• Created >c-array to be replacement for >T-array.
• Created cast-array to be generic replacement for all T-array-cast words.
• Created c-array@ to be generic replacement for T-array@ words.
• Replaced usages of <T-array> with T <c-array>
• Replaced usages of <direct-T-array> with T <c-direct-array>
• Replaced usages of >T-array with T >c-array
• Replaced usages of T-array-cast with T cast-array
• Replaced usages of malloc-T-array with T malloc-array.
• Removed malloc-T-array.
• Removed T-array-cast.
• Removed T-array@.
• Removed >T-array.
I also added (but didn't change any code to use):
• T c-array-type, returns T-array
• T c-array?, returns T-array?
• c-array{ T ... }, returns T-array{ ... }
Bootstraps just find on Mac OS X. Also `load-all test-all` works for me.
Make graphviz unix only for several reasons:
1) Win32 graphviz doesn't have the gvplugin_list() exported and we don't have a word to check if an ffi call exists before attempting to call it so we are unable to find a two-state solution with both gvplugin_list and gvPluginList
2) Compiling the Graphviz Project on Windows is extremely broken under Cygwin, MinGW and Visual Studio 2008 and fails to compile without major changes and still has disabled projects and thousands of warnings/errors. Th HOWTO on their website is outdated on all counts and the maintainer has not replied to my email asking for help. I do not have time to be a Graphviz maintainer myself.
3) When I did manage to compile it on Windows, none of the engines are avaialable to the dlls we load so the compiled Graphviz has no features except symbol exports. The same is true for the binary package--we do not have access to the
4) There is no win64 binary of Graphviz on their website and compiling it would likely result in an unusable set of dlls as per above
- Rename config variables to be more intuitive, split up upload-to-factorcode? into several variables
- Add target-variant variable. This allows running multiple masons on the same architecture but with different parameters, for example bootstrapping with SSE disabled, or simply for testing on a different OS release.
- Added a boot-flags variable for use with the above