vm: fix foreign segfaults and callstack overflows

Joe Groff 2011-10-25 15:42:08 -07:00
parent 402e1155a5
commit f284ac2b48
4 changed files with 75 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ callstack *factor_vm::allot_callstack(cell size)
return stack;
// XXX move somewhere more appropriate
struct word_finder {
cell address;
cell found_word;
@ -49,47 +50,72 @@ static cell find_word_for_address(factor_vm *vm, cell pc)
void factor_vm::dispatch_signal_handler(cell *sp, cell *pc, cell handler)
/* True stack frames are always 16-byte aligned. Leaf procedures
that don't create a stack frame will be out of alignment by sizeof(cell)
bytes. */
/* XXX horribly x86-centric */
/* XXX check if exception came from C code */
/* XXX handle callstack overflow */
cell offset = *sp % 16;
signal_handler_addr = handler;
tagged<word> handler_word = tagged<word>(special_objects[SIGNAL_HANDLER_WORD]);
if (offset == 0)
if (!code->seg->in_segment_p(*pc) || *sp < ctx->callstack_seg->start + stack_reserved)
// should use FRAME_RETURN_ADDRESS here to be platform-agnostic
signal_from_leaf = false;
cell newsp = *sp - sizeof(cell);
/* Fault came from foreign code, a callstack overflow, or we would probably
overflow if we tried the resumable handler. We can't resume, so cut the
callstack down to the shallowest Factor stack frame that leaves room for
the signal handler to do its thing and launch the handler without going
through the resumable subprimitive. */
signal_resumable = false;
stack_frame *frame = ctx->callstack_bottom - 1;
while((cell)frame >= *sp
&& frame >= ctx->callstack_top
&& (cell)frame >= ctx->callstack_seg->start + stack_reserved)
frame = frame_successor(frame);
cell newsp = (cell)(frame+1);
*sp = newsp;
*(cell*)newsp = *pc;
// should check the PC since leaf procs on RISC architectures won't touch the
// stack at all
else if (offset == 16 - sizeof(cell))
signal_from_leaf = true;
ctx->callstack_top = (stack_frame*)newsp;
*pc = handler;
} else {
signal_resumable = true;
// Fault came from Factor, and we've got a good callstack. Route the signal
// handler through the resumable signal handler subprimitive.
cell offset = *sp % 16;
// Make a fake frame for the leaf procedure
cell leaf_word = find_word_for_address(this, *pc);
signal_handler_addr = handler;
tagged<word> handler_word = tagged<word>(special_objects[SIGNAL_HANDLER_WORD]);
cell newsp = *sp + 4 * sizeof(cell); // XXX platform-appropriate stack size
*(cell*)(newsp + 3*sizeof(cell)) = 4*sizeof(cell);
*(cell*)(newsp + 2*sizeof(cell)) = leaf_word;
*(cell*) newsp = *pc;
*sp = newsp;
handler_word = tagged<word>(special_objects[LEAF_SIGNAL_HANDLER_WORD]);
fatal_error("Invalid stack frame during signal handler", *sp);
/* XXX horribly x86-centric */
/* True stack frames are always 16-byte aligned. Leaf procedures
that don't create a stack frame will be out of alignment by sizeof(cell)
bytes. */
/* On architectures with a link register we would have to check for leafness
by matching the PC to a word. We should also use FRAME_RETURN_ADDRESS instead
of assuming the stack pointer is the right place to put the resume address. */
if (offset == 0)
signal_from_leaf = false; // XXX remove this once we're sure leaf works
cell newsp = *sp - sizeof(cell);
*sp = newsp;
*(cell*)newsp = *pc;
else if (offset == 16 - sizeof(cell))
signal_from_leaf = true; // XXX remove this once we're sure leaf works
*pc = (cell)handler_word->code->entry_point();
// Make a fake frame for the leaf procedure
cell leaf_word = find_word_for_address(this, *pc);
cell newsp = *sp + 4 * sizeof(cell);
*(cell*)(newsp + 3*sizeof(cell)) = 4*sizeof(cell);
*(cell*)(newsp + 2*sizeof(cell)) = leaf_word;
*(cell*) newsp = *pc;
*sp = newsp;
handler_word = tagged<word>(special_objects[LEAF_SIGNAL_HANDLER_WORD]);
fatal_error("Invalid stack frame during signal handler", *sp);
*pc = (cell)handler_word->code->entry_point();
/* We ignore the two topmost frames, the 'callstack' primitive

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@ -126,6 +126,12 @@ void factor_vm::primitive_unimplemented()
void factor_vm::memory_signal_handler_impl()
if (!signal_resumable)
/* In theory we should only get here if the callstack overflowed during a
safepoint */
void memory_signal_handler_impl()

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@ -25,6 +25,11 @@ struct segment {
return (addr >= end && addr < end + getpagesize());
bool in_segment_p(cell addr)
return (addr >= start && addr < end);

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@ -67,7 +67,8 @@ struct factor_vm
/* Global variables used to pass fault handler state from signal handler
to VM */
bool signal_from_leaf;
bool signal_resumable;
bool signal_from_leaf; // XXX remove this once we're sure leaf works
cell signal_number;
cell signal_fault_addr;
unsigned int signal_fpu_status;