Merge branch 'master' of git://
@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ USING: help.markup help.syntax ;
HELP: <NSWindow>
{ $values { "rect" "an " { $snippet "NSRect" } } { "window" "an " { $snippet "NSWindow" } } }
{ $values { "rect" "an " { $snippet "NSRect" } } { "style" "a style mask" } { "class" "an Objective-C class" } { "window" "an " { $snippet "NSWindow" } } }
{ $description "Creates a new " { $snippet "NSWindow" } " with the specified dimensions." } ;
HELP: <ViewWindow>
{ $values { "view" "an " { $snippet "NSView" } } { "rect" "an " { $snippet "NSRect" } } { "window" "an " { $snippet "NSWindow" } } }
{ $values { "view" "an " { $snippet "NSView" } } { "rect" "an " { $snippet "NSRect" } } { "style" "a style mask" } { "window" "an " { $snippet "NSWindow" } } }
{ $description "Creates a new " { $snippet "NSWindow" } " with the specified dimensions, containing the given view." } ;
ARTICLE: "cocoa-window-utils" "Cocoa window utilities"
@ -1,21 +1,66 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors assocs heaps kernel namespaces sequences
USING: accessors assocs heaps kernel namespaces sequences fry math
combinators arrays sorting compiler.utilities
compiler.cfg.linear-scan.allocation.state ;
IN: compiler.cfg.linear-scan.allocation
: relevant-ranges ( new inactive -- new' inactive' )
! Slice off all ranges of 'inactive' that precede the start of 'new'
[ [ ranges>> ] bi@ ] [ nip start>> ] 2bi '[ to>> _ >= ] filter ;
: intersect-live-range ( range1 range2 -- n/f )
2dup [ from>> ] bi@ > [ swap ] when
2dup [ to>> ] [ from>> ] bi* >= [ nip from>> ] [ 2drop f ] if ;
: intersect-live-ranges ( ranges1 ranges2 -- n )
{ [ over empty? ] [ 2drop 1/0. ] }
{ [ dup empty? ] [ 2drop 1/0. ] }
2dup [ first ] bi@ intersect-live-range dup [ 2nip ] [
2dup [ first from>> ] bi@ <
[ [ rest-slice ] dip ] [ rest-slice ] if
] if
} cond ;
: intersect-inactive ( new inactive -- n )
relevant-ranges intersect-live-ranges ;
: compute-free-pos ( new -- free-pos )
dup vreg>>
[ nip reg-class>> registers get at [ 1/0. ] H{ } map>assoc ]
[ inactive-intervals-for [ [ reg>> swap ] keep intersect-inactive ] with H{ } map>assoc ]
[ nip active-intervals-for [ reg>> 0 ] H{ } map>assoc ]
2tri 3array assoc-combine
>alist alist-max ;
: no-free-registers? ( result -- ? )
second 0 = ; inline
: register-available? ( new result -- ? )
[ end>> ] [ second ] bi* < ; inline
: register-available ( new result -- )
first >>reg add-active ;
: register-partially-available ( new result -- )
[ second split-before-use ] keep
'[ _ register-available ] [ add-unhandled ] bi* ;
: assign-register ( new -- )
dup coalesce? [ coalesce ] [
dup vreg>> free-registers-for [
dup intersecting-inactive
[ assign-blocked-register ]
[ assign-inactive-register ]
] [ assign-free-register ]
dup compute-free-pos {
{ [ dup no-free-registers? ] [ drop assign-blocked-register ] }
{ [ 2dup register-available? ] [ register-available ] }
[ register-partially-available ]
} cond
] if ;
: handle-interval ( live-interval -- )
@ -1,12 +1,24 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays assocs combinators fry hints kernel locals
math sequences sets sorting splitting
math sequences sets sorting splitting compiler.utilities
|||| ;
IN: compiler.cfg.linear-scan.allocation.spilling
: find-use ( live-interval n quot -- elt )
[ uses>> ] 2dip curry find nip ; inline
: spill-existing? ( new existing -- ? )
#! Test if 'new' will be used before 'existing'.
over start>> '[ _ [ > ] find-use -1 or ] bi@ < ;
: interval-to-spill ( active-intervals current -- live-interval )
#! We spill the interval with the most distant use location.
