python: Fix unit tests -- only test when library is loaded.

Also reformat some unit tests that have a quot as the stack output.
Doug Coleman 2018-02-19 15:01:08 -06:00
parent 7a729b7637
commit f2a86e0bae
3 changed files with 45 additions and 37 deletions

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ python.ffi python.objects sequences strings tools.test ;
IN: python
: py-test ( result quot -- )
'[ _ with-destructors ] unit-test ; inline
'[ python-dll-loaded? [ _ [ _ with-destructors ] unit-test ] when ] call ; inline
! None testing
{ t } [
@ -17,11 +17,12 @@ IN: python
"sys" py-import "getrefcount" getattr
<none> <1py-tuple> call-object py>
] with-destructors ;
{ t } [
! For some reason, the count increased by one the first time.
count-none-refs drop
count-none-refs count-none-refs =
] unit-test
] py-test
{ } [ { f f f } >py drop ] py-test
@ -47,16 +48,16 @@ IN: python
{ } [ 123 <alien> unsteal-ref ] unit-test
{ t } [ Py_GetVersion string? ] unit-test
{ t } [ Py_GetVersion string? ] py-test
[ "os" ] [ "os" py-import PyModule_GetName ] py-test
[ t ] [
{ t } [
"os" py-import "getpid" getattr
{ } >py call-object py> 0 >
] py-test
[ t ] [ Py_IsInitialized ] py-test
{ t } [ Py_IsInitialized ] py-test
! py-importing
[ { "ImportError" "No module named kolobi" f } ] [
@ -66,22 +67,22 @@ IN: python
] py-test
! setattr
[ 73 ] [
{ 73 } [
"sys" py-import "testit" [ 73 >py setattr ] [ getattr py> ] 2bi
] py-test
! Tuples
[ 2 ] [ 2 <py-tuple> py-tuple-size ] py-test
{ 2 } [ 2 <py-tuple> py-tuple-size ] py-test
: py-datepy> ( py-obj -- timestamp )
{ "year" "month" "day" } [ getattr py> ] with map
first3 0 0 0 instant <timestamp> ;
! Lists
[ t ] [ V{ 4 8 15 16 23 42 } dup >py py> = ] py-test
{ t } [ V{ 4 8 15 16 23 42 } dup >py py> = ] py-test
! ! Datetimes
[ t ] [
{ t } [
[ py-datepy> ] "date" py-type-dispatch get set-at
"datetime" py-import "date" getattr "today" getattr
{ } >py call-object py>
@ -89,38 +90,38 @@ IN: python
] py-test
! Unicode
[ "غثههح" ] [
{ "غثههح" } [
"os.path" py-import "basename" getattr { "غثههح" } >py call-object py>
] py-test
! Instance variables
[ 7 ] [
{ 7 } [
"datetime" py-import "timedelta" getattr
{ 7 } >py call-object "days" getattr py>
] py-test
! Create a dictonary
[ 0 ] [ <py-dict> py-dict-size ] py-test
{ 0 } [ <py-dict> py-dict-size ] py-test
! Dictionary with object keys
[ 1 ] [
{ 1 } [
<py-dict> dup 0 >py 33 >py py-dict-set-item py-dict-size
] py-test
! Dictionary with string keys
[ 1 ] [
{ 1 } [
<py-dict> [ "foo" 33 >py py-dict-set-item-string ] [ py-dict-size ] bi
] py-test
! Get dictionary items
[ 33 ] [
{ 33 } [
<py-dict> "tjaba"
[ 33 >py py-dict-set-item-string ]
[ py-dict-get-item-string py> ] 2bi
] py-test
! Nest dicts
[ 0 ] [
{ 0 } [
<py-dict> "foo"
[ <py-dict> py-dict-set-item-string ]
[ py-dict-get-item-string ] 2bi
@ -128,20 +129,21 @@ IN: python
] py-test
! Nested tuples
[ 3 ] [
{ 3 } [
1 <py-tuple> dup 0 3 <py-tuple> py-tuple-set-item
0 py-tuple-get-item py-tuple-size
] py-test
! Round tripping!
[ { "foo" { 99 77 } } ] [ { "foo" { 99 77 } } >py py> ] py-test
{ { "foo" { 99 77 } } }
[ { "foo" { 99 77 } } >py py> ] py-test
[ H{ { "foo" "bar" } { 3 4 } } ] [
{ H{ { "foo" "bar" } { 3 4 } } } [
H{ { "foo" "bar" } { 3 4 } } >py py>
] py-test
! Kwargs
[ 2014 10 22 ] [
{ 2014 10 22 } [
"datetime" py-import "date" getattr
{ } >py H{ { "year" 2014 } { "month" 10 } { "day" 22 } } >py
call-object-full py>
@ -149,7 +151,7 @@ IN: python
] py-test
! Modules
[ t ] [
{ t } [
"os" py-import PyModule_GetDict dup Py_IncRef &Py_DecRef py-dict-size 100 >
] py-test

