ( seq n -- seq n' slice ) { [ tag-from ] [ ":" head-from ] } find-quots ;
: tagged-sstring-open-from ( seq n -- seq n' slice ) { [ tag-from ] [ "'" head-from ] } find-quots ;
: tagged-dstring-open-from ( seq n -- seq n' slice ) { [ tag-from ] [ "\"" head-from ] } find-quots ;
: tagged-backtick-open-from ( seq n -- seq n' slice ) { [ tag-from ] [ "`" head-from ] } find-quots ;
: html-open-from ( seq n -- seq n' slice ) { [ "<" head-from ] [ tag-from ] [ ">" head-from ] } find-quots ;
: html-close-from ( seq n -- seq n' slice ) { [ "</" head-from ] [ tag-from ] [ ">" head-from ] } find-quots ;
: html-self-close-from ( seq n -- seq n' slice ) { [ "<" head-from ] [ tag-from ] [ "/>" head-from ] } find-quots ;
: matching-closing-tag ( slice -- string' ) rest "</" prepend ;
DEFER: lex-token
: lex-tagged-brace ( seq n -- seq n' slice )
{ [ tagged-brace-open-from ] [ lex-token ] [ "}" head-from ] } find-quots ;
: lex-until ( seq n string -- seq n'/f seq' )
lex-token [
dup [ slice? ] all?
[ slices-combine dup , _ sequence= not ] [ , t ] if
] [ f ] if*
] loop
] { } make ; inline
ERROR: unmatched-syntax seq n obj delimiter ;
: read-syntax ( seq n slices delimiter -- seq n' obj )
[ slices-combine ] dip
dup dup dup '[
_ lex-until dup empty? [ _ unmatched-syntax ] when
dup last _ sequence= [ _ unmatched-syntax ] unless unclip-last
] dip -rot 3array ;
:: (read-matching-char-with-escape) ( seq n escape delimiter -- seq' n' )
seq n guard-length [
delimiter find-subseq-from [
drop 2dup escape delimiter append before-from? [
escape delimiter (read-matching-char-with-escape)
] when
] when*
] [
drop f
] if ;
:: read-matching-char-with-escape ( seq n escape-string close-delimiter -- seq' n'/f payload close-delimiter )
seq n escape-string close-delimiter (read-matching-char-with-escape) :> ( seq n' )
n' [
seq n'
n n' 1 - seq <slice>
n' 1 - n' seq <slice>
] [
seq f
seq close-delimiter tail? [ "bad" throw ] unless
n seq length close-delimiter length - seq <slice>
seq length [ close-delimiter length - ] keep seq <slice>
] if ;
:: handle-closing-delimiter ( delim -- delim opening? )
peek-delimiter :> peeked
delim peeked sequence= [
! } }
delimiter-stack get pop*
delim f
] [
delim peeked matching-delimiter-string sequence= [
! { }
delimiter-stack get pop*
delim f
] [
delim delimiter-stack get push
delim t
] if
] if ;
: handle-open-close-delimiter ( seq n delim -- seq n' )
[ dup , lex-until unclip-last [ , ] bi@ ] [ , ] if ;
: lex-token ( seq n -- seq n seq' )
skip-whitespace guard-length [
! Closing delimiters needed to avoid 0-width tag-from slices
{ [ ";" head-from ] [ , ] }
{ [ ">" head-from ] [ , ] }
{ [ "," head-from ] [ , ] }
{ [ "#" head-from ] [ , [ "\r\n" member? not ] take-empty-from , ] }
{ [ "))" head-from ] [ , ] }
{ [ "}}" head-from ] [ , ] }
{ [ "]]" head-from ] [ , ] }
{ [ ")" head-from ] [ handle-open-close-delimiter ] }
{ [ "}" head-from ] [ handle-open-close-delimiter ] }
{ [ "]" head-from ] [ handle-open-close-delimiter ] }
{ [ opening-lua-bracket-from ] [ read-lua-string ] }
{ [ opening-lua-brace-from ] [ read-lua-string ] }
{ [ opening-lua-paren-from ] [ read-lua-string ] }
{ [ tagged-bracket-open-from ] [ dup second push-delimiter "]" read-syntax % ] }
{ [ tagged-brace-open-from ] [ dup second push-delimiter "}" read-syntax % ] }
{ [ tagged-paren-open-from ] [ dup second push-delimiter ")" read-syntax % ] }
{ [ tagged-colon-open-from ] [ ";" read-syntax % ] }
! { [ tagged-sstring-open-from ] [ % "\\" "'" read-matching-char-with-escape [ , ] bi@ ] }
{ [ tagged-dstring-open-from ] [ % "\\" "\"" read-matching-char-with-escape [ , ] bi@ ] }
{ [ html-open-from ] [ dup slices-combine matching-closing-tag read-syntax % ] }
{ [ html-close-from ] [ % ] }
{ [ html-self-close-from ] [ % ] }
! Self-matching delimiter
{ [ tagged-backtick-open-from ] [ % "`" read-until-subseq [ , ] bi@ ] }
[ [ "[]{}<>:;,`\\!\"' " member? not ] take-empty-from , ]
} cond*
] when
] { } make f like ;
: lex-tokens ( string -- seq )
_ 0 [ lex-token ] loop>array 2nip
] with-delimiter-stack ;
: lex>strings ( seq -- strings ) [ 0 lex-token ] with-delimiter-stack >strings 2nip ;
: parse-prefix ( string n -- string n' obj )
[ blank? ] take-empty-from drop
{ [ "-" head-from ] [ ] }
{ [ "+" head-from ] [ ] }
{ [ "!" head-from ] [ ] }
{ [ "~" head-from ] [ ] }
[ f ]
} cond* ;