- improved optimization of ##unbox-any-c-ptr on ##box-displaced-alien; convert it to ##unbox-c-ptr where possible using class info stored in the ##bda instruction
- make fcos, fsin, etc inline again; everything in math.libm inline again, except for fsqrt which is an intrinsic
- convert min and max on floats to float-min and float-max
- make min and max not inline, so that the above can work
- struct-arrays: rice a bit so that more fixnums come up
* Short-circuit combinators now show correct stack effect for quots
* Groups and Clumps unchecked examples corrected, made runnable in listener
* Class operations had duplicate link to class-types
* Protocol slots readability fixed
* Tuple word property for "tuple-layout" corrected to "layout"
* cond>quot sentence started in lowercase
* Method precedence code example missing stack effect for GENERIC:, M: integer explain changed to detail an integer
* Motivation for default streams readability
* Default input and output streams duplicate readln link removed from output stream words section
* Looping combinators do description clarified
* Make philosophy missing space
* Linear order protocol duplicate after? link removed
* Parsing words readability fix
* Copied note regarding with-compilation-unit from define to define-declared and define-inline