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14 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date |
e39a23dc96 | |
281165d7e7 | |
628d75e410 | |
147407a291 | |
a34a68cb06 | |
0422ea6b08 | |
56d2435aeb | |
3e6287629f | |
889f82e2e4 | |
eda9bcb839 | |
3e5a600698 | |
fafdef3138 | |
9f74361b7a | |
7e00d6a357 |
@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
USING: help.markup help.syntax strings ;
HELP: quote-apple-script
{ $values { "str" string } }
{ $description "Escape special characters in a string to make it suitable as a literal string in AppleScript code." } ;
HELP: run-apple-script
{ $values { "str" string } }
{ $description "Runs the provided uncompiled AppleScript code." }
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
USING: tools.test ;
{ "\\\\" } [ "\\" quote-apple-script ] unit-test
{ "hello\\nthere" } [ "hello
there" quote-apple-script ] unit-test ! no space, just a newline
{ "hello\\rthere" } [ "hello\rthere" quote-apple-script ] unit-test
{ "hello\\tthere" } [ "hello\tthere" quote-apple-script ] unit-test
{ "hello\\tthere" } [ "hello there" quote-apple-script ] unit-test ! actual tab character 0x09
@ -1,11 +1,23 @@
! Copyright (C) 2013 John Benediktsson
! See for BSD license
USING: cocoa cocoa.application cocoa.classes kernel parser
multiline words ;
USING: assocs cocoa cocoa.application cocoa.classes kernel
multiline parser sequences strings words ;
CONSTANT: apple-script-charmap H{
{ "\n" "\\n" }
{ "\r" "\\r" }
{ "\t" "\\t" }
{ "\"" "\\\"" }
{ "\\" "\\\\" }
: quote-apple-script ( str -- str' )
[ 1string apple-script-charmap ?at drop ] { } map-as
"" concat-as "\"" dup surround ;
: run-apple-script ( str -- )
[ NSAppleScript -> alloc ] dip
<NSString> -> initWithSource: -> autorelease
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Cat Stevens
Barney Gale
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
USING: arrays elevate elevate.private help.markup help.syntax
io.launcher kernel sequences strings system words ;
IN: elevate
: $resolve? ( children -- )
first2 2dup swap lookup-word dup word? [ 2nip ($link) ] [ drop ":" glue $snippet ] if ;
ABOUT: "elevate"
ARTICLE: "elevate" "Elevated permissions API"
"The " { $vocab-link "elevate" } " vocabulary provides abstractions for running programs with elevated (administrator) privileges (permissions). It allows code to relaunch itself or other programs with administrator privileges after requiring a password."
"This vocabulary is inspired by and ported from " { $url "" "Barney Gale's" } "."
{ $subsections already-root? elevate elevated lowered }
"However, there are many caveats: " { $link "elevate.bugs" } "." ;
ARTICLE: "elevate.bugs" "Elevate bugs and caveats"
"There are many inherent platform-specific limitations and workarounds in the " { $vocab-link "elevate" } " elevated privileges API. This article explains and documents them for the curious, future maintainers, or those who run into problems."
{ $heading "macOS" }
"On Apple macOS, an Applescript command is attempted for a graphical method before " { $snippet "sudo" } ". Sometimes, this command appears to execute incorrectly due to the group of the user owning the calling process. On macOS, " { $snippet "sudo" } " suffers the drawback mentioned below for applications which do not have a TTY connected."
{ $heading "Linux, *BSD and other Unix-likes" }
"On Linux, " { $snippet "gksudo" } ", " { $snippet "kdesudo" } ", and " { $snippet "pkexec" } " are all attempted graphical methods before " { $snippet "sudo" } "."
{ $list
{ { $snippet "pkexec" } " is the preferred and most secure graphical authentication method on Linux. It is undesirable for Factor applications, because unless a certain rare global registry value is set, " { $snippet "pkexec" } " does not set the " { $snippet "$DISPLAY" } " environment variable for child processes, and thus cannot launch graphical applications despite being a graphical program itself. It is tried after " { $snippet "gksudo" } " and " { $snippet "kdesudo" } " but before " { $snippet "sudo" } "." }
{ { $snippet "gksudo" } " and " { $snippet "kdesudo" } " are deprecated, but still present on most GTK- and KDE-based systems, respectively. GTK is more widespread than KDE so " { $snippet "gksudo" } " is tried before " { $snippet "kdesudo" } ". These old-fashioned methods ensure that the launched application can be graphical, so they are preferred for Factor." }
{ { $snippet "sudo" } " is the final and most robust strategy tried on Linux. It is text-based, so it requires the calling process to have an active and accessible terminal (TTY) for user authentication. If the calling Factor application was started from the desktop graphical shell rather than from a TTY, this method will fail." }
"On other Unix-like or POSIX-like operating systems, " { $snippet "sudo" } " is the only consistently popular method of authentication, and it suffers the same drawback on other Unix-likes as on Linux."
