Merge branch 'master' of
@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ HELP: or
HELP: xor
{ $values { "obj1" "a generalized boolean" } { "obj2" "a generalized boolean" } { "?" "a generalized boolean" } }
{ $description "Tests if at exactly one object is not " { $link f } "." }
{ $description "If exactly one input is false, outputs the other input. Otherwise outputs " { $link f } "." }
{ $notes "This word implements boolean exclusive or, so applying it to integers will not yield useful results (all integers have a true value). Bitwise exclusive or is the " { $link bitxor } " word." } ;
HELP: both?
@ -50,6 +50,10 @@ IN: kernel.tests
[ f ] [ 3 f and ] unit-test
[ 4 ] [ 4 6 or ] unit-test
[ 6 ] [ f 6 or ] unit-test
[ f ] [ 1 2 xor ] unit-test
[ 1 ] [ 1 f xor ] unit-test
[ 2 ] [ f 2 xor ] unit-test
[ f ] [ f f xor ] unit-test
[ slip ] must-fail
[ ] [ :c ] unit-test
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ GENERIC: boa ( ... class -- tuple )
: or ( obj1 obj2 -- ? ) dupd ? ; inline
: xor ( obj1 obj2 -- ? ) dup not swap ? ; inline
: xor ( obj1 obj2 -- ? ) [ f swap ? ] when* ; inline
: both? ( x y quot -- ? ) bi@ and ; inline
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
USING: kernel tools.test accessors arrays sequences qualified
io.streams.string io.streams.duplex namespaces threads
calendar irc.client.private irc.client irc.messages.private
concurrency.mailboxes classes assocs ;
concurrency.mailboxes classes assocs combinators ;
EXCLUDE: irc.messages => join ;
RENAME: join irc.messages => join_
IN: irc.client.tests
@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ IN: irc.client.tests
"\n" join <string-reader> <string-writer> <duplex-stream> ;
: make-client ( lines -- irc-client )
"someserver" irc-port "factorbot" f <irc-profile> <irc-client>
swap [ 2nip <test-stream> f ] curry >>connect ;
"someserver" irc-port "factorbot" f <irc-profile> <irc-client>
swap [ 2nip <test-stream> f ] curry >>connect ;
: set-nick ( irc-client nickname -- )
swap profile>> (>>nickname) ;
swap profile>> (>>nickname) ;
: with-dummy-client ( quot -- )
rot with-variable ; inline
: with-dummy-client ( irc-client quot -- )
[ current-irc-client ] dip with-variable ; inline
{ "" } make-client dup "factorbot" set-nick current-irc-client [
{ "" } make-client dup "factorbot" set-nick [
{ t } [ irc> profile>> nickname>> me? ] unit-test
{ "factorbot" } [ irc> profile>> nickname>> ] unit-test
@ -32,39 +32,144 @@ IN: irc.client.tests
{ "someuser" } [ ":someuser!n=user@some.where PRIVMSG factorbot :hi"
parse-irc-line irc-message-origin ] unit-test
] with-variable
] with-dummy-client
! Test login and nickname set
{ "factorbot" } [ { "NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname..."
"NOTICE AUTH :*** Checking ident"
"NOTICE AUTH :*** Found your hostname"
"NOTICE AUTH :*** No identd (auth) response"
":some.where 001 factorbot :Welcome factorbot"
} make-client
[ connect-irc ] keep 1 seconds sleep
profile>> nickname>> ] unit-test
{ "factorbot" } [
{ "NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname..."
"NOTICE AUTH :*** Checking ident"
"NOTICE AUTH :*** Found your hostname"
"NOTICE AUTH :*** No identd (auth) response"
":some.where 001 factorbot :Welcome factorbot"
} make-client
{ [ connect-irc ]
[ drop 0.1 seconds sleep ]
[ profile>> nickname>> ]
[ terminate-irc ]
} cleave ] unit-test
{ join_ "#factortest" } [
{ ":factorbot!n=factorbo@some.where JOIN :#factortest"
" MODE #factortest +ns"
" 353 factorbot @ #factortest :@factorbot "
" 366 factorbot #factortest :End of /NAMES list."
" 477 factorbot #factortest :[ircserver-info] blah blah"
} make-client dup "factorbot" set-nick
[ connect-irc ] keep 1 seconds sleep
join-messages>> 1 seconds mailbox-get-timeout
[ class ] [ trailing>> ] bi ] unit-test
{ ":factorbot!n=factorbo@some.where JOIN :#factortest"
" MODE #factortest +ns"
" 353 factorbot @ #factortest :@factorbot "
" 366 factorbot #factortest :End of /NAMES list."
