remove the old farkup
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
Doug Coleman
Slava Pestov
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Doug Coleman
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
USING: help.markup help.syntax ;
IN: farkup
HELP: convert-farkup
{ $values { "string" "a string" } { "string'" "a string" } }
{ $description "Parse a string as farkup (Factor mARKUP) and output the result aas an string of HTML." } ;
@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
USING: farkup kernel tools.test ;
IN: farkup.tests
[ "<ul><li>foo</li></ul>" ] [ "-foo" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<ul><li>foo</li></ul>\n" ] [ "-foo\n" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<ul><li>foo</li><li>bar</li></ul>" ] [ "-foo\n-bar" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<ul><li>foo</li><li>bar</li></ul>\n" ] [ "-foo\n-bar\n" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<ul><li>foo</li></ul>\n<p>bar\n</p>" ] [ "-foo\nbar\n" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<p>*foo\nbar\n</p>" ] [ "*foo\nbar\n" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<p><strong>Wow!</strong></p>" ] [ "*Wow!*" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<p><em>Wow.</em></p>" ] [ "_Wow._" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<p>*</p>" ] [ "*" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<p>*</p>" ] [ "\\*" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<p>**</p>" ] [ "\\**" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "" ] [ "\n\n" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "" ] [ "\r\n\r\n" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "" ] [ "\r\r\r\r" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "\n" ] [ "\r\r\r" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "\n" ] [ "\n\n\n" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<p>foo</p><p>bar</p>" ] [ "foo\n\nbar" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<p>foo</p><p>bar</p>" ] [ "foo\r\n\r\nbar" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<p>foo</p><p>bar</p>" ] [ "foo\r\rbar" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<p>foo</p><p>bar</p>" ] [ "foo\r\r\nbar" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "\n<p>bar\n</p>" ] [ "\nbar\n" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "\n<p>bar\n</p>" ] [ "\rbar\r" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "\n<p>bar\n</p>" ] [ "\r\nbar\r\n" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<p>foo</p>\n<p>bar</p>" ] [ "foo\n\n\nbar" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "" ] [ "" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<p>|a</p>" ]
[ "|a" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<table><tr><td>a</td></tr></table>" ]
[ "|a|" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<table><tr><td>a</td><td>b</td></tr></table>" ]
[ "|a|b|" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<table><tr><td>a</td><td>b</td></tr><tr><td>c</td><td>d</td></tr></table>" ]
[ "|a|b|\n|c|d|" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<table><tr><td>a</td><td>b</td></tr><tr><td>c</td><td>d</td></tr></table>" ]
[ "|a|b|\n|c|d|\n" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<p><strong>foo</strong>\n</p><h1>aheading</h1>\n<p>adfasd</p>" ]
[ "*foo*\n=aheading=\nadfasd" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<h1>foo</h1>\n" ] [ "=foo=\n" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<p>lol</p><h1>foo</h1>\n" ] [ "lol=foo=\n" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<p>=foo\n</p>" ] [ "=foo\n" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<p>=foo</p>" ] [ "=foo" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<p>==foo</p>" ] [ "==foo" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<p>=</p><h1>foo</h1>" ] [ "==foo=" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<h2>foo</h2>" ] [ "==foo==" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<h2>foo</h2>" ] [ "==foo==" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<p>=</p><h2>foo</h2>" ] [ "===foo==" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<h1>foo</h1><p>=</p>" ] [ "=foo==" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<pre><span class='KEYWORD3'>int</span> <span class='FUNCTION'>main</span><span class='OPERATOR'>(</span><span class='OPERATOR'>)</span>\n</pre>" ]
