wikipedia: support other languages.

John Benediktsson 2013-10-12 17:11:43 -07:00
parent 04d83f9f48
commit fbc43abfdf
1 changed files with 16 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -3,15 +3,24 @@
USING: accessors ascii assocs calendar colors.constants
formatting html.parser html.parser.analyzer html.parser.printer
http.client io io.streams.string io.styles kernel make regexp
sequences splitting urls wrap.strings xml
xml.traversal ;
http.client io io.streams.string io.styles kernel make
namespaces regexp sequences splitting urls wrap.strings xml xml.traversal ;
FROM: => tag? ;
IN: wikipedia
SYMBOL: language
"en" language set-global
: with-language ( str quot -- )
language swap with-variable ; inline
: wikipedia-url ( path -- url )
language get swap "" sprintf >url ;
: header. ( string -- )
H{ { font-size 20 } { font-style bold } } format nl ;
@ -20,7 +29,7 @@ IN: wikipedia
: link. ( tag -- )
[ deep-children>string ] [ attrs>> "href" of ] bi
"" prepend >url H{
wikipedia-url H{
{ font-name "monospace" }
{ foreground COLOR: blue }
} [ write-object ] with-style ;
@ -36,8 +45,7 @@ IN: wikipedia
children-tags [ item. ] each nl ;
: historical-url ( timestamp -- url )
[ month-name ] [ day>> ] bi
"" sprintf ;
[ month-name ] [ day>> ] bi "%s_%s" sprintf wikipedia-url ;
: (historical-events) ( timestamp -- seq )
historical-url http-get* string>xml "ul" deep-tags-named ;
@ -66,8 +74,8 @@ PRIVATE>
(historical-events) "Deaths" header. fourth items. ;
: article. ( name -- )
"" sprintf
http-get* parse-html "content" find-by-id-between
wikipedia-url http-get* parse-html
"content" find-by-id-between
[ html-text. ] with-string-writer string-lines
[ [ blank? ] trim ] map harvest [
R/ &lt;/ "<" re-replace