refactoring graphics.bitmap

Doug Coleman 2009-02-06 00:01:28 -06:00
parent d88d2a1170
commit f31e19a666
3 changed files with 108 additions and 95 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
USING: graphics.bitmap ;
IN: graphics.bitmap.tests
: test-bitmap24 ( -- )
"resource:extra/graphics/bitmap/test-images/thiswayup24.bmp" bitmap. ;
: test-bitmap8 ( -- )
"resource:extra/graphics/bitmap/test-images/rgb8bit.bmp" bitmap. ;
: test-bitmap4 ( -- )
"resource:extra/graphics/bitmap/test-images/rgb4bit.bmp" bitmap. ;
: test-bitmap1 ( -- )
"resource:extra/graphics/bitmap/test-images/1bit.bmp" bitmap. ;

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien arrays byte-arrays combinators summary
graphics.viewer io io.binary io.files kernel libc math
io io.binary io.files kernel libc math
math.functions math.bitwise namespaces opengl
prettyprint sequences strings ui ui.gadgets.panes fry
io.encodings.binary accessors grouping macros alien.c-types ;
@ -12,10 +12,11 @@ IN: graphics.bitmap
! Handles row-reversed bitmaps (their height is negative)
TUPLE: bitmap magic size reserved offset header-length width
height planes bit-count compression size-image
x-pels y-pels color-used color-important rgb-quads color-index array ;
height planes bit-count compression size-image
x-pels y-pels color-used color-important rgb-quads color-index
array ;
: (array-copy) ( bitmap array -- bitmap array' )
: array-copy ( bitmap array -- bitmap array' )
over size-image>> abs memory>byte-array ;
MACRO: (nbits>bitmap) ( bits -- )
@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ MACRO: (nbits>bitmap) ( bits -- )
2over * _ * >>size-image
swap >>height
swap >>width
swap (array-copy) [ >>array ] [ >>color-index ] bi
swap array-copy [ >>array ] [ >>color-index ] bi
_ >>bit-count
] ;
@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ MACRO: (nbits>bitmap) ( bits -- )
: raw-bitmap>array ( bitmap -- array )
dup bit-count>>
{ 32 [ "32bit" throw ] }
{ 32 [ color-index>> ] }
{ 24 [ color-index>> ] }
{ 16 [ "16bit" throw ] }
{ 8 [ 8bit>array ] }
@ -59,107 +60,75 @@ ERROR: bitmap-magic ;
M: bitmap-magic summary
drop "First two bytes of bitmap stream must be 'BM'" ;
: parse-file-header ( bitmap -- )
2 read >string dup "BM" = [ bitmap-magic ] unless >>magic
4 read le> >>size
4 read le> >>reserved
4 read le> >>offset drop ;
: read2 ( -- n ) 2 read le> ;
: read4 ( -- n ) 4 read le> ;
: parse-bitmap-header ( bitmap -- )
4 read le> >>header-length
4 read signed-le> >>width
4 read signed-le> >>height
2 read le> >>planes
2 read le> >>bit-count
4 read le> >>compression
4 read le> >>size-image
4 read le> >>x-pels
4 read le> >>y-pels
4 read le> >>color-used
4 read le> >>color-important drop ;
: parse-file-header ( bitmap -- bitmap )
2 read >string dup "BM" = [ bitmap-magic ] unless >>magic
read4 >>size
read4 >>reserved
read4 >>offset ;
: parse-bitmap-header ( bitmap -- bitmap )
read4 >>header-length
read4 >>width
read4 >>height
read2 >>planes
read2 >>bit-count
read4 >>compression
read4 >>size-image
read4 >>x-pels
read4 >>y-pels
read4 >>color-used
read4 >>color-important ;
: rgb-quads-length ( bitmap -- n )
[ offset>> 14 - ] keep header-length>> - ;
[ offset>> 14 - ] [ header-length>> ] bi - ;
: color-index-length ( bitmap -- n )
[ width>> ] keep [ planes>> * ] keep
[ bit-count>> * 31 + 32 /i 4 * ] keep
height>> abs * ;