start>> '[ dup _ [ >= ] find-use ] { } map>assoc
alist-max first ;
: split-for-spill ( live-interval n -- before after )
@ -17,14 +29,6 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.linear-scan.allocation.spilling
[ ]
2tri ;
: find-use ( live-interval n quot -- i elt )
[ uses>> ] 2dip curry find ; inline
: interval-to-spill ( active-intervals current -- live-interval )
#! We spill the interval with the most distant use location.
start>> '[ dup _ [ >= ] find-use nip ] { } map>assoc
[ ] [ [ [ second ] bi@ > ] most ] map-reduce first ;
: assign-spill ( before after -- before after )
#! If it has been spilled already, reuse spill location.
over reload-from>>
@ -39,8 +43,8 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.linear-scan.allocation.spilling
#! with the most distant use location. Spill the existing
#! interval, then process the new interval and the tail end
#! of the existing interval again.
[ reuse-register ]
[ nip delete-active ]
[ reg>> >>reg add-active ]
[ split-and-spill [ add-handled ] [ add-unhandled ] bi* ] 2tri ;
: spill-new ( new existing -- )
@ -50,10 +54,6 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.linear-scan.allocation.spilling
#! again.
[ dup split-and-spill add-unhandled ] dip spill-existing ;
: spill-existing? ( new existing -- ? )
#! Test if 'new' will be used before 'existing'.
over start>> '[ _ [ > ] find-use nip -1 or ] bi@ < ;
: assign-blocked-register ( new -- )
[ dup vreg>> active-intervals-for ] keep interval-to-spill
2dup spill-existing? [ spill-existing ] [ spill-new ] if ;
@ -28,9 +28,7 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.linear-scan.allocation.splitting
'[ _ <= ] partition ;
: record-split ( live-interval before after -- )
[ >>split-next drop ]
[ [ >>split-before ] [ >>split-after ] bi* drop ]
2bi ; inline
[ >>split-before ] [ >>split-after ] bi* drop ; inline
ERROR: splitting-too-early ;
@ -59,62 +57,21 @@ ERROR: splitting-atomic-interval ;
HINTS: split-interval live-interval object ;
: reuse-register ( new existing -- )
reg>> >>reg add-active ;
: relevant-ranges ( new inactive -- new' inactive' )
! Slice off all ranges of 'inactive' that precede the start of 'new'
[ [ ranges>> ] bi@ ] [ nip start>> ] 2bi '[ to>> _ >= ] filter ;
: intersect-live-range ( range1 range2 -- n/f )
2dup [ from>> ] bi@ > [ swap ] when
2dup [ to>> ] [ from>> ] bi* >= [ nip from>> ] [ 2drop f ] if ;
: intersect-live-ranges ( ranges1 ranges2 -- n )
{ [ over empty? ] [ 2drop 1/0. ] }
{ [ dup empty? ] [ 2drop 1/0. ] }
2dup [ first ] bi@ intersect-live-range dup [ 2nip ] [
2dup [ first from>> ] bi@ <
[ [ rest-slice ] dip ] [ rest-slice ] if
] if
} cond ;
: intersect-inactive ( new inactive active-regs -- n/f )
! If the interval's register is currently in use, we cannot
! re-use it.
2dup [ reg>> ] dip key?
[ 3drop f ] [ drop relevant-ranges intersect-live-ranges ] if ;
: intersecting-inactive ( new -- live-intervals )
dup vreg>>
[ inactive-intervals-for ]
[ active-intervals-for [ reg>> ] map unique ] bi
'[ tuck _ intersect-inactive ] with { } map>assoc
[ nip ] assoc-filter ;
: split-between-blocks ( new n -- before after )
2dup [ compute-start/end ] bi@ ;
: insert-use-for-copy ( seq n -- seq' )
[ 1array split1 ] keep [ 1 - ] keep 2array glue ;
dup 1 + [ nip 1array split1 ] 2keep 2array glue ;
: split-before-use ( new n -- before after )
! Find optimal split position
! Insert move instruction
[ '[ _ insert-use-for-copy ] change-uses ] keep
1 - split-interval
2dup [ compute-start/end ] bi@ ;
: assign-inactive-register ( new live-intervals -- )
! If there is an interval which is inactive for the entire lifetime
! if the new interval, reuse its vreg. Otherwise, split new so that
! the first half fits.