" 477 factorbot #factortest :[ircserver-info] blah blah"
} make-client
{ [ "factorbot" set-nick ]
[ connect-irc ]
[ drop 0.1 seconds sleep ]
[ join-messages>> 0.1 seconds mailbox-get-timeout ]
[ terminate-irc ]
} cleave
[ class ] [ trailing>> ] bi ] unit-test
{ +join+ "somebody" } [
{ ":somebody!n=somebody@some.where JOIN :#factortest"
} make-client dup "factorbot" set-nick
[ listeners>> [ "#factortest" [ <irc-channel-listener> ] keep ] dip set-at ]
[ connect-irc ]
[ listeners>> [ "#factortest" ] dip at
[ read-message drop ] [ read-message drop ] [ read-message ] tri ] tri
[ action>> ] [ nick>> ] bi
] unit-test
! TODO: channel message
! ":somebody!n=somebody@some.where PRIVMSG #factortest :hello"
! TODO: direct private message
! ":somedude! PRIVMSG factorbot2 :hello"
{ ":somebody!n=somebody@some.where JOIN :#factortest" } make-client
{ [ "factorbot" set-nick ]
[ listeners>>
[ "#factortest" [ <irc-channel-listener> ] keep ] dip set-at ]
[ connect-irc ]
[ listeners>> [ "#factortest" ] dip at
[ read-message drop ] [ read-message drop ] [ read-message ] tri ]
[ terminate-irc ]
} cleave
[ action>> ] [ nick>> ] bi
] unit-test
{ privmsg "#factortest" "hello" } [
{ ":somebody!n=somebody@some.where PRIVMSG #factortest :hello" } make-client
{ [ "factorbot" set-nick ]
[ listeners>>
[ "#factortest" [ <irc-channel-listener> ] keep ] dip set-at ]
[ connect-irc ]
[ listeners>> [ "#factortest" ] dip at
[ read-message drop ] [ read-message ] bi ]
[ terminate-irc ]
} cleave
[ class ] [ name>> ] [ trailing>> ] tri
] unit-test
{ privmsg "factorbot" "hello" } [
{ ":somedude! PRIVMSG factorbot :hello" } make-client
{ [ "factorbot" set-nick ]
[ listeners>>
[ "somedude" [ <irc-nick-listener> ] keep ] dip set-at ]
[ connect-irc ]
[ listeners>> [ "somedude" ] dip at
[ read-message drop ] [ read-message ] bi ]
[ terminate-irc ]
} cleave
[ class ] [ name>> ] [ trailing>> ] tri
] unit-test
! Participants lists tests
{ H{ { "somedude" +normal+ } } } [
{ ":somedude! JOIN :#factortest" } make-client
{ [ "factorbot" set-nick ]
[ listeners>>
[ "#factortest" [ <irc-channel-listener> ] keep ] dip set-at ]
[ connect-irc ]
[ drop 0.1 seconds sleep ]
[ listeners>> [ "#factortest" ] dip at participants>> ]
[ terminate-irc ]
} cleave
] unit-test
{ H{ { "somedude2" +normal+ } } } [
{ ":somedude! PART #factortest" } make-client
{ [ "factorbot" set-nick ]
[ listeners>>
[ "#factortest" [ <irc-channel-listener>
H{ { "somedude2" +normal+ }
{ "somedude" +normal+ } } clone >>participants ] keep
] dip set-at ]
[ connect-irc ]
[ drop 0.1 seconds sleep ]
[ listeners>> [ "#factortest" ] dip at participants>> ]
[ terminate-irc ]
} cleave
] unit-test
{ H{ { "somedude2" +normal+ } } } [
{ ":somedude! QUIT" } make-client
{ [ "factorbot" set-nick ]
[ listeners>>
[ "#factortest" [ <irc-channel-listener>
H{ { "somedude2" +normal+ }
{ "somedude" +normal+ } } clone >>participants ] keep
] dip set-at ]
[ connect-irc ]
[ drop 0.1 seconds sleep ]
[ listeners>> [ "#factortest" ] dip at participants>> ]
[ terminate-irc ]
} cleave
] unit-test
{ H{ { "somedude2" +normal+ } } } [
{ ":somedude2! KICK #factortest somedude" } make-client
{ [ "factorbot" set-nick ]
[ listeners>>
[ "#factortest" [ <irc-channel-listener>
H{ { "somedude2" +normal+ }
{ "somedude" +normal+ } } clone >>participants ] keep
] dip set-at ]
[ connect-irc ]
[ drop 0.1 seconds sleep ]
[ listeners>> [ "#factortest" ] dip at participants>> ]