[ width>> ]
[ planes>> * ]
[ bit-count>> * 31 + 32 /i 4 * ]
[ height>> abs * ]
} cleave ;
: parse-bitmap ( bitmap -- )
: parse-bitmap ( bitmap -- bitmap )
dup rgb-quads-length read >>rgb-quads
dup color-index-length read >>color-index drop ;
dup color-index-length read >>color-index ;
: load-bitmap ( path -- bitmap )
binary [
bitmap new
dup parse-file-header
dup parse-bitmap-header
dup parse-bitmap
parse-file-header parse-bitmap-header parse-bitmap
] with-file-reader
dup raw-bitmap>array >>array ;
: write2 ( n -- ) 2 >le write ;
: write4 ( n -- ) 4 >le write ;
: save-bitmap ( bitmap path -- )
binary [
"BM" >byte-array write
dup array>> length 14 + 40 + 4 >le write
0 4 >le write
54 4 >le write
40 4 >le write
[ width>> 4 >le write ]
[ height>> 4 >le write ]
[ planes>> 1 or 2 >le write ]
[ bit-count>> 24 or 2 >le write ]
[ compression>> 0 or 4 >le write ]
[ size-image>> 4 >le write ]
[ x-pels>> 0 or 4 >le write ]
[ y-pels>> 0 or 4 >le write ]
[ color-used>> 0 or 4 >le write ]
[ color-important>> 0 or 4 >le write ]
[ rgb-quads>> write ]
[ color-index>> write ]
} cleave
B{ CHAR: B CHAR: M } write
array>> length 14 + 40 + write4
0 write4
54 write4
40 write4
] [
[ width>> write4 ]
[ height>> write4 ]
[ planes>> 1 or write2 ]
[ bit-count>> 24 or write2 ]
[ compression>> 0 or write4 ]
[ size-image>> write4 ]
[ x-pels>> 0 or write4 ]
[ y-pels>> 0 or write4 ]
[ color-used>> 0 or write4 ]
[ color-important>> 0 or write4 ]
[ rgb-quads>> write ]
[ color-index>> write ]
} cleave
] bi
] with-file-writer ;
M: bitmap draw-image ( bitmap -- )
dup height>> 0 < [
0 0 glRasterPos2i
1.0 -1.0 glPixelZoom
] [
0 over height>> abs glRasterPos2i
1.0 1.0 glPixelZoom
] if
[ width>> ] keep
[ height>> abs ] keep
bit-count>> {
} case
] keep array>> glDrawPixels ;
M: bitmap width ( bitmap -- ) width>> ;
M: bitmap height ( bitmap -- ) height>> ;
: bitmap. ( path -- )
load-bitmap <graphics-gadget> gadget. ;
: bitmap-window ( path -- gadget )
load-bitmap <graphics-gadget> [ "bitmap" open-window ] keep ;
: test-bitmap24 ( -- )
"resource:extra/graphics/bitmap/test-images/thiswayup24.bmp" bitmap. ;
: test-bitmap8 ( -- )
"resource:extra/graphics/bitmap/test-images/rgb8bit.bmp" bitmap. ;
: test-bitmap4 ( -- )
"resource:extra/graphics/bitmap/test-images/rgb4bit.bmp" bitmap. ;
: test-bitmap1 ( -- )
"resource:extra/graphics/bitmap/test-images/1bit.bmp" bitmap. ;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: arrays kernel math math.functions namespaces opengl
ui.gadgets ui.render accessors ;
USING: accessors arrays combinators graphics.bitmap kernel math
math.functions namespaces opengl ui ui.gadgets
ui.gadgets.panes ui.render ;
IN: graphics.viewer
TUPLE: graphics-gadget < gadget image ;
@ -19,3 +20,31 @@ M: graphics-gadget draw-gadget* ( gadget -- )
: <graphics-gadget> ( bitmap -- gadget )
\ graphics-gadget new-gadget
swap >>image ;
M: bitmap draw-image ( bitmap -- )
dup height>> 0 < [
0 0 glRasterPos2i
1.0 -1.0 glPixelZoom
] [
0 over height>> abs glRasterPos2i
1.0 1.0 glPixelZoom
] if
[ width>> ] keep
[ height>> abs ] keep
bit-count>> {
} case
] keep array>> glDrawPixels ;
M: bitmap width ( bitmap -- ) width>> ;
M: bitmap height ( bitmap -- ) height>> ;
: bitmap. ( path -- )
load-bitmap <graphics-gadget> gadget. ;
: bitmap-window ( path -- gadget )
load-bitmap <graphics-gadget> [ "bitmap" open-window ] keep ;