sort-values last
2dup [ end>> ] [ second ] bi* < [
first reuse-register
1 -
2dup swap covers? [
[ '[ _ insert-use-for-copy ] change-uses ] keep
2dup >>split-next drop
] [
[ second split-before-use ] keep
'[ _ first reuse-register ] [ add-unhandled ] bi*
] if ;
@ -6,13 +6,7 @@ ;
IN: compiler.cfg.linear-scan.allocation.state
! Mapping from register classes to sequences of machine registers
SYMBOL: free-registers
: free-registers-for ( vreg -- seq )
reg-class>> free-registers get at ;
: deallocate-register ( live-interval -- )
[ reg>> ] [ vreg>> ] bi free-registers-for push ;
SYMBOL: registers
! Vector of active live intervals
SYMBOL: active-intervals
@ -47,7 +41,7 @@ SYMBOL: handled-intervals
: finished? ( n live-interval -- ? ) end>> swap < ;
: finish ( n live-interval -- keep? )
nip [ deallocate-register ] [ add-handled ] bi f ;
nip add-handled f ;
SYMBOL: check-allocation?
@ -121,7 +115,7 @@ SYMBOL: spill-counts
spill-counts get [ dup 1 + ] change-at ;
: init-allocator ( registers -- )
[ reverse >vector ] assoc-map free-registers set
registers set
[ 0 ] reg-class-assoc spill-counts set
<min-heap> unhandled-intervals set
[ V{ } clone ] reg-class-assoc active-intervals set
@ -102,7 +102,9 @@ M: vreg-insn assign-registers-in-insn
>>regs drop ;
: compute-live-registers ( insn -- regs )
active-intervals register-mapping ;
[ active-intervals ] [ temp-vregs ] bi
'[ vreg>> _ memq? not ] filter
register-mapping ;
: compute-live-spill-slots ( -- spill-slots )
spill-slots get values [ values ] map concat
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ check-allocation? on
{ end 10 }
{ uses V{ 0 1 3 7 10 } }
4 [ >= ] find-use nip
4 [ >= ] find-use
] unit-test
[ 4 ] [
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ check-allocation? on
{ end 10 }
{ uses V{ 0 1 3 4 10 } }
4 [ >= ] find-use nip
4 [ >= ] find-use
] unit-test
[ f ] [
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ check-allocation? on
{ end 10 }
{ uses V{ 0 1 3 4 10 } }
100 [ >= ] find-use nip
100 [ >= ] find-use
] unit-test
@ -1324,7 +1324,7 @@ USING: math.private compiler.cfg.debugger ;
! Spill slot liveness was computed incorrectly, leading to a FEP
! early in bootstrap on x86-32
[ t ] [
[ t t ] [
H{ } clone live-ins set
H{ } clone live-outs set
@ -1349,7 +1349,9 @@ USING: math.private compiler.cfg.debugger ;
} dup 1array { { int-regs V{ 0 1 2 3 } } } (linear-scan)
instructions>> first live-spill-slots>> empty?
instructions>> first
[ live-spill-slots>> empty? ]
[ live-registers>> empty? ] bi
] with-scope
] unit-test
@ -1410,7 +1412,6 @@ USING: math.private compiler.cfg.debugger ;
{ uses { 5 10 } }
{ ranges V{ T{ live-range f 5 10 } } }
H{ }
] unit-test
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel sequences sequences.private arrays vectors fry
math.order namespaces assocs ;
math math.order namespaces assocs ;
IN: compiler.utilities
: flattener ( seq quot -- seq vector quot' )
@ -25,3 +25,6 @@ IN: compiler.utilities
SYMBOL: yield-hook
yield-hook [ [ ] ] initialize
: alist-max ( alist -- pair )
[ ] [ [ [ second ] bi@ > ] most ] map-reduce ;
@ -67,3 +67,8 @@ IN: generalizations.tests
[ 1 2 3 [ ] [ ] 3 nbi-curry ] unit-test
[ 15 3 ] [ 1 2 3 4 5 [ + + + + ] [ - - - - ] 5 nbi ] unit-test
: nover-test ( -- a b c d e f g )
1 2 3 4 3 nover ;
[ 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 ] [ nover-test ] unit-test
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ MACRO: npick ( n -- )
1- [ dup ] [ '[ _ dip swap ] ] repeat ;
MACRO: nover ( n -- )
dup '[ _ 1 + npick ] n*quot ;
dup 1 + '[ _ npick ] n*quot ;
MACRO: ndup ( n -- )
dup '[ _ npick ] n*quot ;
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ HELP: range
{ $notes { $link "ui.gadgets.sliders" } " use range models." } ;
HELP: <range>
{ $values { "value" real } { "page" real } { "min" real } { "max" real } { "range" range } }
{ $values { "value" real } { "page" real } { "min" real } { "max" real } { "step" real } { "range" range } }