[ terminate-irc ]
} cleave
] unit-test
! Namelist notification
{ T{ participant-changed f f f } } [
{ " 353 factorbot @ #factortest :@factorbot "
" 366 factorbot #factortest :End of /NAMES list." } make-client
{ [ "factorbot" set-nick ]
[ listeners>>
[ "#factortest" [ <irc-channel-listener> ] keep ] dip set-at ]
[ connect-irc ]
[ drop 0.1 seconds sleep ]
[ listeners>> [ "#factortest" ] dip at [ read-message drop ] [ read-message ] bi ]
[ terminate-irc ]
} cleave
] unit-test
@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ IN: irc.client
! Setup and running objects
! ======================================
SYMBOL: current-irc-client
: irc-port 6667 ; ! Default irc port
TUPLE: irc-profile server port nickname password ;
@ -51,7 +49,8 @@ SYMBOL: +mode+
<mailbox> <mailbox> irc-server-listener boa ;
: <irc-channel-listener> ( name -- irc-channel-listener )
[ <mailbox> <mailbox> ] dip f 60 seconds H{ } clone irc-channel-listener boa ;
[ <mailbox> <mailbox> ] dip f 60 seconds H{ } clone
irc-channel-listener boa ;
: <irc-nick-listener> ( name -- irc-nick-listener )
[ <mailbox> <mailbox> ] dip irc-nick-listener boa ;
@ -63,19 +62,24 @@ SYMBOL: +mode+
TUPLE: participant-changed nick action ;
C: <participant-changed> participant-changed
SINGLETON: irc-listener-end ! send to a listener to stop its execution
SINGLETON: irc-end ! sent when the client isn't running anymore
SINGLETON: irc-disconnected ! sent when connection is lost
SINGLETON: irc-connected ! sent when connection is established
UNION: irc-broadcasted-message irc-end irc-disconnected irc-connected ;
: terminate-irc ( irc-client -- )
[ [ irc-end ] dip in-messages>> mailbox-put ]
[ [ f ] dip (>>is-running) ]
[ stream>> dispose ]
tri ;
[ is-running>> ] keep and [
[ [ irc-end ] dip in-messages>> mailbox-put ]
[ [ f ] dip (>>is-running) ]
[ stream>> dispose ]
] when* ;
SYMBOL: current-irc-client
! ======================================
! Utils
! ======================================
@ -85,7 +89,9 @@ UNION: irc-broadcasted-message irc-end irc-disconnected irc-connected ;
: irc-write ( s -- ) irc-stream> stream-write ;
: irc-print ( s -- ) irc-stream> [ stream-print ] keep stream-flush ;
: listener> ( name -- listener/f ) irc> listeners>> at ;
: unregister-listener ( name -- ) irc> listeners>> delete-at ;
: maybe-mailbox-get ( mailbox quot: ( irc-message -- ) -- )
[ dup mailbox-empty? [ drop yield ] ] dip '[ mailbox-get @ ] if ; inline
GENERIC: to-listener ( message obj -- )
@ -93,6 +99,12 @@ M: string to-listener ( message string -- )
listener> [ +server-listener+ listener> ] unless*
[ to-listener ] [ drop ] if* ;
: unregister-listener ( name -- )
irc> listeners>>
[ at [ irc-listener-end ] dip to-listener ]
[ delete-at ]
2bi ;
M: irc-listener to-listener ( message irc-listener -- )
in-messages>> mailbox-put ;
@ -105,7 +117,7 @@ M: irc-listener to-listener ( message irc-listener -- )
with filter ;
: remove-participant-from-all ( nick -- )
dup listeners-with-participant [ delete-at ] with each ;
dup listeners-with-participant [ participants>> delete-at ] with each ;
: add-participant ( mode nick channel -- )
listener> [ participants>> set-at ] [ 2drop ] if* ;
@ -206,9 +218,9 @@ M: privmsg handle-incoming-irc ( privmsg -- )
dup irc-message-origin to-listener ;
M: join handle-incoming-irc ( join -- )
{ [ maybe-forward-join ] ! keep
{ [ maybe-forward-join ]
[ dup trailing>> to-listener ]
