XMode doesn't use parser combinators at all; regexes allow parens for grouping
@ -183,15 +183,8 @@ M: character-class-range nfa-node ( node -- )
] if ;
M: capture-group nfa-node ( node -- )
"capture-groups" feature-is-broken
eps literal-transition add-simple-entry
capture-group-on add-traversal-flag
term>> nfa-node
eps literal-transition add-simple-entry
capture-group-off add-traversal-flag
2 [ concatenate-nodes ] times ;
term>> nfa-node ;
! xyzzy
M: non-capture-group nfa-node ( node -- )
term>> nfa-node ;
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
USING: xmode.loader xmode.utilities xmode.rules namespaces
strings splitting assocs sequences kernel io.files xml memoize
words globs combinators io.encodings.utf8 sorting accessors xml.data
xml.traversal ;
xml.traversal xml.syntax ;
IN: xmode.catalog
TUPLE: mode file file-name-glob first-line-glob ;
@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ ERROR: mutually-recursive-rulesets ruleset ;
] if ;
: finalize-mode ( rulesets -- )
rule-sets [
dup [ nip finalize-rule-set ] assoc-each
dup rule-sets [
[ nip finalize-rule-set ] assoc-each
] with-variable ;
: load-mode ( name -- rule-sets )
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
USING: xmode.loader.syntax xmode.tokens xmode.rules
xmode.keyword-map xml.data xml.traversal xml assocs kernel
combinators sequences math.parser namespaces parser
xmode.utilities regexp io.files accessors ;
xmode.utilities regexp io.files accessors xml.syntax ;
IN: xmode.loader
! Based on org.gjt.sp.jedit.XModeHandler
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ TAG: KEYWORDS parse-rule-tag
swap (>>keywords) ;
: ?<regexp> ( string/f -- regexp/f )
dup [ rule-set get ignore-case?>> drop <regexp> ] when ;
dup [ rule-set get ignore-case?>> <?insensitive-regexp> ] when ;
: (parse-rules-tag) ( tag -- rule-set )
<rule-set> dup rule-set set
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
USING: accessors xmode.tokens xmode.rules xmode.keyword-map
xml.data xml.traversal xml assocs kernel combinators sequences
math.parser namespaces make parser lexer xmode.utilities
regexp io.files splitting arrays xml.syntax.private ;
regexp io.files splitting arrays xml.syntax xml.syntax.private ;
IN: xmode.loader.syntax
! Rule tag parsing utilities
@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ IN: xmode.loader.syntax
new swap init-from-tag swap add-rule ; inline
scan scan-word scan-word
parse-definition { } make
[ swap [ (parse-rule-tag) ] 2curry ] dip
swap define-tag ; parsing
scan scan-word scan-word [
parse-definition { } make
swap [ (parse-rule-tag) ] 2curry
] dip swap define-tag ; parsing
! Attribute utilities
: string>boolean ( string -- ? ) "TRUE" = ;
@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ IN: xmode.loader.syntax
swap position-attrs <matcher> ;
: parse-regexp-matcher ( tag -- matcher )
dup children>string rule-set get ignore-case?>> drop <regexp>
dup children>string
rule-set get ignore-case?>> <?insensitive-regexp>
swap position-attrs <matcher> ;
: shared-tag-attrs ( -- )
@ -4,11 +4,25 @@ IN: xmode.marker
USING: kernel namespaces make xmode.rules xmode.tokens
xmode.marker.state xmode.marker.context xmode.utilities
xmode.catalog sequences math assocs combinators strings
regexp splitting ascii parser-combinators regexp.backend
regexp splitting ascii regexp.backend unicode.case
ascii combinators.short-circuit accessors ;
! parser-combinators is for the string-head? word
! regexp.backend is for the regexp class
! Next two words copied from parser-combinators
! Just like head?, but they optionally ignore case
: string= ( str1 str2 ignore-case -- ? )
[ [ >upper ] bi@ ] when sequence= ;
: string-head? ( str1 str2 ignore-case -- ? )
2over shorter?
[ 3drop f ] [
[ nip ]
[ length head-slice ] 2bi
] dip string=
] if ;
! Based on org.gjt.sp.jedit.syntax.TokenMarker
: current-keyword ( -- string )
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
USING: assocs xmode.utilities tools.test ;
IN: xmode.utilities.tests
USING: accessors xmode.utilities tools.test xml xml.data kernel
strings vectors sequences io.files prettyprint assocs
unicode.case ;
[ "hi" 3 ] [
{ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 } [ H{ { 3 "hi" } } at ] map-find
] unit-test
@ -9,44 +8,3 @@ unicode.case ;
[ f f ] [
{ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 } [ H{ { 11 "hi" } } at ] map-find
] unit-test
TUPLE: company employees type ;
: <company> V{ } clone f company boa ;
: add-employee employees>> push ;
<TAGS: parse-employee-tag
TUPLE: employee name description ;
TAG: employee
employee new
{ { "name" f (>>name) } { f (>>description) } }
init-from-tag swap add-employee ;
\ parse-employee-tag see
: parse-company-tag
{ { "type" >upper (>>type) } }
init-from-tag dup
] keep
children>> [ tag? ] filter
[ parse-employee-tag ] with each ;
T{ company f
T{ employee f "Joe" "VP Sales" }
T{ employee f "Jane" "CFO" }
] [
file>xml parse-company-tag
] unit-test
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
USING: accessors sequences assocs kernel quotations namespaces
xml.data xml.traversal combinators macros parser lexer words fry ;
xml.data xml.traversal combinators macros parser lexer words fry
regexp ;
IN: xmode.utilities
: implies ( x y -- z ) [ not ] dip or ; inline
@ -35,3 +36,6 @@ MACRO: (init-from-tag) ( specs -- )
: init-from-tag ( tag tuple specs -- tuple )
over [ (init-from-tag) ] dip ; inline
: <?insensitive-regexp> ( string ? -- regexp )
"i" "" ? <optioned-regexp> ;
Reference in New Issue