[ "[c{int main()}]" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<p><img src=\"lol.jpg\"/></p>" ] [ "[[image:lol.jpg]]" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<p><img src=\"lol.jpg\" alt=\"teh lol\"/></p>" ] [ "[[image:lol.jpg|teh lol]]" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<p><a href=\"\"></a></p>" ] [ "[[]]" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<p><a href=\"\">haha</a></p>" ] [ "[[|haha]]" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ ] [ "[{}]" convert-farkup drop ] unit-test
"<p>Feature comparison:\n<table><tr><td>a</td><td>Factor</td><td>Java</td><td>Lisp</td></tr><tr><td>Coolness</td><td>Yes</td><td>No</td><td>No</td></tr><tr><td>Badass</td><td>Yes</td><td>No</td><td>No</td></tr><tr><td>Enterprise</td><td>Yes</td><td>Yes</td><td>No</td></tr><tr><td>Kosher</td><td>Yes</td><td>No</td><td>Yes</td></tr></table></p>"
] [ "Feature comparison:\n|a|Factor|Java|Lisp|\n|Coolness|Yes|No|No|\n|Badass|Yes|No|No|\n|Enterprise|Yes|Yes|No|\n|Kosher|Yes|No|Yes|\n" convert-farkup ] unit-test
"<p>Feature comparison:\n\n<table><tr><td>a</td><td>Factor</td><td>Java</td><td>Lisp</td></tr><tr><td>Coolness</td><td>Yes</td><td>No</td><td>No</td></tr><tr><td>Badass</td><td>Yes</td><td>No</td><td>No</td></tr><tr><td>Enterprise</td><td>Yes</td><td>Yes</td><td>No</td></tr><tr><td>Kosher</td><td>Yes</td><td>No</td><td>Yes</td></tr></table></p>"
] [ "Feature comparison:\n\n|a|Factor|Java|Lisp|\n|Coolness|Yes|No|No|\n|Badass|Yes|No|No|\n|Enterprise|Yes|Yes|No|\n|Kosher|Yes|No|Yes|\n" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<p>a-b</p>" ] [ "a-b" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<ul><li>a-b</li></ul>" ] [ "-a-b" convert-farkup ] unit-test
@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: arrays io io.styles kernel memoize namespaces peg math
combinators sequences strings html.elements xml.entities
xmode.code2html splitting io.streams.string peg.parsers
sequences.deep unicode.categories ;
IN: farkup
SYMBOL: relative-link-prefix
SYMBOL: disable-images?
SYMBOL: link-no-follow?
: delimiters ( -- string )
"*_^~%[-=|\\\r\n" ; inline
MEMO: text ( -- parser )
[ delimiters member? not ] satisfy repeat1
[ >string escape-string ] action ;
MEMO: delimiter ( -- parser )
[ dup delimiters member? swap "\r\n=" member? not and ] satisfy
[ 1string ] action ;
: surround-with-foo ( string tag -- seq )
dup <foo> swap </foo> swapd 3array ;
: delimited ( str html -- parser )
over token hide ,
text [ surround-with-foo ] swapd curry action ,
token hide ,
] seq* ;
MEMO: escaped-char ( -- parser )
[ "\\" token hide , any-char , ] seq* [ >string ] action ;
MEMO: strong ( -- parser ) "*" "strong" delimited ;
MEMO: emphasis ( -- parser ) "_" "em" delimited ;
MEMO: superscript ( -- parser ) "^" "sup" delimited ;
MEMO: subscript ( -- parser ) "~" "sub" delimited ;
MEMO: inline-code ( -- parser ) "%" "code" delimited ;
MEMO: nl ( -- parser )
"\r\n" token [ drop "\n" ] action
"\r" token [ drop "\n" ] action
"\n" token 3choice ;
MEMO: 2nl ( -- parser ) nl hide nl hide 2seq ;
MEMO: h1 ( -- parser ) "=" "h1" delimited ;
MEMO: h2 ( -- parser ) "==" "h2" delimited ;
MEMO: h3 ( -- parser ) "===" "h3" delimited ;
MEMO: h4 ( -- parser ) "====" "h4" delimited ;
MEMO: eq ( -- parser )
h1 ensure-not ,
h2 ensure-not ,
h3 ensure-not ,
h4 ensure-not ,
"=" token ,
] seq* ;
: render-code ( string mode -- string' )
>r string-lines r>
] with-string-writer ;
: invalid-url "javascript:alert('Invalid URL in farkup');" ;
: check-url ( href -- href' )
{ [ dup empty? ] [ drop invalid-url ] }
{ [ dup [ 127 > ] contains? ] [ drop invalid-url ] }
{ [ dup first "/\\" member? ] [ drop invalid-url ] }
{ [ CHAR: : over member? ] [
dup { "http://" "https://" "ftp://" } [ head? ] with contains?