[ [ drop f ] [ prefix>> parse-name ] [ trailing>> ] tri add-participant ]
[ [ drop +normal+ ] [ prefix>> parse-name ] [ trailing>> ] tri add-participant ]
[ handle-participant-change ]
} cleave ;
@ -219,19 +231,18 @@ M: part handle-incoming-irc ( part -- )
tri ;
M: kick handle-incoming-irc ( kick -- )
{ [ dup channel>> to-listener ]
{ [ dup channel>> to-listener ]
[ [ who>> ] [ channel>> ] bi remove-participant ]
[ handle-participant-change ]
[ dup who>> me? [ unregister-listener ] [ drop ] if ]
} cleave ;
M: quit handle-incoming-irc ( quit -- )
{ [ dup prefix>> parse-name listeners-with-participant
[ to-listener ] with each ]
[ handle-participant-change ]
[ prefix>> parse-name remove-participant-from-all ]
[ ]
} cleave call-next-method ;
[ dup prefix>> parse-name listeners-with-participant
[ to-listener ] with each ]
[ prefix>> parse-name remove-participant-from-all ]
[ handle-participant-change ]
tri ;
: >nick/mode ( string -- nick mode )
dup first "+@" member? [ unclip ] [ 0 ] if participant-mode ;
@ -241,8 +252,10 @@ M: quit handle-incoming-irc ( quit -- )
[ >nick/mode 2array ] map >hashtable ;
M: names-reply handle-incoming-irc ( names-reply -- )
[ names-reply>participants ] [ channel>> listener> ] bi
[ (>>participants) ] [ drop ] if* ;
[ names-reply>participants ] [ channel>> listener> ] bi [
[ (>>participants) ]
[ [ f f <participant-changed> ] dip name>> to-listener ] bi
] [ drop ] if* ;
M: irc-broadcasted-message handle-incoming-irc ( irc-broadcasted-message -- )
broadcast-message-to-listeners ;
@ -256,12 +269,6 @@ GENERIC: handle-outgoing-irc ( obj -- )
M: irc-message handle-outgoing-irc ( irc-message -- )
irc-message>client-line irc-print ;
M: privmsg handle-outgoing-irc ( privmsg -- )
[ name>> ] [ trailing>> ] bi /PRIVMSG ;
M: part handle-outgoing-irc ( part -- )
[ channel>> ] [ trailing>> "" or ] bi /PART ;
! ======================================
! Reader/Writer
! ======================================
@ -273,7 +280,7 @@ DEFER: (connect-irc)
: (handle-disconnect) ( -- )
[ [ irc-disconnected ] dip to-listener ]
[ [ irc-disconnected ] dip in-messages>> mailbox-put ]
[ dup reconnect-time>> sleep (connect-irc) ]
[ profile>> nickname>> /LOGIN ]
tri ;
@ -291,35 +298,37 @@ DEFER: (connect-irc)
] if*
] with-destructors ;
: reader-loop ( -- )
[ (reader-loop) ] [ handle-disconnect ] recover ;
: reader-loop ( -- ? )
[ (reader-loop) ] [ handle-disconnect ] recover t ;
: writer-loop ( -- )
irc> out-messages>> mailbox-get handle-outgoing-irc ;
: writer-loop ( -- ? )
irc> out-messages>> [ handle-outgoing-irc ] maybe-mailbox-get t ;
! ======================================
! Processing loops
! ======================================
: in-multiplexer-loop ( -- )
irc> in-messages>> mailbox-get handle-incoming-irc ;
: in-multiplexer-loop ( -- ? )
irc> in-messages>> [ handle-incoming-irc ] maybe-mailbox-get t ;
: strings>privmsg ( name string -- privmsg )
privmsg new [ (>>trailing) ] keep [ (>>name) ] keep ;
: maybe-annotate-with-name ( name obj -- obj )
{ [ dup string? ] [ strings>privmsg ] }
{ [ dup privmsg instance? ] [ swap >>name ] }
[ nip ]
{ { [ dup string? ] [ strings>privmsg ] }
{ [ dup privmsg instance? ] [ swap >>name ] }
[ nip ]
} cond ;
: listener-loop ( name listener -- )
out-messages>> mailbox-get maybe-annotate-with-name
irc> out-messages>> mailbox-put ;
: listener-loop ( name -- ? )
dup listener> [
out-messages>> [ maybe-annotate-with-name