{ $heading "Windows" }
{ "On Windows, the FFI word " { $resolve? "windows.shell32" "ShellExecuteW" } " is used with the verb " { $snippet "runas" } " to force the new process to run with User Account Control. Windows provides no " { $snippet "exec" } " equivalent to replace a running process' image, so a new process will always be spawned, optionally killing the original Factor process." }
HELP: elevated
{ $values { "command" { $or array string } } { "replace?" boolean } { "win-console?" boolean } { "posix-graphical" boolean } }
{ $description
"Spawn a process from the command " { $slot "command" } " with superuser (administrator) privileges. If the calling process does not already have superuser privileges, it will request them by a number of platform-specific methods."
"If " { $slot "replace?" } " is " { $link t } ", the calling Factor process will be replaced with the command (but see Notes)."
{ $link windows } ": if " { $slot "win-console?" } " is " { $link t } ", a new console window will " { $emphasis "always" } " be spawned for the resulting process, regardless of " { $slot "replace?" } "."
{ $link unix } ": if " { $slot "posix-graphical?" } " is " { $link t } ", a graphical password method will be attempted before " { $snippet "sudo" } "."
"If the calling process is already run as superuser, nothing happens. The input command is left on the stack, placed into a " { $link process } " inside an " { $link array } "."
{ $notes
{ $list
{ "On " { $link windows } ", " { $slot "replace?" } " has the effect of ending (with " { $link exit } ") the calling Factor process after spawning the command because Windows provides no way to replace a running process' image, like " { $snippet "exec" } " does in POSIX." }
{ "On POSIX (" { $link unix } "), " { $slot "replace?" } " does not cause a graceful shutdown of the calling Factor VM or thread. Instead, the " { $emphasis "entire" } " executable program image will be immediately replaced in memory by the new command prefixed by a privilege elevation strategy. For more information, see " { $resolve? "unix.process" "exec-with-path" } " and the Unix " { $snippet "man" } " page for " { $resolve? "unix.process" "execvp" } " (" { $resolve? "unix.process" "exec" } ") in section 3." }
{ { $link "elevate.bugs" } " details problems and pitfalls of this word." }
{ $errors
{ $link elevated-failed } " when all strategies fail."
"When " { $slot "replace?" } " is " { $link t } ":any errors thrown by " { $link run-process } "."
} ;
HELP: elevate
{ $values { "win-console?" boolean } { "posix-graphical" boolean } }
{ $description "Relaunch the current Factor process with superuser privileges. See " { $link elevated } " for an explanation, as the semantics are identical." } ;
HELP: lowered
{ $description "Give up all superuser rights, returning the calling Factor process to normal userspace." }
{ $notes
{ $list
{ "On " { $link windows } " this word is a no-op, because there Windows provides no " { $snippet "setuid" } " equivalent to change the access token of a running process. It does not throw an error, so that it may be used in cross-platform code." }
{ "If the process is running as \"real superuser\", (not an impersonation), nothing happens." $nl "If the process is running as an unprivileged user, nothing happens." }
{ $errors { $link lowered-failed } " when giving up superuser rights failed." } ;
HELP: already-root?
