USING: accessors alien arrays assocs calendar continuations destructors destructors.private fry kernel math memory namespaces python python.errors python.ffi python.objects sequences strings tools.test ; IN: python : py-test ( result quot -- ) '[ python-dll-loaded? [ _ [ _ with-destructors ] unit-test ] when ] call ; inline ! None testing { t } [ "__builtin__" py-import "None" getattr = ] py-test ! Pretty sure the # of None references should stay constant. : count-none-refs ( -- n ) [ "sys" py-import "getrefcount" getattr <1py-tuple> call-object py> ] with-destructors ; { t } [ ! For some reason, the count increased by one the first time. count-none-refs drop count-none-refs count-none-refs = ] py-test { } [ { f f f } >py drop ] py-test ! Destructors { 1 } [ 33 >py drop always-destructors get length ] py-test { 1 } [ f >py drop always-destructors get length ] py-test ! The tuple steals the reference properly now. { 1 } [ 33 >py <1py-tuple> drop always-destructors get length ] py-test { 1 } [ { } >py drop always-destructors get length ] py-test { 1 } [ V{ 1 2 3 4 } >py drop always-destructors get length ] py-test { 2 } [ 99 >py V{ 1 2 3 4 } >py 2drop always-destructors get length ] py-test { 1 } [ { { { 33 } } } >py drop always-destructors get length ] py-test { } [ 123 unsteal-ref ] unit-test { t } [ Py_GetVersion string? ] py-test [ "os" ] [ "os" py-import PyModule_GetName ] py-test { t } [ "os" py-import "getpid" getattr { } >py call-object py> 0 > ] py-test { t } [ Py_IsInitialized ] py-test ! py-importing [ { "ImportError" "No module named kolobi" f } ] [ [ "kolobi" py-import ] [ [ type>> ] [ message>> ] [ traceback>> ] tri 3array ] recover ] py-test ! setattr { 73 } [ "sys" py-import "testit" [ 73 >py setattr ] [ getattr py> ] 2bi ] py-test ! Tuples { 2 } [ 2 py-tuple-size ] py-test : py-datepy> ( py-obj -- timestamp ) { "year" "month" "day" } [ getattr py> ] with map first3 0 0 0 instant ; ! Lists { t } [ V{ 4 8 15 16 23 42 } dup >py py> = ] py-test ! ! Datetimes { t } [ [ py-datepy> ] "date" py-type-dispatch get set-at "datetime" py-import "date" getattr "today" getattr { } >py call-object py> today instant >>gmt-offset = ] py-test ! Unicode { "غثههح" } [ "os.path" py-import "basename" getattr { "غثههح" } >py call-object py> ] py-test ! Instance variables { 7 } [ "datetime" py-import "timedelta" getattr { 7 } >py call-object "days" getattr py> ] py-test ! Create a dictonary { 0 } [ py-dict-size ] py-test ! Dictionary with object keys { 1 } [ dup 0 >py 33 >py py-dict-set-item py-dict-size ] py-test ! Dictionary with string keys { 1 } [ [ "foo" 33 >py py-dict-set-item-string ] [ py-dict-size ] bi ] py-test ! Get dictionary items { 33 } [ "tjaba" [ 33 >py py-dict-set-item-string ] [ py-dict-get-item-string py> ] 2bi ] py-test ! Nest dicts { 0 } [ "foo" [ py-dict-set-item-string ] [ py-dict-get-item-string ] 2bi py-dict-size ] py-test ! Nested tuples { 3 } [ 1 dup 0 3 py-tuple-set-item 0 py-tuple-get-item py-tuple-size ] py-test ! Round tripping! { { "foo" { 99 77 } } } [ { "foo" { 99 77 } } >py py> ] py-test { H{ { "foo" "bar" } { 3 4 } } } [ H{ { "foo" "bar" } { 3 4 } } >py py> ] py-test ! Kwargs { 2014 10 22 } [ "datetime" py-import "date" getattr { } >py H{ { "year" 2014 } { "month" 10 } { "day" 22 } } >py call-object-full py> [ year>> ] [ month>> ] [ day>> ] tri ] py-test ! Modules { t } [ "os" py-import PyModule_GetDict dup Py_IncRef &Py_DecRef py-dict-size 100 > ] py-test ! CFunctions { t } [ 1234 "foo" f ml_flags>> METH_VARARGS METH_KEYWORDS bitor = ] unit-test { f 3 } [ 1234 [ "__doc__" getattr py> ] [ PyCFunction_GetFlags ] bi ] py-test { "cfunction" } [ 1234 ! Force nursery flush 10000 [ 1000 0xff drop ] times "__name__" getattr py> ] py-test { 3 } [ 1234 drop always-destructors get length ] py-test ! Callbacks : py-map ( -- alien ) "__builtin__" py-import "map" getattr ; : py-map-call ( alien-cb -- seq ) [ py-map swap { 1 2 } >py 2array array>py-tuple f call-object-full ] with-callback py> ; : always-33-fun ( -- alien ) [ 3drop 33 >py ] PyCallback ; { V{ 33 33 } } [ always-33-fun py-map-call ] py-test : id-fun ( -- alien ) [ drop nip py> first >py ] PyCallback ; { V{ 1 2 } } [ id-fun py-map-call ] py-test