irc> out-messages>> mailbox-put ] with
maybe-mailbox-get t
] [ drop f ] if* ;
: spawn-irc-loop ( quot name -- )
[ '[ irc> is-running>> [ @ ] when irc> is-running>> ] ] dip
: spawn-irc-loop ( quot: ( -- ? ) name -- )
[ '[ irc> is-running>> [ @ ] [ f ] if ] ] dip
spawn-server drop ;
: spawn-irc ( -- )
@ -332,9 +341,8 @@ DEFER: (connect-irc)
! ======================================
: set+run-listener ( name irc-listener -- )
[ '[ , , listener-loop ] "listener" spawn-irc-loop ]
[ swap irc> listeners>> set-at ]
2bi ;
over irc> listeners>> set-at
'[ , listener-loop ] "listener" spawn-irc-loop ;
GENERIC: (add-listener) ( irc-listener -- )
@ -371,16 +379,15 @@ M: irc-server-listener (remove-listener) ( irc-server-listener -- )
t >>is-running
in-messages>> [ irc-connected ] dip mailbox-put ;
: with-irc-client ( irc-client quot -- )
: with-irc-client ( irc-client quot: ( -- ) -- )
[ current-irc-client ] dip with-variable ; inline
: connect-irc ( irc-client -- )
dup [
[ (connect-irc) ] [ profile>> nickname>> /LOGIN ] bi
] with-irc-client ;
[ irc>
[ (connect-irc) ] [ profile>> nickname>> /LOGIN ] bi
spawn-irc ] with-irc-client ;
: add-listener ( irc-listener irc-client -- )
swap '[ , (add-listener) ] with-irc-client ;
@ -35,3 +35,23 @@ join new
[ ":someuser!n=user@some.where JOIN :#factortest"
parse-irc-line f >>timestamp ] unit-test
mode new
" MODE #factortest +ns" >>line
"" >>prefix
"MODE" >>command
{ "#factortest" "+ns" } >>parameters
"#factortest" >>channel
"+ns" >>mode
[ " MODE #factortest +ns"
parse-irc-line f >>timestamp ] unit-test
nick new
":someuser!n=user@some.where NICK :someuser2" >>line
"someuser!n=user@some.where" >>prefix
"NICK" >>command
{ } >>parameters
"someuser2" >>trailing
[ ":someuser!n=user@some.where NICK :someuser2"
parse-irc-line f >>timestamp ] unit-test
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Bruno Deferrari
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel fry splitting ascii calendar accessors combinators qualified
arrays classes.tuple math.order ;
arrays classes.tuple math.order quotations ;
RENAME: join sequences => sjoin
EXCLUDE: sequences => join ;
IN: irc.messages
@ -12,12 +12,13 @@ TUPLE: ping < irc-message ;
TUPLE: join < irc-message ;
TUPLE: part < irc-message channel ;
TUPLE: quit < irc-message ;
TUPLE: nick < irc-message ;
TUPLE: privmsg < irc-message name ;
TUPLE: kick < irc-message channel who ;
TUPLE: roomlist < irc-message channel names ;
TUPLE: nick-in-use < irc-message asterisk name ;
TUPLE: notice < irc-message type ;
TUPLE: mode < irc-message name channel mode ;
TUPLE: mode < irc-message channel mode ;
TUPLE: names-reply < irc-message who = channel ;
TUPLE: unhandled < irc-message ;
@ -25,12 +26,44 @@ TUPLE: unhandled < irc-message ;
irc-message new now >>timestamp
[ [ (>>trailing) ] [ (>>parameters) ] [ (>>command) ] tri ] keep ;
GENERIC: irc-command-string ( irc-message -- string )
M: irc-message irc-command-string ( irc-message -- string ) command>> ;
M: ping irc-command-string ( ping -- string ) drop "PING" ;
M: join irc-command-string ( join -- string ) drop "JOIN" ;
M: part irc-command-string ( part -- string ) drop "PART" ;
M: quit irc-command-string ( quit -- string ) drop "QUIT" ;
M: nick irc-command-string ( nick -- string ) drop "NICK" ;
M: privmsg irc-command-string ( privmsg -- string ) drop "PRIVMSG" ;
M: notice irc-command-string ( notice -- string ) drop "NOTICE" ;