{ $description "Creates a new " { $link range } " model." } ;
HELP: range-model
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ vectors byte-arrays quotations hashtables assocs help.syntax
help.markup splitting io.streams.byte-array io.encodings.string
io.encodings.utf8 io.encodings.binary combinators accessors
locals prettyprint compiler.units sequences.private
classes.tuple.private ;
classes.tuple.private vocabs.loader ;
IN: serialize
GENERIC: (serialize) ( obj -- )
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ SYMBOL: deserialized
(deserialize-string) dup intern-object ;
: deserialize-word ( -- word )
(deserialize) (deserialize) 2dup lookup
(deserialize) (deserialize) 2dup [ require ] keep lookup
dup [ 2nip ] [
2array unparse "Unknown word: " prepend throw
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
USING: accessors game-input game-loop kernel math ui.gadgets
ui.gadgets.worlds ui.gestures ;
ui.gadgets.worlds ui.gestures threads ;
IN: game-worlds
TUPLE: game-world < world
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ TUPLE: game-world < world
GENERIC: tick-length ( world -- millis )
M: game-world draw*
swap >>tick-slice draw-world ;
swap >>tick-slice relayout-1 yield ;
M: game-world begin-world
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ HELP: histogram
{ $examples
{ $example "! Count the number of times an element appears in a sequence."
"USING: prettyprint sets ;"
"USING: prettyprint histogram ;"
"\"aaabc\" histogram ."
"H{ { 97 3 } { 98 1 } { 99 1 } }"
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ HELP: histogram*
{ $examples
{ $example "! Count the number of times the elements of two sequences appear."
"USING: prettyprint sets ;"
"USING: prettyprint histogram ;"
"\"aaabc\" histogram \"aaaaaabc\" histogram* ."
"H{ { 97 9 } { 98 2 } { 99 2 } }"
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ HELP: sequence>assoc
{ $examples
{ $example "! Iterate over a sequence and increment the count at each element"
"USING: assocs prettyprint sets ;"
"USING: assocs prettyprint histogram ;"
"\"aaabc\" [ inc-at ] H{ } sequence>assoc ."
"H{ { 97 3 } { 98 1 } { 99 1 } }"
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ HELP: sequence>assoc*
{ $examples
{ $example "! Iterate over a sequence and add the counts to an existing assoc"
"USING: assocs prettyprint sets kernel ;"
"USING: assocs prettyprint histogram kernel ;"
"H{ { 97 2 } { 98 1 } } clone \"aaabc\" [ inc-at ] sequence>assoc* ."
"H{ { 97 5 } { 98 2 } { 99 1 } }"
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ HELP: sequence>hashtable
{ $examples
{ $example "! Count the number of times an element occurs in a sequence"
"USING: assocs prettyprint sets ;"
"USING: assocs prettyprint histogram ;"
"\"aaabc\" [ inc-at ] sequence>hashtable ."
"H{ { 97 3 } { 98 1 } { 99 1 } }"
@ -1,15 +1,18 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors http.client kernel unicode.categories
sequences urls splitting combinators splitting.monotonic
combinators.short-circuit assocs arrays
math.parser calendar.format make fry present globs
multiline regexp.combinators regexp ;
USING: accessors arrays assocs calendar.format combinators
combinators.short-circuit fry globs http.client kernel make
math.parser multiline namespaces present regexp
regexp.combinators sequences sets splitting splitting.monotonic
|||| unicode.categories urls ;
IN: robots
! visit-time is GMT, request-rate is pages/second
! crawl-rate is seconds
SYMBOL: robot-identities
robot-identities [ { "FactorSpider" } ] initialize
TUPLE: robots site sitemap rules rules-quot ;
: <robots> ( site sitemap rules -- robots )
@ -80,6 +83,13 @@ visit-time request-rate crawl-delay unknowns ;
derive-urls [ <glob> ] map <and> <not>
] bi 2array <or> '[ _ matches? ] ;
: relevant-rules ( robots -- rules )
user-agents>> [
robot-identities get [ swap glob-matches? ] with any?
] any?
] filter ;
: parse-robots.txt ( string -- sitemaps rules-seq )
Reference in New Issue