[ drop invalid-url ] unless
] }
[ relative-link-prefix get prepend ]
} cond ;
: escape-link ( href text -- href-esc text-esc )
>r check-url escape-quoted-string r> escape-string ;
: make-link ( href text -- seq )
"<a" ,
" href=\"" , >r , r> "\"" ,
link-no-follow? get [ " nofollow=\"true\"" , ] when
">" , , "</a>" ,
] { } make ;
: make-image-link ( href alt -- seq )
disable-images? get [
2drop "<strong>Images are not allowed</strong>"
] [
"<img src=\"" , swap , "\"" ,
dup empty? [ drop ] [ " alt=\"" , , "\"" , ] if
"/>" ,
] { } make
] if ;
MEMO: image-link ( -- parser )
"[[image:" token hide ,
[ "|]" member? not ] satisfy repeat1 [ >string ] action ,
"|" token hide
[ CHAR: ] = not ] satisfy repeat0 2seq
[ first >string ] action optional ,
"]]" token hide ,
] seq* [ first2 make-image-link ] action ;
MEMO: simple-link ( -- parser )
"[[" token hide ,
[ "|]" member? not ] satisfy repeat1 ,
"]]" token hide ,
] seq* [ first dup make-link ] action ;
MEMO: labelled-link ( -- parser )
"[[" token hide ,
[ CHAR: | = not ] satisfy repeat1 ,
"|" token hide ,
[ CHAR: ] = not ] satisfy repeat1 ,
"]]" token hide ,
] seq* [ first2 make-link ] action ;
MEMO: link ( -- parser )
[ image-link , simple-link , labelled-link , ] choice* ;
DEFER: line
MEMO: list-item ( -- parser )
"-" token hide , ! text ,
[ "\r\n" member? not ] satisfy repeat1 [ >string escape-string ] action ,
] seq* [ "li" surround-with-foo ] action ;
MEMO: list ( -- parser )
list-item nl hide list-of
[ "ul" surround-with-foo ] action ;
MEMO: table-column ( -- parser )
text [ "td" surround-with-foo ] action ;
MEMO: table-row ( -- parser )
"|" token hide
table-column "|" token hide list-of
"|" token hide nl hide optional 4seq
[ "tr" surround-with-foo ] action ;
MEMO: table ( -- parser )
table-row repeat1
[ "table" surround-with-foo ] action ;
MEMO: code ( -- parser )
"[" token hide ,
[ CHAR: { = not ] satisfy repeat1 optional [ >string ] action ,
"{" token hide ,
"}]" token ensure-not any-char 2seq repeat0 [ concat >string ] action ,
"}]" token hide ,
] seq* [ first2 swap render-code ] action ;
MEMO: line ( -- parser )
nl table 2seq ,
nl list 2seq ,
text , strong , emphasis , link ,
superscript , subscript , inline-code ,
escaped-char , delimiter , eq ,
] choice* repeat1 ;
MEMO: paragraph ( -- parser )
nl over 2seq repeat0
nl nl ensure-not 2seq optional 3seq
dup [ dup string? not swap [ blank? ] all? or ] deep-all?
[ "<p>" swap "</p>" 3array ] unless
] action ;
PEG: parse-farkup ( -- parser )
list , table , h1 , h2 , h3 , h4 , code , paragraph , 2nl , nl ,
] choice* repeat0 nl optional 2seq ;
: write-farkup ( parse-result -- )
[ dup string? [ write ] [ drop ] if ] deep-each ;
: convert-farkup ( string -- string' )
parse-farkup [ write-farkup ] with-string-writer ;
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Simple markup language for generating HTML
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Reference in New Issue