M: mode irc-command-string ( mode -- string ) drop "MODE" ;
M: kick irc-command-string ( kick -- string ) drop "KICK" ;
GENERIC: irc-command-parameters ( irc-message -- seq )
M: irc-message irc-command-parameters ( irc-message -- seq ) parameters>> ;
M: ping irc-command-parameters ( ping -- seq ) drop { } ;
M: join irc-command-parameters ( join -- seq ) drop { } ;
M: part irc-command-parameters ( part -- seq ) name>> 1array ;
M: quit irc-command-parameters ( quit -- seq ) drop { } ;
M: nick irc-command-parameters ( nick -- seq ) drop { } ;
M: privmsg irc-command-parameters ( privmsg -- seq ) name>> 1array ;
M: notice irc-command-parameters ( norice -- seq ) type>> 1array ;
M: kick irc-command-parameters ( kick -- seq )
[ channel>> ] [ who>> ] bi 2array ;
M: mode irc-command-parameters ( mode -- seq )
[ name>> ] [ channel>> ] [ mode>> ] tri 3array ;
GENERIC: irc-message>client-line ( irc-message -- string )
M: irc-message irc-message>client-line ( irc-message -- string )
[ command>> ]
[ parameters>> " " sjoin ]
[ trailing>> dup [ CHAR: : prefix ] when ]
[ irc-command-string ]
[ irc-command-parameters " " sjoin ]
[ trailing>> [ CHAR: : prefix ] [ "" ] if* ]
tri 3array " " sjoin ;
GENERIC: irc-message>server-line ( irc-message -- string )
@ -73,19 +106,20 @@ PRIVATE>
: parse-irc-line ( string -- message )
dup command>> {
{ "PING" [ \ ping ] }
{ "NOTICE" [ \ notice ] }
{ "001" [ \ logged-in ] }
{ "433" [ \ nick-in-use ] }
{ "353" [ \ names-reply ] }
{ "JOIN" [ \ join ] }
{ "PART" [ \ part ] }
{ "PRIVMSG" [ \ privmsg ] }
{ "QUIT" [ \ quit ] }
{ "MODE" [ \ mode ] }
{ "KICK" [ \ kick ] }
[ drop \ unhandled ]
{ "PING" [ ping ] }
{ "NOTICE" [ notice ] }
{ "001" [ logged-in ] }
{ "433" [ nick-in-use ] }
{ "353" [ names-reply ] }
{ "JOIN" [ join ] }
{ "PART" [ part ] }
{ "NICK" [ nick ] }
{ "PRIVMSG" [ privmsg ] }
{ "QUIT" [ quit ] }
{ "MODE" [ mode ] }
{ "KICK" [ kick ] }
[ drop unhandled ]
} case
[ [ tuple-slots ] [ parameters>> ] bi append ] dip
[ all-slots over [ length ] bi@ min head ] keep slots>tuple ;
[ all-slots over [ length ] bi@ min head >quotation ] keep
'[ @ , boa nip ] call ;
@ -5,10 +5,12 @@ USING: accessors kernel threads combinators concurrency.mailboxes
sequences strings hashtables splitting fry assocs hashtables
ui ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.panes ui.gadgets.editors
ui.gadgets.scrollers ui.commands ui.gadgets.frames ui.gestures
ui.gadgets.tabs ui.gadgets.grids ui.gadgets.lists ui.gadgets.labels
io io.styles namespaces calendar calendar.format models
ui.gadgets.tabs ui.gadgets.grids ui.gadgets.packs ui.gadgets.labels
io io.styles namespaces calendar calendar.format models continuations
irc.client irc.client.private irc.messages irc.messages.private
irc.ui.commandparser irc.ui.load ;
irc.ui.commandparser irc.ui.load qualified ;
RENAME: join sequences => sjoin
IN: irc.ui
@ -18,7 +20,7 @@ SYMBOL: client
TUPLE: ui-window client tabs ;
TUPLE: irc-tab < frame listener client listmodel ;
TUPLE: irc-tab < frame listener client userlist ;
: write-color ( str color -- )
foreground associate format ;
@ -71,14 +73,21 @@ M: quit write-irc
" has left IRC" red write-color
trailing>> dot-or-parens red write-color ;
: full-mode ( message -- mode )
parameters>> rest " " sjoin ;
M: mode write-irc
"* " blue write-color
[ name>> write ] keep
[ prefix>> parse-name write ] keep
" has applied mode " blue write-color
