USING: assocs help.markup help.syntax kernel quotations ; IN: mongodb ARTICLE: "mongodb" "MongoDB factor integration" "The " { $vocab-link "mongodb" } " vocabulary provides two different interfaces to the MongoDB document-oriented database" { $heading "Low-level driver" } "The " { $vocab-link "mongodb.driver" } " vocabulary provides a low-level interface to MongoDB." { $unchecked-example "USING: mongodb.driver ;" "\"db\" \"\" 27017 " "[ \"mycollection\" [ H{ { \"name\" \"Alfred\" } { \"age\" 57 } } save ] " " [ \"ageIdx\" [ \"age\" asc ] key-spec ensure-index ]" " [ H{ { \"age\" H{ { \"$gt\" 50 } } } } find-one ] tri ] with-db " "" } { $heading "Highlevel tuple integration" } "The " { $vocab-link "mongodb.tuple" } " vocabulary lets you define persistent tuples that can be stored to and retrieved from a MongoDB database" { $unchecked-example "USING: mongodb.driver mongodb.tuple fry literals ;" "MDBTUPLE: person name age ; " "person \"persons\" { } { $[ \"ageIdx\" [ \"age\" asc ] key-spec ] } define-persistent " "\"db\" \"\" 27017 " "person new \"Alfred\" >>name 57 >>age" "'[ person ensure-table _ save-tuple person new 57 >>age select-tuple ] with-db" "" } ; ABOUT: "mongodb"