View File

@ -116,5 +116,8 @@ ERROR: missing-type type ;
: with-quot>py-cfunction ( alien quot -- )
'[ <py-cfunction> @ ] with-callback ; inline
[ "PyIsInitialized" "python2.7" library-dll dlsym? [ py-initialize ] when ] "python" add-startup-hook
[ py-finalize ] "python" add-shutdown-hook
: python-dll-loaded? ( -- ? )
"PyIsInitialized" "python2.7" library-dll dlsym? ;
[ python-dll-loaded? [ py-initialize ] when ] "python" add-startup-hook
[ python-dll-loaded? [ py-finalize ] when ] "python" add-shutdown-hook

View File

@ -8,7 +8,10 @@ QUALIFIED-WITH: sequences s
IN: python.syntax.tests
: py-test ( result quot -- )
'[ _ with-destructors ] unit-test ; inline
'[ python-dll-loaded? [ _ [ _ with-destructors ] unit-test ] when ] call ; inline
: long-py-test ( result quot -- )
'[ python-dll-loaded? [ _ [ _ with-destructors ] long-unit-test ] when ] call ; inline
{ t } [ getpid py> integer? ] py-test
@ -22,22 +25,22 @@ IN: python.syntax.tests
[ ] [ 0 >py sleep ] py-test
! Module variables are bound as zero-arg functions
[ t ] [ $path py> s:sequence? ] py-test
{ t } [ $path py> s:sequence? ] py-test
[ t ] [ $path len int py> 5 > ] py-test
{ t } [ $path len int py> 5 > ] py-test
[ 10 ] [ 10 >py range len py> ] py-test
! Callables
[ t ] [
{ t } [
"os" py-import "getpid" getattr
[ callable ] [ PyCallable_Check 1 = ] bi and
] py-test
! Reference counting
[ 1 ] [ 3 <py-tuple> getrefcount py> ] py-test
{ 1 } [ 3 <py-tuple> getrefcount py> ] py-test
[ -1 ] [
{ -1 } [
H{ { "foo" 33 } { "bar" 44 } } >py
[ "foo" py-dict-get-item-string getrefcount py> ]
@ -48,7 +51,7 @@ IN: python.syntax.tests
[ "foo" py-dict-get-item-string getrefcount py> ] tri -
] py-test
[ -1 ] [
{ -1 } [
"abcd" >py <1py-tuple>
[ 0 py-tuple-get-item getrefcount py> ]
@ -63,14 +66,14 @@ IN: python.syntax.tests
[ always-destructors get [ alien>> = ] with s:count ] bi =
] py-test
[ t ] [
{ t } [
"python-file" temp-file >py "wb" >py open
[ tell ] [ fileno ] [ close ] tri
[ py> integer? ] both?
] py-test
! Method chaining
[ t ] [
{ t } [
"hello there" >py title 20 >py zfill "00" >py startswith py>
] py-test
@ -85,10 +88,10 @@ PY-METHODS: func =>
PY-METHODS: code =>
co_argcount ( code -- n ) ;
[ 1 ] [ $splitext $func_code $co_argcount py> ] py-test
{ 1 } [ $splitext $func_code $co_argcount py> ] py-test
! Change sys.path
[ t ] [
{ t } [
$path "test" >py [ append ] [ drop py> ] [ remove ] 2tri
"test" swap in?
] py-test
@ -99,7 +102,7 @@ PY-METHODS: code =>
] py-test
! Kwargs in methods
[ t ] [
{ t } [
ArgumentParser dup
"--foo" >py H{ { "help" "badger" } } >py add_argument
@ -118,14 +121,14 @@ PY-METHODS: code =>
100000 [
[ [ 987 >py basename drop ] ignore-errors ] with-destructors
] times
] long-unit-test
] long-py-test
! Another leaky test
{ } [
1000000 [
[ { 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 } >py ] with-destructors drop
] times
] long-unit-test
] long-py-test
! Working with types
PY-QUALIFIED-FROM: types => UnicodeType ( -- ) ;