[ mode>> write ] keep
[ full-mode write ] keep
" to " blue write-color
channel>> write ;
M: unhandled write-irc
"UNHANDLED: " write
line>> blue write-color ;
M: irc-end write-irc
drop "* You have left IRC" red write-color ;
@ -88,11 +97,17 @@ M: irc-disconnected write-irc
M: irc-connected write-irc
drop "* Connected" green write-color ;
M: irc-listener-end write-irc
drop ;
M: irc-message write-irc
drop ; ! catch all unimplemented writes, THIS WILL CHANGE
: time-happened ( irc-message -- timestamp )
[ timestamp>> ] [ 2drop now ] recover ;
: print-irc ( irc-message -- )
[ timestamp>> timestamp>hms write " " write ]
[ time-happened timestamp>hms write " " write ]
[ write-irc nl ] bi ;
: send-message ( message -- )
@ -101,16 +116,15 @@ M: irc-message write-irc
GENERIC: handle-inbox ( tab message -- )
: filter-participants ( assoc val -- alist )
[ >alist ] dip
'[ second , = ] filter ;
: filter-participants ( pack alist val color -- )
'[ , = [ <label> , >>color add-gadget ] [ drop ] if ] assoc-each ;
: update-participants ( tab -- )
[ listmodel>> ] [ listener>> participants>> ] bi
[ +operator+ filter-participants ]
[ +voice+ filter-participants ]
[ +normal+ filter-participants ] tri
append append swap set-model ;
[ userlist>> [ clear-gadget ] keep ]
[ listener>> participants>> ] bi
[ +operator+ green filter-participants ]
[ +voice+ blue filter-participants ]
[ +normal+ black filter-participants ] 2tri ;
M: participant-changed handle-inbox
drop update-participants ;
@ -147,11 +161,6 @@ irc-editor "general" f {
{ T{ key-down f f "ENTER" } editor-send }
} define-command-map
: <irc-list> ( -- gadget model )
[ drop ]
[ first2 [ <label> ] dip >>color ]
{ } <model> [ <list> ] keep ;
: <irc-tab> ( listener client -- irc-tab )
irc-tab new-frame
swap client>> >>client swap >>listener
@ -160,19 +169,19 @@ irc-editor "general" f {
: <irc-channel-tab> ( listener client -- irc-tab )
<irc-list> [ <scroller> @right grid-add ] dip >>listmodel
[ update-participants ] keep ;
<pile> [ <scroller> @right grid-add ] keep >>userlist ;
: <irc-server-tab> ( listener client -- irc-tab )
<irc-tab> ;
M: irc-tab graft*
[ listener>> ] [ client>> ] bi
add-listener ;
[ listener>> ] [ client>> ] bi add-listener ;
M: irc-tab ungraft*
[ listener>> ] [ client>> ] bi
remove-listener ;
[ listener>> ] [ client>> ] bi remove-listener ;
M: irc-tab pref-dim*
drop { 480 480 } ;
: join-channel ( name ui-window -- )
[ dup <irc-channel-listener> ] dip
@ -187,8 +196,9 @@ M: irc-tab ungraft*
: ui-connect ( profile -- ui-window )
<irc-client> ui-window new over >>client swap
[ connect-irc ]
[ [ <irc-server-listener> ] dip add-listener ]
[ listeners>> +server-listener+ swap at over <irc-tab>
"Server" associate <tabbed> >>tabs ] bi ;
"Server" associate <tabbed> >>tabs ] tri ;
: server-open ( server port nick password channels -- )
[ <irc-profile> ui-connect [ irc-window ] keep ] dip
@ -106,17 +106,12 @@ SYMBOL: enter-out
'[ , prepend ] bi@
<effect> ;
: insert-copy ( effect -- )
in>> [ consume-d dup ] keep make-copies
[ nip output-d ] [ #copy, ] 2bi ;
: call-recursive-inline-word ( word -- )
dup "recursive" word-prop [
[ required-stack-effect adjust-stack-effect ] [ ] [ recursive-label ] tri
[ 2drop insert-copy ]
[ add-call drop ]
[ nip '[ , #call-recursive, ] consume/produce ]
] [ undeclared-recursion-error inference-error ] if ;
: inline-word ( word -- )
Reference in New Issue