{ $description "Determine whether the current Factor process (on " { $link unix } ") or hardware thread {on " { $link windows } ") has administrator or elevated (root) privileges." } ;
HELP: lowered-failed
{ $error-description "Thrown by " { $link lowered } " when giving up elevated privileges resulted in an error or failure by the operating system." } ;
HELP: elevated-failed
{ $error-description "Thrown by " { $link elevated } " when all strategies to elevating privileges failed. See " { $link elevated } "." } ;
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
USING: accessors arrays assocs combinators command-line
environment formatting fry io.launcher kernel locals math
namespaces sequences splitting strings system ui vocabs ;
IN: elevate
ERROR: elevated-failed command { strategies array } ;
ERROR: lowered-failed ;
GENERIC#: prepend-command 1 ( command word -- word+command )
M: array prepend-command
prefix ;
M: string prepend-command
swap " " glue ;
GENERIC: failed-process? ( process -- ? )
M: f failed-process? not ;
M: fixnum failed-process? -1 = ;
M: process failed-process? status>> zero? not ;
HOOK: already-root? os ( -- ? )
HOOK: elevated os ( command replace? win-console? posix-graphical? -- process )
HOOK: lowered os ( -- )
: elevate ( win-console? posix-graphical? -- ) [ (command-line) t ] 2dip elevated drop ;
os unix? [ "elevate.unix" require ] when
{ [ os windows? ] [ "" require ] }
{ [ os linux? ] [ "elevate.linux" require ] }
{ [ os macosx? ] [ "elevate.macosx" require ] }
} cond
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
USING: accessors arrays elevate elevate.private elevate.unix
elevate.unix.private environment io.launcher kernel locals
sequences system ui ;
IN: elevate.linux
M:: linux elevated ( command replace? win-console? posix-graphical? -- process )
already-root? [
<process> command >>command 1array ! we are already root: just give a process
] [
posix-graphical? ui-running? or "DISPLAY" os-env and [
command { "gksudo" "kdesudo" "pkexec" "sudo" } [
] with map :> command-list
command-list [
replace? [ posix-replace-process ] [
! need to fix race condition
<process> swap >>command t >>detached run-process
] if
] map [
[ failed-process? ] all? [
command command-list elevated-failed
] [ ] if
] keep
] [
command replace? posix-elevated ! sudo only
] if
] if ;
M: linux lowered
posix-lowered ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
USING: accessors arrays elevate
elevate.unix.private formatting io.launcher kernel locals
sequences system ;
IN: elevate.macosx
: apple-script-elevated ( command -- )
first quote-apple-script
"do shell script %s with administrator privileges without altering line endings"
sprintf run-apple-script ;
M:: macosx elevated ( command replace? win-console? posix-graphical? -- process )
already-root? [
<process> command >>command 1array
] [
! graphical through applescript
posix-graphical? [
command apple-script-elevated
] when
posix-elevated "lol3" throw
] if "lol" throw ;
M: macosx lowered
posix-lowered ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Cross-platform API for elevated permissions
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
USING: arrays elevate elevate.private io.launcher kernel locals
math sequences splitting strings system unix.ffi unix.process prettyprint ;
IN: elevate.unix
! group ID must be lowered before user ID otherwise program may re-gain root!
: posix-lowered ( -- )
getgid setgid failed-process? [ lowered-failed ] [ ] if
getuid setuid failed-process? [ lowered-failed ] [ ] if ;
GENERIC: posix-replace-process ( command-list -- code )
! naive split breaks with spaces inside quotes in shell commands
M: string posix-replace-process
" " split posix-replace-process ;
M: array posix-replace-process
[ first ] [ rest " " prefix ] bi exec-with-path ;
! if either the real or effective user IDs are 0, we are already elevated
M: unix already-root?
getuid geteuid [ zero? ] bi@ or ;
:: posix-elevated ( command replace? -- process )
command "sudo" prepend-command
replace? [ posix-replace-process ] [ run-process ] if
dup failed-process? [ drop command { "sudo" } elevated-failed ] [ ] if ;
M: unix elevated
2drop posix-elevated ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
USING: accessors alien alien.c-types elevate io.launcher kernel
locals math sequences splitting strings system windows.errors
windows.kernel32 windows.shell32 windows.user32 ;
M: windows already-root?
f ;
M:: windows elevated ( command replace? win-console? posix-graphical? -- process )
already-root? [
<process> command >>command
] [
! hwnd lpOperation
f "runas"
command dup string? [ " " split ] when
! lpFile lpParameters lpDirectory (enum)nShowCmd
[ first ] [ rest ] bi " " join f SW_SHOW
! call shell function with questionable return pointer handling (should use WaitForSingleObject but it hangs)
ShellExecuteW alien-address :> retval retval 32 <= [ retval n>win32-error-check ] [ ] if
replace? [ exit ] [ ] if
] if ;
! no-op (not possible to lower)
M: windows lowered ;
Reference in New Issue