This is to help debug win64.
Some interesting observations:
fails without any error: -codeheap=74000
fails with VirtualAlloc error: -codeheap=80000
vm.nursery and vm->data->nursery are different objects. They get out
of sync when Factor code bumps vm.nursery but leaves vm->data->nursery
unchanged. The emptiness of vm->data->nursery meant that each_object()
never iterated it.
Factor is finally a real C++ project and has a custom assert macro. Assertion failures were still getting caught as exceptions and causing failure loops. Write our own macro that calls factor::abort on failure.
- new way to iterate over instruction_operands cleans up relocation code
- move some methods out of the VM class to clean up code
- if debugging is on, die earlier if attempting to allocate inside GC
- callback heap entries are now code_blocks
- replace block_granularity with data_alignment
- make allot_object() inline, move slow case to allot_large_object()
- reduce number of conditional branches in megamorphic cache miss handler
- make unbox_array_size() inline, move slow case to unbox_array_size_slow()
- new memset_cell() function uses memset_pattern4/8() on Mac OS X